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12-27-09 am service

Are you preparing your hearts for the things I have for you? Have you moved yourself into the place that the cares and the problems and the troubles of the world do not affect you? Have you put aside the worldly desires, are you pressing into the fullness that I, your Father God, can share with you things? It is so important that you should not miss them, that you should not read them second hand, but that you should hear them and know the things that are going to take place. That you can walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you, that you, that you can understand, that you can prepare yourself and make yourself ready, are you there, are you there? For the world shall become darker than has ever been seen before, deceit shall be on the right hand and the left hand, deceit shall be in front of you and behind you, confusion shall surround everything. But you shall walk in the light, for I will show you and I will make known unto you the things that shall come to pass that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can be the overcomers, that you can be the head and not the tail, that you can be above and not beneath, that my blessings can fall upon you. Walk very closely by my side, walk as I have explained to you, walk as I have told you, but walk, walk close by my side.

Know the stillness of my voice, for how can I lead and guide you if you know not my voice nor how to follow my leading? It is an important hour to draw close to me that you hear and know my voice without a shadow of doubt, no questions at all that you may follow me in this hour of greatness, great darkness for the world, yet great things for my church. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice, for the enemy speaks loud and clear, do you know the difference between his voice and my voice? It is an hour where you truly need to know the difference and to know only my voice that when I speak to you, you can follow after me and walk in the fullness of the path that I have already prepared for you. A path that is filled with great blessings, a path that has great victories, a path that is filled with joy, peace and contentment. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, know my voice that when I speak to you, you know that it is me, your Father God, speaking to you and then do what I have spoken unto you to do that you can truly walk, yes, that you can walk in the protection that I have provided for you for this hour and this time.

This is an hour when you must quickly put those things behind you, behind you. It is an hour to press towards the goal, to press towards the finish line, to stop looking over your shoulder. Stop walking in the past, but walk in the present, walk in the future, walk in the things that I have for you, for it is that hour, saith your Father God. For if you remain looking over your shoulder, if you remain walking in the past, you shall be in the trap of the enemy and to get out will be a tough job. Therefore, I say unto you, walk, walk by my side, walk with me in this time and this hour and press towards the finish line.

12-27-09 pm service Children’s Church Program

12-23-09 pm service

Let your spiritman rise up; let your spiritman control the very things that you do. Have not I said not to allow anything to disturb you, to turn things round about for the Christmas season? Did I not tell you those things and yet your hearts are troubled? Oh, the troubles that shall come after the first of the year, far greater than things that you are seeing. Therefore, I have spoken unto you that you would walk closer to me, that your ears would be open, that you would hear in the spirit realm, that you would understand the things that I was saying, that the enemy would not take control over you, that the traps would not spring upon you, that the cares of the world wouldn’t choke you out. Let your minds be refreshed this night, saith your Father God, let your spiritman be charged even higher than it is. The world is becoming darker and darker and darker, but my light should be shining so bright that those who are looking can find a light somewhere and come unto that light and receive the things that I have for them. Be not fooled, be not deceived, walk very closely by my side, for what you have seen in the past is nothing compared to what you shall see.

Let your spiritman arise, let your spiritman arise, hear me, let your spiritman arise, let it arise. Don’t think you are there, let it arise.

12-20-09 am service

Search your hearts, search them, look deep into your heart, what do you find, what do you see, can you see me, can you sense my moving, can you understand the things of the Spirit, does my word come alive in your heart? Those are the things that will need be in the year that is coming, for the darkness that shall come upon the face of the earth shall cause you to press in even closer to me than you say you are. It will cause you to press into the fullness of the depths that I have for you that you may prepare yourself, that you may make yourself ready, that you may understand the hour, that you may understand the harvest, that you may understand what is taking place. You will not find it in the world, the world does not understand it nor can they comprehend it, for great confusion shall continue to come over them as they continue to press for their one world government. You shall see the countries as they rise up to go to war and you shall see how your country is very unsafe; the only safety that is there is knowing me. Walk very closely to my side, walk close, I say, walk close.

Walk in my light, the light of my word, does not my word say, you have nothing to fear when you are walking with me, for am I not your God and will I not see you through, does not my word say I will never leave you nor will I forsake you? I shall carry you through these times ahead, yes; there are dark times ahead for the world. But for those who are walking with me, they shall walk in prosperity, they shall walk in my peace, they shall walk in my joy and they shall know my love like they have never known it before. Truly, my children, walk with me, walk in my word, know my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have said is yours for this hour and this time. Do not fall short, but I unto you, rather know, know me like you have never known me before that you can stand in this hour and be victorious.

12-20-09 pm service Victory Christian Academy & Center  Christmas Play

12-16-09 pm service

Let your hearts be open, let your ears listen and hear, let understanding take place, for it is an hour of many changes, an hour of great darkness, an hour of troubles, pains, disaster, it is a dark hour, a very dark hour. But not for my church, for my church shall walk in victory, they shall be provided for, I shall protect them and care for them, I shall strengthen them and lift them up. I shall pour my glory out upon them without measure that they may flow in the gifts that I have given unto them, that the harvest, oh, the harvest, the harvest so ripe, will come into the fold. For the time is late and the hour is spent, therefore I say, continue to draw closer, much, much closer, put away things that stand in your way, that hinder you from drawing closer to me, for the hour is very late my children, very late.

For have I not given unto you faith to overcome, though the cares of this world be many, they are not more powerful than the faith that I have given unto you. For the cares of the world can easily be put under your feet with the power that I have given unto you. And I have indeed given you power, saith the Lord, to launch forth, to exercise your faith and to do great and mighty things. Yes, even in these days that you live, even in the days of darkness, I have given you all that you have need of, saith Lord, to accomplish my will in your life. So rise up and be strong, be a light, shine brightly, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you, grab a hold of faith, saith God, for faith is like a rope, saith the Lord, and as you grab a hold of that rope it is like a way of escape from the troubles, from the cares, from anxieties, from the fears. I say unto you, grab a hold of the rope and you will swing to victory as you grab a hold of my word and trust me with all of your heart, saith the Lord.

12-13-09 am service

Let there be light in your heart, let that light shine brighter and brighter and brighter, for you are the light of the world, and if your light is not shining bright then others cannot see it, they become lost in the darkness of the world, they are looking, looking and looking and yet there is no light there. So let your heart be filled with light, let it be filled with love, let my words proceed out of your mouth that you minister unto them the word of life that their candle is lit that they can walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for them. For the days are very evil, the days are very dark; they will continue to grow worse. Turkey is now an enemy of you, Russia is now boastfully making her moves, the EU is also boastfully making her moves coming against Israel in a very strong way. China continues to build up her monetary system, putting pressure on the whole world to come to a worldly monetary system. Oh, the things that shall take place next year are many and none for the good. But yet in the midst of that, my church shall walk in victory, they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath, they shall be the overcomers and they shall lead many in out of darkness. For truly the harvest is white and the laborers are getting a hunger to go into that harvest field and bring that harvest in. Walk very closely by my side, for as you walk by my side, I shall show you mysteries, I shall unravel to you the secrets that have been blind to your eyes before. But now you shall see and know and understand, and therefore, you can flow and minister in a far greater way. For I shall empower you with a new empowering that you have never had before, walk by my side.

Am I your Lord, am I your God, am I your Savior, am I your all and all, then you have no need to fear. For have not I given unto you my word that I will never leave you nor will I forsake you, for in this dark hour know ye not that I am here to take you through? Know ye not that I have already made the way for you, a victorious way? Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the things that are taking place in the world, but rather rejoice knowing that I am coming soon, knowing the great things that are in store for those who truly walk with me. Do not walk in fear, but rather walk in the peace that I have already given unto you, a peace that passes all of your understanding. Walk with me like never before, know who truly I am, for I am your provider, I am everything that you need; there is nothing that I will withhold from you. Does not my word say that my children? Therefore, I say, know my word and walk with me, for truly I am here for you.

Let your ears be open to the Spirit, let the Spirit move within your spirit, let your understanding be enlightened, know even as I know and walk even as I walk. For the enemy is moving in a powerful way, many of the elect have already been deceived and more would be if the time hadn’t been shortened. But I say unto you, walk by my side that I can use you.

12-13-09 pm service

Let your spiritual ears be open, for it is very, very important that your ears are open. For many say, yes, my ears are open and yet I know, saith your Father God, their ears are not open. So let your spiritual ears be open, for the changes that shall take place in the new year shall be far above the normal mind. Only your spiritual mind, only your spiritman will be able to tell, will be able to give unto you direction and clarity that will cause you to walk in victory, that will cause you to walk in a realm that you have never walked in before, that will make you overcomers. So when you hear the news, when you read about the news, your heart will go out to those that know not me. Your heart will go out to the Christian that is lukewarm, the Christian that does not know the spirit realm, for they shall be in the midst of the trouble. The trouble shall be knocking on their door continually, for the changes that have taken place, and shall take place, shall be in every area and affect all those that are not mine. But if you are mine, you will walk in the peace, you will walk in the surety, you will walk in the safety that I have for you. Listen, understand and know what I have said to you.

Beware of the plans of the enemy, for if your eyes and ears are open, you will know in the spirit realm when to pray, when to intercede, when to enter in. Don’t allow a blue Christmas or a blue New Years to come your way, but stand in the power and the might and ability that I have given unto you that yours shall be filled with joy, filled with peace, filled with safety.

Let my word and the Holy Spirit be a spotlight into your spiritman; be not fearful to receive the correction that you need. Be not fearful of moving into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Don’t drag your feet, don’t stand off a ways and wish that you had moved into the place that you need to be in. For the time is wrapping down, the time is growing short, and therefore, I speak unto my body, my church, judge yourself and you will not need to be judged. For the judgment that comes will not be at the judgment seat in heaven when rewards are given out, it will be at a later date and you would not want to be in that date. Therefore, I say unto you, look into my word, search my word, spend more time in my word than you have been spending. Draw closer to me and let your ears be open that the Holy Spirit can speak to you.

12-9-09 pm service

For it is a great hour, a glorious hour, an hour when there should be rejoicing in the hearts of my people, an hour when they should be singing songs of praise, an hour when they should be looking like they have never looked before toward the eastern sky, it is that hour, saith your Father God. But the world is caught up in the cares and they know not these things, neither do they see these things, nor do they understand these things. And you can see the trouble as the EU completely changes from what it was to what it is now. You can see as Russia begins to make her moves, as China makes her moves, as Iran makes her moves, what an hour it is, an hour of great trouble and yet not for my people. For if my people walk closely by my side, if they hear my voice, if they walk according to my word, they shall walk in great victory. They shall be overcomers, their lives shall be filled with joy, peace shall be in their house and my blessings shall rest upon them.

Be open to my word, listen to my word, meditate upon my word, draw closer to me, for you are standing too far off. Walk very closely by my side, listen very carefully to the words that I speak unto you, let the Spirit come alive in your life that you can begin to do the things that I, your Father God, call upon you to do. For it is an hour of great harvest, an hour of great miracles, an hour of great blessings.

12-6-09 am service

Be alert, be awake, be steadfast in all that you do, do not be one of those that lags behind or is never there when they should be there, for you will miss the rapture. But I say unto you, draw closer to me, walk very closely by my side, listen, let your spiritman come alive, let your heart be filled with my joy, let peace surround you, let the blessings come into your house and into your being. Let your path be blessed, let your thought life be blessed, let the things that you put your hand to prosper, and you can do so, saith your Father, by walking by my side. Be not like the world that walks in blindness, that walks in the dark and knows not which way they go, they think that they know which way they to go, but their way leads to a ditch and the ditch leads to a pit and the pit becomes an everlasting pit, but I say unto you, be not like them. Fear not the changes that are taking place now, fear not the things that are going on throughout the world, but realize that it is the last days and these things must come to pass, but they will not affect you. Let not that word come out of your mouth that it is affecting you, that it is harder now, for it is not harder, saith your Father God. For I shall bless, I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall provide for you, let not fear enter your heart, for fear has no place in your life, but walk in the victory that I have given unto you.

Let my peace, let my joy, let my love fill your life like at no other time. Share with others what I have done for you, share with them my love, for many are searching, many are looking, and as they reach out to you, give unto them my word and you shall see a great turn around. Many shall come into my kingdom as my people open up and share my love with them knowing that I am coming soon. The world is getting darker, but yes, there is hope, there is hope through me, there is hope through what I have given unto you, there is hope in my word. Walk after me; follow in my path that I have already provided for you. Walk in my light, for as you walk in my light, it shall dispel the darkness around you. Therefore, fear ye not the hour you are living in, but I say, rather rejoice knowing that this is a great hour for those who are walking with me. It is an hour of blessings, it is an hour of fulfillment of my word, therefore walk with me, walk with me.

Be not a sluggard, be not one that is simple in their mind that ignores the things going on round about, that pays no attention. But be like the wise man that draws closer to me, that walks so closely by my side they can hear my whispers, that they know my word, that they know my voice, that they walk in the joy that I have placed before them. Be likened unto them.

12-6-09 pm service

Let your hearts be open, open them, open them, open them wide, allow me to do the things that I desire to do, allow me to mold you like clay, shape you to the very vessel that I desire you to be, allow me to be your teacher and your guide, allow the Holy Spirit to have total freedom in your life. For you are living in an hour when you need the things that I am telling you, the things that I am talking to you about, for you cannot remain in an area where you do not hear, where you do not know, you cannot remain in an area when your eyes are blind and you see not. The world is like that and there have been many changes and the church continues to change, growing more lukewarm, the Laodicean church, not the Philadelphia church, but the Laodicean church. Let your hearts be open therefore, let the Holy Spirit do a work within them, get up out of the mud, get up out of the pit and walk in the fullness of my power, walk in the fullness of my authority, walk in the supernatural realm, for that is where you should be. For the world walks around likened unto a chicken with there head cut off. They don’t see, they don’t hear, they don’t know, they just continue to run till they fall down dead, they do not know what comes after death nor the life that they could live if they would but change. They do not see the wars that are coming and they are moving very rapidly right now, the EU with their new President and the demands that he is making and the demands that shall continually be made nor what took place at the summit nor the pressure even put on America, but I do, I know all of these things. I know exactly where every nation stands at the moment, I know the desires of those that are over them and how they press towards that one world government with the head the antichrist himself, with the beast and the false prophet, with the mark of the beast, with the new monetary system that you shall see very soon, very soon. For the programs that they push at you are to bankrupt you that the countries that you owe can tell you which way to go. That is because they are not of my kingdom, they are not of my world, they don’t ask me. They go about doing the things that they desire to do and they never take time out to ask me, even some of you right here do not take time out to ask me. You will go about your little world doing your little things and then you will complain to me because you are not blessed, that you are not walking in the blessings, that you are not seeing the answers. Wake up, wake up out of your sleep, shake yourself, wake up, I have many blessings for you, I have many great things that I desire to do for you and to do on your behalf and to do on the behalf of your family and your families family. Oh, I desire to move in a powerful way to bring in the harvest, I desire to use my vessels in a great and a mighty way, but they have got to walk with me, they have got to walk in obedience, they have got to walk according to my word. My word has not changed from the day that I gave it. Oh, man will change it and man will say this and man will say that, but my word has not changed. For if my word changed, then I would have to change, and if I changed, then I am not God, for I change not. Walk very closely.

I love you with an everlasting love, you are my children, I want the very best for you and I have given unto you the very best that you can prosper and be in good health, that you can walk in the supernatural, that you can be an heir and a joint heir to my kingdom.

Where is the great rejoicing, where are the hearts that are filled with happiness and love, where are the praises that I deserve? Am I not the one who supplies all your needs, is there anything that I have withheld from you, would I not lift you higher and higher and higher that you can walk in the supernatural realm all the time? Would I not clothe you with righteousness, with joy and peace, am I not the Lord God, do not all praise and all honor and all glory belong to me, then why is your heart still?

For truly, do not I deserve your praises? For great victories are won when you praise me, says the Lord and the devil is driven back under your feet.

12-2-09 pm service

Keep yourself prepared, walk in the spirit realm; let your ears be sharp to hear the things that the Spirit speaks. Hear my voice and know my voice, walk not in the confusion of the world, but walk according to my word. Be it known unto you, saith your Father God, that Russia now has supplied Cuba with nuclear missiles and nuclear weapons for their submarines and they park their submarine there also. Beware of all that shall speak out concerning the blue moon, for many shall be as false as false as can be. For they shall not look at it in a spiritual light, but they will look at it out of their minds and bring forth the things that their minds speak of. Watch, listen, be careful, know the things that I have spoken unto you. Watch and see the deterioration because of the bills and the laws that they are passing, of what they are taking away that will never be given back again. Watch and know these things, understand them, find them in my word and mark them that they will be strong in your heart and you will know and understand. Watch, watch, for the hour is late, there shall be many gatherings on New Year’s Eve to discuss the blue moon, but you shall not miss anything, for I shall tell you the things that you have need of and I shall show you the things that are to come. So prepare your heart, make yourself ready, for great changes shall take place.

For indeed it is a time of great supply, saith your Father God, for even as knowledge has increased upon the earth and men use this knowledge, saith the Lord, for their own purpose, so I pour out my Spirit, saith the Lord, without measure. Yes, I pour out my Spirit, saith the Lord, without measure that you might be strong in this hour, that you might be able to go forward in this hour, and yes, that you might increase in this hour and be perfected in this hour. With the increase of my Spirit so shall there be an increase of the fire of God, saith the Lord, to bring forth, to send forth, to speak forth my word, saith God. For I have created, saith the Lord, a vacuum as it were, so that my power can be expressed in this hour, saith the Lord and open many eyes and open many ears. Be an open vessel now; receive what I have for you, be an open vessel, for I can move in ways through you that is beyond your understanding. Be an open vessel, for I work through those who are open to me and believe me with all their heart, who follow me with all their soul, who trust me with all their mind and serve me with all their strength.

For my Spirit, saith the Lord, is the supply of my power, for my Spirit, saith the Lord, is the supply of my strength. You come unto me, saith the Lord and you open up the word, it is in that word, saith God, that I bring forth the supply unto you. When you hear my voice, saith God, that is when the supply comes and is made abundantly to you, and as you trust me and obey what I have spoken unto you, saith the Lord, that supply shall be all that you have need of. It will bring the provision and it will bring the people and it will reveal the purpose, saith the Lord.

For as you can see, it is not only an hour of darkness, an hour of destruction, but it is also an hour of blessings for my church. When wisdom and knowledge shall be given unto you, when power and miracles shall flow from you in an every day manner. When my strength shall strengthen you, when my Spirit shall put words in your mouth that you know what to speak, that you know what to say, when I clothe you with the glory that I have that the enemy fears you, then you shall know the blessings of this hour.

11-29-09 am service

Prepare your hearts and your life, for all things shall accelerate and you shall see this acceleration, for if you think things have gone by fast, now you shall see what fast is. You shall see as the nations of the world rise up and take their positions, their places. You shall see as the mark of the beast begins to come in and you begin to see it and hear even more about it and you shall see as the freedoms go and they begin to take control of the lives of the people all over. You shall see these things that I have written to you about in my Book and you shall know where the world is headed. But, I say unto you, fear not, for you are not of this world, for you are of my kingdom, and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. I shall give unto you wisdom and knowledge, I shall give unto you guidance, I shall give you my protection and you shall walk, yes, you shall walk as one that is not even walking in trouble, you shall walk as one that is walking in victory, you shall walk as one that is the overcomer. For truly I, your Father God, shall take you through this time in great victory and there shall be great rejoicing, great rejoicing in my house, not in the world, but in my house.

For exciting times lie ahead for those who are truly walking with me, the blessings that shall fill their lives, they will be utterly amazed at all that I shall do in this hour and this time. For yes, I am coming soon and I have a lot of work to do, but yes, I have enough time to do all that in. Press in with all that you have knowing that the hour is late, the time is growing short, I have much in store for you, yes, much in store. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare like you have never prepared before, oh, for great and mighty are the things I, your Father God, shall do in this hour and this time. Open up your hearts to me like never before, allow me to work in your lives like never before that you become the vessel of honor that I desire to use in this hour and this time, for no one is too young and no one is too old for me to use. Oh, the great exciting things that are ahead for those who are truly walking with me and know me as their Father God. Oh, I say unto you, prepare your hearts, make yourselves ready, for oh, the greatness of the things that are in store for you.

11-29-09 pm service

For it is an hour when my love needs to flow through you like no other time, for those around you, yes, they are going to be changed through my love, and as you show forth my love, great and mighty things shall take place. Know that this is a great hour for my church even though it is a dark hour for the world these things must take place because I am coming soon. Know that, know that in your heart, be grounded and steadfast in my word like never before that in this hour you can stand strong, as I have said. For if you know my word you have nothing to fear, but if you have been slack and have not gotten into my word, it is time for you to be diligent. For only those who have been grounded in my word shall truly stand in this hour and in this time. They shall not be shaken by the storms that shall come because they will know that I will carry them through no matter what takes place in the world. Oh, I say unto you, know my word, be strong in my word and be steadfast. Remain, oh, remain in the promises that I have given unto you, know that my word is being fulfilled, rest, rest upon my word. For I truly shall see you through, but you also must have your heart prepared before me for this hour and this time. Do not be slack, but I say unto you, know, know where you are, know where you stand, is your total and complete trust in me or do you trust in other things? Know my children that you can truly walk in the victory that I have for you.

Let not the cares or the troubles of the world come upon you, for you have been delivered from them. Even though the enemy may come, you are the victor, he is a defeated foe, under your feet, any torment that you get, you allow yourself. Rise up and be the victor, therefore, rise up and walk in the victory that I have given unto you, let your eyes be set on the rapture, let your hope be set on the rapture. For the time is short, and as I have said, there will be great changes, changes far faster than anything you saw this year, far faster. Oh, I say unto you, be not troubled, for the changes must come, for others will not come into the fold unless the changes come, they will not surrender their live one hundred percent and walk with me. But as the changes come and the pressures come upon them and the shortages of food and the lack of water and the want and the trouble from the sun, they will turn unto me very quickly, saith your Father God. For they shall look upon you, for you shall be walking in victory, great victory you shall be walking in and they shall see this and they shall know that truly, I am blessing you. For you will have food on your table, you will be cool when it is hot, you will be warm when it is cold, you will be protected and provided for and you will know that it is that end time hour and you can laugh at the calamities that are taking place throughout the world, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling. But if you don’t put your total trust in me now, if you are not honest to yourself and your stand, if you are not taking on all the things that I have said to all the fullness that I have given unto you, you will not stand, you will not stand, you will need to come for help. But I say unto you, you can stand, you can be victorious, but put your total trust in me, for truly the changes that are coming now shall be far more evil, far more worse than anything you have seen yet.

Let not your hearts be troubled, let not your mind control you, but let your spiritman rise up. For when you walk in the spirit, you walk in victory, you become the overcomer, you become one that I can speak to, that I can give wisdom and knowledge unto that you know and understand the things that I am saying, that you don’t just think you know, but that you know, for truly the hour starting with the beginning of the new year shall be the worst evil hour that man has seen. And the things that shall take place you will not enjoy reading about or enjoy seeing. But if you know me and are walking with me your heart will be at peace, your mind will be stayed and you will be able to continue to walk in the victories that I have given unto you. And you shall not lack in any area and you shall be blessed, blessed, blessed, oh, shall I bless you and reward you here as well as in heaven when you get there. So allow not the enemy to turn you back at this late hour, allow not your flesh to control you at this late hour. Allow not the worldly desires control you at this late hour, for truly my children, the hour is very late.

For I do not tell you these things to worry you, I do not tell you these things to scare you, I tell you these things so you can prepare yourself, make yourself ready, that you can walk in the victories that I keep telling you that you can have. That you can be the overcomer, that you can hear that shout of victory and meet your loved ones as they come out of the grave and go into the air to meet my Son and there to be forever.

11-25-09 pm service

Let your ears be open, let your spiritual eyes be open that you can see and understand and know the things that are happening throughout the whole world. For many changes are taking place, but not changes for the good but changes for the bad. But I will provide for my people, I will watch over them, I will keep them safe and I will show them things that they shall know the things that are coming that they can prepare and be ready. And they will go through this time victoriously, even though there will be friction on the right and on the left hand, before you and behind you, yet you will be the victor, you will be the overcomer. So fear not the things that the world will have to go through, but walk in the joy, walk in the peace, walk with your heart filled with thanksgiving for the things that I shall do for you. For truly I will bless you, I will bless you and I will bless you.

Woe unto the false prophets that are only parrots that parrot the things that my true prophets say and yet they add words unto them to make themselves look good and yet their words come not to pass. Woe unto them. Oh, I say unto you, listen, watch, beware, for many go around as sheep and yet they are wolves. Be careful, listen to what you hear.

11-22-09 am service

Let your ears be open that you can hear in the spirit realm, for many things transpired this week and many things shall come out of the things that have already transpired, the last straw upon the camel’s back is about ready to be placed. Turkey will go one hundred percent now with Russia and with Iran, for the EU President has turned his back upon them. You shall see many things that shall shock you, you shall see many troubles, you shall see storms in different places far greater than normal and yet a warming in other areas. You shall see the global warming as it continues to rise even though some are saying not so, my word declares it is so. Therefore, stand on my word, stand on my promises, stand on the things that I have given unto you, for they shall come to pass. Watch, be alert, many are not alert, many are not pressing into the fullness of the things I have for them. Many are sitting on the sidelines and the enemy is having a field day in their lives, for they have surrendered and do not even know they have surrendered. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, put on your full armor, go to battle, for the battle is already won. Do not worry about the lack of food, the lack of water, the lacks that you are hearing, for I, your Lord, shall supply for you, I shall provide for you, I shall take care of you, I shall strengthen you, I shall lift you up. But watch; watch I say unto you, for if you were watching I would not say watch.

Am I not more than able to provide all that you have need of? Did not I provide for my children the Israelites; did I not provide for them manna to eat? Therefore, I say unto you, do not worry, do not fear, do not fret the days you are living in, for I am still Jehovah-Jireh, I am still your provider, your all in all, everything that you have need of, I have it for you. Therefore, trust me like you have never trusted me before, get into my word and become serious, yes, become serious about putting my word in your heart knowing the promises I have given unto you that you may stand strong in this hour. For have not I said I have given unto you all the keys to walk victoriously, to be the overcomer, to be the conqueror? Yet many times my children do not know my word like they should that they can stand. Therefore, I speak unto you and give you urgency to know my word, to put your trust in me like never before. For I am the only one who can see you through this dark hour, I am the only one who can take you through to total victory. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, listen unto my voice, hear my words and harken unto me, know, know that I have spoken, follow me this day and walk in the abundance of all that I have for you.

Hang on to my promises, set them before your eyes, let them come out of your mouth, speak them daily, know what my word says, for that is the way to victory, that is the way to being an overcomer. Set a guard at your mouth; listen to the things that you say. Are you calling in blessings, or are you calling in cursing? Call in the blessings, call in the blessings.

11-22-09 pm service

For truly I am your everything, I supply for you, I provide for you, I heal and deliver, I lift you up, I encourage you, I show you the things that are to come that you are not caught off guard, that you understand and know. For I love you with an everlasting love, for I have called you from before the foundations of the earth, I called you and you answered that call and you came into my family and became that child. Therefore, I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way, I shall open doors where there are no doors open, I shall bless you such as you have never been blessed before. So don’t look at the things that are taking place in the world, for there is nothing but evil, nothing but darkness, nothing but trouble. But keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises and I will bless you like you have never been blessed. And not only will I bless you like you have never been blessed, you shall come and live with me forever.

For it is an hour to truly give thanks, an hour to recall the things, all that I have done for you, and as you look back and see what I have done even this year, you yourself will be amazed and yet I have greater things for you to come. Therefore, I say unto you, it is a great hour of rejoicing for my children knowing that I am coming soon and knowing the blessings that are in store, the promises that shall be fulfilled in this hour and this time. For I am moving in even a mightier and greater way, and yes, greater things shall take place, for you shall see my blessings upon your life. You shall see all the promises fulfilled that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before. Know it is a serious hour, it is not an hour to play around, but it is an hour to get on your knees before me, serious, seeking my face, getting into my word, spending time in prayer. For the hour is short, but yet I have enough time to do all that I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you my children, press in, press in, press in, for great is this hour and great is this time.

Watch closely as the days go by one by one, watch and see the changes and the things that are taking place upon the face of the earth. Count those days until you get to that day that I have spoken to you about. Watch carefully, you will be amazed at the changes that you see, the changes that shall take place and you will know in your heart there is no turning back. Press in as close as you can that I can bless you.

11-18-09 pm service

Are you looking, are you listening, do you have your spiritual eyes open and your spiritual ears turned on that you can see and hear and understand the things that are taking place, that you can see clearly where you are and where the world is going to and the route that they are taking to get there? Can you see those things, do you understand those things, do you see how it is falling together on the right hand and on the left hand, before you, behind you? The enemy’s plans are being carried out by his people, they rush to fulfill his desires. Oh, that my people would rush to fill my desires, oh, that my people would listen and realize where they are and rise up and walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto them. Oh, that my people would come alive, not sitting back, not hiding their heads in the sand, but knowing the things that are going on. Stand and speak my word bring the harvest in, for truly the harvest field is white, it is ready for harvest, but the laborers are few. Therefore, I say unto you, go into that harvest field, bring in that harvest field; for it is ready, it is ripe. Bring in those who shall take a turn such as you have never seen others take a turn before and they shall press in like others have never pressed in and they shall run the race, for they shall see the hour and they shall know the time. Be not fooled by the world nor the darkness of the world nor the direction that the world is taking nor the leaders that lead the world in the way that the world is going. Has not my word told you these things, see not these things, understand not these things? For I have given unto you my Book, and as you search my Book, you shall see these things and many, many more. For the Holy Ghost is your teacher and your guide and he shall lead you into all truth and show you all things that are to come. Press in, tomorrow is the 19th and then you have the 20, remember? Watch and see, then you tell me what you saw. For indeed it is a time to press forward like never before, saith the Lord. For even now the European Union pushes all the buttons for world unity to move forward in their plans, plans that will move forward, saith the Lord, only that they will come to a fall in the end. But the buttons of faith that you push, saith the Lord, only continue to move forward and things grow brighter, yes, your understanding grows brighter when you serve my with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength. For I say unto you, if you love me in this way, saith the Lord, indeed the church will come into unity, saith the Lord. But each one must make up their mind and make up their heart, saith the Lord, to follow me with their whole being. Oh yes, saith the Lord, push the buttons of faith, move forward.

There are many, saith the Lord, little tests, real tests, there are many little deeds that I have called you unto my children, these are the things that I want you to be faithful in. Do not look to the left and look to the right, for you know the things that I have called you unto. Be faithful to those things and do it with a cheerful heart, saith the Lord, do it as unto me, saith God. For I will reward you for every little effort that you make to serve me, saith God. Yes, I will bless you abundantly and encourage you along the way. There are little things that I will speak to you as you step forward in these little areas. It is the time of growth for you, but I will speak to you the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding so that you will not fear. You know that which I have spoken to you about, I have called you to go into the harvest fields. Fear not, for I will be with you, saith the Lord and I will give you the understanding of what to do, it is a time of great blessings.

11-15-09 am service

Let your ears be open, especially your spiritual ears, that you can hear the things that are taking place at the moment, so you can watch and understand what my word has said, that you can place it together as one. That you can stand stronger, have a firmer foundation and walk in the midst of my anointing that you can reach out and touch those round about you. You shall see a great change in the EU within the next week or so, keep your eyes upon that, watch it carefully. As you have seen the snowstorms, the hot weather, the flooding, the rain, the mudslides, the earthquake, you shall see more of the same. And the weather will be confusing, for you shall see many things concerning the weather. Listen to the things that I have to say, watch Iran, notice the friction between North and South Korea, don’t be fooled by China, nor the new base that Russia is building in Syria for their naval fleet, keep your eyes open, watch these things. Watch the fight over the food; it would be wise to sharpen your skills on gardening. Be not fearful, for I shall take you through these times victoriously, but know and understand what my word has to say.

It is an hour of great rejoicing for those who are walking with me, those who know my word, those who know how to stand upon my word. Oh, for they see my mighty hand moving upon them as they call upon me in this hour, yes, I hear them, I answer them and I move in a great and mighty way. It is a great hour of rejoicing for those who are walking with me, but not so for those who know me not, who know me not even in the way you know me. For they do not know how to stand upon my word in this hour, but if they would just come to me, if they would just get into my word as I have instructed them, they too can stand and be victorious in this time. But oh, the blessings that I have in store for my church, yet many of my people do not know the blessings that I have for them because they have not taken hold of the promises that I have recorded for them in my word, that they can stand upon them daily and see me move on their behalf. Oh, it is an hour to press in like never before, for the greatness that I have in store for my church, it is beyond their thinking and their imagination. It is an hour of great rejoicing, for as you look back and you see all that I have done for you even this year, you shall rejoice greatly knowing that greater things are to come.

Let there be true unity, let love flow like never before, exalt one another, lift one another on high. Let there be encouragement in your words, let there be joy in your words, let there be peace in your words. Speak strength unto those round about you and when there is a need they shall speak strength unto you.

11-15-09 pm service

Watch; let your eyes see into the spirit realm, let your ears hear clearly the things that I, your Father God, have to say. Look, look at the time, are you watching, are you entering into the things that I have given unto you? Are my blessings being poured out upon you without measure? Oh, I say unto you, press in, for I have many things yet to do. Come and get a word from me, listen carefully, ponder those things, press into the fullness of everything that I have for you. For the coming weeks between now and the end of the year, many tragic things shall take place, you will see them, but do you know them, will you recognize them, will you understand them? The time is short my children, I love you, I desire to bless you, I desire to provide for you, I desire to care for you and protect you. But you have got to hear my voice; you have got to do the things that I tell you. For if you hear not, and you do not, then you are outside my realm of protection, my realm of care, my realm of blessings. Draw closer, much closer.

Know that the enemy is fighting hard in this hour, but know that my word stands true forever it does not change. So no matter how hard he fights, you are always the victorious one, you are always the overcomer, you are always the conqueror. Do not fall prey to the enemies traps, but I say unto you, rather walk with me, follow me, keep your eyes upon my path, the path that I have laid in front of you to walk, one that is a path of holiness. Does not my word say be ye holy for I am holy? Truly it is that hour my children where my church shall see that holiness like never before and they shall walk with me as they have never walked before. For they shall hear my voice, they shall know me like they have never known me before and they shall truly walk in the fullness of the anointing that I have given unto them for this hour that they might be strong, that they might be courageous, that they might stand and be powerful in this time and in this hour. For it is that hour I have spoken unto you about my children and it is time for you to enter into all the blessings that I have in store. It is time for you to truly enter into my peace knowing that I have said, I am here, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. It does not matter how rough the world becomes, I am always there, know that in your heart, trust me like never before. For truly, I have given unto you all of the keys, did you hear me, all of the keys for you to walk in the victory that I have said you could walk in for this hour and this time. Follow me like never before, follow not after your own ways, but I say unto you, follow after me, follow after my ways, for my way is a way filled with blessings, my way is a way filled with peace, my way is a way filled with love like you have never experienced and my way is a way filled with joy. Therefore, follow me.

The nineteenth and the twentieth of November shall be a time when you test your spiritual eyes and your spiritual ears and see what you see and see what you hear and then testify of the things that you have seen, find out where you are. For the hour ahead is pitch-black and if you cannot see and hear these things now it shall become even harder then, saith your Father God. For it is time, it is time to walk by my side.

Listen to my voice and hear my warning, for it is time to no longer walk to the left or to the right, it is a time where you cannot wander to the left or to the right, for the way is straight and the way is narrow. Walk with me, says the Lord.


11-11-09 pm service

Oh, the bitterness, oh the sorrow, oh the pain and suffering for those that do not know me, that have not their names written down in the Lamb’s book of life that understand not the things that are about to take place, oh the sorrow. For I love them with an everlasting love, yea, and I have made a way for them to escape, but they walk very loosely, they walk according to their own desires, many have not ever received me, they obey not my word, but go unto their own way. Have they not read in the book of Revelation the things that shall take place, for the end creepeth in quickly, saith your Father God? But those that walk with me, it is an hour of great blessings, an hour when I, their Father God, shall lead them, guide them and direct them, that I shall walk by their sides and I shall speak unto them that they shall be blessed in ways that they have never been blessed before. But not so for those that know me not, not so for those that are not walking according to the covenant, but they have turned to go their own way. Oh, the lateness of the hour, the lateness of the hour.

Can you not see, can you not hear, do you not know that the world is not your friend, that the world is antichrist. They are against me, they are against my ways, they are against my word and they go their own direction to bring in their own programs that they may destroy many. But fear not, for you are not of the world, you are of my household, and I, your Father God, shall watch over you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe.

11-8-09 am service

Set your eyes upon my word, set your eyes upon my promises, meditate on them, draw upon them, for truly it is time that you need to draw upon the promises that I have given unto you. For the world is going the way of the worldly system, they are turning to everything that my word tells you that they shall turn to. Everywhere you see the darkness, everywhere you see the evil, but fear not these things, I have made you overcomers, and as you keep your eyes upon me, as you walk closely by my side, I will give unto you supernatural ability that you can overcome every obstacle that comes your way. That you can see in the darkness as if it was light, that you can understand the things that others know not, that you walk by my word, that you are empowered by my word, that you are filled with my strength and my power and my anointing. For I have warned you of the weather changes, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the floods, the drought, the global warming. Be not fooled, be not deceived, know what my word says and stand on my word and on the promise of my word. Listen to me carefully, do the things that I have told you, for every day now is a new day, every day now different things shall take place, things that it seems like you cannot stop. Do not be concerned over those things, saith your Father God, where it troubles your heart, where you have no rest, where you have no peace, but put your total confidence in me, not in man, for man shall fail you, but put your total confidence in me. Walk by my side, I shall take you through this time in great victory. I shall make known unto you everything, everything that shall affect you. Be not moved by what you hear, be not moved by what you see, only be moved by my Spirit.

Do you know me as the only way, for I am the only way through this dark time. Does not my word say that I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life? Oh, I say unto you my children, walk with me, know me, know the path that I have provided for you to walk in, a path that is filled with great blessings, peace, joy, love, contentment. Do not walk your own way, for when you walk your own way; you walk out of my provisions that I have made. Therefore, I say unto you, know my way, know what I have done for you, know the promises, as I have said, that are recorded in my word, those nuggets that shall get you through these times of darkness that are ahead. I have made the way for you, but you must walk in my way and my way is my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have. For some of my children do really not know me like they say they do, and therefore, they do not walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for them, because they do not know the fullness of my word. Be not like them, but know my word, know the path that I have for you to walk in, know what I have said unto you. Know the promises that I have given unto you, know the blessings that are in store for you for this hour. Do not let go of them, but I say unto you, rather hold on, be steadfast, stand upon my word like never before and watch, oh watch, as I, your Father God, fulfill my word unto you, for I watch over my word to perform it. Know what I have said, for this is a great hour for my children, if they would just but walk with me and know my word.

Oh, the foolishness of men, oh, the foolishness of their program, for they try to be God, they try to do the things that only I, your Father God, can do, and in being foolish, they walk the way of the antichrist. They walk according to his purpose, according to his plans and they see not the end, they only see their own desires and yet their own desires are not met, for they cannot be met, for they are not my ways and only my ways shall come to pass.

11-8-09 pm service

Let not your heart be troubled, for there are many troubles in the world, but they are not for you, they are not for my people, put your trust, your confidence in me, for I am more than able to take care of you. You need not fear the things that the world or the worldly people fear, for you are the overcomers, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, you are all that I, your Father God, have said that you are. Mudslides, mudslides, mudslides, and oh, how high will the death toll go, flooding, flooding, earthquakes, earthquakes, drought, shortages, but let them not trouble your heart, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling, neither shall they come unto you. But you shall see them this week, saith your Father God and you shall hear about them and you shall know and understand, for the hour is late and the signs are very clear, very clear. So put all your trust in me, walk very closely by my side, allow me, allow me to guide you, for I know the way through the wilderness. I know the way through the dry places; I know the way, follow me.

Fret not and faint not in this hour, but put all your trust in me knowing that I will see you through, knowing that I will carry you through these days ahead. Yes, there shall be darkness in the world, but you are not of this world, you are mine, therefore, you are of the light. Walk in the light of my word, know the promises I have given unto you, know what I have said is yours that you can walk in the freedom, that you can walk in the victory that I have said my church shall walk in, in this hour. Therefore, fret not the hour or the day that you are living in, but I say unto you, walk in my perfect peace, the peace which passes all understanding. So guard your heart, walk with me like never before, know the hour is late and time is short, but yet I have great and mighty things in store for those who walk with me.

Prepare your heart and make yourself ready, continue to count the days that I have given unto you, continue to keep your eyes upon the goal that I have set before you. Prepare yourself; make yourself ready, for truly great, wonderful, mighty things shall be done.

11-4-09 pm service

Let not your hearts be moved, for truly as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the fullness of my word, walk according to my word, drift not to the right nor to the left, neither allow the circumstances of the world to trouble you, to burden you down, to put blocks in your way. For you are the overcomer, you can run a race and you can win the race, you are the head, you are not the tail, you are above and you are not beneath. Therefore, I say unto you, walk according to my word, be not troubled by the cares of the world, the things that you hear, the things that you see, the things that are coming to pass. For truly it is that hour and it is that time right now, saith your Father God, therefore, you see the things that I have already warned you about. But I have also told you that you are the overcomers, that you are heirs to my throne, that heaven is where your citizenship is; you are only pilgrims passing through. Allow not these things to trouble your heart, for the earthquakes shall come, the hurricanes shall come, the tidal waves, the typhoons shall come, the tornadoes shall come, windstorms shall come, there shall be more fires, the drought shall widen, the water shall get more scarce, the cost of food shall skyrocket, let not these things trouble your heart, for I am more than able to take you all the way through.

For it is that hour, saith the Lord, where the abundance of my Spirit is plenty, yes, I say unto you, my Spirit is abundant. Therefore, I say unto you, trim your lamps and fill them up to the full, for this is a special hour, saith the Lord, for the days ahead, that you might have all the light to see, all the light to know and all the light to understand. I am pouring out my Spirit in abundance. Fill yourself up with my joy, saith the Lord, and rejoice in me and know that I am your God and that I am God, saith the Lord.

Are you counting the days like I told you to count, are you preparing yourself to receive the things that I have for you? Will your spiritual ears be open, will your spiritual eyes be open, or will you come as normal and only receive some of the things that I have for you? Prepare your heart, make yourself ready, count the days, for there are not many left.

11-1-09 am service

For it is a strange hour and yet not strange indeed, for I have spoken to you concerning this time, concerning the hour you are seeing. Mortal man has an understanding, but spiritual man can see into the realm of the spiritual and they can understand the things that I, your Father, am doing. Others understand not, they predict the weather and the weather comes and it is not as they predict, they are confused. They are calling for a bad winter and yet bad winter has not hit most places, for they know not what they say. They look at the time and say it is not the last hour, and yet it is, saith your Father God, it is that time, it is that hour. And, therefore, there is much confusion, much confusion, they know not which way to turn, but if they would come unto me I would give unto them wisdom, I would give unto them knowledge, I would give unto them understanding, I would enlighten them to the things that are taking place. For there is trouble on the right hand and trouble on the left hand, freedom is vanishing from the face of the earth, control is taking over, and yet that control has no control over you, for you are my people. You are citizens of heaven; you are heirs to my throne and joint heirs with my Son, Jesus. Therefore, you need not fear these things, you shall see them, you shall see the higher prices, you shall feel the things that are going on, but they will not affect you. For I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will care for you, I will give unto you wisdom, I will give unto you knowledge, I will bless you, I will bless you, the wealth of the heathen is saved up for my people and I shall bless you, you shall be a blessed people and the people of the earth will not understand. They will not understand your wisdom, they will not understand your knowledge, they will not understand how you know these things, but I will give unto you a light. Oh, a light that will shine in the darkness, a light that will penetrate the darkness, a light that will bring others unto you, that you can lead them to me, that they can be healed, delivered and set free. So fear not the things that are taking place, but continue to draw closer to me, for I, your Father God, shall watch over you.

Allow not the fears of the world to overcome you, allow not the cares or the pressures that the enemy tries to apply against you. Remember that you are a victor, that you are an overcomer, that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not beneath. That you are blessed, that your citizenship is in heaven, that you are heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Let these truths reign in your heart and you shall reign.

11-1-09 pm service

Fear not the weather reports, fear not the reports of the economy, believe not those that say it is better or that it is going up, for that is not true, saith your Father God, it looks good on paper, but the paper doesn’t tell the truth. Let not the things of the world trouble your heart or concern you, for many things are taking place and many things you shall hear of, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, let them not trouble you. Many areas shall lack, drought shall widen, global warming shall continue, all these things are out there, saith your Father God, but they should not trouble you. For you are a child of God, you are heirs to my throne, you have my word, you have my promise that I will watch over you, that I will take care of you, that I will supply for you, be not fearful. Fear not the swine flu, fear not those things that man says, for they are not as bad as man says and they are not for you either. Therefore, walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you. Walk in the blessings that are there, for the blessings are there, many are walking in the blessings, others are walking out around the blessings. Walk in the blessings, be blessed, prosper, be in health, walk according to my word.

For those who are unstable and unable to stand in this hour are those who have not grounded themselves in my word, nor have they fully taken hold of my promises. And if they would but get into my word and stand upon my promises things would turn around drastically for them. But many do not come to me; many think that they can do it on their own. If they would just truly know who I am, know me as their father and their God, their provider, their all in all, they would find a great, great blessing. For those who know me do not walk in fear concerning the day that you are living in, for they know that I will supply their every need, they know that I will carry them through no matter what takes place. It is an hour to know me like never before, to know who I am, to know that, yes, my word is true and as you stand upon my word, I watch over my word to fulfill it, I am faithful. Therefore, I say, know my word that you can stand in this hour. Be not those whose foundation has been shaken by the things around them, but be those who are strong, steadfast in my word knowing that I am the true God and I am faithful to my word. Therefore, know my word that you can remain in the path of blessing that I have for my children. For it is an hour of great blessings, it is an hour of great overcoming for my church to walk in the victory that I have given to them. Therefore, I say unto you, know me; know me like you have never known me before.

Do not think that you have all wisdom or all knowledge, for I have revelation knowledge for you, I have revelation wisdom for you that you may grow to a far greater level than you are right now, that you may become even as I am, that your understanding will be enlightened far greater than you understand. So put away the wisdom and knowledge that you have now and take on that new wisdom and knowledge that I have for you that you can begin to excel and do the things that I say unto you.

11-29-09 am service

Prepare your hearts and your life, for all things shall accelerate and you shall see this acceleration, for if you think things have gone by fast, now you shall see what fast is. You shall see as the nations of the world rise up and take their positions, their places. You shall see as the mark of the beast begins to come in and you begin to see it and hear even more about it and you shall see as the freedoms go and they begin to take control of the lives of the people all over. You shall see these things that I have written to you about in my Book and you shall know where the world is headed. But, I say unto you, fear not, for you are not of this world, for you are of my kingdom, and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. I shall give unto you wisdom and knowledge, I shall give unto you guidance, I shall give you my protection and you shall walk, yes, you shall walk as one that is not even walking in trouble, you shall walk as one that is walking in victory, you shall walk as one that is the overcomer. For truly I, your Father God, shall take you through this time in great victory and there shall be great rejoicing, great rejoicing in my house, not in the world, but in my house.

For exciting times lie ahead for those who are truly walking with me, the blessings that shall fill their lives, they will be utterly amazed at all that I shall do in this hour and this time. For yes, I am coming soon and I have a lot of work to do, but yes, I have enough time to do all that in. Press in with all that you have knowing that the hour is late, the time is growing short, I have much in store for you, yes, much in store. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare like you have never prepared before, oh, for great and mighty are the things I, your Father God, shall do in this hour and this time. Open up your hearts to me like never before, allow me to work in your lives like never before that you become the vessel of honor that I desire to use in this hour and this time, for no one is too young and no one is too old for me to use. Oh, the great exciting things that are ahead for those who are truly walking with me and know me as their Father God. Oh, I say unto you, prepare your hearts, make yourselves ready, for oh, the greatness of the things that are in store for you.

11-29-09 pm service

For it is an hour when my love needs to flow through you like no other time, for those around you, yes, they are going to be changed through my love, and as you show forth my love, great and mighty things shall take place. Know that this is a great hour for my church even though it is a dark hour for the world these things must take place because I am coming soon. Know that, know that in your heart, be grounded and steadfast in my word like never before that in this hour you can stand strong, as I have said. For if you know my word you have nothing to fear, but if you have been slack and have not gotten into my word, it is time for you to be diligent. For only those who have been grounded in my word shall truly stand in this hour and in this time. They shall not be shaken by the storms that shall come because they will know that I will carry them through no matter what takes place in the world. Oh, I say unto you, know my word, be strong in my word and be steadfast. Remain, oh, remain in the promises that I have given unto you, know that my word is being fulfilled, rest, rest upon my word. For I truly shall see you through, but you also must have your heart prepared before me for this hour and this time. Do not be slack, but I say unto you, know, know where you are, know where you stand, is your total and complete trust in me or do you trust in other things? Know my children that you can truly walk in the victory that I have for you.

Let not the cares or the troubles of the world come upon you, for you have been delivered from them. Even though the enemy may come, you are the victor, he is a defeated foe, under your feet, any torment that you get, you allow yourself. Rise up and be the victor, therefore, rise up and walk in the victory that I have given unto you, let your eyes be set on the rapture, let your hope be set on the rapture. For the time is short, and as I have said, there will be great changes, changes far faster than anything you saw this year, far faster. Oh, I say unto you, be not troubled, for the changes must come, for others will not come into the fold unless the changes come, they will not surrender their live one hundred percent and walk with me. But as the changes come and the pressures come upon them and the shortages of food and the lack of water and the want and the trouble from the sun, they will turn unto me very quickly, saith your Father God. For they shall look upon you, for you shall be walking in victory, great victory you shall be walking in and they shall see this and they shall know that truly, I am blessing you. For you will have food on your table, you will be cool when it is hot, you will be warm when it is cold, you will be protected and provided for and you will know that it is that end time hour and you can laugh at the calamities that are taking place throughout the world, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling. But if you don’t put your total trust in me now, if you are not honest to yourself and your stand, if you are not taking on all the things that I have said to all the fullness that I have given unto you, you will not stand, you will not stand, you will need to come for help. But I say unto you, you can stand, you can be victorious, but put your total trust in me, for truly the changes that are coming now shall be far more evil, far more worse than anything you have seen yet.

Let not your hearts be troubled, let not your mind control you, but let your spiritman rise up. For when you walk in the spirit, you walk in victory, you become the overcomer, you become one that I can speak to, that I can give wisdom and knowledge unto that you know and understand the things that I am saying, that you don’t just think you know, but that you know, for truly the hour starting with the beginning of the new year shall be the worst evil hour that man has seen. And the things that shall take place you will not enjoy reading about or enjoy seeing. But if you know me and are walking with me your heart will be at peace, your mind will be stayed and you will be able to continue to walk in the victories that I have given unto you. And you shall not lack in any area and you shall be blessed, blessed, blessed, oh, shall I bless you and reward you here as well as in heaven when you get there. So allow not the enemy to turn you back at this late hour, allow not your flesh to control you at this late hour. Allow not the worldly desires control you at this late hour, for truly my children, the hour is very late.

For I do not tell you these things to worry you, I do not tell you these things to scare you, I tell you these things so you can prepare yourself, make yourself ready, that you can walk in the victories that I keep telling you that you can have. That you can be the overcomer, that you can hear that shout of victory and meet your loved ones as they come out of the grave and go into the air to meet my Son and there to be forever.

11-25-09 pm service

Let your ears be open, let your spiritual eyes be open that you can see and understand and know the things that are happening throughout the whole world. For many changes are taking place, but not changes for the good but changes for the bad. But I will provide for my people, I will watch over them, I will keep them safe and I will show them things that they shall know the things that are coming that they can prepare and be ready. And they will go through this time victoriously, even though there will be friction on the right and on the left hand, before you and behind you, yet you will be the victor, you will be the overcomer. So fear not the things that the world will have to go through, but walk in the joy, walk in the peace, walk with your heart filled with thanksgiving for the things that I shall do for you. For truly I will bless you, I will bless you and I will bless you.

Woe unto the false prophets that are only parrots that parrot the things that my true prophets say and yet they add words unto them to make themselves look good and yet their words come not to pass. Woe unto them. Oh, I say unto you, listen, watch, beware, for many go around as sheep and yet they are wolves. Be careful, listen to what you hear.

11-22-09 am service

Let your ears be open that you can hear in the spirit realm, for many things transpired this week and many things shall come out of the things that have already transpired, the last straw upon the camel’s back is about ready to be placed. Turkey will go one hundred percent now with Russia and with Iran, for the EU President has turned his back upon them. You shall see many things that shall shock you, you shall see many troubles, you shall see storms in different places far greater than normal and yet a warming in other areas. You shall see the global warming as it continues to rise even though some are saying not so, my word declares it is so. Therefore, stand on my word, stand on my promises, stand on the things that I have given unto you, for they shall come to pass. Watch, be alert, many are not alert, many are not pressing into the fullness of the things I have for them. Many are sitting on the sidelines and the enemy is having a field day in their lives, for they have surrendered and do not even know they have surrendered. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, put on your full armor, go to battle, for the battle is already won. Do not worry about the lack of food, the lack of water, the lacks that you are hearing, for I, your Lord, shall supply for you, I shall provide for you, I shall take care of you, I shall strengthen you, I shall lift you up. But watch; watch I say unto you, for if you were watching I would not say watch.

Am I not more than able to provide all that you have need of? Did not I provide for my children the Israelites; did I not provide for them manna to eat? Therefore, I say unto you, do not worry, do not fear, do not fret the days you are living in, for I am still Jehovah-Jireh, I am still your provider, your all in all, everything that you have need of, I have it for you. Therefore, trust me like you have never trusted me before, get into my word and become serious, yes, become serious about putting my word in your heart knowing the promises I have given unto you that you may stand strong in this hour. For have not I said I have given unto you all the keys to walk victoriously, to be the overcomer, to be the conqueror? Yet many times my children do not know my word like they should that they can stand. Therefore, I speak unto you and give you urgency to know my word, to put your trust in me like never before. For I am the only one who can see you through this dark hour, I am the only one who can take you through to total victory. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, listen unto my voice, hear my words and harken unto me, know, know that I have spoken, follow me this day and walk in the abundance of all that I have for you.

Hang on to my promises, set them before your eyes, let them come out of your mouth, speak them daily, know what my word says, for that is the way to victory, that is the way to being an overcomer. Set a guard at your mouth; listen to the things that you say. Are you calling in blessings, or are you calling in cursing? Call in the blessings, call in the blessings.

11-22-09 pm service

For truly I am your everything, I supply for you, I provide for you, I heal and deliver, I lift you up, I encourage you, I show you the things that are to come that you are not caught off guard, that you understand and know. For I love you with an everlasting love, for I have called you from before the foundations of the earth, I called you and you answered that call and you came into my family and became that child. Therefore, I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way, I shall open doors where there are no doors open, I shall bless you such as you have never been blessed before. So don’t look at the things that are taking place in the world, for there is nothing but evil, nothing but darkness, nothing but trouble. But keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises and I will bless you like you have never been blessed. And not only will I bless you like you have never been blessed, you shall come and live with me forever.

For it is an hour to truly give thanks, an hour to recall the things, all that I have done for you, and as you look back and see what I have done even this year, you yourself will be amazed and yet I have greater things for you to come. Therefore, I say unto you, it is a great hour of rejoicing for my children knowing that I am coming soon and knowing the blessings that are in store, the promises that shall be fulfilled in this hour and this time. For I am moving in even a mightier and greater way, and yes, greater things shall take place, for you shall see my blessings upon your life. You shall see all the promises fulfilled that I have given unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before. Know it is a serious hour, it is not an hour to play around, but it is an hour to get on your knees before me, serious, seeking my face, getting into my word, spending time in prayer. For the hour is short, but yet I have enough time to do all that I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you my children, press in, press in, press in, for great is this hour and great is this time.

Watch closely as the days go by one by one, watch and see the changes and the things that are taking place upon the face of the earth. Count those days until you get to that day that I have spoken to you about. Watch carefully, you will be amazed at the changes that you see, the changes that shall take place and you will know in your heart there is no turning back. Press in as close as you can that I can bless you.

11-18-09 pm service

Are you looking, are you listening, do you have your spiritual eyes open and your spiritual ears turned on that you can see and hear and understand the things that are taking place, that you can see clearly where you are and where the world is going to and the route that they are taking to get there? Can you see those things, do you understand those things, do you see how it is falling together on the right hand and on the left hand, before you, behind you? The enemy’s plans are being carried out by his people, they rush to fulfill his desires. Oh, that my people would rush to fill my desires, oh, that my people would listen and realize where they are and rise up and walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto them. Oh, that my people would come alive, not sitting back, not hiding their heads in the sand, but knowing the things that are going on. Stand and speak my word bring the harvest in, for truly the harvest field is white, it is ready for harvest, but the laborers are few. Therefore, I say unto you, go into that harvest field, bring in that harvest field; for it is ready, it is ripe. Bring in those who shall take a turn such as you have never seen others take a turn before and they shall press in like others have never pressed in and they shall run the race, for they shall see the hour and they shall know the time. Be not fooled by the world nor the darkness of the world nor the direction that the world is taking nor the leaders that lead the world in the way that the world is going. Has not my word told you these things, see not these things, understand not these things? For I have given unto you my Book, and as you search my Book, you shall see these things and many, many more. For the Holy Ghost is your teacher and your guide and he shall lead you into all truth and show you all things that are to come. Press in, tomorrow is the 19th and then you have the 20, remember? Watch and see, then you tell me what you saw. For indeed it is a time to press forward like never before, saith the Lord. For even now the European Union pushes all the buttons for world unity to move forward in their plans, plans that will move forward, saith the Lord, only that they will come to a fall in the end. But the buttons of faith that you push, saith the Lord, only continue to move forward and things grow brighter, yes, your understanding grows brighter when you serve my with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength. For I say unto you, if you love me in this way, saith the Lord, indeed the church will come into unity, saith the Lord. But each one must make up their mind and make up their heart, saith the Lord, to follow me with their whole being. Oh yes, saith the Lord, push the buttons of faith, move forward.

There are many, saith the Lord, little tests, real tests, there are many little deeds that I have called you unto my children, these are the things that I want you to be faithful in. Do not look to the left and look to the right, for you know the things that I have called you unto. Be faithful to those things and do it with a cheerful heart, saith the Lord, do it as unto me, saith God. For I will reward you for every little effort that you make to serve me, saith God. Yes, I will bless you abundantly and encourage you along the way. There are little things that I will speak to you as you step forward in these little areas. It is the time of growth for you, but I will speak to you the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding so that you will not fear. You know that which I have spoken to you about, I have called you to go into the harvest fields. Fear not, for I will be with you, saith the Lord and I will give you the understanding of what to do, it is a time of great blessings.

11-15-09 am service

Let your ears be open, especially your spiritual ears, that you can hear the things that are taking place at the moment, so you can watch and understand what my word has said, that you can place it together as one. That you can stand stronger, have a firmer foundation and walk in the midst of my anointing that you can reach out and touch those round about you. You shall see a great change in the EU within the next week or so, keep your eyes upon that, watch it carefully. As you have seen the snowstorms, the hot weather, the flooding, the rain, the mudslides, the earthquake, you shall see more of the same. And the weather will be confusing, for you shall see many things concerning the weather. Listen to the things that I have to say, watch Iran, notice the friction between North and South Korea, don’t be fooled by China, nor the new base that Russia is building in Syria for their naval fleet, keep your eyes open, watch these things. Watch the fight over the food; it would be wise to sharpen your skills on gardening. Be not fearful, for I shall take you through these times victoriously, but know and understand what my word has to say.

It is an hour of great rejoicing for those who are walking with me, those who know my word, those who know how to stand upon my word. Oh, for they see my mighty hand moving upon them as they call upon me in this hour, yes, I hear them, I answer them and I move in a great and mighty way. It is a great hour of rejoicing for those who are walking with me, but not so for those who know me not, who know me not even in the way you know me. For they do not know how to stand upon my word in this hour, but if they would just come to me, if they would just get into my word as I have instructed them, they too can stand and be victorious in this time. But oh, the blessings that I have in store for my church, yet many of my people do not know the blessings that I have for them because they have not taken hold of the promises that I have recorded for them in my word, that they can stand upon them daily and see me move on their behalf. Oh, it is an hour to press in like never before, for the greatness that I have in store for my church, it is beyond their thinking and their imagination. It is an hour of great rejoicing, for as you look back and you see all that I have done for you even this year, you shall rejoice greatly knowing that greater things are to come.

Let there be true unity, let love flow like never before, exalt one another, lift one another on high. Let there be encouragement in your words, let there be joy in your words, let there be peace in your words. Speak strength unto those round about you and when there is a need they shall speak strength unto you.

11-15-09 pm service

Watch; let your eyes see into the spirit realm, let your ears hear clearly the things that I, your Father God, have to say. Look, look at the time, are you watching, are you entering into the things that I have given unto you? Are my blessings being poured out upon you without measure? Oh, I say unto you, press in, for I have many things yet to do. Come and get a word from me, listen carefully, ponder those things, press into the fullness of everything that I have for you. For the coming weeks between now and the end of the year, many tragic things shall take place, you will see them, but do you know them, will you recognize them, will you understand them? The time is short my children, I love you, I desire to bless you, I desire to provide for you, I desire to care for you and protect you. But you have got to hear my voice; you have got to do the things that I tell you. For if you hear not, and you do not, then you are outside my realm of protection, my realm of care, my realm of blessings. Draw closer, much closer.

Know that the enemy is fighting hard in this hour, but know that my word stands true forever it does not change. So no matter how hard he fights, you are always the victorious one, you are always the overcomer, you are always the conqueror. Do not fall prey to the enemies traps, but I say unto you, rather walk with me, follow me, keep your eyes upon my path, the path that I have laid in front of you to walk, one that is a path of holiness. Does not my word say be ye holy for I am holy? Truly it is that hour my children where my church shall see that holiness like never before and they shall walk with me as they have never walked before. For they shall hear my voice, they shall know me like they have never known me before and they shall truly walk in the fullness of the anointing that I have given unto them for this hour that they might be strong, that they might be courageous, that they might stand and be powerful in this time and in this hour. For it is that hour I have spoken unto you about my children and it is time for you to enter into all the blessings that I have in store. It is time for you to truly enter into my peace knowing that I have said, I am here, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you. It does not matter how rough the world becomes, I am always there, know that in your heart, trust me like never before. For truly, I have given unto you all of the keys, did you hear me, all of the keys for you to walk in the victory that I have said you could walk in for this hour and this time. Follow me like never before, follow not after your own ways, but I say unto you, follow after me, follow after my ways, for my way is a way filled with blessings, my way is a way filled with peace, my way is a way filled with love like you have never experienced and my way is a way filled with joy. Therefore, follow me.

The nineteenth and the twentieth of November shall be a time when you test your spiritual eyes and your spiritual ears and see what you see and see what you hear and then testify of the things that you have seen, find out where you are. For the hour ahead is pitch-black and if you cannot see and hear these things now it shall become even harder then, saith your Father God. For it is time, it is time to walk by my side.

Listen to my voice and hear my warning, for it is time to no longer walk to the left or to the right, it is a time where you cannot wander to the left or to the right, for the way is straight and the way is narrow. Walk with me, says the Lord.


11-11-09 pm service

Oh, the bitterness, oh the sorrow, oh the pain and suffering for those that do not know me, that have not their names written down in the Lamb’s book of life that understand not the things that are about to take place, oh the sorrow. For I love them with an everlasting love, yea, and I have made a way for them to escape, but they walk very loosely, they walk according to their own desires, many have not ever received me, they obey not my word, but go unto their own way. Have they not read in the book of Revelation the things that shall take place, for the end creepeth in quickly, saith your Father God? But those that walk with me, it is an hour of great blessings, an hour when I, their Father God, shall lead them, guide them and direct them, that I shall walk by their sides and I shall speak unto them that they shall be blessed in ways that they have never been blessed before. But not so for those that know me not, not so for those that are not walking according to the covenant, but they have turned to go their own way. Oh, the lateness of the hour, the lateness of the hour.

Can you not see, can you not hear, do you not know that the world is not your friend, that the world is antichrist. They are against me, they are against my ways, they are against my word and they go their own direction to bring in their own programs that they may destroy many. But fear not, for you are not of the world, you are of my household, and I, your Father God, shall watch over you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe.

11-8-09 am service

Set your eyes upon my word, set your eyes upon my promises, meditate on them, draw upon them, for truly it is time that you need to draw upon the promises that I have given unto you. For the world is going the way of the worldly system, they are turning to everything that my word tells you that they shall turn to. Everywhere you see the darkness, everywhere you see the evil, but fear not these things, I have made you overcomers, and as you keep your eyes upon me, as you walk closely by my side, I will give unto you supernatural ability that you can overcome every obstacle that comes your way. That you can see in the darkness as if it was light, that you can understand the things that others know not, that you walk by my word, that you are empowered by my word, that you are filled with my strength and my power and my anointing. For I have warned you of the weather changes, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, the floods, the drought, the global warming. Be not fooled, be not deceived, know what my word says and stand on my word and on the promise of my word. Listen to me carefully, do the things that I have told you, for every day now is a new day, every day now different things shall take place, things that it seems like you cannot stop. Do not be concerned over those things, saith your Father God, where it troubles your heart, where you have no rest, where you have no peace, but put your total confidence in me, not in man, for man shall fail you, but put your total confidence in me. Walk by my side, I shall take you through this time in great victory. I shall make known unto you everything, everything that shall affect you. Be not moved by what you hear, be not moved by what you see, only be moved by my Spirit.

Do you know me as the only way, for I am the only way through this dark time. Does not my word say that I am the way, I am the truth and I am the life? Oh, I say unto you my children, walk with me, know me, know the path that I have provided for you to walk in, a path that is filled with great blessings, peace, joy, love, contentment. Do not walk your own way, for when you walk your own way; you walk out of my provisions that I have made. Therefore, I say unto you, know my way, know what I have done for you, know the promises, as I have said, that are recorded in my word, those nuggets that shall get you through these times of darkness that are ahead. I have made the way for you, but you must walk in my way and my way is my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have. For some of my children do really not know me like they say they do, and therefore, they do not walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for them, because they do not know the fullness of my word. Be not like them, but know my word, know the path that I have for you to walk in, know what I have said unto you. Know the promises that I have given unto you, know the blessings that are in store for you for this hour. Do not let go of them, but I say unto you, rather hold on, be steadfast, stand upon my word like never before and watch, oh watch, as I, your Father God, fulfill my word unto you, for I watch over my word to perform it. Know what I have said, for this is a great hour for my children, if they would just but walk with me and know my word.

Oh, the foolishness of men, oh, the foolishness of their program, for they try to be God, they try to do the things that only I, your Father God, can do, and in being foolish, they walk the way of the antichrist. They walk according to his purpose, according to his plans and they see not the end, they only see their own desires and yet their own desires are not met, for they cannot be met, for they are not my ways and only my ways shall come to pass.

11-8-09 pm service

Let not your heart be troubled, for there are many troubles in the world, but they are not for you, they are not for my people, put your trust, your confidence in me, for I am more than able to take care of you. You need not fear the things that the world or the worldly people fear, for you are the overcomers, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, you are all that I, your Father God, have said that you are. Mudslides, mudslides, mudslides, and oh, how high will the death toll go, flooding, flooding, earthquakes, earthquakes, drought, shortages, but let them not trouble your heart, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling, neither shall they come unto you. But you shall see them this week, saith your Father God and you shall hear about them and you shall know and understand, for the hour is late and the signs are very clear, very clear. So put all your trust in me, walk very closely by my side, allow me, allow me to guide you, for I know the way through the wilderness. I know the way through the dry places; I know the way, follow me.

Fret not and faint not in this hour, but put all your trust in me knowing that I will see you through, knowing that I will carry you through these days ahead. Yes, there shall be darkness in the world, but you are not of this world, you are mine, therefore, you are of the light. Walk in the light of my word, know the promises I have given unto you, know what I have said is yours that you can walk in the freedom, that you can walk in the victory that I have said my church shall walk in, in this hour. Therefore, fret not the hour or the day that you are living in, but I say unto you, walk in my perfect peace, the peace which passes all understanding. So guard your heart, walk with me like never before, know the hour is late and time is short, but yet I have great and mighty things in store for those who walk with me.

Prepare your heart and make yourself ready, continue to count the days that I have given unto you, continue to keep your eyes upon the goal that I have set before you. Prepare yourself; make yourself ready, for truly great, wonderful, mighty things shall be done.

11-4-09 pm service

Let not your hearts be moved, for truly as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the fullness of my word, walk according to my word, drift not to the right nor to the left, neither allow the circumstances of the world to trouble you, to burden you down, to put blocks in your way. For you are the overcomer, you can run a race and you can win the race, you are the head, you are not the tail, you are above and you are not beneath. Therefore, I say unto you, walk according to my word, be not troubled by the cares of the world, the things that you hear, the things that you see, the things that are coming to pass. For truly it is that hour and it is that time right now, saith your Father God, therefore, you see the things that I have already warned you about. But I have also told you that you are the overcomers, that you are heirs to my throne, that heaven is where your citizenship is; you are only pilgrims passing through. Allow not these things to trouble your heart, for the earthquakes shall come, the hurricanes shall come, the tidal waves, the typhoons shall come, the tornadoes shall come, windstorms shall come, there shall be more fires, the drought shall widen, the water shall get more scarce, the cost of food shall skyrocket, let not these things trouble your heart, for I am more than able to take you all the way through.

For it is that hour, saith the Lord, where the abundance of my Spirit is plenty, yes, I say unto you, my Spirit is abundant. Therefore, I say unto you, trim your lamps and fill them up to the full, for this is a special hour, saith the Lord, for the days ahead, that you might have all the light to see, all the light to know and all the light to understand. I am pouring out my Spirit in abundance. Fill yourself up with my joy, saith the Lord, and rejoice in me and know that I am your God and that I am God, saith the Lord.

Are you counting the days like I told you to count, are you preparing yourself to receive the things that I have for you? Will your spiritual ears be open, will your spiritual eyes be open, or will you come as normal and only receive some of the things that I have for you? Prepare your heart, make yourself ready, count the days, for there are not many left.

11-1-09 am service

For it is a strange hour and yet not strange indeed, for I have spoken to you concerning this time, concerning the hour you are seeing. Mortal man has an understanding, but spiritual man can see into the realm of the spiritual and they can understand the things that I, your Father, am doing. Others understand not, they predict the weather and the weather comes and it is not as they predict, they are confused. They are calling for a bad winter and yet bad winter has not hit most places, for they know not what they say. They look at the time and say it is not the last hour, and yet it is, saith your Father God, it is that time, it is that hour. And, therefore, there is much confusion, much confusion, they know not which way to turn, but if they would come unto me I would give unto them wisdom, I would give unto them knowledge, I would give unto them understanding, I would enlighten them to the things that are taking place. For there is trouble on the right hand and trouble on the left hand, freedom is vanishing from the face of the earth, control is taking over, and yet that control has no control over you, for you are my people. You are citizens of heaven; you are heirs to my throne and joint heirs with my Son, Jesus. Therefore, you need not fear these things, you shall see them, you shall see the higher prices, you shall feel the things that are going on, but they will not affect you. For I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will care for you, I will give unto you wisdom, I will give unto you knowledge, I will bless you, I will bless you, the wealth of the heathen is saved up for my people and I shall bless you, you shall be a blessed people and the people of the earth will not understand. They will not understand your wisdom, they will not understand your knowledge, they will not understand how you know these things, but I will give unto you a light. Oh, a light that will shine in the darkness, a light that will penetrate the darkness, a light that will bring others unto you, that you can lead them to me, that they can be healed, delivered and set free. So fear not the things that are taking place, but continue to draw closer to me, for I, your Father God, shall watch over you.

Allow not the fears of the world to overcome you, allow not the cares or the pressures that the enemy tries to apply against you. Remember that you are a victor, that you are an overcomer, that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not beneath. That you are blessed, that your citizenship is in heaven, that you are heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Let these truths reign in your heart and you shall reign.

11-1-09 pm service

Fear not the weather reports, fear not the reports of the economy, believe not those that say it is better or that it is going up, for that is not true, saith your Father God, it looks good on paper, but the paper doesn’t tell the truth. Let not the things of the world trouble your heart or concern you, for many things are taking place and many things you shall hear of, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, let them not trouble you. Many areas shall lack, drought shall widen, global warming shall continue, all these things are out there, saith your Father God, but they should not trouble you. For you are a child of God, you are heirs to my throne, you have my word, you have my promise that I will watch over you, that I will take care of you, that I will supply for you, be not fearful. Fear not the swine flu, fear not those things that man says, for they are not as bad as man says and they are not for you either. Therefore, walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you. Walk in the blessings that are there, for the blessings are there, many are walking in the blessings, others are walking out around the blessings. Walk in the blessings, be blessed, prosper, be in health, walk according to my word.

For those who are unstable and unable to stand in this hour are those who have not grounded themselves in my word, nor have they fully taken hold of my promises. And if they would but get into my word and stand upon my promises things would turn around drastically for them. But many do not come to me; many think that they can do it on their own. If they would just truly know who I am, know me as their father and their God, their provider, their all in all, they would find a great, great blessing. For those who know me do not walk in fear concerning the day that you are living in, for they know that I will supply their every need, they know that I will carry them through no matter what takes place. It is an hour to know me like never before, to know who I am, to know that, yes, my word is true and as you stand upon my word, I watch over my word to fulfill it, I am faithful. Therefore, I say, know my word that you can stand in this hour. Be not those whose foundation has been shaken by the things around them, but be those who are strong, steadfast in my word knowing that I am the true God and I am faithful to my word. Therefore, know my word that you can remain in the path of blessing that I have for my children. For it is an hour of great blessings, it is an hour of great overcoming for my church to walk in the victory that I have given to them. Therefore, I say unto you, know me; know me like you have never known me before.

Do not think that you have all wisdom or all knowledge, for I have revelation knowledge for you, I have revelation wisdom for you that you may grow to a far greater level than you are right now, that you may become even as I am, that your understanding will be enlightened far greater than you understand. So put away the wisdom and knowledge that you have now and take on that new wisdom and knowledge that I have for you that you can begin to excel and do the things that I say unto you.

10-28-09 pm service

Oh, the blessings that are falling, the blessings that are falling, not on the world, but on my church, upon my people. For I love them with an everlasting love and I have provided for them and I take care of them, I lead them, I guide them, I direct them. I give unto them the things that they have need of, I equip them that they have the power, the anointing to walk upon their enemy and fear him not, oh, they are blessed, they are blessed. Not like the world, for the world knows me not, neither do they understand or see the things that are going on. They do not recognize the signs that are right there before them, every day they are seeing the signs, and yet they know not the signs, they understand not the things, for they know not my word. But I say unto you, draw closer to my word, walk in my word, know my word that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can walk in the blessings that are already being poured out, that you can be the overcomer, that you can be the victor.

For have I not given unto you an unction for your own safe keeping, saith the Lord? An unction that will instruct and reveal, guide and direct, an unction that you can trust, saith the Lord, for a sure direction, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Be not afraid of the hour that you are in, but rise up to all that I have called you to do and be not afraid. Rise to your position that you have in me, saith the Lord and work together; trust me with all your heart. And, again I say, be not afraid, for you have an unction, an unction that will bring deliverance, saith God, an unction that will comfort your heart, an unction that will give you peace in amazing circumstances. So be not afraid, I have given you an unction.

Be not preoccupied with the good things, for I have better things for you. And at times you can be so occupied with things that you think are so good, and yet miss the better things and not walk in the blessings that I have for you, but walk in the blessing that are only of this world. They are of the people that know not my word and they walk not in the fullness of the blessings that I have, but walk in those blessings, for they are there.

10-25-09 am service

Let your spiritual eyes and your spiritual ears be open, watch and listen, hear the things that are taking place, for if you hear not the things that are taking place, if you know not the things that are coming to pass, you will not know how to stand, you will not know the hour, you will not know the time. For many things are happening very quickly now, far quicker than in the past, they are falling together at a rapid pace. Therefore, I say unto you, awake from your sleep and know the things that are going on. For the new lady that your President just put in place over the faith based and the fellowship neighborhood is a Moslem at heart, a Moslem, a diehard, a Moslem. Oh, I say unto you, your President is causing the dollar to crash; he is pushing as hard as he can with all of his programs, desiring the new monetary system, desiring the things of the world. Many countries are preparing now, Iran is supplying Syria, Gaza Strip and other countries with new missiles, oh I say, the things of the world are dark, very dark, but not so for my people. You need to know the things that are taking place, you need to understand and see. Have you noticed the price of gas and how it has skyrocketed, have you noticed the price on food, have you noticed the things I have spoken to you? Be not fearful of these things, for I am able to take you through these times in great victory. I am able to make you the overcomers; I am able to cause you to walk in victory such as you have never had before. I am pouring out my blessings and many of you are receiving those blessings daily, weekly, monthly. Walk in my word; receive the promises that I have for you, for truly the hour is late.

For it is not a time to walk in fear, but a time walk in victory, victory that I have laid before you. For I have promised to take you through these hard times with victory. Walk in the victory I have given you this day and be blessed.

It is not an hour to be discouraged, but it is an hour to lift up your eyes from whence come your help, for you help comes from me, your Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, am I not able to do all that I have promised I would do? Am I not able to provide, am I not able to make a way where there is no way? Trust me like never before, for I am all, yes, all that you have need of in this hour. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and my word, look to see what I am doing, dwell not on the negative things that are taking place in the world, but I say unto you, look what I am doing, for I am doing great and mighty things.

You are a blessed people, I have called you to bless you, I have called you to make your life more productive, to cause you to be blessed above all others, to cause you to walk in the fullness of all my promises. Rise up, climb up on the ladder, take a step of faith and move into the place that I have placed you already in and function and flow in the blessings that I have already given unto you.

10-25-09 pm service

Set your eyes upon the promises that I have given unto you, walk in the blessings that belong to you, walk as an heir to my throne, a joint heir with my Son, walk in the fullness of your power, walk according to my word. For truly you are my people, I have called you and I have appointed you unto this hour, for this time and I shall do a mighty work through you. Fear not the things of the world, for it shall only grow worse, it will become darker and you will see the enemies of the world as they begin to assemble themselves together, Turkey with Iran, Iran with Syria, you will see these things. You will see China as she makes her move, Russia as it makes its move, the EU as it breaks off and makes its move, you will see these things for I have told you. Therefore, keep your eyes upon the things that are taking place in the world, fear not the winter weather, but be prepared, fear not the things that are coming. For you are of my household and I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall watch over you and protect you, but you have to walk by my side, you have to walk in my word, you have to walk according to the purpose that I have set before you. Walk that way and walk in the victory that I have for you.

There is only one path that will get you into heaven, and oh, the utmost of the importance for you to walk on that straight and narrow path. Not to be off to the right or to the left, for every time that you veer off to the right or to the left it slows down the things that I desire to do in your life. It is an hour to walk closely with me, closely with me, abiding always in my word, knowing that I am coming soon. Great things are taking place in this hour and this time for those who are walking with me. Know my blessings, know my love, know my peace, know the contentment that there is when you are walking with me. Oh, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me; do not allow your eyes to be drifting from side to side, but only looking upon me and my word and what I am doing in this hour and this time. Allow not the enemy to deter you, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep walking in my ways and in my path, for therein my children can I bless you to the fullest extent.

Count sixty-seven days, mark it, be prepared and watch the change that takes place before that time and the change that takes place after that time. Know when the blue moon is and what it means. Understand the things of my word in a far deeper way than you understand them now. For as you understand them in a far deeper way, you will walk on a higher level than you have ever walked before.

10-21-09 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with joy, for you are the one that turns off the joy spout, so turn it on and let your heart be filled with joy. Let my words fill your mouth that when you speak my words; you receive the blessings, the promises that I have for you. That your life is enriched, that you are blessed coming in and blessed going out, that you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom, and many times as you listen to the things of the world, as you listen to the negative things, you think that I treat you the same way, not so, saith your Father God, for I am not like the world. Walk in my blessings, walk in my love, walk in the way that I have told you to walk. Even though the world grows darker, even though more problems arise, even though you see the handwriting on the wall, walk in my love. For as you walk in my love, for as you walk in my joy, for as you walk in my peace, for as you walk in my promises, I can abundantly bless you.

As a sweet fragrance, saith the Lord, let your reverence come before me, let your heart open up to me, saith God, to its fullness, and worship me, saith the Lord, from that inner man, that inner heart. Let your voice rise up unto me, saith the Lord, in the beauty that I have placed there, let your joy abound in the fullness of my glory. For indeed I have rained down upon you many blessings, saith the Lord, and the voice of blessing even now is upon you, saith God.

For is it not a work of perfection that I have called you unto and am I not able to do it for you my child? For I am the perfect one, what I have created I have called good, I have made you, your innermost being. And is it not from your innermost being I call you now, saith the Lord, that you might experience my fullness, and yes, a fresh touch from me?

10-18-09 am service

Let your faith grow by reading my word, by studying my word, by staying into my word, by listening, hearing the things that I am saying unto you, that your mind is changed, that your heart is renewed, that my words become your words, that my thoughts become your thoughts. For the world is very evil, far more evil than you realize, far more evil than you see, for you can only see the things that are taking place in this earth through your spiritual eyes, you can only hear them through your spiritual ears. For it is the wind down, the closing off, the end times, says your Father God, a time when all things come to an end and then the thousand year millennial reign. Are you preparing yourself, do you keep into account that the first three and a half years are not as bad or even as close to being as bad as the last three and a half? Are you ready when my church goes, are you aware of the time, can you see the new cashless society, can you see the mark of the beast, can you see the countries that are preparing and making ready for war, can you see those things? If not, get into my word, get into my word that you know, that you understand, that you can stand, that you are able to stand, that you are able to be the overcomers, for truly you can be, saith your Father God. For it is a time of great victory for those that walk by my side, therefore, I say unto you, walk by my side, walk very closely to me.

For my word needs to be your foundation, for what happens when the wind comes and the storms blow if your foundation is not steadfast upon my word, you shall be shaken in this hour. Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, have a firm solid foundation that you can stand. For yes, the storms will come, but you will rise and be victorious over them. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word as I have said, do you not know the love that I have for you, do you not know that it is my desire that you walk in my perfect peace, my safety, my protections, my provisions? Oh, my children, I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings. Therefore, I say unto you, harken unto my voice, hear my word, get into my word like never before, do not put it off, but I say unto you, get into my word that you may truly know the promises that I have given unto you that you may stand and stand strong in this hour.

Each month, Oct, Nov, Dec, shall close and yet the next shall start a new change all the way to the end of this year. Mark those changes, know those changes, be aware of what took place. For as you do that, you will see and understand and know what two thousand and ten has in store.

10-18-09 pm service

For my promises are always so be it and amen, let your faith grow by reading my word, by studying my word, by staying into my word, by listening, hearing the things that I am saying unto you, that your mind is changed, that your heart is renewed, that it comes out of your heart that the word quickly comes back to them fulfilled that they may walk in the promises that I have given unto them. Fear not the things that are taking place on the face of the earth, for there is much trouble, trouble on the right hand, trouble on the left hand and man knows not which way to go. They go in circles, for they seek not my wisdom, they seek not my knowledge, they do not call upon my name, neither do they look closely and see the things that are coming to pass. Be not like them, let your spiritual eyes be open, let your spiritual ears be open, see and hear, know and understand, for it is critical for you to walk in victory, that you can see, that you can hear, that you can know. Press in, therefore, into the fullness of my word that I, your Father God. can move mightily on your behalf.

The more of me you put in, the more of my word you put unto yourself, the less of you that shines forth. It is an hour where my light needs to shine out of you like never before, where others see my word coming to pass in your life, you standing strong in these times of great darkness. Not wavering, not going side to side or going here or going there, but yet strong and steadfast, and as they see that, they shall come unto me, desiring the same thing that you have. It is an hour to let my light shine through you like never before. Be not afraid to open your mouth when I speak to you to share with others my word and what is taking place and happening. For the harvest is ripe, it is ready, it is ready now. Therefore, I say unto you, be open to my Spirit at all times that I may use you no matter where you are or what place you are in, I will use you. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your heart open to me; keep your mind focused upon me and my word. Know that it is a great time for my church, yes, it is a great time of harvest, it is a great time of blessings, but it is also a time where souls will come into the kingdom of God, and I need you, yes, I need you, vessels of honor to flow through. Therefore, I say unto you, be open to my Spirit at all times that I might flow through you.

Many travel the same road, but not all see the same thing, many see many beautiful things, find many treasures and walk in many victories, others see nothing. Let your eyes be open that you can see, let the Holy Ghost guide you, lead you, direct you, that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.

10-14-09 pm service

For my word shall not go out and return void, but it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, believe my word, let my word take first place in your heart, let my word always be first. Draw closer to me, for it is a dark and evil hour and many do not see or understand exactly where they are or the things that are going on. Be not blind, know my word, know what my word has said, for as I have said unto you time and time again, the hour is late, darkness has come upon the face of the earth. The only light is the light that comes from me, says your Father God, and as you walk upon that light, you walk in the victories that I have for you. If you are not walking in the light, then disaster, yes, disaster shall come nigh your dwelling. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, be all that I have said that you could be. Become that new creation, that new creature, all old things have passed away, pack them away and leave them packed away, saith your Father God. For you shall see the trouble tomorrow, you shall see the trouble the next day, you shall see the trouble the next day and it shall continually get worse until I come for my church. But if you are walking by my side, you shall be walking in the victories that I have for you, you shall be the overcomers, I shall supply for you, I shall take care of you, I shall strengthen you, I shall lift you up and truly you will giants in the land, giants that the enemy cannot stop, giants that shall be overcomers, walk by my side.

Let that river flow, saith the Lord and drink of that river, drink richly, drink, saith the Lord; oh that you might know me in a greater way, saith God. Let your drinking be continually, never stop drinking, saith the Lord, of my Spirit so that it might richly dwell in you. For I tell you, the light that I talk to you about and the word that I tell you about is it not my Spirit, saith God? So I say unto you, fill yourself up, fill yourself up, oh that you might be richly filled, saith God, oh that a flow would come from your mouth and from your heart that is of me, saith God and bring life to all those that are around you, saith God. Oh yes, saith the Lord, my Spirit enricheth you in ways that you know not, saith God. For all around you is light as you drink of me, saith God, oh yes, and I have called you to be a witness wherever you go, yes, saith the Lord, yes, use your mouth as an instrument, saith the Lord and speak on my behalf, allow me to use you.

With the natural eye one cannot see an evil spirit as he moves here and as he moves there or as he enters into someone to control them, but with the spiritual eye one can see into the spiritual realm and understand many things. Those that are able to enter into the spirit realm are the overcomers, those that shall be victorious, those that shall go forth and do all the things that I have told them to do. Therefore, I say unto you, press into that realm, press into that realm, for the evil that is here shall be one of evil spirits, demons and even the devil moving here and moving there.

10-11-09 am service

Let your hearts be open, let your spiritual ears hear and listen carefully, for many things are taking place right now, many of the things that my word has told you are coming to pass, many do not see it yet. The world walks in confusion, there are those countries that desire their own monetary system to choke out others, and then there are those that desire a world monetary system, and the world monitory system will be the one that wins out, my word calls it the mark of the beast, you shall see that very soon now. Let your hearts listen, you shall see countries that have prepared for war, that have the nuclear power to do the things that they desire to do and yet focus is on Iran, be not deceived, be not fooled, be not tricked. Beware of the global warming, the lack of food, for truly there is a famine worldwide and many know that not. But I say unto you, you are not of this kingdom, you are of my world, and therefore I, your Father God, shall take care of you. I shall supply for you, I will protect you, you need not worry concerning the things that are coming, but yet you need to know what they are and that they shall come, that you cannot pray them off, you cannot turn them back. For my word has declared that they shall come and the end is drawing close, but yet there is a lot of work to be done in my kingdom. Prepare your hearts to be used, prepare your lives to be blessed in ways you have never been blessed before, prepare. For truly I, your Father God, am doing a mighty work also in my kingdom and my people are being blessed, they are being empowered, they are being strengthened, and they shall walk in the fullness of the things that I have said unto them. Walk ye therefore.

It is not the hour to walk in fear, for my children should only, yes, should only fear me, the reverent holy kind of fear. They should not be afraid of what is going to take place in the world because truly they know that I am their God and I am their Father and I will fulfill my word unto them. I will carry them through even as I carried my children the Israelites through. I shall carry you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, walk not in fear, but rather be ye holy as I am holy, make your vessels pure before me, get into my word like never before. Run the race as I have said, for oh, the prize at the end is oh so great. Therefore, I say unto you, fear me like never before, fear not the things that are coming in the world and that shall take place, but I say unto you, have that reverence, have that holy fear before me, for truly I am moving in a great and powerful way. Therefore, I say unto you, cleanse your vessels, make them clean, be those whom I can flow and use in this hour, in this time.

Blessings, strength, power shall be multiplied unto you, wisdom and knowledge shall flow through your being, my words shall come out of your mouth, yea and I shall move mightily to fulfill the words that I give unto you to speak unto others. And you shall see miracles, you shall see healings, you shall see deliverance and you shall see souls come into the kingdom of God.

I say, grow, grow, grow, eat the food that I have for you, for is it not my word and the blend of my Spirit? That combination will cause you to grow ten times faster than normal. So I say, eat the food that I have for you and grow, grow, grow.

10-11-09 pm service

For truly I love you with an everlasting love, all my desire is to bless you, prosper you, to cause you to be everything that I desire you to be, for the time is short and the hour is late, but walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For even though the world knows not what to do, they know not where to look, they know not where to seek their help from, but you know, for you are of my kingdom. And I, your Father God, shall provide for you, I shall take care of you; I shall keep you in safety that the things that are coming upon the face of the earth shall not come upon you. No sickness, disease or pestilence shall enter your dwelling, you shall walk in the blessings, you shall walk in the promises, you shall walk as warriors and you shall be overcomers. So continue to draw closer regardless of what the world does, press in; press in, for I have much for you.

Oh, the treasures that shall be found by those who truly seek me, who seek my face, who seek my word, they shall find treasures. I have said in this hour and this time, many, many things have been hidden from my people and yet it is that time for them to be revealed. And as you go to my word, open unto my Spirit, I shall reveal these things unto you. You shall get new insights into things you have never seen before and yet they have always been there. Seek me like never before, for those who seek me they shall find great treasures. Read and study and know my word, for my word shall carry you through these days ahead, it shall sustain you. Therefore, I say unto you, oh, get into my word like never before; know what my word says you are. For I have made you the overcomer, I have made you the victorious one; I have made you more than a conqueror. Therefore, I say unto you, it is time to rise up and to walk, yes, to walk as heirs to the throne, children, yes, children of the Almighty, it is time for you to rise up and to walk, yes, to walk in all that I have called you to walk in.

Many look for the pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, many look for happiness, many look for many things, but they do not find them. For they have not found me first, and because they have not found me, they cannot walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for them, but you have found me. And therefore, I say unto you, rise up, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, don’t draw back, don’t look elsewhere, for you will not find it there, but look unto me, for I, your Father God, shall bless you.

10-7-09 pm service

For my word is truth, when I speak my word, when I send my word forth, it comes to pass. Many may doubt and many may not agree, but they shall be the ones that will not receive, but those that believe, those that walk with me, shall walk in the victories that I have for them. They shall be the overcomers, they shall know and their hearts shall grow and grow and faith shall become a powerful thing in their life, that faith that they need for these last hours. For truly it is the last hour, it is that time, saith your Father God, for the change took place, remember, or have you forgotten so quick the change took place. Therefore, look to the things I have said, stand on the promises that I have given, do not waver, do not doubt, do not back off, but press into the fullness of all that I have for you. For the world shall become even darker than it is right now, for many prepare for war. You have been sold out far greater than you even realize yet. Oh, the change that the world has is for the worse and it is going to get worse and worse and worse. The economy is going to go back down, the stock markets will fall again, for I have told you these things, I have spoken loud and clear. But many times my people do not believe and they play their own game of Russian roulette and in the end they lose. Russia prepares for war, Cuba prepares for war, China prepares for war, Iran prepares for war and even the United States is thinking of going to war in Pakistan. Oh, I say unto you, can you not see the signs on the wall; can you not see the things that are taking place? Because they change some names it fools you, but if you were walking in the spiritual realm, it would not fool you, you would see it quickly and understand and you would know what to avoid and what to stay away from and what not to do, but many do not know these things. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, press in, do you know what that means? Press in, come closer, come closer, know my voice, do not follow the other voice, but know my voice and walk with me. For darkness has come upon the face of the earth and it is getting darker and darker.

For I tell you, worthy is my name, saith the Lord and all that I have called you to do is a worthy cause, saith God. Keep your heart focused, yes, your eyes focused upon the goal. Do not allow your heart to wander in this time at all, saith God. But as you press into me, I say, look unto me the author and finisher of your faith. For it is there, saith God, you have received power to overcome all, you have power over sin, yes, you have power over death and you have power over darkness. Worthy is my name, saith the Lord, worth is my name.

Listen, open your ears, hear very clearly the things that I shall say to you, listen carefully, do not miss these words, but take them to heart and know them. Beware of the SBR; know what it means, watch it. Do not come into agreement with it, do not come under contract to it, do not sign for it, for it is only a new word of an old word that you call 666.

10-4-09 am service

Let your hearts be filled with great enjoyment, let my joy fill it to overflowing, for I am doing a mighty work on your behalf. I am moving powerfully even though the world walks in darkness yet my people walk in the light, they know and they see and they understand the things that are going on in the world. They know the time is running out and yet they know of revival that I have spoken about and they see it, they see it, for it is coming, it is coming with power, it is coming with a great anointing, it is coming in a great way. So fear not the things of the world, fear not those things that are taking place in the world, but understand they must come, but with them comes my protection, with them comes my joy, with them comes my strength, with them comes my power to protect you and keep you safe, to watch over you, to lift you up, to anoint you in a special way. So fear not the things of the world, you are not of the world, but walk according to my word.

For when you truly know me, you know my word and you know the promises that I have given to you to walk victoriously in this hour. It is not a time to go about in your own strength, in your own ability, for that will get you nowhere. But you need to go in my strength, my ability, for I have given unto you all that you need to truly walk victoriously in this hour. Know that it is an hour to draw ever so close to me, for those who know me, those who know me like they know me, oh, their heart, their heart is filled with great joy because they know that my soon coming is drawing nigh, and oh, the great things they know that I have in store for this hour and this time. It is a time to draw close like you have never drawn close before, get into my word, know what I have said concerning the end times and what shall take place. Know that my word says, I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I am here with you to the very end. Therefore, fear not when you hear things take place in the world, but I say unto you, allow my peace which passes all understanding rule and guard your heart.

Prepare your heart, remember the things that I have spoken to you concerning this day, saith your Father God. Be likened unto the widow woman whose sons were ready to go into bondage, for truly the world is ready to go into bondage. But I say unto you, bring your vessels, bring your vessels, bring your vessels, not a few, but bring your vessels, bring your vessels and see what I, your Father God, shall do.

For I say unto you, my winnowing fan is in my hand and I am blowing upon my flames, says God.

10-4-09 pm service

Let your hearts be in tune with me, let your ears hear the things that I, your Father God, have purposed in your heart to listen to, be watchful, beware, take heed in the words that I say, for truly they are mighty words, they are powerful words, they are words that shall cause you to rise up and walk in the newness that I have, the change that I have for my church. For it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God, yes, truly it is that hour and it is that time and it is a very narrow line, you can receive it or you can miss it. Let not distractions trouble your heart nor cause you to get out of tune with me, but walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly I have some powerful things. For you can see the troubles that are in the world, you can see the things that are going on in the world and you should know without a doubt that the end is creeping closer and closer and closer. Believe not the lies that the government gives, believe not the lies that the false prophets give, believe not the lies that the lying church gives, but search my word and know my word. Know my voice, understand my voice, and walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly you shall be blessed. Keep your ears open, keep your hearts open, prepare yourself to press in to the things that I have for you.

It is the hour when my Spirit is moving mightily; it is the hour when my people are open to me like never before, where they bring their vessels and fill them to overflowing that they may walk in the power and authority that I have given unto them. Oh, the fire of my Spirit that is moving across the land, even right now, even tonight. Oh, the things that I have in store for those who walk with me and hear my voice, for my mighty hand is moving and the breath of my Spirit is being breathed upon my people. Oh, and the fire that is burning bright within their soul, it shall only get brighter and brighter and burn hotter and hotter until I come. It is the hour of my Spirit, and oh, the power of the anointing that is being poured out, the power of my Spirit, for I am moving in great and mighty ways. Allow the wind of my Spirit to blow upon you, allow that fire to burn up the chaff and allow my Spirit to burn within you like never before. For those around you shall see the fire and they shall notice a change, for have not I said change is here for my people, change is here now. Therefore I say unto you, allow yourself to be engulfed in my Spirit, allow yourself to be enflamed with those flames, the flame of my Spirit that shall bring great power and anointing into your life. Receive ye this night, receive ye this night the wind of my Spirit that you can walk out of here in my power, that you can walk out of here in might, for you will have been filled to overflowing. Therefore, I say unto you, open your vessels as I have said and be filled with that, be filled with the wind, oh, be filled with my wind, the wind of my fire that is filled with my Spirit, be filled with my wind.

For it is time, says the Lord, it is time for the miracles and the healings to flow from my altar like never before. It is a time spoken of in old were miracles, healings, deliverance, is commonplace in every service, says the Lord, it is time, says the Lord.

For those who receive the wind of my Spirit will burst through the lines of the enemy, for nothing shall be able to stop them. But those who have not received have not received that power, that fire burning within them will be stopped. But those that receive that anointing and that fire will burst through the lines that the enemy tries to put up to stop them and nothing shall stop them.

Drink deeply, drink deeply, for you cannot receive if you drink not, allow that wind to blow upon you now, allow the Spirit to flow freely. Stand before my presence and allow me to do an operation upon you that I can remove the old and implant the new, that I can charge your batteries that the power of the Holy Ghost shall flow through you.

This is not that which my Jewish people received on the day of Pentecost, for they were open in one accord, and when they entered in that one accord, I poured out my Spirit upon them, the winds blew, the fire fell. Let that fire fall, for this is that I spoke to you about, this is that I said I would pour out my Spirit in the last days without measure. That I would pour it out upon your sons and your daughters that they would prophesy, that they would see dreams, that they would see visions, that they would flow in the supernatural three times far greater than that on the day of Pentecost. Therefore, I have said unto you, Shalom, Shalom, Shalom, know my word, saith your Father God, know my word unto you, come I say, come and drink, drink, drink.

9-30-09 pm service

Let your eyes be set fast upon me and upon my word and upon my promises, know the things that I have spoken to you about, know what my word says. Let there be an understanding that I may work a mighty work through you, that I may do great and mighty things, that I might exalt you high above others. Fear not the world nor the things that are going on in the world, for I have warned you of the earthquakes, I have warned you of the tsunamis, I have warned you of the floods and the mudslides and the forest fires and the drought and the famine and the global warming. I have warned you about the wars, I have warned you about Iran, I have warned you about China and Russia, I have spoken these things unto you that you might know. Fear not the swine flu, for it is nothing, saith your Father God, for in the name of Jesus, that name above every name, its knee has to bow. Walk in the fullness of my love, walk in the fullness of my power, walk as I have called you to walk.

For I say unto you, in the name of Jesus, every demon must jump aside, saith the Lord. For indeed I tell you that the devil is cruising in the losing lane, and I have you my people on the highway of victory, the high road, the fast road of heaven, saith God. For it is you faith that speeds up your victory on all sides and it is my light that shineth in the darkness for you, for you see the obstacles ahead and know how to avoid them. But it is a time, saith the Lord, to know my word like never before, for I tell you the adversary has many tricks, but if you know my word, saith God, you will be able to avoid the obstacles and continue to cruise in the lane of victory. Do not forget, my children, that I have given you power, yes, firepower.

Prepare your hearts, make yourself ready, saith your Father, make yourself ready, for a great change is coming, a great change. And I say unto you, personally, to bring those who are open, to bring those who are ready to receive, to bring them. Do not bring the false, listen carefully, do not bring the false, do not bring those who desire nothing. But I say unto you this coming Sunday night, bring those, bring those that are open, bring them. Do not set back idle, do not come empty handed, but come and bring them with you.

With change comes a great responsibility, a responsibility to hear clearly, a responsibility to walk in the spirit realm, a responsibility to be faithful and to carry out the things that I tell you to do. Yes, truly with change comes responsibility.

9-27-09 am service

It is an hour that you must walk very closely by my side; do not stay a far off, stay in my word. Let your spiritual ears be open that you may hear and comprehend the things that I shall say unto you. For things are developing, things are coming to pass that most do not even know, for they are not looking. They are not even reading what I have said, therefore, they know not the things that are coming, they have not prepared for them, they are unadvised, they are walking in darkness. But I say unto you, walk in the light, walk in the light, hear what I am saying and understand how Russia is ready to move, how China is ready to move, how Iran is ready to move, even know the new President of the Palestine nation, know these things. For the wise shall walk in victory, the wise shall be overcomers, those that are not wise shall always be seeking for help, they will always be crying out, for they know not the things that are coming. But you can be ready, you can be victorious, you can be the overcomers, if you will walk by my side, if you will hear my voice and know my voice. Don’t follow the voice of the enemy, don’t follow that voice, but follow my voice, know my word, for everything that I speak to you shall line up with my word. If it does not line up with my word it is not of me, know; know the things that I have said to you. Walk in the great victory, there is a great victory that is going on right now, saith your Father God. I am moving mightily on the behalf of my people, I am blessing them, I am blessing them and they are walking in those blessings. Walk ye also in the blessings that I have for you.

Do not fear the days that are ahead of you, but I say unto you, rather rejoice, rejoice knowing that I am coming soon. Rejoice knowing that you shall see my glory in the fullest extent. Know my children the great days that are ahead for those who walk with me, for those who know my word, for those who are following after me and doing what I have called them to do. Oh, it is a great hour for them, a great hour of blessings as I have said. Press in, for it takes faithfulness, it takes dedication, it takes commitment unto me. Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word has said concerning this hour and this time, know that those who run the race to win shall be the ones who receive the fullness of my blessings, those who do not go to the right nor to the left, those that keep their eyes upon the prize, they shall receive all that I have for them. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, know that this is a great hour, this is a great time and I do have great things in store for those who walk with me.

For the gap in the road is getting wider and wider, walk on the path that I have set before you. For if you walk on the other path, you draw yourself farther and farther and farther away from me. Walk on the path that I have given unto you, for there is light on that path, and as you walk on that path you walk in the victories that I have laid out in my word, you become the overcomer that I said you could be, the super men and woman of today that are able to clothe themselves in my power and go forth and do the things that I have said that they could do. Walk on my path; don’t walk on the other path, for that leads to destruction.

9-27-09 pm service

Let your ears be open, let your spiritual sight be clear, let my word ring loud and clear within your spiritman that you know what my word says, that you can foresee and understand the things that are taking place right now. It is a dark hour for the world, a very dark hour and it shall continue to get darker. Do not believe their lies that it shall get better, for it shall not get better until the antichrist takes over, but then it will get real bad. But listen to my word and follow my word, understand the things that are written therein, understand the signs that are clearly being seen throughout all the world, understand what is going on. Know these things that you can warn others, that you can tell them how to walk in the blessings that I have for you, that you can tell them how to be victors and overcomers, how they can walk even as Jesus walked while here on the earth. Tell them, for as you tell them my love they shall come into the fold. Walk by my side, walk by my side, know my word.

Let my peace guard your heart in this hour and this time, for the things of the world are only going to get darker, but I say unto you, I have given unto you my peace. Therefore, walk not in fear or worry, but I say unto you, walk in the peace, which passes all understanding, which I have given unto you. Know that I am here for you and will take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, do not get off to the right or to the left, but know, know the path that I have set before you and walk ye therein. That you can truly walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have, that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Know that this is a victorious hour and a victorious time for my church, it is not a time for them to walk in fear or defeat, but I say unto you, it is an hour to know my peace and to walk in my peace and to walk in the blessings that I have.

For the wise look in my word, for the wise grow spiritually, for the wise are blessed coming in and going out even as you can be, saith your Father God. For as you walk with me, I open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you do not have room to contain it. Walk by my side.

9-23-09 pm service

Turn up your light, turn up your light, let your light be seen before men, let my works be seen before men, let my word go out and bring back those things that you have desire of. For the world is looking for answers, the world knows not which way to turn, for even though they say all is well, yet they know all is not well. Beware of the talks of the global warming, for they shall not come out good, saith your Father God; beware of the monetary talks and the peace talk which shall follow these. For the things that they desire to do are not the things that I desire to do, and yet many of those things shall go through. Let my word be heard, let my name be glorified, let my strength and my power flow through you like never before, let there be signs and wonders that the world can see. But give not answers, allow them to see, allow them to question, but allow them to grow a desire to press into the place where then they know and then they understand and then they shall see more. Do not carry them, for it is not an hour any longer to carry those that should be able to walk by now. Carry the new babe, carry the new babe, press in closer, much, much, much more closer, press in, for I have a great and a mighty and a powerful work that I desire to do.

Be ready for all that shall take place, for all that is yet ahead to come. Do not say Lord how is there enough time to do all that you have promised? Do you not know that I am a faithful God; will I not do all that I have said? Therefore, I say unto you, do your part, press in like never before, seek my face, get before me, know where you stand when you come before me. Know the positions I have given unto you, and rise up and be, yes, rise up and be those vessels that I have called you to be for this hour and this time. Think not how is this all going to get done Lord, but prepare yourselves, make yourself ready to be used by me, that I might flow through you and that I might do a great work in this hour and this time. For did not I say that I would use you even though you are few, oh, you shall multiply to many. Therefore, I say unto you, look not in numbers, but I say unto you, know that I am the God who does what I have promised, I am faithful. Be there faithful unto me and press in, as I have said, seek me like never before, get before me, spend time before me getting yourself ready that you, you are prepared for this hour and this time, you are prepared for ministry, you are prepared for the reaching out that will need to take place.

For miracles are not supernatural if you are walking in the spirit realm they become part of the realm that you are walking in. They are supernatural to those that do not know me, that do not understand my word, that do not understand my promises. For many are declaring many things even in this next month to come, they are calling for doomsday, but doomsday shall not come, neither shall their prayers be heard, neither shall they be answered, for they have not called out to me. For the God that they follow is not me, for they need to wake up and realize exactly where they are. And as they wake up and as they press in, then I, your Father God, shall move mightily on their behalf.

9-20-09 am service

For it is an hour and a day of great blessings, it is an hour when my people are receiving my anointing in a way that they have never received it before, it is an hour of great things for the church, a time of great joy, a time of peace. But not so for the world, saith your Father God, for they walk in confusion, they know not which way to go, they do not counsel with me, they do not seek my advice, but they turn unto the world and unto man and they come away more confused than when they entered in. But not so for you, for I am here for you, saith your Father God, I am willing to move mightily on your behalf, I am willing to meet every single need that you have. There is not one need that is too big, there is not one need that is too small, for I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise, and yea, I will fulfill my word, for I watch over my word to fulfill it. Walk very closely by my side, enter into the things that I have for you, walk in those blessings.

Those that know me, your Father and your God, they shall be mighty and they shall do great exploits. Does not my word declare this unto you, are you not my children? Oh, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, know me like you have never known me before, it is an hour to draw close unto me, to know what my word declares, for you who know me, you shall be mighty and do great exploits. Know my word and walk in the abundance of my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of the promises I have given unto you. For I have given unto you many promises, yet my church tends not to walk in them because they know not my word. Know my word like never before that you can truly walk in the blessings, that you can walk in the fullness of those promises that I have given unto you that you can be victorious in this hour and this time.

Do not allow the cares or the fears of the world to overcome you, for I have not given unto you fear, that is not of me, saith your Father God, but I have given unto you a strong mind, I have given unto you faith, I have given unto you the ability to rise above these circumstances, to walk, to walk safely in the realm that I, your Father, have given unto you. For I will care for you, I will provide for you, I will take you through this time in great victory. Walk very closely by my side, enter into that place of rest, allow me to meet your needs.

For I say unto you, search no longer for you are in a safe place; search no longer, saith the Lord.

9-20-09 pm service

Beware of the lies, beware of the deceit, beware of the trickery, for if you are not walking in my word then you are walking in all of these, for you see not the things that are taking place, neither do you know the hour nor the time. Russia is building up mass arms preparing to move. China also has built arms and is ready to move. Very quickly now the peace treaty shall be signed even though your President does not want that, for he would like for them to remove Iran, but they will not do that, saith your Father God. Beware of the monetary system; it is only days away not years, not years, not months, but days, saith your Father God. Preparations are being made, and when they meet with this big global meeting that they are going to have, the pressure will be on. Watch the weather, watch the tornadoes that shall yet come, watch and see. But fear not, for you shall be in a good place for the winter months, saith your Father, not like some. Prepare yourself; prepare yourself that you are ready for the multitudes that shall come in. For if you cannot handle the demons now, what shall you do then? If you are not aware of where they are or who they are, how can you minister in the way that I need you to minister? When the blind come, will they receive their miracles? When the lame and the deaf come, will they receive? Make yourself ready, allow me to fill you to overflowing, allow me to do all that I have said I shall do. For the days are very short, even like winter weather when darkness comes so quickly, it is likened unto that, saith your Father God, it shall come quickly.

Know the seriousness of the hour that you are living in, for many do not take serious the things that I speak unto them, nor do they heed my warnings and great destruction shall come upon them. Because they do not listen to me, because they listen not unto my promptings, because they listen not unto my words unto them, their ears have become dull and they have turned away. Woe unto them, for destruction shall come upon them like they have never seen before. It is an hour to truly listen to my voice, to know me like never before, that when I speak you, quickly do the things I have told you to do that it doesn’t take weeks or months, but it is that very same hour that you listen and harken unto my voice. Oh, my children, it is an hour to draw close like never before, it is an hour not to fear the things of the world, but it is an hour to take charge and to become all that I have said that you are. For you are the overcomer, you are the mighty ones, you are the conquerors, rise up and take your positions, as I have given unto you that power and authority. The enemy does not have that power and authority over you because I have already conquered him and I have given unto you all power and authority. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up like never before, assume your positions that I have given unto you, the positions in my army, to march forward in might and power knowing that I have already made the way for you. Follow after me and my words, follow my way, for my way is the best and the only way. It is filled with great blessings, it is filled with peace, it is filled with all that you need. Therefore, walk with me like never before, walk with me, for truly, you will not be disappointed when you put your trust in me, no, you will be filled to overflowing.

Have you learned from my website this week, saith your Father? Did you take note, did you learn, are these not the days of Ananias and Sapphira, are they not the days of Saul of Tarsus, are these not days liken unto them? Know my word, for when you know not my word, when you know not what I have said, you open doors to great destruction and destruction shall come quickly. But when you are walking with me, then you walk in victory.

9-16-09 pm service

Isn’t it an exciting hour, are not the things that I am now doing a blessing, do they not uplift you, encourage you, do they wake you up out of your slumber, out of you sleep, that you can see my mighty hand, that you can see and understand how easy it is for me? Or have you got so wrapped up in the world that the pressure of the world has you down, has you walking in darkness, not able to see the light at the end of the tunnel? Oh, I say unto you, I am able, yes, I am more than able, I can do above and beyond all that I say. I delight in moving on your behalf, I delight in knowing that your heart is blessed, that your heart is filled, that you are walking, oh, that you are walking in the blessings that I have given unto you. That your eyes are not upon the world and the problems of the world, for the world has many problems, they know not where to turn for their answers. But you know where to turn, for when you turn to me I answer you, when you call upon me I shall be found, but they know not who to call upon, they know not who to ask, and therefore, darkness gets darker and darker and darker and the load that they are carrying gets heavier and heavier and heavier and yet they try to tell you that everything is ok. No, it is not, no, it is not, they are only fooling you, they are only deceiving you and all the time they plan a new monetary system. Watch the weather all over, watch the tornadoes, watch the flooding, the earthquakes, the drought, the cold areas that are unseasonably cold, but also those that are unseasonably hot. Keep your eyes upon all the things that are going on, then search my word, for as you search my word I shall show you, I shall show you these things. I shall show you the time and the hour that you may know in your heart, that you may walk in the victories that I have for you. How many more victories, how many more miracles will it take to wake everyone up? They shall come, oh, they shall come, they shall come like a flood, they shall flood in until you stand back and say, wow, wow, what is going on? Revival, saith your Father God, revival is going on, yes and I am moving in a mighty way, I am moving in a powerful way, I am moving in a way that man has not seen in years and yet I am moving. So draw closer to me, come closer, come closer, come closer that I may do a work in your life, that shall lift you to heights you have never been, that shall bless you such as you have never been blessed.

Oh, that your heart would be full of reverence like never before

even for my name, saith the Lord, let reverence come unto me, saith God and to know my word like you have never known before that you might reverence me, saith God. For, yea, you have seen the works and you have seen my power, saith God, but oh, I say reverence me. Yes, you have heard my word speak unto you that I would use you, but oh, I say, reverence me, honor me above all, saith the Lord. Oh, that I would be glorified in my people that I might do a mightier work yet, saith God. Oh, the plans that I have for you my children are abundant and full, saith God. Oh, how I desire to pour out more and more for you, saith God. Oh, fear me, saith the Lord, with all your heart, know my word, hear my voice.

Let me birth that excitement within you once again. Have you lost your excitement, ask me, I will restore it; I will put that excitement back in your heart again.

9-13-09 am service

For my word is sharp, sharper than any two-edged sword, yea, when you open your mouth and speak my word it goes out, yea and it does not return void, but it does those things that it has been sent forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the things that have come upon the face of the earth, or the things that shall yet come, but walk by my side, trust me, know that I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. Know that you are the overcomers, that you are not of this world, but you are of my kingdom and I am your God. Watch my word, watch my word, watch my word, walk in my word, know my word, understand my word, for not all know my word, not all walk in my word, not all understand my word. For even in the very beginning, saith your Father God, I had me a man, yes, his name was Abraham, and then I had me a man and his name was Moses, yea, and I had a man and his name was Joshua, and I had a man and his name was Isaiah, yes, and Ezekiel, yes, I had John, I had Paul, I had a man. And I have always had those, saith your Father God, that shall walk even as my Son, Jesus, walked that shall minister even as my Son, Jesus, ministered. And they shall open their mouths, yea and my words shall come forth and the world shall know, the world shall see, the world shall understand, for I am the Lord thy God I change not, I have never changed, but man has changed, but I have not changed, saith your Father God. Therefore, walk according to my word, trust my word, lean upon my word, know my word. For as you know my word then you walk in the victories that I have already given unto you. Yea, the things of the world cannot come upon you, they cannot enter your dwellings, for you have the power, you have the anointing, you have the ability. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up this day, saith your Father God, rise up to that place of heirs, heirs to the throne of God, rise up, I say unto you, and fear not, fear not the devil, fear not his demons, fear not the things he is trying to do, for I, your Father God, shall give you the victory.

For truly it is a time and an hour for my people, who I have called, to stand up and take their positions in my army until I come and return for my church, says the Lord. For there is a great work to be done and I need my workers, my chosen, my people to do the things which I have called them. So rise up, rise up this day, step into the positions that I have called you to, says the Lord.

For it is I who gives you the power, it is I who have given you the strength, walk not in your own ability, for you shall surely fall. But I say unto you, walk in my strength, walk in my power, walk in the anointing that I have given unto you. For when you walk with me, when you walk in my word, you shall be those giants that shall conquer the land. Therefore, I say unto you, grab hold of my word like never before, run with me like never before, run with my word, for as my word flows out of your mouth, it flows out even as a mighty fire quenching in front and the enemy cannot stand. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, walk with me, oh, know my word, speak forth my word and be those giants that I have said you are.

Allow not this hour to trouble your heart, allow it not to bring fear unto you, for I have not given unto you the spirit of fear, but I have given unto you power, I have made you my heirs, I have given you my anointing, I have placed upon you my calling. And I, your Father God, go before you, yea, the Holy Ghost goes before you and makes a way, a light upon the path that you walk. So fear not the things that you see in the world, fear not the things that you hear, for man is not in control, I, your Father God, am in control and I shall do as my word has said and I shall bring a great victory and you shall walk in that victory.

I have given you spiritual gifts and My power, and an increasing understanding of My Word and My kingdom, but the greatest weapon that you have been given is that Father’s Love. As long as you walk in My Father’s Love, you will never fail. The fruit of this tree is the Father’s Love which is manifested in Me. This Love which is in Me must be your daily bread. You have tasted of the heavenly realm. Now that you have the heart of a true worshiper, you will always want to be here. The more focused you are on Me, the more glory that will now come, regardless of what is happening in the world. Peace and power will be found here. Your marching orders will be found here. Many claim to be where you are, but they know not the truth, nor have they come and received what is flowing from under your altars, nor the Spirit that fills this place as you have. The worldly prophets do not even speak 70% truth, nor call 50% of the things to pass. They are like their Father the devil and know only what has happened and not what shall happen. Yet my people listen to them, follow them and support their fleshly moves. But those who have been in My presence have been touched and flow in the true gifts that I have poured out upon them as they wait before My altar and I fill them anew over and over. As I give them their marching orders and as they go and carry them out. From this day, Hear me! From this day on, it shall be far greater, more powerful, and you will not want to leave, but go in My words and My power and My anointing and do the work I send you forth to do.

9-13-09 pm service

Be not fearful of the things that you see, be not fearful of the things that you hear, but look through my word and you shall see these things, for I have foretold you that you would see these signs, that they would tell you that the end is very close. So as you hear the things do not allow them to trouble your heart, you are not of this kingdom, you are of my kingdom, you’re my ambassadors, for I have called you and I know you, walk with me, walk by my side. Fear not the tornadoes, fear not the drought, fear not the global warming, fear not what the enemies are doing, they are building up for war, they are preparing for war. They are moving into the schools to put forth their own agenda even more than they ever have before, don’t allow these things to trouble your heart, for you know my word. Fear not the high cost of food, nor the cost of gas, nor the economy as a whole, fear not the winter that is ahead, but allow me, your Father God, to take you through this time victoriously. Allow my word to show you the path to walk upon, for my word is a light, therefore, walk in that light, for as you walk in that light, you shall walk in that victory that I have already given unto you. Allow not these other things to trouble your heart, but realize they must come, for it is that time, it is that season, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you.

Am I not your God, am I not your Lord, then why worry or fret, for will I not do all that I have promised, will I not do all that I have said? For I change not, neither does my word change, it is the same everyday even as it was yesterday, even as I delivered the three Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace, will I not do that for you in this time, in this hour? It is an hour where my children need to really believe and trust in me, where I am their all in all, no matter what the world calls them to do, they need to follow my marching orders, they need to follow after my ways and my word. For when they walk with me, deliverance, deliverance comes to them. Know my children a very important key; it is not an hour to bow to the ways of the world, but it is an hour to walk with me like you have never walked with me before, drawing ever so close to me that you can hear my very heartbeat, that you hear my whisper when I whisper unto you. When I speak unto you, you know it is my voice above and beyond any shadow of doubt and you follow after me. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour to walk close; it is an hour to draw nigh. Therefore, I say unto you, hear my cry, harken unto my words and come unto me, for oh, the joy, oh, the joy that shall fill your heart in this hour as you truly walk with me, as you know me as your Lord and as your God, for I will supply and I will provide for you.

Receive your counsel from me; receive your counsel from my word, for man knows not the things of the spirit. But I know those things, saith your Father God, yea, and I can lead you, I can guide you, I can direct you, I can cause you to walk in the path of victory, I can make you the overcomer. I can heal and deliver and set free, I can take care of your financial burdens, look to my counsel, seek my face, call upon my name. For in the day that you call upon my name with all your heart, I shall answer you.

9-9-09 pm service

Let your ears listen carefully that you can hear and understand what the Spirit has to say to the church. Listen, let not your mind wander this way or that way, but hear, hear, for many things are happening, many things are going to take place this month that I have told you about. Watch, watch as they push for the world monetary system, watch as China prepares for war, watch as Russia prepares for war, watch Iran, for she is farther down the road than she is allowing people to know. Listen carefully to what they say about the economy because they are not telling you the truth, it is not as stable as they say that it is, they are too far in debt and they continue to go into debt and this will not lead them out, but it will lead them to the place that they are bankrupt, totally broke. The world knows this, the world is watching. Summer is not over yet. Prepare yourself for the things that I shall do, make yourself ready, walk very closely by my side. Listen carefully to my voice that you may follow and do the things that I have said. Beware of the false prophets, beware of them, listen not to them, but hear what I have to say.

For these are the days, saith the Lord, of great faith and not of fear, saith the Lord. These are the days of great power and not weakness, saith God. These are the days of great provision and not poor, saith the Lord. Let your faith rise now, saith God, to a newer level, for I have given you that power and I have comforted your heart. Do not fret, do not fear, but be prepared to hear the whisper of the Lord, be prepared to hear the voice of God, set that time aside, saith the Lord, to hear my voice.

Lean not unto your own understanding, neither seek counsel or ask for prayer from those that are worldly and know not my word. Listen carefully to what my word says, for you are not looking at my word, you are going astray. Therefore, I call unto you, repent, turn about, come back quickly, for the hole that you will fall in is a deep hole, it is a deep pit.

9-6-09 am service

Let your eyes be upon me, watch far more closely than you are watching, let your ears be open, know my voice, again and again and again, I say unto you, know my voice, hear my voice, follow after me and do the things that I, your Father God, tell you to do. For the days are very evil, things are taking place throughout the whole world that you know not of. And yet I know these things, saith your Father God, and I desire to tell you, I desire to show you these things that you see them, that you understand and know what is taking place. For a great change in the world took place, and because of that change, there have been many changes, none for the good, that have taken place. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully to the things that I say to you, watch, keep your eyes on Russia, watch China, watch China, for she is preparing for war like never before. Watch as the President goes to sign the peace treaty, watch Israel, for she may make her move before that takes place. Keep your eyes upon the monetary system, for you are being fooled by the experts that are saying the economy is well, it is not well, it is not well and you shall see this. The stock market is not stable and you shall see this. But listen, listen to the things I desire to say to you, listen carefully, then follow and do the things that I tell you, be obedient, be obedient, for truly the times ahead are even darker than the times are right now. But I will be a light upon the path that you walk, and I shall show you the way, and if you walk with me and by me, you will walk in the light, and if you walk, you will be victorious, you will be overcomers and you will not even know that you personally are going though rough times. Even though others, others will be crying out, you will be walking in joy, for you have walked with me.

For it is like a shadow, like a cloud that hangs over the whole world and many are walking in confusion, many are walking in darkness, many are stumbling, many are even leaving the church. For they see not the things that they think they should see, and yet they do not see the things that are taking place, and therefore, they become discouraged by the enemy. Be not fooled, be not unwise, watch carefully, stay in my word and read the things that I have already warned you about.

9-6-09 pm service

For it is a great hour, far greater than you realize, an hour of great blessings, an hour of great provisions, an hour that I am moving mightily on the behalf of my people. Even this night, saith your Father God, I shall meet needs, oh, I shall meet needs, I shall move in a mighty way and move upon those whose hearts are open. Oh, I say unto you, walk closely by my side, for in the world there is great trouble, in the world there is great disaster, in the world there are changes that have already taken place that you are not aware of, changes for the bad, changes for the worse. But not for my people, for you are not of this kingdom, yea and I shall prove that to you, I shall show that unto you. So draw close quickly, saith your Father, allow my Spirit to have total control, allow me to move and watch and see what I shall do.

Oh, the buildup of armies, oh, the buildup of weapons, oh, the buildup of missiles, can you see them preparing for war, can you see them making themselves ready? Are you on alert, are you listening, are you walking closely by my side, are you willing to follow my directions? Things shall happen, yea and in this very month I have told you, you shall see things. Beware of the peace treaty, beware of many things that are coming, be not fooled, be not tricked, do not receive them, but walk by my side.

For does not my word say, I will open the windows of heaven upon my people. Truly, you have seen those windows open, but I say, many times you have only seen it, just a small, small opening. But I say, I am about ready to open those windows wide open upon my people, and then, then you will really see and you say, wow Lord, these blessings are tremendous, these things your doing for us are great. Watch, look and see it come to pass.

Are you ready to receive all that I have for you? Can you contain all the joy, can you handle it?

9-2-09 pm service

Watch very carefully, keep your spiritual eyes open, keep your spiritual ears open, for many false prophets are operating in the land today. They are always telling you, didn’t I tell you, they are always trying to persuade you that what they have said is what they have said before and yet it is not what they said before and they carry no record of what they have said before. They are more than parrots, they are destroyers and they shall destroy all those that they possibly can to make themselves heard. Watch, watch the disaster that is taking place throughout the world, the earthquakes, the tidal waves, the floods, the drought, watch these things, for they are growing and growing and growing. Watch the global warming, for man is doing all they can or all they think to stop it, knowing not that my word says that it shall come to pass, for they try in their own selves to do things. Watch those that won’t give you an answer, stay clear of those that won’t give you an answer, be watchful, for things have changed now to a different time and a different zone and you need to be more in tune with my spirit than ever before. You need to hear clearly and be prepared to walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Don’t think the economy’s troubles are over, it is not getting better, for the jobs that are lost never shall come back and they continue to give jobs to those that are your enemies, this shall never happen. But I, your Father God, shall take care of you, I shall supply for you, I shall keep you safe, I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way. I can prosper you, I can prosper you, but you should be prospering even as your leaders prosper, if only your leaders are prospering and they are getting rich while you are getting poor, realize they are not of me, they are not of me. For I do not do things in the way that the world does things, I do not make phony claims that I cannot fulfill. Watch, for many of these things you shall see openly now even more so than you did in the past and realize, realize that I am moving, I am moving in my true churches, I am doing that that I said I would do and begin to walk in the fullness with me.

For my word does not change, saith the Lord, not from one day to the next, not one moment to the next, but my word is ever true and can be ever trusted and held to. For even as I told you, there are many false prophets speaking up, saith the Lord, it is true. Therefore, hold fast to my word and know that I am the Lord and I change not.

This shall be a month of great blessings for my people, again they shall see the supernatural move on their behalf and they shall be blessed. Oh, they shall prosper and they shall grow in leaps and bounds and my voice will be even clearer as they listen to it and as they follow it. It is an hour right now of great blessings, mark it down, watch it, you shall see it come to pass.

8-30-09 am service

For surly my mercy endureth forever, for I love my children with an everlasting love and I desire to bless them, to protect them, to keep them safe, to cause them to walk very closely by my side, that I may watch over them, that I may lead them along the path that they are to walk upon, that they go not astray. For you are living in the very end times, evil, evil, much evil is overcoming the earth. But fear not that evil, for I have watched you, I have protected you and I care for you. Continue to walk very closely by my side, fear not the tornadoes, fear not the hurricanes, nor the drought, nor the global warming, nor the high cost of food, or the lack of jobs. For I, your Father God, shall protect you, I shall care for you, I shall strengthen you, I shall make sure that you walk in victory. Walk very close by my side; walk closer than you have ever walked before.

For the way of the righteous is far higher than the way of the normal man, for they have my wisdom, they have my knowledge, they have my understanding. And when they hear my voice and know my voice and listen to my voice, they walk in a realm far higher than man can walk without knowing these things, without having the guidance that I, their Father God, give unto them. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, hear my voice, know my voice, for the days are very short.

For truly, I desire to be your shepherd that you would have no wants, that I might lead and guide you, that I might be your all in all. Will you let me be your shepherd, for I desire to be that?

8-30-09 pm service

Prepare your hearts, prepare them with my word, make yourself ready for the things that are about to take place. Run with me, don’t run ahead, don’t run behind, run with me, run with me, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon the promises that I have made unto you, listen, listen very carefully. For many things have already taken place that you are not aware of yet, but you soon shall know and see, many things that are not good have been slipped through while you have slumbered, while you have slept. Oh, I say unto you, walk by my side, listen to me, hear my voice, know my voice, for if you don’t know my voice how can you follow me? If you don’t know my word how can you follow it? Walk very closely by my side, for the days ahead are far darker, far darker than the days that you are walking in right now. The trouble that is ahead is far worse than what you are seeing at the moment, but if you are walking with me you shall go through it victoriously. You shall be the overcomers, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall walk in victory, but if you take not heed to the things that I have said, then the enemy shall overcome you.

Troops, troops, troops, many already here and many coming, disaster ahead, disaster ahead, listen, hear, know, understand, for truly I have warned you, I have talked to you, but many have gone their own way and have not listened. Now listen.

8-26-09 pm service

For my word is truth, yea and as you stand upon that truth, as you walk according to that truth you walk in great victory. When I speak you know that my word is true, you know it will not go out and return void, but it will do those things that I have sent it forth to do. Harken, listen, pay attention, for truly my word is coming to pass and many do not see it yet and many are asleep yet and many are so spiritually dead they do not discern the time. But I say unto you, wake up, for the hour is very late and many things shall come to pass. Hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, flooding, drought, global warming, high cost of living, more lost jobs, many, many things shall come to pass, things that will cause great problems throughout the whole world. But it will not cause any problems in my kingdom, nor should it cause any problems among my people. For I am able to take you through this time victoriously if you will walk with me, if you will listen to me, if you will put aside your doubts, put aside those things that trap you and cause you to go the wrong way, put them aside, for the hour is far later, far later than you realize.

For I search for a voice who will speak, saith the Lord, for my eyes are attentive, saith God, to those who know my word and believe my word. But I say unto you, I search for those who will speak for me, who will spread the word, who will warn others and tell them of my coming and at the same time tell them of the coming destruction. Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you, allow my boldness to fill you and be not afraid. Be not ashamed of my word, but speak it to all who will hear your voice, this is that time and this it that hour.

8-23-09 am service

If your spiritual eyes are open you will begin to see strange bed partners as the world begins to form the final countries that my word speaks about. You shall see things throughout the whole world now, it shall be very clear to the eye of those that know my word, that study my word, that live according to my word, that walk by my word, for truly it is that hour and it is that time. You shall see the things that Russia is doing, that China is doing, that Iran is doing, yes, even Pakistan and Libya, you shall see these things and understand the things that are going on in the world. There shall be a great, great shaking, a shaking, for the economy is not where they tell you it is, be not fooled, go not into debt, stay from debt, for many good opportunities will seem to appear suddenly, but be wise, be prudent. Watch for the food prices to continue to go up, watch as the gas price goes back up again, watch, keep your eyes open. Watch the wildfires, not only in this country, but that are burning in other countries uncontrollable. Watch the drought; watch the global warming, watch the signs in the skies, for all these things tell you exactly where you are and what is going on. They give you an inner assurance that I, your Father God, shall take you through this time in great victory, that you shall be the overcomers, that you shall be the victors, that you shall do the things that I, your Father God, tell you to do. It shall give you the faith to take the steps that you need to take now, because sitting still does not move you forward. But walk according to my word, walk according to my promises and truly you shall see the fulfillment of all that I have said.

Be alert, be armed with my word, know that this is an hour of great blessings for my church, yet know it is an hour of great darkness for the world. If you are not of this world, you are mine, therefore, the things of the world cannot touch you as long as you are walking with me, as long as you are listening to my voice and following after me. Oh, I say unto you, it is not an hour to sleep any longer, but it is an hour to be alert, it is an hour to be awake and to know the hour that you are living in, to know the times that you are living in, to know what shall take place that you are not caught off guard. Oh, I say unto you, be armed with my word, do not, do not be foolish and think you can dwell safely without being girded with my word daily. Do not be foolish, but I say unto you, be wise and get into my word and arm yourself daily that you can stand in this hour and this time.

Who is the blind man or blind woman that cannot see any farther than their nose, who sees not the blessings that I have laid before them, who enters not into the promises that I, their Father God, have given unto them? Who is that blind man, who is that blind woman, do they not know that it is not I that is holding them back, it is not I that is not blessing them, it is not I that is not prospering them, but they themselves see not nor look into the spirit realm or understand or walk according to my word.

Watch for the opportunities that shall soon be here. Not for the world, not for other places, but for you. For if you watch you shall be blessed above and beyond all that you think, all that you know, all that you understand. Draw not back from them, be not afraid of them, but step into the water that I might bless you.

8-23-09 pm service

Be not fearful, but let my word fill your heart, let my love comfort and strengthen you, for I desire to lift you up, I desire to take you under my arms and provide for you, care for you and keep you safe. Fear not the things that are coming upon the earth, fear them not, for it is that time my children. But keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, for as you walk in my word I move mightily on your behalf. I provide and take care of you, I meet every need that you bring before me, I dry every eye of the tears that are shed, and you know, you know in your heart that you are the victors, that we are the overcomers, that we shall be safe. For I, your Father God, shall take you through this time, yea and you shall walk in great victory.

Oh, the joy of being my children, the joy of being in my presence, oh, how my desire is for you to be filled to overflowing, that you do not go the same way you came, that you go filled to overflowing. Oh, it is such a great hour for my church, a great time. Walk not in fear, but I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have given unto you, walk in my word, walk in my ways. For truly I shall lead you and guide you in this hour, my word says I will not leave you nor forsake you. Know my word and stand upon my word, know that I am the everlasting God, I do not change and my word stands forever.

8-19-09 pm service

For I have called you my children to serve, for I have called you my people to serve, to know me in that service and to serve like no other time. For it is a time to serve, saith the Lord and to render your heart, your whole heart, holding nothing back, serve me now, saith the Lord, serve me with all your heart. Do the work that I have called you to do, hold nothing back, but serve me with a whole heart keeping your eyes upon me knowing this is the hour, this is the time, this is the last time, the last hour. Great is the Lord who has called you, great is the Lord who has called you, now serve me with all your heart, look for the opportunities, for they are many.

For I say unto you also, it is in the hour of adversity and the time of difficulty that I, the Lord, do my greatest work. Trust me with all your heart and know me in the deep recesses of your heart. For my children I love you with an everlasting love and my call unto you is with great joy because I love you so much, know my heart this hour. Though dangerous things you will see in this world and dangerous things you will hear about, but I say unto you, am I not your safe place in the midst of danger, am I not your fortress and your hiding place, am I not your rock and your high tower and did I not say that I would not leave you nor forsake you?

8-16-09 am service

Let not your heart be fearful, let not your mind be troubled, let your faith and your confidence be in me, your Father God. For I have said unto you, I shall do nothing, nothing, except I first reveal it to my prophets, not all are my prophets, I have told you this. In the days of old Elijah spoke and most of the other prophets knew not what was about to happen and yet he knew, he understood because I spoke with him face to face, he heard my voice, he knew and he understood. Listen carefully now, listen very carefully, I will not tell you this again, if you do not hear it now, saith your Father God, it shall lead you into trouble later. I will not do anything except I first reveal it to my true prophets; I will not do anything except they first tell you. So if you hear it by radio, if you hear it by TV, if you hear it by news, if you hear it by letter, even as my word has said in the book of Revelation, believe it not, I also spoke to you concerning this is Thessalonians. Listen carefully and pay attention, for you have entered into the very last days, it is not coming, it is here now, saith your Father God. I am not telling you the hour nor the day that I shall take my church out, but I have told you about August and today is the day that I have spoken to you about. Today is the day that things change and you need to change with those things. You need to put your total trust and confidence in me, you need to listen to the things that my word speaks unto you, you need to hear, hear what I am saying. For you shall walk in great victory while others fall into traps, you shall be the overcomers while others are destroyed, for they know not me, neither do they stand on my word. They have watered down my word, they have watered down my word, they have watered down my word until they have built unto themselves their own gospel. They take my money and they tell you it is seed to sow to get things, you get things because you have sowed unto me, you don’t get things because you have sowed to get things. Multitudes are starving to death in the cities of those that receive millions, millions, millions to keep themselves big and yet they give not unto my people. What does my word say concerning this? Does it not say that if you have given so much as a glass of cold water you shall be welcomed into the kingdom of God? You do not charge them, you do not make them pay a price to receive the things that I have freely given unto them, nor do you add to their blessings, they give because they love me, they give because they honor me, they give because their hearts are filled with my love, with my nature and my nature is a giving nature. Be not deceived by all these traps, be not deceived by all these things, for you shall see more with their hands held out begging unto you for money because they cannot remain on the air, they cannot keep their churches open. Why, they have allowed the false to come in, they have watered down my gospel, they preach another gospel, they do not tell the truth, the Spirit is not allowed to move, the gifts are not in operation. Change has come today, saith your Father God, not like your President says, and not the changes you have seen, but change has come, for you have entered into the very last days, you have entered into them. And many things shall come rapidly now, but fear not, for I shall warn you, I shall speak unto you, I shall show you these things before they come to pass. And if you are not hearing them from me, if you are not hearing them from your true prophets, do not believe the things that you are hearing. There are many parrots, there are many parrots, and they are trying to be the main parrot and they are not the main parrot, for I, your Father God, am the main speaker and my prophets speak only the things that I have said even as my Son, Jesus, only spoke the things that I have said. Wake up, wake up, shake yourself out of your sleep and realize the hour that you are in, realize it is not a fearful hour, it is not an hour to be in fear, for I have not given unto you the spirit of fear, but I have given unto you just the opposite. I have given unto you peace, I have given unto you a strong mind, I have given unto you encouragement, walk in my word, walk according to my word, do not allow the things of the world to trouble your hearts. Do not be scared, for things shall come to pass, but they will not affect you, they are things that must come to pass, if they are going to affect you I will tell you. Did I not tell you about the stock market? Did you suffer any harm because it fell? It will fall again; it will not continue to go up. Oh, I say unto you, the hour has become the midnight hour; the hour is far later than most say. Be not fearful though, for I have already told you these things, and I, your Father God, shall personally take you through this time victoriously even as I did the children of Israel. Only the children that murmured, only the children that complained did not enter into the promise. But those that believed me, those that trusted me, I took care of them, I fed them, I clothed them, I protected them, I was always there with them. I was there in the daytime, I was there in the nighttime and I went before them and they did not move until I moved. Learn this lesson, learn this lesson and follow close after me and walk by my side, and know, and know in your heart, you shall be victorious.

For many cannot see or recognize the hour they are living in because they don’t get into my word. They don’t know what my word says concerning this time; they don’t know what my word says concerning the hour that they are living in. They have become blinded and it is time for them to take the blinders off and to see, yes, to see the hour that they are living in, to know that the time is short and to know the work that I am doing and the work that I have yet to do. Oh, the blessings that shall come unto those who are following after me, who are hearing my voice and heeding unto my warnings and who are following after me. Oh, not so for those who have not taken my warnings, those who have not gotten themselves into my word and have it hid in their heart. They shall find trouble, upon trouble, upon trouble, for the enemy shall come at them in full force and they will not know how to stand because they have not been grounded in my word. Oh, how important it is to hear my voice, how important it is to study my word and to be grounded in my word that in this hour and this time fear will not come upon you, but that you can stand strong because you know my word and you know my voice.

8-16-09 pm service

For when you wrap yourself in my peace, when you stand in my presence, when you wait before my throne, oh the joy that fills your heart, oh the peace that surrounds you. Oh the words that I give unto you they shall be clear, you shall understand, you shall know and see, and you shall rise up like an eagle and you shall fly above your storms, you will be able to see the enemy miles before he comes. You will know because my word says that you will know, you will understand because my word says you will understand, you will be victorious because my word says you will be victorious. You will not fear the things that are about to come upon the face of the earth, you will not fear the disaster that goes on day by day and gets worse and worse. You will not fear the news that comes, for you will know my word and my word shall overshadow and overcome and cover over the worldly news that you will only see my news, my word, my plans, for I have drawn them. My ways are not your ways, my ways are above your ways, but I shall show you my ways that you can walk in my ways. That the drought will not hurt you, that the lack of food will not hurt you, that the plagues that are now turned loose upon the face of the earth shall not hurt you. The global warming shall not hurt you, you shall see it, you may even feel it, but it shall not hurt you in anyway. For I, your Father God, shall provide for you, I shall protect you, I shall care for you, I shall do all the things that I have said I shall do. But you need to press in, you need to press in, you need to stay in my word more than you are staying in my word, you need to talk to me more than you are talking to me, you need to listen to the truth and stay away from the false. Don’t do those things, but walk according to my word, for if you will walk according to my word, you shall see all the promises that I have given unto you fulfilled.

Oh, the power of my word yet many do not know the fullness of the power and authority that I, their Father God, have given unto them, and therefore, they walk around in lack, they walk around in want, they do not have a filled successful life because they have not applied the word to their life. They have not spoken my word as I have said and watch the victory come to pass, but they have limited themselves because they have not gotten into my word as I have said. Oh, it is an hour to press in like never before, it is an hour to have those chains loosened that are keeping you bound, that are keeping you tied up from pressing in unto me. It is not an hour to slack off, but it is an hour to press in like never before, knowing that truly mighty things are in store for those that walk with me. Do you not know that you need to be grounded in my word in this hour and this time for you to be able to stand the trials that shall take place in the world round about you? Do you not know that you need my word to stand and be steadfast, unmoveable? Oh I say unto you, it is important, it is important that, yes, you know the power of my word and the authority and power that I have given unto you as heirs and joint heirs to the throne. You are my children and I have given unto you many promises, yet at times you do not see my word which has been given unto you. You do not see the promises that I have given unto you so how can I fulfill them when you do not know what I have given unto you? Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before that you can be victorious in this hour, that you know, yes, that you know what I have given unto you and the power that is yours, the authority that is yours that you might stand victorious in these days ahead.

Are you soft skinned, are you soft skinned, why? Am I not able to do above and beyond all you ask? Have not I given unto you my word and my promise? Did I say no? My word declares that I say, yes and so be it. Then why are you so soft skinned?

For it is time to lift up your heads and make ready and celebrate, to make merry, to be glad, for truly I have said even this day, your hour of waiting is over. So I say, rejoice, lift up your heads, dance, sing for joy, make merry, be glad, for truly your hour of waiting is over.

8-12-09 pm service

It is an hour to be sensitive, oh so sensitive, saith the Lord, to hear my voice. For as you hear my voice, saith the Lord and speak what I say unto you, I give unto you the keys of the kingdom, I give unto you the keys of victory that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, whatsoever you loose shall be loosest in heaven. I have given you victory, saith the Lord, words of victory, words of power, words that bring results, words that will accomplish. Yea, saith the Lord; even tonight you shall accomplish great and mighty things by speaking my word, powerful things, anointed things, saving things, filling things.

Let my word prepare your hearts, let my word prepare your ways; let my word be your guide. For those that will allow my word to do that which it should be doing, they shall walk in the victories, they shall be the overcomers, they shall be blessed coming in and going out and they shall be able to do all that I, their Father God, tell them to do. But those who go their own way and do their own things, they shall walk by themselves, and when they cry out to me, I will not hear them until they repent and turn unto me and walk in the way that I, their Father God, have told them.

Harken unto my word, hear my voice, know what I, your Father God, have spoken unto you, know what I have said. Do not think you know what I have said, but I say unto you; rather know what I have said. Know my word; know how important it is for you to walk with me in this hour and this time, to not walk to the right or to the left, but to keep your focus upon the straight and narrow and what I have given unto you to do for this hour and this time. Know that great and mighty things are in store for those who walk with me. Walk with me like never before, but walk precisely, do not take one step off, but walk with me.

For my word is sharper and more powerful than any two-edged sward, and when you speak my word from your heart, great victory comes. You can destroy the enemy, you can tear down strongholds, you can edify and lift others up, you can bring victory where there is no victory. Let my word reign.

8-9-09 am service

What a glorious hour, what a time of great treasure, what a time to be walking in, for truly you are walking in the hour that all look forward to, the last days, oh, the blessings, oh, the promises, oh, the fulfillments that I have for you. Continue to walk very closely by my side, let your spiritual ears be open, let your spiritual eyes be open, see the things that I, your Father God, have for you. Watch and see and know the things that are taking place throughout the world, for truly many things are taking place, many things that you know not of yet, but they are taking place. Russia has two subs just outside the borders of the United States, they are staying there, they are watching, they are listening. Obama has a peace treaty that you will hear about in two weeks. You will hear about many other things that are taking place, how Lebanon is building up now its missiles, how Iran is ready to complete a nuclear weapon, you will hear these things. You will hear about the drought, you will hear about the high cost of food, you will hear about these things coming to pass. Let them not trouble your heart, for I am your Father and I shall take you through this time victoriously. I shall provide for you, I shall see to the things that you have need of, I shall protect you, I shall care for you, for this is your hour, saith your Father God and I shall bless it, I shall bless it.

Keep your heart open to all the things that I have for you and all the blessings that are in store for those who walk with me in this hour and this time. Lag not behind, but rather walk with me knowing the hour and the day you are living in, knowing that I have called you for this time and this hour. Have my word hid within your heart like never before that you can draw upon it, strength upon strength. For my word will give you the strength that you have need of to truly walk victoriously in these days that are in front of you. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your heart open to me and allow me to speak through you, allow me to move through you and allow me to use you like I have never used you before, for now is the hour and now is the time. Therefore, walk with me like never before, be those open vessels that I can flow though, be my mouthpieces, my hands and my feet, do what I have called you to do, go where I have called you to go. For now is your hour and now is your time.

Ask of me the desires of your heart and I shall fulfill them. Ask of me your needs and I shall meet those needs. Ask me for healing, for it is already yours, and I, your Father God, shall move upon you in a mighty way and you shall receive those things that you have asked for. Fear not the things that are going on in the world, but remember that I am your Father, I am your God and I shall take care of you and I shall supply for you. I shall meet every need that you have; there is no need for fear, for fear is not of me. But look at me, look at me, keep your eyes upon my word, walk by my side and truly I will move mightily on your behalf.

8-9-09 pm service

Let not your fire go out, shake the coals, fan the fire, cause it to come into a roaring fire, a fire that will consume all the evil, a fire that shall make you an overcomer, the fire that shall empower you to flow unrestricted in the Holy Ghost. Oh, it is that hour, it is that time, saith your Father God. It is not a time of lukewarmness, it is not a time of doubt, it is not a time of fear, it is the Holy Ghost hour, saith your Father God. I am pouring out my Spirit upon all flesh without measure, will you receive it, will you allow the fire to burn without ceasing, will you allow it to mold you and make you and cause you to rise up in a newness of power such as you have never had before? Or, will you keep your eyes upon the world and the things that are going on in the world and the lies that the world is telling? Be not fooled by the things that they say, global warming has not stopped, nor will it stop, it will continue to get hotter and hotter and hotter. Some have learned how to pray that their area is comfortable even like you have learned, saith your Father God. Be not a doubter, believe my word, allow my word to flow from your lips, allow my word to empower you, allow my word to make you an overcomer, allow my word to set you on fire like you have never been set on fire before. Let the fire burn; let the fire burn, for truly it is that hour.

For who can put out a raging fire, one that is out of control, that is how I want you to be in my Spirit, so on fire that there is nothing or no one around about you that can put that fire out, but only cause it to get brighter and stronger and stronger. For as that fire even gets stronger it has an impact on those around you, those you come in contact with, because they see such a difference. Allow my Spirit to burn within you like never before, for truly I have said that now is your hour and now is your time. It takes my people wanting to become alive in my Spirit, wanting to be on fire for me, seeking my face, diligently getting into my word and allowing my fire to burn like never before to light the fire within them. It is that time, it is that hour that I have spoken to you about in my word and I have spoken unto you time and time again where it is time for that mighty, mighty, mighty end time move. Therefore, I say unto you, allow the wind of my Spirit to blow upon you like never before. For even if you have a tiny coal, when the wind blows, doesn’t it cause a raging fire? So allow my Spirit to blow upon you and allow that fire to become greater and greater and greater until it is so ablaze that there is nothing that can stop you or stop what I am going to do, because man cannot stop me and I have said that there is no one who can stop what I am going to do in this end time. But it does take people willing and who are surrendered to me that I can use. Will you be that one that I can use; will you be that one that allows my fire to rage within you like it has never raged before? Oh, I say unto you, it is my desire; therefore, allow the wind of my Spirit to blow upon you.

For it is the fire of God that burns up the wood, hay and stubble, it is the fire of God that turns rock into precious gold, into precious silver, fit for the master’s use. It is the fire of God that purges, cleanses and make whole, it is the fire of God that lights your feet that you can go forth with the power to preach my word, to perform miracles, signs and wonders. It is the fire of God, let that fire fall on you.

For this hour shall be likened unto the time of Elijah when he called upon me and I sent fire down upon the sacrifice, the fire lapped up the water, the power surged, the false prophets were killed. A miracle, a mighty miracle came and then the reign came, the latter reign. And you shall see the latter reign in your time and the fire shall fall in your time and you shall see the false destroyed.

8-5-09 pm Youth Campmeeting Service 2009

Let my excitement fill your heart and lift you to another plane, let my joy overflow within you and reach out and touch others. Let my promises come alive that you may see them, that you may know them, that you may receive them, oh, let this joy bubble, let it bubble, let it bubble. For truly, you are seeing the things that many have desired to see, many things are taking place, and you know, you know in your heart that soon Jesus shall come and you shall walk in the fullness of all that he has for you. You know the revival, you know those that shall come in and excitement fills your heart as you prepare to reach them. Be not discouraged, be not down, do not look at the world and the trouble that is in the world or the things that are going on in the world, the drought, the flood, the high temperatures in many areas, the cooler temperatures in others, the famine or the high cost of food and things that are taking place. Oh, I tell you, keep your eyes on me, for I am able to take you through. Let there be no fear of the tornadoes, the strong wind, the fires, the flooding, the earthquake that shall come. But let your eyes be upon me, for I can take you through this time in great victory and cause you to be the victor. Therefore, walk very closely by my side.

For you are my church, saith the Lord, called and set apart, called to be one and not divided. For my Spirit is here to fill you, my Spirit is here and is working presently, saith the Lord, let your heart be open, let your mind be open and allow me to touch you. Allow me to touch you my children, touch you, to strengthen you, oh, to help you, to fill you, allow me to know you, saith the Lord, that you might get to know me, saith God.

For this is a special time that you might be filled, saith the Lord, with good things today, for the plans that I have for you tomorrow. You have a future, saith the Lord, allow me to show you that future, allow me to guide you into that future. I have come, saith the Lord, to use you.

Yea, saith the Lord, express yourselves right now and receive a blessing, I say unto you, lift up your hands to receive what I have for you. Lift up your hands, saith the Lord, to receive what I have for you, and allow me to fill you right now to overflowing. Lift up your hands right now, begin to praise me, saith the Lord, for am I not enthroned in the praises of my people. Lift up a praise unto me, saith the Lord, let your lips lift it up even now, praise the Lord.

8-2-09 am service

You shall continue to see changes that are not good, you will continue to see as the antichrist places his program into operation, not only here, but throughout the whole world. Russia and Iran joining together with their military ships, their warships, doing an exercise preparing for war. China pressing closer to joining with Egypt to make her move as soon as the river is dry. Oh, the things that are clearly taking place, things that my people should be able to see, things that my people should understand. The economy, it is not where they tell you it is, the jobs that are lost and more jobs will be lost, for they are using the money that has been allotted for something else to do other things that are more simple. The weather, many think it has been cold in many places and yet many states have records for each month due to their high, high, hot weather. The drought, oh the drought, you are blessed my children and realize not, yet complain, the drought is serious. The famine is serious, the things that are going on are serious and many are looking for answers, are you giving them answers? Are you there to help them, are you there to lift them up and encourage them and tell them that there is a better way? Are you showing them the signs and the miracles, the healings, the blessings that they need or are you yourself one of those that is still looking for them? Press in I say, walk, walk, walk, walk in position that I have clearly given unto you as joint heirs to the throne. Walk, walk as children of God, walk in the fullness of your faith, let your spiritual ears be open, let your heart be open that you may receive that you can give unto others.

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good, for my blessings are filling the lives of those who are walking with me. Oh, the things I have in store for this hour, know that great things, great things are in store for those who walk with me, those who heard my word, those who followed after me and prepared themselves for such a time as this, oh, the blessings that shall come unto them. It is an hour of great rejoicing knowing that I am fulfilling my word unto you and knowing that I am coming soon. Walk with me like never before, listen carefully to the things that I speak unto you, have your ears open like I have said at all times, that when I speak to you, you hear me, you don’t ignore me, but you know it is my voice and you follow and walk after me. It is so important that you do know my voice and that you can follow me in this hour and this time. Know that great things are in store for those who follow after my word.

Again, I say, changes, especially this month, many changes shall take place. Changes that should lift you to a higher realm with me. And yet if you are not walking with me, the changes shall overtake you and burden you down and destroy you if you don’t turn. Changes, changes, truly the changes have come, but not the change that the President talked about. It is that hour, it is that time, and this is the month that I have told you, truly changes shall come this month.

8-2-09 pm Youth Campmeeting Service

What do you want from me; I ask you, what do you want from me? Are you willing to open your hearts, are you willing to reach out and grab a hold of the things that I have for you? Are you willing to pay attention and listen and realize it is not a game, that the time is very short, there is much work to be done? I need laborers, I need Joshuas, I need Calebs, I need those that are willing to run with all their heart, with all their strength, with all their mind. Not occupied by other things, but serving me with all their heart. For truly, darkness has come upon the face of the earth, and that darkness shall grow darker and darker and darker, the light is going out. You are my light; therefore, I shall use you in a great and a mighty way if you are willing. Are you willing?

For I would say unto you, be not concerned concerning the troubles of the land; be not concerned with the troubles that you hear. For I say unto you, walk the course of triumph that I have set before you. For have I not called you triumphant ones? I say unto you to rise up to the occasion, for that is where I have placed you, oh, my children that is where I have placed you in the heavenly realms and in the heavenly places as triumphant ones in Christ Jesus. I say unto you, you have the power to rise, you have the power to go forward, you have the power to do and now I am calling you to use that power, for the hour is short, saith the Lord.

Keep your eyes upon me; allow not distractions to cloud your vision of what I have for you this week. But as you surrender yourself to me, you shall see a big difference of how I shall move in your life. For no one is too young, no one is too old for me to move through and for me to fill. Therefore, I say unto you, come with an open heart that I can truly fill you and that you can go away this week charged up like you have never been charged before.

Therefore, rise up, rise up, for there are things that I desire for you to do, and I say unto you this one thing, listen carefully, know it, understand it. For if you were a high pile of logs on top of the mountain and I was to push you over the edge, nothing, absolutely nothing could stop you until you reached your goal.

7-29-09 pm service

For worthy is my name, saith the Lord, above all things and above all else and above all others, for you have called upon my name, saith the Lord, now trust me with all your heart, for I am the Lord your God and I do not fail. Be filled with faith, saith the Lord, be filled with strength, be filled with knowledge and understanding, be filled with power, saith the Lord. For I fill you this hour, for I fill you this time, for I fill you with my love, saith the Lord. Fear not, saith God, but know that I, the Lord, am God and have all things under my control. Be at peace, be at peace within yourselves, saith the Lord, for I am so near, saith God.

Let your trust in me be even far greater, let your faith be even stronger, let my promises fill your life over and over and over. Don’t walk in doubt; don’t walk in fear, but walk in the realm of the spirit, for as you walk in the realm of the spirit you shall know all things. It is not your imagination; it is my Spirit, saith your Father God, walk, walk in the realm that I have given unto you. Be not like the world, for great disasters lie at the door of the world, the plotting of Russia, the plotting of China, the plotting of Iran. America sold out Israel, OH, OH, OH, what a sad day, for they continue to put nails in their coffin and know it not. But walk, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly therein you shall find prosperity, therein you shall lead a multitude to me.

Oh, the joy of walking in the spirit realm, oh, the victories that you shall have, the wisdom, the knowledge, the power, the understanding. For when the common man looks at something, he sees nothing, but the spirit filled man, the man walking in the spirit, he sees many things and understands many things. He does not walk in confusion when he reads the Bible, he does not walk in confusion when he hears the Bible being taught, he understands and walks in the wisdom, walks in the knowledge, walks in the faith, and as he does so, he grows and grows and grows and becomes an overcomer.

7-26-09 am service

Let your hearts be strong, let your faith be strong, stand on my word, stand on my promises, exalt my word, lift it high above all others, lift my word up, speak my word, stand in full assurance that I watch over my word to perform it. For the world is teeter-tottering, twisting and turning, shaking violently this way and that way, knowing not what to do, knowing not what is going on. They are hearing, but they do not understand, and the enemy has risen to a height that you have never seen him in before. Many things are happening, but yet my word, my word stands strong, my word will not go out and return void, my word will do the things that I have sent it forth to do. Be not moved, be not swayed, allow not the enemy to walk over you, allow not the enemy to cause you to back off, to slow down, to go the other way. For the falling away has increased double what it was and growing. For many seem to think they have the answers and many have done away with much of the gospel in order to bring others in and they bring forth a program, but the program is not of me and the finances do not come in and they struggle wondering how they can receive the finances that they have need of. They are not of me, they are not walking according to my word, they are not doing the things that I have told them, and therefore, I have dried up their finances. I have dried up the finances of the world, it is the last days, the signs are very clear, and you shall see even more so now, as you end this month and start another. Keep your eyes upon what is going on, mark the things down carefully, watch, listen, hear, then look at my word and see what I have said.

Those who are steadfast in my word, those who have built a strong foundation, they do not waiver nor do things affect them when the enemy comes against them or when the great winds blow as you might say. But they stand strong, they remain strong, because they are founded upon my word, because they have grounded themselves in my word the world does not affect them, the changes that are taking place does not affect them because they are mine and they realize they are mine and they know that nothing, nothing can shake them when they are walking with me and when they are stayed upon my word. But not so for those who have not gotten into my word, they are like a teeter-totter, oh, that go back and forth, back and forth, their faith is unstable. They know not how to stand in this hour, and oh, the troubles that shall come their direction. If they would but listen to me, harken unto my voice and hear, hear my warnings and draw close to me, they would not have anything to worry about, but yet they do not listen, they do not hear. Oh, my children, it is an hour to truly walk with me, to know the seriousness of the time that you are living in, to know how important it is to follow after me, to walk in my ways and to walk in my word. For do you not know that I am faithful, do you not know that my word does not change, it is everlasting. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, for I have great and mighty things in store for you. Allow not the enemy to get your attention on this and that, but keep your focus upon the things that I have told you to focus upon. Focus upon my word, focus upon my soon coming, for truly I am coming soon and the hour is growing late.

For the world is sinking very fast, calamity at every door, troubles at every door, more jobs lost at every door. High cost of food, drought, famine, global warming, forest fires, oh, the things that are taking place. And yet the world does not see, nor understand, or even know that the lease on earth has run out. Tell them, speak up, are you ashamed of your kingdom, are you ashamed of your God? Speak up and watch and see what I shall do.

7-26-09 pm service

It’s a glorious hour for my church, many of my people do not see nor do they understand nor are they walking in the fullness of the blessings that I have for them. For this is their hour, their hour of power, their hour of ability, their hour to be the overcomers, their hour to see the glory of God like they have never seen it before, truly it is their hour. Oh, I say unto you, oh, open your eyes, let your ears be open, listen to the bidding of the Holy Spirit, follow, follow the things that he says. Be not like the world, for great disaster is coming fastly upon the face of the earth, the drought, oh, the drought, you are not even aware of the seriousness of the drought or the famine or the earthquakes or the wildfires, the global warming. Many of these things you hear, and have got so accustomed to hearing them, they do not even faze you. It is like gifts that I give unto my church, it doesn’t even faze them anymore. They have lost their first love and realize not that they have lost it, and therefore, they become negative instead of positive. Open your eyes, open your ears, listen, listen, look and see, for truly I am blessing my church. I desire to bless you, I long to bless you, I long to fulfill every need that you have. I desire to give you the desires of your heart, for I love you, it is your hour, it is your time to rise to the fullness of everything that I have said shall take place in these last days.

Many times my people miss what I am saying and they miss out on the blessings that I try to give to them. It is truly the hour where your ears need to be open, where you need to be attentive, where you need to be sensitive to the Spirit, that when I speak to you, you hear me and you follow and do what I have spoken unto you to do. Oh, the blessings I have for my church, and many times I am filling my people with blessings, and yet they notice them not because they are not seeing the small things. But, yes, I am moving mightily, I am moving in a great and powerful way. Allow not the enemy to cause you to miss the blessings that I have for you, but I say unto you, rather keep focused upon what I have given unto you. Keep focused upon my word, keep focused upon what I am doing and going to do, oh, the greatness of what is in store. It is time for you to prepare yourself like never before for the days ahead. It is time for you to get in the position that you need to that I flow through you in a great and powerful way, for that hour is here and it is now. I am flowing, yes, I am flowing in a great and mighty way, and yet at times people do not see or recognize this, yet I am moving. Therefore, I say unto you, get your eyes open, see the things that I am doing, see what is in store for you, for oh, the great things that are in store for those who are mine.

Be in prayer seeking my face concerning six great terrorist attacks. Be in prayer, I say unto you, for if you pray you can reduce that number, you can move it down to zero. But if you pray not, seek not my face and call upon my name, multitudes, multitudes shall parish.

7-22-09 pm service

Oh, how sweet the blessings are that I am pouring out upon you. Oh, the wonders that I am doing on your behalf, I am raising you up to a much higher ground, a much higher plateau, anointing you with a greater anointing, equipping you with the gifts of the spirit that you may operate in the fullness of my power and my authority. For the world is looking, they are searching, they know not what is taking place, and therefore, they are looking, they are trying find out just what is going on because the government doesn’t have an answer, the republicans don’t have an answer, the democrats don’t have an answer, the independents don’t have an answer. Everyone is searching throughout the whole world, and the different countries they are searching for answers, what is going on? Rise up and tell them, speak forth my word, for you can tell them about the earthquakes they shall see, about the straight winds they shall see, about the tornadoes, the flooding, the drought, the global warming, the high cost of living. For many things are being attacked, even the tomatoes, things that people desire to eat and yet things are going wrong because the lease on earth has run out. You are living in an hour of grace, grace, before that great day of silence in heaven. Walk closer to me, draw closer to me, that I can bless you, that I can cause you to rise up into the position of sons and daughters of Almighty God. That you may walk in divine health, that you may be blessed coming in and blessed going out, that you can bless others, that you can strengthen others, that you can uplift others. For it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God, that you minister to those that need ministering to.

Search my people, search again, for when my people search they receive, when my people search they have knowledge, when my people search they have wisdom, when my people search they have understanding, because my people search me out, saith the Lord, who is God Almighty and there is none other beside me, saith the Lord. Know this, saith God, when you search me out, I will speak unto you and tell you all things and comfort your heart. Search my people and you will have your answer.

Do not think of yourself as too little, but think of yourself as my word has said that you are, you are the overcomer, you are more than the conqueror, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. For do not say, I do not know what to say when I need to share with them, but rather trust me, know that it will not be you giving them your wisdom, your knowledge, but rather, I shall flow through you, it won’t be you, it will be me through you. Therefore, I say unto you, be my open vessels in this hour and in this time that I truly can flow through you. Do not think of yourself too little, but I say unto you, think of yourself as I have declared you to be, for you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror and you can do all things through me.

Let your eyes and ears be open spiritually that you can see and understand the things that are taking place. For this very week, saith your Father, two great signs were seen in the heavens, very important ones, one similar took place at the turning of the two thousandth year and now you have another one. Watch and listen, look and you shall find the signs that show you the shortness of the time and how blessed you are and how blessed my people shall be.

7-19-09 am service

Allow not the enemy to deceive you, allow him not to bring discouragement, allow him not to fight in the way that he has fought in the past, but rise up and take your rightful place, for truly these are the last days. The attacks upon the people shall increase, he has opened warfare upon them, but you are not his, you have been transferred out of the power of darkness into the kingdom of light, therefore walk in that light. For I have given unto you light, saith your Father God, that you may see clearly upon the path that you walk, that you are not deceived by the things that are taking place in the world, that you are not caught in the falling away, that you turn not back to the things that you once did, but that you press forward into the promises that I have for you. For truly, there are many promises, many promises that you have not claimed, that you have not sought after, that you have not gone for, that I have already promised, that I have already spoken unto you, that I have already given unto you. The violent taketh it by force, have you not read that in my word, do you not know what that means? Take the things that I have given unto you, walk in the victory that I have given unto you, be not affected by the things that are taking place upon the face of the earth, for truly they shall grow worse. Do not complain over the different weather patterns all over the world, yes, there is global warming, and though you may not feel it or though you may be feeling it, realize that it is getting hotter and hotter and hotter and at times colder and colder and colder. Trust me, walk with me and you shall go through these times in great victory. Fear not the famine, fear not the drought, fear not the earthquakes that you shall now see, or the signs in the sky that you shall see in just a few days. Fear not these things, but realize what they mean, know and understand them, and realize the days are short, the time is running out, but yet I have a great, great work for you to do and the harvest field is white. Go forth into the harvest field and bring in the harvest, all, all should be in the harvest field, all should be laboring for the wages that I have for you and not the wages that the devil has for you.

For when you are grounded in my word, when these things come in the world as I have said they shall come, it does not shake you, it does not move you because you have been grounded in my word, because you know what I have spoken unto you. You have heard and listened to my voice and you are ready because you have prepared, oh, not so for those, not so for those who have not grounded themselves in my word. They shall be shaken, and the shaking shall be great, but know this, that I, your Father God, am here for you, as you turn to me and come unto me, I shall lead and guide you, I shall direct you, I shall give unto you all that you have need of for this hour. How important it is my children to listen to my voice, to be obedient and to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For it is a great hour of blessing, it is a great hour for my church who is walking with me, know that I have great things in store. Therefore, I say unto you, look ahead with great excitement knowing that I am true to my word and shall do great and mighty things on your behalf.

Great things shall now begin to come to pass, are you ready for them? Don’t say, yes, ponder on that. For truly the things that I have spoken to you shall come to pass whether you are walking with me, or whether you are walking by yourself, they shall come to pass. Walk very closely by my side, harken to my words, pay attention, do the things that I tell you.

7-19-09 pm service

For there shall be much weather activity throughout the United States next week, you will be amazed at the tornadoes, the straight winds, the earthquakes and even volcanoes that shall take place, not only here, but throughout the world. Floods, oh, I tell you, it shall be a week and you shall hear about it. But fear not, for these are only end time signs, signs that I have told you about, signs that I have prepared you to be aware of. The drought, oh, the drought, and how that drought is expanding even though you do not notice it here, nor feel it here, yet it is there. Oh, the forest fires that are burning out of control, not only here, but in Canada also. Even the bird flu is spreading, but fear not, it is not as dangerous as man makes it out to be, plus you are my children and you have been healed, so walk in that victory. Fear not the things that the devil is trying to do, for he is making a loud racket at the moment, he is saying things that are untrue, he is trying to cause fear, he is trying to cause doubt, he is trying to unsettle the minds and rob you of sleep. But he cannot do any of these things unless you allow him to, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Stand in the authority, stand in the ability of the things that I have told you, and be not fearful, for I shall supply all your needs and I shall take you through this time victoriously.

Do not be down trodden, but be encouraged, knowing that I, Almighty God, am here, right here for you and I will see you through these days ahead in great victory. It is of utmost importance that you know my word, that you are not deceived by the enemy in this hour and this time, that you fall not into his traps, that you walk victorious in all things. For as you declare my word, you shall see my word come to pass, you shall see your situation, circumstances, turn around for the good because you are standing upon my word. Know that, yes, the enemy will fight, but know that I have already won the battle for you. Therefore, I say unto you, stand strong and be encouraged, for I am with you, I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. Know my word, know the promises I have given unto you, and walk, yes, walk in those promises, for they are yours to walk in.

Do not allow fear to overcome you, do not allow fear to operate within your life, for I have not given unto you a spirit of fear but I have given unto you peace, I have caused you to be calm, meek, that you can walk in the full ability of the things that I have for you. So be not fearful of any of those things, be not fearful of the things that you shall hear, or the things that you shall see come to pass, be not fearful. For these things are not for you, they are of the enemy and only those that do not know me and know my word will be affected by those.

7-15-09 pm service

For the river that runs under the altar of God is so pure and clean, saith the Lord, so powerful that those that are wise come to that river and drink thereof. I say unto you my children, be strong in this hour and live according to the faith that I have given unto you, not according to that which you see. For I have empowered you with my word, saith God, trust that word, trust that word with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. For I am preparing you for the days ahead, strengthening you for the days ahead, empowering you for the days ahead, so do not lose courage. But I say unto you, get ready, get ready, get ready, be prepared to run and do all that I have called you to do and be not afraid, for I am with you, saith the Lord, indeed an army is with you, saith God, fear nothing but trust me with all your heart. You see all and you hear all that is happening around the world and you recognize indeed that it is not good, but you also recognize it fulfills my word, saith God. So be encouraged by this, knowing that day of appearing is coming so very soon. Hold fast, hold fast, saith God, hold fast, for I am preparing you for special things, hold fast, trust me.

Lift up you head from whence cometh you health, for your health cometh from the Lord God, the maker of heaven and earth, nothing is too difficult for me to do, nothing is impossible for me. For am I not your all in all, will I not do all that I have promised I will do? Allow not the enemy to tread upon you, but I say unto you, rise up and become all that I have called you to be. Have not I already said, that you are the overcomers, have not I said you are more then conquerors? Therefore I say unto you, rise up into the positions that I have given unto you, rise up and take your place, for you are joint heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Walk as those heirs, do not walk in the ways of the enemy, but I say unto you, walk in my way, for my way is filled with greatness, my way is filled with peace, it is filled with joy, it is filled with love and it is filled with everything that you have need of. Trust me like never before, knowing that I am here to provide, knowing that I am right by your side, I will be all that I have promised I will be. Therefore, walk with me like never before, walk in my word, know my word, speak forth my word and watch as I fulfill my word unto you. For I am faithful, know that my children, I am faithful.

For the wise man sees the garments of doom and gloom and says, nay. Yea, the wise man puts on the garments of praise and joy and says, yea, saith the Lord.

7-12-09 am service

Prepare your hearts and make them ready for the things that are going to take place, even as I have said, after this month is over. Prepare your hearts for the changes that shall come, know that I have spoken unto you, know that I have given unto the warnings, know that I have tried to prepare you for this hour, yet my children, many of them have not prepared as I have said. They are not getting serious, they are not getting into my word, they are not spending time before me in prayer, they shall not be prepared for the things that shall take place. But those who have been obedient, those who have heard my voice and have followed after me, they shall not be shaken in this time or this hour, but they shall walk through this time victoriously, they shall walk through this time grounded in my word. Know that many things are going to take place because of the day and the hour that you are living in, but know the great revival that is here as well for my church. Enter in like never before, allow my fire to fill your soul like never before. Oh, I say unto you, allow my Spirit to consume you and to get this Spirit, that revival Spirit, that you need for this hour and this time. Know the great things that I accomplished, yes, last week in your camp meetings, even though many couldn’t see it with their natural eye, if they would have but looked into the spiritual realm, they would have seen all that I have done. Oh, it is a great hour, it is a great time, therefore, I say unto you, continue to press into me like never before, do not lag behind, do not lag behind, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the goal that is in front of you, press in like you have never pressed in before, for great shall be your reward, great shall be your reward.

Let your hearts be encouraged this day, for truly you are a great army, greater than you realize, greater than you see. Though you might be small in numbers, yet you are great in my eyes. Therefore, be that great army, be that great people that I have called you to be. Receive the encouragement that I have for you this day, let your hearts be excited for me.

7-12-09 pm service

For it is an hour to be diligent to do all that I have spoken unto you to do, to not leave one thing undone that I have given unto you, that I have spoken to your heart, it is an hour to be truly faithful in all areas. For oh, the things that are in store, and oh, the things that shall take place in my true houses of worship. It is that time for those to come who have been told to come time and time again and yet have not listened. It is truly that hour to be obedient, to step out and do what I have called you to do. For it is that time where my true churches shall be filled to overflowing with those whom I have called to join with them. It is that time for my word to be fulfilled like never before, it is time for my Spirit to move without measure in my true houses of worship, it is that hour, it is time. Walk with me like never before, do not think, yes, it is coming, but rather think it is here now. For oh, the work that I have yet to do before I return, and oh, the laborers that I have need of. Therefore, be my willing servants to be used of me that I can flow through you to meet the needs of those who are out there. For many are hurting, many are in need and many need a touch from me. And I will not just use the pastors, but I will use those open vessels who are willing to allow my Spirit to flow through them without measure, oh yes, I shall use them. It shall not be just a few, but I shall use everyone that is open to me. Therefore, I say unto you, be willing, be obedient, be faithful, be those open vessels that I might flow through.

It is time that you stand up and go forth to take your position in my end time move. It is not a time to sit down and do nothing, go your own way, do your own thing. It is time now for you to stand up, go forward, take your position and do the work that I have told each and every one of you to do.

7-8-09 pm service

Oh, the workings of My Spirit, and oh, the workings of My power, and the beauty of My majesty and the glory of My presence, do I make it known throughout all the heaven and all the earth, saith God, that they might know My name and that they might see My glory. And My children, you who were born under the grace of God, the grace of My Spirit are to reveal that same glory throughout all the earth. Be that shining light, put on that shining armor, saith the Lord, that you might be bright and glorious and reflect my beauty, saith the Lord, for even so I have called you so. For I tell you there are great and mighty things happening in the earth these last days, terrible things, yes, awesome things, things that are not good, saith God. But I say unto you, you are the overcomers, I have given you my word and I have given you my power, be the overcomers that I have called you to be. I say, rise up like you have never done before and be those overcomers, be the giants in the land that you are, saith God. Inhabit the land for My Son’s sake, saith God, for I have called you to do so, be My witnesses of these days, oh yes, be My witnesses as I have called you to be. Share My good word, share My word, and again I say, share My word. For I love you, saith God, with an everlasting love and I will not quit doing so, saith God, I will love you and love you and love you again, so be My witnesses and be bold, be powerful.

Remember My words unto you My children, be aware of what is taking place in the world. Be aware of what hour you are living in, be aware of the things that I have shared with you, the things that you shall see come to pass in the next week, even the next months. Be prepared for all that I have said to be prepared for, keep pressing in like never before, for oh, the greatness of the things that are in store for My children, great blessings await them. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon Me, keep your eyes upon the vision and the goals that I have placed in front of you and know that I am faithful to My word, be steadfast, be unmovable.

A message given to Campmeeting 2009 and a vision with the explanation

(The Lord showed me a coin that was connected to a long chain. This in kept moving back and forth in front of me like someone would use to hypnotize someone. This continued for some time.)

I tell you that another spirit has been lulling my people to sleep. This spirit has shown some that the church is well. It has shown that the people are growing, and that a new kingdom will be established. It has shown them that everything will fine in the years that are to come. But I tell you that this spirit is wrong. For the tides of change and tribulation will cause many to leave the church. But many will persevere and they will find their home with me. Some will be sent to the desert for a while. The time of the great evangelists will have reached its peak.


Those who have sought gain through their television programs will be forced to quit. For they sought a different spirit. But the time of Elijah’s is coming and is already here; those who speak my truth. I have mouths that will not be stopped. Many who pastor are but babes even though they have ministered for years. If they have not the gift of healing, miracles and know not the hour clearly, they are babes and need to sit under those who know; or their people will not be ready to go when my Son Jesus comes for His Bride. The debt of your country has passed the no return zone. Your enemies prepare to destroy Spiritual Babylon and bring her to her knees. My House shall now grow and add room for those who shall come to My house as I have told them and it shall be filled to overflowing. They shall receive the anointing as it flows from under My altar and fills the building with My presence, touching, equipping, healing, and giving My wisdom and knowledge. Those who do not come as I have commanded will get caught in the move of the false spirit and become defeated, discouraged, sick and possessed. Hear My Words, Hear the words of the Holy Spirit and come quickly to My house and receive what you have need of that you will stand strong in the very short time that is left and many shall come into the fold through this last great revival that is here right now. Watch the clear signs that will come now as you have entered into the first 3 1/2 years as of Aug. 2009.

7-5-09 Campmeeting 2009 evening service

Nothing, again I say unto you, nothing is impossible for me to do, if you can believe there is nothing, nothing that is impossible. For I desire to touch you, to heal you, to deliver you, to strengthen you, to lift you above all the storm clouds that you may walk in the victory that I have provided for my church. You are not of the world, therefore, the circumstances that surround you are not of my kingdom, nor should they affect you, but you should be able to walk victorious through this time. Yes, there will be the drought, yes, there will be the global warming, yes, there will be the tornadoes, yes, there will be the flooding and the earthquakes, yes, there will be the famine, yes, more jobs will be lost, yes, the economy will go back down even like the oil goes up and down, up and down. For man seeks not my counsel, neither do they seek my wisdom, they seek not my knowledge, they counsel among themselves and they know not what is going on. But you are my children, I am your Father and I love you and I desire to move mightily on your behalf. Just walk by my side, trust me, trust me, have total confidence in my word and the things that I say, and truly, you shall be the victors, you shall be the conquerors, you shall be the overcomers.

Do not walk in fear, but know this is the hour and the time that these things shall take place because you are living in the last days. Do not fear, for you are not of this world you are mine, and I have promised to provide, I have promised to take you through. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me and trust me like never before. Was I not able to keep my children safe in the past, will I not do it now? For I am the same God, I have not changed nor will I change. Therefore, I say, in this time and this hour trust me with your whole heart, for I will be faithful and I will fulfill my word unto you. Walk with me like never before, walk not in fear, for fear is not of me, it is of the enemy, know that my children. Walk in my word and walk in my way that you can truly walk in the fullness of all, did you hear me; I said all the blessings I have for you for this time.

For I have not given thee the spirit of bondage, saith the Lord, but I have given you the spirit of power, I have given you the spirit that you might go and you might worship and you might be strong in the ways I have called you to walk, saith God. And when you go through those trials and when you go through those valleys, yea, saith God, you know that you can cry out Abba Father and I will be there, saith the Lord. I am a father who careth for you, did I not say I pity thee, yea, I have sympathy, I care about thee, saith the Lord, I care about thee. Have I even said, even the hair on your head is numbered, I know about thee, saith the Lord. I know your upbringing and I know your downfalls, saith God and I want you to know tonight, as high as I am, saith God, my ways are higher than you. I know what is to come, I have planned this all out, saith the Lord and I tell you now my church that my Son is sitting at the right hand of me, saith the Lord and he is ever living to make intercession for thee. Oh, know that I care, saith the Lord.

As the wind blows across the dry barren ground it gathers dust, it gathers in unto itself. So my Spirit is moving across the land, yea and it is gathering, oh, it is gathering, it is gathering, oh, the souls that shall come in, oh, the mighty move of God that shall come, the miracles, the signs, the wonders, oh, the things that I am about to do before I take my church out. Oh, what a joy, for that wind is blowing, yea, even though you are parched, even though you are dry, life shall come into you, even as life came into the dry bones.

7-5-09 Campmeeting 2009 afternoon service

Are you hungry, are you hungry? I know many have waited to receive, I tell you this afternoon you shall, yes, you shall, for this is your time, others will have their time in the evening, but this is your time, saith your Father God, for me to pour my love upon you, to touch, to heal, to minister to, to set free, to cause you to rise up and realize that, hey, I am special, God met with me.

For if you ask of me a glass of water, I would not give you an empty glass, neither would I give you a glass half full, neither would I give you a glass full, I would give you a glass overflowing. Ask, that you might receive, for you have not, because you ask not.

For I say unto you, to allow my power to flow smoothly, allow my power to flow freely, allow the switch of your faith to be turned on, and in doing so, I will empower you, and therefore, empower others, says the Lord.

Yea, saith the Lord, for there are many roads that lead down the paths of life, but only one road leads to me, saith God, be cautious and be careful of the road that you are on. For the roads that do not lead to me are deceptive, they look like good roads, they are clear, or they appear to be clear. But I say unto you, they are not clear, turn from the direction that you are going in and turn down my road that leads to me, saith the Lord.

For thou art a spouse to one husband, saith God, and I say unto thee in these days, that they have been worshipping another Jesus. They have been worshipping and searching and moving in another spirit, and I say unto thee, another gospel, saith God. But I say, look to me, for I am the author and finisher of your faith, and I say unto thee, if thou shall give thy heart to me, if thou shall surrender your life to me, have I not said, that I will quicken thee, I will make you alive within, saith God. I will be that candle in the midst of the spirit of man, saith God, for I shall light that fire, saith God and it shall not be a strange fire that was brought by Aaron’s son. Yea, I say today, oh look to me, for I am that I am, saith God.

7-5-09 Campmeeting 2009 morning service

Again, I say unto you, prepare yourselves for the banquet that I have for you this day, let your spiritman be open that you may hear, that you may understand, that you may see. For truly, many things are taking place in the world, signs, clear signs, pertaining to the return of my s

Son Jesus. Russia is building up her arms like never before and Obama will not receive a welcome as he goes there, he will find a hostile nation. Obama is going to push even harder for gay rights, speaking to all the world to openly accept them. Are you ready for the third jihad, for the third jihad will soon come, the other jihad caused much strife, caused much trouble, it brought people into the church for a very short time and then they returned back to what they were. Are you ready for the tornadoes that shall take place for the next two weeks, the earthquake that shall come, the flooding that you shall hear about, the drought, the drought? For many states are in the nineties and in the hundreds even though you have been cool here. Many things are taking place, global warming is increasing and finally they are beginning to recognize that. They try in their own way to stop that, but my word says and declares in the book of Revelation, they cannot stop it. It shall become so hot after my church is gone that they cannot go outdoors without receiving cancer. Man does not seem to want to believe my Book, they want to believe what they have been taught, but I say unto you, my word shall come to pass, every little dot, every little comma, it shall come to pass and you shall see it and know it, for truly, these are the last days.

For the waters of the Lord are pure, saith God, that flow beneath the throne of God. And I say unto you today, saith the Lord, to drink of these pure living waters. Drink it in, for as you drink it in, I say unto you, the voice of the Lord is in the waters. Drink it in that you might speak the living waters of God from your mouth, for this is a special infilling for this day and a special infilling for this hour, saith the Lord.

For the King cometh, saith the Lord and he cometh soon with healing in his wings. Yea, he bringeth comfort and he bringeth healing, he bringeth power and he bringeth courage, everything that you have need of today, the Lord has brought for you today. He is here for you, trust his word and know that today when you come to receive, you will have it instantly, quickly, saith the Lord.

7-4-09 Campmeeting 2009 evening service

Again I say, let your spiritual ears be open, do not allow the cares world, do not allow your mind to wander, be not a wanderer, but stay open to my word, stay open to the river as it flows, stay open to the moving of my Spirit. For I desire to do great, mighty and powerful things and the enemy will try to steal your attention, he will try to get your mind thinking, don’t think, listen, listen, listen, hear what the Spirit has to say to the church.

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning, saith the Lord. Yea, I say unto thee, there are streams that flow into the river along that highway of holiness, saith God. And I say unto thee, that I have bottled up those tears and hardships and hard times and trials that you have gone through and I have taken those tears when you have walked through that valley of Baca and I have caused them to become pools and strength as a reservoir of the waters of life. So I say to you this night, that I am the water of life, and I say unto you tonight, that my Spirit is here, and I say unto you tonight, that water shall spring up. Oh, sing unto me, spring up O well and give to me those waters of life abundantly. For I will give you life more abundantly, saith the Lord.

For, yea, saith the Lord, the time of times is now at hand. Come to me, seek me, seek me more than you have ever sought me before, saith God. For the time is short and the day is at hand, the day of the Lord is about to come, saith God.

For where my Spirit there is great liberty, do not be bound by the enemy. Therefore, I say unto you, shake off the weights that he tries to place upon you, and walk in the liberty that I have given unto you, the liberty of my Spirit. Allow not the enemy to take control, but take control of the enemy and walk in my Spirit.

For there are many snares, many traps, many obstacles that the enemy places before you, to hinder you, to stop you, to cause you to turn around and not come to the waters. But I have given you strength, I have given you power, I have set you free that you can come to the waters. So I say unto you, come, come, come.

Did I not say unto you, that you could run through a troop and leap over a wall and did I not say in times past that you are an army, saith the Lord? I tell you the truth, saith God, I have given you marching orders to go forward, but prepare yourself to run. For the Lord would say, how else can you scale the muddy streams, how else can you overcome the things that are unclean that would jump out and cause you trouble, how else can you overcome? Be prepared now to run, and as you run you will conquer and you will overcome, for you shall run through a troop and leap over a wall.

7-4-09 Campmeeting 2009 afternoon service

For truly, the waters are stirring, the river is flowing, the Spirit is moving in a mighty way.  Open your hearts, empty out your minds, think only upon me, let my words fill your mouth, let my words come forth from your mouth.  Drink in of the Spirit that I am about ready to pour out, drink it in without measure, receive it, receive it.  For I have so much for you, I am preparing you for what comes after this month; I am making you ready, ready, fit for the master’s use.  Keep yourself open, don’t allow other things to disturb you, keep your eyes on me, watch, watch what I do. 

 For I say unto you, allow the stream to surround you now, for I tell you that stream that flows crushes all that it takes with it, but not you my child who releases yourself in that stream.  Yes, it destroys and brings down all that would oppose it, but you who receive of me, my stream flows mightily.  Enjoy the stream of God, for in the stream is the heart of God to bless abundantly.  No fool can flow in the stream but you who believe, saith God, I will lift up, I will minister to, I will uphold, that your joy may be full.  Now flow with the stream and enjoy the glory of God. 

For I have said, set your agenda aside, did you hear me?  Set your agendas aside; make my agenda your number one purpose, your number one goal.  For if you will do that, I will meet you in these services in a way that you have never been met before.  I will do things for you and reveal things for you and open your understanding if you desire these things.  Set your agendas aside; make my agenda the important thing.

7-4-09 Campmeeting 2009 Morning service

For truly there is a river flowing, for I have said unto you, that the river shall flow, to drink from them, and you have been drinking from them, and more rivers shall flow and they shall bring unto you spiritual life such as you have never had before.  It shall cause you to rise up into a higher position that you may move forth and gather in the harvest that is white, that miracles, signs and wonders shall flow freely that the world may see that truly there is a God, that he is moving mightily on the behalf of his people.  Not so for the world, for the world sees not these things neither do they understand these things.  For they seek wisdom from those that are led by the antichrist, the devil, the demons, his system, but be not liken unto them.  Fear not the storms that shall come next week, fear not the tornadoes, fear them not, fear not the economy or the drought or the famine or the lack of jobs, for I am able to take care of you.  I am able to take you through this victoriously, I am able to place you in the position that you are the head and not the tail, that you are above and not beneath.  Therefore, walk by my side, walk very closely to me, let your spiritual ears be open, let your spiritual eyes see what the Lord thy God, am doing.

For I say unto you, that the river that flows in you and through you today is a river of power.  Yes, the rain has poured upon you, saith God and the faith that you have is full of power today.  Be afraid of nothing, but be bold and be strong, for I have anointed you, saith the Lord, to do my work.

 For as the breeze of life blows upon you, it shall refresh you, it shall strengthen you; it shall empower you with power from on high.  It shall give unto you a new ability, a new zeal, a new desire, a desire such as you have not had, a willingness such as you have not had, a drive, a drive to reach those round about you. And you shall be amazed as I put words in your mouth, power in your hand and strength in your body.

7-3-09 Campmeeting 2009 evening service

Let your spiritman be open, empty out your own mind, empty out your thinking, your thoughts, block out the world, open yourself unto me this night, saith your Father God, let your mind be upon me and upon my word, let your spirit be open to the moving of my Spirit, let yourself be ready, for mighty, mighty things I shall do this night. You shall see a miracle, you shall see things take place before your eyes and you shall know that I, the Lord your God, has called this hour and this time. It is not by chance but it is by my Spirit, by the moving of my power, by the moving of my ability. Look not at the world nor the economy of the world nor the trouble that the world is in, for it shall only get worse, it will not get better, it may seem to be, but it will not, saith your Father God. For it is the last hour and these things must come to pass, but fear not, for I shall take you through these times in great victory, you shall be the overcomer, you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath, for I, your Father God, shall move mightily, yes, mightily, mightily I shall move.

Oh, the things that I have in store for you, for the banqueting table has been set, but it is up to you to come and partake, to feast of my Spirit, to feast of my anointing and to receive all that I have in store. Oh, I say unto you my children, I love you and it is my desire that you, oh yes, that you are equipped and ready for the day and the hour that is ahead for you. Oh, the things that I have in store for you, the banqueting table has been set and it is up to you to receive.

Is there anything, is there anything that is impossible for me to do, if you can believe I can do all things, yea and I shall, yes I shall. Prepare your heart now, get yourself ready now, listen, listen, hear the spirit as it bids you and when it bids you, come quickly, come quickly.

7-3-09 Campmeeting 2009 Morning Service

For my eyes are watching over you, my angels stand at attention, they are waiting, they are willing to move mightily, my anointing is free, it is falling now even as the rain is falling, gentle, but available. Great things, great things are in store for you, great things I have planned, not only for today, but for tomorrow and for the next day. Miracles, healing, deliverance, I shall give unto you wisdom and knowledge that you can understand the times that you are living in, that you can recognize the signs, for many signs have already been given. As I said, soon, as the global warming continues, Noah’s arch shall be seen by the world, some will change, but many will not. Be not concerned with the things of the world, the drought, the famine, the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the economy as a whole, be not concerned, for I have promised to take you through this time victorious and victorious you shall be. For my word has gone forth, I have given unto you promises, I have made you aware of those promises, and I, your Father God, shall fulfill them. Let not the other cares round about you trouble you, concern you, or weigh you down. For I have told you to lay aside your agenda, lay aside your agenda, set forth my agenda, do the things that I have called you to do and I will meet you, yes, I will, I will meet you.

For it is not by power nor by might, but it is by my Spirit that I shall move in these last days, know my Spirit my children. For there are many false spirits out there that are moving and saying, this is of God and this is how things are going to go in these end times, but not so, for my Spirit says, my word says, try the spirits and see if they be of me. Know the difference my children between the true and the false, for my Spirit shall move without measure in this hour. Yes, the enemy shall try to do some counterfeiting, but do not be deceived, but I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my Spirit, know the difference between the false and the truth. For my Spirit shall only line up with my word, it will not compromise my word, but it shall do all that my word has said. Therefore, I say, know my word that you be not deceived in this hour and this time.

Oh, the work of my Spirit, saith the Lord, oh, the work of my hand, oh, the power of my word, saith the Lord, to do the surgical work upon thy heart today. Be ready to receive all that I have for you today, saith the Lord, for I will do surgery upon you and bring you through on the other side seeing and hearing, and knowing like you have never known before.

I have not forgotten one little dot, not even a comma, for my word has gone forth and I watch over my word to perform it. I will do those things that I have said, I will fulfill my word, yea and my church shall walk in victory even though the world shall walk in defeat, even though the times shall get worse, more jobs will be lost, the economy once again will be in shambles. Believe not what the leaders tell you, for they lie unto you, saith your Father God, for they know not my word, neither do they understand my word, nor have they called upon me, but they have called upon false gods and the false gods cannot help them. But for you, you are my people, you are my children and I shall move mightily on your behalf.

7-2-09 Campmeeting 2009 evening service

Prepare your hearts for the feast that I have for you, open your ears to the spiritual things that I shall declare unto you. For this is a new hour, saith your Father God, an hour for my church, a mighty hour, a powerful hour and my church shall rise to its highest level. It shall see an anointing such as it has never seen before, and when the world looks they will realize the difference between the fake, the false and the real, for truly I am doing a wonderful work. Fear not the economy, fear not the drought, fear not the famine, fear not the global warming, for these things must come. But they are not for you, for you are my children, for I have a rich diet for you, a diet of blessings, a diet of miracles, a diet of healing, a diet of deliverance, and I shall move mightily across the face of the earth.

For the hour is late, but my Spirit is moving without measure, the hour is late, but my people who know my voice are hearing me calling out, get ready, get ready, the harvest is white. Go into the harvest field and bring in the unloving, bring in those that have never come in, be not concerned about the church hoppers, the backslidden, the lukewarm. For there shall come a shaking that shall shake the whole earth and they shall fall on their face and they shall call upon my name, and I, their Father God, shall hear them, yea, I shall answer them. But I say unto you, draw even closer, even closer than you are at the moment, draw closer. For I have an anointing that I want to pour out on you, an anointing that will bring forth the miracles, the signs and the wonders.

7-1-09 pm service

Keep your eyes upon me, don’t let the other things distract you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the promises that I have given unto you. Walk with your ears open, walk expecting, walk according to my word and my promise, walk in the fullness of the anointing that I have given unto you. You are not of this world, leave the cares of the world in the world, walk in the spirit realm, mighty things shall happen, mighty things shall come to pass. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, continue to pray and press in. You know the tactics of the enemy, you know the things that he has tried, there is nothing new under heaven, walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. Look not at the world, for the world is not of me neither are the things of the world of me, but walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you.

6-28-09 am service

Fortify your unity, fortify your love, for the enemy is working even harder in these days that you are walking in now, than at times you realize or recognize. Walk in the spirit realm that I may contact you, walk in the spirit realm that I may lead you and guide you and direct you. Let your spiritual ears be open at all times, do not get so caught up in the affairs of this world that you cannot hear, that you cannot understand, that you cannot walk in the protection that I have provided for you. But walk, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, be open, be open. Many things are transpiring right now, they are coming to pass, things that the world will see and yet it will not affect many. Due to the global warming and the melting of the icebergs and the snowcapped mountains, soon Noah’s ark will be very visible and man shall see it and know that it is true. And yet it will not change lives, it will not cause more to come in, for many hearts are already set, they are already hardened, they do not believe in me, they do not believe in my Son, Jesus. The tornadoes have not woken them up, the hurricanes have not woken them up, the fires have not caused them to come awake, the earthquakes, the famine, the drought, the global warming, they just shrug it off as if it is nothing. They bring forth their own peace plans and they push them. Even now the EU is forming and setting up a new foundation with a new leader. Russia has twenty-two satellite countries now flowing with her. North Korea is not afraid and yet she is walking in a boldness that concerns others. All these things are end-time signs, the economy, the loss of jobs, the government control. You are in a time that the world has never seen before and that time does not get better, it gets worse for the world, not for my church, but worse for the world. And if my church is not walking as close by my side as I have told them, the enemy comes in and steals, it kills, it destroys, he traps and snares people. You need to be walking very closely by my side. You need your wisdom, my wisdom, you need your knowledge, my knowledge, you need an understanding of my word that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you. I have some powerful, powerful great things in store for this week, great things, some will receive and some will come slumbering, lukewarm and not receive. Press into the fullness of the things that I have, keep your mind upon the rivers that are flowing, keep your mind upon the anointing that is flowing, keep your mind upon the things that I am doing and truly you shall see the miracles, you shall see the wonders and you shall hear and understand and know and walk in the fullness of my powers such as you have never walked in before. Let your ears be open, let your hearts be open. Come.

Will I not do all that I have promised? I am faithful and true to my word. Know that I have given unto you my word that you can walk in the freedom that is yours. Know that I have said this is an hour to prepare yourself for the things that are ahead. Do not be slack concerning my word, but I say unto you, press in like never before, receive all that I have for you to receive even in this next week. Come with your hearts prepared, ready, that I can flow and use you and that you can receive all that I have. It is such a great time for my church, yes, it is a great time. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, do not slack off nor lag behind, but press in and receive all that I have in store for you. Do you not know that I desire that you walk in the fullness of all my blessings, the fullness of all that I have provided for you? Oh, I say unto you, press forward for what I have in store, for truly I have great blessings in store for you. Therefore, I say, press in, do not lag behind, but press forward.

Only believe, for all things are possible if you dare to believe, if you can stand and not be moved, only believe. For I am your Father and I love you far more than you love me, even though you love me with your heart, I care for you, I hear you and I move mightily on your behalf

Behold, I say unto you, this is a supernatural week, this is a special week, a very special week. Step into the positions that I have need of. Step into the places that I have called you to be in. Make your requests known unto me; let me hear, then allow my wisdom to be used. Be open; do not allow the cares of the world, the situations, the problems, the circumstances that the enemy is trying to throw at you cloud your mind concerning the things that must be done this week. You are on my agenda this week; you are on my agenda, not yours, throw yours away, throw it away and walk on my agenda. Prepare yourself, for you are the vessels through which I shall move mightily, and those that come shall receive through the gifts that are flowing through you, through the speakers, through the anointing, through the music, through the prophetic word. You are my vessels this week. This is one of your greatest hours, you may look at other hours as if they were greater, but not so, saith your Father God, not so. This week I have something in the agenda that I have called and purposed you for. You shall hear my word over and over, you shall hear other words. Prepare your hearts now, make yourselves ready now, set down your agendas, pick up mine, for I love you.

Who is Satan that he can hinder you? Who are his demons? What are they? Do they have all power, do they have all wisdom, do they have all knowledge? No, they are a defeated group with a defeated leader that has been defeated and even the keys of his kingdom stripped from him. Be not fearful of what he says he is going to do, for his boasts are only boasts unless you allow them to take place. Stand, stand on my word, stand on my promises, speak my word, speak my word. This week is extremely important. Walk by my side.

6-28-09 pm service

Let your ears be open, let your mind be open, be not deceived, be not fooled, be not caught, for the enemy is moving in a mighty way, but he is a defeated foe, as far as my church is concerned, when my church knows who they are, they can walk in the victory that I gave unto them. Be not like the world, for the world shall see nothing but calamity, troubles, hard times, for the economy has not moved up good, as some would say, for the job rate continues to rise on the unemployment side. Walk very close to me, do not be fooled by these things, do not be fooled by the cooler temperatures we have here, for global warming is still going on. Forest fires, tornadoes, even flooding, earthquakes, drought, famine, high cost of living, all these things are taking place, but I am supplying and my children are walking in the blessings that I have for them. Walk as a child of God; walk close by my side that I might fulfill all that I have promised you.

Do not fear the great troubles that are taking place, but I say unto you, walk with me like never before, allow my peace which passes all understand to fill your lives knowing that I am coming soon, knowing that great things are in store for those who are walking with me. Yes, things will get harder and darker for the world, but you are not of this world, you are mine. Therefore, I say unto you, the world shall not affect you; it shall not come nigh you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my perfect peace that I have given unto you knowing that I will provide, I will see you through, I will take care of you, for I am your Father and I am your God and I will do all that I have promised that I will do. Press in with all that you have, for now is the time and now is the hour for you to see the fulfillment of all the promises that I have given unto you. Press in, press in, for oh, the great things that are in store for those who walk with me.

Prepare yourselves, make yourselves ready, great things are in store for you, blessings such as you do not even know, nor are you expecting and yet they are yours and they shall come if you walk with me. Watch, listen, meditate, drink from the rivers that will flow, drink from them deeply, drink from them and receive newness of life, receive power, receive anointing, for as it flows from the altar, it shall touch you.

6-24-09 pm service

For things are moving very rapidly, far faster than most can see or even understand, but it is only because they do not apply themselves to my word. They have not read, they have not studied, neither do they understand the events of the end time, for if they were to watch the news, read the newspaper, look on the computer they would see sign after sign after sign. When I speak to you the very next day things begin to take place and they are fulfilled right before your eyes and yet at times the church is sound asleep, sound asleep, an earthquake would not wake them up. But when disaster comes, that will wake them up, and disaster is not far off, but I say unto you that will listen, press in, press in, press in. Do not be a murmurer, do not be a complainer, but get into my word, know the answers, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, walk in the victory that is already yours, walk as children of Almighty God, walk as heirs to my throne, be the overcomers. Do not be like the world, for in the world there is great disaster, in the world there are wars coming, in the world there is famine that is already here, in the world there is global warming, in the world there are shortages here, shortages there, high cost of living. The economy is not getting better, but many do not believe that, their eyes are upon the news that tickles their ears. But I say unto you, be not like them, allow me to provide all your needs, let your trust be totally in me, draw closer to me for the time is short.

For I say unto you my children, be a sanctified testimony, be sanctified my children, be holy, let not this world sway your thoughts towards me and my word. For I say unto you, the world does not know me, but you know me and I know you. Stand firm, says the Lord and be a sanctified testimony unto the world. Stand according to my word and let nothing move you; trust in me with all your heart and soul and mind and strength. Be a testimony, a sanctified vessel that the world may know that I live in the midst of turmoil, in the midst of trouble, in the midst of trial, yes I say, the heat shall be turned up even hotter and higher than before. But I say unto you, be a vessel that is sanctified according to my word, be ye holy, for I have called you to be these things, to be a testimony and to be a light unto the people that they might know that there is a God and glorify me, says the Lord.

Those who are going to shine their light are those that have been into the word and are feeding their spiritman. Those who are not being so diligent will have a light, but it will not be as bright and it will not compel the darkness, as it needs to. That is why my children I encourage you and I urge you to get into my word like never before, to get in close with me like never before that you can be productive in the way that I need you to be productive. For oh, the harvest that is out there, and oh, the laborers that I have need of. Be the light that I have called you to be, get into my word, spend that time in prayer, allow me to use you as I have said, for now is the time and now is the hour for the harvest to come in. Be open unto me at all times that I may use you, that I may speak unto you and give you the words to share with others that will lead them to me, for it is time, their hearts are ready. Therefore, listen and be open to me that I may use you as a vessel.

For though the way seems dark, yet it is not, for I have given you my light and that light shines upon the path that you are walking on. I have given unto you the comforter who leads you and guides you, who is always there with you, even I am with you. I have shown you the things to come, I have spoken to you, I have ministered to you, I have lifted you up and encouraged you. Walk in the light that I have provided for you.

6-21-09 am service

Let your ears listen carefully, meditate upon the things that I shall say, ponder them in your heart, let not your eyes depart from them, close not your ears. For many things are taking place at the moment, things that at times my people are not aware of even though they should be aware of the things that are going on. They are sleeping, slumbering, wrapped up in the cares of the world and they don’t see the spiritual realm, they don’t see the things that are taking place, they understand not the signs of the time. And yet it is an hour such as it has never been before, for the evilness of this hour is far greater than at anytime in history, if you were to look you would see that. You would see and understand what the angels that were locked up in the bottomless pit until this hour are doing, you would realize that these things are not going to cease, but they shall grow worse and worse. That does not mean that you will not walk in victory, that does not mean you will not be an overcomer, but if you don’t understand the things that are going on, if you don’t see the things that are going on you will walk into a wall, you will fall in a pit, you will walk into quicksand, you will drown in the river. For you will not see any of those things ahead of you, it will all look like smooth going, it will all look like everything is making a turnaround, that everything is making a change. Not so, saith your Father God, for the lateness of the hour, the lateness of the hour is at hand, hear, understand and know. For if you watch even the weather patterns, they are confused, one place there is rain, one place there is high, high temperatures, one place there is drought, global warming is being seen far clearer now than ever before. Flowers are growing where icebergs once stood, water is rising, seashores are vanishing, then you have the tornadoes, you have the flooding, you have the forest fires, you have the volcanoes, you have the earthquakes, you have the drought, you have the famine, I could go on and on and on. And yet you say they are not affecting me, no, because you are my child and I am taking care of you, but I cannot take care of you if you will not allow me, if you will not listen to me, if you will not do the things that I have told you, if you will not follow the path upon which I have told you walk. It is like being in a strange land with poisonous snakes on each side of the trail, if you walk not on the trail, you will not be safe. Oh, that my people would listen, oh, that my people would hear, oh, that my people would understand, can they not see the things that are taking place in the nightly news, do they not read their newspaper, are they deaf, are they blind or are they spiritually dead? Wake up, wake up, look round about you, prepare yourself, make yourself ready, walk on the path that I have set before you. For as you walk on the path that I have set before you, you will walk in victory, you will be the overcomer, you will do the things that I have told you to do and the things of the world will not trouble you, they will not bother you, they will not affect you. Walk, walk close by my side.

It is a serious hour as I have been telling you, for yet my people are not taking it as serious as they should. They are not getting on their knees like they should, they are not seeking me like they should, this is why I keep on warning you of the things that are going to take place. For many are not ready, they have not prepared themselves for the hour they are living in, they have not prepared themselves for the times they shall go through. But those who have been diligent, those who have heard and listened and have done what I have told them to do, they shall be rewarded, they shall find themselves walking in great happiness and joy and peace and comfort and contentment because their lives shall be filled with my blessings. They shall have nothing to be concerned or worried over because they have followed my directions. Not so for those who have not listened, for those who have put it off and said, oh, I can wait and do this tomorrow, no, it is not that hour. It is the hour to press in now, to push forward to the things that I have given unto you to do, is that hour, it is that time. Therefore, I say unto you, follow my directions precisely that you, yes, that you can walk in the abundance of all that I have already provided for you. Do you not know that I love you; do you not know that I desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you? Oh, my children, it is my desire that you be all that I have called you to be. It is my desire that you walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you, that you walk in the fullness of my word. Oh, for I desire, yes, I desire that you walk fully with me, oh, whole heartedly, that you can truly receive the blessings that I have for you this hour. For I love you and it is my desire that you truly walk in the greatness of all that I have in store.

Do not wrap yourself in a robe to cover your nakedness, do not plug your ears and refuse to hear, don’t make excuses, for if you make excuses, or if you do not hear, or if you cover yourself and don’t see your nakedness, how can you walk in the victories that I have for you, how can you escape the evil one and the plots and the plans that he has for you? Shake yourself, shake yourself, take a closer look and walk by my side.

Are not the days numbered even as the hair on your head is numbered? Do I not know the end from the beginning, have I not said and will I not do? Have you pondered and thought upon the things that I have said, do you take them literally, or do you put them off thinking they will not come to pass? Wake up I say, wake up I say, for truly many things are happening at the moment, things that concern you, things that concern the world, things that concern my people Israel. Many things are happening right now and many know not because they know not my word neither do they see the things, but look, look, get into my word. Shake the dust off your Bibles, get into my word.

6-21-09 pm service

Be not fearful neither allow fear to enter in, for I am your Father and I love you with an everlasting love and I go before you and make a way where there is no way. I give strength and power unto you, I put my anointing upon you, I gift you with the gifts of the Spirit that you may walk in the victories that I have for you. For even though this is a dark hour, for even though many things are taking place, many things that I have warned you about, yet for, you it is an hour of great victory. It is an hour as overcomers if you walk according to my will, if you walk according to the light that is upon the path, if you follow after me, then it shall be a victorious hour, a time of great victory, a time of great blessings, a time of great peace. Walk by my side; know me even more so than you know me right now. Press in even closer, prepare yourself, prepare yourself for what I have for you in just a few days. Make yourself ready now, saith your Father God, or you shall miss a great blessing.

Do you hear my voice, are your ears open as I talk to you, do you understand the things that I say unto you, do you meditate upon them, do you ponder them and study them? Do you make sure they are clear in you understanding and clear in the vision that I have given unto you? Walk very closely by my side, for it is an hour when you need to do these things. It is an hour when you need to hear me like never before, it is an hour when you need to see spiritually and understand spiritually and walk spiritually, for the false spirit is moving in a mighty way.

6-17-09 pm service

Be not deceived by the things that are going on. Be not deceived by the false church or the things that they are saying, but know my word, know my word, understand my word, walk in my word. For as you understand my word and walk in my word you become the overcomers that I have said that you could be, you can be all that I have said that you could be, if you walk in my word. Look not at the world, look not at the things that are going on, but keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, don’t be deceived. For as you look at the world you will see them walking in confusion, you will see them not knowing what is about to take place. You will see the earthquakes, you will see the tornadoes, you will see the forest fires, you will see the flooding and you will hear more right now about global warming because there is a big push to tell the truth. You will also hear about the drought and the famine and the things that are going on. You will hear about wars and rumors of wars, you will hear about the peace treaty that they are pushing so hard to get signed. You will hear these things, and as you compare them with my word, as you look into my word, you will have a clear understanding of the things that are going on. Do not be deceived; prepare yourself now, as I have said before, for Campmeeting, for it is just a step away. Prepare yourself now, make yourself ready, do not go like you normally go, but prepare yourself and go ready to receive.

For I tell you I have prepared many streams, saith God, for I tell you that I have prepared many rivers for you to drink of, saith the Lord, if it were not so I would not have told you. But I say unto you, many rivers and many streams have already been prepared for the event coming up, saith God, for even this tent meeting, saith the Lord. Oh, I say unto you, prepare yourself like you have never done before, for I have already prepared for you, saith God, prepared for you to drink thereof, saith the Lord. Get ready; get ready, get ready, saith the Lord.

Let your spiritual ears be open, let the Spirit have freedom that he may speak to you loud and clear, that you can hear of the things that I, your Father God, am doing, that you may know, that you may see, that you may understand. Be not moved by the pressures that the enemy tries to put upon you, but stand strong in my word, rebuke them in my word, come against them in my word. For I have given you that privilege, and as you stand as heirs to the throne, then I can move on your behalf.

For I say unto you, oh, the anointing that destroys the yoke, oh, the anointing that destroys the bondage, oh, I say unto you, step in the river now that you might know the freedom thereof. Step into the joy of my presence now, saith God, that you might know the joy that will come thereafter. For I say unto you, in my presence there is joy forevermore, oh, the anointing, oh, the anointing.

6-14-09 am service

Let your eyes be upon my word, let your mind be upon those things that are taking place. Be watchful, know the things that are going on, know how they compare with what my word has said. Know the hour, know the time, be not deceived, know what has taken place forty years ago, know how it applies to this time, to this hour, to this very day, saith your Father. Beware, beware, but walk closely by my side, listen carefully to the things that I have to say, walk in the fullness of my word, be not like those that know me not. For the world understands not the things that are going on nor the things that are taking place, for they have their own agenda and they look at it from their own mind, from the control that the evil one has over the world. They see not the things that are going on, they know not the things that are going on, for they cannot understand them until they receive their new birth. But as you walk with me, as you draw closer to me, let your mind, let your soul, let your spirit be controlled by my word, walk in the fullness of my word. For many, many things are taking place right now, know those things, mark them, keep watch over them and prepare yourself.

Know the love that I have given unto you, know that I desire that you walk in the perfect will for this hour and this time. It is an hour to walk in my word and to know my word, not just to say you know my word, but to know my word in your heart that in this hour and in this time you might be able to stand, yes, that you might be able to stand strong. Oh, the things the enemy would like to do, but as my people rise up as I have called them to rise up, oh, the greatness that shall become of my people because they hear my voice and walk in my word. Know this is an hour to press in like never before, know that great and mighty things are in store for those who walk with me. Know my word, know my voice, know, know my will concerning your life. It is an hour to truly walk close with me, do you not know that I love you, do you not know that I desire that you walk in perfectness of my will, that you walk in the protection, that you walk in the safety, that you walk in the provisions that I have given unto you? Draw ever so close to me, know my word and walk with me that you can truly walk victorious in this hour and in this day.

Let your ears be open, hear the things that the Spirit has to say to the church, for this is an extremely important month. There is a great push for the peace treaty now, and as you understand it in the light of this month, then you understand many things and it shows you the hour and the time that you are in. Press in closer, press in closer, for the time is shorter than most think.

6-14-09 pm service

Continue to press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, walk very closely by my side, let your spiritual ears be open that the word finds its place in your heart, let it lodge there. Understand the things that are going on, understand the times that you are seeing, for the world understands it not, but you should understand these things, saith your Father God, for the signs are very clear, very, very clear. Keep your ears open; keep your eyes open, walk very close by my side.

Oh, the greatness of the things that I have in store for you, for am not I thee I am, will I not do all I have promised I will do, will I not supply, will I not provide? Oh, I say unto you, even though it is tough times for the world, it is the greatest hour my church has ever lived in, and oh, the mighty things that I shall do, the things that I shall accomplish, not man, but I shall do. Oh, I say unto you, look to me like never before, keep your eyes upon the goal, the visions and the path that I have provided for you to walk in and watch as my hand, oh, the hand of Almighty God, oh, provides, leads and guides.

Pray concerning your government, pray concerning the things that are taking place all over the world. Keep your eyes on Israel, watch the peace treaty that they are trying to push forth and cause to come to pass, watch what is going on, watch it very closely. Be aware of the tornadoes, the earthquake; be aware of the floods and the forest fires, for you shall see them.

6-10-09 pm service

For as you watch, look and listen, you see the signs that I have spoken to you about, you will see the fulfillment of many scriptures, for they are coming to pass. For as you walk in the fullness of my Spirit, for as you walk closer to me, you walk in a realm far higher than those that do not walk close, those that lag behind, those that have doubts, those that know not my word. But those that know my word have a great understanding of the spiritual things, they see and understand in the spirit realm, they walk in the fullness of my Spirit, they do great and mighty and wonderful things, for they walk as heirs to my throne. Not so with the world, for the world knows not what is taking place now, they talk out of both sides of their mouth. They say things that they are not really standing for and they are standing for things that they don’t really say. We can see the trouble throughout the whole world, jobs lost all over, economy in real bad shape, things are not as good as they try to make them sound. Hurricanes will soon come, tornadoes are raging here and there, hot, hot weather, drought, famine, high cost of living and oil prices continue to go up. Oh, the world, if they only knew me, if they only walked according to my word, if they only understood just where they were they would come quickly into the fold. For the door is going to slam shut soon, and once it slams shut, it will be shut. Prepare your hearts, make yourself ready for the Campmeeting, prepare yourself now, don’t linger, don’t wait, don’t put it off for other things, but make the spiritual things the most important things in your life.

As runners focus on the race before them so focus your attention on me for all the great and powerful and wonderful things that I have in store for you. This is an hour for my people, it is a great hour for my church, it is an hour where blessings shall flood into those who are faithful unto me, it is that time it is that hour. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before, prepare like I have said to prepare. For now is the hour, now is the time, and oh, the great things that are in store for those who harken and listen to my voice, who do what I have spoken unto them to do, who prepare, who are ready for the days that are ahead. They shall walk in victory, they shall walk in blessings, they shall walk in abundance. Walk with me like never before; know my word and walk, yes, walk in the abundance of all that I have given unto you.

For this night, saith the Lord, I expand your vessels, for this night, saith God, I expand who you are, for this night, saith the Lord, I expand your spirit. Receive my word in abundance tonight, receive all that I speak unto you and all that you hear that is of me, receive it, saith God, that you might be a vessel that is flowing over for the days that we live in. For this is that special hour, saith God, to overflow with what I have given unto you, the abundance of my Spirit and the abundance of my word, the abundance of my power and the abundance of the riches of my word, saith the Lord. You have been expanded, now receive.

6-7-09 am service

For it is an hour, saith your Father God, when you need to seek my face, to seek it daily, to seek it throughout the day, to press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, to enter into the promises that I have given unto you, to walk in the light, not in the shadow of the light, not in darkness, but walk in the light, for it is important. For as you walk in the shadow of the light, you drift away from me, you continue to drift farther and farther away. Walk in the light, walk in the light, know my word, understand my word, study my word, for changes are taking place so fast, so rapid that I don’t believe you are seeing them, I don’t believe that you are understanding them, that you are knowing what is going on. And I say unto you, press in, press in, for truly you have seen the signs that I have said, you have seen the drought, you are seeing the famine, you are seeing higher gas prices, you remember I said they would not go down until the antichrist takes control? Are they not up again, will they not continue to go higher? Draw closer to me, wake up, wake up, for you are walking as if you are in a sleep, you are walking as if nothing matters and yet all around you your freedom has gone, all around you your enemies prepare for war, all around you things are taking place and it shall affect all of those that do not know me and walk very closely by my side. Walk close to me, not at an arm’s length, but close, saith your Father God, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, press in. For those are the things that are vitally important, those are the things that will cause you to be the overcomers. Fear not the tornadoes, fear not the flooding, fear not the fires, for the fires shall come, fear not the high, high heat, for it shall come here also, but rejoice that it hasn’t up till now. Watch out for the famine; prepare yourself even as I have told you to prepare yourself. Make yourself ready for the Campmeeting, make yourself ready, notice that I did not say I would make you ready, make yourself ready, prepare yourself, for I have got great things that I desire to do.

For those who have heard my voice and that follow my instructions concerning this day and this hour, what shall take place, how to prepare, they shall not be affected by the things that are taking place in the world. They shall not be affected because they have prepared themselves, because they have listened to me, because they have taken heed to my warnings. They shall walk in the abundance of the blessings that I have for them, not so for those who have just taken lightly the things which I have spoken unto them, they shall find hard times come their way. But fear not, for I shall be here as you call upon me, my word declares I will never leave you nor will I forsake you, I will be here to the very end and so shall my word remain true, I do not change. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know that I am here for you, even if you have made choices that bring hardship upon yourself, I shall turn things around as you come to me, for I am your Father, I am your God and I love you. Know that there are great changes taking place in the world, do not allow fear to come in you, do not allow the enemy to enter in at the door, but I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my peace, walk in the provisions I have made for you. Know that this is a serious time, it is a serious hour, it is a time to draw close to me like never before. It is an hour to get into my word; it is an hour to spend time in prayer before me, for oh, the things that shall take place.

Be not likened unto the man that waiteth and waiteth and suddenly found that it had already gone by, that it is too late. Be not like that, but press in, press in, do the things that I have told you, walk according to my word, rejoice in your heart. For it is an hour of great blessings for my church, an hour of great prosperity, an hour of happiness.

6-7-09 pm service

For truly as you exalt my name, as you lift it higher and higher, I am freed up to move even more so on your behalf. There are many things that I, your Father God, can do, things far greater than you imagine, things far greater than you think, for my love for you is far greater than you understand. So fear not the things of the world, but lift my name high, for I have said, that if you lift my name high, I will draw all men unto me, I will move mightily on your behalf. Not only will I be your provider, I will be your protector, I will be your advance army that shall go before you that you will need not go, I shall do great things on your behalf. You will not fear the things that shall come upon the earth, for you will know in my word that it is that hour, it is that time and they are going to take place. And you will walk in the assurance that I have given you the victory, that I have given you the confidence, that I have made you the overcomers and you shall win. Fear not the tornadoes, fear not the flooding, fear not the drought, fear not the global warming, fear not the fires or the earthquake, fear not these things. For these are only signs that others may see and know, but you are my children, you are my sons, you are my daughters, therefore, walk as heirs to my throne.

You do not need to fight the battle, for I have already won the battle for you, all you need to do is stand upon my word. Do you not know that I am faithful; will I not see you through even as I have promised? Therefore, I say unto you, do not allow fear to grip your heart when you see things taking place in the world, but rather know that I have already given unto you the victory in every area. All you have to do is walk in my word, stand upon my word and know that victory is already yours, for I have provided all that you need, do you understand that, do you realize that? I have given unto you all that you have need, but yet at times my children do not come to me when they have a need. They try to do it on their own, yet I am here to provide for them if they would just but come, for I am here as I have said and I will never leave you nor will I forsake you even as my word declares. So do not fret no matter how bad the world becomes, do not fear, but rather walk in my peace and rest assured knowing that truly, I, Almighty God, will take care of you. I will be true to my word and I will see you through even to the very end.

For as you walk in the fullness of my power, my authority, my ability, there is no fear, for my love casteth out all fear. There is no discomfort, for I satisfy you and I please you, I strengthen you, I go before you and make a way where there is no way. As you walk closely by my side, miracles, signs and wonders become commonplace and you begin to function in a higher authority than you have ever functioned before. Be not fearful of the things that shall come upon the earth, for you are not of this earth, you are of my kingdom and I am your Father and I have provided and I will make a way, fear not.

6-3-09 pm service

Oh, the richness of this hour, the richness of this time for those that are walking closely by my side, for those whose eyes and ears are open, who are watching, who are studying, who know the things that are going on. This hour is filled with blessings, it’s filled with wisdom, it’s filled with knowledge, healing and deliverance is flowing in the house of God like never before. Oh, the joy, the joy that surpasses, that goes far beyond the reach of the world, oh, the joy that fills my house to overflowing, oh, what an hour, what an hour for the church. Not so for the lukewarm, not so for the world, for they see not, neither do they know, neither do they understand the things that are going on. For they look in this direction and they look in that direction and they do not understand things, and because they do not understand things, they prepare not themselves, and as they prepare not themselves, they fall into traps, they fall into pits and the pressure roundabout them gets worse, not better, but worse. Oh, the storms that will come, oh, the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the disasters, disaster here, disaster overseas, oh, the plans that are being made right now to destroy Israel, oh, the things, the things that are going on. But I, your Father God, have stepped in, they know not this, but they cannot get around me nor can they get pass me. For my word shall be fulfilled, it shall come to pass, even as I have written in the Book that you read. Study my word, know my word.

For I say unto you, continue to surrender all to me, saith your Father God. Hold not back your generosity unto others, for this is that hour, saith God, for others to know who I am. Hold not back your finances, hold not back your faith, but speak it forth, saith God and speak in abundance, be generous, saith God, be generous, be overflowing at times that others may know that I live, saith God. For by your generosity they shall know that your faith is alive.

5-31-09 am service

ALIYAH, ALIYAH, ALIYAH, the whistle has blown, listen my children, listen, listen clearly, ALIYAH, ALIYAH, ALIYAH, for truly the whistle has blown, the gentiles know it not, the Christians know it not, but you hear and you know, respond today, saith your Father God. For truly, as you unite together as one you shall be in safety, but if you do not unite together as one you shall not be in safety. Therefore, I call unto you again, for this is the second time, saith your Father God, it is time now, ALIYAH, ALIYAH, for truly I say unto you, hear. For truly June shall be far worse than it was in May and you shall see things that shall shake you, you shall see things that shall cause you trouble, you shall see things that will wake you up, but it is that time, saith your Father God, it is that time. Listen and hear and know the things that I have said unto you, for truly the time is short.

Listen and pay attention, for things shall move at a rapid pace, do not fall behind, but I say unto you, stay in my pace, run with me like never before. I have said this is a great hour, this is a great time, things are moving much quicker than you even see my children, but they are moving quickly. Therefore, I say unto you, stay with me and my pace, know what I have said, know my word, prepare yourself like you have never prepared before for the upcoming Campmeeting and what I am going to do. Oh, the things that are in store for you, oh, the things that are in store for those who walk with me and follow after me and hear my words. It is the hour to come like at no other time, to come receive my anointing, to come receive my healing, to come receive miracles, it is that hour and it is that time. Therefore, I call you to come, prepare, prepare, prepare, for oh, the great things I have in store.

For it is a swift hour, a very swift hour, many things have already taken place this month, many changes that you have seen, many things that you never thought that you would see. It is nothing in comparison to what you shall see in this coming month. You shall see many things, more changes, more trouble on the right hand, more trouble on the left hand, more trouble throughout all the world, great changes. Changes that the antichrist, Satan and his angels have planned for years and now it is the time to see them. But fear not, for you are mine and as you walk with me I shall make you the overcomers, I shall make you the victors and you shall walk in that victory.

5-31-09 pm service

For truly this is the hour of great expectation, this is the hour when the eyes of my people shall be opened like never before. This is the hour that every time they look in the newspaper, every time that they look at the TV, every time that they turn on the radio, they will hear about the signs that are recorded in my word, about the things that are taking place. Oh, what a glorious hour it is, even though many shall not look upon it as that, it is a glorious hour, for those walking close to me shall be the overcomers, they shall be the victors, they shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out, they shall be the head and not the tail. I shall bless them in ways they have never been blessed before; I shall supply and meet all their needs. Not so for the world, not so, saith your Father God, for I laugh as I look at the things that man says, as they predict the things that they believe shall come to pass, for they know not what my word has said. Prepare yourself, make yourself ready, be ready for the things that I have warned you of, be prepared, do not wait, seek me, seek me with all your heart, draw closer to me. For truly there are some dark rough times ahead for those that do not know my word, that do not know the promises, that do not know how to walk in the spirit. Learn quickly, walk in the spirit.

Be humble, be teachable, allow me to use you like never before, allow me to show you the right way to do things, the way that will give you victory, the way that will give you success. In this hour you need my wisdom, you need my knowledge, you need my directions. Therefore, I say, know my voice that I can speak to you, that I can lead, that I can guide you, that I can show you the way. For I have already made the way for you my children, and as you listen to me, as you hear my guidance, you shall walk in the pure victory that I have given to you, that I have said is yours as my children. Know that it is not the hour to play around, but it is the hour to get serious, to get into my church like never before, to get into my word, to become all that I have said that you can become. For it is this hour where I also need laborers to go into the harvest field and get those who are ripe and ready. Get yourself grounded in my word like never before, know my voice, for it is important that you hear and know my voice that you are not caught in the traps of the enemy, but that you walk truly in the path that I have provided. Draw ever so close to me, draw ever so close to me, get serious, get serious, be in my word, study my word, pray in the spirit that I have given unto you, be built up even as my word says, as you pray in the spirit you shall be built up. Therefore, I say, pray in the spirit that you may be built up and that spiritman will be strong that you will be able to fight in this time of great need.

For the harvest field is great, the harvest is plentiful, not all harvest ripens at the same time. For the strawberry and cherry are way before the apples, the peas way before the corn, so there is much labor to be done and though you may run out of fruit in one area there is more fruit just coming ready. So prepare yourself to go into that harvest field and bring forth the harvest, for truly it is ripe, it is white, it is ready.

5-24-09 pm service

For the days are rich and full, the blessings are falling, they are falling near and far, they are falling upon all those who are walking according to my will, walking according to my promise. They are blessed, they are blessed, they are blessed, even as my word says, they are blessed, I watch over them, I protect them, I take care of them, my Holy Spirit leads them and guides them and directs them, gives unto them wisdom and knowledge, it is a glorious hour for the church. Not so for the world, for the world is in a time of great disaster, a time that they do not understand, a time when peace continues to slip away from them regardless of the plans that they make, where there is trouble on the right hand, trouble on the left hand and it seems like as soon as they calm one down another one flares up. For it is that hour and that time, saith your Father God, for the blessings have been removed upon those that know me not. The blessings have been removed, the protection has been removed and they walk in their own strength, their own ability, their own knowledge, but not so for my church. For I shall continue to be their protection, I shall continue to be their guide, I will continue to be their strength. For I am their Father and they love me and they walk by my side and I walk by their side, oh rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.

Lift up your head, lift up your eyes from whence cometh your health, for your health cometh from your Lord God the maker of heaven and earth, nothing is too hard for me to do. Look not to the world for your health, for the world will not give you the help you need, but look to me for I have all that you have need of. My word is filled with promises that are yours, and as you stand upon those promises in this hour and this time, I will be faithful as I always have to my word, for it does not change and neither do I. So I say unto you, lift up your eyes, for I am all you need, I am your health, I am everything that you need in this hour and this time. Look not to the source of the world for your health, for you will get nowhere, but look to me and you shall walk victorious.

5-24-09 am service

Continue to keep your eyes upon my word, continue to keep your ears open that you can hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Continue to walk according to my will and my promises, let my word be the center of your life, meditate upon it, understand it. For many things are taking place right now that you need to be aware of, that you need to understand, that you need to see clearly. As you look at them and compare them with my word, great understanding comes unto you, great wisdom and great knowledge is formed within your heart that you can stand on my word, that you can stand on my promises. For the things that I said shall take place are fastly coming to pass right before your eyes, are you noticing them, are you aware of them or will they cause you great problems down the road? For if you walk in the wisdom and knowledge that I give unto you, you walk on the path that is a path of constant victory, you become a constant overcomer, you become the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. You become everything that I, your Father God, have said you can be and you can walk in the fullness of the things that I say. Be not fooled, be not deceived, but check with my word, for many, many who were once great have departed from my word and they have gone to another gospel that is not a gospel at all. Be not likened unto them, but beware, beware even more so in the days that you are now in than you were in days past. Let your spiritual insight be far greater, let your wisdom and knowledge be that of mine and not your own, nor of that of the world, but walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Many great disasters shall take place again this coming week, even as they have in this last week; keep your eyes upon that. Watch the tornadoes, watch the heat wave, watch the drought, watch those things that I have spoken unto you, watch the earthquakes, watch, watch and see, saith your Father God, know and understand and walk, walk in my word.

Be awake, be sober, know what hour you are living in, know the things that are going to take place because my word declares it. Know my word that you can walk in the fullness of my word, for have not I said, you are not of this world, but you are mine and I will see you through these days ahead. Trust me like you have never trusted me before, stand upon my word, learn, learn, learn to walk with me in every area of your life. For it is so important that you do not lack in any area, but that you are filled to overflowing with my word that in this hour you are able to stand and stand victoriously. For does not my word say, that it is an hour to be ready, to be vigilant? Therefore, I say unto you, do not put off what I’ve spoken unto you to do, but prepare yourself for the hour, the day and the time that you are living in. For mighty are the things that I have in store for my people, but oh, the darkness that shall cover the world. Know that I have given unto you the light of my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have said are yours for this hour. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy, but I say unto you, listen unto me and my word and walk, yes, walk in the provisions that I have already made for you.

The storywriter says that Rip Van Winkle slept and while he slept many changes took place. Be not likened unto him, for many of you are asleep, wake up, wake up, saith the Lord, wake up, for truly the signs of the end are here, they are taking place. Prepare yourself, make yourself ready.

5-24-09 pm service

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me, let my word be in your heart, let my word bring forth all my promises unto you that you may walk in the victory that I have for you. For truly, I desire to bless you, I desire to lift you up; I desire to cause you to walk as champions, to walk as heirs and joint heirs, to understand the hour and the time. I desire to bless you more than you realize, I desire to prosper you, I desire to heal you and deliver you and set you free. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, listen to the things that I tell you, for the triple digits shall come and they shall break record after record after record. The nineties shall come and they also shall break record after record after record. The tornadoes shall continue to tear up things here and there, destroy things. The drought will widen, the global warming will expand, the high cost of living shall continue to rise throughout the summer, there will be no relief. But I say unto you, fear not these things, but trust me, for I, your Father God, shall take you through this time in great victory.

Do not allow fear to grip your heart when you see things taking place round about you, when you see the economy getting worse, when you see big changes that you do not like, do not walk in fear. But I say unto you, walk in my word, for my word says that I have not given you a spirit of fear but I have given you a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Know my word, allow not the enemy to come in, allow him not to bring destruction, but walk in my word, walk in my ways, for I have already made the way for you, just walk with me. Do not go to the world for your strength, for you will not find strength in the world, but you will find strength in me. Come to me like never before, for I am here for you and I will be faithful even as I have been faithful in the past. I will meet your needs, I will provide, I will heal, I will be your all in all. Come unto me like you never have before, for I am here for you. Do not hold back, do not listen to the lies of the enemy, but I say unto you, come to me, draw close to me, now is the hour to draw near to me. For it is a great hour for my church yet it is a terrible hour for the world. Walk not in the traps of the enemy, but I say unto you, walk with me, walk with me, follow me, know and hear my voice, do what I have told you to do. Walk in the provisions that I have made for you, walk with me, for you shall walk in my blessings as you walk with me.

Don’t back away from the blessings; don’t turn them down, for even though you may not need them, I will supply those that do, and you shall be doubly blessed and I will be able to move even greater on your behalf. But know what you are doing, don’t walk in your own wisdom, don’t walk in your own knowledge, but receive my wisdom, receive my knowledge that you may do as my word says, that you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you.

5-20-09 pm service

Did I not tell you what this week would be like, have you been paying attention, are you applying it to your life, would you be ready if something were to go wrong right now? Watch, be not slothful, be not a sluggard, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, know my word, study my word, meditate upon my word that you may see and understand the things that are taking place. For the things that are taking place right now are extremely important to know and understand, for if you know them and understand them there is clear sailing ahead, nothing but victory. But when you know not which road to take, which turn to take, or even where you are at, are you not walking in darkness, are you not in an area when you can make all kinds of mistakes? Walk in the fullness of my word, for the things that are taking place now are small in comparison to the things that are going to take place. Watch, study, know, understand, walk in the victories that I have for you, for truly I have victories, victories that you should be walking in, victories that should cause you to be the overcomer, victories where your answers are now, they are here, they are ready, walk, walk according to my word.

For am I not Holy, saith the Lord, yea, saith God, I am holy and I would say walk according to my word to know my holiness. For indeed, I say unto you, you are holy when you walk according to my word, saith God. Be filled with my presence, even this night be filled to overflowing, know the holiness of God, know that which nurtures your life, know that which keeps you day by day, know that which gives you power for each moment, for is it not my holiness, saith God?

5-17-09 am service

Rise up to your full stature, rise up to the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Don’t be those that are tread upon, don’t be those that the enemy takes advantage of that he puts into a cage and locks it up and throws the key away. Be an heir to the throne, be my son, be my daughter, walk in the fullness of the power and the authority and the ability that I have given unto you. Know and be aware of the things that are taking place, understand what you need to do that they do not affect you, understand how to walk in the fullness of all the promises that I have given unto you. Don’t lag behind, for as you lag behind you get farther and farther and farther behind and soon no matter how fast you run you cannot catch up. Make yourself line up with my word, make yourself stand strong in my word. Do not bow to circumstances; do not bow to things that are coming upon the face of the earth. For you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom, you are my heirs, you are my people, you live under my authority, under my ability, worry not over these things. For you shall see drought like you have never seen it, you shall see famine even in this land here, like you have never seen it. You shall see global warming like you have never seen; you shall see tidal waves and earthquakes, volcanoes and tornadoes even larger than you are already seeing. A shaking, a shaking, a shaking as the government continues to take over and control, the loss of many rights, but when you know what you can do and what you can’t do, it makes your life far easier and you walk in the ability that I give unto you, for you know your rights that I have given to you. And my laws supersede all the laws of the land, for I am your Father, I am God, my word lies not, therefore, walk in the fullness of my word.

Those that bow to the things of the world, only defeat follows after them, but those who stand for me, those who stand for my word, only victory follows after them. Know the promises I have given unto you, do not let them pass you by, but stand upon them, for I am fulfilling my word unto you. Know ye not the great and mighty things that are in store for my church in this hour and this time? It is not an hour for my church to be defeated nor is it an hour for them to walk in fear or doubt, but it is an hour for them to walk in the truth of my word knowing that I will do all that I have promised I will do. I will protect you, I will keep you safe, I will provide, I will be your all in all, everything that you have need of. Draw close unto me like never before, know that you can stand upon my word and know that the victory is yours. Do not listen unto the lies of the enemy nor listen unto the lies that he may try to tell you, but I say unto you, know my word that you can stand upon my word in this hour and this time. Even though the world grows darker, even though things may seem to be tightening down on you, you are free because you have me and I have made you free in every area. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like you have never known it before, that in this hour and in this time you will not be caught in the snares of the enemy, but you will walk victorious as I have said that you can in this hour.

For I have said unto you that I desire that you be blessed and walk in health, but I also said even as your soul is prospering. Is your soul prospering? For to the degree that your soul is prospering you shall prosper and you shall walk in health. You shall be the head over all circumstances; you shall be the victor, that is, if your soul is prospering.

5-17-09 pm service

With your eyes wide open and your spiritual ears open you will hear the things that the Spirit is saying to the church in this day, you will be aware of the things that I am making known unto my people. You will hear them; you will understand them and they will prepare you for the things that shall take place. For you shall see countries that have already made their plans for war. You shall see the trouble on the right hand and on the left hand, the trouble before you and behind you. You shall see those that are rising up against the church, even as the mid-evil days of centuries ago, you will see this hatred, this bitterness, and yet you shall flow in my love and their hearts shall be changed, their lives shall be changed, there shall be a longing and a desire to come into the kingdom of God, to be safe. For when they look at the world they will see nothing but disaster, they will see no hope, they will see no goals for the young people to go after or reach to. But not so with me, saith your Father God, for my goals and my riches are beyond all understanding, they are available for all that you may walk in the fullness of that. This shall be a week that you shall look back upon, saith your Father God and shake your head and say, wow, wow, wow. Watch, listen, prepare yourself, walk in the victories that I have given unto you, walk in the blessings that belong to you, walk as the overcomer, for truly you are the overcomer.

Do not allow those things to come to pass that you desire not, but speak my word, speak my word, call those things that be not as if they were, change the circumstances, change the plans of the enemy. Be not moved with grief and sorrow this coming week, but look upon my word and rejoice, speak forth my word, I say to you, speak forth my word.

5-13-09 pm service

For truly my name is being glorified, my move is being glorified, Christians that know the truth are excited, they are watching, they are looking, they are listening carefully, they are seeing and understanding and they know the hour and the time. They look at the world and they see the things that are taking place, they have an understanding, they understand the things that my word says shall come to pass and they understand that truly this is the last hour, these are the last days, truly Jesus is coming soon. But the world walks in darkness and they know not the hour neither know they the things that are taking place. The enemy, therefore, uses them, he plots through them, he makes plans through them and he tries to bring to pass his program, all over you are seeing that. Prepare yourselves for the drought that shall widen, prepare yourself for the famine that shall surely come, prepare yourself for the global warming because you shall see hot, hot weather. Prepare yourself for the things that I have told you, that you can walk through that time in great victory, that it troubles you not, that it does not cause you problems. Be aware of the rights that have been taken away and the fascism and the things that are taking place, understand these things, line them up with my word. Know your rights as a citizen of heaven, know your rights as an heir to the throne of God, know your rights and walk in your rights.

For all that you do, saith the Lord, shall be a fresh undertaking by my Spirit, saith God, according to the grace that I pour out to you. For indeed the grace is abundant in this hour for my people, for each step shall be that great undertaking of the work that I have called you to do and preordained you to do. Prepare yourself to accomplish these things, saith God, by continuing to draw nearer and walking each and every day according to my word. For I shall empower you, saith God. For again I say unto you, each day now shall be a great undertaking of my Spirit, saith God, each day is to be a day of great excitement and of power and of love and of joy and of peace, saith God. Be prepared and be ready.

5-10-09 am service

Let your spiritual eyes and your spiritual ears be open, hear the things that are taking place and note them. Note the freedom that the world has lost; note the oppression that they are bringing the world under, note the things that are going on, not only here, but throughout the whole world. Keep your eyes on Israel, for the great attack is on, the pressure is on, she is your fig tree, are you watching her, do you know the things that are taking place? You are not of this world, you’re of my kingdom, therefore you walk in victory, you walk in the victory that I, your Father God, have already given unto you. You walk in the peace that I have given unto you, you walk in the prosperity that I have given unto you, you walk in my promises. But the world, they see calamities, straight winds like they have never seen before, tornadoes far larger than normal, earthquakes, flooding, forest fires, drought, famine and global warming. For you have even seen global warming here for this time of the year, but do you recognize it, do you recognize the drought, are you in prayer concerning the things that affect you, are you seeking my face, are you calling upon my name, are you walking in the light, are you preparing for the Campmeeting, for all these things are extremely important for you. Draw as close to me as you possibly can, cast off the cares of the world and get your eyes upon me and upon the things that I am doing, that you can share these with others, that you do not walk as a blind man, but you walk as one that can see, as one that understands, one that knows, one that can bring forth the answers. Walk, walk, walk in the victory that I have given unto you.

In this dark hour be the light I said you should be, let my love shine through you that others may see who I am. Let my joy flood through your life that others may know the happiness that is found when walking with me. It is an hour my children to truly walk as I have called you to walk and to listen to my voice and obey the promptings that I give unto you. For I have said that the harvest is oh so ripe, it is ready. Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands and my feet, be my mouthpiece and minister to those around you, for there are many who are hurting who need answers, who need me. Now is the hour, now is the time to share my love with them. Oh, I say unto you, do not be afraid, but rather step out in boldness and watch what I, your Father God, shall do. For it is an hour where my church shall be filled with people, those who are hurting, those who are in need, those who need a touch from me, they shall come from near and far. Be the example that I have called you to be, be the light that I have said for you to be, now is the hour, now is the time. Walk with me like never before, do what I have called you to do, be what I have called you to be, for now is your hour to rise and become all that I have said that you are.

For my ways are far higher than man’s ways, for man continually walks in the flesh realm and knows not the moving of the Spirit. They walk not in the spirit realm as they should walk in the spirit realm that the spirit can flow freely through them touching and meeting needs, giving answers and giving advice that only I, your Father God, can give, that they can walk in the victories that I have for them. And because man walks in the fleshly realm, the troubles of the world shall quickly come upon them and it shall destroy them and they shall have to cry out with all their heart, they will need to seek my face like never before. But those that walk in the spirit realm shall walk in the victory, they shall be the overcomers, they shall know the answer and walk in the answer, for they shall walk even as Jesus walked when he was here. Therefore, I say, walk in the spirit realm; do not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

5-10-09 pm service

Keep your hearts filled with my joy, let there be great expectation on your part concerning the promises that I have given unto you. Allow those promises to fill your life, allow your life to walk in the promises that I have given unto you. Draw not aside from them, but walk in the fullness of them, for truly this is the hour of a great outpouring of my blessings upon my people. An hour of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that they may walk in my power, that they may walk in my ability, that they may do the things that I have called them to do, let this be a joyous hour. It will not be a joyous hour for the world, for the world knows me not nor do they know my promises nor can they walk in my promises. For my promises first have to be in their heart, they need to know the word that I have spoken unto them. But the world is filled with destruction and you shall see as the destruction continues to come. Sicknesses not like the swine flu, but sicknesses shall come upon those that are not saved, pestilence shall devour their land and their products. The drought shall eat up what the cankerworm doesn’t destroy, fires, forest fires will continue, not only just in California, but in other areas also as the drought begins to spread, as the global warming continues, as the winds, the straight winds begin to blow with power such as you have not known before, as the tornadoes continue to move powerfully, powerfully in the areas that they come down upon. Oh, a time of trouble for the world, a time they don’t need to walk in, a time they could walk out of and come into the safety of my fold and be protected even as you shall be protected. Warn them, tell them, show them the way, let your love be felt by them, let my love flow through you, for truly these are the end times.

Walk in the anointing that I have given unto you, for I have given unto you anointings for this hour and this time. Know my word like never before; know the power I have given unto you as children, joint heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Do not walk in fear nor walk in doubt, but I say unto you, walk in the sureness, the steadfastness of my word knowing that I do not change and will not change, I am the same yesterday today and forever. Know my word and know that you can stand upon my word in these days ahead, even though they are dark, dark days, as you stand upon my word you will walk in the total and complete victory that I have said that my church shall walk in. It is an hour to truly know me like never before, to know my voice that when I speak to you, you listen and you do that which I have told you to do. Listen not to the lies of the enemy nor fall prey to the enemy’s tricks, but I say unto you, know my word that you are not deceived in this hour. Know my voice that you follow not another’s voice, for does not my word say, my sheep hear my voice and another’s they will not follow? Therefore, I say unto you, it is important that you know my voice, that in this hour you are not easily deceived, that you walk in the truth of my word, that you walk with me. For there are many, many, many deceptions that are taking place right now, and if you do not know me, nor my voice, it will be easy for you to get caught in the trap of the enemy. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice, know my word, know what I have promised and said concerning the hour you are living in. Know what shall take place and you shall walk in the safety that I have given unto you.

There is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end is destruction. But as you walk in my wisdom, as you walk in my knowledge, as you allow me to lead you and guide you and direct you, you shall walk upon the path that I have placed before you. A path of victory, a path that will cause you to be the overcomer, a path that will cause you to walk in my blessings, a path that will cause you to be safe at all times, walk by my side, for I walk in the spirit realm. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the spirit realm even as I walk in the spirit realm.

5-6-09 pm service

For worthy is my name, saith the Lord, for great is my name, saith the Lord, for awesome is my name, saith your God, give all your praise unto me, saith the Lord, live all your life unto me, saith God, fill your life with my presence, saith the Lord. For indeed as you praise me, so am I enthroned in your praises and my presence comes down where you are, saith God, that you might know me and my anointing and my love and my power and my peace, that you might know that the Lord is great and nothing is too difficult for him. Praise me my children and live a life of praise unto me.

For as you exalt my name, I will exalt you, I will lift you up as I have promised you. I shall provide for you, I shall bless you, as you walk with me and stand in faith and speak forth my word, I move mightily on your behalf and many are seeing that and more shall see it as they continue to press into the fullness of the things that I have for them. Even though they hear and see the things that are taking place in the world, they rejoice in their heart, for they know their redemption draweth nigh. They know the time is short and I have warned them and told them of the things that are coming and they see them come to pass. Oh, the greatness of the hour that you are living in, oh, the greatness of the hour, you should be seeing the blessings, they should be pouring in unto you as you walk with me, continue to press in. Don’t get your eyes and mind upon the world, for you are not of this world. Fear not the things that have come or the things that shall yet come, for they shall shake the world and even shake you at times and yet you will be safe, you will be the overcomers, you will be the victors. So set your eyes upon me, set your eyes upon high, walk in my word, allow me to bless you.

Let your heart be filled with my love, not your love, for your love is worthless, but let your heart be filled with my love, that you may walk in my love, for your faith worketh by love. If you walk not in my love, then your faith is useless also. Walk according to my word, walk according to the things written in my word, let that love flow like a river, let that love reach out and touch others, let my love be the light upon the path that others shall see and others shall come. Walk in my love.

5-3-09 am service

For it is an exciting hour for my church, for my kingdom, for those that walk very closely by my side, for those that listen to my words, for those whose heads are not hid in the sand, but their spiritual eyes and ears are open and they are listening to the things that I, their Father God, am telling them, the things I am showing them. For many things have already taken place this month, this month, many things, many freedoms have already been lost. Russia has begun a new big move, China is making more arms, North Korea is pushing for her goal, Iran has already reached her goal, many things have happened. And yet many are unaware of the things that are taking place, nor are they preparing that they are not going to suffer or lack or want later on because they have listened and they have heard and they are walking according to my word and walking according to my promise. They are not listening to the fables, they are not listening to the false, they are not listening to what man is saying, but they are listening to me, for they are of my kingdom and they shall be victorious, they shall be overcomers, they shall be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath and they shall walk in great victory and they shall prosper, oh, how they shall prosper as many stand by and look and wonder, how can that be. My word declares that prosperity for them, my word declares their healing, their deliverance, my word declares their victory and they have found my word and they walk in my word. Walk in my word, for the days are becoming dark, very dark without the light that I give unto you, the light upon the path, you would know not which way to go. But walk according to my word, walk according to my plan, and listen, listen in the spirit realm.

It is an hour where I will be lifted up, my name will be exalted, my people will come together and worship me with their whole heart. It is an hour of great expectancy knowing that I am moving in a powerful and mighty way. It is time for you to get ready for all that is in store for you in the next coming days and the next coming months, for oh, the greatness that I have in store. Prepare your hearts like never before even for your Campmeeting that is just around the corner, do not put it off, for if you put it off it will already be here and you won’t be ready. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare now, prepare now, make your hearts ready, make your hearts ready, come with great expectancy knowing that I am here, I will meet you in a powerful and mighty way. Come expecting to meet with me.

For truly, this year’s Campmeeting shall be a Campmeeting of Campmeetings, but only those that have prepared and come will see the things that I, their Father God, am doing. For there shall be those likened unto last year who did not see or understand the things that were going on. But I say unto you, prepare yourself, make yourself ready, enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you and you shall not miss this exciting time, saith your Father God. For you shall see miracles, yes, you shall see signs and wonders and you shall hear as I bring forth my word the things that shall take place for the remainder of the year and on into the next year. You will be able to prepare yourself and make yourself ready. So I say unto you now, prepare yourself now, enter into your closet, get yourself ready, for truly things are taking place.

5-3-09 pm service

For my word is sharp and clear, very distinct, words that can be understood, words that can be known, words that will lead you into victory, listen carefully to my words. Walk by my word, meditate on my word, covet my word, let there be a hunger in your heart for more of my word, let that hunger grow and grow. Keep your eyes upon me and not upon the darkness of this world nor the things that are happening in the world, but let your eyes be upon me and upon the light on the path that I have given unto you to walk on. For that path is well lit, and the darker it gets in the world the brighter the path gets, so bright others can see it and will come to the path, that you can give them my words that they can come safely into the fold. Oh, what a late hour it is, but yet, I can do all the things that I have promised you that I will do. Therefore, walk very close by my side, walk with me.

Remember I have given unto you all power over the enemy, for when my Son died upon the cross he shed his blood, he took the keys away from the enemy, the enemy holds no keys, I have given them unto you and you hold the victory. Therefore, I say unto you, walk as victorious ones my children, do not walk in the ways of the world or the strongholds of the enemy, but I say unto you, walk in my freedom, walk in the joy that I have given unto you, walk in my peace which passes all understanding, walk in my love. For this is the hour for you to walk with me like never before, for I have made the way, I have given unto you the keys to walk in great victory, my word, my word have I given unto you and it does not change. Oh, I say unto you, know my word like never before that in this hour you may be able to stand strong. For the enemy shall fight, but I have given unto you the victory and know, know that he has no power over you because you have my word. And as you speak forth my word you shall walk in the freedom, you shall walk in the victory and you shall walk, oh yes, you shall walk in the freedom I have given unto you. Walk with me like never before, know that I have given unto you the power, know that I have made the way, walk in my way. Do not walk in the darkness, for I have not made you to walk in the darkness, but I have given unto you the light that you might walk in the light and the light is my word. Walk with me like never before that you can walk in the victory that I have already given unto you.

Wisdom is knowledge and understanding, for as you get my wisdom, your knowledge grows and your understanding becomes clearer. It is important that you get my wisdom even as Proverbs says unto you. Search for it, find it, meditate upon it, eat it, digest it and let it be the guide for you to walk, the guide for you to speak, the guide for you to live. Let it be life to you and you shall walk in the victories that I have for you.

4-29-09 pm service

Let your faith be strong in me, trust my word, stand on my word, make sure my word is in your heart, that when you open your mouth my words come out. For the world is in a time right now when you shall see many disasters, you will see other sicknesses, you will see many calamities, and if you are not standing in faith, they could come nigh your dwelling. But I say unto you, stand in faith, walk according to my word, know what I have said, know my promises and stand on my promises, for I am able to do above and beyond all that you think, all that you can believe for, I am able to do, saith your Father. I am able to take you through this time victoriously, I am able to put food on your table, I am able to put heat in your house, I am able to cool your house, I am able to do all those things, for they are but small things, very small and I can do them for you. But the world, the world shall see a terrible time, a time like they have never seen before. Many things are about to take place in just a few days, many things shall take place, that if you think you have heard bad news now, the news you have heard now will seem like a Christmas story. Therefore, I say unto you, put your total trust in me, put your total trust in me, I am able to take you through this time in great victory, I am able to make you the overcomers, I am able to do all that I have said I will do. Therefore, trust me, trust me, do not put your trust in man, do not put your trust in others, put your trust in me.

For yea, it is a time of great cleansing, saith the Lord, a time of great cleansing for my people who hear my word. For did I not say that you are clean by the words that I have spoken unto you. It is because my people that you hear my words that you are clean. There are those that do not hear my words and are unclean. Therefore, their conservation and their talk and their action and their thoughts are unclean. So I say unto you, this is a time of great cleansing, a time of great anointing, a time of great power, a time of great revival for my people who are called by my name, for my people who have called out unto my name, for my people who trust me with all their heart, a time of great cleansing.

It is an hour to know my word and to know what my word has said concerning every area. For I have given unto you healing, I have given unto you prosperity, I have given unto you peace, I have given unto you joy, I have given unto you everything that you have need of. Know my word and speak my word forth in every situation and you will see as that situation turns around, for my word does not change, but it is sent forth and it does that which you sent it forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, speak forth my word, know the power that you have through your tongue, speak not curses upon others, speak only blessings, speak only my word, that not only you can prosper, that they might prosper as well. It is an hour to truly know me like never before, to put a guard upon your mouth and to walk in my way that I have made for you, a way that is filled with all that you need, a way that will bring contentment, a way that will bring peace, a way that brings hope. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before.

When there is nothing but darkness, a wise man walks on the path that has the light, for the light shows him the way to go. He stairs at that light, he is not distracted from that light and he follows that light, for he knows that light shall lead him to victory, that light shall make him an overcomer, that light shall bring to him all the things that he has need of. Be like that wise man.

4-26-09 am service

Let your eyes be upon me, let your mind be upon my word, let my word come out of your mouth that you may walk in the victories that I have purposed for you, that I have planned for you. That you might be the overcomer, that the burdens of the world don’t overcome you, but you overcome them, you tread upon them and you walk in victory. Prepare yourself for the two red months, the bloodshed, the violence, the loss of more rights, the disfellowship of Israel setting a whole new course of government control and government issues. A time of great famine, a time of great drought, a time when the world will know that truly global warming is here, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, flooding, fires, fires, fires. Oh, the disaster that lies ahead for the world, but not for you, not for those that are keeping the faith, but many have turned their back upon the faith and they heap to themselves a social religion, a religion when they don’t have to serve me, a religion when they don’t have to walk the straight and narrow. Oh, oh, oh I say, the next two months.

Even though there shall be great chaos in the world my people shall walk in my peace, they shall know me; they shall know that I shall take them through no matter what comes their way. For I am their God and I will see them though even as my word declares, I am there even unto the end. Hold on to my promises, hold on to my word, allow not the enemy to come in and bring fear, discouragement, but I say unto you, allow my peace and my joy to fill your heart. For this is a great hour for my church, it is a great hour of blessings; it is a great hour of revival, my Spirit moving without measure. Therefore, allow not the things of the world to cause you to become down or burdened, but I say unto you, rather walk in my word as I have said, walk in my peace, walk in my joy. For I have given unto you all that you need, all that you will need for these days ahead. Therefore, I say, walk closely like never before, spend time in my word daily and spend time praying even in that heavenly language daily as I have said, that your spiritman is strong and ready for the days that are ahead. Oh, it is an hour to press in my children like never before. Hear my voice, hear my words, walk according to the things that I tell you that you can truly walk in the provisions that I have made for this time and this hour.

Be not moved by the things you see, the things that you hear, the things that are going on in the world. You are not of the world, and until you realize that fact, you will not walk in the victory that I have for you. Put your total trust in me, put your total trust in me and I shall take you through this time in great victory, you shall be the overcomer, you shall be the head and not the tail. But if you speak the enemies words, you will find out that now they are coming to pass far faster than at anytime. Be wise, be wise, be not fooled by the serpent, be not fooled by the things that he is doing, be not troubled by them. For your home is in heaven and I have a plan for my people, a plan that will take them safely from now till the time that I take my church out.

4-26-09 pm service

Remember the two red months, keep your eyes and your ears open to the spirit realm, listen carefully to the things that I tell you, pay attention, pay attention, for many times you nod your head but you don’t pay attention. Listen carefully, for there shall be many disasters, there shall be many troubles and things shall happen that will utterly amaze you as you begin to see the friendship cut off from Israel because of the government that you now have. You will see Russia, North Korea, Iran, as they boldly make moves, you shall hear many things. And because of the drought, because of the drought, many new sicknesses and diseases shall crop up again and they shall move again in the areas where they do not have cleanliness, where they do not have the water, famine, great famine. But as you walk with me I shall supply for you, I shall take care of you, and I shall make known unto you the things that are coming that you are totally prepared. Fear not, fear not, but walk very close by my side, prepare yourself now for Campmeeting.

Be not afraid to stand up for me, be not afraid to let others know that this is the end time and it is time to turn to their Father God. For I am the only one who can bring peace, I am the only one that can fill their life with contentment, I am the only one that can give them the joy that they have need of. Even as the three Hebrew children stood up for me, what a great witness they became as I delivered them. So shall I deliver you in this hour, as you are faithful to me, as you are obedient to me, I will move on your behalf in a great and mighty way. When I speak unto you be not afraid to open your mouth and to tell what I have given unto you. Be not afraid, but I say unto you, it is an hour to stand up, stand up and be used by me, for, oh, the harvest that is so ripe and ready, the questions that people have is such an opportunity for you to share my word. Oh, I say unto you my children, it is a great hour, it is a great time. Look to me like never before, for I have said, I will give you all the wisdom and knowledge you need. Look not to the world, but look to me, for I will be faithful even as I was in the past shall I be till the very end, for I do not change. Remember my word unto you; remember my promise unto you, for it is everlasting.

For the days that are ahead are days that you will need much counseling, much communication with me. You cannot run around as normal, but you need to spend time with me, talking with me, that I can talk with you, that I can open your eyes and show you things, that I can warn you when you need to be warned, that I can go before you and protect you, that I can make a way where there is no way, that I can lift you up to a higher realm, to a higher position. But you need to walk very closely by my side, you need to talk to me and allow me to talk to you. Make sure you know my voice and you don’t follow another’s voice, but know my voice, be not fooled, be not deceived. For the time ahead are hours, days, weeks, months and minutes when you need to be close by my side, that you need to hear from me, that you need to be directed by my Spirit that your spirit may know, hear, understand. Oh, what an hour ahead, for you are entering into a time that none have entered into before and the countdown has started and I have given unto you the countdown that you would know and understand.

4-22-09 pm service

Continue to come before my face, continue to talk with me, continue to commune with me, you have won because he has won, press real close, walk very close, listen very carefully, hear the things that I say, understand the things that I say, for the hour is late and the hour is dark and darkness continues to creep upon the face of the earth. Even though there seems to be a flicker of light, worldly light that is, it is a false light, it is a deceiving light and it will fool you if you do not keep your eyes upon me. For you are the light of the world, for I have placed within you my light and my light shines upon the path that you walk. You are not in darkness, you walk in the light, and as you are in the light you see clearly, there are no shadows, there are no corners for the enemy to hide in, for you see and you understand and you know. Therefore, I say, be not deceived by the things that are going on, know my word, know my promises. Know that the tornadoes shall be worse this year than last year, that the earthquakes will continue to grow larger and larger, that the volcanoes will also grow larger and there shall be more of them. Walk very closely by my side, for hurricanes shall come in, the global warming shall continue, drought shall spread even farther, famine, famine, famine. But as you walk by my side I shall supply all your needs and I shall show unto you and give unto you wisdom that you are victorious that you walk not in defeat, but that you walk in victory.

For this is that great hour that I do my perfect work, saith the Lord. For indeed as my people cooperate with my Spirit, saith God, the perfect work is performed. As you hunger for my face to see me in my beauty and my glory, I will reveal these things in your inner man, in your spirit. And as you place your trust in me and behold my glory, great is the work of the Lord within. For it is an hour to refresh yourself in my presence, saith God, that you might be that aroma, saith the Lord, of the love of God to all those around and in this, saith the Lord, shall many draw to me.

Wisdom is like a gentle breeze, for it will move you into all knowledge, all understanding and cause you to be an overcomer. My word is wisdom, my word is knowledge, my word is truth, and as you stay in my word, as you eat my word, as you speak my word, you also flow in my wisdom, in my knowledge and you become an overcomer.

4-19-09 am service

For my love and my mercy is poured out upon you without measure, my gifts are available that you may walk in all the gifts that I have given unto you, if you walk by my side, if you walk with me, if you believe my word, if you stand on my word. Oh, the blessings that belong to you, the blessings that are yours now, not in the here after, the blessings that I have given that you may be overcomers in this world. Not so for the world, for the world is being tossed to and fro, they know not which way to go, and in four months, changes have taken place that have never taken place from the beginning of the world and more changes are on the way. The antichrist system is beginning to flow fluently that people can see it and know that truly it is here. They can see the changes that will affect their lives, they are seeing the compromise of churches that claim to be churches and yet they are not churches, never have been a church of mine, oh, the changes. And then the tornadoes on top of that, powerful tornadoes, flooding, earthquakes, drought and global warming, have you noticed the temperature? Watch and see the things that are taking place. Do you realize that the first red month is about to take place? Have you been seeking my face for understanding? Be not a blind person nor an ostrich that hides its head in the sand. Let your eyes be wide open, let your ears be open, hear the things that are taking place, counsel with me concerning the things that are taking place that you may know and understand exactly where we are and what is happening. That you may walk in the fullness of the safety that I have for you, that you may prepare your life, changing things in your life that you can walk in the victory that I have for you, be ready, be ready.

Know my faithfulness, do not walk in fear and doubt, but I say unto you, know that my word is true, it does not change, it is everlasting and I will do all I have promised I will do. Stand upon my word in this hour and this time like never before. Even when the enemy comes in, and it seems like defeat is at your feet, but I say unto you, listen not to his lies, but know that I have given unto you the victory in every area. Know my word, know that I am faithful and I will do all I have said I will do. Keep your eyes upon the prize, focus upon me and my word and know that I am faithful, I will do all that I have promised. Therefore, remain faithful unto me, for now is the hour to press in, now is the hour to run with all your might, for truly the race is great, but the prize at the end is even greater.

Be wise with my wisdom, be not wise in your own wisdom, for it does not do anything at all, but be wise in my wisdom. Let your spiritual eyes be open, let your spiritual ears be open, walk in the spirit, flow in the spirit, continually be filled with the spirit, for then you shall be a mighty warrior, a might man of war.

4-19-09 pm service

Know my word, know my voice, this is very important, for my sheep know my voice, another’s voice they will not follow, know my voice, make sure you know my voice. Walk with me, listen to the things that I say unto you, for there are many voices crying out today, many voices crying out today, but they are voices of the enemy they are not voices from me. And because many do not know my word, they do not know what I have said, they believe the lies, they believe the false voices. Know my voice, for as you know my voice you can walk in surety, you can walk in confidence, you can walk in victory, you can be an overcomer and you know what to do when I speak to you to do it. You don’t wonder or look around to see if others are doing what I have said, you do what I tell you regardless of what I tell you. Know my voice, for in this hour that you are living in you will need to know my voice, I have said this before, know my voice. For the tornadoes shall come with great power as you have already seen, deaths, flooding, forest fires, earthquakes, volcanoes, even tidal waves, you shall see these things. And many things people are calling into being you shall see, for the devil will show them those things, for they desire to see them. But know what I have said, don’t listen to what he has said, for his servants are saying many things today, but know the truth, know the difference, for the truth will set you free.

Oh, the sweetness of my word, the sweetness of my promises, the joy that they bring to those who know who they are and walk in the area where they can receive the things that I have given unto them. Oh, the joy, the joy, the joy, hearts are filled with happiness; lives are encouraged and lifted up all because they walk in the place to receive. Others look on and say, I receive, and yet they receive nothing. Oh, the joy, the joy for those that receive, walk in faith receive those things I have for you.

4-15-09 pm service

Keep your eyes fixed upon me, watch far more closely than you are watching, for you know not the hour nor the things that are going on in this hour, and yet my church should know them, my church should see them, my church should understand them. For many things are happening right now and without your voice, without your support they will take all of your freedom and the three-and-a-half-years that you have to be here will be harder than they need to be. Listen carefully, watch, pay attention, understand the things that are going on, know what the world is trying to do. For Satan is trying to lord it over you and yet he is not your lord, I am your Lord, I am your God, I am your Father and I will fight for you and I will protect you, I will keep you safe and I shall take you through this time. But there is a part that you play, a part that you must do, if you do not do your part, then it becomes harder and yet I can still take you through it. I can give you the victories, I can make you the overcomer, I can bring the healing, the deliverance, the safety, oh the peace, the peace that passes all understanding, I can do those things. Fear not the tornadoes, for you shall see many of them, fear not the flooding, fear not the earthquakes, fear not the volcanoes, fear not the straight winds, fear not the drought, nor the global warming, for it is that hour and it is that time. But draw closer to me, draw closer to me, build your faith until it becomes strong faith, walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto you. Be a doer, be a doer of the word, walk in my word.

For indeed it is a great time of development, saith the Lord, a great time of development even for your faith. But how fast are you ready to run, saith God? For it shall be even like on a baseball diamond, only I tell you there are more than the four bases that you see on that diamond. For you shall go from base to base to base until it is time to come home, saith God. How fast are you ready to run, how fast are you ready to learn? For I will bring you to base to base to base to base to learn the things of my word, to learn the things of my kingdom. I will teach you, saith the Lord, all about righteousness, I will teach you all there is about sanctification, I will show you all there is to know about glorification, but be ready to run again. For I will show you more things on the bases ahead and it is time to sprint with all your heart to understand these things. And in doing so, the enemy will be confused and not know what you are doing. That is because you are following my word, saith God and you are doing all that I have called you to do and there is a protection, a protection over the righteous, saith God. So run with all your heart with the faith that I have given you.

For there are two winds blowing, one is mine, one is the enemy. Know my wind and allow it to carry you along, allow it to lift you up, allow it to take you above all the storms that you can look down upon the situation and see with the eyes of an eagle and understand and know in your heart the things that are taking place. For many, many, many changes have already come and many, many, many more changes are ready to take place. Know who you are, know that you are not of this kingdom you are of my kingdom. Put on your armor; prepare yourself for battle, run, run to the war.

4-12-09 am service

Keep your eyes upon me, let your ears be open to my words, watch and see the signs, realize the time, walk very closely to me. For evil shall continue to grow worse, more troubles here and more troubles there, more earthquakes, more tornadoes, more flooding, a greater drought, a famine, global warming, oh, the troubles that the world faces, oh, the troubles that shall come upon the earth. But remember you are not of this kingdom, you are of my kingdom, you are my people, therefore, I will watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, I shall take you through this time victoriously and you shall walk in the victories that you already have. So fear not the calamities, fear not the troubles, but walk close, close to my side.

Know ye not the love that I have given unto you? I laid down my life that you can walk in the life and that more abundantly. Oh, the blessings that are in store for those who are walking with me in this hour and this time. It is an hour to get into my word like never before, to be grounded by my word that in this dark hour you might stand and stand victoriously. Oh, my children, the love that I have given unto you. It is an hour to walk with me like never before, to truly know that I am your provider, I am your all in all, I will see you through these days ahead, no matter what takes place in the world, I will be with you. Therefore, come unto me like never before, draw close, draw close, draw close, for it is an hour my children to know my word, to know me like never before that you can truly walk, yes, that you can walk in the provisions that I have made for you for this time.

Let your days be filled with my joy, let my happiness fill your heart to overflowing. Let the blessings that I have for you come upon you in a mighty way. That you are blessed going in, that you are blessed going out, that you are above and not beneath. Walk in all the blessings that I have given unto you, for truly they are yours and it is time now to use those blessings and walk in those blessings.

4-12-09 pm service

Dark, dark days, dark days ahead, but fear not, for you are the light, the light that breaks through that darkness, the light that others can see that they can come to. Let your light be bright, let your spirit be filled, walk in my anointing, walk in my encouragement, lift up your heads, speak forth my word. Be not move by the things that come upon the face of the earth, for they are not for you, but it is the hour that the earth faces judgment and the people thereof, but not my people. So when you hear of the tornadoes, and you will hear of them, and when you hear of the flooding and the forest fires, when you hear of the drought, the famine, when you hear of these things realize what hour it is. And this shall be a week of bad news, not good news, I know you have already had bad news, but fear not I have already covered that and you will walk in victory as I have said, it will not affect you. But many things are happening right now, you are being sold out far more than you realize, the antichrist system is working very well, things are falling into place, but my system overrules that system. So rejoice in your heart knowing that you are always the victor, that you are never defeated, that you are never cast down, that the church will never die out until after we are gone. Fear not, but walk closely by my side, lift your head up high, be proud, you are a child of Almighty God.

You shall be likened to that of a lighthouse, for a lighthouse shines their light so bright it pierces the darkness and causes the lost ships to come to the right direction. So shall your light be to those in the world, your light shall guide them to come to know me. Therefore, when they come to you, use wisdom, speak forth my word only knowing that the harvest is oh so great, I have great and mighty things in store for my church, and oh, the floods of people that shall now come in because of what is taking place in the world. They are searching, they are hungry and they desire to walk in the protection that I provide. Therefore, when they come to you, give them my word that they can know peace, joy, that they can know comfort, that they can have the contentment that is needed for this time and this hour. Great and mighty are the things that I have in store for those who walk with me, those who follow after my word, it is a great time. Therefore, I say unto you, do not allow the things that take place in the world to cause you to be discouraged or down, but rather rejoice as I have said, for you know, you know that great things are in store because you walk with me.

For it is not in the might of numbers nor their weapons that they might have, neither is it in the power of the locomotive that can pull so many cars, but it is in my Spirit, saith your Father God, it is in my Spirit. And I am doing a work right now that you shall now begin to see such as you have never seen before. For as the noose tightens around the neck of those that know me not, as the noose tightens around the political leaders of the world and the people with the money system, many shall run into the church seeking me. For they will seek deliverance, for there is no deliverance in the world, yes, it is a tight hour and it is getting tighter. It is a dark hour and it is getting blacker, but yet the light of my church shines, the power of my church is available, the wisdom and knowledge that I have is available. For they don’t have wisdom, they don’t have knowledge, they are like blind people stumbling around in the dark not knowing where to go, not knowing what to do. You shall see this, but you shall see what your light does also, so rejoice, rejoice, saith your Father.

4-8-09 pm service

For my word goes out but it never returns void, it always accomplishes those things that it is sent forth to do. Stand on my word, stand on my promises, watch over my word, meditate upon my word, be a good custodian of my word. For you are living in a time when my word is being denied, you are living in a time when there are such vast changes that many do not know, unless they stay on top of it, just what they have lost. You are living in a time when your leaders are making you weak that the enemy can come in without much struggle. You are living in a time that you have never lived in before, neither has this nation ever lived in this time. For they have sold you out and they continue to sell you out. Watch, watch for the earthquakes, watch for the flooding, watch for the drought, watch for the famine, watch for the global warming, the hot, hot summer, watch for the lack of food, watch for the high prices. Watch as they raise taxes, watch, watch, watch as the millionaires put their money in a safe place overseas, watch. For many things are taking place now, saith your Father God, many things, the picture is very clear, the countdown has begun. Remember the two red months, stand in my word, stand in my promises and walk in the fullness of the power that I have given unto you.

Now is the time, now is the hour for you to rise up to become the vessels I have called you to be for this hour, those vessels of honor, ones that I can move through, that I can use. For truly the harvest is oh so great, and yes, the laborers are few. Be my servants that I may use at anytime, at anyplace, for anything, for it is an hour where I am moving by my power, through my Spirit. Be open to my Spirit at all times, that when I speak to you, you can follow my directions, you can walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have given unto you. Oh the hour it is for my church, an hour of great victory, an hour of great blessings. Walk in the fullness of my word, allow not the enemy to cause you to become down or discouraged or distraught, but I say unto you, rise up like never before and be those servants I have called you to be for this hour and this time. For I have given unto you my word, and therefore, I have given unto you the authority, the power and the ability to do all that I have said.

I am here to meet your every need, I am here to empower you, I am here to lift you up, I am here to clothe you with my power, my ability and my might. That you may walk as heirs to the throne, that you may go forth and do all that I have said that you could do, that you fear not the enemy, but he fears you and he flees from you. Rise up in that power, rise up in that authority, rise up in that ability, clothe yourself with the armor that I have given unto you. Prepare yourself, change your thoughts about yourself and think about yourself as I think about you, as I say about you. Rise up, rise up, rise up, it is not a time to lay down, it is not a time to back off, it is not a time to quite, it is a time to run, run to the battle, run to the battle.

4-5-09 am service

Let your meditation and your thoughts be upon my word and my promises unto you. For I know that you see many things taking place in the world, and at times you wonder, but you shouldn’t be wondering, for you should know what my word says and what is taking place and what time you are in. I will take care of you, I will provide for you, I will keep you safe, but many things shall come to pass now, things that you do not want, but they will not affect you, for the things that come are the things of the world, they are not of my kingdom. Therefore, do not look at them like they belong to you, for they do not belong to you. A wise man would not allow anyone to deliver a box filled with rattlesnakes into their house, so why do you do that? Let my word rule and reign in your house, let my word rule and reign in your life, let my word set the course for where you should go. Truly, you shall see tornadoes like you have never seen, you shall see flooding yet and even more storms, more volcanoes, more earthquakes, a greater global warming this year than ever before, more icebergs melting, more land lost to the ocean. But these things should not trouble your heart, for my word declares these things unto you and it is that season, it is that time, but my children have always walked in victory regardless what time it was as long as they kept their eyes upon me, as long as they held on to the promises. Fear not the things that shall come this week, for you are approaching one of the three red months, do you remember? Two I gave you, July was peaceful and then the change, the great change, the change you have been looking forward to takes place in August. Do you not see these things; do you not understand these things? Rise up, you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you are the ones that go through this time in great victory, you are the ones that lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed, you are the ones that speak miracles forth. But if you are being troubled by the circumstances, if the problems have you down, then who can you help? Rise up, I say, rise up, walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you.

It is an hour to remain steadfast, steadfast upon my word and upon the promises that I have given unto you knowing that my word does not fail, it does not change, it is true, it is everlasting. Therefore, remain steadfast, do not waiver to the right nor to the left, but I say unto you, keep your eyes steadfast upon the goal and the vision which is in front of you knowing that great things are in store for those who walk with me. Oh, the fear that shall encompass the hearts of those who know me not, but for those who know me, they shall have that peace which passes all understanding. They will not, no, they will not be shaken by the events of the world, but rather joy will fill their heart knowing that I am coming soon and knowing what is in store for them being my children. Oh, it is a great hour, it is a great time, be not down nor discouraged or despair, but I say unto you, stand upon my word, know my word, walk in the fullness of all the blessings that I have given unto you for this hour and this time. Allow not the enemy to come in, but I say unto you, stand like you have never stood before, for the victory is yours, yes, that victory is yours even as I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you, be steadfast.

Those who do not know me are greatly troubled, they know not which way to turn and the enemy takes advantage over them, but you my people have the words, the words of joy, the words of peace, the words of healing. Share my word with them, bring them into the fold, bring them in, let them know that there is a way of escape, that there is a peace that passes all understanding, that there is a home for them that they can be a child of God.

4-5-09 pm service

Truly it is an hour of great joy, an hour of great expectation, an hour of a great outpouring of my Spirit such has not been seen since the foundation of this earth. It is that hour and it is that time when I shall pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, they shall flow in the supernatural such as not seen before. And they shall move in a mighty way, for they shall recognize and realize the importance of the time, the importance of the hour, while the world looks on the calamities, while the world looks on the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the flooding, the global warming, the drought, the famine, oh, the famine, oh, the famine. But my church shall rejoice, for there shall be meat on the table, their hearts shall be filled with cheer, there shall be joy in their heart, they shall sing my praises, they shall shout my praises. For truly they will know that I, their Father God, liveth and I liveth in their heart and that my Son, Jesus, is coming soon. They shall rejoice, they shall rejoice, they shall rejoice, for truly the hour is short.

Oh the goodies that are in store for those who are walking with me, for those who are flowing in the river of my Spirit. Even as those who went into the promise land and looked at the greatness of the fruit of the land, so shall it be in this hour even greater than that for those who are walking with me. Oh, the blessings that are here for my children, it is truly time for them to walk in those blessings, to receive all that I have given unto them. For many of my children walk short because they do not know my word nor do they know the promises that I have given unto them. It is an hour to truly know what I have given unto you, who you are in me, what to expect, for great and mighty, great and mighty are the blessings that shall overshadow my children in these end times. They shall not lack, they shall not want, they shall have all that they have need of. It is an hour to walk close by my side, that you listen to my voice, that you hear my instructions, that you do all I speak unto you to do. For oh, the time that is ahead for my church, it is a glorious hour, that hour where my glory shall be seen like at no other time. It is an hour to be prepared for all that I have said, for quickly, quickly things shall take place even as I have said. Oh my children, you are going to need to run faster than you have ever ran before, for things are going to pick up in pace even as they did in the past. You shall see, you shall see as the revival speeds ahead, you shall see as my blessings flood into my church, you shall see as the people come from near and far. Oh, it is an hour to rejoice and it is an hour to get ready, for great and mighty things are ahead for you.

Oh for light, oh for brightness that shall be the light, for the glory of the Lord shall be seen, for his shadow shall fall upon the face of the earth and people shall be filled with the power of Almighty God. The harvest, the harvest shall be brought into the church, for truly it is the hour, saith your Father God, that much work must be done. I have sent forth laborers into the harvest to bring in the harvest and I shall continue to send laborers into the harvest to bring it in. The barns are being filled up, the silos are being filled and my Spirit is being poured out.

4-1-09 pm service

Let your eyes be wide open, let your spiritual ears listen carefully to the things that the Spirit is saying to the churches. Do not be burdened down by the cares of the world where you cannot hear the things of the Spirit. Don’t walk in darkness, for darkness is not for you, but walk in the light even as I am in the light. Walk, that you may see the path before you and know the directions that you are walking. For the world is in confusion, great confusion, they do not understand what is going on. And many countries want their own power, their own authority, their own ability, even this country, and yet it takes from you your freedoms, your rights, the things that belong to you, but they are not willing yet to submit it to another, that is why disaster shall strike here, it shall come. Do not overlook the many warnings that are coming in the Spirit realm, but listen to them, pay attention, don’t be asleep, don’t say, oh no, this is not for us. Pay close attention to the things that the Spirit is going to speak to you about, is going to warn you about. It will tell you how to be victorious, it will tell you how to be the overcomer, it will tell you how to walk in victory that you will not be defeated, for truly you are the winners and you shall win. True, the warm weather shall now come, the drought shall widen, the earthquakes shall rumble again, the floods shall continue, forest fires like they have never seen before, hurricanes, tornadoes, oh, what a season of tornadoes it shall be, and when the time is right, what a season of hurricanes it shall be. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises, do not be fooled by the things that they say, receive not the mark, but keep your eyes upon me and upon the things that I tell you. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise and truly you shall walk in victory.

Beware of man’s desires and the things they plot behind closed doors. Have your spiritman open to me at all times that when I speak to you that you can follow my directions, that you can be kept safe, that you can walk in the fullness of what I have for you. I have said I will protect you, I will carry you through these days ahead in great victory, but you must be open to me at all times and you must listen to my voice and to the promptings that I speak to your very heart. Know that this is a serious hour, a serious time, it is not a time to be goofing around, it is not a time to be church hopping, it is a time to get on your knees and to become serious before me. It is an hour to know my word as I have said; it is an hour to truly seek me like you have never sought me before. It is not an hour to think that you have got a lot of time, for time is running out, great and mighty are the things that shall take place. Oh, the disasters that shall come to the world, but oh, the blessings that are in store for those that walk with me, oh I say, know this hour, know the time you are living in. Do not be foolish, but I say, be wise and know my word, for as you know my word you will not be caught off guard, you will not be easily sidetracked by the enemy, but you will be well aware of what is going to take place. You will be aware because your spiritman will be alive, it will be ready to listen and do all that I speak to it to do. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close like never before, be ready, be ready, be ready, for there are great things that are going to take place.

Beware of China and the things that she is doing, for if she was a peaceful country, she would not be doing the things that she is now doing, for she desires to be the controlling country. Beware of North Korea; for she has been poked and poked and poked and she cannot see defeat, all she can see is winning. Beware of Russia, for they are moving in a greater way than many are seeing at the moment. Beware of the African countries that are supporting China now and Iran, beware. Watch what I have told you, keep your eyes on the things that I have said to you, walk, walk very closely by my side. For truly the days ahead are very evil, but you are the light and evil flees from the light, walk in the light.

3-29-09 am service

Let your hearts be open, let your ears listen, meditate upon the things that I say unto you, watch, watch and you shall see them come to pass. For the days are very evil and they continually get more evil all the while, darkness continues to get darker, they don’t know which way to turn, they do not know which way to go. Advice comes from every country of the world and yet they seek not my face neither do they call upon my name, for if they would ask I would show them, I would tell them, but they are not in allegiance with me, they are in allegiance with the antichrist, the devil, his kingdom, his authority, his power. But my church shall be victorious, my church shall be the overcoming ones, my church shall have all the answers, my church shall flow in my ability. They shall do miracles, signs and wonders and the people of the earth shall see it and many will come into the fold, but many, many will continue to go their own way. For they are walking in darkness, and that darkness has overtaken their mind, it has overtaken their will; it has them in a trap that they can’t get out of. Fear not those things that shall come, fear not the global warming, for I have told you concerning that in my word. Fear not the earthquakes, there were many, many last week and you shall hear of earthquakes again, volcanoes, flooding, drought, a great drought, a lack of food that will cause famine all over the world. Fighting in the streets, rioting, oh, the things that are going to take place, but they are not for you, I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will keep you safe. Be not fooled by the things that are seeming to calm down a little, do not be fooled, for the only peace that man shall see on earth is the peace that the antichrist shall give. They have that document in place, the new leader of Israel is more than willing to sign that, keep your eyes open, watch and listen, listen. For even in your skies here they fly unmanned aircraft watching over you, spying upon you, oh, the things that are going on. Keep your eyes on North Korea, she is a deadly snake, provoked she will strike, keep your eyes upon the development of nuclear weapons all over. Keep your eyes upon how Russia is building her military structure right now; keep your eyes upon these things. Watch and listen carefully as I give unto you advice on what to do. Watch the seashores, for you are losing them, for the icebergs are melting, the snowcaps are melting and the ocean is rising, watch, watch.

There are many plans that are being made, much talking behind closed doors, preparation, preparation, but fear not. For even though they plot against me and they plot against my church, fear not, for you are the overcomers, yea and you have won. Fear not the famine, for it shall be great, fear it not, for I shall supply for you and as you use wisdom and knowledge you will walk in the victory that I have for you. Fear not the troops that will march on your soil that are not from here or think not for one moment that many of those that are already in the military would not shoot you, did they not do that in Germany? Be wise, know my word, study my word, understand my word, for many things are taking place at the moment, but always remember, you are the victors, you are the winners, you are of my kingdom, not this kingdom.

3-29-09 am service

Let your hearts be open, let your ears listen, meditate upon the things that I say unto you, watch, watch and you shall see them come to pass. For the days are very evil and they continually get more evil all the while, darkness continues to get darker, they don’t know which way to turn, they do not know which way to go. Advice comes from every country of the world and yet they seek not my face neither do they call upon my name, for if they would ask I would show them, I would tell them, but they are not in allegiance with me, they are in allegiance with the antichrist, the devil, his kingdom, his authority, his power. But my church shall be victorious, my church shall be the overcoming ones, my church shall have all the answers, my church shall flow in my ability. They shall do miracles, signs and wonders and the people of the earth shall see it and many will come into the fold, but many, many will continue to go their own way. For they are walking in darkness, and that darkness has overtaken their mind, it has overtaken their will; it has them in a trap that they can’t get out of. Fear not those things that shall come, fear not the global warming, for I have told you concerning that in my word. Fear not the earthquakes, there were many, many last week and you shall hear of earthquakes again, volcanoes, flooding, drought, a great drought, a lack of food that will cause famine all over the world. Fighting in the streets, rioting, oh, the things that are going to take place, but they are not for you, I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will keep you safe. Be not fooled by the things that are seeming to calm down a little, do not be fooled, for the only peace that man shall see on earth is the peace that the antichrist shall give. They have that document in place, the new leader of Israel is more than willing to sign that, keep your eyes open, watch and listen, listen. For even in your skies here they fly unmanned aircraft watching over you, spying upon you, oh, the things that are going on. Keep your eyes on North Korea, she is a deadly snake, provoked she will strike, keep your eyes upon the development of nuclear weapons all over. Keep your eyes upon how Russia is building her military structure right now; keep your eyes upon these things. Watch and listen carefully as I give unto you advice on what to do. Watch the seashores, for you are losing them, for the icebergs are melting, the snowcaps are melting and the ocean is rising, watch, watch.

There are many plans that are being made, much talking behind closed doors, preparation, preparation, but fear not. For even though they plot against me and they plot against my church, fear not, for you are the overcomers, yea and you have won. Fear not the famine, for it shall be great, fear it not, for I shall supply for you and as you use wisdom and knowledge you will walk in the victory that I have for you. Fear not the troops that will march on your soil that are not from here or think not for one moment that many of those that are already in the military would not shoot you, did they not do that in Germany? Be wise, know my word, study my word, understand my word, for many things are taking place at the moment, but always remember, you are the victors, you are the winners, you are of my kingdom, not this kingdom.

3-29-09 pm service

Let your heart be filled with great joy, for if you look with your spiritual eyes you will see a bright, bright light at the end of the tunnel, you will know above and beyond any doubt that truly, your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. You will know that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, you will know that you are an overcomer, that I am blessing you, that I am going before you and opening doors that are closed, I am making a way where there was no way. I am finding you the things that shall bless you, that shall comfort you in these last days that shall cause you to walk in the victory that I have for you. Great things, great things are in store for my church, for my church is not the world, therefore, the things of the world, the things that are coming upon the world are not for my church. And my church shall not walk in those things even though they are on the right hand, they are on the left hand, they are behind you, they are before you, and yet there is a way that you walk through them as if they were not there. There is a way, saith your Father God, that you are blessed, that I bring all the blessings and there are many blessings out there. Walk very closely, do not be troubled by the things that you hear, the things that you see, the things that must come to pass. But set your eyes upon me, upon my word, stand tall, for truly you are joint heirs, you are heirs to the throne, and I, your Father God, shall watch over you, I shall comfort you, I shall protect you, I shall be there.

Do not fret or worry, but I say unto you, rather have confidence knowing that I will do all that I have said I would do, knowing that I will see you through, knowing that I will not leave you nor forsake you, but I am there with you always. Know that and rest, rest in me, do not look to the troubles of the world, let them not trouble your heart or bring fear, but rather allow your heart to be filled with my joy knowing that I am coming soon, you have a great thing to look forward to. Therefore, cause your expectancy to be high knowing that this is the last hour, knowing that there is that great revival that is taking place. Know what my word says is for my church in this hour and this time, victory, upon victory, upon victory. Walk with me like never before, look not to the world, but I say, look to me, for I am here and I will see you through.

I know that it seems like it is a hard time, it seems like many things are taking place that bring forth disaster, that brings forth trouble, but fear not those things they are not for you. Therefore, keep your eyes on my word, keep your eyes on my promise, meditate in my word, read my word, study my word, see the things that I say in my word, stand on those promises. For truly, if you do not stand on those promises I cannot bring them to you. But if you stand on those promises I shall fulfill them.

3-25-09 pm service

Have you not seen the things that I have told you would take place already this week? Did I not tell you that many things would take place? You have seen nothing yet, saith your Father, for the remainder of the week shall be even worse than the first part of the week. Many things shall fall in place, many words shall change and they will begin to speak of global, global this global that, because people will accept that far faster than if they were to say one world, watch the change. Be not fooled, for it is not a new order or a new game it is the same game they have been playing, world economy, global warming over and over. Watch out and be in prayer about the G-20 results, for if you don’t pray you will regret what you hear, but it is going to come. If there was one in all of North Dakota, one in that area where the flooding is about to take place, would step up and stand in the gap with all their heart, they would be amazed there would be no flood, but the flood shall come. For my church has grown lukewarm, they don’t know how to pray through any longer, they don’t know how to stand in the gap and when the disaster comes to them they will know not what to do. Walk very closely by my side, listen very carefully to the things that I say unto you, build yourself up in the Holy Ghost, strengthen your faith by staying in my word, by standing on my word, by acting on my word. For many, many disasters, many disasters shall yet come. Did I not tell you about the blizzards, well rejoice, for blizzard season is about over, but then comes the hot, hot summer, are you ready, are you really ready, are you prepared, listen carefully.

For this is that hour to know the depths of my love, saith your Father God. This is that hour to know the great heights of my love, saith your Father God. This is that hour, saith the Lord, to deepen your love with me, saith God. For did I not demonstrate my love while I was here on earth and did not I pour out my love for you, saith your Lord? For I poured out, saith God, that you might be enriched in this hour that you now live in. This is a great hour, an hour to be watchful and an hour to be prayerful, to know what the Spirit is saying and to know what the Spirit is doing, to strengthen yourself, your vessel, your heart and your mind and to know my great love for you. For even as you have endured to this point, I say unto you, you shall endure to the end if you hold on to my love. Make your joy complete, saith your Lord, hear my word and do my word that you might be filled with such joy that no burden will be too difficult, no trouble will be too shocking, no report will be too awesome to hear. For you will know that I am near, for you have honored me when you trust me with all your heart. Be filled now, saith God, with the convection of my Spirit to know my love.

Does not my word say that those who know me shall be strong and do great exploits? But many have fallen from my word and do not know me as their Father God. For those who truly know me are likened unto Shadrach, Meshech and Abed-nego who did not bow to the pressures of the world, but stood strong in me knowing that I would deliver them. So those who know me do not succumb to the things of the world, they stand strong and know that I, their Father God, Almighty God, shall deliver them in this time of great distress. In this time of great need, as you stand upon my word, as you stand upon my promises, I shall deliver you, I am the same God as I was then and I shall see you through. Know me as your God.

Keep yourself prepared, keep yourself filled with my word and my Spirit, keep yourself ready to do the things that I tell you. Keep yourself ahead of all the things that the enemy plans to do. Keep yourself established in my word, in my promises, in the things that I speak unto you, keep yourself. For truly I have given unto you all things that pertain unto this life and unto spiritualness. Therefore, walk in the fullness of my power, walk in the fullness of my authority, walk in the fullness of all that I have said unto you. Be the overcomer, be the victor, keep yourself ready.

3-22-09 am service

Let your ears always be open to me, not only your spiritual ears, but your normal ears, listen to the things I say unto you and watch. For if you study the Old Testament you will always see that I had two major prophets, many minor prophets. Listen carefully to the things that they say, be not moved by what the others say, for they do not always hear from me. Remember there were more false prophets in the Old Testament than real prophets. There were more that followed Baal and spoke the things that Baal had to say, but my prophets spoke my word, they brought forth my word, they called things that were not as if they were and they came to pass, and as you read and as you study, your hearts are blessed by what you see. I have always warned you ahead of time and then you have seen it come to pass, some things very quickly, some things a little slower, but they do come to pass. I have told you about the floods and now the news media wants to talk about the floods. I have told you about the earthquakes and the news media wants to talk about earthquakes. I have told you about the volcanoes and now they want to tell you about them. Be not like those that are asleep, for many are asleep and know not what hour it is, and even though I shake them and I shake them, they continue to slumber and sleep like a lazy man, for they don’t think those things are going to come to pass, they do not press into the fullness of the things that I have for them. They see others that are blessed, they see others that are prospering, they see the things that many are doing and yet they press not into those areas, and yet those areas are still open, I am still able to do all that I did before and even more so now, saith your Father God. Keep your eyes on Russia, I have told you that she is moving very swiftly now, very swiftly and you shall be shocked at the sudden move that she makes. Keep your eyes upon Iran, Syria, the Assyrian connection that I spoken to you about, the things that are coming to pass, know about those things, for you are seeing that develop right now, right this very hour this is developing, this is taking place. The G-20, they have already made up their mind and they are ready for a new monetary system worldwide. China is building more weapons and preparing her army even more so. Russia is tripling everything she has and she has new weapons that we have not even yet seen. European Market is also preparing, they will be playing their war games and you will hear about that. Everyone has their eyes upon the banking system, and yet it is not the banking system that is the problem, your leaders sold you out, the jobs went overseas, the jobs are not here. They were worse than Esau, for some are saying that Esau is like America and has sold her pottage, yes, there is a truth there, saith your Father God, but I say unto you, they are like the one that betrayed Jesus, they are like Judas, for they have sold you out for the money, they have betrayed you. Listen carefully to the things that I tell you, watch, watch, prepare, do you understand that word, prepare that these times will be easy times? Don’t laugh at those that are preparing, for they have heard my voice and they make ready, they are wise servants, they are not foolish, they are wise. And because they are wise, I can use them, I can bless them, I can cause others to be one because of their faithfulness. Are you telling people what is happening or are you one of those that hides your head in the sand and keeps your mouth shut? I cannot use a servant like that, I cannot bless a servant like that, don’t you remember the story of the servants, one hid his talents in the ground, what happened to him? I not only blessed the others, I took away from him all that he had, why, because he was not trusting in me? I desired for him to turn around, to move into the places of blessings, to be blessed coming in and blessed going out, to be the head and not the tail. All that is coming is for your good, even though you may look at it and wonder and question things, I need to shake the earth in a big way, not the enemy now, but I need to shake the earth in a big way. And by allowing him to move, I shake the earth and many will come to me because of that. Many that are sitting back and they would go to hell, they may claim to be Christians, but they will go to hell if I did not move like I am moving. And because of the way I am moving, many shall come in, not as many as those that are those so called saved, more so with those that haven’t heard yet, that don’t know the way, that have never come in. You will see both, but you must be prepared to minister to them, to pour out from your heart the things that I have put in there. You need to be walking in my strength, in my power, in my ability, for you even heard of tsunamis this week that took place, undersea volcano that took place. Do you not see the signs, do you not see the signs, how come you can tell the weather, but you can’t tell the signs? Wake up, I say, wake up, disaster is on its way.

Beware of the deceiving spirits that have been released for this day and this hour, fall not prey to them, but I say unto you, guard yourself with my armor, with my word, know the difference between the true and the false, you will not be deceived if you know the difference. Listen to my Spirit at all times, for I will speak to you, I will give you the checks when you need to have a check in your spirit if someone is saying something that does not line up with my word. Do not push them aside, but I say unto you, think upon my word, find out where they are being wrong and know my truth, the truth of my word. Do not be deceived by the spirits that are so out there that are deceiving many, many people, but rather be armed with my word, be armed with my word knowing that this is a great hour, this is a great time for my children. But, yes, this is a serious time, a time, a time to know my word, a time to know what my word says concerning the day and the hour that you are living in. For great, great are the blessings that I have in store for those who walk with me, but oh, the trials that shall come upon those who know me not, who know not how to stand upon my word and have not been grounded in my word, oh, the trials that shall come unto them. Fear not the hour you are living in, but I say unto you, allow my peace, which passes all understanding, to guard your hearts as my word declares. Allow not the enemy any place, but I say unto you, know my word and walk in the truth of my word.

Beware of the lie of peace, for my word declares unto you that they shall cry peace, peace, but they shall find sudden destruction coming upon them. Know my word, know my word, really know my word, concentrate on my word, meditate on my word, study my word, don’t be a workman that will be ashamed, that will be in disaster, that will be in the traps, that will fall prey to the enemy because you don’t know my word. I have made my word available to you, the Holy Ghost will be your teacher, he will be your guide, he will show you all things that are to come. Prepare yourself, make yourself ready, for many are asking questions, can you give them an answer, can you show them the things that are taking place or do you become a critic? Don’t be a critic, know my words, speak my word, for I desire to bless you, I desire to help you, I desire to keep you safe, I desire to go before you and make a way where there is no way, I desire to do all that I have promised you to do and I shall do it. But will you be ready, will you be ready?

3-22-09 pm service

Let not your hearts be troubled, don’t allow the troubles to enter in, walk very closely by my side, for many things shall come to pass and many things you shall see. But if you keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promise, joy shall fill your heart and you shall walk in great victory. Many things shall take place this week; let not your heart be troubled concerning them. Realize that you are not of the world that you are of my kingdom, and I, your Father God shall take care of you, I shall supply for you, I shall keep you safe, I shall battle for you if need be. Therefore, walk very closely by my side, keep your eyes upon my word and upon my promises and walk according to what my word says concerning you. For you are my heirs, you are my children, you are joint heirs with Jesus, you are the victors, walk accordingly, let not the troubles, let not the cares, let not the calamities, let them not affect you, but walk, walk, walk in my joy, walk in my peace.

Draw your strength from me, for am I not faithful, will I not do all that I have promised? Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, allow not the cares of the world weigh you down, keep your eyes upon me, the promises I have given unto you in my word. For my word stands, it is everlasting; it does not change, know my children my word and stand upon that, for I have given unto you victory in every single area. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not what the enemy may do, but rather stand upon my word, stand strong, for I am faithful and I will fulfill my word to you.

Wars, fighting, great troubles here, great troubles there and as you look around the world it seems like the whole world is upside down. They know not which direction to go, they start one direction, that doesn’t work, they reverse and go another direction and that does not work. They have not counseled me nor have they come unto me and asked, they have gone their own way, they have removed me and they look not to me and they seek not my face. Let not these troubles concern your heart, let not these troubles frighten you, for you are my children, I love you with an everlasting love and I shall provide and I shall care for you, I shall strengthen you, I shall lift you up, I will be your constant companion, your guide. I will tell you the things that are coming that you may know, that you may walk according to my word, that you may be prepared, that you may tell others and warn them that they too know, see and understand. For truly, great things shall now take place.

3-18-09 pm service

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me and my word, let your eyes be steadfast upon the promises that I have given unto you. Walk very closely by my side, for the deceit that is in the world is far greater than most understand. They see not the things that the antichrist is doing behind the scenes nor are they recognizing the things that are coming into being and they shall come in subtly, they shall overtake you fast. But as you walk in my word, as you walk in my wisdom, as you walk in my knowledge you will see these things, you will understand these things and you will be the overcomer. For you shall see many things that will come to pass, the tornadoes that will be far larger, more disastrous than before, the global warming, as the temperatures rise you will see even the mountain caps melting, the icebergs melting, the ocean level coming up eighteen feet, you will see all this. You will see the drought and the effect that the drought is taking right now and the lack of water and the want of water and soon war over water. Oh, you will see many things come to pass, and when the forest fires start, they will even be larger and driven by the wind into places where they have never been before, much disaster. But fear not the disasters, for I shall take care of you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, even your lawn will be green when others are brown, not because you have watered it, because I have taken care of you and I have supplied for you and I will protect you and I will give you wisdom and knowledge that you can see the things that are about to happen. Walk very closely by my side, fear not the things that shall come in this week, but walk very close by my side.

For my people who I have called by my name, I have called you this hour and this day this time to intercede for my people Israel like never before, to intercede for peace, to call unto me for peace. For did I not say that I will bring prosperity to those who will pray for the peace of Jerusalem? You will not be without reward my people when you call upon me and speak peace. For I bring a cry, saith the Lord, unto Jerusalem, and say, O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, you who have rejected the prophets will you hear my voice now? For indeed this is a great hour for you to hear my word, saith God, my word of salvation and my word of deliverance. For I have said many times before, and I say it again, I am bringing forth a great time for you in this hour, will you hear my voice? I cry out to you O Jerusalem, O Jerusalem, I cry out to you with a voice of encouragement. Yea, I say unto you, that I am a wall within your walls, I am a gate within your gates and I am a door within your doors at a time when it seems as though you have no gates, you have no doors and you have no bars. But I will be all these things unto you, saith God, for this hour ahead, yes, even a great and critical and crucial hour, saith God. For did I not say that I would send unto you Michel the archangel, I say unto you, I have even announced it by Gabriel. For therefore, I say unto you, a word of encouragement, hear my cry, for if you will hear my cry, saith God, I bring a promise to you, you will hear my shout, for you shall hear the voice of the trumpet in the right and appropriate hour, saith the Lord.

Know the importance of knowing and hearing my voice. Walk in my will, do what I have called you to do, for now is your hour, now is your time. Walk with me like never before, listen to my voice, hear my cry, open your heart unto me and follow me.

3-15-09 am service

Let your hearts be comforted, let my words encourage you and lift you up on high. For many changes have come and many more changes shall take place and the world shall be turned upside down and the freedoms that you now have, you will no longer have. Even the troops marching in your streets will not be the ones that you normally see and many things you will not understand. But I say unto you, fear not, for those first years will be nothing, and before the wrath comes you will be gone, fear not those things. You will hear of the tornadoes that will be far larger this year and more dangerous and more destructive and touching areas they have never touched before. The drought, the ground will crack up, it will be harder than rock, it will not be dry, nothing, nothing will grow on it. Famine, famine, it will spread throughout the whole world. Many nations, many countries rising up against the others to grab the food that they do have. The border will need to be policed very heavily or those looking for food will run here very quickly and yet only to find that there is a shortage here too. Oh, the disasters that shall take place, and as you watch you shall see Ezekiel 38 and 39 taking place right before your eyes, the move is already on. Oh, you will see wickedness, then you will see the collapse of the dollar and the new monetary system, the mark of the beast. Fear not these things, for they have to come and they shall come. But I will be with you and I will strengthen you, I will uplift you, I will protect you, I will guide you, I will show you the way through this time. I will listen to your words as you call out to me and I will move mightily on your behalf, I will move mightily to bring in those that you pray for. Be not discouraged, realize that this is just a time before you go home and excitement should be building in your heart, but that day is approaching very swiftly now and you shall see many changes that I have already spoken to you about. Watch out when August comes.

Oh, the devastation that many will experience, but oh the blessings my children shall walk in. Those who are listening to me, those who hear my voice and are following after me, blessings upon blessings shall they have in their lives. But those who go about and do their own thing, use their own wisdom, go about their own way, they shall experience much hardship in the days ahead. But for those who have heard me, for those who have listened and obeyed and done what I told them to do, they shall be blessed. It is an hour my children where it is crucial that you listen to me, for the hour that you are living in is the greatest hour that man has ever seen, a great hour of many destructive things, a great hour of the economy falling, a great hour where many are in need. But those who know me as their God and as their Father, they shall rise up in this hour and they shall be blessed like no other people, they shall walk in the fullness of all I have said. It is a great hour for my church, it is a great time. Prepare your hearts as I have said for the things that are going to take place, even this summer, prepare like never before, for if you are prepared, it shall not shake you, it shall not shake you. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare like never before, get into my word, know what I have said, study, study my word like never before that you, that you my children, that you will go through this time victoriously as I have said.

Fear not the things that I tell you, for I tell you these things that you will be prepared, that you will know. And as you walk by my side it will seem as if it is not even near you and it shall not come nigh your dwelling. Even though you may look and see it on the right hand and on the left hand, you may see it before you, behind you, it will not come nigh your dwelling. For you as you walk by my side, it shall be a time of great blessing, a time of great ministry, a time of healing the sick, a time of raising the dead, a time of casting out demons, a time of great victory, overcomers, walking in the fullness of my power with wisdom and knowledge like you have never had before. And I will always be there to comfort you, to strengthen you, to lift you up, when you call upon my name I will answer quickly and I will move mightily on your behalf. So it is a time of great joy, a time of great joy, a time of great joy that you may walk as sons and daughters of Almighty God, clothed in the power that Jesus had when he was here.

3-15-09 pm service

For even as the songs spark joy within your heart that joy should be there constantly, that excitement should be there. For as you know as you look at my word, the time is running down, that my Son shall be coming for you before long. That should put excitement in your heart, that should put joy in your heart, comfort knowing that you never go through the wrath, knowing that you walk in total victory regardless of the signs that you see. For there shall be signs, the tornadoes, the flooding, the earthquakes, the drought, the global heating, oh, the signs that you shall see. Country going against country, weapons of mass destruction being made without even considering the damage that they do, oh, the things that are going on. I know when the last person will be saved, I know when there shall be no more that will come into the kingdom of God. And when that takes place you will also know that hour, you will know that moment; you will know that day, for there shall be great rejoicing in heaven.

In this hour of great trouble allow my peace, which passes all understanding, rule and guard your hearts. It is an hour to truly walk in that peace that I have given unto you, for I have said I have left you with a comforter, the one who comforts, the one who gives peace. Therefore, I say unto you, rest in my word, rest in knowing that my children shall go through these days ahead in great victory. They shall not have defeat, they shall not have lack nor shall they want, but they shall walk in the fullness of all that I have said. Oh, the joy that shall fill the hearts of my people as they truly realize this is the hour of their risen Savior. I am not dead, I am alive and mighty is the work that I have for you to do in this hour and this time. It is truly an hour to rise up like never before, to do all that I have called you to do. It is an hour to walk in the abundance of my word, for I have given unto you all that you need, I am your all in all. Therefore, I say unto you, draw ever so close to me, for in this hour I shall be with you to the very end. I will not leave you, I will not forsake you, I will guide you, I will lead you, I will direct you, but you must follow me and you must know my voice.

Let not the enemy cause your heart to become heavy, let not the worries or the cares of the world overtake you as one that has no hope. For you have hope, others may not have hope, but you have hope and that hope is your strength, that hope is your light, that hope is your guidance and I will guide you, I will lead you, I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with the power of my right hand, I will go before you and make a way where there is no way. So fear not, fret not, don’t listen to the enemy, but keep your eyes upon me and upon the path that I have set before you and walk in that path, walk in that path. For truly as you do, even though the storms are round about you, even though the fighting is going on, even though you have seen the things that I have told you would see, you will be walking in victory and there shall be joy on your lips and a song in your heart and you shall be an overcomer.

Are you so far off that I cannot speak to you, that I cannot answer, that I cannot hear? I promised that I shall never leave you nor forsake you. Put all your trust in me, for I have heard, saith your Father God, yea, I have heard and I am moving mightily on your behalf, and yea, I shall bring it to pass.

3-11-09 pm service

Listen carefully as I talk to you, as I share with you, as I open your understanding, as I cause you to see more clearly that you may understand many things. If I were not to judge the world, then sin would enter in heaven, sinners would not change and all of you have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren that are past the age of accountability. And if I did not move in the way that I am moving, I would be a loveless God, a God that had no love, a God that had no mercy, a God that did not care. But because I care, I allow things to come, things that I have spoken to you in my word that they may feel the pressure, that they may hurt in a sense, that they may come into the fold where the safety is. For if I do not move that way, they would be lost, and yet your prayers are for them, I hear your prayers, so I move mightily on their behalf. For many would not come in, many are not ready, many are living a two style life, one foot in the world, one foot in the church, one foot in the things that I do not allow and one foot in the things that I do allow. Oh, they may say, yes, we are Christians, but not according to my word, not according to the things that are written therein my word. For they follow not my word, they obey not my word; they do not the things that I have told them to do. They think that it will never end; they think that because the news has said there was a little light at the end of the tunnel that things are going to change. The only change that you shall get will be the false change in the first three and a half years until the antichrist breaks the treaty, that is the only change that you are going to receive. And if you are my children you realize that is no change at all, it is the same old pressures, the same old pains, the same old things that the devil has always done. But if you walk with me, then you are of my kingdom and I shall fight for you, I shall protect you, I shall provide for you, I shall cause you to be an overcomer, I shall cause you to walk in the wealth that I have, I shall cause you to prosper, I shall cause you to walk in divine health that others will see you and see the light and come unto me. So be not fooled by the things that are taking place, you are in the last days, you are in the very last days and I make that very clear that you can understand that and walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for that time and that period. I say unto you, watch and you shall see Russia, as Libya and Russia also become one, does that tell you something? You shall also see China as she begins to raise up her dirty head and you can see exactly who she is and the hatred she has for you. You will see the other countries, Iran has already made a nuclear weapon, they are not going to make one, they are going to make more than one, they have already done this. War has not ceased in Iraq, there are killings going on every day, Afghanistan is even worse, and now that more troops are going there, sad to say, you will see more dead Americans. Oh, I would only ask that they would read my Book, if they would look at my word, that they would understand the things that I have said unto them, that they would see for themselves exactly where we are, exactly what is going to take place. But they don’t look, they don’t listen, they don’t ask, they follow the blind leaders and the blind shall all fall in the ditch. Oh, oh, how sad that is, when they could walk in victory, when they could walk in peace and yet they desire not to do that, they question it. I say unto you, listen carefully, mark May and June with a red mark, mark May and June with a red mark. Prepare yourself for July that you have got enough to take care of the multitude, prepare yourself I say, make ready yourself, don’t ask questions, follow what I have said unto you. For August, August shall begin a countdown and you will see evil, even more evil, you will see more wars, you will hear about more wars, you will see more disaster going on and you will realize exactly where we are. So I say unto you, prepare yourself, make yourself ready, make yourself ready, hear my voice, know my voice, follow the things that I say unto you. Draw closer, forsake not the assembling of yourself together, but do it even more so that you can uplift one another, that you can encourage one another, that you can strengthen one another, that you will be strong in my Spirit, that you will be able to withstand the enemy and the attacks of the enemy, for I have given you everything that you need to withstand. Walk closely by my side, make yourself ready and remember the things that I have said unto you this night. For there is a countdown going on, there is a countdown for the silent years, there is a countdown now because things are about ready to happen that you are not even expecting that even the strong, even the godly shall be shaken. They will draw closer themselves, they will weep before my alter, they will call upon my name and I will be there, I will strengthen them, I will help them, I will uplift them, I will cause them to be far greater than they are now. Oh, listen carefully, listen, listen, listen to the things that I say this night to you, listen, listen I say, listen and pay attention.

For have I not brought you up into the heavenly places, saith your Father God and have I not given you all things there, have I not told you to store your treasures up in heaven? Yes, saith your Father God, make it more secure than ever before, for my people have a double blessing, but the people of the world have a double loss. Though they unite for a common purpose, attempting to gain souvenirs for themselves, saith your Father God, all of it must be given up, for all of it will be destroyed, what they attempt to do. The UN and the EU, the IMS and the World Bank, even as they plan together and unite together, a double loss, saith God, for them. But for you my people, as you make sure your salvation in fear and trembling, working it out by my Spirit, hearing my voice and moving forward in faith, you have a double blessing, you gain it all, saith your Father God, all, for that is what I have called you unto. Only I say unto you now, as I have said before, press forward like you have never pressed before.

Even now, saith your Father, they plot for a one world banking system, a one world government, a one world controlled by one man, the antichrist, that is in effect now. Even your President calls for a G20 that he can set straight the things that he desires to do. For he is a great type of the antichrist, watch him carefully, and watch the one that he gives alms to, watch the one that he worships, watch what he is doing. And look at the major denominations that have turned their back upon me and now allow the activities of the homosexual people. Oh, I say unto you, it is an evil day; it is an evil day when they desire to kill more babies that they can find a way to bring cures. If they would come to me I would cure them, I would heal them. Oh, I say, it is a wicked time, a wicked, wicked time, and because of that, judgment has to come, it cannot be put off. For if it is put off, even the very elect will give up.

Prepare yourselves to help others, prepare yourself to teach them in the word that they may understand the things that are going on in the world, for most places are not teaching the things that shall come to pass nor are they teaching the truth. For they are teaching fables unto their people and they know not what is taking place nor do they see the hour that we are in. Prepare yourselves, prepare yourselves to pray for them, to minister healing to them, to minister deliverance to them, to minister unto them the needs that they have. Prepare yourselves, get yourselves ready, begin to do some of this right away, saith your Father God, for it is the hour, it is the time now to reach out even further than you have reached out before.

3-8-09 am service

Let not your hearts be fearful, remember my word to you, remember my promises, remember the things that I, your Father God, have said I shall do. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, and even though disaster shall come, even though many calamities shall take place, my people shall walk in victory, my people shall be the overcomers, my people shall lead others into the kingdom of God. They shall be the light of the world, and the world shall see that light and the world shall come unto that light, they shall be saved because of that light. So fear not the things that you shall hear now, for the tornadoes shall roar like never before, the flooding shall take place, the earthquakes, a great shaking, a great shaking where every man’s heart shall be shaken regardless how godly they are, oh, a time of great disaster. But keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon me, be not fearful, for you have my word, you have my promise, I am not a man that I can lie, therefore, you can walk in my word, you can walk in my promises. The drought will not affect you, the famine will not affect you, the pestilence and they shall come, they will not affect you as long as you are walking by my side, as long as you are walking in my will, as long as you are doing those things that I have told you. Prepare yourselves for an ingathering of multitudes; prepare yourself for the things that I have said. Lift up your voice, lift up voice, shout your praises and know that truly I am watching over you.

For this is a great time of refreshing for my people, a time where they shall be renewed, be strengthened, it is a time where they shall be recharged with my Spirit. It is a great hour for my people who are walking with me, it is a great hour, the blessings that shall overtake them and flood their lives, it shall be of great magnitude. This is the hour where I said it is time for my church to arise like never before, it is time for them to walk in the power and authority I have given unto them, it is time for them to rise and become all that I have said that they are. It is an hour to walk fully with me and completely with me, knowing my very desire; it is a great hour of harvest, of souls coming into my kingdom. Therefore, I say unto you, be open unto my Spirit at all times, that when I speak to you to speak to someone that you follow my leading and that you listen to me as I lead and guide that you may lead them into the fold. For I will give you instructions, I will give you keys how to be successful in all that you do. Therefore, I say unto you, listen to me and my Spirit as I speak to you, it is a great hour my children for you, yes, it is a great time. Therefore, I say, press in with all that you have, run the race that is before you, do not become discouraged, but rather I say, rejoice within your heart knowing the hour that you are living in, knowing that I am coming soon and knowing all that I have promised and what is in store for you. Allow not the enemy to bring discouragement, but I say unto you, rather rejoice, rejoice, for great, great things do I have in store for you.

How far can you see spiritually, can you see past the end of your nose? Many are good at telling the weather, but telling the seasons and the time that you are walking in now, they do not know nor do they understand nor do they believe that the time is as short as it is. They cannot see all the signs that are taking place; they walk as if they have got their heads buried in the sand. They plug their ears because they do not want to hear or listen; they make light of it as if it will not take place. They have not prepared themselves for the storms, because they have not prepared themselves, they will not walk in the victory that others will walk in. They will not be the overcomers as others will be, they will not have the things that others shall have, but there is yet a small amount of time to prepare, to get yourselves ready, for I have warned you and I have spoken to you. And again I say, prepare yourself, walk by my side, know my voice, hear my voice and do the things that I command you to do.

3-8-09 pm service

Let this joy fill your heart that I have given unto you, let my glory lift you to higher places, let that joy just lift you so high that the cares of the world are almost as if they are not. Walk very closely by my side; listen very carefully to the things that I say unto you. Be not moved by the news, be not moved by the circumstances that are taking place, the calamities, the troubles, they are not for you. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, lift up your hands and rejoice knowing that I have a better way for you. I know the way through these dark days; I know the things that are coming upon the face of the earth. But for my people it shall be a great time, a time of harvest, a time of harvest, souls will come into the kingdom of God, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place. For as the troubles cover the earth many shall run to the light and you are the light, and as they come unto you, you will have the answers. You will be able to heal and deliver and to set free, you will be able to comfort and strengthen and lift up and encourage those that need encouragement. Yes, truly, many things shall take place now both overseas and here and you will see them and you will hear about them and you will see greater tornadoes this year than last. More hurricanes, more flooding, more earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves and the melting of the icebergs and the snow capped mountains. But fear not these things, for it is only the season that you are in, these things must come to pass, but I shall take you through them safely, and when my Son comes, you shall go. So look up, lift up your voices and rejoice, for truly I am with you.

For a father watches over his children to protect them, to feed them, to clothe them, to love them, to encourage them, to let them know that he is always there for them, that they can come unto him any moment, at anytime and he will meet their needs. I am your Father, I do love you and I will watch over you and I will protect you and I will keep you safe and I will answer when you call out to me and I will supply all your needs according to my riches in glory. Put your total trust in me, walk with me, walk with me.

Let those who have looked for and longed for the coming of your Lord, let them leap for joy, let them shout the praises of their coming King. Those who have waited long for healings and miracles to take place, wait no longer. I say your waiting period is over; your waiting time is over, rejoice in the Lord your God, for he comes quickly to bring joy and glory to his church.

3-4-09 pm service

Be not like those that turn off their hearing or ignore the very things that I tell them, that look away and walk away and go their own way not knowing the pit that they shall fall in, not knowing the disaster, the pain, the suffering, the hurt, the lack, the want that is just ahead of them. For they are like the blind man, they do not see or know where they are going, they walk in darkness, be not like them. For you are in the light, you are to walk in the light, you are to know the things that I, your Father God, have told you, you are to walk in the perfect truth, the perfect knowledge, the perfect wisdom that I have given unto you. For I have told you the things that shall come to pass and you have seen them, even this week you have seen many of the things that I have told you come to pass. Watch very carefully, for the lateness of the hour is later than many think, the coming of my Son, Jesus, is much sooner than many realize. Be a light to them, be able to give them an answer, be able to tell them what is taking place, for throughout the whole world right now, you see the confusion, you see the lack, you see the want, you can see that they don’t know which direction to go, they do not know exactly what to do, they just follow blindly after the antichrist system. They will follow him, but they won’t follow me, his way leads to destruction, my way leads to happiness and peace. Watch the things that I have told you shall take place, the tornadoes that shall be much larger this year. The earthquakes that will come, the volcanoes, the mudslides, the shaking of the whole bottom of the ocean shifting plates this way and plates that way and changing many things. The global warming, the hot, hot weather that is about to come now, the drought that keeps widening, you have an answer for all these people, whether it is in this country or whether it is in another country, all are on the same playing field, you have an answer for them. Know those answers; be prepared to give them the answers that they have need of. Be a light, a bright light that shines into the darkness and shows them a way out, a way into the family of God, a way into victory. Help them to walk in the victory that I have given unto them also that they may be safe. Watch the things that I have told you, but fear not the things that come, for they are not for you. For you are of my kingdom, and I, your Father God, will not only protect you, but I will fight for you if need be. Walk very closely by my side, know my way, know my voice, know the things that I have said, be prepared for the things that are ahead, and as you are, great victories shall come.

For I would say unto you, partake of that which is of my word, saith the Lord, that which is sweet to the taste, that which is good for the belly, that which progresses your life for a long time, saith God. But beware of that which is sour, that which is bitter, for that you will spit out again and again and find no satisfaction. For my word will satisfy you, partake of it, receive it even as I speak now that you might trust me even in the most difficult hour or hours of your life, for it will give you a merry heart and a joyful life.

For the world looks for answers inside the world, they seek worldly men, worldly knowledge, worldly wisdom and it produces nothing. For it is not of me, but it is of the devil and his kingdom and they blindly follow him doing the things that he tells them, thinking in their own minds that they shall recover and be far greater, far stronger than ever before. But in all reality they will become a slave, a slave to the devil, a slave to his kingdom, a slave that will follow the things that he tells them to do, a slave that cannot set himself free, but a slave that does not seem to know how to come to me.

3-1-09 am service

Let your hearts be filled with my love, let my love flow from you to others, touch them with my love, comfort them with my love, show them the truth with my love. For you are living in an hour and in a world where you will not see love, you will see pain, suffering, problems, troubles. Oh, the troubles that are theirs, the troubles that man has made that shall now come, the troubles because of the hour that you are now in that man knows not, nor sees not, only the born again can see those things. Only those that know me understand with all clarity, see and understand the things that I am doing. Walk very closely, do not become bitter, do not fight for a cause that is not my cause, do not fight to prove yourself right, but walk in my love. For it is an hour and a time when you should bring in the harvest, when you shall help them that they come into the fold, that they are safe. For the things that you shall see take place are things that will hurt all, from the richest to the poorest. For the antichrist has no love for the wealth of money, money means nothing to him, control, control, control, control is what he wants, watch, beware. Watch out for the tornadoes that shall come this year, watch out for the flooding, be aware of the drought just how serious it is, watch for the famine. Prepare yourself now; remember I shall take you through this time in great victory. Do not look unto yourself or to your jobs to be victorious, but look unto me, for you don’t know the things that are ahead, but I can take you through this time in great victory. I can cause you to rejoice, I can cause you to walk tall, I can put food on your table, I can put gas in your automobile, I can put heat in your house when heat is needed, I can make it comfortable when the heat of the day rises up, where it is unbearable to others, it shall be bearable to you. Fear not, fear not, for I have already prepared a way, I know the way and I have told you the way. Walk in the way, know me like you have never known me before, know my voice, draw very close, talk with me, allow me to comfort you, allow me to strengthen you. Allow me to open your eyes, for if you do not have your eyes open, you will not see the traps and you will fall into the traps, and the snares are very strong, very painful, very hard to get out of, but if you walk with me you need not fear those things, for you will not fall into one of them.

Joy and peace shall fill the life of those who know me, who know my word and who know where their trust is. They shall have peace in their homes and they shall have joy in their heart, for they know that I shall do all I have promised I will do. They do not fear things that shall take place in the world. Oh, the despair for those who know me not, who do not have the assurance of my word, who do not know how to trust me in this hour and this time. Troubles on the right hand and on the left for those, but not so for my children, for I have given unto you my promise, I have given unto you my word, I have made a covenant with you and I do not break my covenant, I shall provide, I shall take care. Therefore, I say unto you, draw ever so close to me, know my word, know what I have given unto you, for I have given unto you all power, all authority over the enemy, I have given you the keys you need to walk in great victory. Listen and harken unto my voice, know who I am, know my voice that when I speak to you, you listen, you hear, you do what I tell you to do and great is your success because of it. It is an hour my children where you need to know my voice, where you need to hear me, that when I speak to you, you can do what I have told you to do. It is not an hour to sit back and wonder, is this God speaking to me, do I know his voice? It is not an hour to question, but it is an hour to know me, to know who I am, to know me very close that you can even hear my heartbeat even as you hold your child close to you, you hear their heart beating, that is how close you need to be in this hour and this time that you can truly follow me. For I have said I am here for you, I will deliver you, but if you know me not as your deliver, how can I be the one to deliver you? Therefore, draw close to me, for I will do all I have promised I will do.

Do not allow the things that I say unto you to trouble your heart, for I do not give them to you to trouble your heart. For I have told you I have many blessings for my people, I have many blessings for those that walk close to my side, that know my voice, that hear my voice, that do the things that I tell them to do. Great blessings, great pleasures, great comfort, I share with you what is taking place in the world, you are not of the world, you are of my kingdom. I show you the disaster that is coming upon this earth that you may help others, that you may be the light that leads them to me. And as you work with me, I shall be your supplier and I shall take care of you and I shall keep you on the path that walks in the light and not in the darkness. So fear not these things that I say unto you, but listen carefully, listen carefully, follow my direction, follow my directions.

3-1-09 pm service

Be strong, let your spiritman rise up to its full stature, be not fearful in anyway or manner, but be strong, be strong in me, for the strong shall be the overcomers, the strong shall be the victors. For they shall walk in my name, they shall walk in my authority, they shall walk in my power and they shall not fear, they shall overcome all the obstacles that the enemy may place in their path. The floods that shall come will not worry them, the tornadoes that shall be bigger than any tornadoes we have had shall not trouble their hearts. The earthquakes, the drought, oh, the drought, the drought that is spreading so far and so deep, the famine that is spreading throughout the world, the trouble that the enemy is laying out for the people of the world, oh, the troubles, the troubles. The UN forming their own army now, as much money being poured into Afghanistan as was poured into Iraq, oh the troubles, the troubles, the troubles, so many troubles. The global warming that man cannot stop, it shall grow warmer and as soon as the sun breaks through and brings forth the spring weather many will know that. The eighty-degree weather would be cool in comparison to what many shall see. Oh, the trouble, the trouble, the lack of so many things and bills mounting up that they cannot pay, the one universal bank, the one universal bank, one I said, not many, controlled by those in control. The new monetary system, the cashless society, oh, the troubles, the troubles, the troubles that are ahead. Not for my people, so do not be fearful of them, but keep your eyes upon me, walk closely to me, listen to my words, listen to the things that I tell you, meditate upon them, walk in the victories that I have for you. For you shall be a bright light and the world shall come unto you to find the answers, for they shall see and they shall know that you have the answers, for you shall be blessed. The words of Habakkuk in the third chapter verses seventeen and eighteen will read so real for the hour that you are now in, the troubles, the troubles, the troubles. Be not fearful of them, but walk in the victory that I shall give unto you.

This is not the hour to back off, but it is the hour to run forward, to run with my army, to keep pace with my army. Don’t back off, for even a little bit becomes a mile or more and it is more work catching back up. So walk closely by my side, walk very close to me, keep your eyes upon me, listen carefully to my Spirit as it speaks to you and guides you and directs you and tells you the things that are ahead.

2-25-09 pm service

Pay close attention to the warnings that I give to you. Don’t let them go in one ear and come out the other, don’t come back and say, you have not told me, for I have told you, saith the Lord. Watch, watch, know what is going on, know what I have told you, watch the fulfillment of it that you may be able to help others, that you may show them that they will understand, that they will come into the safety of the fold. For all the things that you hear that says they are going to give you help, that is a not truth, that is a lie. For they shall put you in bondage like you have never been in bondage before, they shall take your freedoms like you have never seen them go before and they will do it in such a sly deceitful way you will not see the things that they are doing. But listen to my voice, for I shall forewarn you, even as I have forewarned you as soon as the spring comes, you will see the global warming in a greater way than you have seen it before. You will see the seashore as it begins to vanish even more so, the drought as it begins to extend farther and farther and farther. The lack of food, the famine, the earthquakes, the pestilence, the tornadoes, the volcanoes, oh, the trouble that is ahead. Watch, but it is not for my family, did you hear me, it is not for my family? But it is for those who know me not; those who refuse to know me, those who are not walking in covenant relationship with me. For the hour is ticking down and the midnight hour has already sounded, have you heard it? Twelve gongs and some have already gone. Oh, listen carefully, wake up, wake up, walk very closely by my side, for truly I shall take you through this time in great victory. I shall make you the overcomers and you shall flourish and you shall prosper while others will fail.

Count the miracles, saith the Lord, if you can count the stars, saith God, one after another, multitudes here and there for all who believe in me, saith the Lord. For a great and mighty work is occurring now and shall continue until my day, saith God, my day when I return for my church. Multitudes of miracles occurring on all sides for those who would believe in me, saith the Lord, I would do great and mighty things. Continue to stay steadfast my children that I might use you in the days ahead. For it is your faith that draws others unto me, saith God and glorifies me in the heavens above. They’re coming, they’re drawing, some you will see, some you will not see, but hold fast and be patient.

2-22-09 am service

Continue to walk very closely by my side, continue to dig into my word, to study my word, to know my word, to know the things that I have said concerning the time that you are walking in, empowering yourself that you are clothed with my power that you can walk as overcomers in this hour. Listen carefully to all the things my word says, watch, watch, for as you watch you shall see them coming to pass and you shall recognize the shortness of time and you will prepare yourself, you will prepare your friends, you will prepare your relatives, you will get them ready. For truly time is running out fast, great evil has overcome the world now and you shall see many things taking place that you haven’t seen before. Nation rising up against nation, city against city, village against village, wickedness, wickedness, and yet you can walk in this time in great victory. Fear not the storms, fear not the drought, for the drought shall widen even farther this year, much, much farther than before, and you shall see it and you shall hear more about it and you shall also hear about icebergs that are melting and the sea level that is coming up. You will hear about the famine all over, but fear not, press into the fullness of the things that I have said, do the things that I have told you and truly you will walk as victors in this hour that is ahead.

Put your total trust in me, meditate upon and ponder all the things that I have said, all the things that I have told you and prepare yourself. For many are not prepared for the things that are ahead, but prepare yourself, make yourself ready, do the things that I have told you and walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For truly I shall bless you above and beyond any doubt and I shall make you the overcomers and you shall walk in great victory. But do as I have told you, don’t lag behind, for if you lag behind you will be gobbled up by the enemy.

2-22-09 pm service

For the eagle soars above all the circumstances, all the problems, all the storms. They that wait upon the Lord shall be like that eagle as they draw closer and allow the Holy Ghost to do a work through their life. They shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. They shall see off in the distance the storms, the troubles, the circumstances, but when they come they will be far above them and they will look down upon them and they will be ready to help, to deliver, to set free, be like that eagle. For you are living in a day and an hour when darkness has come upon the face of the earth and that darkness shall continue to grow darker and darker and darker until I remove my church. My church is the light of this world and they walk in the light that I have given unto them, be that light, walk in that light, know who you are, know what I, your Father God, has done for you. For many troubles shall come, many great storms yet, not for you here, but many great storms yet and then summer and then summer shall break in with its heat and the global warming shall be seen again. There will be floods, but there will be drought, drought like you have never seen before, famine like you have never seen before, unrest throughout all the world as the economy tightens up, as more lose their jobs. Oh, the unrest there shall be in the world, but fear not that, for I will be with you, I shall comfort you, I shall strengthen you, I shall empower you and you will be able to be like that eagle and fly above those storms, but yet you will be there to help. Be like that eagle.

Do not fear the hour you are living in, but I say unto you, lean on me, for I care for you and I have all things under control. Do you not know that I know even the number of hairs that are upon your head? Do you not know that I care about the smallest little thing? Trust me like never before, for if you cannot trust me now, how will you be able to trust me when the times get even tougher and the world gets even darker? For I have said that you are not of this world that you are mine, I have called you, I have set you aside, I have chosen you for this hour. Therefore, I say unto you, it is time rise up and to run the race that is before you. It is not time to hide, but it is time to rise up and to become all that I have said you are. For too many of my Christians are hiding, even as the ostrich buries its head in the sand, they are trying to hide from the things that are taking place in the world and not recognize them as being what they are. But I am coming very soon and no one will be able to change that, the signs are all around you. It is an hour to get into my word like never before, to be following me with your whole heart and being about my business, doing the things I desire you to do. Oh my children, press in like never before, for great are the things that are in store for you, oh I say, great things I have for my church. Therefore, press in like never before, do not fear the things that shall come, but know I have given unto you my promise, I have given unto you my word and I watch over my word, I do not change. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, walk with me and walk in the abundance of all that I have for my children for this hour.

For the signs of the end are many and yet they are all visible, all clearly seen, all pointing towards that very day, that hope, that assurance that the Christians have. So as the signs come, and they will come, the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the flooding, the drought, the global warming and all the other things that my word declares unto you, let not your heart be troubled. Let there be a great joy, a great expectation, for you know that your days are growing shorter and soon your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, shall come for you. The days that you shall go through will be nothing in comparison to the days that those that don’t go with you, will go through. So rejoice, keep your faith, keep your hope, realize that I shall supply for you and I shall take you through in great victory and you shall be the overcomers and you shall know and see and understand the very things that I have said unto you.

2-18-09 pm service

Oh, the sweetness of my Spirit as it fills you to overflowing, as it encourages you and lifts you up higher and higher as you walk by my side, yes, daily walking with me that you may flow in the supernatural, that you may be exalted in the work that you do. Oh, walk by my side, for truly the days, the hour that you are in are so evil, the darkness that has crept in is beyond measure and it shall continue to grow and grow and grow, the lies that they present unto you, oh, know the truth, know the truth. Walk in that truth, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon me, do not listen to the things that they are trying to persuade you to do, or the way that they are trying to persuade you to walk, or the new religion that they are trying to form saying that there is only one way to heaven, know my word, know the truth. Walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, do not be amazed at the hatred towards the Christians in this hour, don’t be amazed at that, for I have told you that they shall hate you because they hate me. But walk in my love to them, show them my love, but be not deceived, walk, walk, walk in my power.

For who can accuse one who is faithful, saith the Lord, for even now I have called my chosen ones to be faithful in this hour. For indeed you are the beautiful ones with the feet to bring the good news, saith the Lord. Therefore, I say, rush into every opportunity that you hear my voice and you hear my words speaking unto you. For there, saith the Lord, I will indeed exalt you, saith God, for I will fill you abundantly to shine, to shine, saith the Lord, to shine even as the sun, saith the Lord. Be faithful in this hour.

Let not your feet rush into evil, saith your Father God, for I say unto you, many words are being spoken in this last hour creating fear, creating doubt and creating unbelief. But you know the word that I have brought unto you and it is the word of faith to believe me whole-heartedly. I say unto you, remember my word during this time, confess it again and again and again, for I have given you the victory over all these thing saith the Lord, for you are strong in me, saith God, strong in me.

2-15-09 am service

Rest in me, let your total assurance be in me, walk very closely by my side; fear not the darkness that has come upon the face of the earth, for you are the light of the world. Walk in my light, I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall protect you, I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way. I shall open your understanding that you may understand the things that are taking place, that you will not be deceived by the way that they talk or the promises that they make. For you will know the truth, saith your Father God, for I shall show it unto you. Fear not the tornadoes that shall come, fear not the earthquakes, fear not the flooding, fear not the drought, fear not the famine, fear not those things, for I have told you I shall supply for you and I shall take you through this time victoriously. I will strengthen you, I will heal you, I will deliver you, I will set you free, it shall be a glorious hour for my church, a glorious hour for my church. Believe not the lie of the G7, don’ t believe that lie, for what they say is untrue and it will not work, but I, your Father God, will work on your behalf.

Know my peace in this hour, for my peace comes from knowing my word, knowing what I have promised, knowing what I have said I will do. Know my word like never before that you are not easily caught in the traps of the enemy, but I say unto you, be the victorious ones that I have called you to be, walking in the truth of my word, knowing that I am your Father, I will see you through these days ahead. I have given unto you my promise, I have made a covenant with you and I shall keep my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know, know me, know who I am, know what I have given unto you, know what I have promised that you can walk in the fullness of all that is yours.

Blessings, blessings, blessings, great blessings shall come upon my people. Abundance, abundance, abundance to them that are walking closely by my side, to them that are hearing my word, to them that are following my word. Joy, joy, joy, great joy, great joy shall fill their hearts.

2-15-09 pm service

Let your spiritual ears be open, keep your spiritual eyes open even as I have told you, walk in the light, as I am in the light, walk with my Spirit, hear my Spirit, notice the things that he is directing you to notice, watch the things that he checks you to watch, be prepared at all times. For many are saying words that are deceitful, many are directing people to go the wrong way, many do not understand the things that are taking place. Even though some sound very, very good and yet in all reality they are very, very bad. Walk very closely by my side, watch, be prepared, be alert, be keen in the moving of your spirit, walk in the fullness of my power and the fullness of my authority, for many evil things shall take place upon the face of the earth. Changes, changes, changes, not for the good, but for the bad, for the antichrist system is being pushed into place like never before, all the slots are in place and quickly they are trying to fill everyone. But as you listen, as you watch in the spirit realm you shall know these things and see these things. Fear not the famine that definitely will come this year, fear not the global warming, for you shall see it and you shall know for sure it is so. Watch as the ocean continues to rise and the seashore continues to vanish. Tornadoes such as you have never seen, earthquakes, volcanoes, oh, oh, oh, the trouble, but fear not that trouble, for that trouble is for the earth, it is for the wicked; it is not for my household. I will take you through this time victoriously; I will take you through this time as the overcomers, if you listen to me, if you follow my directions, if you walk according to the things that I speak unto you. Don’t listen to the voice that is not my voice; learn to know my voice, for my sheep know my voice. Walk according to my word, for my word sets the limit on what I will speak to you in the spirit realm. If it is not written in my word, it is not me, saith your Father, it is the evil one who comes as an angel of light to deceive you, to trap you, to enslave you. Know my voice, know my voice, walk very closely.

Draw strength from me in the time of great need, look to my word for your guidance, for your health, for I have said I will lead you, I will guide you, but your ears must be open to hear me that I can speak clearly to you and give you precise directions that you have need of. Know that I am faithful and I will do all I have promised I will do. Walk in my way, do not turn to the right or to the left, but keep your eyes upon me, for I am the only one who knows tomorrow, I know what shall take place and I have promised that I will forewarn you before. Therefore, walk with me, walk not in your own way after your own flesh, but I say, walk with me, walk in my Spirit, live in my Spirit, know my word like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have promised for this hour and this time. I have great things in store for my church, yes, great things. Walk with me like never before, walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have. Do not fall short, but walk with me.

In this hour of great need do not close your bowels of mercy, do not look on the outward, but allow me to show you the inward. Allow me to reveal unto you what can be done and what should be done and how one should do it that the harvest you gather shall be a great harvest, that the barn that you have now or the building or the sanctuary will not hold the harvest that I have for it. But let your bowels of mercy flow with my love, with my generosity, with my greatness, with what I, your Father God, would do. For it is an hour when people will begin to look and search for my love, for my mercy, for my kindness, and if you walk in your fleshly walk, if you walk in the foolishness of your flesh they will not see this. Oh, they may see a generous person in many areas of life, but they will also recognize a fool, for they will know that they have deceived you and tricked you. But when you walk in my wisdom, when you walk in my knowledge you will reveal unto them the things that they have need of, and as you reveal unto them the things that they have need of, they shall open their hearts and receive all that I have for them, and yea, the harvest shall be great.

2-11-09 pm service

Let your spiritual eyes be open wide, watch and listen in the spirit realm, notice the things that are taking place. The storms and how many they have already killed and you are only in the beginning of the year, the drought and all that it has already done and you have not come to summer. North Korea and her nuclear missile that can reach the United States, the trouble with Russia, the trouble with the EU, the trouble all over the world. The jobs, the economy, the stock market, recognize the signs, wake up, wake up, press in, get into my word like never before, draw closer, much, much closer, listen carefully to all that I say, respond very quickly, follow and do the things that I tell you. For the days are growing darker and darker and darker, the only light that you shall see will be the light that the antichrist will give during his first years here of ministry. Be not fooled, be not deceived, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for it is far later than you think.

For yea, it is not a time to be deceived, saith your Lord, for great corruption is behind the mask, saith the Lord. Again I say unto you, be ware of the deception, saith your Father God and walk in the deliverance that I have for you each and every day. For I have given you my word, I have given you direct command from my word. I have given unto you solutions in my word, and yes, there is life in my word. Walk according to the authority of my word, and indeed as it were, you shall be able to walk even on water, saith your Father God. For as you walk according to my word your faith will rise higher and higher and you will not be troubled. Speak my word, speak my word.

Storms, storms, storms, disaster, but keep your eyes upon me, for I shall take you through all this in great victory and you shall walk as the overcomer. But be not shocked at the things that you hear.

2-8-09 am service

It is an exciting hour, an hour that many have longed to see, an hour when man desired to be there, and yet you are there, saith your Father. You are seeing and beholding the things that are taking place, the things that lead up to the coming of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are seeing the signs all around you, clear signs, signs that are not mistaken, maybe by the blind and those that do not know, but not for my church, for they see those signs and they know those signs. There is a great expectation building in their hearts and yet they know that the world shall become a worse place, that many disasters, many tragedies, great evil shall come forth. But they know their time is short, they know that I will protect them; they know that I will take them through this time in great victory, they know these things. Therefore, the things that they see, the things that they hear do not trouble them, for they know that I am more than able to take them through this time. I am able to bring them great victory where there is no victory; I am able to bring defeat where defeat needs to come. I am able to do above and beyond all that you think or ask, and I will do it, saith your Father God. So be not troubled as you begin to hear about the floods this week, the fires that are consuming much of the land, the drought, the global warming, the economy, the things that are taking place. The famine, the shortages, the lack of jobs, let not these things trouble your heart, for they are of this world, they are not of my kingdom, they are not of your world, for you are but pilgrims passing through here. But I shall take you through these times in great victory, I shall open your understanding in such a way that you will understand the things that are going on and why. You will understand the mysteries that others do not understand, you will understand the antichrist and his system and the things that he is doing right now as he prepares a new peace treaty. A peace treaty that is backed by not only the United States, but also other countries of the world, a peace treaty that even Israel is beginning to look upon as favorable. Be not fooled, be not deceived, but realize that you are in the last days and I shall take you through this time victoriously.

Oh, the joy of walking with me and knowing my word, for you shall walk in the peace that I have given unto you in this time of great trouble. For you shall not have a care, for you shall cast your cares upon me, as my word has said, I care for you and I shall supply and I shall make a way even when there seems to be no way. Trust me like never before, for I am your God and your Father and I take care of you. Therefore, I say unto you, be not concerned about tomorrow, for I have all tomorrows in my hand. Therefore, trust me like never before, know that I have given unto you the power over the enemy, walk in the authority and power that I have given unto you, know my children that this is a great hour for you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the greatness that I have, walk in the greatness that is yours, allow not the enemy to steal from you, but truly walk in the fullness of what I have said is yours, walk in the promises that I have given unto you, hold them in front of you, do not let them go. For great are the things that are in store for those that are walking with me. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, know who I am, for I am not only just your God, but I am your Father and I will see you through.

For the days do not rush by as many think or many believe, for they are the same, but it depends upon the things that you are doing and your thoughts. Even so those very same thoughts control your destiny, control the things that you do, the way that you act, the way you respond. Fill your mind and your heart with my word; fill it like you have never filled it before. Spend more time in my word; for you need my word in this hour that you are living in, you need my thoughts. Cast down every thought, every imagination that does not line itself up with my word. Let your mouth speak forth my word, for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh. Fill your heart with my word; prepare yourself for the things that are ahead. For if you do not prepare yourself now, three months from now might be too late and you will find yourself in snares and traps and difficult situations and problems that you have never seen before. For the enemy is moving very rapidly fulfilling his plans and his purpose, but my plan and my purpose is much higher. And if you fill yourself with my word, that if you think upon my word and meditate upon my word and speak my word as I have told you to speak, you will go through that time in great victory. The enemy will not be able to hit you in the way that he will hit others, he will not be able to bring condemnation against you, he will not be able to put sickness upon you, he will not be able to bring disaster to your house, for you shall speak my word and things shall instantly turn about and good shall come to you. So prepare yourself now, for the hour ahead is extremely dark.

2-8-09 pm service

Happy is the man that walks in my word, blessed are they, for as they draw closer to me the windows of heaven become open and my blessings begin to be poured out upon them, upon their life, upon their families, upon everything that they do. Blessed they are, my word declares unto them that they are blessed, they walk in the light, they do not walk in the darkness, and because they walk in the light, they can see into the darkness, for the light drives the darkness off and they are not caught unaware of the things that shall take place. They don’t fear the floods that shall come now, they don’t fear the global warming, they don’t fear the forest fires, they don’t fear the trouble that is at hand. But they walk in the victory, they walk in the light that I have given unto them and they become the winners because they walk in that light. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the light, walk in the light, walk in the light.

For those who are winners have high expectations of themselves, have high expectations of me and what I said I will do in this hour and in this time. Know that I have great things in store for my church; it is the hour of that end time revival. Therefore, I say unto you, it is an hour where you need to consecrate yourself unto me, and give of me your all, surrendering everything to me and allowing me to do the work that I desire within your life. Great and mighty are the things that I have in store for those who are walking with me, those who are keeping their eyes upon that finish line, upon the goal that is set before them, oh my children, all the things that I have in store for you, they are wonderful. Therefore, continue to walk with me, continue to keep your pace, at the pace that I have set. Do not lag behind, but rather I say, walk hand in hand with me, knowing that the hour is growing late and the time is short and I have much for you to do. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, do not go ahead of me nor behind, but walk with me.

Look deep into the spiritual realm, exercise your spiritual eyes, open them wide, for you cannot see the things that are coming if you are not looking with supernatural eyes. If you are walking in the fleshly realm, the worldly realm, you cannot see the things that are coming, and therefore, you cannot be prepared, you cannot walk in the victory that is there. Therefore, I say unto you, open your spiritual eyes; begin to exercise them more than you have ever exercised them before. Get into my word, speak my word, stand on my word, watch, take note, make sure when your answers come, make sure when your prayer requests go out. Don’t waver, don’t beg, walk according to my word.

2-4-09 pm service

Continue to keep your ears open, that you may hear what the spirit is telling the church, that you may walk in the realm of the spiritual, that you can see the deeper things, that you may understand the deeper things, that you may know the things that are taking place on earth. Many evil things are taking place, the ENA act will pass, it will affect all as it comes into being, let it not trouble your heart, let it not trouble you, for you are of me, and I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. Fear not the droughts; fear not the global warming which you shall see soon. Fear not the winter weather, fear not the trouble, the trouble, the trouble, oh, the trouble that you see. Watch, keep your eyes upon Israel, watch the things that are happening, understand the things that are happening. Watch the prices in the store; buy the bargains when you can. Walk, walk very close by my side, for I desire to give you great victory, I desire to take you through victoriously that others may see you in your walk, even as I have taken you through this week, even far greater, saith your Father God. So keep your eyes upon me, walk very closely by my side; listen very carefully to the things that the Spirit has to say to you.

For am I not your comforter, saith the Lord, and did I not say, that even in these days I would comfort you and yet all you must do is come unto me, saith the Lord, come before my presence that I might minister unto you. For no man in their natural self can handle the difficulties of the times, saith the Lord, for indeed these are the perilous times that I have talked to you about. Yet in my presence there is always peace and there is always room for you, saith the Lord, to come before me that I might minister unto you and strengthen you with my peace and that I might fill you up, saith the Lord. That you might walk with your head high even in the midst of difficult times because you have knowledge and understanding and wisdom of what I have said and what I am doing and comfort in your heart knowing that I will bring you through all things even as I have promised. Therefore, strengthen yourself this night, saith the Lord, with the word of the Lord, comfort yourself with this, saith God, for I am with you.

2-1-09 am service

Let not your hearts be troubled, for you are my children, therefore, you should be walking in great joy, in great excitement, with great expectation, for I shall take you through this time in victory. You shall walk as the overcomers, you shall be the head and not the tail, therefore, do not fear the calamities that are coming upon the face of the earth, for my word has declared them unto you. For as you look in my word you see the things that are taking place, as you listen to the news it verifies the things that my word has said, it shows you the signs, it shows you the wonders, it show you what is taking place. The king of the east is preparing her army now to move with all power and with all might. Your government shall impose upon you a new system to monitor everything that you do, from your wealth, to your health, to your personal lives. You shall see things signed into order now that shall cause your heart to be troubled, but fear not, for these are the things, these are the signs of the end. Obama pushes along with others forcing Israel into a decision on their peace treaty and you shall hear that very quickly now, saith your Father. Fear not the storm nor what the weatherman says, for as quickly as the winter came in it shall also go out.

The economy of the world, not your economy, but the economy of the world is at the place that nations now shall rise up against nations, for they need the oil, the need the money, they need the food. The drought has wiped out most of the crops, the economy and job loss is so bad that many flex their muscles now and look for ways to gain what they have lost and to conquer even as they used to conquer in bible times and in times before. You shall see many thing begin to come to pass, you shall see the signs that are clearly there if you have not seen them. Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, come closer to me, don’t stand way off and say you are close, come closer to me that you may walk with me, that you may know my voice. Do not make plans or preparations without checking with me, for it is far worse than you realize.

2-1-09 pm service

Let not tomorrow trouble your hearts, but walk side by side with me, for I know the tomorrows, not just tomorrow, but I know all the tomorrows, I know all the days, I know all the hours, I know all the minutes of the days, just walk with me. For truly, the world has become very evil and it shall continue to grow even more evil than you are seeing it at the moment. For as the pressures come upon the people, and they know me not, nor they do not have the Holy Spirit to be their comforter and their guide, they do things in the natural man that is controlled by Satan and we hear things going on such as we have not heard before, let that not trouble your heart. Realize these are the signs of the end times, it is the signs of where we are, but I have promised you that I shall take you through this time victoriously. Was I not able to take care of the children of Israel for forty years? Can I not take care of you but for five years? Oh, I say, walk very closely by my side; keep your eyes upon me and upon the things that I, your Father God, have said. Don’t watch the world if it troubles you. But if your eyes are open spiritually, you can see the things that are coming to pass, you can hear the things. For you shall see storms far greater than you have seen before, a drought that reaches even farther than it has reached before, even deeper, causing many problems. Earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches, tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, mass flooding, but let not that trouble your heart. For I can stop it even before it comes to your property, I can stop it before it even affects your life, I can give unto you peace and safety, assurance and remember I do not pour out my wrath on my children.

Oh, the promises that I have given unto you, do not fret, do not fear, but rather trust me like never before, trust my word knowing that I have said, I will take you through, I will provide, I know the end. Therefore, trust me and walk with me like never before. Allow not the things that are taking place in the world to cause you to walk in fear, fear is not of me, I have not given you the spirit of fear, but I have given you the spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Allow not the enemy to put thoughts in your mind that need not be there, but rather ground yourself in my word that you can truly fight off the evil darts of the enemy and walk in the victory that I have given to you. Know my children in this hour and in this time the enemy is trying to deceive many, but those who know my word, those whose foundation is sure, steadfast, on the solid rock, they will not waiver, they will not fall. It is those who have built their house upon the sand and do not know my word, they shall fall in this hour and this time because they are on shaky sand. Know my word like never before, and allow not the enemy to bring doubt, allow not the enemy to bring fear within your mind, but rather, know my word, be steadfast on my word, trust me, for I am faithful to whom I have promised.

Put your total trust in me, total trust, not a partial trust, but a total trust, likened unto a blind person that allows his seeing eye dog to lead him and guide him. He knows when the dog stops, he stops. He knows when the dog goes again, he goes. Be like that, walk hand in hand with me, don’t try to figure out everything. Put your trust in me, I know the things that are ahead, I know the troubles that shall come, but remember they are for the world, you are not of the world, you are my children and I shall take you through this time victoriously, and when it is that hour and that time, I will take you out of here. So fear not what you hear, but realize you are going to hear things that you are not going to like, let them not trouble your heart, trust me.

1-28-09 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let there be excitement there, don’t let there be gloom, discouragement and feelings of being down, for you are a child of God, joint heirs with Jesus Christ, heirs to my throne. You are the head, you are not the tail, you are above you are not beneath, look to me, put your confidence and trust in me. Let not the things that you are seeing trouble your heart, but yet walk very closely to me, for I have told you these things would come, I have told you the things that you would see, therefore, you know before they come, that should cause you to walk in victory, that should cause you to be the overcomer. Fear not the troubles throughout the world, Israel and her natural oil, one of the greatest, one of the largest deposits ever will cause her much problems. Watch the peace talks, watch Tony Blair and his one world religion along with his one world government, watch these things. Watch the economy, for you are not seeing the change that they said that you would see. But realize my word is truth, I have said I shall take you through this time in great victory, I have said I shall make you the overcomers, that I shall supply for you, that I shall heal, that I shall deliver, that I will set you free. But you have got to stand on my word, you have got to stand on my promise, you have got to believe the things that I, your Father God, have spoken unto you. Don’t laugh off the meteorite disaster that they are calling into being for two thousand and twelve, but keep an eye on it, for it might be an interesting time, far more interesting than you realize. Walk in my promises, walk in the blessings that I have for you, rise up I say, rise up and walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you.

For it is time for the Gideons, Joshuas and the Calebs to rise up, to rise up and to walk in the power and authority that I have given unto them, to truly be my servants as I have called them to be. It is that hour to do what I have spoken unto you to do, no longer wait, but I say unto you, rise up and follow my marching orders. For great things are in store for my children who follow after me, who walk in my ways and in my word, therefore I say, rise up as I have said. It is an hour to press into the fullness of all that I have in store, this is your hour, this is a great hour for my church. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and be those Joshuas, be those Calebs be those Gideons.

Great excitement for my church lies just ahead, even in the times of this great darkness, times of great calamity, times of great trouble, and yet my church shall be in a time of great excitement, great joy, great times of miracles, healings and deliverance.

1-25-09 am service

Continue to keep your eyes upon me and my word, listen carefully to the things that I tell you, for you are not paying attention, you are not listening as you should listen, for many things I speak, and you go the other direction. We are living in a time, an hour when the world is becoming more evil than ever before. You shall see it on your right hand, you shall see it on your left hand, you shall see it before you, great is the evil that has come. Therefore, you need to be listening, you need to be paying attention, harken to my words, hear the things that I say, for all around you they are taking place. You are seeing the troubles overseas, you are seeing all the proposals your new President is making and the changes behind them, are you watching those things, are you paying attention, are your spiritual eyes open, are you seeing into the spiritual realm? For that shall save you many heartaches, many pains, many troubles, press closer to me, walk very closely by my side. You shall see many weather changes, some very severe, cold weather yet, you will see it. But be in prayer, for when the snow melts, floods, floods, floods, multitudes of floods, be in prayer. Be in prayer concerning what is going on overseas; be in prayer, watch and listen. Did you see how Britain had to bail out her largest bank, I told you those things. Listen carefully, for when you do not listen you misunderstand, you go the wrong direction. Hear my words, watch, watch as the prosperity churches go down, watch as the government takes them to court, watch and be in prayer, for the persecution against the church has already started, and yet many see it not. Be not deceived by all this unity of the church, government sponsored church, government sponsored programs, beware, for that is only the one world government, don’t be fooled. Walk by my side, for I desire to take you through this time in great victory, I desire to bless you, I desire to make you the overcomers and you can be if you walk according to my word, if you walk according to my plan, if you are not moved to the right nor to the left. Walk by my side, listen carefully, walk by my side.

Walk in my wisdom, know my word as I have said, and be rest assured that I will see you through no matter how bad the economy gets or what takes place in the world or how tight things become, know that I am your Jehovah-Jireh, your provider, and I will provide all that you have need of. Yet it is an hour to also use great wisdom and do what I have spoken unto you to do, that you may prepare yourself for the hour that is ahead, that you are walking in the fullness of all that I have said is for my children. It is an hour of great blessings, yet my children do not see the blessings that I give unto them, they do not see all that I am doing, and therefore, they walk in defeat. It is an hour to have your eyes upon my word, upon my promises and what I have said I will do, for I am fulfilling my word. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, trust me like never before, use my wisdom and knowledge. Do not go to the world for their worldly counsel, for they will get you nothing. Therefore, I say unto you, come to me, for I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I will give you all that you need. Therefore, trust me like never before, for truly I will see you through.

Be careful who you listen to, be even more careful of the advice that you receive. Are they spiritual or only putting on the look of being spiritual? Listen to those that are spiritual, but don’t listen to those that know not what I am doing, they know not my moving. For this is not the hour to receive advice from those that know not how to give advice, this is the hour to draw nigh unto me, nigh unto my Spirit, that I, your Father God, can minister unto you, that you can walk as a child of God, that you can be the head and not the tail, that you can be above and not beneath, that you can be all that I, your Father God, have said that you can be.

1-25-09 pm service

Let your eyes be upon me, search through my word, search like never before. Allow the Holy Spirit to become your teacher and your guide leading you to the areas that I desire for you to go in my word, that you may mature, that you may grow into that place that I desire for you to be that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. For it is a dark hour, a very, very dark hour, many do not realize how dark the hour is, many are not looking into the areas that I have told them to look, neither are they pressing into the things that I have told them to press into, and yet that darkness is creeping closer and closer and closer to my children. Those of my children that know walk in the light, they fear not the darkness, they fear not the things that shall come, they know who they are in me and they shall walk in the victories that I have for them. Press into that area, for you shall see many, many things take place now, all over the world things shall take place now; they shall take place like you have never seen them take place before. But I shall move mightily on your behalf, I shall bless you, I shall cause you to prosper, I shall cause you to walk in health, I shall lift you above the storms that you may walk where it is peaceful, that you will not be troubled on the right hand nor on the left hand, that you won’t be troubled from before or behind, but that you will walk even as I have said that you can walk. Press in, press in, press in.

Be not deceived in this hour, but rather know my word and press into the fullness of my word. Know that I will keep my children safe during this time. It is important that you hear and know my voice that you can walk in the perfectness of what I have for you. Do not be deceived by the many theories that are evolving concerning the end or what shall take place, but know what I have said concerning the end. Know that you are victorious, the enemy cannot overtake those who are mine, know what I have said concerning the end times and what shall take place. Do not be one who is ignorant because they have not studied my word, but I say unto you, know my word, know what I have said, that you can truly walk, yes, that you can walk in the freedom that I have given unto you. Walk not in fear nor allow the enemy to bring doubt or unbelief within your heart, but rather I say, look to my word, know what my word says that you are not shaken in this hour, that you stand strong like a mighty tower, when the winds blow, you remain strong, you do not wave to the right or to the left, but you stand strong.

As far as the east is from the west, so are my ways above the ways of man. My word declares from the very beginning all things pertaining unto life, all things pertaining unto the things that are taking place in the world right now. I have laid out a plan for my church that they may walk in the path that has the light upon it, that they don’t walk in the darkness, nor are they part of the darkness. The hour that you are in now is going to be the darkest hour that the world has ever seen. It shall grow darker every day, but you are not of this world, therefore, you are in my light, you’re walking in the light that I have given unto you and that darkness shall not overcome you. So fear not the things that you see, but listen to my word, do not believe all the things that you hear. There will not be seven years of famine; there will not be the things that many are saying. There will be a famine, yes, but for you, you will not be here for seven years. Draw close to me, put your trust and your confidence in the things that I say unto you, for if you allow the things of the world to trouble your heart, they will trouble your heart. Fear not the things that science is telling you now about the meteorites that shall come to earth in two thousand and twelve, don’t let that trouble your heart either. But walk according to my word, walk according to my plan, for I have already made a way of safety for you.

1-21-09 pm service

Keep your eyes upon me, let my word fill your heart, be careful I say, of the words that come out of your mouth, watch what you say, for the enemy is sifting and many shall be sifted. But those that speak forth my words shall go forth in great victory, for their trust, their confidence shall be in me, and I, their Father God, shall provide for them and care for them. Watch not the things of the world, only see them as you see them as signs, for they are signs unto you, signs of the time, signs of the things that are taking place. Let them not trouble your heart, for many terrible signs will yet come, but I said I shall take you through this victoriously. I say unto you, I give unto you this night that scripture verse that I gave in the book of Exodus the thirty forth chapter verse ten, for that is my word unto you this night. Study it, study it, look at it in other translations that you may get the full benefit of it, for you shall need it in the days that are ahead.

Look to me in this hour, for I am the author and finisher of your faith, I know all things and I know what is to come, look to me. Do not look to the world, for their wisdom and knowledge shall only bring you great disaster. But when you glean from my wisdom, from my knowledge, it shall lead you down the path of great victory, the path of pure success. Look to me in this troubled hour, look to me for all that you have need of. For have not I said, that I will be with you even to the very end, that I know the things that are ahead, that I will provide. Listen and take heed to the directions that I give unto you, that I speak unto you, that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have said is yours for this hour, for great things are in store for my children, great things. Therefore, I say unto you, look forward with great expectation knowing that I have great things for you in store. Look to me for all of your needs, for I am the one who cares for you, from the smallest to the greatest thing, I care. Therefore, cast your cares upon me and allow me to fill you to overflowing, allow me to take the void in your life and to fill it with my joy, my love and my peace. Look to me like never before, for I am your source, I am your all in all, I am all that you have need of.

For even though the enemy will try to bring in fear, doubt, worry, and all around you it will seem like what he is saying is true, be not moved. Stand on my word like you have never stood on my word before. Speak forth my word, let my words come out of your mouth that the things that the enemy is trying to do will turn around and return back to him and I shall turn them into great victory for you. For the days ahead are very evil, far more evil than you are aware of, for you are taking the time far too lightly. Enter in, press in, know my word.

1-18-09 am service

Listen clearly and listen carefully, for I shall show unto you things that shall now come to pass. Concerning the EU and the nations that belong to the EU, they shall push strongly for the chip to be placed on their hands or on their forehead by the year two thousand and twelve. They shall also push very strongly for America to accept gay marriages, for they have accepted them. You will also see Kissinger and Obama as they begin to form the one world government. Mexico shall go belly-up causing great calamity, not only there but here also, opening the door for enemies to come in to strengthen them, to help them. You will also hear of a great bank overseas in the UN nations going belly-up, broke, broke, unheard of. You will see Russia as she begins to place her battleships at different places throughout the world, fully armed, fully ready to go to war. Not only that, you will see many things take place here. Beware of the things that shall take place, be in prayer concerning the things going on next week, lift them high, for there are evil plots far more evil than man realizes or knows. Keep your eyes upon me, realize that there will be great flooding as the snow begins to melt. You will see tornadoes far larger and this will be a year of the hurricane. Keep your eyes upon me, watch and listen, even as volcanoes begin to erupt, landslides and avalanches, flooding overseas, soon to America. But keep your eyes on the things that I have told you and realize that my church shall go through this time in great victory.

It is an hour to be on spiritually, for many of my children, they are not arming themselves with the word, and therefore, the cares of the world will overtake them. For they shall feel great pressures because they know not how to truly trust in me, trying times are ahead for those who are fully not established in my word nor how to stand in faith as they need to. It is an hour to be armed with my word, to put on the full armor, for you are in a great spiritual battle and if you have not prepared you will not know how to fight the way that needs to be fought. For I have said to prepare yourselves with my word, there is a reason that I say prepare, there is a reason why I have said, get into my word like never before. Therefore, I say unto you, press in, press in, be not one who falls to the left or to the right because they have not followed my directions, they have not followed my wisdom and knowledge, but they have gone their own way, thinking they are fine. And yet they don’t know how to trust me, they don’t know my peace; they don’t rest in me and allow my joy to fill their lives. Oh, my children, it is important that you truly arm yourself with my word daily, that you know that I have given unto you that power and authority over the enemy, that I have said, you were not of this world you are mine. I have given unto you promises, stand upon those promises, believe my word, trust in me, know that I am your Father, know that I am your God, the only God, the one who shall deliver you and keep you in these days ahead, know that. For truly, rough waters are ahead, but I, I will make everything calm for my children. I will cause them to walk through this time in great victory, but they need to know how to trust me, they need to know how to walk with me, they need to know how to listen and follow my directions that they can walk in the perfect, the perfectness that I have given unto them. Follow me like never before, hear my words, know my voice, walk in my ways.

Yes, truly it is a time of great change, but not the change that most people were looking for, but the change that brings forth the antichrist in his power. Keep your eyes on Tony Blair, watch him. Watch the charismatic prosperity churches, for this economy shakeup shall cause many of them to close their door and go off TV, not because I do not bless my people, but because they have put all their eggs in one basket and they do not trust me with all their heart. Also, I say unto you, watch, watch very carefully, watch very carefully the things that shall now come pertaining to the one world church and the United Nations as they open their headquarters in Iraq. Watch those things, for all are signs of the end.

1-18-09 pm service

Changes, oh yes, many great changes and you shall see them, you will stand amazed at the things that you see, things that you never thought would take place. Britain shall put a limit on their population including children, for they cannot afford to go beyond where they are. Beware of the café Christians, those that sit around and try to tell you what my word says and yet they themselves do not know that. Beware of the changes that are taking place even in the church, for they are not for you. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise. Fear not the economy or the tightness of the things that are before you, for I have promised to take you through this time victoriously. I shall supply, I shall strengthen, I shall uplift you, fear not these things, but walk closer to me, press in even closer than you are now. Let your ears be open that you can hear in the spirit realm, for you need to be able to hear that I can warn you, that I can speak to you, that I can tell you things, that you are aware of what is going on. For changes, changes, many changes and you will not like them.

For those who do not live by my Spirit in the days ahead shall surely fall, for they will not know how to really hear my directions nor follow what I speak unto them to do. It is a serious hour; it is an hour to truly press into the fullness of all that I have in store. To truly be one who is building up your spirit every day that you are ready, yes, that you are ready for what is in store. For the things in the world are only going to get darker, as I have said, yet fear not because I will warn you, even as I have said time and time again, I will tell you the things that are coming. Therefore, do not fear, but I say unto you, rest in me knowing that I am your Father, I am your God, I will do all I have promised that I will do. Walk with me like never before, walk with me, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the visions and the goals that I have set before you and know, know that I am fulfilling my word to you my children, my people. Therefore, walk with me, live, live in the spirit like never before. Do not follow after your own ways or your flesh, but I say unto you, walk and live in my spirit that you may receive the fullness of all I have in store.

Be not fearful of the evil that shall be seen now throughout the whole world. For you have thought that you have seen evil before, but this evil shall be even worse. It shall make you wonder and ponder what is going on, but you should know, for my word has declared this unto you. Know this, that there will be more activity in the spirit realm, both good and bad, the demons shall act up like never before. Oh, you shall see these things, for these same spirits shall enter the kings in the very end, for my word has declared that. Be not fearful of these things, for you have the authority, you have the power; you have the ability to overcome them and to cast them out. Walk in the fullness of my word.

1-14-09 pm service

Continue to keep your eyes upon me, continue to walk in my word, let my word fill your heart to overflowing, walk in the fullness of the promises that I have given unto you, don’t be deceived, don’t be fooled, don’t be tricked, for truly the enemy shall try to do that, but don’t be fooled. Know my word, know the things I have told you shall come to pass, they will come to pass. Walk very closely to me, do not allow this cold weather to cause you to think there is no global warming, for it is only a sign of the global warming that is taking place. Watch the news, see the things that are taking place, read your fulfillment page, know what has taken place, don’t be a blind man trying to walk in this world where there is no light. Walk in the light, know my word, know my promises, know what I have said, for those things I shall fulfill, the things that I have not said, I shall not fulfill. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promise.

Yea, saith the Lord, this is the hour, that rush hour, hold not back my people, for many errands will take place in the days ahead even as the angels do my bidding, saith God, so my children shall run quickly to carry out the errands that I have called them to do. Encourage, strengthen that they might produce and do all that I have called them to do. For it is that hour, saith the Lord, it is that rush hour.

For I am a mighty and a great God, nothing is too hard for me to do. Therefore, trust me like never before, focus your eyes upon me, know my word, know what I have said in my word, know the promises that are yours, know who I am, I am your Father and I am your God. This is a great hour for my children to be walking in, an hour filled with great blessings, great anointing. Oh, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, for this is truly a great hour and a great time. Even though it is a time of great blessing yet there is great warfare that goes on. Therefore, put your full armor upon yourself, every day, that you are able to dart the enemies darts, that you are able to withstand anything that he might throw at you, for you become strong in my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before that you can stand in this hour strong and that you will walk in the fullness of blessings that I have for you.

1-11-09 am service

Oh, the confusion, the lies, the things that shall come forth now as you listen to the news, as you read your papers, as you ponder upon the things that they tell you, that in your heart you know, no, that is not so. For you know the hour, you know the time, you know where you are living, and therefore, you know what my word has said and you know the promise of my word. Be not over concerned concerning the weather, nor the reports that you hear on that. For it shall change, and when it does, it shall change suddenly and then you shall see the warmth and then the hot. Oh, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, continue to meditate in my word, continue to walk in my word, do not allow the economy to trouble your heart. For I am able, yes, I am well able to take you through this time victoriously; I am well able to pour out my blessings, for it is the hour and time of revival. For I shall pour out fire from heaven that shall fall upon those and consume them and give unto them new life and bring them into the kingdom of God. Yea and you shall see things, saith your Father God, for it is that hour and that time, but for the world it is a terrible time. For the world you shall see the disaster that they are about ready to go through, you shall see the troubles that are ahead for them, but you have the answer. Give unto them the answer, for you know the answer, tell them the way that they may come out of darkness into the light, that they may walk in the fullness of my word that they too may prosper and be well off.

Oh, the bountiful blessings that are in store for those who walk with me, those who walk according to my word and know my word and listen to my voice and follow my directions, oh, abundance of blessings shall come into their being. It is truly the hour my children to glean from my wisdom and knowledge, not to walk in your own understanding, but to walk in my wisdom, to walk in my knowledge, to walk in the path that I have provided for you, a path that is filled with peace. For the world does not know peace, they do not know the joy, nor do they know the love that you have. Oh, the hour it is to share my love with others that they may come into my fold, for the harvest is ready, it is ripe. Therefore, I say unto you, share my love with others that they may come to know who I am, their Savior, their God, their provider, their protector, their deliverer. In this hour they need me, for I am the only one who can bring them through the dark times. I am the only one that can cause things to change in a moment’s time. Therefore, I say unto you, be my vessels that I can flow through, that I can use at any time, at any hour, at any day. Open yourselves to me like never before and allow my love to flow out of you to others that they may also see me and come to know who I am.

For my word is sharper and quicker than any two-edged sward. Therefore, when you speak forth my word, I cut to the very bone, I cut to the very core and quickly my angels go forth to perform the things that you have said, where miracles and healings flow. Therefore, walk in my word and speak my word, speak my word, for it is that hour, it is that time when you need to be speaking my word.

1-11-09 pm service

Let your hearts be open, let your ears listen carefully, hear the things that the Spirit has to say to the churches, for it is that hour and it is that time for my church to walk in victory, for my church to be the overcomer, for my church to walk in all the provisions that I have given unto them. It is the hour when miracles, signs and wonders shall become commonplace in my true church. Many shall see the mighty move that I, your Father God, have for this hour, but for the world it is a dark time. Frigid weather shall sweep across all the states; many shall see that and wonder what is going on. You shall see many calamities, even more flooding and even more fires, earthquake, oh, the things that shall go on that are unusual and yet they are signs of the time that you are living in. Let not them trouble your heart, for I told you to prepare for winter. Walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise and fret not, for quickly the warm weather shall come.

For it is not only just the hour to walk in the Spirit, but it is the hour to live in my Spirit, to be so filled with my Spirit that you are bubbling out touching others around you. Let my joy be your strength, for I have all that you need, I am your source of strength, know me for who I am, walk not in your own ways, but only walk in my ways. Oh, the great things that are in store for those who walk with me, the blessings that I have in store for you. Oh, I say, it is an hour of great excitement, look ahead and know, know of the things that are in store for my children. Rejoice within your heart knowing of what I have promised you, knowing what I have said, knowing that I shall do all that I have said I will do, know that I will see you through these days. Therefore, fret not when prices continue to go up, when the world becomes more shaky, more insecure. I say unto you, look to me like never before, you are not of this world, you are mine and I will provide for you, I will see you through. Therefore, trust me like never before, walk in the Spirit at all times, be open to me that when I speak to you your ears are perked up, they listen to what I tell you and you walk in the fullness of all that I have said is yours. This is a great hour, a great hour for my children, therefore, walk with me like never before. Walk before me as if you are on a tightrope not wanting to lean to the right nor to the left, but keeping steady, strong, your eyes upon the purpose and goal in front of you. For when your eyes are upon that purpose you will never falter to the right or to the left and you will never fall. Therefore, I say, keep your eyes upon me and watch, as I am faithful as I always have been to fulfill my word unto you.

Don’t be a tumbleweed, don’t be one that wanders aimlessly paying no attention to where they are going or what they are doing. Don’t be one that walks more in the darkness than in the light. Rather let your heart be filled with my word, let your heart be filled with all that I have promised you. Let the light of my word shine upon you that your light is bright and clear that others will see it and come unto you, asking of you, inquiring of you how to find me, how to receive the things that they have need of, how to walk in the victory. Be in that place, saith your Father God, that you can give them an answer. Not just any answer, but the answer that the Holy Ghost has for them. For truly, they shall turn unto me and they shall come into my house and there shall be great rejoicing.

Be not afraid of tomorrow, for I hold tomorrow and all the days until the end in the palm of my hand, I hold you in the palm of my hand. I watch over you, I protect you, I care for you, I feed you, I will be your strength, I will be your covering, I will be the light upon the path that you walk. So fear not the things ahead, for I know those things and I know that you shall go through that time in great victory. I know that you shall walk in all the joy, all the peace, all the comfort that I, your Father God, have for you.

1-7-09 pm service canceled do to weather conditions (ice)

1-4-09 am service

For the things that stand before you and the things that shall now come to pass, I will show unto you very clearly, I will mark them that you can’t miss them, that you can understand them. For it is very important that you understand the things that I say, for the hour is very short, it is not a long hour, it is a short hour. Many things shall happen rapidly, and because they happen rapidly, you will have many questions. All your questions can be answered in my word, if you study my word, but I shall speak unto you as I have promised, for nothing shall come to pass except I first reveal it through my prophets and you shall hear those things. Libya shall now go one hundred percent with Russia. Israel has entered into some very terrible times with her new president, many more challenges shall come, and with your new president, your back shall be turned upon Israel and the support that it once had, it will no longer have. The churches, the mega churches, will collapse, those that do not know me, those that do not walk very closely by my side. For the money they had before they do not have now, for the economy has changed many things, most for the good even though you do not recognize that. A new cashless society will be talked about and it shall be a universal one and you shall hear it loud and clear. The weather shall be the topic that you shall hear, for many places the storms, the winter storms, will roll in, other places will be unseasonably warm, others will have flooding and drought, famine. You shall hear of other earthquakes, even as you heard of just a few hours ago in another country, saith your Father God, so shall you hear of more earthquakes, larger than that one. Weather, weather, weather, oh, the weather, the hot places shall wish that they were no longer hot or winter resorts, for they shall see temperatures into the hundreds even during the winter time and much, much higher come summer and their air conditioners shall fail them, for the electrical power shall not be able to provide the power needed. Oh, I say, the troubles that are ahead, but for my church, it shall be a glorious hour, an hour of great victory, an hour of overcoming, an hour of blessings, for they shall know what they should do and they shall walk in the blessings that I set before them. They will no longer look at something small, but they will realize the greatness of the blessing that I am trying to give to them. Keep your eyes open, keep your ears open, get into my word, get into my word, know my word, eat my word, study my word, meditate on my word, for you will need the word in the days that are ahead.

For it is the hour to truly be in my house, hear my voice, to be underneath my anointing, to hear the anointed words that I give unto my servants, it is that time, it is that hour. Do not forsake yourselves the assembling together in my house, but I say unto you, be diligent to be in my house when the doors are open. Do not stray to the right or to the left, but keep your eyes upon me, know what my word says in this hour and this time, for many fall prey to the enemy because they are not grounded in my word. Be not one who falls, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, get stayed in my word, for it is my word that shall sustain you through these days ahead. Know me like never before, know my voice, as I have said, that when I speak to you, you quickly listen and follow the things that I speak unto you. It is not an hour to be going and doing your own thing or allowing the ways of the world to keep you from doing what I have called you to do. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, draw close to my word, draw close to me, for this is an hour to draw ever so close that you are not one who is deceived in this hour, but that you are steady, steadfast upon my word, knowing that truly I am the faithful God who will do all that I have promised I will do.

For not only shall you see the push for one world order, one world financial system, but you shall also see the push for a one world religious system. A unity of all false beliefs working and striving against my church, but it shall be my church that is the victor. Watch and you shall see.

1-4-09 pm service

It is an awesome hour, an awesome hour for my church, that is, a time of great expectation, a time when my Spirit is poured out like at no other time. A time of miracles, signs and wonders, a time of great joy, even an inner peace, even though the world round about you seems to be falling apart. Yes, truly it is a great hour for my church, for they shall walk in the power, the authority, the ability that I have told them that they could walk in. They shall go forth as a bright light that shall be seen in the darkness that others will come unto me, they will draw close to me, they will draw so close that I can save them and bring them into the safety of the fold. Oh, the joy of this hour, for as you set your heart to pray and you call out for those you know, you shall see them come in. For they shall come in from the north, the south, the east, the west, yes, they shall come, they shall come from near and they shall come from far, for I have told you these things. I have not forgotten them neither have I been slack concerning them, for the hour and the time is only arriving now for me to fulfill the things that I have said. So let not your heart be troubled, don’t look to the left, don’t look to the right, don’t look behind you, but keep your eyes on the goal, look to me, look forward with expectation to the things that I have told you. Look forward with great joy for all that I shall do for you. Don’t get caught up in the things of the world, for there are many new false churches rising right now filled with sex, filled with things you wouldn’t believe. And then there is the Universalist Church that shall unite all religions together as one and they shall open the doors that anyone can come in because there is only one road to heaven they will say, be not fooled, be not deceived, for this is only the move of the one world religion. Keep your eyes upon the goals that you set this year, press towards them like never before, move into the areas that I have told you. Walk very closely by my side, let me lead you, let me guide you; let me show you how to walk in this victory that I have for you. Let your mind be at peace, let it be at rest, let it not be troubled, for truly I, your Father God, am taking you through this time without any problem whatsoever. For not only do you have me, you have my Son, Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit and you have the angels that I have given unto you. Be at peace, be at rest, put your total trust in me, walk very closely by my side, when I say closely, I mean that you can reach out and touch me at any moment of the day, any moment of the night. Get into my word like never before, devour it, know it, understand it, allow the Holy Ghost to be your teacher and your guide. Flow in the gifts of the spirit, for they shall be needed in the hour that you are in right now. Mature, grow up, walk in the full stature of all that I have said that you are, for that is the way my church shall walk in these last days, in this last hour, in the minutes that are left. Walk that way.

For many of my children have become like a ticking time bomb, and when the enemy rages, instead of remaining calm and standing upon my word, they end up blowing up, they end up becoming depressed, they end up feeling discouraged because they feel the enemy has overtaken them and truly so because they have not stood upon my word nor have they placed their complete trust in me. It is an hour to know my word as I have said, to know where you stand in me, is your trust completely in me? Do you know above and beyond any doubt that I will see you through? Do you know what my word says concerning the hour and the time that you are living in? Be not one who is easily deceived by the enemy, but I say unto you, know the truth of my word and the power of my word. Know that I have given to you all power over the enemy, stand in that power, stand in that authority, for you are the only one who can give him any ground to work. As long as you stand upon my word he is not able to work in your life. Therefore, I say, stand upon my word like never before, close any doors that might be open where he can come in and hinder or he can bring affliction. I say unto you, close any doors that you might have open that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have said is yours for this hour. Walk in my word like never before, follow after my way, for I have made the way, I know what is best for you. Therefore, walk with me like never before, walk not is your own thoughts or your ways, but I say unto you, know my thoughts, know my way and walk in the blessings that are yours.

Do not hide your head in the sand, do not pretend none of these things are taking place, don’t try to pray away the things that I have said must come to pass, be not fearful of them, but become a strong man. For the enemy will not come to your house if the strong man is home. He only comes to those that are fearful, those that are cowards in a sense, those that are trying to stay uninvolved, be not like that, for you will find that you only have more trouble that way. But if you will rise up, put on the whole armor of God that the strong man is always home, the enemy will not come nigh your dwelling.

12-31-08 / 1-1-09 New Years Eve Service

You will not be disappointed neither shall you leave downhearted, for I, your Father God, shall meet you in a special way this night. Yea, I shall reveal unto you many things that you may know and see and understand the things that shall take place in this coming year, for the antichrist thinks it is his, but two thousand and nine is mine. And I shall move in a mighty way, in a way that you have not seen me move before, and I shall touch you, I shall lift you up, I shall encourage you, I shall build upon the things that you already have and add to it many other things that you know not yet, that you may flow in the supernatural such as you have never flown before. Oh, I say unto you, it shall be a night, even though the storm is raging outside, yet inside there is a fire of the Holy Ghost and that fire is a consuming fire that shall burn up all the chaff, all the hay, all the wood, all the stubble and vessels of honor shall come forth this night, saith your Father God. Be not discouraged; be not concerned about the things that did not take place this year, saith your Father. For truly I say unto you, they shall come to pass in two thousand and nine. Man cannot stop them, Satan cannot stop them, his army cannot stop them, for I, your Father God, declare unto you that I shall perform these things, yea and I shall bring them to pass. And as you look and as you see the things that are taking place, you will know above and beyond any doubt that the time is very short. And you will see the signs, not only signs in the sky, but signs upon the face of the earth, and I shall talk to you about those things that you will know what they are, that you can see them, and I shall declare them unto you openly, that you may know and understand. For truly it is that time, it is that hour, saith your Father God, a powerful hour for my church, a dreadful hour for the world, a dreadful hour for those that know me not, oh, a time of great disaster. But not so for my church, for this shall be an hour that you have read about. Look at the prophet Joel, read about Amos, notice the things that I, your Father God, have promised that I shall do in this hour, in this time. For truly it is the end time, it is the last hour, even as I have said to you before. Oh, rejoice in your hearts, let your voices be lifted high this night, for the higher you lift your voice the greater the revelation knowledge that I shall bring to you. Prepare your hearts now, make yourself ready, enjoy the presence of the Holy Ghost, enjoy my presence, for I am going to move.

For it is the hour when your flicker shall become a flame, a flame that shall not go out, even as a natural fire will eventually go out, your flame shall not go out, but it shall continue to get brighter and brighter and brighter. And as your flame gets brighter, those around you shall be touched by me, they will not be able to stand against you, for you shall walk in my power, my authority, you shall walk in my ability as my word declares. Stoke your flame with my word that my word is constantly flowing out of your mouth, for it is that hour that I have told you about, it is that hour that you have heard prophesied time and time again, when my Spirit flows without measure, it is that hour, it is that time. Therefore, I say unto you, stoke your flame with my word, knowing that I shall do all that I have said I would do. For that flicker, that flicker shall become a mighty flame, like a fire that is out of control, even as my word declares, as my Spirit, the wind of my Spirit blows upon you, that flame shall get brighter and brighter and brighter and no one will be able to put it out.

Harken unto to me Russia, let your ears hear and hear carefully. For I challenge you, come on down, come on down, I say. Flex your muscles, even get on steroids, make greater weapons of mass destruction, bring your armies with you, for I do not care. But I say unto you, I shall meet you on the battlefield and I personally shall rain down fire and brimstone from heaven and I will personally destroy you and your armies. So set your time, I am waiting, come, come, come, come, come quickly, for the time is short.

For these are the days that I have spoken to you about from my book Revelation, from chapter seven on through chapter fifteen, even up to chapter sixteen, these are the days, even Revelation chapter twelve is being fulfilled before your eyes. Fear not the things that you see, but know and understand that I, your Father God, shall do battle for you also. That I shall protect you, that I shall keep you safe, that I shall go before you and I shall make known unto you the things that the enemy has planned for you, the things that the enemy has planned for my people Israel. I shall make you clearly aware of the things that shall take place, yea, even as I have make you aware of things that took place in the past, even now I shall make it even clearer for you. For if you have heard of the avalanches, you have heard of nothing yet, for they are small in comparison to what they shall be as the winter weather continues. You shall hear more about jobs being lost, the economy going bad, oh, let it not trouble your heart, let your heart not be troubled, for I shall take care of you, yea, I shall supply for you even as I supplied for Israel as they wondered in the wilderness. I shall put food on your tables, I shall clothe you, I shall comfort you, I shall strengthen you, therefore, fear not, for you are only seeing the tip of the iceberg, that is all you are seeing. And when the antichrist comes quickly on the scene, oh, he will be the man of peace, he will be the man of wisdom, he will be the man of knowledge, he will be the great deceiver, deception is all he knows, lies is all he will tell, but to many it shall look good and they shall run after him and seek after him and watch the things that he does. Oh and they shall be so excited, but do not follow, but watch, stand back and look, listen to the things that I shall tell you this night that you may know, that you may understand the days. For the days are numbered, even as the number six, six, six, shall come to pass, the days are now numbered and you shall see that and you shall know that and you shall understand that. So fear not, fear not, fear not, but let your heart be filled with great joy.

Things shall now become so clear that even a blind man living in a house with no light, in the middle of the night, would be able to see the things that I shall reveal to you, for you shall know them and you shall help others that they may know.

Come and receive of me this night, says God, don’t leave without receiving from me.

Mark this as a watch, for man is looking to man for their answers and they are not finding any answers, for man does not know the things that I, your Father God, know or have said. Even though it is written in my Book, they believe me not, but they will believe the lies of one who comes in his name. Oh, they will believe his lies and yet they would not believe the truth. Fear not, fear not, fear not Iran, for judgment shall come to her also, for they look for their god who comes out of the ground, but they shall find the antichrist and they shall accept him with open arms. Babylon shall rise in Iraq, it shall rise to the world as a beautiful city, the antichrist shall make his headquarters there. Oh, I tell you, things shall now speed up. You say, but Lord, it has been fast now, no, but now it shall become fast, for the pace shall increase. For the things that are taking place have already been put into place, and therefore, look like things are moving faster and yet they are moving at my pace. So fear not the things that you see, for the evil is not for you, neither is it for my people Israel, for I shall protect you as I have said, I shall care for you, I shall prosper you, I shall cause you to live in divine health, I shall make you strong, you shall be like David, not fearful of the Goliath’s of the world, for you shall speak forth my word and my word shall slay them, but you, you shall be protected.

For truly I say unto you, yea, the desire of your heart shall grow every day, grow to the place that you desire to see me even more. And in the true churches, I shall reveal myself and my presence in a way that man is not used to. For my glory shall rest upon those churches and the Shekinah glory shall bring forth flames of fire that can be seen. I will move mightily on the behalf of my people, to bring them to the place that they need to be in during this time. Even though the time is short, even though the hour is close, I shall nourish you, I shall love you, I shall cuddle you in my arms and I shall draw you closer and closer and closer. Even in the midnight hours you will rise to be in my presence and I shall speak to you in a clear voice that you can hear and understand and I will make known unto you many mysteries that shall take place in this hour, in this time. And I shall move in my true church in a powerful way that the false churches, the lukewarm churches, they will not have that, they will have to come to where I am moving, they will have to seek my face more than they are now. For they seek man’s face and they know not my face, neither is there a hunger within them to draw closer to me. But they continue with their programs, they continue in man’s ways and they are fearful of the things of the world. Oh, I say unto you, be not fearful, for the days ahead are days of great pleasure for my church. A glory shall descend upon my church and upon the people of my church and they shall glow as a light, and those walking in darkness will see that light and be drawn unto them, for the hour is very late. But I love those that are lost, I love those that have not come in, and therefore, my light shall grow brighter and brighter and brighter, that they may see from the darkness the light, that it is shining in my churches, and come unto me that they too can be safe. So fear not the days that are ahead, for the time of joy, the time of healing, the time of miracles, the time of blessings, shall flow in such a way that darkness shall not trouble you, neither will the cares of the world, for it will be almost as if you are not in them and yet you shall see them all around you. But I say unto you, it is not for you, it has never been for my church, it never will be for my church, but it is for those that don’t know me, those that are refusing to do as I say. They are not willing to turn, they are not willing to let loose of the things that they have, whether it is a ministry, whether it is a position in church, whether it is a job, whether it is riches or wealth, they are not willing to give that up for me, but you are willing. And therefore, I can bless you, I can move mightily on your behalf and I can cause things to come, that even though I have told you, yet you will not believe all the wonderful things that I shall do.

Pray not that spring come quickly, neither call it into being, for when it comes, then you shall see the global warming far greater than you saw it in the year before last. For I have told you that this year you would not see it, but that it would come back with great force, and you shall see the melting of the icebergs, you shall see the ocean level as it rises even higher and more seashore is lost. You shall see forest fires that will make the forest fires of this year look small. You shall see famine, drought, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, tsunamis, oh, the trouble that shall come upon the face of the earth. Signs, signs, signs everywhere, clear signs that man should be looking to and yet man is planning his own plans, plans for a one world government, plans for a cashless society, plans to control people even here in this country that they claim is free. Oh, the foreign troops that shall walk the streets, the troubles that shall be ahead are almost unbelievable and unthinkable and yet I will take you through that time with great victory. The terrorists shall strike with great force, far greater force than nine one one, for that was small in comparison to the plans that they have. Seashore being lost, homes being lost, lives being lost because they did not listen and they did not move as I have said. Oh, the trouble all because man will not listen, man will not hear the warning that I give. They laugh at them, they mock at them and yet I warn them that they may not fall into the traps that the enemy has for them. For he has no love for you, he has no love for this world, his only desire is to destroy it and rule and reign in which he never will. Trust me, turn to me, walk very closely by my side, listen very carefully to all the things that I teach you, all the things that I say, fill yourself with my word like never before. Fill yourself with my Spirit to overflowing that you are flowing at all times, that you are there to help when help is needed. Oh yes, you will move forward, yes, you will add to this property, yes, you will see my promises fulfilled, yes, yes, yes. Press in, press in, press in.

Let your ears be open, listen carefully to all the things that I say unto you, do not allow them to depart out of your mind, out of your heart. But meditate upon them, ponder them, take a very close look that the Holy Spirit can show you and bring to your understanding those things that shall take place. For the world is looking for answers, many feel that when the new president gets in, things will change, but if you thought Bush was bad, you haven’t seen anything yet. But you say, but why him Lord, that was your choice, not mine, I gave you an opportunity, but you listened not to my voice, nor did you follow my counsel. Because of that, you are like Israel, they give up my land and yet the enemy comes back and surrounds them on every side and now they are fighting a fight that has already caused much bloodshed and shall cause more and it has also made their enemies to become very angry at them. Oh, that man would listen, oh, that man would pay attention, it is not a game that we are playing, it is not a time to back off, it is not a time to depart from my Book, it is not a time to slack off or slow down, it is a time to press into the fullness of things that I have for you. For daily, daily my children, as you watch you shall see the signs of the end times like never before. You will hear of the wars, you will hear of the terrorists, you will hear of the trouble on the right hand and the left hand. You will see the EU as it rises to higher powers than ever before. You will watch as China becomes a superpower with super weapons, and an army of horsemen such as no other country in the world has. You will see these things because you are in the last days. It is the end time, and because it is the end time, I am opening your understand such as you have never had it opened before. For the books that were sealed, now stand open. The holy teacher who is your guide, who will comfort you, who will show you all things to come, shall reveal unto you the things that are therein that you have need of. Be prepared, be ready, be mindful of the things that I tell you. For as the things that I tell you come to pass, you will notice how short the time really is. Prepare yourself, make yourself ready, for two thousand and nine shall be a great year for you, you will not fall behind, but you will walk by my side and you will walk in the victories that I have for you, for those victories are straight ahead. Don’t change the things that you are doing and make plans that you cannot finish. Count the cost first, count the time that is left first, know the things that you start, for if you start wrong things, you will find yourself in a difficulty that is almost impossible to get out. Listen carefully, follow the directions of my word, listen to my word, hear my word, know my word, for truly as you start this year there shall be signs so clear that you will know, you will know, that you know, that you know.

12-28-08 am service

Let not the weather trouble your hearts; let it not bring confusion unto you, for I told you these things already. The weather shall be weird, but when it breaks forth into summer, way before summer comes, so shall the heat return. Many storms shall take place, flooding, unusual sky events, trouble on the right hand, trouble on the left hand, terrorist attacks, violence, oh, the things that are ahead. But fear not, for I have said that I shall walk with you, that I shall take you through this time, that you shall walk in victory. That I shall bless you coming in, that I shall bless you going out, that I shall bring to pass all the promises that I have given unto you as long as you walk with me, as long as you listen to my voice, as long as you are obedient and do the things that I have told you. Fear not the trouble, fear not the shortages, fear not the high prices, fear not those things, fear not the lack of jobs, for I shall keep you safe. But trust me, put your total trust in me, walk with me, don’t stray to the right, don’t stray to the left, don’t run ahead, don’t lag behind, don’t say I am doing that, for I wouldn’t tell you to do that if you were doing that. But walk very closely by my side, for the days ahead shall be evil, more evil than what you are already seeing, and I know if you are listing to the news, you are seeing evil as it abounds all around you, but you need not fear. Walk by my side.

For when you are walking in the light, the darkness cannot overtake you. Therefore, walk in the light of my word, know the promises I have given unto you, hold fast to them, be strong and courageous, walk as the children that I have said that you are, one filled with great power and authority. Use the power and authority I have given unto you through my word, speak those things that be not as if they are, they shall be. Know that I have given unto you the promises to stand upon. Stand upon my word and know, know without a shadow of doubt that I will do all that I have said I will do, I will take care of you, I will see you through. Walk in my light, walk in the light of my word, walk in the path that I have already provided for you that you can truly be walking in the fullness of all that I have said is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my word like never before, get my word within your heart that you can stand upon my word and be strong, for I have said, you are my mighty warriors. Therefore, stand strong in this hour and this time.

Do not look like nor act like the world, do not walk as they walk. Do not imitate the things that they do, do not follow after them. For if you follow after them you are walking in darkness, and if you are walking in darkness, the antichrist will gobble you up and you will not see the light, for blinders shall be put upon you and your mind shall be that of a reprobate. Therefore, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise.

12-28-08 pm service

Let your heart be filled with great cheer, let there be great excitement within it, for the enemy would desire to put your light out, he would desire to cover you with a blanket so thick you cannot see the glory of the things that I am doing, shake off that cloud. For truly the signs round about you are so clear and you will continue to see signs that are even more clear, that you may know, that you may understand, that you can see with your spiritual eyes the blessings that have been heaped upon you, the anointing that is there, the glory that fills my house, that you will not walk in darkness like the world who only sees the darkness round about them. They see no victory, they see no joy, they see nothing that seems to be going forward, they only see bleak times, bad times, painful times, sorrowful times and yet for the church this is the most glorious hour ever seen and you should be reflecting that to others that they may see it. Be not like the world, for great disaster shall hit the world. Follow not after the things of the world, but walk by my side, look in my face, look deeply in my face, remember all that I have done for you and remember all that I shall yet do for you. Let that joy rise up within you, for truly the world has no joy, for they walk in darkness, they know me not, they know not which way to go, but you know. Therefore, walk by my side, walk with me and I will walk with you.

Put not things off, but press into all that I have for you. Now is the time to seek my face, now is the time to get into my word, do not say, haw, I can do that tomorrow, but rather I say unto you, do it today. Seek me like never before, for does not revival start in the heart of man? It is time for you to truly get down to business, as I have said, to press in with all that you have, to get into my word, to enter into my house with great praise and thanksgiving for all that I have done and yet going to do. For if you have thought that, I have met you need greatly in the last year, just wait to see all the things that I shall do in the next year to come. Look forward with great expectations knowing that I have been faithful and I will remain faithful unto you and I will do all I have promised I will do. But I ask of you to press in like never before that you can truly see the fullness of all that I have said is yours. If you sit on the wayside, you will not have the blessings like others have, but if you press into me and my word and you seek my face you shall see that the diligent are rewarded and you shall be the one that is rewarded. Therefore, I say unto you, seek me like never before, put not off the things you can do today for tomorrow, for I have spoken in great and mighty ways, do you not know my word, do you not know that I am doing all that I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you, press into me like never before, for truly I have great things in store for you.

Two thousand and nine is mine, and the devil shall not fill your mind, neither shall you fall behind, for two thousand and nine is mine. Therefore, rise up, let my joy fill your being and know for a fact that my church shall be blessed.

12-21-08 am service

It is a great hour for my family, a great hour, one that you do not seem to be aware of yet. An hour of great joy, an hour of great happiness, an hour when my blessings are being poured out like at no other time. An hour when I am fulfilling the promises that I have given unto my people, an hour when their wisdom and knowledge has been expanded that they can see and understand and know things that they didn’t know before. It is an hour when you shall walk as heirs to the throne of God, an hour, a great hour, a wonderful hour, an hour packed full of all that I have for you. Not like the world, for the world knows me not, the world knows not my blessings, they know not how to receive the things that I have freely given, but they walk in darkness, but you are not in the darkness. But yet the world walks in darkness, they do not know which way to turn, they do not know what to do, they backbite, they complain, they bicker, they tell you how bad it is and yet they seek not my face. For I can remove all of that, if they would turn to me, if they would give their whole heart to me, if they would walk with me, oh what a joy they would find and yet they continue to walk in the darkness and the darkness continues to get darker and darker and darker. They scratch their head at the storms that this winter is seeing, and we just got into winter, they know not why and yet you go overseas and you find the heat and the drought and the famine and the sicknesses, you look just a little bit and you see the Russian warships, you see the trouble throughout all the world, the greed, the one world government, the mark of the beast, the cashless society. Oh, what troubles lie ahead for next year, oh, what troubles shall come upon the face of the earth, but not so for my people. If you are listening to me, if you are following the things that I tell you to do, this will be the greatest hour you have ever seen and you will not be caught in the darkness that is out there. You will not be caught in the famine, oh no, no, no, for I have more than enough, saith your Father God and I am here to fulfill every single word that I have given. So fear not what you hear, fear not the things you see coming, for it is that hour, you can’t pray them away, it is that hour, it is that time. But you can walk by my side, and as you walk by my side, they will not come nigh your dwelling. But if you walk even in the shadow, even in the gray areas, it will not be so for you. Walk, walk close to me.

It is an hour of great rejoicing as you see my word being fulfilled; know the promises that I have given unto shall also be fulfilled. Stand upon my word, when you see the things that are changing in the world, fear not, as I have said. You are not of this world, you are mine, remember that. Remember my word unto you and remember the promises I have given unto you, that I will never leave you or forsake you, no matter what takes place, no matter the changes that come, I am always here and I am still God, your God, your Father. Therefore, do not fear, but rather rejoice knowing that I am coming soon and knowing that I shall do all I have promised I will do. Stand upon my word like never before, trust me with your heart, know that I am truly your God and I will see you through. Therefore, I say unto you, it is an hour of great rejoicing knowing the mighty things that are ahead for those who walk with me, those who walk in my way, those who walk in my word, great it is, a great hour for them. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for it is a time of great joy, for I am moving in a powerful and mighty way.

Listen carefully those that are mine, those that are being obedient, those that are walking according to my word, those that are hearing my voice. For everything that you put your hand to shall prosper, common dirt shall turn into gold in your hands and you shall walk in victories far beyond your imaginations, and you shall bring in the harvest, there shall be no lack, there shall be no want, you will walk in the fullness of everything that I have said, as long as you listen to me, as long as you follow me, as long as you are obedient and do the things that I say.

12-21-08 Victory Christian Academy & Youth Group Christmas Program

For truly you are walking in the light, for I have given unto you the light that you need not walk in darkness. So even though the world is becoming darker and darker, you are walking in the light, the light upon the path, it leads you and guides you and directs you. You need not be fearful of the things that shall take place, for the world shall become darker and darker and darker, but not you. For I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall direct you, I shall bless you, and I shall keep you from the evil one.

12-17-08 Children’s Church Christmas Program

Let your hearts be filled with the cheer of the season, for truly your redemption draweth nigh, for the time is short, great rejoicing is going on, hearts are merry. For they look not at the things that take place in the world, but they look for the coming of their Lord, for they see the signs round about them and they understand those signs. Keep your eyes upon me; don’t keep your eyes on the world, for many disasters will continue to take place. You will hear only problems, wars, rumors of wars, the economy and the things that are going on. But lift up your eyes and look to me, for as you look to me, you see what is ahead and what is ahead is great joy, great peace, excitement, for truly your redemption draweth nigh.

Know only the joy of the Lord, know not the sadness, let it not come near your door, saith God, but know my joy this night, saith the Lord. For I am here in a powerful way, allow my Spirit to reveal unto you that joy that you might be glad in your heart.

12-14-08 am service

Let your ears be wide open, let your eyes see into the spiritual realm, for truly the days are growing darker and darker, but that darkness in not for you. But it is an hour when you need to assemble yourselves together even more so, that you may receive my words, that you may feed upon the things that I tell you, that you may know and understand in your heart what is going on and what is about to happen. For truly, we are in some times that the world has never seen, man knows not what to do, man knows not which way to turn and we are seeing more evil rise every single day. The darkness grows darker, the things of the world are becoming more evil, that is because of the time that you are living in, the shortness of the time. For my word tells you it will get darker and darker and darker as you approach that day. But not for you, you can see, you can hear, you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you, and as you walk in that, you shall walk in victory. The storms that shall come will not trouble you, the earthquakes, will not trouble you, the famine, and there is a great famine throughout all the world, will not trouble you, the drought and the global warming will not trouble you. And as you see the seashore vanish, it will not trouble you, for you will know it is that hour and that time. As you see the antichrist continue to rise to the top, it will not trouble you, for you will know it is that hour. When you see more churches drop off in the darkness, it will not trouble you, for you will know it is that hour, but you will walk in the victories that I have for you. You will walk as the overcomer and the wealth of the heathen shall come rolling into you that my work yet left to be done shall be fulfilled. And you shall walk in great blessings; you shall walk in great joy. Draw closer to me; draw closer to me, for the time is very short.

Do not be afraid of what tomorrow holds, for I know exactly what tomorrow holds and I have promised that I will forewarn you of the things that shall come. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me with your whole heart like never before, trust me to see you through, to take care of you even as I have said. For know ye not my word, that I will never leave you nor will I forsake you? Walk with me like never before, know that I am the light of the world, walk in my light, be my light to others that they can see and know my love and experience my peace. For now is the hour, now is the time for you to bring forth that harvest which is oh so great. Be open to my Spirit at all times that when I direct you to speak to someone, you boldly go and do as I have said, for the hearts are ready, they are soft, they are pliable. Therefore, I say unto you, be my voice, be my hands and my feet, reach out to those around you, for the need is oh so great. Walk with me like never before and know that truly I am your God, I am your Father and I will do all I have promised I will do. Therefore, walk with me like never before, place your trust in me, for I shall see you through.

Let your ears be quick to hear the things that I say unto you that you may walk in the blessings that I am trying to pour out upon you, that you may see in the spiritual realm and realize, oh yes, Lord, I see what you want. For as you walk in that spirit realm, as your ears are open to me, I will bless you in such a way you will stand amazed. But if you hear not, nor see not the things that I am speaking to you, how can you walk in the blessings? Walk, walk in the blessings, I say.

12-14-08 pm service

Let your spirit rest in me, let your mind be refreshed, let my wisdom and my knowledge flow into you, let the blessings that I am pouring out upon you come to rest that you can enjoy them, that you can walk in them, that you can receive the things that I have. Let not your heart be troubled by the things that you shall hear that are coming upon the face of the earth nor the trouble that is already here, be not disturbed by the weather, but walk in the fullness of my promises. For the days ahead, as you shall see, shall be very dark, evil shall continue to rise, people’s hearts shall fail them because of fear. But those things are not for you, nor should you be concerned about the plot to destroy part of your country. Let not these things trouble your heart, for I shall watch over you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall take you through this time victoriously and I shall tell you ahead of time that you may see and know. For truly there are all kinds of signs, even the moon was a sign; all these signs are taking place. Walk with me, walk with me.

Do I not know how many hairs are numbered upon your head; do you think that I care not for you? For I do, I have all things under control, do not fear, do not be afraid, but I say unto you, draw close to me, cuddle up to your Father God, for I will give unto you all that you have need of. Place your trust in me like never before, know that I care for you, you are important, I have called you for this time and this hour. Therefore, allow not the enemy to cause you to be discouraged or down, but I say unto you, rise up and become the giants that I have said that you are, rise up and become the conquerors that I have said that you are, rise up and become the overcomers that I have already said that you are. For now is the hour and now is the time to press forward with all of your heart, to truly dig into my word like never before, to seek my face, to spend time praying before me that you can be built up in me and in my word. Oh my children, great things are in store for you. Fear not what shall take place in the world in the coming days and months, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and what I have spoken unto you. Keep your eyes upon my word and know that I shall carry you through no matter what takes place. Therefore, I say, trust me with your whole heart, draw ever so close to me, for now is the time to draw close to me. Do not put it off, do not wait, but I say unto you, draw close to me now.

Prepare your hearts now; prepare your minds that you can empty out the tradition, the unbelief, the things that do not line up with my word. For I am preparing a time for you on New Year’s Eve when I shall speak very clearly to you concerning many things that shall take place throughout the whole two thousand and nine year that you will know, that you will be prepared and that you will walk in the victory that I have for you. But prepare yourself now that you are ready to receive the things that I have for you.

12-10-08 pm service

Let your eyes be sharp, let your ears be quick to hear, listen, know the things that I speak unto you. Let not your heart be heavy, let it not be loaded down, for it is not an hour, it is not a time when your heart should be loaded down that the pressures of the world are upon it. It is an hour of great joy, an hour of excitement, for you can see and know and understand the things that are coming, the world cannot. Not only that I speak to you concerning the things that are coming, therefore, you are doubly made aware of all the things that are taking place. This is why it is so important that you are always here to hear the things that I say unto you, that they don’t come unto you second hand or third hand, but you hear that your heart is prepared. For I said that you would see strange weather and truly you are seeing that. Snow in Texas, fifty here, tornadoes, tornadoes, snow elsewhere, cold, strange weather, but I have told you that. Many floods overseas, earthquakes in California, many things taking place that you have been told. The days ahead shall get darker and darker and darker, but darkness is not for you, for you have my light and you are the light of the world, and I shine upon the path that you walk upon, so walk in the light. Do not be concerned over the things that are taking place, for man knows not how to govern these, he knows not how to make them right. They are for the world, but you are not of the world, you are of my kingdom, therefore I watch over you, I protect you. Don’t put your trust into the worldly system, don’t put your trust into what they have to say, but listen to the things that I have to say, that you may walk in the victory that I have for you.

For it is a great hour, saith your Father God, to know me and all that I am doing in these last days, it is a great hour to follow your leader. I say unto you, the Spirit is working mightily in these last days. Listen and watch, hear that you might obey the simplest of tasks that he would show you, and say unto you, simple tasks.

For there is a great cloud of darkness, a thick cloud swiftly moving across this country because of their choice. Evil is rising up like never before, perversion, many things that you have not seen in the greatness that you shall now see it, nor the hatred, nor the bitterness, but now, now you shall see it. But it shall not affect my people other than by what they see and what they hear, realize it is that hour.

12-7-08 am service

It is a day, a day in which you shall walk in the wisdom and knowledge that only I, your Father God, can give unto you, for if you hear not my voice and follow not after my Spirit, you cannot walk in the victory that I have for you. For the world is growing darker and darker and darker, many calamities stand at the door, calamities that you do not even think of and yet they are there, saith your Father God. Things that are going on that you know not yet, but I shall reveal them unto you, yes, even at the end of this month and before you step into the New Year, I shall reveal unto you many things that shall come to pass that you can walk in the wisdom and knowledge I have for you. Fear not the winter weather that shall come upon the land in fierceness and yet there shall be those places that have unusual warm weather. Fear not the drought nor the global warming, nor the high cost of food, fear not those things. Fear not what the Congress and the Senate does, fear not those things, fear not the leaders of this nation, for they are not the ones that shall bring sudden destruction upon you, it is the leaders of other nations that shall do that. Walk very closely by my side, listen carefully, don’t listen to the false prophets, don’t listen to those that say everything shall be ok. Don’t listen to those that try to point out to you who the antichrist is, but hear in the spirit realm from me, for I shall show you exactly who he is, for he is operating big time right now. Walk very closely as I have said to my side, listen carefully to the things that I tell you and you will find yourself walking in a victory that you have never walked in before. You will find yourself filled with joy, peace, happiness, and you shall know that truly everything is going good for you, for truly my church shall walk in that victory. So fear not the things that you hear, fear not the things that are coming to pass, but rather yet, put your trust in me and walk by my side.

For my word is sure and steadfast, everlasting, therefore, I say unto you, anchor yourself in my word, for my word shall sustain you through these days ahead. It will cause you to walk in that victory that I have said is yours. Therefore, I say unto you, anchor yourselves in my word like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all I have said you can walk in for this hour and this time. Oh, the blessings I have for my children, oh, the greatness of the hour you are living in, do not allow fear to come in, but rather allow your faith to rise up like never before and walk, walk in my ways. For my way is the only way that is going to bring you great victory, great success in your life. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, know my word, know my way and walk, walk in the abundance of what I have provided unto you, for I have given unto you the keys you need to walk in victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, anchor yourself in my word.

When a box is totally wrapped up and sealed you do not know what is on the inside, and yet I, your Father God, can reveal that unto you. I can show you all things that are going to come, I can lead and guide you in the victory that you have need of. I can teach you all things if you will listen to me, if you will do the things that I say.

12-7-08 pm service

It is a glorious hour, an hour filled with joy for my people, an hour filled with blessings such as they have never walked in before, an hour of great victory, an hour when the Holy Spirit shall empower them in ways that they have never been empowered before. My strength shall flood into them, my wisdom and knowledge shall become theirs and they shall walk in a higher realm then they have ever walked before. They shall see clearly into the dark areas and understand mysteries and understand my word. They shall know the hour, they shall know the time, they shall know the things that are taking place, they shall not be fooled, for they shall walk side by side with me and I shall take them through this time in great victory. Not so for the world, great darkness is coming upon the world, and every day it will grow a little darker, every day more calamities, disasters and troubles shall take place. No one will know what to do, no one will be able to tell them what to do, even the antichrist can only give them peace for a little time. But not so for my people, so fear not those things, but realize that those that walk in darkness, they don’t know me, do not have the blessings, do not have the promises, do not have a covenant, they are aliens and they walk without me, their God. Be in prayer for them, and as the door opens, share with them that you can set the captive free, that you can bring them out of darkness into light, that you can heal them and deliver them. Walk, walk close by my side.

For in this hour of giving forget not the true reason why I came. I came that I can give unto life and that more abundantly that you can walk in my peace, the peace that passes all understanding, that you might experience my joy and that your joy might be full. It is an hour to give out my love to those around you, to those who are hurting. For the world is aching for someone to bring them hope, and yes, I am the only one that can fill that void. Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands and my feet, show forth my love to others that they might come into the safety of my fold, that they might experience my joy, that they might experience my peace, that they can have my love. For it is an hour where the world is shaky, and they need to know the truth, the truth of my word that I am always here, that I will never leave them nor will I forsake them. In this hour of giving, give out to others my love; give out to others the greatest gift that they can ever receive, which is me. Forget not to share me with others, but I say unto you, have an open heart, ready, ready to share when I prompt you, for oh the hearts that are ready, they are ready. Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands and my feet; speak forth my word unto others that they too may experience my love, my joy and my peace.

Let your spiritual eyes always be open, let your spiritual ears be open, see and hear the things that I am doing. As you walk by my side I shall show you many things that are to come. I will open your eyes much wider than they are open now and your understanding, you will understand far better than you understand now. So fear not the time that you are living in, but rather look forward to the many things that I shall do for you, the many things that I have for you.

12-3-08 pm service

For truly it is my desire, saith your Father God, that my river of life flows through you, that my strength and my power, that my wisdom and knowledge, that my anointing flows through you. That you can touch others, that their eyes might be open, that they can see and understand the things that are taking place, the shortness of the time, where we are. Reach out to them and touch them, open their understanding, bring unto them wisdom and knowledge, bring forth healings, miracles, deliverance, move in a mighty way, for truly it is the last hour. And as you look upon the world you shall see those signs very clearly, if you are not seeing them, seek my face, for truly the signs are there. The flooding, it has been there, the drought it has been there, the global warming it has been there, the forest fires it has been there, the economy it has been there, can you not see the signs, do you not see the things that are yet to come to pass, do you not see how the antichrist program is flowing at full speed? Yet it will not affect my people, those that know me, those that know how to walk according to my word, those who put all their trust and all there faith in me. Be not moved by the circumstances, but rather allow my river to flow through you, allow my river to flow through you.

It is an hour to walk according to all that I have given unto you, whom the Son has set free, is free indeed. It is an hour to let the cares of this world go and to walk in the freedom I have given unto you. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour to walk by my Spirit like never before. For I have given unto you all the keys, the keys to walk in great success. Therefore, fear not what shall take place in the world, but rather I say unto you, walk in my peace, walk in my love, walk in my joy, let them inhabit your life that everywhere you go others know and see the difference because they see me through you. It is not an hour to be caring about your own cares, but I have said, cast your cares upon me, for I careth for you. How can you walk with me like you desire if you are dragging an anchor behind you which is weighing you down? For when you carry that anchor you are not able to flow with my Spirit, as I desire you to, you have that holding you back. Therefore, I say unto you, flow in the freedom of my Spirit, the freedom that I have given unto you, that there is nothing that holds you back nor stops you from receiving all that I have in store for you for this hour and this time. For it is an hour of great victory, it is an hour where my church shall flourish like never before. Therefore, I say unto you, cut off the weights of the world and allow my Spirit to fill you to overflowing, allow my love to fill your life, allow my joy to consume you, that as you allow that joy to bubble forth, it touches those around you and the witness that you become is oh so great. Oh, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, walk, walk, walk in the freedom that I have given unto you as my sons and my daughters.

Raise your voice to me, let my joy fill your heart; let my presence fill your being. Sense me, know me, walk with me, hear me as I speak unto you, let your ears be open that you may hear and know and understand. An hour, an hour of great joy, an hour of great joy for my people, an hour of great joy, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for truly it is an hour of great joy.

Harken and hear my voice my mighty warrior, listen carefully as your Father talks unto you. For I am here, I have heard, I have seen the tears, I have heard your heart as it called out, but I have always been there. Lift yourself from the shackles, shake them off, shake the traps that the enemy is trying to place upon you, lift your head high, know you not that you are mine? I have given unto you my word and my promise, would I fail you, will I not perform the things that I have said; will I not do all and even more than I have said? Let joy fill your heart, for when you are down, when you are discouraged, you cannot hear my voice as you should hear it, neither can you rise to the top, for you hold on tight to the things that you have. Fear not, for I shall move mightily on your behalf, I shall do all that I have said I shall do. Yes, in a twinkling of an eye it shall change, in a twinkling of an eye it shall come to pass. Fear not but rejoice, for I, your Father, yea, I am still on the throne.


[Prophetic Word]