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11-30-08 am service

Let not your hearts be troubled, for as you think upon the thoughts of the world, your heart is troubled, calamity comes, disaster comes, there is no joy. But think upon my word, meditate upon my word, stand strong in my word, speak forth my word, for as you speak forth my word, great joy comes, the answers come, the victory comes and you begin to walk as the overcomer. For you cannot look upon the things of the world right now, you cannot meditate upon the things of the world right now, for they are in great calamity and that calamity shall continue and grow worse and worse. There will be brief moments when it looks good as the antichrist begins to bring forth his programs and his plans, but be not deceived; you are in the last days. Nations shall rise against nations, countries against countries, a world monetary system shall come forth, great disaster shall take place, the global warming shall continue and now winter weather shall come to many areas that have not been visited yet, but they shall be, and warm weather shall come to those that have been visited. The drought shall continue, the famine growing wider and wider and wider, less food, a panic over the shortage of the food, sicknesses that you haven’t seen in a hundred years shall come in with far greater power than they had before, many disasters lie at the door. But for those that walk according to my word, for those that keep their eyes upon my word and not the world, they shall walk in the victories that I have for them. But if you keep your eyes on the world, if you meditate upon those things, if you speak those things and talk those things, great disaster shall come nigh your dwelling, oh yes, it shall come nigh your dwelling regardless of what you say. Therefore, stand on my word, stand on my promises, speak my word and walk in the victory that I, your Father God, have given unto you.

For those that are spiritual, for those that know my word, they are seeing and understanding the things that are going on round about. They are not being fooled, they are not being deceived, but they are walking in the victories that I have given unto them. Therefore, I say unto you, be likened unto them, know my word, know my voice, walk in the spirit realm and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. Walk according to my word, walk according to my promises and you shall walk in the victories also.

11-30-08 pm service

Let your hearts be excited as you look at the things that I have promised you that I would do. Let there be great joy bubbling up within you, for as your expectations rise then the promises come even quicker. For if you are believing with all your heart you can move mountains out of the way and your answers shall be here. As I have said, fear not the things that are taking place in the world, many floods are going on and they shall continue to go on, along with mudslides and earthquakes. Oh, the things that are taking place right now all point toward the end times. But let them not trouble your heart, for you are mine and I love you with an everlasting love and I am able to keep you safe, I am able to take you through this time, I am able to make you the overcomers, the victors, those that walk in joy. So I speak to you this night, saith your Father God, set your eyes upon me, relax, enjoy yourself, for I shall take you through this time in great victory.

Remember my promises I have given unto you, know the words that I have given unto you, know that my word does not go out and return void, but it does that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, know above and beyond any doubt that I am true to my word and I will fulfill my promises to you. Do not be concerned of the things that are taking place in the world, do not let them bother you, do not let them bring fear, but I say unto you, allow my peace which passes all understanding rule you and guard your hearts. For it is not an hour to be walking in fear, for when you are walking in fear, you walk out of my protection. For have not I said, I will provide, have not I said, I will take care of you in this time and in this hour? So do not be concerned about what takes place in the coming days, months, for I will still remain the same, for I change not. And even as I provided for you in the past, so shall I provide for you in the days ahead. Therefore, place your trust in me like never before, waiver not to the right or to the left, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, upon my word, upon my promises, for I have said, that this is a great hour of blessings, do you not believe me, do you not know that it is true? Therefore, walk with me like never before, for I will do all I have said I will do. Trust me, trust me, trust me, watch as I do all I have promised. For I am your Father, I am your God and I watch out for those who are mine.

Woe to those who live in the areas where the great flooding is now going on. Woe to those that live in the areas where the sickness is spreading so fast, they know not what to do. Woe to those that believe and speak forth a hotter weather than ever before, for truly it shall come to pass. But I say unto you, fear not, for these things are not for you, they are not for my children nor shall they come nigh the dwelling of my children. But walk, walk in the joy that I have given unto you.

Hear me my people this night, the ones that I have spoken to time and time again, the ones along the coastline, hear my voice tonight. Move as I have instructed you to move, the ones in the south that I have instructed to move, pick up your feet and move as I have instructed you, says the Lord. Those in the other areas where I have spoken to you, move now and be victorious. Don’t let the devil steal from you, as I have already warned you about the things to come. But move now, says the Lord and be victorious and do not loose anything to the devil, says the Lord.

11-26-08 pm service

Let not your heart be troubled, but keep your eyes upon me and walk very closely by my side. For even though there is darkness in the world and more darkness shall come, you are the light of the world and you walk upon the path and your path is always, always with the light, you never walk in darkness. So fear not the things that are coming, fear not the things that you see nor the things that you hear, let them not come out of your mouth. But let my word come out of your mouth, let my word develop within you that it can bring forth the victories that you have need of that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. Fear not the snowstorms, fear not the mudslides, fear not the trouble on the right hand or the left hand, fear not the terrorist that are moving right now. Fear not the moves that Russia is making, fear not the things that you hear and see, realize that these things must come to pass. But rather yet walk very closely by my side that you can walk in the victory that I have for you, that you will not be troubled, that you will not be in fear, but you will rejoice in your heart knowing above and beyond any doubt that truly you are the victors and I have a way for you, a way of victory, a way of success. Walk closely by my side.

Be not fooled or deceived by the tricks of the evil one nor the plans that he has, even though they may sound good, for they shall only be good for a short time. But put all of your trust and all of your hope in me, for as you put trust and your hope in me, I can take you through victoriously. Stand on my word and not your word; stand on the things that I have said, for that is truth. Walk in the truth, know the truth, be victorious in every area of your life. Walk as a champion and you shall be a champion.

For truly it is a time to be thankful even amidst all the things that are taking place in the world. If people would stop and look and take account of all the things that I have done for them they would be amazed. Most people don’t stop and take the time and look and see what I have done for them. They are more concerned about what is happening on the right side and the left side. Keep track of the things that I do for you and you will be even more blessed by realizing how much I have done for you, says the Lord.

11-23-08 am service

Let not the things of the world trouble your heart, let not the things that you see nor the things that you hear bring pain to your heart, for you are not of the world, you are of me. And as you walk with me, I shall supply all your needs, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall go before you and open doors that the blessings, the wealth, those things that the heathens have shall come quickly to you and you shall walk in all the blessings that I have for you. You shall see and know and understand the things that will come to pass, for you are not like the world, for the world walks in darkness. They know not which way to go, they know not the things that are coming, they do not even understand where the world is right now. But they continue on their own way not knowing that their way is the way of the antichrist, but you, you are my children. Therefore, I say unto you, walk very closely by my side, do not let the storms trouble your heart; do not let the weather cause you to be down. For I shall give you perfect weather that you may walk in that perfect weather. I shall give you good food that you can eat and be satisfied, I shall heal your bodies and I shall lift you up. So don’t let the cares of the world, don’t allow them to come in on you. Listen not to the lies of the devil, but walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, for as you walk according to my word and walk according to my promise, you will live the overcoming life.

As you rejoice in me seeing all that I have done for you, rejoice even more looking forward to all that I have in store for you yet. For great is the outpouring of my blessings upon my children in this time and in this hour. So if you thought this last year was filled with great blessings, you don’t know what the next year holds, for even more, more blessings shall come into your dwelling. Therefore, I say unto you, look forward with great expectation for all that I have in store for you, for I am moving in a mighty way, even mightier than you see at times or even know or comprehend, but yes, I am moving in a mighty way. Know that this is a great hour my children, continue to walk with me with your whole heart, continue to press in like never before. Continue to place your trust in me knowing that I am faithful and I will do all that I have said I will do. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour of great rejoicing as my people reflect and see all the blessings I have given unto them. And oh, the rejoicing that shall take place as they see and look forward to all the blessings that I yet have in store for them.

For the ways of the world are foolishness, for they receive not wisdom, they receive not knowledge; they have no understanding whatsoever of the things that go on round about them. They have no one to lead them, no one to guide them, no one to totally trust upon, to follow after, for they are not walking my way, but they walk their own way. Be not like them, for I have great blessings like I have said, oh, great blessings before you and I shall bless you, oh yes, even more so than you have ever been blessed. For the time is short and all the promises will come to pass. So walk very closely by my side, put your total trust in me and watch and see what I will do for you.

11-23-08 pm service

Hold fast to my word, be not one who cast it aside and begins to believe the things that man says. Know my word, study my word, let your spiritman be filled with my word. Let my words come out of your mouth, for truly they are sharper than any two-edged sword, they will bring you the help that you have need of. They will enlighten you, they will strengthen you, they will bring power into your life that you may walk even as my Son, Jesus, walked while he was here on earth. They will open your understanding and as you look around and see the things that are taking place you will know exactly where you are. You will know the time, you will know the hour, you will know the things that are coming to pass, you will not walk in fear, you will not walk in doubt, you will not draw back, but rather you will press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. You will run and not grow weary, oh yes, the power that shall flow through you shall bless your heart, shall reach those round about you and they shall see the power that I have. For they shall be healed and delivered and set free, their hearts shall bubble over as they hear my word and they will come unto me and become part of my family, that when I come back they shall also go with you. Fear not the things that are coming into the world, fear not what man is saying, for man says many things and yet man knoweth not what I am doing, they know not what is going on. They see through a glass far more darkly than you do, for they do not have my Spirit, they know me not, and therefore, they understand not the things of the Spirit, for they are spiritually discerned. But walk, walk with me, don’t allow these things to bring fear into your life. Don’t allow these things to cause you to be down, but rather be on top. And when you know not what to do, pray in the spirit, for the Spirit will pray correctly for you, and correctly for whatever I need prayer for. Walk very closely by my side, walk according to my wisdom, walk according to my knowledge, for truly you are already in the last days.

Remember my word unto you, remember the promises that I have given unto you, do not let go of them, but I say unto you, recall them, have them within your heart, in front of you that you may see them at all times. Loose not sight of the things that I have said I would do, but rather press in with all your heart to achieve all that I have said that you can be. This is a great hour; this is a great time, walk with me like never before. Know the power and authority that I have given unto you through my word, and as you speak forth my word, the enemy must bow to my name. Therefore, I say unto you, know the power that I have given unto you, walk in that power and authority, walk in my word like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have said. Oh, I say unto you, it is a great hour my children, it is a great time, therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon my vision, keep your eyes upon my goals, veer not to the right nor to the left, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me that you can truly receive all the blessings that I have for you in this hour. Know ye not that I have called you, know ye not that I chosen you for such a time as this? I have prepared you; I have given unto you all the things that you need to truly walk as the equipped soldiers that you are. Therefore, I say, walk with me like never before, know my word and speak forth my word that you can truly be all that I have said that you can be.

Be not up nor down, but be steadfast, unmovable, unwavering, standing strong in my word, standing strong on my promises, clinging to the things that I have said unto you, that you receive the reward that I have promised you, that you walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Don’t allow the enemy to steal from you, don’t allow the enemy to cause you to back up, be not fearful of him, for he is a defeated foe, but you are my children, you are my heirs, walk accordingly.

11-19-08 pm service

Keep your eyes upon my word, watch the things that I say unto you, watch the fulfillment of them; for truly I speak them and they quickly come to pass, as you know. Therefore, keep your eyes upon those things, listen carefully that you may know what is about to happen, that you may understand and not move in fear, learn to trust me. Learn to trust me like you have never trusted me before, learn to obey, walking according to my word, walking according to the things that I say. Learn to walk by my side, for it is an evil hour, a very dark hour, many things are taking place right now, things that I have told you about, things that some have not seen yet nor heard about yet and yet they are coming to pass. We are seeing a wicked, wicked world, things have changed greatly, but fear not, for I shall take care of you, I shall protect you and I shall take you through this time in great victory. Walk according to my word, walk according to my plan, walk in the victories that I have for you.

For indeed it is a day of reckoning, saith the Lord, prepare to meet the Lord your God. Be prepared to hear the voice of the Lord that the Lord might be gracious unto you. For in this hour and this day, saith God, I prepare a work that many have not seen or heard in the days that they have lived, yet I say unto you, I shall do a mighty work and I have spoken it. Yet I say unto you, so few hear my voice and so few harken unto it and so few fear what I have to say. Therefore, I say unto you, I shall make my name known great amongst the nations and they shall know that I live. My people will continue to make known all that I am doing in these last days. And I say again, who will listen, who will hear the voice of the Lord, for the Lord is mighty and great and King upon his throne.

Listen to me, listen to my word, have your ears open to my Spirit that you might hear me, that you may know the day, the hour that you are living in. For though great disaster lies at your door, great blessings are there for my people. It is an hour to truly know my voice, to know me like never before, to hear me when I speak to you. It is not an hour to go your own direction, but it is an hour to listen to my Spirit, to follow after me. Oh Israel, listen to the word of the Lord. Because you desire to pick a king, you have rejected me even as your fathers rejected me. For you have said we have made a treaty with death and with the grave, we have set a limit when an overflowing scourge passes it shall not come upon us, for we have made lies our shelter and in falsehoods have we hidden ourselves. For you are caught in the plots that Russia has plotted and the antichrist has planned. For the wicked men boast about the desires of their soul and the robbers congratulate themselves for having blasphemed the Lord. Like foxes in rooms were your own prophets and you refused to believe my prophets who have warned you over and over. Yet you continued in your wicked ways, you seek to sign the peace treaty even though my word has told you not to. For in the middle of that seven-year period you shall have to flee to the mountain that I have planned for you and hide and cry out to me until your Messiah Jesus comes and shows himself to you and you see the nail prints in his hands. Before that time Russia and her friends shall march down against you and I will destroy them as I have promised. Why are you so foolish, why are you so stubborn, why will you not walk with me and spare yourself great disasters? For I will no longer plead with you, for the hour is far spent. Even now you have made your choice for a king and rejected your true King Jesus Christ. You have decided to sign a peace treaty that is not a peace treaty, but a blood bath. Oh, foolish ones, the hour is now very dark and the time of the gentiles is coming to an end, prepare yourselves for war, prepare yourselves for the end. And I would I say unto America, why have you made the choice you have made, why have you turned your backs fully upon me, for disaster stands upon your door and you know it not? Oh, I say unto you, many disasters shall come and in a twenty-four hour period your cities shall be shaken and many shall crumble like a broken glass falling to the ground. It is an hour to listen to your true prophets, for they have been speaking and speaking and many are now listening to their words, which shall come to pass and always do, for they fail not. Oh, they shall be listened to even more so now, for their words shall burn like fire at times and yet bring great peace and joy to my true church. Oh, I say unto you, follow after me like never before, follow my true prophets, do not follow after the false, but follow after me. Prepare now for the end, as you will enter into the fullness, oh, of all that I have said with the great signs seen in the skies and reported by many. Hear my voice my children, make your house ready, do not wait, for the day of the Lord cometh quickly. Therefore, prepare your house now, oh, for I cometh soon.

For in the days of great trouble, when you were troubled on every side, I raised up my prophetess Deborah. Do you not know your history? When you were troubled in sin and were going the wrong way, did I not raise up Elijah the great prophet? Maybe it is time, saith your Father God, that you go back and study, read, know what took place. For you are in an hour right now, an hour right now, when calamity, great calamity stands at your door. Make yourself ready, prepare yourselves, don’t put it off.

11-16-08 am service

Keep your eyes upon the world events, compare them with my word that you see and understand and know exactly what is taking place. For as you look to the north, the south, the east and the west many things are coming together very, very rapidly now, things that many do not expect to take place for years and yet now they are happening. Keep your eyes upon Obama and the treaty with Egypt and Syria and the affect it has on Israel and the pressure that they are putting on Israel, keep your eyes on that. Keep your eyes on Russia as she begins to make her bold moves. Keep your eyes on the world economy, for they plan for a new monetary system, but I have spoken to you about that. Keep your eyes on the tornadoes that are yet happening, the snow blizzards and the storms, the drought and the forest fires, keep your eyes on them. Continue to pray binding up the hurricanes, do not cease, do not stop, do not be fooled, but stand in prayer. Continue to watch as things continue to go up and down, for man is playing games with you, for the antichrist is controlling many things, many do not see that, but keep your eyes open. Listen to my voice, for I speak very loud, very clear in the days that you are living in that you may know and understand. For great tragedy, great tragedy is standing at the door; Al Quaeda is planning other things that you will hear about soon. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said, allow the promises to come to pass that I have given unto you. Walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.

Keep your eyes upon my word knowing that I am more than able to do all that I have said I would do. Trust me like you have never trusted me before, know that I walk with you and I am here to provide all that you have need of, call out to me and I will answer you. Walk not in fear because of the hour that you are living in, but rather walk in peace because you have my word and my word does not go out and return void. You know that I have said, I will never leave you nor will I forsake you. For I know the very end my children and I have said, I will warn you, I will speak to you, and let you know what is coming before it takes place. Therefore, have no fear, but rather walk in the faith that I have given unto you, walk in the peace that my Son provided for you. Know my word like never before and walk in the assurance of my word knowing that I am faithful and I will do all that I have said I would do. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, and watch, watch as I fulfill my word unto you, for great is the time and the hour for my church. It is an hour of great victory, it is an hour of blessings, it is an hour where my Spirit is being poured out without measure. Therefore, I say unto you, walk not in fear, but I say unto you, rather rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for this is a great hour for those who are walking with me.

Harken and hear the things that I have to say to you. Ponder them, meditate upon them, for I have things that I must tell you, but they are not coming forth yet, be in prayer, be in prayer. For the words that I have for you are extremely important, allow not the enemy to block them up, allow not the enemy to stop them, but let my word come forth in truth and power, let my word come forth that I may fulfill the things that I desire to fulfill. For unless man speaks them into being, I, your Father God, cannot move in the way that I desire to move. Therefore, pray I say, pray.

11-16-08 pm service

For truly it is a great hour, a great hour for my church, for my children, for those that walk by my side, for those that hear my voice and are quick to obey and follow me it is a great hour. Even though there is disaster on the right hand and the left hand, before you and behind you, it shall not come in your dwelling and you shall walk in the victories that I have given unto you. So fear not the things that you hear, for you shall hear many evil things, many calamities, many great disasters. But let it not trouble your heart, for you are of my household, and I, your Father God, will keep you safe, I will protect you, I will feed you, I will clothe you, I will take care of all your needs that you walk in victory, that you become an example to those of the world that are looking. For they shall see how you walk in victory and they shall come unto you. But for the world it shall be a time of great disasters, one after another, not knowing which way to turn or what to do. And you shall see the greed of the different nations as it rises up, as they try to consume and overtake smaller nations that they become a giant nation, a nation of power, ready to go to war with any nation that desires to give them trouble. It is a sad hour, for they have rejected me. It is a sad hour, for they know not that we are in the last days. It is a sad hour because they are not walking as children of Almighty God; they are walking as children of the devil, the serpent, the antichrist. Oh, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble that shall come, but remember my children, it is not for you. So walk in the victories that I have for you and listen to the things that I have to say.

Stand strong in my word though there may be adversity around you in the world, you are not of this world, you are mine. Therefore, the world does not affect you, for you are underneath my covering, I have made a covenant with you, remember my covenant with you. For even as I protected my children in the past, so shall I protect you. For am I not the God who delivered Daniel out of the lion’s den, am I not the God that who delivered the Hebrew children out of the fiery furnace, am I not able to do anything? Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the day nor the hour that you are entering into. But I say unto you, walk with me like never before, know who I am, know that I am your God, there is no one besides me, know that I am your Father and I will take care of you, know that without a shadow of a doubt. Walk with me like never before, for truly it is not an hour to be doing your own thing or going about your own way, but it is an hour to glean from my wisdom and knowledge, to walk in the path that I have provided for you to walk in that you can walk in the victory, that you can have that peace that I have said is yours. That my love may flood into your life and that blessings can overtake you as I have promised. Walk with me like never before, get into my word like never before, spend that time praying, praying in your spirit that you might be built up and become strong, much stronger than you are right now. For as you get into my word and as you pray in the spirit you shall become, oh yes, you shall become like those giants that are not able to be driven out of the land because your feet will be steadfast in my word. Seek my face like never before, get into my word, now is the time, now is the hour to press in. Do not wait, do not put it aside, but I say unto you, press into the things that I have for you now, for great and mighty is the hour that you are living in. Fear not the things that are taking place in the world, but rather put your trust in me and walk with me, for I am more than able to see you through the days that are ahead.

Let not the calamities that come in the next few weeks trouble your heart nor let the disasters that you hear about, worry not about the fires in California. Worry not about the shortages, that some think that there are, or the cutting back on the production of oil, don’t be concerned about those things, but keep your eyes on me. Don’t let the storms trouble you, don’t let what the news is saying bother you, remember that you are the victors, you are the overcomers, you are the head and not the tail, you are above and not beneath. For if they can assault your mind with all these things then your knees shall shake and your hands shall shake and your heart will be troubled. But if you look into my word and stay in my word and hear what I, your Father God, has to say, it shall not bother you and you will walk, oh yes, you will walk as a King’s kid.

11-12-08 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with hope, let my presence consume you, walk very closely by my side, for many, many things shall happen now, things that shall shock you, things that shall wake you up, things that will come to pass even though others will say not so, but they shall come to pass. For it is that time and it is that hour, even my people are ready to turn their backs totally upon me and revert back to what they were, what a time what an hour. For as you look around the world you see the nations building up, ready to strike, ready to take land that does not belong to them, ready to get into the playing field and take all that they can. You are seeing the old Hitler party rise up in Germany and the Moslems on the other side throughout the kingdoms, you see these things, saith your Father God, an evil time, an evil day. The people have spoken, and because they have spoken, now they shall reap the things that they have sowed, oh what a sad time for the world, oh what a sad hour it is. But not so for my people, for it is a glorious hour for those that walk very closely to my side, for those that hear and know my voice, for those that speak to me on a daily basis allowing me to lead them and guide them, their obedience is far above normal, oh what a blessed people they shall be. Blessed coming in and blessed going out, they shall be the head and not the tail, for they walk closely by my side, but those that don’t, only judgment lies ahead, only judgment and soon wrath. Oh that they would turn to me, oh that they would call out to me, oh that they would come and walk by my side and stop playing church, stop pretending and become all that I, their Father God, said they could be. Oh, what day, what a day, what a day, what a day it is, saith your Father God. Seek my face, seek my face, call upon my name, walk by my side, for as you do you will walk in victory.

For there is a wake-up call going forth, for many of my followers have been sleeping and know it not. They have not been aware of the hour or the day that they are living in, but they are awaking because they are seeing the signs that my word has said shall take place in the end times. It is an hour of great shaking, but for those who truly are walking with me, they shall not be affected by the things that shall take place in the world. But those who know me not, those who do not know my word, they shall be shaken and great shall be the shake that they shall feel. It is not an hour to fall back, but it is an hour to press in like never before knowing that great things are ahead. For my word has gone forth, I will fulfill my word, I will fulfill my promise unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, look not to the right nor to the left, but keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon what I am doing and what I am going to do, for I do have great things in store, yes, I have great things in store. Know who I am, know what I am able to do, for there is nothing impossible for me. Therefore, do not look at things as being impossible, for I can do all things, there is nothing too hard. Do not limit me, but I say unto you, take the limits off and see, see what I will do, for I will be faithful. Walk with me like never before, walk that line that is straight and narrow, do not wonder off to the right or to the left, but keep your focus upon me and keep on the path that I have laid in front of you.

Ponder the things that I have said unto you, wait upon an answer from me. Seek my face that you know above and beyond any doubt what I am saying. For the world has entered into a time, a place, an hour that they have not been in before, it is not a good hour. For this hour here, saith your Father God, shall usher in things that shall come to pass, things that you have read about, things that you would not believe unless I told you. Even my people Israel, they turn their backs upon me and they select for themselves a king, and by doing so, they reject me. And that rejection shall come upon them with great pain as a women in childbirth and they shall flee unto the mountains and hide in the caves until I return with my church. Oh, what terrible days are ahead, awesome days in a sense such as you have not seen, such as shall cause many a heart to fail them. But those that walk with me, they shall walk in the victory, they shall walk as overcomers, they shall be victorious.

11-9-08 am service

It is an awesome hour, an hour such as many believed they would never see, an hour when some still do not believe that it is that time. But it is an hour when my true servants know that this is the last hour, the hour when total fulfillment of my word shall be complete, we are seeing the signs. As you watch, even in the skies, you see the things that my word declares unto you. As you listen to the news you hear the things that I have already told you shall come to pass. As you watch and listen you see a world walking in darkness not knowing which way to go tossed to and fro not knowing where to turn. Even Christians you hear speaking the negative reports of the world tell you how they feel the pinch of the world round about them, and yet I, your Father God, supplies all your needs, not according to the riches of the world, but according to my riches. I am able to take you through victoriously, I am able to lift you above the storms, I am able to carry you even on top of the water if need be, that you can walk with me as Peter walked with me safely to the boat that I have for you. So fear not the things that are coming upon the face of the earth, for you are seeing this week the terrible storms, you have seen nothing yet, saith your Father God. You shall see a winter that you will be glad that you are not in it. You will see a drought that widens even more next year, and as the global warming returns and the cool weather is not here as it was this year, you shall know where we are. You shall see the signs in the sky, you shall see the signs as the office changes in this country and things turn more socialistic than ever before as the tightening comes upon you. But remember I will be there to take you through, I will strengthen you, I will hear you when you cry out to me and answer, I will deliver you and set you free, but you must walk by my side. For great evil, great evil lurks at the door, far greater than you can imagine, worse disaster than you can even think of, it is right at the door. But you have nothing to fear if you are listening to me, if you are hearing what I am saying, if your ears are not being tickled by the false prophets, if you are hearing the words of the true prophets, then you will walk in the safety that I have for you. Then you will be the overcomer, then you will be the top, the head, not the bottom and you will know your position in me and you will know your rights in me and you will know the things that I, your Father God, have given unto you. For it is not an hour nor a time to walk without hearing my voice or knowing my voice or not knowing the things that I have said. It is not a time to walk in darkness, it is not a time to pretend, it is a time to know, for truly the disasters that shall come will catch everyone that is not walking close by my side, everyone, none shall be spared. But those that walk with me, those that hear my voice, those that listen and understand, they shall walk in safety, trouble shall not come nigh their door, victory and healing shall always be there, prosperity shall flood them and they will know what to do. And they will spread the gospel, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place, and multitudes will come, multitudes will come, multitudes will come.

Know the great love that I have for you, do not be fearful of the things that will take place in the world, but rather come underneath my wing where you are protected. Know that I am your God and I will be faithful even as I was faithful in times past, so shall I continue to be faithful. For I am true, I am steadfast; I do not change even as my word does not change. Therefore, I say unto you, draw ever so close to me, do not go to the right nor to the left, keep your eyes upon my word and upon the way that I have already provide for you. Know my love, and know what I have given unto you, do not fear, for I am here and I will protect you, I will keep you safe, I will provide all that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, know my love that I have given unto you, for my love does not change nor do I.

Those with spiritual eyes and spiritual ears can see and hear the rustle in the mulberry tree. They can sense and know in their spiritman when things are developing and happening round about them. They know in their spiritman exactly what to do and how to do it. For they have filled themselves with my word until when they open their mouth my word comes out. They speak only my word, they do only what they hear me say, they follow after the things that they see me do and they walk even as my son Jesus walked. Walk as an heir, walk as an heir, for truly you are an heir.

11-9-08 pm service

Can you feel the warm rain, the spiritual rain that is falling all around you? Can you sense the moving of my Spirit as it moves mightily on your behalf, as it calls out to you to pray, to seek my face, to call upon my name? Can you feel in your spiritman the spiritual move that is going on? Can you hear in your spiritual ears the multitudes that are praising my name, are you open, are you ready? For many things I desire to do, and many things I will now do, for many of the dates that I have given to you have already come to pass and soon two more. Are you seeing all the signs that are pointing to the last days? Are you watching all the problems all over the world, countries ready to go to war, the economy, not only in this country, but throughout the world that is hurting so bad, the jobs that are lost because of that? And yet it is manmade, for man has made this to draw you into that one world government, man is calling all the plays; they come from headquarters, the headquarters of the antichrist. And now you shall see other things and you shall watch as the mysteries that you may still have, but should not have, begin to unravel and you can see into my word clearly as looking into crystal clear water. You should hear my voice even clearer now than you have ever heard it before and you should be able to tell the difference between the voice of the antichrist, the voice of the devil, you should know these things. For it is wise, very wise for you to draw closer to me, to know my word and understand my word, to know the things that are going on right now. For it shall help you greatly, for you will understand the drought even better, the global warming even better, the shaking that is going on throughout the world as one powerhouse begins to play against the other powerhouse, as they begin to make their moves and their plans. Fear not these things, for I will always tell you, I will always warn you ahead of time that you will be prepared, that you will be walking in the victory. Expect a greater outpouring of my Spirit than you have ever imagined possible, expect signs and wonders and miracles such as your eyeballs have never seen nor have you read about nor have you heard from others. For the move that I have, saith your Father, shall be so great, so wonderful that the hardest hearted sinner’s eyes will be open and they will come into the kingdom of God. Not those caught up in the false church, the door will be open for them to walk out, but many will refuse to walk out, they will refuse to change, for they like what is going on, they like what they feel, they like living like they are living and you shall see that and you shall weep and cry at times and you will not understand it, but I do. Therefore, I tell you, do not allow that to bother you, for many will make their choice on where they are going, and even I, Almighty God, cannot change them. Walk close by my side, know me even deeper than you know me now, know my voice, know my voice, know my voice.

For my word is a powerful force, it goes and does that which I tell it to do and when you speak forth my word great power and authority do you possess. Therefore, know my word as I have said in this hour and this time that you may truly walk in the fullness of the victory that I have already given unto you. For though the enemy fights and things seem tough at times, know that I will see you through, there is nothing too difficult for me to do. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, do not look at the circumstances, but keep your eyes focused upon me and know that I, your Father God, will see you through. Know this is a great hour for my church, I am moving by my Spirit like I have said and great are the blessings that are flooding into my children because they are following after me, because they are faithful, because they are doing what I have spoken unto them to do, blessings upon blessings shall flood into their lives. It is the hour that I have spoken unto you about in my word where my rain is being poured out upon my children like never before, that latter rain. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like you have never pressed in before, run like you have never ran before, for I have great things in store for you. Do not look around and say, how can it be, how are we going to accomplish all that you have for us to do before you return. Oh, but I say unto you, I have enough time to do all that I have said, all that I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your focus upon me, keep your eyes upon me and do all that I have spoken unto you to do, for when you are obedient the doors are open for me to move like never before. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, know, know my word, speak forth my word that you may see the results that you desire, that you may truly walk in all the blessings that I have given unto you, for now is the hour, now is the time. Therefore, I say, press in like never before.

Study the twenty third Psalm, go over it and over it and over it and over it, get it into your heart, for it will bring great strength, great peace, great achievements in the days that are ahead. It will be a comfort to you, a light upon the path that you walk, for you will know that truly you are my sheep and I am your shepherd and I will watch over you, I will take care of you, I will provide for you. Study it now, study it, meditate upon it, let it get deep, deep into your heart, into your spiritman, for in the days ahead you will need it.

You know I have called you, you know the awesomeness of that phrase, I have called you. Just like the prophets of old that were used mightily by me, they were called of me and I have called you just like that from the smallest to the greatest you have been called, called, called. I have called you for a reason, for a purpose, to accomplish a goal, to bring forth those things that are needed. Will you stay true to that call, will you not allow anything to deter you from that, will you set your heart and your face steadfast just like my Son set his heart and his face to go to the cross? Will you allow nothing to deter you; will you set your heart on that calling and accomplish all that I have called you to do? Will you be the ones, will you be steadfast and sure, will you hold out till that goal is accomplished, till I take you in the rapture, will you hold out my people, will you be true to that calling?

11-5-08 pm service

Let not your hearts be troubled, let not the enemy cause you to be unrestful, to cause you to wonder, to ponder. Walk in my word, know my word, for I speak and I speak and I speak and yet many will refuse to hear me, they will go their own way, they will do their own thing. And thus by doing so, they bring judgment upon themselves, they bring disaster, trouble, their peace is robbed, their joy is robbed and there is no satisfaction in their life whatsoever. For they do not walk according to my word, they don’t walk according to my plan. Even so is this country, saith your Father God, for I have talked to them over and over and over and yet they listen not, they hear me not. They continue to go their own way and they say they belong to me, they say they are my sheep and yet they follow not my voice, but they do the things that they desire or the things that they think are right, oh, how sad that is. For now they shall see things that shall cause them troubles, that shall bring disaster, that shall bring pain, suffering. Oh, oh, oh what a terrible time, saith your Father God, when I could gather all of my chicks under my wings and protect them and keep them safe and yet some refuse to come under, some refuse the safety that I offer. But you my children, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, walk according to my plan and truly you shall be blessed coming in and going out. I shall watch over you and take care of you, I shall cause you to prosper and all shall see your prosperity. Fear not the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, know that I am your Father, yea and I shall protect you.

Am I not the one to come to in troubled times, am I not the one who will meet your every need? Therefore, I say unto you, come to me and cast you care upon me, for do you not know that I care for you? Do you not know that I have all things under control; do you not know that I will remain faithful unto you? I shall give unto you the promises that I have promised unto you, my word is sure, it is everlasting, it does not change. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, for I am your Father, I am your God, I will see you through, do you not know that? Oh, I say unto you my children, it is not the hour to be walking in your own wisdom and knowledge, but it is the hour to be walking in my wisdom, my knowledge. Do not allow fear, doubt or worry to fill your heart in this time of trouble, but I say unto you, allow my peace which passes all understanding guard your heart. For I have given unto you my peace that you can truly walk, oh, in the fullness of all that I have said. Rest in me as I have said, trust me like never before, for I have not changed, I am the same and I shall do all that I have promised that I will do. Therefore, I say unto you, rest in me knowing that I will do all I have promised I will do.

It is a gong, it is a crash, it is a beat to a different drummer, but I say unto you, harken not to the noise, saith your Father in heaven. For you are the sheep of my pasture and I have called you to come to a different beat, saith the Lord. I have called you by my Spirit and have brought you into my fold that I might speak to you and teach you and reveal and show. I am your Father, I am your God and I am your Shepard and I will not forsake you. Be one who hears the joyful sound, be as one who hears that sweet sound of heaven, for I have filled you with my joy. Be not disheartened, but be filled with joy.

11-2-08 am service

Keep your spiritual eyes wide open, let your spiritual ears be open, for many are asleep and they know not what time it is, they are asleep and cannot see the light, it is all darkness to them. Be not like those, but let your eyes and your ears be open that you can see and know and understand and comprehend the things that are now here. They are not coming my friends, they are here, they are here now, saith your Father God and you shall see many things take place. Oh, what a week this shall be, either it shall be my week or it shall not be, depending on the prayers of my people, depending how they walk and in what order they walk. For at times they realize not the things that they need pray for, they think only about themselves. Press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, press in, for truly the world stands in darkness and that darkness is expanding and growing day by day. Not only in this country, but in other countries around the world, many have been in darkness for years and yet their darkness becomes even more darker now. Many calamities shall take place this month; many disasters shall take place this month. Keep your eyes upon me, don’t let any weather bother you, don’t let it concern you. Fear not the drought, fear not the global warming, fear not the higher costs, but keep your eyes on me, put your total trust in me. Walk by my side and I will take you through this time in total victory, you shall be overcomers as you walk through this time, you shall be blessed on the right hand and the left hand. Walk by my side that this can be so, saith your Father.

Be like the psalmist says, my word was good and I could eat them. Get into my word like never before, devour it, know it from front to back. Know the promises I have given unto you that in this hour of darkness you can truly walk in great victory. For I have given unto you all the keys you need to walk in that victory. Yet many times my children do not dig themselves into my word and know how to stand upon my word so that victory can come. Know my word like never before, press in like I have said like never before. It is not an hour to back off, but rather it is an hour to press in like you have never pressed in before, to receive all that I have in store for you, to truly know my word and the importance of the power that I have given unto you through my word. For you know that your prayer changes things, so you shall also know that my word changes things, and as you speak forth my word out of your mouth it brings the desired result that you desire, which is pure victory. Therefore, I say unto you, oh, dig into my word like never before and truly know the promises I have given unto you that you may stand strong in this hour and that you may be the victorious ones that I have called you and said you are, but you need to know my word and you need to walk in my way. Therefore, I say unto you, press in like never before, for those who press in, they shall receive the prize.

Blessings, blessings, blessings, oh the abundance of blessings that fall upon those that walk very closely by my side, those that listen to the things that I say, those that follow in obedience. Blessings, blessings, blessings, oh the blessings that are falling from heaven, oh the blessings that are being poured out, oh the joy, unspeakable, all because they have walked closely by my side, all because they listen carefully, all because they follow me and do the things that I, their Father God, says.

11-2-08 pm service

It is an hour when the harvest shall be overwhelming, when you shall reap like you have never reaped before. For souls will come into the kingdom of God, they will be looking, they will be searching, they will want the truth, their hearts will be open, their ears will be open and you can show them my love. You can show them the things that I have told you and they will listen carefully and you will find them sitting by you in church, hungry, thirsty, going for everything that they can go for, for it is that hour, oh yes, it is that hour. If you look on the worldly side it is not a good hour, it is a very bad hour, a time when the world is seeking for their antichrist, their man of peace, their man that can bring the solutions and they are not looking to me. So the world will have a dark time, a terrible time, but not so for you, for you are of my household, and I, your Father God, shall provide for you, I shall care for you, I shall watch over you and I shall bring you through this time in great victory. So fear not the things that you hear, let them not trouble you, but draw closer to me, draw closer to me. For if you do not draw closer to me, then you are an outcast in a sense, and when the enemy looks for one to attack, you will be way outside the fold and he will attack you. But if you are walking by my side, then I, your Father God, shall war for you.

Many of my children are not in the place where they need to be; for they have not taken heed to my warnings that I have given unto them. They have not moved from the coastlines that I told them to move from, they have not dug into my word as I have told them to dig into my word. And therefore, when these storms come and the world continues to get darker and shakier, they shall not know how to stand because they have not grounded themselves in my word as I have continually said ground yourself in my word, get into my word. For there are times ahead where my children need to know my word like never before that they can truly stand upon my word, that I might provide, that I might make a way where there is no way. For if you do not know how to stand upon my word when times get even rougher in the world, how are you going to make it without me? For you will not be able to make it without my strength, without my ability, without my power. Now is the time to press in like never before to truly know my word as I have said and to know the authority I have given unto you over the enemy and over his evil spirits. Know my children that things will get worse in the world, the spirits are going to get even worse than they are now, but I have warned you, I have said prepare yourself for this hour and this time. And as long as you have prepared yourself in my word you have nothing to worry about, you have nothing to be fearful over because you shall stand and you shall stand strong. But not so for those who have not heeded my warning, they shall fall and great shall be their fall. But I shall be here as they call upon my name, as they call out unto me, I shall answer, I shall meet their need in times of trouble. Oh, but they would not have needed to have those times of trouble if they would have but heeded my warning. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, it is not an hour to play around, but it is an hour to be serious, an hour to be serious in getting into my word and walking in my way like never before. For I have already given unto you the keys that shall cause you to walk in great success, but if you do not hear my word or follow after it, you shall not have that success. Be not like the foolish man who did not listen to me and when the storms came his house fell and great was that fall. Be not like that, but I say unto you, be like the wise man who has his foundation strong, sure in my word, and when the storms come, you shall stand and great shall be the victory you possess.

Which of my promises that I have personally given unto you, not the things that you desire, not the things that you ask for, but which of my promises that I have given to you personally would you ask for if you knew in your heart that this very week that I would give it to you, that it would be yours. Do you have a promise that I have personally spoken to you about; are you ready to receive it? Then set your heart now and believe me and see what I will do.

10-29-08 pm service

For it is a dark hour for the world, a very dark hour, and they see not the light yet, nor do they know which way to turn, nor do they see clearly and understand the things that are before them. For they have been deceived, they have been fooled, they have been tricked, they stand and yet they stand not, for they know not what they stand for. They believe not as they should believe, oh, what a sad hour for the world, what a sad hour. For my will was that they should prosper and be in health, that they would be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, but yet when they go man’s way the result is disastrous. But not so for the church, the church shall walk in great victory, the church shall see and understand, it shall know, their ears and their eyes shall be open, my anointing shall be upon them, it shall be a light to the world. Even though there shall be great storms, even though there shall be a greater drought next year and global warming shall increase in such a manner, that they will stand in amazement at where it is. And the signs that you are seeing shall grow even greater, more obvious, clearer than ever before that man should be able to look and see and yet they are afraid to admit exactly where they are. But I shall bring them unto you that you may tell them, that you may show them, that their understanding may be opened, that they come into the kingdom of God and place themselves under my care, that they are in safety, that I can provide for them and watch over them and take care of them. Oh, the trouble, the trouble, the trouble that stands just ahead if my people do not listen and do what I have told them, for they shall make their choice and their choice may be the wrong choice and great disaster shall come because of that. Seek my face, know what I have said, walk by my side.

For it is an hour, saith the Lord, for a deep incision of my word cutting deep to the heart for those who will repent. Indeed, it is still that hour of repentance that I might go deep and heal the sickness and the disease, the misunderstanding and take away the foolishness and the ungodliness and the unholiness. Direct your heart to me, saith the Lord, and know that my word cuts deep within, it heals therein.

10-26-08 am service

Let your eyes and ears be open, mark this day, saith your Father God, mark it clearly that you forget not this day, for this is a beginning of a whole new era, a whole new time. Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said unto you, watch very carefully, weigh things out very carefully. Know, know what is going on in the world, know what the EU has just done, know what Israel is getting ready to do, know the signs, know the things that are taking place. Don’t just get your eyes on the election, but get your eyes on me, for I have spoken to my people concerning this and yet they are not paying attention nor are they doing the things that I have told them to do, but watch very carefully. Do not be concerned over the storms that linger into the winter time, do not be concerned over the drought for you will not see much of that over the winter weather until the weather changes, but you will be hearing things about that. Global warming shall return next year just like I told you that it would where it is clearly seen once again and clearly felt. Don’t be concerned over the things that are taking place, but watch who is the antichrist, do you know yet? Are your spiritual eyes open, are you listening? For many things are taking place right now, things that you are not even aware of yet, but things that you should be aware of, for I have warned you concerning these things, things that will not be good for you in one sense, but yet you shall walk in victory because you are not of this world. So keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the things that I have told you and mark clearly this day, mark it, that you can look back. For at times your hindsight is better than your foresight and you will say, oh yes Lord, you did tell us.

Know my love for you and know that it is my desire that you truly walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you. Cast your every care upon me, for do you not know that I careth for you? From the smallest thing even to the greatest thing, I will meet your needs, I will fill the void. Therefore, I say unto you, cast your cares upon me, know that I am your God, I will take care of you, I will supply. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, trust me now, for when the times get harder if you do not trust me now, how are you going to trust me then? Therefore, I say unto you, trust me now to take care of you, to know who I am and know what I will do. For even as I delivered the Hebrew children out of that fiery furnace, will I not do the same for you? Will I not give unto you that which you have need of as you call upon me, yes, I will. Therefore know me and know who I am and know the power that I have given unto you, know the authority that is yours, for it is now the time to walk in that power and authority. Do not wait, but I say, walk in it now, know who you are in me, know the power and authority I have given unto you and truly walk in that victory I have said is yours.

Say not that the Trojan horse shall come, for it is already here, saith your Father God, it has been here for many years purposing and planning and making ready. But many sit around with idle hands, did not see, did not understand, did nothing. Behold the day has come, the hour is at hand and things now will come to pass.

10-26-08 pm service

It is the hour of great victory, an hour when my church walks in the fullness of its power, its authority, its ability. It is the hour when their eyes of understanding shall be enlightened that they may see, that they may know, that they may understand. It is a great hour for the church, it is a victorious hour for the church, a time of great victory, a time of darkness for the world, great darkness, darkness such as the world has not seen before. Even though there shall be a ray of light for a short time, for a short season, produced by the antichrist that causes things to look good, but suddenly turn bad, it is a dark hour for the church in a sense that they need to reach out into that darkness and bring people out of that darkness into the light. For they are not in the darkness, but they enter that to bring those that are there out, it is that time, it is that hour. It is an hour of great changes, but not the changes that the world speaks of, but great changes, things taking place far faster than you realize. This is why I have said, make yourself ready, prepare yourself that you are ready, build your faith, for faith cometh by hearing and hearing by my word. Get into my word, build your faith, for you shall need strong faith, strong faith to walk victoriously in these days that are ahead. For the enemy shall test you on every side, he shall shake the world, and because you are in the world, you shall feel the shaking, but it is not for you. So fear not the things that are coming, fear not the storms that are ahead, fear not the drought, the global warming, fear not those things, for they are small in comparison to the things that are taking place that you see not, you are on the verge right now. Walk very closely by my side, stay in my word, do not be shaken, do not be troubled, do not be moved, but put your total trust in me and walk hand in hand with me. For I shall take you, even as I took Peter, by your hand and walk you to safety.

For there nothing to fear when you walk with me, when you know who I am, when you know that I am your God and your Father, the everlasting one, I do not change nor does my word change. When you know me for who I am there is nothing to be fearful about. For I have given unto you my word and I will fulfill my word unto you. Know that I have given unto you my promises and I will fulfill my promises unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, do not fret in this hour when the darkness fills the earth, but I say unto you, know, know that I am fulfilling my word to you, know that I am coming soon and I have a lot, oh, I have a lot of work for my people to do. The harvest is ripe, be my hands and my feet and my mouthpiece, minister to those around you, for they are hungry, they are looking, they are wanting something that will sustain them through this hour and I am the only one that can bring them the peace that they have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, be my hands and my feet and my mouthpiece, speak my word to others that they might know my peace, that they may experience my joy and that they may have my everlasting love. Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour to press in like never before, for things are going to take place much faster than your mind can comprehend, but I have said that I have prepared you for such a time. Therefore, I say unto you, get your running shoes on like never before and run with me, run with my Spirit, truly know my word and what I have said shall take place in this hour and this time. For I have great things in store for my church, for those who are following after me.

For the days are counting down to the days that I have told you about, they are counting down very rapidly right now. Put all your faith and trust in me, look to the second set of dates, for the first shall come to pass very quick and then we shall move on to the second and then on to the third. Watch carefully, know the things that I have told you, ponder on them if you know them not, seek my face and I will give you understanding. But walk not in darkness, for the darkness will fool you, and if you are fooled, you will continue to walk in darkness and not know that you are not walking in the light.

10-22-08 pm service

Be of good cheer, let your hearts be excited, let not the negative reports cause you to look in a negative way, for that is not your lifestyle, saith your Father God. You are to look at that which you believe shall come to pass and speak it into being and walk according to my word. For it is not the world that controls my word, it is my body that speaks forth my word that brings forth the actions that I have already set into being. Therefore, stand strong on my word, don’t waver, don’t let the negative affect your life. Don’t let the things that you hear disturb you, for our economy is far higher than theirs, our ways are above their ways, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise. Do not be concerned over the storms, the bad weather reports, the things that shall take place, but rather yet get your eyes on the antichrist and who he is, for once you see that, then you will also know the things that are ahead. Be not moved by the moves of Russia nor those of China nor those of Iran, be not concerned over those things. For you are the victor, I have given you the victory, I watch over you to protect you, I will fight on your behalf if need be. But walk according to my word and none of these things shall come nigh your dwelling and you shall walk as if the world is on top not on the bottom and you shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath. Walk according to my word.

For not only is it a time of sealing my saints in this hour, saith the Lord, but it is a time of anointing my children, saith God. For this is that great hour, my children, to be used to shine your light like you have never done before. Put away that which would sour your taste and behold my word, behold that which I have written, that which I have said and partake of that, saith the Lord. For that shall be sweet to your taste and sweet to your belly and it will bring healing in your life to stand strong, to speak my word and do all that I have called you to do. It is not an hour to partake of that, which is foul, that which is unclean or that which is impure, but it is an hour to take in that which is good, that which is pure and that which is right. It is that hour to gaze upon that which is lovely and to fill your vessel with every good thing that comes from your Father in this hour. So open up even wider, saith God, your spirit even wider now, for I am pouring out great things to fill your vessel with. I will enhance you in every possible way to carry forth the work that I have called you to do.

Be not lead astray by the enemy, but I say, keep your eyes upon me, know my word like never before, be lead by my Spirit that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. For when you are lead by my Spirit, you walk in my way, you walk in path that I have provided for you. A path that is filled with joy, a path that is filled peace, a path that is filled with contentment, a path that is filled with all that you have need of for this hour and this time. Therefore, I say, walk with me like never before, walk not is the ways of the world nor think that the ways of the world are going to bring you success, but rather know that my way, my way, my word shall bring you all that you need. Therefore, walk with me like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of the blessings I have poured out for this hour and this time for those who walk with me.

For the way may seem steep, but it is not my children, it is a downward slope, an easy way. For I give you the strength, I give you the power, I give you the ability and I lift you up and carry you at times. So do not concern yourself with the problems of the world, but let me do the waiting, let me do the walking, let me do the talking, let me do the work.

10-19-08 am service

Let your ears be open, let your spiritman listen carefully; know the things that I, your Father God, share with you. For you are in a different time zone now than you were in before, you are in the last days like never before. Many things have ended, but many things have begun, and as you walk in this time I will lead you victoriously, I shall show you the path which to walk upon. You shall walk in the light, but the world shall walk in darkness, they shall not walk in light unless they come unto me. They will not know the answers, but I shall give unto you the answers, I shall make known unto you things before they come, I shall tell you the events that are ahead. Do not expect great changes for the world, do not expect a recovery in that sense for the world, the antichrist will give them a peaceful program for a short time, but for a very short time. You shall be hated by the world, the world shall be against you, but fear not, for I, your Father God, shall fight for you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, I shall give unto you everything that you have need of that you can go through this time victoriously. Fear not the tornadoes or the hurricanes, fear not the flooding, or the forest fires or the drought or the global warming, fear not the things that are taking place at this moment and the things that will yet come to pass. For as you read my word and study my word, you shall see that I already told you about these things. I told you about the seven kingdoms, the ten kingdoms, I have told you these things before in my Book. For if you read about these things it will give you understanding of exactly where you are and what is taking place. You shall see the rise of the antichrist like never before, you shall see his servants as they strive to life him to the position that he belongs in. You will see the world as if they were hypnotized by the things that he says and follow him like you have never seen man follow man before. It is that hour and it is that time, but fear not, for I have given you the victory, fear not, I have made you the overcomers.

Know my word, for does it not say, you will be blessed coming in and going out? Walk with me like never before, for when you walk with me you have nothing to be concerned about, I will be your provider, I will be your all in all. Therefore, I say unto you, walk close to me like never before, truly know my word, have my word within your heart, know that I am your Father, I will provide for you, there is nothing I will withhold from you. Know that and allow not the enemy to cause fear or doubt to come in your heart. But truly know my word that you might be able to stand upon my word in this hour. For truly, I will take my children through, I will see them through to the other side. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, do not be fearful of the things that are yet to come, but I say unto you, rather trust me like never before, knowing yes, I am your God, I am your Father and I will surly see you through.

I have built you up high as if on a mountain where you can look down and see all the trouble, all the problems, all the things that are going on, and yet, they are not touching you, neither are they affecting you. For you have put all your trust and all your confidence in me, and as you watch, I shall give unto you wisdom and knowledge and you shall know the things that shall come. For I shall reveal them to you before they happen and you shall be rejoicing, for you will know that very soon, very soon I shall come for you.

10-19-08 pm service

Let your hearts be on fire, let your mind be keen in my word, let your heart be filled with my word, stand strong on my word, for you shall need to stand strong in the days that are ahead, you will need not be moved, but trusting in me knowing that I shall take you through this time in great victory. So don’t be disturbed by the things that you hear, let not your heart be troubled, but anchor yourself in my word, dig in, trench in, don’t be moved, for we win, let your heart know that we win. Look not at the things that are coming, fear not the things that shall take place, for you shall see more things even in this coming week. Be not troubled, but stand firm on my word and I will take you through this time in great victory.

Allow my peace to quiet your soul in this troubled time, in this troubled hour. Know that my word shall sustain you; it shall give you all that you have need of. But if you know not my word how are you going to walk in the provisions that I have given unto you through my word, knowing that as you speak forth my word, you speak the end result and I can provide, I can make a way where there is no way. It is not an hour my children to be playing church, but it is truly an hour to truly know my voice, to know my word. For my word says that in this last hour, in these last days many shall be deceived and they are deceived because they know not my word, they have it not in their heart. They think they know my word, yet in these hard times they cannot stand upon my word because it is not their foundation, and when the storms come, they are easily blown to the right and to the left. Know my word my children that you are not deceived by the enemy, but that you are strong, steadfast, unmoveable, knowing that I am coming soon and great and mighty are the things that I have in store for you, my blessings are innumerable. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, know my word, know my voice, know the importance of walking with me. For truly, I will see you through, know me like never before.

If you look at things through my word it is a great hour, if you listen to what my word has to say you rise above all the circumstances. But if you are one that looks with a negative eye or listens to the negative things that are coming forth, they will lead you to a trap and that trap shall fall upon you with great force. Look to my word, for my word is not negative, my word is positive, it is absolute, it doesn’t very to the right nor to the left. It does not back up, it does not stand still, but it move steadily forward, always pressing toward the victory, always pressing toward the mark, always winning. Therefore, I say unto you, don’t allow the negative reports to overcome you.

10-15-08 pm service

For my word is powerful, yea, sharper than any two-edged sword, be not fearful therefore to speak my word, for as you speak my word you set the course that everything should go. Speak my word, stand in my word, be not fearful over the things that you see, the things that you hear, the things that are coming to pass, but stand strong in my word, unmovable, do not be shaken, stand strong. For even though you see many disasters that are taking place, you are seeing the EU as it is rising up in its power uniting together strong to stand, do not fear. You see Russia as she flexes her mussels, as she shows the world that she is very strong, that she has missiles that are as good as anybody’s missiles, that she is able to reach her target. You see China as it continues to build, Iran as it continues to build, North Korea as it continues to build, don’t be fooled, don’t be fooled. Watch and pray for the forest fires, for they shall consume many, many homes, it shall be the worse year, pray concerning that. Pray concerning the other storms that shall come across many places now, storms that you shall hear about, for I have warned you about these things. Watch, be in prayer, watch the tornadoes, watch as the hurricanes continue to form, remember who you are suppose to pray for, remember their names, call them not, watch, watch. Continue to press closer to me, continue to stand strong with your confessions. Speak forth the things that I have told you and stand strong in those areas, for right now this is the worse time anywhere in the world and you need to realize that these are end time signs. Many shall get far worse than they are now, be in prayer.

Working, working, mightily working, so is my Spirit moving in these last days. Looking, looking, looking for those who will move according to the Spirit of God. Searching, seeking who will speak up for the Lord. For I say unto you, saith God, mighty things are being done in these last days, who will be a vessel to reveal it? Be that vessel today, be that vessel tomorrow, be that vessel whenever possible, for I am calling my children to be used mightily. Again, stay the coarse, walk according to that which I have called you to walk in, trusting me, confessing my word, doing all that I have called you to do.

Utilize my wisdom and knowledge, use my word as I have given it unto you for use that you can walk in the trueness of the victory that I have given unto you. For as you speak forth my word, it goes forth and it brings forth the end result that you desire, which is pure victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before that you can speak it in every situation and watch as it turns around and lines up with my word. Know that this is an hour where you need to walk in my wisdom and knowledge that you need to be guided by my Spirit. Therefore, I say unto you, be open at all times that I may speak to you and have your ears open that you may listen and hear and do what I tell you to do. For as you do what I speak unto you to do, you shall truly be in the place where I can use you to the ultimate purpose. Therefore, I say unto you, follow me like never before, utilize my wisdom and knowledge, walk in my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have already given unto you.

Be aware of the Trojan horse who has already come. Let your eyes be upon the things that I have told you. Be not like Rip Van Winkle and sleep through this time, for you will wake up in great disaster and not be able to get out of the trap that you are already in. Keep your eyes open, your spiritual ears open, listen to my voice, follow me, do the things that I tell you.

10-12-08 am service

Let your hearts be at rest, let not fear or trouble overtake you, for I watch over you and protect you, I keep you safe, I have promised to take you through this time victoriously. Even though the world shall be shaken severely, even though you shall see many more things take place yet, remember that you are my children and I shall take you through this time victoriously. I shall watch over you, I shall protect you, I shall guide you, I shall strengthen you, you need not be fearful concerning the things that you see. Do not be concerned over the storms, over the weather, over the drought, over the global warming, over the high cost of food and things, for you shall go through it victoriously. Just remember that it is that time, saith your Father God, for the days are very short now, very short. You are seeing a one world government, you are seeing socialism, you are seeing the plans of the devil coming in. But remember you are not of his household, you are of mine, and therefore, you shall not be affected, you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomer, so walk in my peace.

For there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, for even though it is a dark, dark time, for my people there is a light. For they can walk in that light and be victorious, they can walk in that light and see their way, they can walk in that light and not be lost in the rush of the world.

10-12-08 pm service

Let your eyes be firmly set upon the word, let your mind stay in my word, meditate in my word, look at the things that I have spoken unto you and realize that truly you are the victors, you are the overcomers. Do not be fretful, fear not black Monday, fear not the things that are ahead. Fear not what Russia is doing and the moves that she is making, Libya, Syria, for they are uniting together, for soon Ezekiel 38 and 39 shall come to pass. Keep your eyes upon me, be not moved over the snowstorm, for winter will come, but this is a freak storm, keep your eyes upon me. Walk very closely by my side, realize that North Korea is not going to do what she said she would do, China is building fast now, keep your eyes on her. Iraq will never be as peaceful as man tells you and Iran will never stop trying to succeed and take over everything that they can take over. Continue to pray for Israel, for she is not walking with me neither does she know all of my word, I will fulfill my covenant to her, but yet great disaster shall overcome her. But for you my children, you will walk in victory until it is that time for you to go out. So let not the things of the world scare you or cause pain, for when they talk about the new card or the mark of the beast, realize that it is that time and that hour. When they talk about socialism, one world government, and the government taking over all the banking systems, that is the time we are in now. But keep your eyes for the one that is pushing this, the one that is at the top, so you will recognize and know exactly who the antichrist is and be not deceived. For he will do some great things, some great things before it is time for him to turn the other way.

Anchor yourself in my word like never before, be not a boat that is in a storm and is tossed to and fro and not knowing where it is going. But I say unto you, be like a boat whose anchor is sure and strong and rides the storms out, for as you stand upon my word in this dark hour, in this dark day, you shall see great victory on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, be anchored by my word, do not be shaken by the things of the world, but I say unto you, know my word like never before and walk in the fullness of my word. For those who are standing strong upon my word, they will not be shaken by the things of the world, for they realize they are not of this world, they are mine and I will see them through. I will carry them through, I will provide, I will meet there need. Those who are anchored in my word know that I will do all I have said I will do. Therefore, I say unto you, anchor yourself in my word knowing that I do not change, my word stands forever, it is true, it is steadfast and I will do all I have promised I will do.

Be not worried over all the programs that shall be cut, for you shouldn’t be in those programs, for I am your Father and I am able to take care of you, I am able to supply for you. But the world has got themselves into many programs, they have prepared themselves for the mark of the beast, they have prepared themselves to serve the false one and they do not know it. So rejoice in your heart that these things are not for you anyway and you will be the victor.

10-8-08 pm service

Let your ears be open to hear, listen very carefully, shut out the outside world, shut out your very own thoughts and hear what I have to say to you. For you are in a time right now such as you have never seen nor has the world seen before. It is a time that leads to the very end, it is a time that I have spoken to you about before, but I make it very clear to you. Beware of the one that talks about and pushes G-10, I spoke to you of G-7, but be careful, be watchful, listen to see the one that pushes G-10. Look to see who his leader is and remember that the antichrist will receive a deadly wound in his head and be raised from the dead, keep your eyes on those things, for the antichrist is working full time at the moment. Global unity throughout the banking systems is being enacted now, not later, you are seeing things now, saith your Father God. Russia shall put on the biggest display of her military that she has ever displayed before, you shall see that very soon now. She is making new nuclear weapons, her blackjack can fly within twenty minutes of its target and no one shall be aware, twenty minutes does not give time to respond. Russia has moved her largest warship into the port of Syria just before [yon kipper] day. Iran is continuing to make nuclear weapons. North Korea is making new missiles, long-range missiles. China is making her warfare and her nuclear weapons even more so than before. You are seeing the enemies of the United States rise up like never before. You are seeing the EU tighten its belt on the countries that belong to it, not giving them the freedom that they used to have, but ruling them. You are seeing many shaky things at the moment. They will get a little bit better, remember when the antichrist begins to take over, things get better for three and a half years, remember what my word says? So do not be fooled as changes begin to take place from a leader that has the answers. Watch, the storms are not over, there will be more tornadoes, there will be more hurricanes, there will be flooding, global warming will continue, shortages will continue, there will be pressures upon the people of the earth, but you are not of the earth, you are of my family. And because you are of my family, I shall take care of you, I shall take you through this time victoriously. You shall be the overcomers, people shall come to you and you shall be able to tell them about me. They will come for their miracles, they will come for the signs, they will come for the wonders, for you are in that hour now.

For have I not made a plan for each and every one of you, says your Father in heaven? For I say unto you, this is a time of great fulfillment, fulfillment of my word for the very last days. And I say unto you, every word shall be fulfilled in these very last days. But I also say unto you, remember I have a plan for you, I have a walk for you and I have a fulfillment for you, saith your Father God. Be filled with my Spirit in these very last days that you might accomplish all that I have for you, that all things might be fulfilled in these days, these last days.

Be not like the foolish virgins that let their oil run out and had no oil in their lamps. Be not like the disobedient Christians that say this is not so. Be not a doubter, for that is even worse, saith your Father God, for their doubts will move them into dangerous territory. But be a believer, trust me, put all of your trust into me, put all your trust in me and I will take you through this time in great victory.

10-5-08 am service

There are yet many great and happy hours ahead, hours of pure enjoyment for my people, a time of great refreshing, a time when you shall be lifted up higher than you have ever been lifted before. A time when you will walk in greater victories than you have ever walked before, a glorious time, an hour in which you will say, it is worth it all Lord, thank you. Oh, the joy, the joy, the joy that I have for you, not so for the world, for the world is in great trouble. For it has listened to the voice of man, it has followed the way of the antichrist and it has made preparations for the false church, for the antichrist to sit on his throne and now they are reaping the harvest that they have sown. The times shall only get worse, they will not get better, they will get worse, for country after country will desire the oil, will desire the land where the crops are grown and war after war shall arise until the very end. You shall see the increase in the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the flooding, the drought, the global warming, all these disasters, but remember that they are not for you, for you are of my household. I hold my own bank and I am not troubled by the banks of the world neither am I affected by the banks of the world, for my economy is always good, and because your part of my house, so will yours be. So do not worry over the things that are taking place, but keep your eyes upon me, study my word, know my word, hear my voice, follow in obedience to the things that I tell you. For truly this is a great hour, far greater than it seems or far greater than it looks at the moment, trust me, trust me.

Do not worry nor fret concerning the hour that you are living in, for am I not able to take you through, does not my word say that I know the very end and that you are already the winners? Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before and know that there is nothing too difficult for me to do, no matter how tough things get in the world, I will see you through and you need to rest assured in that promise that I have given unto you, my word, knowing that I watch over my word to fulfill it. Therefore, fret not nor worry, but I say unto you, walk in my peace, the peace which passes all understanding, for it will guard your heart and it will cause you to truly walk in fullness of all that I have in store for you. Rest assured in my word knowing that I will do all that I have promised that I will do.

Let your spiritual eyes be open, there are many great blessings standing at your door. But if you see them not with your spiritual eyes, you will recognize them not; neither will you move yourself into the place that I can bless you abundantly. So let your spiritual eyes be open.

10-5-08 pm service

Let there be joy in your heart, let that joy fill not only your heart, but your mind that you can walk in the victories that I have for you. Let not the worldly cares, the worldly pressures, let them not come in upon you, put your trust in me, put your faith in me that you may walk according to my word and my promise. Do not worry concerning the things of the world, for it is that time, the time for these things to come to pass, things that I tell you about, things that I warn you about, things that you clearly see. Be not troubled over the global warming, you cannot stop it. Be not troubled over the tornadoes, the earthquakes, the hurricanes, those things also must come to pass. Be not concerned over the earthquakes as some are, for if they were to come here in a dangerous way, I would speak to you. Have I not said that you are in a safe place? Have I not told you many things concerning where you are? Therefore, I say unto you, let not these things trouble your heart, for as you look upon the world you shall see many disasters yet. You are not seeing the things take place that man has told you would take place in the stock market. You have not seen the truthfulness of the election, but lies. You have not seen the gas prices go down to where they should be, nor the cost of living in the stores and they shall continue to go up. But let not these things trouble your heart, for I can put food on your table if need be, I can put gas in your car if need be, I can put heat in your house that you are comfortable and warm, I am able to take care of you. Therefore, I say, look to me, get into my word more than you are into it, study my word, know my word, let your trust and your confidence be in me. Know my voice and listen carefully to my voice and forget the things that many may tell you, for the things they may say to you, unless they line up with my word. For many things are taught, many things are said, but not all line up with my word. Make sure what you are hearing lines up with my word. Make sure that you know what you are doing, for many disastrous things shall now come and you need to know, you need to hear clearly and you need to understand.

For those who do not know my word are likened unto a man who is blindfolded and does not know which direction to go and stumbles and falls as he goes along. But those who know my word, they walk in the surety of my way and that way brings peace, joy, it brings success, but not so for those who do not know my word. Be not one who is blindfolded and cannot go about walking in great success, but I say unto you, know my word like never before. For my word brings victory, my word brings peace, my word brings joy, know my word like never before. For it is I who shall take you through these days ahead, no one else can carry you through, but yes, I, your Father God, can take you through. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word that you might be able to stand in these days, in this hour that you are living in victoriously. For I have given unto you all the keys that you have need of to truly live that victorious life, to be the overcomer, to be the conqueror. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, have it hid within your heart, have it hid within your heart that you can truly walk in the fullness of all I have in store for you. Know me like never before, know my word that you can truly walk in all the fullness of all that I have told you, of all the fullness of my word that it declares unto you. Know my word that you can walk, yes, that you can walk victoriously in this hour.

Happiness is at your hand; happiness can quickly be spoken from your mouth. The joys of this world will come as you act upon my word and speak my word. Pleasures, blessings, healings, prosperity, all are yours, for I have given them unto you. Therefore, make a choice and walk in that choice.

10-1-08 pm service

It is a great hour and yet a puzzling hour and yet an hour of understanding depending where you are walking with me. For as you walk with me, I open your understanding, I give you clarity of your mind that you can see and understand and know the things that I am saying, so that you can look around and see all the signs that I have told you about. It is a dark hour in the world, and yet it is going to get darker, it is a time when man is lifted up high as if he is a god, and yet he is not, he is more of a devil than a god. It is a time when you are seeing all the big countries beginning to make their move, preparing for war, preparing to protect themselves, preparing to do the things that the devil desires that they do, making ready for that last day, it is that hour. But yet it is an hour when I can bless my people, it is an hour when I can give them revival, it is an hour when I can lift them up and protect them, it is an hour when I can perform supernatural signs and wonders on their behalf, it is a great hour. So as you walk closer to me, as you learn more of me, as you take those steps of faith that I tell you to take, you will see my mighty hand moving on your behalf. Even those round about you may be in distress, may be hungry, may be cold, yet you shall be blessed and they shall see it and they shall come unto you and you can tell them of me and they will receive me and move into the place that I can move mightily on their behalf also. Oh, the flooding, oh, the things that are going on, oh, the stock market, I hope you have moved your money, oh, the time that is just ahead. For you have seen the troublesome time, the shaking that I have told you about already, the week is not over. But be in prayer, seek my face, call upon my name that I may move mightily on your behalf that I might bring in those that you name before me that they too can be in the safety that you are in.

What position are you in tonight, are you in a position where I can use you, are you in a position that you can be used by me, says God?

For even as my name is exalted, saith your Lord, so is my word exalted even more. Indeed if you would hold on to my word, my word would have no bounds, no bounds, for even as I send my word it goes forth to accomplish all that I sent it to do. Yet it always returns to me, saith your Father in heaven and that is how my word operates. I say unto you, the world has rejected my word, therefore, it cannot rise higher than the circumstance, but you my children are able to do that. For if you trust my word and hold to my word, I say unto you, I shall lift you up. No circumstance is too high for you to overcome, for I have made you the overcomers in this world, to be the lights in this world and to show the hope in this world, for you have my word, saith the Lord.

Don’t put your trust in the world or the economy of the world, but put your trust in me, lean upon me, stand upon my word, trust the things that I say, the things that I tell you to do, the things that I warn you about. Put your total trust in those things, saith your Father God.

9-28-08 am service

Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let it be bubbling over, for truly you see the signs, you see the wonders and you know that the day is approaching very fast, you know that I shall supply all your needs, that I shall take care of you, protect you and keep you safe. Let your mind not be upon the cares of the world, for there are many cares right now and many, many more to come. Not good signs, but they are not for you, for you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom and you have seen in the past what your prayers have accomplished, even with Kyle you can see what your prayers have done. Are you praying for Laura, how about Vicky, or have you forgot the things that I have told you, are you watching carefully? Are you seeing the flooding, are you seeing the drought, are you seeing the tornadoes, truly you are seeing the hurricanes, are you seeing the things that I have foretold you about? Are you keeping your eyes upon the blackjacks, or the ship that is way off in the distance, it is approaching, are you watching these things? The world is in a situation right now such as they have never been. The EU is on its own, Russia is on its own, China is on its own, many are not your friends, many have already plotted and planned the things that they shall do, it is recorded in my Book. And if you were to study my Book you would see the things that are taking place right now. A great shake up will begin on Monday and it will continue for a long time before it ceases. Be not concerned, allow not worry and fear to overcome you, know that I shall take you through that time in great victory. I shall open doors that have not been opened, I shall cause things to come to pass that you have waited upon and you shall walk in the victory that I have for you. It is not winter yet, but prepare for winter, prepare for the things that I have told you, make yourself ready. Don’t look at the stock market; don’t look at the grocery store other than to buy those things that you have need of. Don’t be concerned, for many live so far above what they need to live, that they could go through this time with no problems, if they lived the way that they should live. Walk in faith, exercise your faith, use your faith, use it, use it, for it is an hour when you need it.

Focus upon me and upon my word and what I have said unto you. For when you are focused upon something you are not distracted by the things around you, neither are you affected. Therefore, I say unto you, focus upon me, upon my word and upon what I have spoken unto you, the promises that I have given unto you, stand upon them like never before and know that I am the God that does not change and that I will take you safely through these days ahead in great victory. Focus, focus, focus yourself upon me, allow yourself not to be distracted by the things of the world or the things that are taking place in the world. For I have already told you, I will see you through. Therefore, fret not nor worry, but I say unto you, keep your focus upon me.

For the days are numbered and I know that number, saith your Father and each day it subtracts one number and the day draws closer and closer. Therefore, your hearts should be filled with great joy, great expectation when you stop to consider all the promises that I have given unto you and they shall be fulfilled, yes, they shall. So look upon me, look to me, trust me, put your total trust in me, I have forewarned you of this day that you need to hear my voice, that you need to know what I say, and that you need to walk by my side, well, that day is here, that day is here. Great calamities, great calamities shall come upon the face of the earth, but not upon those that hear my voice and walk with me.

9-28-08 pm service

Your hearts should be filled with great expectation, for when you hear me speaking the blessings, the promises that I have for you, you should be rejoicing, you should be expecting me to do those things that I speak to you about. Not doubting or wavering or turning to the right or turning to the left, but pressing forward, putting yourself into gear that you move and flow with me that I can do all that I have said. For truly it is an hour of calamity and those calamities shall grow, grow and grow. For it is that time and it is that season, just as people look at global warming and think it is not taking place, and yet it is, for I have told you these things. They are not concerned over the drought or the famine, they are not concerned over war, but they are concerned about their own money. Is there love for money greater, do they love me as much, will they walk by my side, will they walk in the victory that I have for them, will they be the overcomers, will they see the joy of serving me and watching as others come to them to receive the things that I have for them? The joy and the honor of being a servant for me with miracles, signs and wonders flowing through their hands, what a joyous hour. Be not troubled by the cares of the world, they have to come, be not bothered by them, for I have already told you I shall take you through this time victoriously, do you understand that? Be not fearful then, let not the enemy trouble you or lie to you or come against you, but stand in your faith, stand strong, run him off, for he is the defeated foe, but you are the victors.

It is the hour to know the signs of the times, of where you are according to what my word has said. Know that it is not the hour to be playing church, but it is the hour to be pressing in like never before that you can truly receive the fullness of the blessings that I have in store for this hour for my church, that you may be open and ready to receive of my Spirit that is being poured out. It is an hour to know my will for you and to know my desires. For many times I speak to my children and yet they hear not my voice like they should. It is not an hour to be ignorant, but it is an hour to be wise knowing my word and walking in my ways being open to my Spirit at all times, that when I speak to you, you can follow my directions and you can walk in safety, you can walk in peace, you can walk in joy, you can walk in the fullness of all I have. Know my blessings like never before, allow not the enemy to come in and steal from you. But I say unto you, take what is rightfully yours and stand upon my word and watch as I do what I have said I will do which is fulfill my word unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice like never before, be directed by my Spirit, walk in my ways, walk not in your own way, for your own way only causes problems and brings destruction. But I say unto you, walk in my way, for my way is filled with great blessings, walk with me like never before.

Be ready to be a major player with me, one that I can use, one that knows my voice, one that follows my voice, one that listens carefully to make sure they carry out all the things that I speak to them about. For a major player is always in the game, but one that does not listen, one that does not follow, sits on the bench. Be not a bench warmer, but walk by my side and do the things that I tell you.

9-24-08 am service

It is an hour and time when your ears, physical and spiritual, should be open that you may hear the things that are going on, that you may see and understand that you may know. For only a blind man tries to walk without a cane or without a dog, don’t be like that, use your spiritual senses, allow your spiritman to lead you, guide you, and direct you. For many things are happening right now and many don’t even see them, they are not aware of them, and there is trouble on the right hand, there is trouble on the left hand. Trouble surrounds the world and it is squeezing the world, for the antichrist system is well in motion. Blackjack is a game of twenty-one in the natural, but two blackjacks is dangerous, saith your Father God, for it is Russian roulette without a chance. Beware of the things that are taking place and know them, walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, for truly as you do that you walk in victory. There shall be flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes, yes, and even a hurricane coming, have you been praying? Shortages, lacks here and there, don’t look for a solution for some of those problems this week, saith your Father God, for you will be disappointed. But as you walk with me you will walk in the victory that I have for you and there you will never be disappointed.

Be that vessel that hears me, be that vessel that is ready to be used at anytime, always be filled with my Spirit and ready to go here and to go there. For I will empower you and take you to places, I will take you here and I will take you there to use you mightily. Even as a farmer puts his hand upon the hose and begins to go and look for places to water, so I say, be as that hose in my hand, saith your Father in heaven, for there is much to water in these last days. There are many dry plants, but I will use you and fill you with all that you have need of.

Know the surety of my word and know that my promises are true; that I have given unto you my word that you can truly stand upon it and be the victors that I have said my church is in this hour and time. Know my word and what I have said unto you and know the authority and power that I have given unto you, know the keys that I have given unto you to truly walk as the overcomer, as the victorious one. For I, my children, have supplied, I have made the way where there is no way, therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, allow not your eyes to be focused upon the things of the world or what is taking place in the world, but I say, keep your eyes upon me and upon what I have said. No matter how dark things get in the world, I have said, I will carry you through, I will provide for you. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, for truly my word does not change, no, my word does not change, I am the same always. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and walk in my way.

Two birds flying together, one over the top of the other, only one is seen. A ship that is far off, you cannot tell with your natural eye, and if you do not watch it or keep your eyes upon it, you will never know what it is until it is too late.

8-21-08 am service

For my word is truth, my word is also instructions unto you, it gives unto you wisdom, it gives you knowledge, it gives you understanding, it shows you the things that are here right now and the things that are coming. As you study my word and meditate upon my word you begin to understand more clearly the events of the world today and the things that are taking place. For it is not by chance that all these things are happening, they are signs that have already been recorded in my word that show you that truly you are in the last days. Many things shall take place, many things shall happen here, there and all over the world. The worldly powers are exercising their power now to gain the controls that they need, one world government is very close, they already have you bound up and you realize it not. Hurricanes, they shall come, tornadoes shall continue to come, flooding, earthquakes, drought, a lack of food, shortages here, shortages there, higher costs all the way around putting the pressure on. They are preparing you now for the mark of the beast, don’t take that mark. Know the things that are happening, realize that this is the program that the antichrist has, the program that I have warned you about before the foundations of this earth. Know them, know what is going on that you can walk in the victory that I have for you, that you can be the overcomers, that you can be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that you can be the victors. For truly victory is to be had, victory is to be had, will you take victory?

Guard your heart with my word, know what my word has said concerning this hour and that the enemy is seeking those whom he can devoir, know that my children. Know what my word says, know that he is deceiving many, he is deceiving those who truly do not know my word nor have their foundation upon my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before that you be not deceived and that you walk in the truth that I have given unto you. Know the lateness of the hour and all that I have in store for you, know that the harvest, oh, is so ready. Therefore, I say unto you, be my mouth, be my hands and be my feet, minister unto those around you, for many are hurting and are in need. Therefore, I say unto you, be my ministers unto to them that they can see me and that they might have my love that they can come, yes, that they can come into the safety of my fold. Walk with me like never before, truly know my word, have my word within your heart that you, that you may speak out to others my word and that they may come to know me.

Let my word be your final authority, let my word come out of your mouth with authority that you can bring forth the things that I have said my word can do. Let my word be in your heart and not in your head, let your spiritman grow and grow and grow by my word. Become all my word say you can become.

8-21-08 pm service

Let your eyes be on the signs that you shall see clearly this week, saith your Father God. Signs throughout the whole world, clear signs, signs that you can meditate upon, signs that you will understand. For truly it is the end times and I am moving in a mighty way. And as you look on the right or the left, as you look behind you, you can see the signs that I have wrote about in my book. The earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the floods, the drought, global warming, the lack of food, famine, oh, the troubles, the troubles, the troubles the world faces. But these troubles are not for you, for you are my children and I shall watch over you and protect you and keep you safe. I shall make you strong, I shall lift you up, I shall prosper you, that you can be part of that great harvest as you bring it in, that nothing shall lack or hinder you from bringing in that harvest that is out there. So let your eyes be upon me, let your meditation be in my word, let your ears be open that you can hear the voice of the Spirit as it speaks to your heart. Walk closely by my side, but watch the signs, the signs that you shall see this week, watch them.

Know my faithfulness, for I have made a promise and I will do all that I have said I will do. Know my faithfulness, and know, know that I am a God who does not change, my word stands steadfast forever, unmovable, know my faithfulness, know that I shall do all I have promised I will do. For it is a great hour for my church, for those who are walking with me, for those who are walking close beside me, they shall sense my anointing, they shall see a newness of power like never before. For truly, it is that hour and that time where I have equipped my people to walk as I have said that they can walk in this hour and this time. Know my word like never before, truly, know the authority I have given unto you, know that there is no weapon that is formed against you that can prosper. Know that my children and walk in the purity of the victory that I have already given unto you. For truly, I have made a way where there is no way, know that my children. Follow me and walk with me like never before, for truly, when you walk with me, you walk in great blessings.

For there is great rejoicing in the house of my children, in the house of those that put their total trust in me. That look not at the circumstances, that wonder not why, but press in closer to me that they know why, that they can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for them, that my joy can fill their hearts. For there is strength in my joy, and as you walk in my joy you can become stronger, and as you become stronger the enemy fears you and he flees from you.

9-17-08 pm service

Keep your eyes on the finish line, don’t let the cares of the world get you to remove your eyes that you may look elsewhere, keep your eyes upon the finish line, look at all the signs that you are seeing, meditate on them, understand them. For truly as you are walking in these last days, know exactly where you are standing, know the things that are ahead. Be not moved, listen not to the lies, but continue to press forward into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for I have told you I will fulfill my promises to you. I will bless you; I will cause you to walk in victory, to be overcomers. Look not to the trouble on the right hand or the left hand, the trouble behind you, but keep your eyes straight ahead, for ahead of you is only victory, walk in that victory that he has given unto you. Realize there will be more tornadoes, there will be more hurricanes, there will be more flooding, the gas prices will go back down, food prices will level out a little, and there will be another breather, saith your Father God, for the antichrist is at work full time. So keep your eyes upon me, let your spiritual eyes be open, understand all that I have told you and meditate upon those things. For if you are not meditating upon the numbers, saith your Father God, you have put them aside, you have walked away. Open your ears and listen and know the things that I have said.

When you truly know me as God, when you truly know me as your Father, you know that I will take care of you, you know that I will provide for you. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, for my word does not change and neither do I. I am the same yesterday; today and I will be the same forever. Therefore, I say unto you, bank upon my word, know that when you stand upon my word and my promises that I have given unto you, I shall fulfill them. Know me like never before, draw ever so close, draw ever so close, for the hour is short, yet I have a great work for you to do. Therefore, I say unto you, draw close like never before, know me as your Father, know me as your God.

Great opportunities, great opportunities, far greater than you realize. And as you know my word and as you know my promises, as you walk with me, you walk in great victories. When you know not my word, when you know not my promises, there is no way that you can move into those victories. Walk in my word.

9-14-08 am service

For my ways are higher than your ways, my wisdom and my knowledge are far above yours, that at times you understand not all the things that I do, but hindsight comes and then you understand. Walk closely by my side, press in even deeper than you are right now that you may understand, that you can see and comprehend and know the things that I say, for they are important to you. For if you know not the things I say, you cannot put your total trust into the things that I do, you do not trust me, and if you do not trust me, I cannot protect you, I cannot care for you, I cannot supply for you. But as you trust me, as you move in my word, as you stand on my word, then you become the victors, the overcomers. Fear not the things that are taking place right now in the world; it is a sign of the end times that you see. The rumors of wars, the preparation for wars, the global warming that they try to deny, the drought, the famine, the earthquakes, the pestilence, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, they do not see the signs and yet the signs are right there before them. They listen not to my word when I speak unto them, for they try to outthink me and yet at times I have told them, don’t try to outthink me. Be obedient, obey my word, walk according to my word, do the things that I tell you, for those are the things that will make you victorious, those are the things that will cause you to be an overcomer, those are the things that will cause you to rise into a higher realm that you can walk by my side. Trust me, for I know the way through the wilderness, I know the way through the times that you are in right now, trust me.

Even as an athlete gets himself ready for the big race, so it is time for you to be ready for all that I have in store for you, by preparing in the word and in the spirit, knowing the things that I have said I shall do, I will do. For it is that hour and it is that time where you shall see my move like you have never seen me move before. For my Spirit shall flood across this nation even as the waters flood the earth, so does my Spirit flood. Oh, I say unto you, it is time for you to be ready for all that I shall do and all that I am doing. For truly I am doing great and mighty things and it is the hour for the end time revival. Therefore, I say unto you, don’t look for it to come, but rather know that it is here now. Walk in my spirit like never before, walk in my way, walk in my word that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have for you in this hour and in this time. Fear not the things that are taking place in the world, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, for I shall carry you through, I shall give unto you all that you need. Therefore, do not fear, but I say unto you, put your trust in me, I have said, know my word like never before and know the hour you are living in, know the time you are in. For the hour is short and truly I am coming soon. Therefore, I say unto you, be ready; be ready for all that I have in store for you.

Remember that I have foretold you that the world shall hate you because of me. Let that not trouble you or cause bitterness to arise, but let my love flow through you reaching out to them with prayer that they may turn around before I come for the church.

9-14-08 pm service

Let there be great expectations in your life, for there are many things that I have promised that I would do and I am moving mightily on your behalf to fulfill those things. As you walk with me and agree with me, as you keep my concepts, I can bring these things to pass. Fear not the changes that you are seeing in the world or the changes yet to come or the trouble on the right hand or the trouble on the left hand. Fear not those things, but listen carefully to the things that I tell you, walk according to my word and you will walk in that victory, it is really easy if you follow my directions, if you do the things that I tell you. You will continue to see global warming as it speeds up, you shall see the drought as it gets wider and wider. More hurricanes shall come, many more tornadoes shall come, flooding shall come, earthquakes shall come, volcanoes shall erupt, and you will hear about these things, not only storms in the Atlantic, but in the Pacific also. You shall know the many things that I have spoken to you as they begin to come to pass, you shall rejoice that I have already warned you, that I have already told you about these things. Do not be concerned over the high cost of gas, do not fret over the high cost of living, I will take care of you, put your trust in me, put your confidence in me. Listen, listen, hear carefully the things that I say, for as you listen and hear carefully the things that I say, you will see many doors of opportunity to be blessed, to prosper, to gain greatly, so therefore, listen, listen.

It is an hour to have your spiritman open to me like never before, hearing and listening and doing all that I speak unto you. For I have said I shall keep you safe in this hour, but if you hear not or know not my voice, how am I able to direct you and to keep you in that path of protection? It is truly the hour to know my voice, to get into my word and study my word like never before that you know who I am, that when I speak you know it is me speaking to you. Oh, it is a great hour for my church, for those walking with me, for those who know and hear and act upon my word, it is a great hour for them. But not so for those who hear me not and go about doing their own thing and following after their own way, destruction shall come upon their house like never before, because they walk not in my will nor they walk not in my ways. It is an hour to draw ever so close to me, to truly know all that I have in store for you, and to be walking on my pathway, the pathway that is filled with great blessings, peace, joy, contentment. It is not an hour to walk according to your flesh, but it is an hour to walk according to my Spirit and to be open to me at all times, that when I speak to you, you can quickly do what I tell you to do. For truly I shall keep you safe as long as you listen unto me, as long as you are not stubborn, as long as you are teachable and listen and do what I tell you to do. For some things may seem strange that I will tell you to do, but as you become obedient and do what I have spoken unto you, you shall find, oh, a great peace. You shall see as I provide for you like at no other time. Therefore, I say unto you, hear my voice, know me, know me like never before that you can truly walk in the fullness of all I have in store for you.

Achieve, achieve, achieve, there is so much that you can achieve if you do not sit back, if you do not act like you do not understand my word, but if you press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, there are great goals, great goals, great goals ahead.

For a way has been made for you, and yet you still try and make your own way, for yet at times people do, when the way has already been prepared for them. So I say unto you my children, walk in the way that I have prepared for you and follow my footsteps, step in my steps, for it is much easier walking in it, says the Lord.

9-10-08 pm service

Know in your heart that I am watching over you, that I am protecting you, that I am caring for you, that you are on my mind every moment of the day. I watch over my word to perform it on your behalf, I speak unto you that you can hear and know and understand. Let your ears always be open, let your eyes be upon me and upon my word, continue to draw closer to me. For the world is filled with evil, evil on the right hand, evil on the left hand, wickedness here and wickedness there and truly you are seeing this wickedness, this hatred, this bitterness come out against me and you because you love me. Fear not these things, for I shall warn you, I shall protect you, I shall take care of you, I shall go before you and make a way where there is no way. I shall tell you the things that need your prayers, Sally, Teddy, Vickie, pray earnestly, pray earnestly that they come not, pray earnestly. I tell you ahead of time that you may know and understand and walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Be not fearful of the high prices, or the things that are going on, for I am able to take you through this time, I am able to give you the victory, I am able to cause you to rise above all that is out there and walk in the victory that I have for you. Listen, press in, walk with me.

Be not fearful of what takes place in the world, for have not I said, you are not of this world, but you are mine? Oh, I say unto you, trust me like never before, for I have said I would show you all things that are going to come. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before knowing that I will take you through these days ahead in great victory, knowing that I will give you all the strength that you have need of to stand, knowing that I will be your all in all, knowing that I will continually be your Father and I will be that supplier as I have said. Therefore, fear not the things that shall take place in the world, but rather keep your eyes upon me, focused upon my word, knowing that I have given unto you my promises and I watch over my word to perform it. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word and truly walk in the fullness of all I have in store for you. For great things, great things are ahead for those who walk with me, know this my children, know that I shall bless you. Therefore, walk with me like never before.

Be like the squirrel who knows what winter holds and stores up enough nuts that the winter does not bother him.

9-7-08 am service

Have your spiritual eyes been open, have you seen, do you understand, are you walking closely by my side? Many things are taking place, many things are openly shown, and yet at times my people see not the things that are there. Therefore, I say unto you, pray that your spiritual eyes, your spiritual ears shall be open that you can hear and understand and know the things that I, your Father God, am speaking to you, the things that I am showing you. For the world understands not these things, for they do not walk in the spiritual realm, but they walk in the fleshly realm, but my people should understand. Count fifty eight days then count another fifty seven and I will show you things to come that you may understand the numbers: 12009, 1162011, 12152011, 12012, 12152012, 12013, 12152015, 2015. Meditate on these numbers, do not ask what does it mean, but find out within you, if you are walking in the spiritual realm, for if you are walking in the spiritual realm you will understand the numbers that I have given unto you. They will speak to you very clearly, but don’t ask, don’t compare, jot down and then get confirmation. For if you understand not these things and they need to be explained to you, you are not walking in the spiritual realm where you should be walking. You are not walking in the understanding that you should have for the hour and the time that we are living in, for it is a very evil hour, it is a very bad hour. I say to you, pray not against Ike, pray not against Ike, for may think their prayers have changed things and turned things, but now they will see what their prayers actually do. Walk very close by my side, listen very carefully to the things that I say unto you and realize the things that are taking place and exactly what they mean. For truly as you see these things, as you understand these things, great joy shall swell up within your heart and you will know exactly what I am doing, you will know the time, you will know the hour and you will be rejoicing, for I have shown you many things this day, saith your Father God.

Truly it is an hour to walk ever so close to me, yes, it is the hour to truly know my voice, it is the hour to walk in the fullness of my blessings, for have not I said, I will give unto you all you need for this hour and this time? Continue to trust me with your whole heart, for I will take care of you, I will see you through. Therefore, allow not fear to come in, but allow faith to rise up like never before that you can truly become all that I have said that you are. For I have given unto you the keys to walk in complete and pure victory. Therefore, I say unto you, trust me like never before, for am I not your God, will I not take you through? Oh, I say unto you, know who I am, know what I will do, for truly I am faithful and I will do all I have promised to do.

For there shall be a little light just before you go through the tunnel, but there will also be a bright light, oh, a very, very bright light at the end of the tunnel. So fear not the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, nor the persecution that shall come against the church, nor the uprising of hatred toward her, for truly they hate me. But walk in my love, be open that you may win souls, be open that you may heal the sick, be open.

Keep your spiritual eyes and ears open at all times ready to walk through the open doors that I make way for you, ready to back out of places where I shut the doors. Always watch and see what I am doing and where I am taking you, always ready to do my work, says the Lord.

9-7-08 pm service

Your wisdom and knowledge is being expanded that you can read and understand and know and comprehend the things that I say. For my ways are not your ways, therefore, as you understand my ways you function and walk in the fullness of the things that I desire. For I lead you in the right way, and as you follow and walk with me, you walk in great victory, you walk in great understanding and my anointing is upon you in a powerful way that you can do supernatural signs and wonders, that when the world looks on they see these things and they desire to come into the safety of the fold. For truly it is an evil time in the world, saith your Father God, many things are happening right now, things that you might not see in the natural, but you will see with your spiritual eyes and you will understand them. Even though the world does not understand them, you will walk in the victories that I have for you. The hurricanes, the floods, the tornadoes, the volcanoes, they will not trouble you or bother you, for you will know exactly what to do, how to do it and when to do it. The global warming will not be a mystery to you, you will understand what my word has said about it and you shall know that it is coming and that man cannot stop it neither can he turn it back, you will understand these things. Use my wisdom, use my knowledge, walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Be not fearful of Kyle, but watch out for Laura, though it may be small, it will be more powerful than Kyle. So know the things that I tell you and be aware of them and walk in the victory that I have for you. For truly the victory is yours and if you pray, saith your Father God, you can change many things.

For it is the hour to truly know the power and authority that I have given unto you as heirs and joint heirs to the throne of Almighty God. Know the power you have in your words and as you speak forth my word you shall see the results you desire in every situation. Know the power and authority I have given unto you, for I have given unto you all power and authority over the enemy, therefore, you should walk in victory at all times because I have already won all the battles for you. Therefore, I say unto you, know, know where you stand, know who you are in me, for I have said that through me you can do all things, for I shall give you the strength that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, look not to the world for your health, but I say unto you, look to me, for I am the only one who can carry you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, know, know above and beyond any doubt, know the power and authority I have given unto you as children, as heirs to the throne and walk in that power, walk in that authority. For I have given it unto you and as you use it you will find victory on the left hand and on the right hand. For my word, my word gives you that victory; my word gives you that power. Therefore, know my word like never before and walk, walk in the fullness of all that I have given unto you.

Little by little you are growing, little by little you are becoming more spiritual, that is a good foundation. For one built on too quickly is a poor foundation, but you are building good, and therefore, I can use you greatly.

For I say unto you, do not be afraid to do the things I have called you to do. For I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power of love and a sound mind. So go out and do the things that I have called you to do with boldness, says the Lord.

9-3-08 pm service

For my word has gone out and it shall not return empty, for the things that I have spoken shall come to pass. For as you stand on my word, as you stand on my promises, you shall be blessed, not only shall you be blessed, but I shall protect you, I shall care for you, I shall take you through this time in great victory. You need not fear the things that are happening all over the world, do not fear those things. Many of those I have already told you about, and therefore, you know these things, let them not bother you. For truly there shall be terrible times in the world, wars, wars, earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes and hurricanes that are coming in, pray that they don’t join. Continue to hold up in prayer what I have told you. Continue to pray about the drought, the global warming, that people’s eyes shall be open, for I will not turn it back, saith your Father God, for it is that hour and it is that time. For if they know not and understand not the things that I have told them, they will place themselves within a trap, but if they will take heed to my word, if they will listen to my word, if they will follow my word, they will walk in great victory, they will be overcomers and they need not fear anything. Continue to press in closer, closer, closer, keep your spiritual ears open, keep your spiritual eyes open, be on guard, but fear not.

For there is great anointing, saith the Lord, for those who continue to press forward, for I say unto you, the anointing is great for those who focus in on the end of the promises that I have given unto you. For is not eternal life your focus, saith your Father God and in focusing on that I tell you I will bring a greater anointing upon your life. For those who would shrink back and turn and look the other way, the anointing begins to diminish and my presence is not felt. But I say unto you, put that aside, and look to me, look to my word, focus in on the promises, and I say unto you, the anointing will increase like never before. You may not feel it, you may not always know it, but I say unto you, it is always there and always present, for I am faithful to my word, what I have said I will do and accomplish.

Harken to my word, listen carefully to the things I speak unto you, because of your prayers, many people’s lives were spared. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to listen to my word, harken unto my voice, know my word, that when I speak unto you, that you do the things that I have told you to do that you can truly see the outcome that I have said. Know my voice like never before and draw ever so close to me that you can truly walk in the fullness of my blessings, that you can walk in the fullness of my protection, that you may walk in the fullness of my blessings. Know my voice like never before, for the things of the world are only going to get darker, the disasters are only to get greater, but as you listen unto my voice, as you harken unto me, you my children, those who are walking with me, you shall be safe. Therefore, I say unto you, harken unto my voice and know, know what I have spoken unto you and then quickly do what I have told you to do that you can truly walk in the fullness of all I have said.

It only takes just a little faith, says the Lord, the most minuscule amount of faith, and I say unto you, the winds will blow. I say unto you, just a little amount of faith and the doors will open for you. Just a small amount, saith your Father God, in heaven and I will give you strength to speak unto the mountain and say, be thou removed and they shall be cast aside. Just a small amount and I shall be your God like you have never know and shall be a greater God unto you as you trust me in all things.


8-31-08 am service

Let your spiritual eyes be open, open wide, that you can see and understand the things that are going on, for you are in a great time right now, saith your Father God and many in the next five days shall begin to see exactly where we are in history and what is going on. They shall begin to understand more clearly the time, the hour, the circumstances that my word says shall take place. Be not deceived; move not in fear, for I, your Father God, shall take you through this time victoriously. Even though prices shall skyrocket for a short spell and then return to what we would call normal for this time, and yet high, fear not, for, I shall take care of you. Keep your eyes upon the worldly events, for you shall see the hammer and the sickle as it begins to make its great move. For they have heard the boastful words of Israel, my people, and they shall respond. Be not deceived, but know the hour, know the time. Walk in the victory that I have given unto you, walk in the joy, walk in the faith, walk in great understanding, remembering at all times that you are the victors. You are not of this world, you are of my kingdom, I am your God, I will fight for you, I will protect you, I will shut mouths on your behalf, I will clothe you with my power. I shall invest in you my name that you may speak it forth, that you can go forth in the victory that I have for you, and oh, the revival that shall come, oh, the revival that shall come.

Be encouraged in my word; know that I have great things in store for those who walk with me. I have given unto you my promises and I’m fulfilling unto you my word. Know my word; know that I am doing all that I said I would do. Allow not the enemy to steal the joy from you that I have given unto you, but walk in that perfect joy, walk in that perfect peace, knowing that I, Almighty God, will do all that I have said I will do. Walk in my ways like never before, for I have made the path and that path is straight and it is a path that is filled with great blessings, it is a path that victory is filled with. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, know my word that I have given unto you, that I have said you are conquerors, you are the overcomers, you are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, I have made you, oh, I have made you into all of these. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, know that I will do all I have said I will do and walk in the fullness of the blessings I have given unto you. Allow not the enemy to bring discouragement, but rather walk in the assurance of my word knowing that I am faithful.

For a wise man, one that is alert, one that uses the wisdom and the knowledge that they have, one that understands experience because of the battles they have fought, he shall not walk into the traps of the enemy, for he has relied upon me and received from me wisdom and knowledge. He has seen clearly the things that I have shown him, and therefore, he is not just a victor, he is an overcomer.

How much will it cost for my people to totally wake up? What will it cost them and yet it should cost nothing? For I have fought all the battles, past, present, future, I have given all the victories, past, present and future, and yet at times they go their own way, do their own thing and listen not to me. How much will it cost before they wake up and realize? How much will it cost before they come alive and serve me with all their heart? How much?

8-31-08 pm service

It is a glorious hour, an hour of great expectation, an hour when I shall move in such a way that you will sit on the edge of your seat wondering what I shall do for you next. You shall see a demonstration of my power like you have never seen before. I shall clothe you, invest in you everything that I have that you may be everything that I am, that my power, my anointing, my ability shall flow through you. You shall touch others round about you, and regardless of the need, that need shall be met. For as you walk closely by my side my anointing shall flow through you like a current flowing from the source of power to the place that I desire for it to go. Walk close by my side, walk close by my side, come much closer, much closer, there is much work to be done, but we can do it and we shall do it and you shall see it done, for I have said so.

Allow not the things of the world to weigh you down, but I say unto you, cast your care upon me for I careth for you, for I have said I will never leave you nor forsake you. Therefore, I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before, for it is I who shall carry you through, it is I who shall cause you to walk in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, allow not the things of the world to weigh you down, but allow my joy to fill your heart, allow my word to come out of your mouth and walk truly in the victory that I have given unto you. For this is not an hour to walk in fear, it is not an hour to be doubting, it is an hour to truly walk in my ways and in my word, for I shall do all that I have promised I would do. Allow not the enemy to deceive you, for there are many great deceptions taking place in the world. Be not deceived, but I say unto you, know my word like never before, know that I have given unto you the victory in every single area. Speak forth my word and watch as I, your Father God, do what I have promised to do. I will take care of you, I will provide, I will give you all that you have need of. Trust me like never before, for truly I shall do all that I have promised I will do. Look to me, look not to the things of the world, for they will get you nowhere, but if you look to me, you shall find all that you have need of. Look to me, for I shall give you all you need.

Walk very closely from this night until next Sunday, let your spiritual eyes be open, be ready to give an answer, be ready to give an answer, not out of your mind, but let my Spirit speak through you. For many things shall happen within that time span, I have already spoken to you a little concerning that. Great things shall take place, it shall shake and trouble the whole world, and you will be able to show them my word, the hour, the time, if you know my word, of the things that are taking place. And many shall come unto you because of that and ask even greater questions. For as I have said, the world shall see and understand the times and know what is going on, for it is very late my children, very late and yet there is ample time to do all that I have called you to do.

Behold I say unto you, be in prayer, be in prayer, be in prayer concerning the coastal region from Florida to Maine. For Hanna is not so gentle, but be in prayer. You do not need another disaster on top of another, be in prayer, be in prayer.

Be open ready and willing to be used by me. Not just Sundays, not just on Wednesdays, but every day, open, willing and ready to be used my me, says the Lord.

8-27-08 pm service

It is a day of great victory, a day when my church rises even higher than it has been, a day when my church takes great strides to step forward, to step into the place that I have called them to be. A time of great wisdom, a time of great knowledge, an outpouring of my Spirit without measure, a lifting up, a glorifying, an edifying exciting time, a time of great victory. So fear not the things that you see, nor the things that you hear, nor the things that are taking place in the world. Fear not the attacks of the enemy, I have already turned them back, you may not know it, but you are walking in victory. Fear not the higher cost of living, the global warming, the drought, the earthquakes, there will be more, the flooding, great floods, the hurricanes, the tornadoes, which continue to number in large numbers. Fear not the costs of living, for I shall take you through this time in great victory, I shall cause you to shine like a bright light that others may see you and they will have to come to you. There shall be such a great lack that they will come to seek help, to receive prayer. And those that shall come for the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit shall arrive on time and they shall come from the north, the south, the east, the west, they shall come from near and they shall come from far. It is time my children, it is time, rise up, rise up, step into those positions that I have given unto you, step forward and allow the gifts to operate in your life that you too can be glorified.

For is there not a cause, saith the Lord, to exercise your faith like never before? For I say unto you, when there is a greater need, so I say unto you, exercise your faith in a greater way. For all that you have need of I have given unto you, only do not let your faith remain dormant, but allow it to exercise in your heart and then your mind and thus you will fulfill my will and my calling upon your life. For have I not prepared you for a time such as this to reveal my will and to be an encouragement to those all around you? I say unto you, you have a hope greater than that which the world has. Exercise your faith and be that light.

Know me as your Jehovah-Jireh the one who provides all. Trust me like never before, for I will not let you down, no, I will not leave you helpless, I will provide, I will make a way where there seems to be no way. Remember that I am your God and I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promises and know that I am faithful and I will do all that I have promised that I shall do. Walk with me like never before, allow not the enemy to bring discouragement, allow him not to cause you to have fear within your hearts, but I say unto you, have my word within your heart that you can truly walk in the victory that I have for you. Know me as your Jehovah-Jireh; for I will supply all that you have need of.

Rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing, such as there never has been for those that are of my family. Blessings, blessings, blessings, oh, a joyous time, a joyous time, a time of great victory, a time when my praises shall be sung from house to house.

8-24-08 am service

Let there be great joy in your heart, great expectations, for as you look unto me and unto my word, as you draw closer to me, as you walk by my side, truly, I shall bless you like you have never been blessed before. And you shall see obstacles that stood in your way vanish, you shall see even as the finances flow unto you that you are able to walk debt free, that you are able to do the things that I, your Father God, have said you that you could do. So let not the cares and the troubles and the problems of the world enter into your life. For they are not for you, you are not of this world, you are only a pilgrim passing through, yea, and I watch over you, I protect you, I take care of you. Therefore, walk very closely by my side, fear not the hurricanes that shall come, fear not the tornadoes or the earthquakes or the rumor of earthquakes or the flooding or the drought or the global warming or the wars that are on the horizon or the things that are taking place in the world, let them not trouble your heart. For it is a very evil time, very evil, and if you have been following, you have seen the things that I have already talked to you about, if you are not following, you have not seen them, therefore you seek and you search and yet you find not. Oh, I say unto you, walk very closely by my side, listen, listen to what I say, walk according to my word, walk according to my promise, and truly, you shall see the blessings like you have never seen them before.

Have not I said you will never be in the dark, certain things that are going to take place, have not I said I will warn you, have not I said that I will show you the things that shall come in these days ahead? Therefore, I say unto you, do not allow worry or fear to come in, but rather allow my peace, knowing that I have given unto you my word. Rest assured in my word, knowing that I will do all that I have promised that I will do. For I will not leave you, no, nor will I forsake you, but I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I will be the light upon your path. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, for truly I am faithful and I will do all I have promised to do. Therefore, worry nor fret not, but I say unto you, know my word and walk in the fullness of my word, for you shall see all that I have said come to pass, you shall walk in the fullness of my blessings. Therefore, walk with me like never before, know my voice, know my word, know I shall do all that I have promised for you.

Where your heart is, there shall be your treasure also. Take stock of what your treasure is; see if you will be blessed or if you won’t be blessed. See if you are prospering or you aren’t prospering, for truly wherever your heart is that is where your treasure is, these are the things that you are seeking, these are the things that you are going after. And if they are not the things that you desire, saith your Father, change your treasure.

8-28-08 pm service

Oh the love that I have for my children, oh the joy that they bring to my heart, I desire, I long to bless them, I look forward to blessing them. As they draw closer to me they open doors that I can move mightily on their behalf. As they walk by my side I can empower them, strengthen them, clothe them with my ability that they can be all that I have said that they could be. They are not afraid of the enemy, for they know who they are and in whose power they operate and walk. They use my name, they bring forth great victory because they know how to use my name, how to walk in my power. So when the world gets bad like it is, it does not affect them, for they have put their whole hope, their whole trust, their whole assurance in me. And they know above and beyond any doubt that I will carry them through, that I will give to them the victory. So when they come and ask they have no doubt in their heart, their mind is set upon my word and upon my promises and they are not tossed to and fro like a leaf on the sea, they are single minded, steadfast, unmovable, unshakeable. Even though great circumstances may come their way they know that they can totally trust in me and I will always give them the victory. Therefore, be not moved by the things that are taking place in the earth, the things that you see and the things that you haven’t seen yet, the trouble that is on the north, the trouble that is on the east, south, and west, the preparations for war, the hoarding of food, the high prices, the unstable economy. Let not these things trouble your heart, for I shall take you through this time in great victory and you shall walk in that victory that I have given unto you. But I say unto you, use the power; use the power that I have given unto you. Speak my word, command the changes, stand in my name, truly watch and see what I, your Father God, shall do.

Allow not the enemy to cause you to be down or discouraged in this hour, but rather allow my joy to be your strength even as my word declares, allow my joy to fill your life. For it is an hour where you need to be walking with me very close, that you are so stayed upon my word, that no matter what kind of circumstances the enemy throws your way, you walk in my word and victory is the outcome. Learn to walk in my joy, for that joy gives you the strength that you have need of. It builds you up; it causes you to walk in the freedom that I have given unto you, because as my word says, that joy is your strength. As you meditate on my word, as you speak forth my word the enemy is not able to come in. But I say unto you, victory upon victory is yours when you stand upon my word. Learn; learn how to walk in my word, for my word has all that you have need of. I have given unto you the keys, yes; I have given unto you the keys that you can walk in true success. Therefore, know my word like never before and walk in my way, for truly I have made the way and that way, yes, is filled with great blessings. Walk in my path, for I shall lead you, I shall guide you and I shall do all that I have promised that I shall do in this hour and in this time. Therefore, I say, walk with me, walk with me.

For it is the hour and the time that I am doing great things on behalf of my children, that the blessings and the promises are being fulfilled in their life, that many stand back in amazement as they watch and say, how can they do that, it is not them, it is I, their Father God. For all of my promises are yes and amen or so be it, and many of those promises you have claimed for years and now I, your Father God, am fulfilling them for you that you can walk in the benefits of all that I have for you.

8-20-08 pm service

Many winds blow from many directions, but there is only one wind that is from me. And yet, because they do not know my word, they follow many winds; they are tossed to and fro like a leaf by the ocean. They know not which way they go, they know not which way they turn, they seek not my face, neither do they call upon my name, neither do they draw close to me. For even a blind man trusts in his cane or he trusts in his dog, he never trusts in himself, for he cannot see nor does he know whether it is day or night. And yet, people are much like the blind man who trusts in himself, they seek not my wisdom, they seek not my knowledge, and the world is caught up in a disaster, disaster like they have never been caught up in before and many events are beginning to shape up now. Regardless what country you look at, the economy is falling, therefore, because it falls, they look to other countries for their treasures, oh, what a time it is. It is a time when you shall see the great battles as they begin to form, as the antichrist rises to power, as he seats himself upon his throne. Be not fooled by these things, be not troubled by these things, for I am able to take you through these times victoriously, I am able to lift you high above all the troubles. Keep your eyes upon me, be a wise man that seeks my counsel, that presses into the fullness of the things that I have, that seeks after me like silver and gold, for wisdom shall be theirs.

Do you know how much your prayer does? Do you really know what can be done with prayer? Even this week a great storm was diverted because of prayer and other weeks other things have been diverted because of prayer. How then is it much harder to believe for smaller things? Ask and it will be given, ask.

Know the importance of my word; know that I have given unto you my word, that in these days and times, you can walk victoriously as I have said my church shall be in these end times. I have made them the victors, I have made them the overcomers and they are the overcomers because of my word, but they must walk in my word and know my word and speak forth my word in all things and they shall receive that great victory. Know the importance of my word and how important it is in this time and this hour and the urgency there is to know it in your heart. Not just to have head knowledge, but to have heart knowledge that you may walk in the faith that I have given unto you, that you may stand and receive all that I have said is yours in this hour and this time. Oh, the importance of knowing my word and walking according to my word. For those who walk according to my word will not find troubles on the right hand or the left, but they shall truly walk in the victory that I have given unto them. But those who know not my word, hardships shall come their way because they do not know how to stand nor do they know how to call upon me. It is an hour to truly know my word and know that as you call upon me, I will answer, I will meet your ever single need, I have said that I will never leave you nor will forsake you. Therefore, know my word in this hour and this time and know that no matter how troubled the world becomes, I have already won the battle and the victory is already yours. Therefore, walk in my word and the abundance of the blessings that I have.

Great troubles, great troubles, they are off on the horizon, but they are moving in rapidly. But fear not, for it shall be a time of great joy for you, a time of great victory, a time when you shall know me like you have never known me before.

For I have prepared a table for you even in the presence of your enemies, saith the Lord. And upon this table I have prepared a special end time diet just for you my children. And I would say unto you, how hungry are you and how thirsty are you? For the things that I have for you are things that you have not partaken of yet, but it is for these last days and I have provided it for you and it shall be your nutrition to strengthen you, and yes, my children, it is my word. And I shall fill you up that you might be strong even in these last days. Many shall fall at your side, to the left and to the right, at times you will hear of it behind you and in front of you. But I say unto you, as you partake of that which I have for you, you shall be strong and you shall continue to go forth and do all that I have called you to do.

8-17-08 am service

Let your eyes be upon me, let your meditation be upon my word, let not the worldly cares or the influences of the world trouble your mind, think not upon them. For as you think upon them you open the door for the enemy to trap you, to trouble you, to put pressure on you, to cause alarm in your life. But as you look into my word peace comes, for I give you peace, not like the world gives, but prefect peace, I give you harmony, I bring you joy, I fill your life with love. Keep your eyes upon me, for in the world there shall be much trouble, but that trouble is for the world. Remember my word says you are pilgrims passing through, this is not your home, your home is heaven. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and realize I shall take you through these times victoriously. For the world knows not what things hold for them, they worry about this hurricane as if it was something great, and when the great one comes, and it shall come, they will not be concerned over that one, this is the foolishness that they walk in. For they seek not my face nor my counsel, they go their own way, they follow the antichrist and his plan and they continue to heap unto themselves great trouble. The tornadoes shall continue to come, the drought shall continue to worsen, the global warming shall continue to get warmer, and the icebergs shall melt far faster than what man has said. So put not your trust into man, but listen to my word, know what my word says, stand on my word, for it is my word that shall give you the victory.

Walk in my wisdom, know my word, for a wise man builds upon that strong foundation, the foolish man is the one who builds upon the knowledge and wisdom of the world, and when the storms come, his house shall fall, and yes, great shall be that fall. Therefore, I say, establish yourself in my word like never before, truly know the promises that I have given unto you that you might stand in these days ahead, that you can be all that I have said that you can be, the conqueror, the overcomer. For I have given unto you all that you have need of to be what I have said that you can be. Therefore, know my word and establish yourself in my word that your foundation is sure and strong, unmoveable. For in these days ahead, the world is only going to get darker, yet my light is going to be greater. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, for when you walk with me, you have nothing to be worried about, you have nothing to be concerned about because I, your Father God, has given unto you the promise that I will never leave you nor will I forsake you, I will be with you to the very end. Know my word; trust me like never before, for truly I have great things in store for you my children. Those who walk according to my word, they shall walk in the fullness of my blessings. Oh, I say unto you, press in unto me like never before, lag not behind, but I say unto you, press in, press in, press in, for I have great things in store for you, yes, I have great things in store for you. Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me like never before, get so close to me that you know even my very desire for you. For truly my children it is a great hour, it is a great time, therefore, draw ever so close that you can truly walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you in this hour.

Again, I say unto you, prepare for winter, don’t think in your own mind what this means, prepare. Do you know the word prepare? I say unto you, prepare for winter, for those that prepare shall rejoice, there shall be great joy in their heart; they shall be shouting the victories. But those who try to figure out what I am saying unto them, and know not, sorrow shall come, for they will not prepare as they should.

You have asked me and behold I answer that which you asked. For you have called out to me and I have heard you, yea and I say unto you, one hundred and forty two thousand five hundred dollars and sixty-two cents. Do not forget the sixty-two cents as that will become very important and later you shall see the blessings. Worry not about what man tells you, for I have told you that I will fulfill my word to you.

8-17-08 pm service

For the hour is great, the blessings are many, oh, I love you and I shall bless you, I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall take you through these times in great victory. Many shall look upon you and wonder, how can they walk in the victory that they are walking in, and through that they shall know that I am God, and they shall come unto me and I shall receive them and I shall bless them. So fear not the things of the world, fear not the things that are coming, fear not the trouble on the right hand and the left hand, the wars and rumors of wars, the tornado, even the hurricane, the global warming, the high cost of food and other things, fear not these things. Did I not lead the children of Israel across that mighty land and take care of them? Did I not feed them and give them water? Be not fearful of the things that shall come, for it is that time and they must come to pass. For if they didn’t come to pass, then my Son could not come back for you, but because my word says they shall come to pass, they are now being fulfilled that truly he can come. And the time is short, but you will walk in victory during that time, you will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, you shall be blessed coming in and going out and people shall search you out to learn how you walk in these blessings and you will be able to tell them of me, of my love, of my care, of my provisions. So do not allow the things of the world to trouble you, press in more, get into the word more, learn more about me. For the more you know about me, the more I can bless you.

Know who I am and be not deceived, for there are many false doctrines even in the church today, but when you know my word you will not be deceived. If your eyes are upon me you will not allow the enemy to bring deception because you will know the truth and that truth shall set you free. Know that my word says that even the very elect shall be deceived. Do you not understand, do you not know why you are seeing the things you are seeing even in the church world today? It is because they have taken their eyes off of me and the enemy has crept in and brought great deception. Be not one who is deceived, but keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and know the truth of my word. For I have said that those who seek me, they shall find me, I shall give unto them all the wisdom and knowledge, and as they keep seeking my face, they shall keep walking in the direction that they need to. It is when they start listening to the lies of the enemy and allowing his deception to come into their lives, that is when they go astray. Know my word and know that I have said that this is the hour where great deception is taking place because of the spirits that have been released for this end time. But know that I have given unto you my truth, the truth of my word and as you walk in my word you shall truly walk in all the blessings that I have given unto you. Know that I have said, my sheep know my voice and they hear my voice and they follow not after another. Therefore, I say, draw ever so close unto me. Be not one who is deceived in this hour because you truly do not know my word and have my word in your heart, but when you know my word you will reject that of the false. Therefore, I say, draw ever so close unto me, be not one who is deceived in this hour and this time, but I say, know, know my word, know that truth and that truth shall set you free.

Be not like a merry-go-round that goes around and around up and down and yet some move not at all. But be a wise man that plants his feet upon the rock, anchors himself to that rock and presses forward into the things that I have for him. Be wise grow in my word.

8-13-08 pm service

Unstable, very unstable is the world, unstable is the economy, unstable are the events that they are trying to do throughout the whole world. Even the democratic convention shall be very unstable and many things shall take place that shall shock the nation. Tornadoes, tornadoes, tornadoes, drought, hail, loss of crops, flooding, earthquakes, all the signs that shall be clearly seen, loss of jobs, boasting of how they can change the global warming and yet they cannot. Trouble here, trouble there, that is what we see in the world. Even though you have had your refreshing that I have said that you would have, things will change. I have said prepare for winter, make yourself ready, prepare for the things that are ahead, draw closer to me. Walk closely by my side, you shall walk through this time victoriously.

For does not my word say, yea, in all things I have made you more than a conqueror? It does not say in some things, it says in all things. Therefore, know that I shall see you through these days ahead in great victory, as you stand upon my word, for I have made you more than a conqueror in all things. Therefore, know that, yes, I will supply, I will care of you, rest assured knowing that I, your Father God, watch over my word to perform it. And I will see you through, no matter what takes place in the world, no matter how difficult times become, I shall see you through. Rest upon my word knowing that I, your Father God, will take care of you.

Remember the power that I have given unto you, saith the Lord, for the enemy looks to block the flow of my Spirit in the areas of your life. But I say unto you, that you have more power than the enemy, but I say, be on the alert and know my word that you might find these areas and unblock what the enemy is doing. Nothing is too hard for you as you trust me and walk according to my word, for I have given you this victory.

8-10-08 am service

Troublesome days lie ahead for the world, but not for my church. The world will have no answers, they will look, they will try, but they will continue to press towards the program that the antichrist has. But my church shall press towards my programs. They shall move into the place that I can bless them, that I can supply for them, that I can keep them safe. They shall know above and beyond any doubt that I am the Lord thy God, that I am their provider, that I love them, that I care for them. But the world will be tossed to and fro, even though some things sound like they are better, they are not, you haven’t seen the fullness of the things that are yet coming this year, you are only seeing small things. But fear not those things that you see and hear, for they are not of me, therefore, they will not affect you in the way that they will affect the world unless your trust is in the world, unless your confidence is in the world. Are you trusting me, where are you putting your trust? When things get tight, do you turn to the world or do you turn to me? You will find out very shortly, saith your Father God, for if your full trust is in me it will be a victorious time, it will be a glorious time, it will be a happy time. But not so for those who put all their trust in the world and know not how to put their trust in me, have not fashioned or formed their faith yet to walk in faith like I desire. You shall hear of wars even as you are hearing of wars now, the global warming shall continue, the drought shall widen. Even though you have seen a lot of rain here, saith your Father God, not so in other places, yet there has been flooding, forest fires far greater than last year, famine far greater than last year, prices dropping and yet higher in the store. Oh, the things that are going on in the world because of the plan of the antichrist, but keep your eyes upon me and upon my way, press into the fullness of the things that I have. For you shall walk in victory, you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomers and you shall go through this time in great victory.

Know me as your provider, the one who takes care of your all in all, meets your every need, for I am your God and shall supply all of your needs. Know my word and be able to walk in my word in this hour and this time, for as you walk in my word you shall truly receive all the blessings that I have for my children. Know that hard times are ahead for those who do not know my word, but for those who know my word, it shall not affect them, no, they shall walk through that time victoriously, they shall not be affected. But I say unto you, those who know not my word, they shall be greatly affected because they know not how to trust me, they know not how to stand upon my word, and yes, they shall go through some rough times. But not so for those who truly know my word and how to stand upon my word, they shall walk in great victory. Know my word like never before that you can truly stand in this hour and this time and be victorious as I have said and be those overcomers, those conquerors that I have said you are. Walk with me like never before, but know my word that you may be able to stand.


It’s a strange time for my church, saith the Lord, for when my people should be drawing closer, they are getting farther away. They are caught in the undertow just like you would be caught in the undertow of the ocean and it is drawing them farther and farther away. Change your course; draw closer to me, come closer, come much, much closer.

8-10-08 pm service

When you prepare to bathe at home, don’t you make sure that everything is ready, that the water is of the right temperature, that you have towels, that you have everything that you have need of? Prepare yourself to bathe in my Spirit, prepare yourself to bathe in my Spirit, prepare yourselves to bathe in my Spirit that I can do a mighty work in your life this night, that I can fill you more than you have ever been filled before. That I can open up heaven and pour out a blessing upon you that your natural man will bubble over and feel refreshed, renewed, just like when you step out of a nice hot shower and you feel so good. For this night, saith your Father God, I desire to do a mighty work. Prepare yourself now to bathe in my presence.

It is time for you to cast all of your cares upon me, to let go of the weights that weigh you down. It is an hour to truly rest in me, knowing that I will take you through these days in great victory, knowing that my hand is upon you, knowing that there is nothing too hard for me to do, that I will provide, I will make a way where there is no way, I will meet your every need. It is an hour to truly let go of those things that weigh you down and rest in me. For as my Spirit fills you to overflowing, you shall feel a release, a release like you have never felt before. And your heart will be filled with my joy, it will be filled with my peace and you will be able to rest in me like you have never been able to rest before. Therefore, allow my Spirit to fill you to overflowing, allow that river to go through you, to cleanse, to purge, to take away anything that is keeping the river from flowing the way it needs to. It is that time my children where I have spoken unto you in my word, for I am pouring out my Spirit without measure, and those who shall receive are those who are open to me, those who desire all of me, those who press in, they shall receive all I have in store for them. Be not one who misses out because you stand on the wayside and you watch, be one who gets in and moves and flows in my Spirit. For you shall be overfilled with my blessings, you shall find an abundance, abundance, abundance of all that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, flow with me; receive all that I have in store for you.

For the world is like a blind man walking down the street tapping his cane relying upon what he feels, what he hears. The world is walking as a blind man in the midst of trouble such as they have never seen before, trouble that they know not how to handle. Confusion on the right hand, confusion on the left hand, there doesn’t seem to be a way out, and they don’t know how to get out of the problems that they are in, they know not how to solve them. For they have created their own problems by following the advice of the antichrist and not seeking my face, not asking me, and therefore, they are in a situation such as they have never been in before and they know not how to get out of it. But my church shall be a light unto them, and if they will look to my church, if they will listen to my church, they shall see the ways that are before them. For it will be as if Noah was speaking to them, but will they be like the people of that day and not listen and not follow the advice that he gives unto them and suddenly find the door closed?

Prepare your hearts, make yourself ready, prepare your hearts make yourself ready, for truly I desire to do great and mighty things on your behalf. Open up unto me, watch and see what I shall do.

8-3-08 pm Youth Camp service

8-3-08 am service

Take heed to the warnings that I give to you, take a look at where you are walking, of what you are doing, of what you are saying, look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your stand, evaluate your walk. The days round about you are growing very dark and the enemy is drawing many away, the falling away continues to grow and they know it not. They feel like they are going in the right direction, but they are walking away instead of toward me. The pressures, the cares, the things of the world are weighing so heavy that they are doing things to ease that problem instead of looking to me, instead of drawing closer to me, instead of seeking me for wisdom and knowledge, they run the way of the world. The world shall continue to grow darker, the global warming shall continue to grow faster than man realizes. There will be floods even as you are hearing now, tornadoes as you have heard, even hurricanes, drought continuing to widen. A lack, a shortage in many areas, they are already using food to barter, many are selling their souls for food, many things are going the wrong way. It should not be like that for my church, for my church should be walking in victory, my church should have supplies on their table, in their closets, in their house. Am I not able to take care of you or do you rely totally on the worldly system for that? Am I not able to do all that I have said that I could do? Walk very closely by my side and do not be deceived, do not be tricked, do not be drawn away, but walk closely by my side and truly I shall supply all your needs. I shall meet them, I know every need that you have, there is not one need that I do not know and I am more than able. Walk with me, walk with me.

Be not fearful, for I have heard your cry and I have answered. I have not forsaken thee nor have I left thee alone. For I have always loved you, yes, I have always loved you, I have always been there and I shall always be there. So place all your trust in me, and truly you shall see me move mightily on your behalf.

8-3-08 pm Youth Camp service

For the richest treasure that you can hold is when you sow seed into the lives of little ones. For as you sow that seed, you know that the harvest shall be great and you shall see the results for years. Sow your seeds, sow your seeds, for truly you will be blessed as you sow those seeds and you will walk even closer to me. For you will be walking in my garden, and as you walk in my garden you shall see the fruit, oh, you shall taste of the fruit and you shall be blessed by the fruit.

It is my desire that you truly know my love; it is my desire that you know above and beyond any doubt that I will do all that I have promised you to do. It is my desire that you know that I will use you even as I used my servant Josiah. For I have given unto you great wisdom and knowledge, I have placed you in a place where you are being taught the true uncompromising word that will truly cause you to stand in this hour and to become those giants that I have called you to be. Think of yourself not too little or too young, because I will use all, from the youngest even to the oldest will I use in this end time. I am preparing you for such a time as this. Know my children that I love you and that I have given all that you might have all. Therefore, I say unto you, know my love, and know what I have done for you and know, know the things that are ahead for you, for I have great things in store for you. Therefore, I say, open unto me your heart that I can mold you, shape you, make you into what I desire you to be, that vessel, that vessel of gold. For truly my children I love you, know my love.

Get ready, says the Lord, get ready, for my Spirit is here to meet with you like never before for these next few days and you will go away a changed person. For my Spirit will fill you up like never before, says the Lord. So get ready to receive all that I have for you.

For the world is on a rocky course, a very, very rocky course, and if you have ever walked where the rocks are, every place that the soles of your feet touch, then you know how difficult that is. But for my church it is like walking on pebbles, it is nothing, saith your Father God, for you are following my leading. And as you follow me, I guide you, I steady you, I make you strong, I shine a light upon the path that you are walking on that you can see, that you can know, that you can understand. So even though the world is on that rocky path, realize that you are not.



[Prophetic Word]