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1-28-04 pm service

For all things, all things my children, are possible for you as you walk with me, as you speak forth the words of faith, as your heart begins to speak forth the words that you have placed within there, my word. Great things take place, you become an overcomer, you become the victor, defeat flees from you. For there is nothing, nothing, nothing that is impossible, for you can turn the situations around and call in the good and it shall be so. For all of heaven stands waiting your command when you speak forth my words, when you say the things that I say. Oh, I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Look not at the world, nor the things that are taking place in the world, nor the disasters here and the disasters there, but set you eyes and love upon me and my word and walk, walk as heirs to the throne of Almighty God.

1-25-04 am service

It is a troublesome time for the world, I say, darkness shall creep very quickly now across the earth. For it is a time, it has been a time of great deception, great deception in every area, every country. I say to you, it is imperative, imperative that you are in my house when the doors are open. For I can bring to you messages and directions that I cannot always get your attention for in your own time. Make no excuse; be in my house when the doors are open, if you are sick you should be here for healing. I say to you, know the urgency of my words to you this day, for things are happening very quickly now, very quickly, they are not that far off. I say know my word, keep my word in your mouth, keep my word in your heart, speak my word to circumstances, do not speak of the circumstance. Be careful of the words that come from your mouth, for I say to you, negative words bring negative action. Speak my positive word; stand upon my promises that I have made unto you, individual promises, those promises that I have made to my true churches. I say to you, stand firmly upon them, for the time is short, know the things that I say, speak only my words, not your words. I say to you, many shall come, they shall come very quickly now. For as darkness comes across the earth many shall call out to me and I shall send them forth, my houses will be filled to overflowing. Know what I say, speak forth the words I give unto you, for they shall come and you need to be ready. Be ready; know the urgency of this message this day, for I say to you, the time is short.

For does not my word say that I shall never leave you nor shall I forsake you? But yet my children do not know how to call upon me, they do not realize that I am there, and therefore, they don’t find the help they need because they know not my word. They know not that I have said I am with you through the fire, I am with you through the flood, I am with you no matter what you go through. My children call upon me, for truly I am with you always even unto the very end. Is that not what my word says, I shall never leave thee, I shall never forsake thee? Therefore, know that I have said I am there, therefore, call upon me even for the smallest things, do you not know that I am there? Do you not know that I know how many hairs are upon your head? Do you not know that anything that is of such of a great smallness even as a hangnail, I am there for you to take care of it, to take away the pain, to bring healing unto you? Do you not know that I love you with an everlasting love and that I am here for you, that you can walk in the victorious way that I have made for you? Therefore, know my word my children and know that I am here, I am your Father, I am your God and I desire that you walk in the fullness of my blessings. I desire that you walk and do not lack or want in the promises that I have given unto you. Therefore, know my word and stand upon my word. For truly my children I am here and I am here to meet your every need.

1-25-04 pm service

For the hour is great and the blessings plentiful and my love is being poured out without measure. My strength, my power, my ability I have given unto you that you may walk in the fullness, the fullness of the things that I have for you. That you can call those things that be not as if they were and they shall come to pass, they shall come quickly and they shall not delay nor neither shall you wait a long time. Walk, walk therefore, walk in the faith that I have given unto you, walk in the understanding that belongs to you. Walk in the wisdom and knowledge that flows from my word, that flows from the Holy Spirit, that speaks to your heart, that enlightens you, that encourages you, that opens your understanding, that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I, your Father God, have already freely given to you. That you may walk in this newness of power, that you may be the overcomers, that you may be the victors. So put away those childish things, put away the thoughts of man, put away all those things that distract you to cause you to go another way. Set your eyes upon me and upon the goal that I have set before you. Set your eyes upon the promises that I have given unto you. Take note of those promises; call them into being, sayeth your Father God. Stand on my word, stand on my promise, watch, watch and see, for they shall come to pass. Yea and you shall walk in the fullness of all that I have for you, for you shall not lack, neither shall you walk in darkness, neither shall you walk in defeat. For you shall walk even as my son walked while he walked on the face of the earth. You shall walk in divine health and need not healing, for you shall give healing to others, for they know not the way, nor do they know the promises. And you shall teach them that they may walk, yes, according to my pleasure, according to my will that they also may become overcomers. For it is that hour, sayeth your Father God, when everything, everything my children shall quickly come to pass, that you may have everything that I have said. Therefore, speak those things into existence, believe them and doubt not and walk not after the counsel of the world, but walk after my counsel and you shall walk in that victory.

For you truly do not know, nor do you comprehend the things that shall take place in this hour and in this time. Not only the things that shall take place in the world, but the things that I shall do for my church. For my glory shall fill this place, as I have said, and the Shekinah glory shall be seen as it hovers over you. Oh yes, as I have said, it shall take place my children, for truly you are in the greatest hour anyone has ever lived in and mighty is the revival that there shall be. For truly my word declares that it comes out of the Northland and it shall be so. For you cannot even comprehend the things that I, Almighty God, shall do and am doing on your behalf even right now. Therefore, as I have said, keep my word in front of you, keep my promise in front of you, speak only my word. Do not allow negativity to come out of your mouth or even allow negativity to be in your thoughts, but I say unto you, only allow my words to be your thoughts. Allow my words to be your words and truly walk in the fullness of everything that I have in store for you. For truly this is a great hour, it is great time and I am filling my word unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I have said and declare the things that I have said, for truly as my word goes forth, my angels are released to work on your behalf. Therefore, know what I have said and walk, walk in my word.

For the enemy is but a flea, even your foot can crush him. For you are my feet, sayeth your Father God, yea, I am the head, you are the body. Therefore, walk; walk in the victory that I have already given to you.

For my love is far greater for you than you realize. For if you could only phantom the depth of my love, if you could only understand the greatness of my love for you, of the things that I have already done for you, of the promises that you already have, of the victories that you shall walk in, you would press in even harder than you press in now. Know this, I love you, my love is not like the world’s love neither is it contingent upon what you do. I love you, I love you, and because I love you, I have done those things that I have spoken to you about. I have done many things that you know not of yet, but they are there for you, and as you love me and keep my word, then you shall walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you. I shall never leave you nor forsake you, for I shall always be with you and I shall always love you.

Even a dog can sweep away a flea with one stroke. His problem is he has not the wisdom or knowledge to move out of the way and the flea comes back. Many of my people are like that, they have not moved out of the way neither have they filled the void and the flea comes back.

1-25-04 at the altar after the pm service

For though many places look greener and many things look greener, you do not see through my eyes, you see through your own eyes. You do not know as I know or understand even as I understand, so let not these things be troublesome to you. Let them not hinder you or slow you down or cause you to walk around defeated, discouraged and down. For I have given unto you the best, I have placed you in the best even though you may not think so, yet in the days that are just ahead you will be oh, oh so glad. You will see with my vision, you will understand with my knowledge and then your heart will rejoice that you heard me and obeyed my voice and followed those things that I told you to do. The devil is the one that makes things look greener. The devil is the one that causes you to look upon opportunities that are not yours, ministries that are not yours, jobs that are not yours. Know what I have called you to do and know what I have given unto you to do. For all the wealth of this world shall burn up with this world, but the treasures that you lay away in heaven shall be there for all of eternity for you. Be not one who has an empty treasure chest. For if you heap it up here on earth, many times you get your eyes off the goal, off the promise, off the things that I have for you and you walk not in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Many have never learned how to give tithes like they should and they have robbed me and have never thought of the fact that no robber shall enter the kingdom of God. They are also stolen from on a continual basis by the devil. For if I do not get it, he surely gets it and you get no blessings when you give it to him. The same is true with your life when you give me not one hundred percent, then part of your life you have given to him and he will not bless that part of your life and you will have struggles, you will have trials, you will have problems in many areas. But if you give it all to me you will walk victoriously, you will not have those problems, and when those problems do come, they will be like a snowflake and you will flick them off. And they will not land upon you, and if they do, they will dissolve so fast you will not find a trace of them. For I have given you all power, all authority, all ability that you could walk even as my son Jesus walked while here on the face of the earth. He walked victoriously, he even had a combat face to face with the devil and yet walked through victoriously and most of my children have never, never fought him one on one. Oh, I say unto you, the power, the authority, the ability that I have given unto you. Yes, you are in the last days, yes; many things shall take place. Many things shall come to pass, and you are seeing the things I told you would come to pass, for my servants have laid many things out very simply for you to read and see the fulfillment of them. You have no excuses for not knowing, you have no excuses for not walking victoriously, for you know my word is true. You know my word will not go out and return void, but it will do the things that I have sent it forth to do. If it is not working it is not me, if it is not working it is not me, look in the mirror. Walk according to my word, walk according to the counsel of my word, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge. Stop turning down things that I am trying to give to you. Stop neglecting the things that I have given unto you. Stop walking in your own wisdom and your own knowledge and your own ability and walk in mine. For wherever I have placed you there is a mission field, and if you walk according to my word, you will reap the harvest of that field. I will give you promotions; I will raise you up until you walk at the very top if you will walk with me, if you will do the things that I have told you to do. You need not fear the floods that many shall have this year, great floods, great floods, the many pestilence that shall come to many places. I chuckle when my children worry about the mosquitoes, for I have told them they will not harm you. And I think, oh, if they would only mature, if they would only walk in the fullness of the ability that I give to them, they would not have to worry about the things that they worry about, for they are so small, so trivial that they need not worry about anything. For I have already taken charge of all things and I have already given you the victory in every single area. You could move to Oklahoma tomorrow and the tornadoes would not come to your house. You could move into tornado alley and the tornadoes would not come to your house. Do you hear the things that I say to you? I am protecting you; I have called you here like I have called many others here that have not come yet. And those that have not come yet are not under my protection because they are not where they should be. Do not move out of my protection, do not move out of my care, for I have great things for this area, far greater, far grater than you can think. So take your mind and think as big as you want to think and you cannot out think me. For I am going to do a work, oh yes, and I am going to take the ministries that I have placed here and they shall become a household name and I shall bless them and bless their works, for they are flowing as one. They are the axle and they are turning the hub and they are turning the wheels and they are doing the things that I have told them to do. Oh yes, you have gone through a hard time, for the enemy has fought you all the way, and yet if you will look back, you will see that you have always been victorious, that you have won those battles. What else does he have to throw at you? Has he got something that is so great? No, no, he has nothing, he has nothing, only the thoughts that he places in your mind that control you at times that you have not cast down. Walk according to my word; walk according to my promises. For I have told you the things that shall come to pass, and again I will refresh your memory, I will tell you the things to look for and you will be able to read the fulfillment of them on your very own site. And you will see them on the news and hear them on TV and you will know that truly they have come to pass. All my children need to wake up, they need to wake up and read the handwriting on the wall and listen to the things that I have said, for some of them live in areas that are so dangerous that they do not even realize it. Be not like them, but listen, listen to the things that I have to say.

Oh, the seriousness of this hour and this time, the day that you are living in. It is a time to draw close to me, to know the things that I have called you to do and do the things that I have called you to do. For my word says, those who know their God shall be strong and do mighty exploits. Are you strong? Are you doing mighty exploits? If not, then you do not know your God according to my word. For those who know me they know the power and authority and might and ability that I have given unto them. They know that they are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, they know they are the overcomers, they know they are the conquerors, they know that I have given unto them everything that they have need of to walk in this hour in this time in great victory. Therefore, if you lack in any area, I say unto you, it is time to seek my face and know your Father God. Know the things that my word has declared shall take place in this hour. Know that I have given unto you the power, the authority and the ability to do those things that I have called you to carry out and do. It is an hour to know your God and to know there is nothing impossible for me to do. I shall take care of you, I shall provide, I shall give unto you everything that you have need of, but you also must walk in faith, you must also walk in peace, you must also walk in love and know my love and know my love as I have given it unto you. For those who walk in fear of the things that shall take place, leave a great door open for the enemy so he can attack them in ways that need not be. Therefore, know my word and know that I have not given unto you a spirit of fear, but I have given unto you a spirit of sound mind. Know my word my children that you can walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for this day and this hour. For you shall see Iraq be a very hot spot this week, for Bush will get a lot of flak because of the things that have transpired. Snow will continue to hit some areas real hard. Cold will be the word for the week after this one. But I say it shall be a very nice week here compared to the areas in different places. Fuel prices shall go up again along with food prices also. But do not fear, know that I have said I am your supplier, I am Jehovah-Jireh, I will take care of everything that you have need of. Therefore, put your trust in me, put your confidence in my word knowing that the things that I speak and tell unto you I shall surely do. Allow no place for the enemy to get in and to work, but I say unto you, walk according to my word, do the things that I have called you to do, know what my word has said, do not just think you know it, but truly know my word. For every action there is a reaction, know that if you walk in sin blessings shall not fill your life. Know that when you walk in my word you line yourself up with my word and I am able to bless you. Know these things. Know that when you walk in disobedience you also leave a door open for the enemy and I am not able to bless you as I desire. Therefore, I say unto you, close all the doors in your life that hinder you, that stop you from becoming all that I have said you can be and said that you are. Do not give him any more place, but make up your mind to follow me and my word and to do the things that I have said. For some it will mean getting up earlier, for some it might mean laying down something that you think is so important and yet is of little importance when it comes to me and my work. Truly know that there is nothing more important than doing my will and walking in my word. It is an hour of great seriousness, know my word as I have said. Know that these things shall take place in the world, you cannot pray them away because I have set them in motion before the foundations of the earth. But do not fear, just walk in my word, walk in my peace, walk in the fullness of everything that I have given unto you. For when you walk in my way, when you walk in my word, there is nothing the enemy can do to stop you. Did you hear that my children? When you are walking in my way, when you are walking in my word, when you are doing my will, there is nothing the enemy can do to stop or hinder you. Therefore, know my word; know the seriousness of this time and this hour. Seek my face, do my will, walk in my word that truly you can walk in the fullness of all that I have.

1-21-04 pm service

Let your eyes be upon me, let your meditation be upon my word, listen, listen as I speak to you. Let my word remain in your heart that you may walk in a way that I, your Father God, can bless you, in a way that you can always be victorious, in a way that you are the overcomer. Look not at the pressures, the circumstances, the things of the world, for they must come to pass. For it is that time and it is that hour, but keep your eyes upon me. For as you walk with me, you walk only in joy, you walk only in peace, you walk only in the strength that I have given unto you, there are no defeats, you are the victor. But if you get your eyes upon the world and you look upon the world and you meditate upon the world, you leave the door open that the enemy can walk in, that he can steal, that he can destroy, that he can even kill. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, walk according to the plan that I have given unto you.

For when you are walking according to my plan, yes, you are walking in the fullness of my blessings. When you are walking in my word, when you are speaking forth my word, when you are meditating upon my word, you are walking in a realm where I can bless you in the way that I desire to bless you. But when you listen unto the enemy, the lies he puts in your mind, the thoughts that I told you to cast down and to cancel out and to annul, when he begins to work upon your mind and you listen to him, that is when you open the door for the blessings to stop. Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word has said, allow not the enemy in, give him no foothold, but I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my way and walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. For it is my desire that you do not lack or want, but that you truly walk in the abundance of what I do have in store for you.

A fine racehorse is not a plow horse, it is not a jumper and one can quickly see the difference. That should be true also with my children, for as they look upon you, they should see me and not the world.

1-18-04 am service

For when you spend time praising me, exalting my name and worshipping me, you spend a time of closeness with me. For your mind does not wander into the things of the world, but you are mine and your conservation with me is in oneness with me. I say unto you, spend that time every day praising me, spend that time every day blocking out the rest of the world, but entering into the things that I have for you. For it is a time of great rejoicing, a time when I can give you direction that you are open unto me, that your ears are open that you see clearly the things that I am speaking to you about. So I say to you, it is important that you make this time, daily. Oh, I say to you my children, the time is great, it is so great, for the blessings shall roll in. I say spend this time and know where I sending you, know the direction that I am leading you in and walk in the way that I send you.

For it is a great hour for my church, an hour of great expectations, an hour of great blessings, an hour of joy that fills your heart. For you have not the fear of the world, for you know where your home is and you know the hour and you know the time and you know the things that my word says must come to pass, and therefore, your trust is upon me. And as you walk with me, I watch over you, I protect you, I care for you, for I love you with an everlasting love, it is an hour, yes, an hour of great, great joy. So look unto me, let your heart be filled with that joy that you can walk in the victories, that you can be the overcomer. For it is the hour of the church, the overcoming church.

For I am your Father, yes, I am your God and there is nothing that is impossible for me to do. For I have said that you are the overcomer, I have said you are the conqueror, I have said that I have given unto you all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead in great victory and so it shall be my children. For I have given unto you my word and my word shall lead you into the victory that you have need of. For when you speak forth my word the enemy quickly flees and victory surrounds you on every side. Know my word like never before, know that truly I have given unto you everything that you have need of to walk victoriously. There is not one thing that you should lack or should want because I shall provide everything that you have need of. Therefore, put your trust in me like never before and see me as your Father and as your God, the one who provides and takes care of you, for that is truly who I am.

Every banquet is set apart by the specialty of the dessert that is created just for that banquet. So is it now in this hour, sayeth your Father God, yea, I have created for you a dessert, a topping that will top all toppings for this hour and only this hour.

1-18-04 pm service

For just as my word is sure and everlasting and does not change, so my promises unto you, they are sure, they are everlasting. And I do not change the things that I have spoken unto you nor have I changed the things that I have said that I shall do on behalf of you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, stand like never before upon my word, for truly I am fulfilling my promises unto you even right now this moment, I have released the angels to go and work on your behalf. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the things that I have spoken unto you to do. Keep my vision in front of you and run like never before and do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For great is this hour, great is the time that you are living in, and oh, the things I have in store for those who walk upright before me, those who walk faithful before me, those who are quick to obey, oh, they shall receive great rewards like never before. Oh yes, I reward those who diligently seek me, oh, I say unto you, seek me like never before. For it is an hour to draw close unto me, to know my word like never before, not just to have it within your mind, but to have it within your heart that you know without a doubt the things that I, Almighty God, speak unto you, they shall surely come to pass. Even as night turns into day, so shall my word take palace as I have said. Therefore, ponder upon my word, meditate on the things that I speak unto you, know that when I speak, I speak unto you and the things that I say they shall take place. For truly I am your Father and I am your God and I am working on your behalf to bring about the things that I have promised unto you. Therefore, walk in my ways, walk in my word and hold onto my promises that I have given unto you. For truly they are being fulfilled right now this very hour.

Know ye not that when climbing a mountain it is very hard, and at times you grow very weary, you grow tired, but because you know the goal that you are trying to reach, you continually press on until you reach the very top, the very summit. From there on my children it is all downhill, you have crossed that summit, you have crossed that summit, rejoice in your heart, for it is downhill. For I, your Father God, have gone before you, yea, I have made a way, I have made a way and you shall walk in the victories that I have given unto you. You shall walk in the victories that I have made for you; you shall be the overcomer that I have said that you shall be. So no longer, no longer look back, but look forward, for it is all downhill.

For truly your feet shall dance as never before, for you shall possess the victory as you have never known it, therefore, you shall dance, you shall dance, you shall dance, you shall dance. Have you ever played a game where every move you have made was a winning move? I tell you my children in these days every move you make shall be a victory move. You shall possess the victories, you shall know no defeat and truly great joy shall fill your being.

For a bobsled ride down the mountain starts slowly, but it gains speed as it continues down and it zips across the finish line. Know you not you shall zip across the finish line.

Keep your eyes fixed upon me and upon my word. It is very important that you listen to the words that I give to you, for I am preparing you for what lies ahead that you will not fear. It is important children, it is important, it is important that you are obedient to me. Do you know what obedience is? Obedience is when you do what I have instructed you to do. Obedience is living by my word. Obedience is being in my house when the doors are open. Be obedient my children and listen carefully to me.

1-18-04 at the altar after the pm service

For this hour is called the final hour, not just because everything ends there in that sense, but because everything, everything that should take place before you go out of here shall take place during this hour. Do not look at just the world, look at your own lives, what are the promises that I have given to you? Have you received all of them yet? Are you walking in the joy of those blessings? Are you walking as the head and not the tail, above and not beneath? Are you walking in the assurance, in the faith that I have given unto you? For that is where you should be walking because I have promises that I have given unto you. My word stands behind them and I desire to fulfill every single one of them for you. I do not want to leave one of them on the shelf, I desire to give it to you, but you have got to be willing, you have got to want those things that I have given unto you. You do not have to be in the drought, you do not have to be in the heat that torments, you do not have to be in the blizzards, you do not have to be in lack and wanting, you do not have to be short of money, for you can walk in the fullness of my blessings. For I shall provide everything that you have need of in a lifestyle far above the lifestyle that you are living in, with a peace and assurance such as you do not have right now, with a confidence that only the champions can have. For you are a champion and I have placed within you that confidence, let it rise up, not pride, I am not talking about pride, for I hate pride, I hate pride. I have recorded in my word that is one of the things that I hate the most is pride, so let not pride rise up, but let the confidence that I have placed within you, let the abilities that I have given unto you rise to the very top. For you have favor with all men, even your enemies are at rest with you because they fear you when you walk in the fullness of the things that I have. They say, oh yah, I know where he lives, but leave him alone, he is with God and God moves on his side. Oh, I say, the joy that you shall have walking with me in these days, the joy that I have for you. Many have mocked, many have laughed, many have not understood everything that I have spoken unto you or everything that I have shown you. And many have gone their own way and many of them shall find themselves not in the frying pan, but in the fire, and they will not know how to come out of that fire because they are not walking as they should be walking. And when sickness comes on their family, when sickness comes into their house and they call unto me, I will not be able to answer because they are walking in disobedience and disobedience is sin. They have iniquity in their heart and they have turned to the wrong god and they have forsaken me and gone their own way. But not so with you, those of you that are mine, those of you that are walking with me, those of you that know me and love me and refuse to give up, refuse to back off, but press toward the goal, press toward the promise, it shall be a glorious hour, it shall be a glorious hour. For you shall see blessings rolling in that will make you amazed. And you will wonder, even as you have heard testimonies of how other people have shown them how to reach their goals, how they have vacation when they do not know it, I will tell you the world is going to start looking out for you in a sense. And the blessings are going to come rolling in only to those that know how to walk in the blessings, only those that know how to take care of the blessings, that will not heap unto themselves treasures. That will not go astray, that will not be influenced by the riches of the world or the riches that come their way, but they will have but one goal, to make sure that my work is accomplished upon the face of the earth. And as they make sure my work is done, they shall also walk in the blessings and the blessings shall abound unto them. Oh, I say unto you, rejoice, for you have tarried a long time, sayeth your Father God, for this hour, you have tarried a long time for this time and you have seen a blessing here and you have seen a blessing there and you have continued to press forward. But now, now the blessings shall roll in and many shall come here just because they see what you are receiving. But until they receive me, until I become the Lord of their life, they will never see the blessings that you are receiving, for their motive shall be wrong, the purity of their hearts shall not be pure. So they will not walk in those blessings, for it would only lead them astray and cause them to go the wrong way. But, oh, for those that are walking with me, for those that love me with all their heart, for those that have but one desire, to fulfill my will in their life, oh, the blessings which shall come. You will not need to have second class hand-me-down equipment, for I shall bless you in a manner that you shall be walking in the state-of-the-art of everything that there is, that you may have the blessings and the ease and the comfort that comes with it. For when I bless you, I add no sorrow with it and you walk in the fullness of all that I have. Oh, the storms will come, the tornadoes will come, the hurricanes will come, the tidal waves will come, the blizzards will come, the fire will come, all these things shall come. But because you are mine, it will be like you are inside an incubator and the world cannot touch you, for I have my covering over you and my shell round about you and I, your Father God, am feeding you. Yea, I am taking care of you, I am your oxygen, I am your strength, I am your light, I am your covering, I am your comfort, I am your peace, I am your joy. Oh, and you shall be blessed for you shall sense and know my love, even as a baby senses and knows the love of his parents and he can recognize them and know them and be comforted by them, so shall you be comforted by me. Now listen, hear, ponder, pay attention to the things that shall come to the world.

Know that even though this time and this hour is a time of great victory for my church, yet it is a time of great seriousness of walking before me, of truly knowing my word and knowing my voice and doing the things that I speak unto my children to do. It is an hour to be fully aware of what shall take place in the world and what I have said I shall do. For if you are not fully aware, how can you be prepared when the things come that are going to take place in the world? I have given unto you keys upon keys upon keys that you will have need of to use in the hour that lies ahead. For if you do not know what I have said, how can you be prepared within yourself to walk in the victory that I have given unto you? Therefore, know that it is important, it is important to take my word and to apply it to your life in every way, shape, manner and form. Know what I have said shall take place with the false church in the coming days in this hour, for the spirits that have been released are much more deceiving than what you know or realize. And when I warn you to not go here or not go there, the reason is because the spirits that abide in the place of the false are so evil that I am trying to protect you from them. For many times these spirits enter in and yet my children know it not because they do not have their guards up, they do not have their spiritman awake and alive within them. For many times my children walk in sin and this leaves a big door open for the devil to get in and to cause them to go ways that they would have never gone before. Be wise; be wise of the devices that the enemy uses to destroy my children and my church. Be not one who is ignorant, but know my word my children, for the devil only desires to steal, to kill and destroy. Know that he has come to break down the family, do not allow him in, but I say unto you, put a stop to it right away, do not walk in sin, but walk in my word, walk in my word, for it is so very important, for obedience is so much better than sacrifice. When you are walking in disobedience to me and my word, what are you giving up that you would not have had to give up if you would have just listened unto my voice and walked in my obedience? These are things that you need to ponder my children, these are things you need to think upon. For I give you my word that you need not to walk in the things of the world, but you can walk in the provisions that I have given unto you. For there is a great famine of the word right now, for there are many churches who have watered down my word to where it is almost not even a gospel at all and the enemy has had a field day big time and yet my children have been deceived and they know it not. Therefore, I say, people are going to come here because the word is here, for where the word is the power of God is also. You are a miracle center waiting for those who need a miracle to come, and yes, they shall come from near and far. From the moment they step through the doors of your property, they shall know the power of God resides upon this land. They shall sense it from the very beginning and it shall only continue to become greater and greater and greater as they enter in, as they come even into your buildings they shall feel it even more so, for my Spirit abides in this place. And they shall come because they shall know that the power of God resides here and my Spirit moves without measure and where my Spirit moves there is freedom. They shall come to be set free, they shall come to be delivered, they shall come to receive what I have for them. For truly this is a word abiding house and I have anointed, oh yes, I have anointed you for this time and this hour and so it shall be, for my word has gone out. I knew you before the foundations of the earth, I knew your heart and I knew what would take place. I knew the willingness, I knew the faithfulness and so I prepared and I made a way, I made a haven of rest, where people can come to receive all that I have for them. It shall be so my children, it shall be so. Therefore, know my word, meditate on my word, know the things that I have said. Know that even though there shall be troubles on every side in the world, do not fear, for you are not of the world, but you are of me. Therefore, fear not, but walk in my peace, walk in my joy, walk in my love and rest in me knowing that I am your Father God, and yes, I have all things under control.

1-14-04 pm service

Let your eyes be steadfast upon me, meditate upon those things that I have spoken unto you. Meditate upon them, get a clear understanding, that you may understand the things that I am telling you. For it is an hour of great evil, it is an hour like the world has not seen before. And as your eyes are upon me, as your ears are open unto me, then you are able to walk in the fullness of the things that I have said unto you. Be not amazed when you hear the things that I have said, for if you put them in your heart, if you know them in your mind, you would be looking forward to the things that are coming with great excitement, great joy. For truly it is the last hour, yea and I am doing those things that I have said that I would do. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me, meditate, meditate upon the things that I say to you, meditate upon them, understand them, walk in the truth of them.

For yes, this is a great hour for my church, but it is for my church who knows my word and walks according to my word. For they shall be victorious in all that they do. For it is a great hour and a great time of blessings, it is a time to follow my word like never before, it is a time to quickly obey and do the things that I have called unto you to do. It is the hour you no longer listen to the lies of the enemy, but my word is always within your heart, your mind and your mouth. For my word says cast down and annul all imaginations or any thought that is from the evil one, and when my children truly get a hold of this truth, the victory that they shall walk in, oh, shall be so great. It is an hour to know my word and know that I have truly said you are the overcomer, you are the victorious one, you have all that you have need of to walk in these days ahead. For I have called you more than a conqueror and so you are. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and know what I have said, listen not to what the enemy tells you, but I say unto you, know that I have said you are the victorious one, you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror. For it is a great hour my children for you to walk in the blessings that I have in store, for truly great are the things that are in store. Therefore, walk with me and know my word like never before, for truly therein do the blessings reside.

Every raindrop is important, every measure of my Spirit is even more important. For it gives life and it brings forth life in areas where there is no life and it causes you to blossom in your season, in your time. Therefore, receive the things that I have for you.

1-11-04 am service

I have called you for this hour and this time to do a special work for me. I say it is time for you to look in the mirror and see the person that I say that you are and not what your mind tells you, you were. You are no longer that person, I say unto you, see yourself the way that I call you to be. I call you victorious; I call you able to conquer every situation that comes your way. If you are not confessing those things, if you are not believing that you are all that I have said that you are, you are setting yourself up for failure. I have not called you for failure, I have called you to be the overcomer, I have called you to be above and not beneath, I have called you to be the victor, be that victor that I have called you to be. Know my word, keep my word in your mouth, keep my word on your lips, confess those things that I say unto you, listen, listen very closely, for those things that I give unto you are instructions. For I say to you, the time has come, the time has come to do those things that I have called you to do. Be aware, be alert, be ready.

Remember this, I would not call you to do anything except I have already equipped you, that you could do the things that I have called you to do. So look not down on your abilities, look not down upon yourself, but look to my word of what I have said and realize that you can do all things through me, that there is absolutely nothing impossible for you to do. Therefore, go forth with the strength, go forth with the power, go forth with the anointing that I have given unto you and begin to fulfill these things. Don’t leave them undone, but begin to go forth and fulfill these things. For you cannot embrace them until you go forth, you cannot possess them until you fulfill them. Therefore, I say unto you, you have been equipped, I have equipped you, therefore, go forth, go forth and do what I have told you to do.

For you are like a soldier who has been equipped for war. I have equipped you with all that you have need of, I have given unto you every piece of armor that you have need of to walk victoriously in this day and this hour. But even as those soldiers have to put on their armor before they go into battle, so you must put on your armor daily. I say unto you, I have given them unto you as a weapon that you can walk victoriously in this day and in this hour. For as you look at my armor closely you see that my word girds and holds up everything. Therefore, put my word on daily, have it within your mouth, have it within your heart, have it before you that you may read it and understand the things that I speak unto you and that I shall share with you. For I have said that revelation knowledge shall flow like no other time, like it shall flow now. Therefore, I say unto you, study my word, for as you study my word I shall reveal unto you those things that have been hidden and it shall cause you to walk in the victory that you have need of. Therefore I say unto you, put on my word daily that truly you can enter into the abundance, to the abundance of all that I have in store for you. For truly it is a great hour and it is a great time, but you also must be diligent, you also must seek my face and know the things that I have said shall surely come to pass. For I have given unto you my word my children and I watch over my word to perform it, but if you do not know my word, how can you walk in the abundance of all that I have for you? Therefore, know my word, know what I have said, and therefore, walk, walk, walk in the blessings that I have for you.

For even as the world has a full body armor that protects them from the bullets of the enemy, so you have the armor of the Holy Ghost. And the armor of the Holy Ghost shall not fail you neither shall the enemy be even able to hurt you in any manner, shape or form, therefore, keep that armor on.

1-11-04 pm service

For the work that shall be done in these days shall be a work that shall amaze even those who stand in strong faith, it shall amaze my people. For my people do not look at all the fullness of the things that I have said, neither do they look and understand the fullness of the things that I have said. But I shall do those things that I have said, I shall fulfill them before your eyes, you shall see the things that I have said and many, many shall run with me in a mighty, mighty way. And miracles, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place on the right and on the left and they shall walk in divine health and they shall not waiver, they shall not faint, they shall not grow weary, but they shall run the race as a seasoned athlete. They shall run with all their power, with all their might, with all their strength that I, their Father God, shall give unto them. And they shall muster that up and go forth and do the things that I have said. Therefore, they need not to fear what the enemy has to say, neither do they need to fear the circumstances round about them. For they have my word, they have my promise and in that alone they should rejoice, in that alone they should be the overcomers, in that alone they should be the victors.

Be like an athlete that has set a goal before them, and even though at times they may lose here and there, they do not lose sight of that goal and they press in even harder to receive all that they shall receive when they fulfill that goal. Keep your eyes upon my word, have my word within your heart, for my word shall sustain through these days. Be likened unto that athlete that only presses in harder and harder and harder until you see the fulfillment of your desire, till you see the fulfillment of the goal that is set before you. Therefore, I say unto you, have my word within your heart like never before and press in like never before to receive truly all that I have in store for you. For the athlete who gives up is the one who loses everything, but the athlete who keeps going is the one that receives the prize. Therefore, I say unto you, run with me like never before, keep your eyes upon me like never before, have my word within your heart that truly you can stand, that you can receive all that I have said is yours and even much more. For truly it is a great hour my children for you. It is a great hour and I have many blessings in store for you. Therefore, press in even more so that truly you can receive all, all that I have in store for you.

Take heed to the words that I say. Hear them, ponder them, understand them that you are capable of walking as I have told you. That you are capable of being the overcomer, the victor, the winner in all circumstances.

1-11-04 at the altar after the pm service

When my people begin to walk in the fullness of my word, they shall stand amazed at how simple it is. They will understand above and beyond any doubt that there is absolutely nothing impossible for them to do according to my word, in line with my word. They will be far stronger than they have ever been before. Their heart shall be filled with faith; their mind shall be filled with wisdom and knowledge from my word. And their mouths shall be sharper than any two-edged sword, it shall go out and come back with the answer, it will not take months nor weeks, for they shall see the things that they call done even as you see the prophetic word now done. They shall speak it and the next day they shall begin to see it as it begins to be fulfilled and through the remainder of the week they shall see the fulfillment of the things that they have said. It shall bring such excitement and courage and strength to them that they will quickly run to the battle and join in with everything that they have. They shall be my warriors, mighty warriors, much, much mightier than David’s warriors. They shall be my army that shall go forth to take and to conquer and to bring in the lost, to gain back territory that they have lost, to fulfill my word until it is time for them to go out. They shall be the ones that everybody shall be looking upon and watching and desiring to be like them and finding out that they can, if they will but walk with me. If they will give their hearts one hundred percent to me and allow me to run their life, to empty their minds out and reprogram their mind with my word, that my word controls their senses, their thinking, their sight, their smell, their touch, their taste. That circumstances no longer control their lives nor the things that they see nor the things that they hear nor the things that they feel nor will they feel like people are taking advantage of them, because no one can take advantage of them. The reason they feel like people are taking advantage of them is because they do not know who they are. Joseph never once said people were taking advantage of him and he rose to the very top. Know my word, for if I can take Hebrew children and cause them to be the main voice in a system that is so corrupt, so filled with sin, so can I take you and cause you to be the voice that man will hear and take note of what you said, even though they may not do it, they will know that what you say shall come to pass. For when you tell them what the handwriting is on the wall they will fall down like dead men, for fear shall grip them, for they know that the words that you say shall come to pass. Many things are going to begin to take place even on a greater scale than you saw last year. For just as 2004 brings much, much more to you, so does 2004 bring much, much more to the world. You shall see as the storms increase, as the drought continues, as the floods get worse, as the earthquakes continue to accelerate, as the avalanches continue to take place, as the tidal waves continue to take place, you shall see the things that I have said to you. So keep your eyes upon my word, meditate upon my prophetic word that I have given unto you, meditate upon it, for many do not even look once, meditate upon it. For I do not just give the word to tickle your ears, I give the word that you may walk safely, victoriously, like the overcomers in a time of great calamity, in a time of great darkness, in a time when the world shall be shaken like it has never been shaken before and a time when the antichrist shall take his seat. Let your eyes be upon me, let there be peace in your heart, let there be joy in your heart, for truly you are my church and you shall be the overcomers that I have said you shall be, I shall fulfill my word to you, my promises to you. Some of you need to take those promises out and wipe the dust off them, so that you can remember what I have promised you, so that you can begin to claim the things that belong to you and walk in the victory that I have for you. Now listen, ponder, know the things that I have to say.

Do not fear the hour that you are living in, but let my peace rule in your heart and your mind, as my word has declared. For many times my children fall into the hand of the enemy because their mind is not filled with my peace, it is filled with worries, it is filled with doubt, it is filled with the things of the world instead of my word. For my word says, that you need to renew your mind and those whose mind is renewed is a mind who is steadfast upon my word. Therefore, have my word within your heart, think upon my word, allow not the thoughts of the enemy to overrule the thoughts of my word, but quickly cast them down as I have said in my word. For when you resist the devil he shall flee, but when you allow those thoughts to continue within your mind, they eventually take over in your heart until you do not know what to believe. Therefore, I say, know my word, have my word within your heart, have my word within your mind, do not think upon the things of the world, but think only upon me and my word, have only my thoughts. For truly it is a dangerous hour for those in the world, for those who do not know me and for those who have strayed from my word. There shall be troubles on every side, and yet at times they think I am not there, and yet I am always there to help in any time of need, if they would only but call out to me they would find that I am there. Know that I have said, my children, I will never leave you nor forsake you, it does not matter what you might be going through, I am always there. Therefore, know that you have the power and authority that I have given unto you and the enemy has no control over you whatsoever at all. The only control he has is that which you give him, because I have not given him any power, because I have given that unto you. Therefore, know, know what I have said in my word, know that I have declared unto you there is nothing that he can do to harm you, unless you allow it to take place. Therefore, know my word as I have said. For you shall see an increase in the weather, as you have seen already. For many places have been experiencing a very, very strange winter and yet it shall continue on in many areas where it shall continue to make records as it goes on. But these things shall take place because it is the end-times; it is the last days that my word has declared onto you about. Know that violence shall increase, the crime rate shall go up as it already has in many areas, but it shall continue to get worse as the year progresses. Know these things shall take place because my word declares it to be so, for I said that those evil spirits have been released in this time and this hour, and yet my people do not understand the depth of those evil spirits. But know that you are always protected when you are walking with me, when you are walking in my word, when you listen to my voice, you are always protected. Therefore, I say unto you, fear ye not the things that shall take place round about in the world and the things that you shall hear on the news that are taking place, the things of the sicknesses that are happening all around, do not be afraid, but know I have given unto you my word, know that I have given unto you all that you need to truly walk in these days in victory. Therefore, know my word and know what I have said and walk not in fear, walk not in worry, but I say, walk in my peace.

1-7-04 pm service

For your burden shall be even lighter than my word declares unto you. For you do not understand the fullness of my word, therefore, it will be lighter because of that. And your joy shall be so great that you will be able to rest like you have never rested before. For your head shall hit the pillow and you shall be awake and it shall be morning, sayeth your Father God, and you shall wake up with strength. For I shall lift you to a higher plateau that you may walk in the fullness of that divine health that rightfully belongs to you. That when others look at you they will be amazed, they will be amazed at how young you look, how strong you are and the things that you are able to do regardless of what your age is. For you shall be likened unto Moses, for your eyes shall not dim and you shall be as strong as Joshua said, even as Caleb said, even as Elijah and you shall walk in the fullness of my power, the fullness of my ability. And you shall be able to do the things that I, your Father God, have said unto you. Your wisdom shall be that of mine and the miracles, the signs and the wonders that shall flow from your hands, that shall proceed out of your mouth shall wake up those round about you and you shall tell them about me and you shall tell them about the time and the shortness. And they shall rejoice, for they shall come into the kingdom of God, yea and they shall not be like babes of old, for they will begin to run and they will begin to stay along side those that are already running. And it shall be open unto them very quickly that they too can go forth and do the things that you are doing. So I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice; rejoice, for your hour is here.

For my joy shall fill your life to overflowing like never before, so much to overflowing, that you shall not be able to keep your feet upon the floor. That you will release unto me and you will just dance before me and rejoice before me and give unto me all the praise and the glory for what I am doing on your behalf. For truly it is a great hour my children, for your hearts shall be so filled with my love, that when you speak to even the coldest of the coldest of the coldest hearts, that love shall melt them right into your hands. And they shall see my love and they shall know that truly you have got something different and they shall want to experience what you have got. And they shall give their lives unto me and great shall be the number that shall be added unto my kingdom because of the love that shall flow out of you. For truly it is a great time my children and I am fulfilling my word unto you. Think it not strange that I have called or chosen you for this hour, but I see and I know your hearts and I know the faithfulness and the obedience that comes on your part. Therefore, know my children that I delight in you, and oh, how pleased I am. Therefore, I say unto you, keep pressing in even more so that you can receive all that I have in store for you. For truly it is a great hour for my church and I am fulfilling my word unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, keep my word in front of you, speak my word, know my word, walk in my word, for truly it is your hour, it is your time and great are the things that I shall do on behalf of my people.

When a dam breaks because of the water pressure that is mounting up behind it that cannot be controlled, oh, what a flood. So shall it be also with the outpouring of my Spirit in this day now.

1-4-04 am service

It is an hour of great excitement, great excitement I say to you this day. For it is a time when my name shall be exalted far above all others by not only my children, but those who are yet to come in, that will come in. I say they are coming, they are coming in droves and my name shall be exalted. So I say, be anxious for nothing, but expect those things that I have promised unto you, for they are coming to pass very quickly now. I say it is a time of great expectancy, a time of great joy, a time where my fulfillment of my word shall come to pass very soon now. I say to you, it is a time when my name shall be exalted as never before. So press in, press in, stand upon the promises that I have made unto you personally, stand upon the promises I have made to my church. For I say that it is a time of excitement, it is a time of fulfillment and things shall happen very quickly. So get excited, be expecting those things that I have said unto you, for they are coming, oh so soon now, they are coming.

For there never has been an hour such as this nor shall there ever be again, sayeth your Father God. For this is the climax, this is the great ending that I have spoken to you about when my church shall rise to the very top, when the wealth of the heathen shall come into her and they shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out. They shall be feared by the false, they shall be feared by the antichrist, they shall be feared by all those that are not mine. For they shall be powerful in everything that they attempt to do and everything that they do. So open your hearts, prepare them now for the blessings, oh, the blessings, oh, the blessings that I have for you.

Be like a runner who has his focus upon the finish line. For when his focus is to the crowd or the things around him, he loses his pace and the race that he is running. Therefore, I say unto you, be one who has his eyes upon the finish line. My word and what I have said shall take place, not only personally, but as a whole for my church and for the world. Know that truly I am with you every single day no matter what you are doing, I am there. For my word says I shall never leave you nor shall I forsake you, I am with you always even to the end my children, I am there. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me like never before, have your focus upon my word and know that truly the end is drawing fastly nigh upon you, but yet there is time to do all that I have said I shall do. Therefore, I say, keep your eyes upon my word, be like that runner whose focus is upon that finish line and receive all the blessings that I have in store for you. Do not allow the things of the world to deter you from what I have called you to do, but I say, keep your eyes upon my word and walk in the fullness of all of my blessings.

You have heard the saying, raindrops from heaven? Well now you have the showers, the showers from heaven. So open up your arms and receive the gifts that I have for you.

1-4-04 pm service

For truly the latter rain shall soak you up like a sponge so full that it will ooze out of you and touch those round about you. For it is that hour, sayeth your Father God, when you walk in the fullness of my power, the fullness of my ability, the fullness of all things, for I have given that unto you. For you have received all things that pertain unto godliness and life that you may be my sons, my daughters. That you may walk even as my son Jesus walked, that you may perform miracles, signs and wonders that the world will look upon you and follow after you and come unto me. That they may receive me as their God and Jesus as their Lord and their savior that they may come into the safety of the fold, that they may walk in all the provisions that I have for them. For truly they need to walk there, for it is the last days, it is the last hours, but I have enough for all, sayeth your Father God. Therefore, continue to press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For truly it is a great hour, it is a great hour.

It is an hour to have your hearts ready for the things that are going to take place. For the move of my Spirit shall be like none you have ever experienced before. Those who are open shall be swept away, and yet those who stand by and don’t jump in, they shall just be those who watch as others receive the blessings of my Spirit. Do not be those who stand by the wayside and do not receive all that I have, but I say, be those who flow in my Spirit who jump into the flood of my Spirit that is flowing and receive all that I have for them. For truly I shall fulfill my word to you and great are the things that shall take place. For this house shall be filled with miracles, signs and wonders as I have said. People shall flood in from the north, the south, the east and the west just to be in my house where my presence permeates, where my anointing flows without measure and where my Spirit is poured out without measure. It is a great hour my children, therefore, prepare your hearts for all that I have in store for you. Come prepared to meet with me each and every single time you come into my house. Do not miss out on the things that I have for you, but I say to you, come ready with an open heart ready to receive all that I have in store. For truly the gates of heaven are opened unto you, and yes, I am pouring out blessings that you do not have room to contain. And even as I am pouring out my blessings, so am I pouring out my Spirit upon you. Therefore, prepare your hearts; prepare your hearts for all that is in store for you. For truly it is the hour and it is the time that I have spoken unto you about, it is that day. Therefore, I say unto you, prepare your heart, come ready to meet with me, for truly I am here to meet with you and I shall do all that I have said that I shall do.

For many Christians walk like their shadow walks and only follows themselves, be not like that. For I cannot use those that follow themselves, but rather yet follow me.

For as a blanket of snow covers the earth, so shall my Spirit. For I shall pour it out upon all flesh and those that are open shall receive what I have for them, and yea, they shall walk with the fullness of it.

1-4-04 at the altar after the pm service

For now you have a solid border around the puzzle that you may see the picture that shall soon appear within that puzzle. For I shall show you clearly the things that shall take place, I shall tell you them, for they never were suppose to be a puzzle nor a mystery. But there was a time set aside for them to be closed and there was a time for them to be open, you are in that time that they should be open unto you, that you should make them clear to those that have need of it. Many have guessed, many have put pieces in the puzzle that do not belong in the puzzle. Many have done many, many things to prove their position, their doctrine, their point, but they have missed the whole truth. But now the whole truth shall come forth and the Spirit shall be your teacher, shall be your guide, shall be your witness, for as the prophetic word goes forth, it will be much clearer than it was before. It shall be like the other night, and even clearer yet, for that was only part of the outline. And now you shall see the things that shall take place within that, forming and making the picture that my church can look upon and know what shall take place in these last days. I shall place every little piece in there for you. I have already started placing those pieces in there for you that you can see this multitude, this great union of nations that shall come against me and come against you and come against everything that is written in my book and yet shall look like a spiritual group that loves me and desires to follow me and fulfill my will, but only if it lines up with their will. So be not deceived by them nor be deceived by the great masses here in the United States. Many, many full gospel, along with others, even Pentecostals and Charismatics, that have already shifted the boat and they have changed and moved into another position and do not even know it and they have gone far, far, far from the bible. All it takes is looking at their programs and one can see quickly the things that they are doing, that are written in my book not to do, and yet they do it and they say they are serving me. You shall see the political system now such as you have never seen it before. You shall see the spiritual on both sides, the true and the false, such as you have never seen before. You will be amazed at how it is recorded in my word and laid out in detail and how the Holy Spirit will now reveal the other truths to you, to build upon the truths that you already have, that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. I have called you and I have made you a hub that the wheels attach to and turn with. I have called you for a purpose and a plan. I have called you because you are mine and I shall do those things that I have said, I shall move through you in the ways that I have told you and even greater. For you shall walk in divine health, miracles, healings, they shall flow from you with no problem, with no restraint and many shall see that and come to know me because of that. So it is time, sayeth your Father God, for you to press into me like you have never pressed in before. To talk to me more, to listen as I talk to you, to hear the things that I have to say that you may walk according to my word, according to my purpose, according to my plan. For if you think it is muddy here right now because of the building, wait until the other buildings go up. But the mud shall go and the grass shall grow and it shall be a beautiful place and people shall sense my Spirit as they come on the property and they realize that, truly, this is where God is, this is where God is meeting with his people during this short time. For there shall come a day when I shall remove my church and then I will pour out my wrath upon those that are left, for they know me not, they have become my enemies, they have walked away from me, but Israel, Israel, I have a covenant with her.

It is time for the Joshua’s and Caleb’s to rise up and to do all that I have called them to do. It is time for them to walk in my ability, my power, my anointing that I have given unto them and I have set aside for this time and this hour. It is time for those who are like Gideon, who heard my word and know that I have called them and yet they hide away because they do not think they have the boldness that I have given unto them. It is time for you to rise up, it is time for you to be courageous and to walk in the boldness that I have given unto you and to possess the land, to walk in the victory. It is no longer time to sit back, it is no longer time to stand still, but it is time to move with my Spirit, it is time to move in the areas that I have called you to move out into. Therefore, do not slack behind any longer, but I say unto you, put on your marching shoes and march to the beat that I have set before you, the orders that I have given unto you. It is time for you to go forth and to fulfill the calling I have placed upon your life that, truly, you can walk in the abundance of my blessings. Months ago I spoke to many of my people to move here and to move there and to do the things that I told them to do and yet they sit back waiting and waiting and waiting. It is not a time to wait, but it is a time to take that step of faith and to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For when you take that step you shall find that there is an abundance of blessings waiting for you. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and become all that I have called you to be and do all the things that I have called you to do. For I have given unto you all the ability, I have given unto you everything that you have need of, I have fully equipped you. Therefore, I say unto you, do not be concerned, no longer listen unto the enemies lies that you are not able nor have you been adequately prepared, for I, Almighty God, have prepared you, I have given unto you all that you do need, I have equipped you. Therefore, put down the lies of the enemy and walk in my truth, walk in my word, for great are the things that lie ahead when you take that step of faith that I have told you to take. For there shall be great troubles in the world on the right and on the left, but do not fear the things that shall take place. Walk in my word and rest in my word, know that I have given unto you my word and know there is nothing impossible for me to do. Therefore, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon my promises, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said I shall do, for truly I am working on your behalf even right now this moment, even though at times it does not seem like it, I am working. Therefore, continue to put your trust in me, keep your eyes upon my word as I have said, keep your eyes upon Israel. Pray for the souls that shall come into my kingdom, for that harvest is, oh, so ripe and ready. Know that it is a great hour for my church and great is the victory that they shall walk in, in this day and this hour, but know that there shall be troubles in the world. Therefore, I say to you, allow your light to shine even more so in this day and this hour, that those who are lost might come unto me because they see Jesus through you and desire to have the fellowship that you have and they desire to have the joy, the peace, the love that you have. Therefore, let your light shine that others may see and come to know me because of the example that you live. Keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon the vision and the goals that I have set in front of you, do not allow the enemy to steal them from you. But I say unto you, keep your eyes upon them, keep them within your heart and know that truly I, Almighty God, am working on your behalf to fulfill my word unto you.

12-31-03 / 1-1-04 New Years

For truly I have cleansed you, yes, I have set you aside for the work that shall take place in these days, these end days. For I have chosen you, yea and I have made you mine, I know you, I know you by name, I know you by heart. I saw you before the foundations of this earth, yea and I knew that truly you shall be my workman in these last days. Therefore, I have chosen you and called you, I have ordained you, I have anointed you, I have equipped you that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you to do. Yea and this night, sayeth your Father God, I shall release blessings, and I shall give unto you facts, yea and you shall know, you shall know the things that shall come to pass.

So shall it be, for I shall move now, right now, sayeth your Father God, right this moment, yes, I shall move, yea, I shall move in a mighty way. Yea and my Spirit shall sweep across this room to and fro, up and down and I shall touch you right now and fill you to overflowing that you shall be totally equipped for the things that are ahead.

Oh, the things that are in store for you, for it is not by chance that you are here; you are here because you are my faithful. You are my faithful few whom I have called and I have chosen for this very time and this very hour and I am equipping you for the things that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, open your hearts unto me that I may truly fill you to overflowing that you can walk victoriously in these days ahead. For oh, the great things I have in store for you. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and my word, put the vision that I have given unto you in front of you and run with all of your might. For truly it is a great hour my children, it is a great hour, and oh, the great things I have in store for you.

For two thousand and four shall be a year of much, much, much more. Two thousand and four shall be the year that you score. Two thousand and four you shall walk in the victories you have never had before.

For you are faithful, yes, very faithful, for your heart is set upon my goal, it is set upon the things that I have set before you. Your eyes are steadfast upon the finish line; therefore, I can use you in a mighty way. I can use you to fulfill the things that I have said, for your heart is true unto me, not all hearts are true unto me. Many are like Judea and many are like Israel and their hearts are very far from me, but your heart is very close, your ears are attentive to my words, you walk with me, you desire to do the things that I ask you to do. You walk through the hard times, and even though they are not pleasant times, yet you draw not back, but you mount up one more time and run again and press in toward the things that I have for you. Therefore, I can use you, I can use you in a mighty way, sayeth your Father God, yea and I shall use you in a mighty way. For I have given unto you my word and my promise, I watch over that word to fulfill that word. Not one little dot shall fail, for I will do what I have said that I will do. Yea and it is that time and it is that hour to see the total fulfillment of it. All the promises they shall suddenly come, they shall suddenly take place and you will be shocked and many, many will have to learn how to walk in a higher realm of faith than they are walking now. And when the evil of the world continues it will not shake you nor will it trouble you nor will it cause you to draw back nor will it cause you to even flinch. For you will know my word, you will know my promises and you will know the strength that only those that walk with me can walk in. For I shall give you that strength, I shall give you that power, I shall give you that ability, that you can be all, all that I said that you could be, that you will not lack in any area, but you will be the overcomers. Therefore, let your heart be filled with joy. Let my peace cover you, shelter you, comfort you. Let me love you, let me love you, for you are mine, sayeth the Lord.

For the days that are ahead shall read like a newspaper, for I shall speak unto you those things that shall come to pass even as I am speaking unto you now, sayeth your Father and you shall see them and you shall record them that others may see them. And others shall know, for I will show you. I will show you the storms, the volcanoes, the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the floods, the great time of drought, for it stands at the door right now. For what scientists have seen is only small in comparison to what they shall see. For the temperatures shall continue to rise and this summer set new records and the droughts shall increase and the forest fires shall come again only to burn more land and the winds shall fan them, for it is that time. And the earth shall quake, not only here, but in other places, sayeth your Father God. Oh, I say unto you, great disaster lies ahead, for you are in the last days, the very last days, sayeth your Father God. I have extended the time unto you, but it is the last days and many things shall take place and they shall take place suddenly. And as you look upon them it will not seem like you waited so long, for there will be so much to do you will wonder where to start. The miracles, the signs, the wonders shall become commonplace in your church. Multitudes, multitudes shall come to receive their miracles, to receive their healings, to receive their deliverance and divine health shall flow here, sayeth your Father, divine health shall flow here. For you shall be a miracle haven unto all that come and they shall receive of me and they shall receive instruction from me and they shall know what to do and how to do it, that this end-time revival shall come in. You shall see the false church as it continues to rise higher and higher and higher and yet it will have its day of fall. So fear not what you see, but know that I have told you these things and week by week I shall lay out a plan to you of the things that shall take place and you shall see them. So prepare your hearts for the things that shall come in two thousand and four. For great things, far greater than you know in the spirit realm are taking place and many things shall be done even next month. Yea and I will tell you about them and I will tell you about the things that they are forming, the things that they are yet doing. So listen carefully, sayeth your Father God, unto the things that I have for you. Listen, ponder upon them and know what I have said.

The European Common Market will now fulfill its role as the Political Babylon. The European Union has rapidly evolved into a super state, for the EU’s legislative body is located in Brussels, Belgium and is now the council of Europe, for it has been given power to overrule all national laws of member states. Likewise, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg has the power to override the decisions made by the Supreme Courts of the member states. The financial branch of the EU governmental structure is called European Central Bank and is located in Frankfurt, Germany. Denmark, Sweden and England to come into this union this year 2004. The British are trying to hang on to the English mark and have already lost thirty one percent of its power. The EU shall now form a powerful police force of a hundred and twenty thousand men called the Rapid Action Euro Corps; the Commander in Chief is General Gustav Hagglund of Finland. The fifteen member nations consists of three hundred and seventy four million people and their combined economy constitutes twenty percent of the world’s gross domestic product and twenty percent of the world trade. In comparison to the United States and Japan, the European Union excels both in population and in world trade. For the European Union is poised for a major expansion, this is important my children. The Treaty of Niece negotiated in December 2000 provides for the admission of Cyprus, Malta, Eastern Europe, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia to be added in January 2004, a powerhouse to be reckoned with. They are looking for the man who shall be their head, that man is the antichrist. With this addition they will have five hundred million people. Remember the Tower of Babel, they united and became one and nothing could stop them except me. You shall see an increase in storms, high temperatures, droughts, shortages, a lack of jobs, fastly becoming more of a service nation, a revival of miracles, signs and wonders flowing from your church and into the world. The false church joining the EU movement and the false prophet with his healing ministry becoming the head apostle of the world church, the one who heals the deadly wound in the man who shall become the antichrist, all of this before 2005 ends. Hear what the Spirit has said to his church and mark it down as it shall come to pass, thus placing everything into place. Wake up church and read the signs on the wall. Water shortages in the South and the Midwest and other places like never seen in history. Lakes becoming so polluted the fish and the water is of no use. These are but a few of what shall happen in 2004 and 2005. I tell you week by week other things that will come to pass. Great growth shall now come and so shall the new buildings and all my promises to you and to my church. For I have given my word and it shall be so. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and my word. Pray for Israel, as she shall now see more pressure on her from the EU and other places so the Jews shall return home again and take more land that belongs to them. Know my word and watch my word, for these things shall take place.


12-28-03 am service

It is a time of great fulfillment, a time of fulfillment of my promises unto you. My people shall walk forward with a great anointing, my blessings shall be poured out with great abundance on them. I say unto you, nothing my children, nothing is impossible with me. Stand very closely with me, know my word, keep my word in your heart, let my word come out of your mouth, for I say to you, it is a time of great importance for my church for my children. I say to you, many things are happening throughout the world that have caused mass destruction. Have you not seen my words that I have given unto you come to pass? They are coming to pass much quicker now. So I say unto you, it is imperative to know my word, continue to have that deep personal relationship with me. For it is a time where I will fulfill those personal promises that I have made unto you. Do not lag behind, do not turn to the right nor the left, do not allow the enemy to put doubt into your mind, but I say to you, continue to stand on those promises, for they are so close at hand my children. And I just want you to know this day that I love you, I love you with an everlasting love and I shall never leave you nor forsake you. So walk very closely with me; stand upon the promises that I have given unto you and watch them come to pass very quickly now.

Be not one who has tunnel vision, but be one that can see all that I, your Father God, am doing on your behalf. For the things that I am doing now are so clear that even a blind man could see them. Even those that know me not look upon the word and know that truly they come to pass. Who are they, they say? How do they speak forth these things? Oh, I say unto you, walk; walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Listen, listen to the things that I say, for they shall fill your heart with joy and they shall cause the promises to roll in that you may bathe in them, that you can be loaded down daily with the promise that I have for you. So look not, look not at the problems of the world, but look, look at what I am doing.

Know that I am your God and your Father and I give all things unto you, that which is good, therefore, press in with all that you have. Do not lag behind as I have said, but I say, press in and receive all that I have in store for you in the days that are ahead. For great things, great things are in store for those who walk in my will, who walk in my way and who do the things that I speak unto them to do. They shall be blessed coming in and going out, oh yes, the promises I have given unto you my children, I am fulfilling them. Therefore, keep your eyes upon my word as I have said. Know that I have spoken and know that I shall do that which I said I shall do.

For a great treasure given unto you is only good if you walk in it, if you use it, if you bless yourself with the blessing that I have blessed you with.

Even in a great meal, the dessert is saved for last. So is it with this move of mine, the greatest, the greatest is now coming.

12-28-03 pm service

For as the wind bloweth so does my Spirit now bloweth, it sweeps across the lands and over the mountains, through the valleys, across the streams, it sweeps across the ocean and it engulfs my people, it engulfs those that are hungry, it fills them with my Spirit. For it is that time of that latter, that outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all flesh and you shall see it and you shall hear it. For I have spoken these things, sayeth your Father God, for yea, I gave it unto you first and now I give it unto them.

For truly the victory is at hand, yes, the victory is at hand. For I have gone before you and I have made a way where there was not a way. I have straightened the road, I have filled in the low spots, I have bulldozed down the high spots that you may travel at a great speed, that you may go forth and do the things that I have called you to do. I have removed the obstacles, so if they face you, realize they are removed and do not slow down and do not stop, but continue to go forward. For they are not in your way, they are only a mist that the devil puts before you, for I have given you the victory, yes, the victory is yours.

For the only thing that stops you from receiving the victory that I have already made for you, is listening to the lies of the devil. Therefore, I say unto you, renew your mind by my word, think only my thoughts, disregard all other thoughts, for the evil one has the greatest battlefield in the mind. Therefore, I say unto you, renew your mind by my word, think only my thoughts, speak only my words, for truly I have already given you the victory in every situation that you will ever encounter, that you shall ever come upon. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, meditate on my word, meditate on my word, have it within your heart on a day to day basis. For truly my children, my word shall sustain you through these days ahead, it shall give unto you all the strength that you have need of. Therefore, do not quit or give up, but I say unto you, run even faster, trample upon the enemy’s head even more so, for truly great are the things that I have in store for you. Therefore, do not lag behind nor let off, but I say unto you, press in even more so and receive all that I have in store for you. For this is a great hour, it is a great time for those who are walking with me and the blessings that shall come into your being they shall be so overwhelming you will not know what to do with them all. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the goal that is set before you and run, run with everything that you have within you.

As it is on a very, very hot day when you are eating an ice cream cone, you must keep busy to keep up with the melting of the ice cream, so is it in these days now that are ahead of you. You must keep yourself busy taking in the blessings that I have for you, for if not, they will drip away.

12-28-03 at the altar after the pm service

My grace is sufficient; it will carry you through any trial. It will carry you through any time that might be hard and my peace shall fill your heart with the comfort, the assurance that you need to walk through that victoriously. For I have already made the way for you, you do not have to look for a way; I have made the way. The same is so true, even in that song that you sing, there is nothing that you really need to do except believe me, for the miracles, the signs and the wonders, they shall come. They are already here and have been taking place in your midst for quite awhile and some you are just recognizing and some you are just seeing, but it shall accelerate to the highest level, it shall be awesome as you say, unbelievable as you say. And yet you shall believe cause you shall see and you do believe in your heart, but you shall see it just as others shall see it as it comes to pass. So you need not fear the terrible things that you read about, that you hear about that are taking place in the whole world. There needs to be no concern other than the concern of praying for them, for they need your prayers. The things that are taking place in Iraq are not because you are not praying as hard as you did when you thought the war was on, for if you look honestly you will see the war has never ended. If the war has ended, why are there still killings? Do you want to blame it on terrorists? Oh, I say unto you, unwise are those who make decisions without my counsel, for they know not the things that they do nor do they know how they stirred up a hornet’s nest in those rivers and released those evil spirits that are now moving to and fro. And you shall see the results of that, for it shall be far worse than any results that you have seen before from evil spirits, but yet those who believe my word will have power and authority even over them and they will fear not. Do not fear the great snowstorms that you hear about. Enjoy the weather that you have, enjoy what I have given unto you. For spring shall come quickly, sayeth your Father, that you may enjoy the things that you enjoy so much. Prepare your hearts now for the Prophetic Camp Meeting, prepare your hearts now for the Youth Camp, for if you begin to prepare your hearts now, and begin to do as I have told you, you shall see both ten times greater than what you saw this year. You shall see a mighty move and a mighty move is what you need. Do not be concerned over the things of the past, but set you eyes on the future and go after the things that I have told you that are yours. Do not blame the devil for holding up things. How can he hold up anything when he has no power, when he has no authority, when he has no ability? Close the doors, close the doors, be honest, close the doors and you will see that my word will quickly come to pass in any area that you desire to apply it to. Watch your mouth, speak forth only my word, stand on my word, stand on my promises, for truly they shall come to pass. I shall share many things with you come New Year’s Eve and I shall show you things to come and you shall know them, but I shall show you those things every time you meet like this, I shall share with you, for I have told you I will do nothing except I first tell you. So be not fearful of those things, nor back off because of what people say. But now is the hour, now is the time to press in like you have never pressed in before, to give one hundred and ten percent and watch me bless you. And watch the blessings roll over you with great swiftness and the joy and the peace that shall fill you house and your heart shall be overwhelming, for I, your Father God, shall love you with all my heart.

Keep your eyes upon what I have said shall take place. Know that there have been many different storms all over that are taking place even as I warned you ahead of time, before they even took place. Therefore, I say, be a watchman who watches my word as it is being fulfilled. Keep your eyes upon Israel, as I have said. Keep your eyes upon the man of peace that shall quickly rise, for it shall not be long and everyone shall be able to see and know him. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes open to the things that I have spoken unto you about, keep your spiritman open to the things that I shall speak unto you. For truly it is a great hour for my church, it is a great time, even though the world shall walk in great fear, even though the world shall walk in great troubles, my church shall be victorious on every side. Therefore, I say, continue to walk with me like never before, for I have made you the head, not the tail, I have made you above and not beneath, I have made you the overcomer, you are not going to be the overcomer, I have already made you the overcomer. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and become all that I said that you are, see yourself in the light that I see you, for I see you blessed, you are a peculiar people, I have called and I have chosen you for this day and this hour. Therefore, do not allow anyone else to tell you different, but I say unto you, know that I have given unto you my word, and therefore, my word has already gone out and it shall do that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, look ahead with great expectation for all that I have in store for you. Do not miss out on anything that I tell you, for many times I speak to my people, and it is like they are a little child, and it goes in one ear and out the other and they do not receive the abundance of the blessings that they could have, if they would have only but listened to what I had spoken unto them. Therefore, be more attentive to the things that I speak to you, listen carefully, for truly I said that I would warn you ahead of time before anything takes place. I have given unto you my word, I have made that promise unto you, therefore, know it shall be so and is so. For you shall even notice a greater increase in crime in many different areas, for the spirits that I have spoken unto you about that have been released, they are ten times worse than some that you have seen in the past. Therefore, it shall cause greater uproars here and there among the people, but do not be afraid, for I shall keep you safe through these times ahead, I shall cause you to walk victoriously in every way, shape, manner and form. Therefore, keep you eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, be attentive unto the things that I speak unto you. For my words, they bring life unto those who listen, but they also bring death to those who do not listen.

Christmas Eve Service 03

Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let the peace that I have given to you swell up within your spiritman causing you to rise higher and higher and higher. Let your eyes be steadfast upon my promises to you. For I have given my word and I watch over that word to fulfill that word and it shall not go out and return void, but I will do those things that I have sent it forth to do. For I am the Lord, I am mighty, I am powerful, I love you with an everlasting love and there is not one thing that I would not do for you. I desire to cradle you in my arms, to strengthen you, to empower you, to fight your battles that you need not fight them, but that you can walk in the victory. So let your eyes be upon me, for many things shall take place throughout the whole world in the coming days ahead before the end of this year and on into the next year. But let your heart not be troubled, know that I have all things under control and that my word has gone out for you and it shall come back with the desires that I have.

For my peace that passes all understanding girds your heart and your mind, where no doubt, where no fear can enter. For peace is likened unto a little child that crawls into the lap of his daddy to fall asleep with such great rest. I am your daddy, therefore, always come upon my lap and rest in me. For a child has such great security in that of their parents, for they know the things that they say they will do, so am I even greater. I shall do the things that I have spoken unto you that I shall do. Therefore, do not fear when the enemy brings circumstances your way, but I say unto you, rest in my word. Be like a little child and be upon the lap of your father and trust and put your confidence in me. For truly I shall bring you through these days ahead in great victory, there is nothing too great or too small for me to do, for I care about even the very tiniest, minute thing. Therefore, I say unto you, know my peace like never before. Walk in my love as I have given it unto you that truly you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. For truly this is a great hour, it is a great time and I am raising you up to become all that I have called you to be and even more so. Therefore, prepare yourselves for the things that are in store for you in the coming days, in the coming months and even in the coming year. For many shall stand back in awe as they see all that I shall do on their behalf.

For a rainbow is seen clearly in the skies, so are the signs of my returning for my church.

Let your prayers be for Israel, let them be for the Jewish people. For even as they persecute them this day in France, so are they persecuting them elsewhere, making them ready to come home. Be prepared, make yourself ready to come home.

12-21-03 am service

For truly your life is filled with my life, and your life is a blessing to me for you are not as you use to be. I have created you to be the victor, to walk in all the victories that I have. Therefore, walk, walk in the fullness of the things that I have, don’t walk, don’t walk as a beggar, don’t walk as a servant, but walk as an heir, a child of Almighty God. Walk; walk as I have created you to walk.

It is a time, a time of great importance for my people, for those who follow after me must follow very closely now. I say it is a time when the enemy is fighting oh so hard to instill doubt in your mind. But I say unto you, do not accept that; do not accept the things that he says unto you, but know the authority that I have given unto you to overcome those situations. Know the authority that you walk in when you walk in my name. I say unto you, do not accept those things from the enemy, they do not belong to you, you do not have to take them, but accept those things that I give unto you. Walk in my power, walk in my authority, walk in my strength, be the overcomer that I have called you to be. For I say unto you, it is a time of great warfare for the world, a time of great spiritual warfare for the people that follow after me. But I say to you, I have given you the tools, I have equipped you with all that you have need of to be the victor. I say unto you, accept that victory, walk in my word, walk in my authority, walk very closely with me and claim those victories that I have given unto you. Claim them this day, for I say to you, they are yours.

For there is nothing, absolutely nothing that is too big or too impossible for me to do. For there is no such word in my vocabulary for I am God and I can do all that I have said that I shall do and I will do that. So fear not nor allow the troubles of the world to torment you, for you are the victors and I have blessings for you that you know not of yet. I have promises for you that you know not yet and I will do those things, I will do those things, I will move mightily on your behalf even as I am already moving mightily on your behalf. And doors shall suddenly open and people shall suddenly come and things shall suddenly change and you will find yourself walking in the fullness of the promises. So keep your eyes upon me, empty yourself out of all those negative thoughts, all those negative actions, empty yourself out, for you are the overcomer. Walk like the overcomer.

For a man who walks in faith sees not the problem and circumstances, but they see the answer that is right in front of them. And truly they walk in the fullness of all that I have for them and great is the victory that they possess because they do not see the things that are surrounding them, but they see the answer that is in front of them. Walk, walk as my children who have faith that sees the answer, not the problem or the circumstance, but sees the answer. For one who walks in faith does not let go of that promise until that answer is at hand. Oh, I say unto you my children, know my word, follow after my word, walk in my word, allow not the enemy to steal the things I have given unto you, but I say unto you, press in even more so, stand even more so, for truly the answer is at hand, the answer is at hand. Therefore, I say unto you, walk as my children of faith knowing that you already have the answer right in your hand. And no one can take that away other than you giving up on the promise itself. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word and know that I have spoken unto you, know that I have given unto you my word and my word is fulfilled on your behalf.

For when it rains, they shut down all roller coasters because they cannot control them nor stop them. It is like that with this move of my Spirit right now, sayeth your Father God. There is no controlling of it by man nor is there any stopping.

For when the maple tree brings forth sap one needs to tap it in order to get the fruit of it. I am giving forth my sap, my Holy Spirit; you need to tap it in order to receive the benefits of it.

12-21-03 pm Children’s Christmas program

12-21-03 at the altar after the pm service

Because of your faithfulness to me, and my promises to you, I will fulfill them. So do not be nervous, do not think there is a mistake; do not think that I have misquoted myself, for I have not done that, sayeth your Father God. But you will know exactly when the last seven years start, for it shall start at the signing of the peace treaty. Therefore, walk in the promises that I have given unto you, for I am working hard to fulfill these for you. Many times the cooperation is not all that it should be, but I have given my word to you, and therefore, I will fulfill that word to you. I will move mightily on your behalf as I have said, I will do the things that you are expecting me to do and the time is still very, very short, very short. So, therefore, press into the fullness of the things that I have called you to do, become diligent, more diligent than you have been. Grab the opportunities that I set before you, for as you grab the opportunities, then it is easier for me to fulfill the things that I have said that I would do. I will not extend this long, sayeth your father God, but I will fulfill my promises, I will do the things that I have said. Yea, there will be more floods, there will be more tornadoes, there will be more hurricanes, there will be more fierce storms and the drought this summer shall be even worse than last summer and the heat shall be very hot and you shall see many things take place. But keep your eyes right now upon the European Common Market and the things that they are doing, for not only does Israel show you a picture of the hour and the time, but so does the European Common Market. Watch, watch and be aware of the things that are taking place, pray, pray for your leaders that they use common sense, for they are headed for disaster and they need to wake up, they need to wake up. For many of my people are affected when they walk as a blind man, but I say unto you, fear not, for you shall walk in my protection, you shall walk in my care, you shall walk in my provisions, for I shall provide for you. And you will not want and you will know the things that are going to take place, because I will continually give you the word and I will make it clearer than even in times past, that you can see it much clearer and understand those things. That you can prepare yourself, that you can warn others, that you can tell them, they may not listen, but they will have heard. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises; don’t let go of the things that I have said that I will do. I will bring them to pass.

Keep your eyes upon my word and the things that I have spoken unto you. Do not miss the things that I have said or read into the things that I have said, but truly have your ears open and hear the things that I, your Father God, am speaking unto you. For I shall always keep you well informed ahead of time of the things that shall take place that you walk not in the darkness, but you walk in the light of me and my word. Therefore, know that I have given unto you my word that you can walk in all the victory that I have for you. You shall see many things in the new year, for the new year you will see the ECM setting high goals. They are looking for the man, the anti-christ. You shall see snowfalls in many areas that will establish new records. The floods, yes, they shall come, and in some areas they shall see a very quick spring, and yet other places winter shall linger on. You shall see avalanches here in the states also overseas. These are just signs of the times that you are living in, thee end-time and truly my word is being fulfilled. Therefore, keep your eyes upon my word; know what my word says in these end-times. For my word says, that even men, their hearts shall fail because of the fear that shall grasp a hold of them. But if they get into my word, and know what my word says, peace shall fill their heart and their mind and they would have nothing to worry about. For many who are caught up in the false shall be those who shall walk in great fear. For they do not know my word, they do not know how to stand upon my word, for they have not been taught truly my word as you know it. Therefore, troubles shall come on every side and they shall not know where to turn, for they do not know the real God, and therefore, great destruction shall come into their lives because of this. But those who know my word, know what I have said, know that I am their God and I supply everything that they have need of, they shall be victorious in every way. For truly I am preparing my church for the things that are ahead and they are fully equipped to go through this time in great victory. They shall march forward as my mighty army, armed with my word, for there shall not be one piece of their armor that shall be missing. But they shall be girded from the top to the bottom and my words shall flow out of their mouth and they shall possess the land that is before them. For this is a great hour and this is a great time, therefore, I say unto you, know my word like never before, for truly as I said, my promises shall be fulfilled unto you. Therefore, know what I have said and know that truly my word does not go out and return void, but it does that which I sent it forth to do.

12-17-03 pm service was canceled due to adverse weather conditions.   

12-14-03 am service

Continue to speak forth my word in every situation, yea, I say unto you, I have given unto you those words to proclaim. Allow not the enemy to come in and rob you, I say to you, speak forth my word. For I have given you my word that you shall have victory and indeed you shall have that victory. Hold on to the promises that I have given unto you, boldly proclaim my word in those situations and they shall reverse. I say to you, do not, do not give in to the enemy, do not allow him to bring fear into your life, do not allow him to bring doubt into your mind, but I say to you, speak forth my word. For my word shall go out and not return void, for I have given you my promise and I will fulfill those promises unto you. For I have called you for this time, I have called you for this hour and great and mighty things shall be done. For it is my timing not yours my children, but I say unto you, oh, the timing is great, the timing is great right now, you shall see things come to pass much quicker now. So I say to you, stand on my promises unto you, speak forth my word into those situations and watch them come to pass. For the victory, yea, the victory is yours.

Let your eyes be continually upon me. Let your meditation be in my word, let it be there daily, walk in my word, walk according to my word, walk according to the promises therein. Live the victorious life that I have given to you. Be the overcomer that I have made you to be. Rise up into your full potential that you may do all that I, your Father God, have said that you can do. For it is the hour, it is the hour of the finalization of everything, therefore, my word to you shall be fulfilled, my promises shall be fulfilled, the prophecies shall be fulfilled and all shall come to conclusion before I take you out of here. Therefore, walk in the fullness, walk in the fullness, don’t live like a slave, don’t live like a beggar, live like a King’s kid.

For even as the promise of my Son was fulfilled, so are all the promises that I have given unto you. As I have spoken unto you and spoken unto you about the revival that you shall have, it shall be so, of the buildings that shall be up, it shall be so. Look not at the circumstances, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon my word, upon the promises that I have given unto you. For surly even as my Son was promised and fulfilled, so shall the promises be unto you fulfilled in the same manner. For I watch over my word and I perform it, yes, I do not let one thing go undone, but I watch over my word that it goes out and does what I sent it forth to do. Therefore, make sure my children my word is within your mouth that you speak forth only my word, that truly I can do all that I have said I shall do and much more. Allow not the enemy to use your mouth against yourself, but I say unto you, speak only the words of faith. Only allow that confident expectation to flow out of your innermost being, for truly my children, that is where the end results lie when you speak forth my word, when you speak forth the things that I have told you to speak forth, oh, therein is the great victory. Therefore, know my word and speak only my word.

Those round about you shall call you blessed, yea, they shall call you blessed. For when you walk with me and you walk in my provisions you walk with the best. I say unto you, no one shall lack in any area. Those who follow after me and know the promises that I have given unto them shall come to pass, shall lack in no area of their life. Those round about you shall be in awe and they shall call you blessed and blessed you shall be.

For even as mystery glue causes things to stick instantly, so are your words when they come out of your heart, they stick to the promise and bring it to pass.

12-14-03 pm service

Great spiritual things have taken place over this weekend, sayeth your Father, yea and you shall understand them in the days just ahead. You will see more clearly and you will comprehend and you will look beyond the natural into the spiritual realm and understand the greatness, the greatness of the things that I have promised you. Yea, even this time and this moment and this hour, oh yes, oh yes, sayeth your Father God, for I have prepared for you great things and you shall walk in a higher realm than you have walked before. Not only that, but the blessings, the blessings shall come in and many shall see your wisdom, they shall see your knowledge that I give unto you, they shall see the insight that you have more clearly. And they shall begin to look to you, yes, they shall look to you, they shall come, they shall ask questions and I shall give you the answers. For it is that time, it is that hour, sayeth your Father, so prepare your heart to walk in the victories that I have for you. Prepare yourself to rise up and become that overcomer.

Oh, the plan and purpose for this time and this hour for my true church. For truly I am preparing them for that glorious day when I return for that spotless bride. For I am truly making you into the vessels that will be greatly used by me for this time and this hour. For I have called you, I knew you even before the foundation of this world, I knew you. And yes, I formed you for this very time that you would rise up and be the giants that I have called you to be. For truly my church shall walk in great victory, they shall not lack, nor shall they want in anything, but they shall be blessed coming in and going out. My promises shall be fulfilled unto them, for truly I have given unto you my word and, oh yes, I am working, I am moving on your behalf and mighty are the things that shall take place because I, your Father God, have already put it into motion. And truly you shall see the results of your faithfulness, the results of you pressing in and receiving all that I have for you for this time and this hour. It is a great hour for my church even though it is a troublesome time for the world. My church shall be the victorious church that I have called it to be and mighty is the victory that they shall walk in. For they, they have realized that truly the enemy is underneath their feet and he can do nothing unto them, but they walk in great victory. Oh, what a great hour this is for my church, what a great time this is, for truly my blessings are being poured out upon them without measure and my promises are being fulfilled unto them. For it is that hour, it is that time, oh yes, it is that time and mighty are the things that I shall do because of my word that has already gone forth.

12-14-03 at the altar after the pm service

You are absolutely right about the four hundred days and what you were expecting to see. Great spiritual things have taken place this weekend and throughout the four hundred days and you shall see them and you shall hear them and they shall become very clear to you. For the things that I have done have brought you to the place that many shall look upon you now, they shall recognize that truly there are prophets in the land and the prophets are speaking forth my word. You shall not only hear it on the news, but your understanding shall be opened in such a way that you understand it and you see the spiritual significance of it all. Not only is there a physical, but there is a spiritual and the spiritual is far greater, far greater because that points to the things that are ahead, it gives you understanding as men step forward now to make their claims and do the things that they have a desire of. You shall see this clearly, because never in history has a king been put down that another one did not rise up, unless I destroyed the city completely. Any time a king has been removed another one has taken his place, even in America, when a president is removed another steps into his place immediately. So you shall see things that shall take place, not only that, you shall see fierce storms throughout different areas as they are blanketed with snow, bitter cold weather. Yet there will be areas that will be warm and hot, there shall be floods, there shall be avalanches, there shall be earthquakes, there shall be tidal waves, for it shall be a time of great unrest as the antichrist, the devil, begins to move towards the place that he has been working towards. And yet I, your Father God, shall keep a peace and a safety and a protection round about my church. For my church shall walk in victory and yet many things shall take place. There shall be a huge, a huge change in the monetary system because of the president’s speech and because of the things he has already done. Oh, I say unto you, you shall see many things now that you have been looking for, that you have been waiting for, now you shall see them, for they shall come to pass. For it is like a can of worms has been opened, it is like there has been a great release of spiritual spirits, not good ones, and yet you need not be fearful, for you have more power in just one of my believers, than all of them put together including the devil himself. So you need not fear these things, but these are the things that come to pass during the last days. Keep your eyes upon Israel, keep you eyes upon the prophetic word, listen carefully to the things that I tell you. For I am revealing to you even clearer, without the pictures, without the symbols that Daniel had, for I have opened your understanding, yea and as I speak you shall see and you shall understand and so shall those that you share it with. It shall not be a mystery, it shall not be a cloud, it shall not be a whole bunch of just words, for it shall be a concise statement that they understand and know. For it is that time and it is that hour and you shall know these things. So listen carefully yourself to the things that I tell you, the things that I say, that you may understand, that you may know, that you may walk in the fullness of my promises.

Keep your eyes upon me and my word and the things that I have spoken unto you and have told you shall take place. For a watchful man is alert and knows the things that are going on around them. Be like that watchman and know the things that are taking place round about you. For truly my word has gone forth and it is being fulfilled. For, yes, I allowed Hussein to be found so that my word could come to pass. For the Arab nations shall unite under a worse man than he ever was, for spiritually this will affect them more than you, for they cannot allow the Americans to do this. You shall see great effects from the snowstorms that shall take place in many different areas, for they shall be blizzard effects in some states. There shall be floods because of the change in weather from one day to the next. There will be deaths because of this storm. But know those who are my children and hear my voice, when anytime you are in danger, I shall speak unto you and tell you exactly what you shall need to do that you can walk in total victory. Therefore, I say unto you, have your spiritual ears opened unto my Spirit, that when I speak to you, you are quick to listen. You shall see Iraq be a hotter spot now than even before, Iran also. There shall be more killings that shall take place. For the eleven o’clock news will be something to hear, plus also tomorrow. Take note of these things. For I give unto you my word that you can know the things that are going to take place in the days ahead. But fear ye not, for I have said I shall never leave thee, nor shall I forsake thee and I shall be with you always. Therefore, fear not the things that shall take place in the world, fear not the different sicknesses that shall come, for they shall not come nigh your dwelling. But I also say watch your mouth, for many times my people speak wrongfully the things that they do not desire and yet it comes upon them because they have opened the door and spoken the wrong thing. Therefore, I say unto you, when you hear of these sicknesses cover yourself and your family in my blood from the very beginning. For I have given unto you that power and that authority that you can take control over the things of the world, for they do not have to affect my children whatsoever at all. Know that it is my desire that you truly walk in the fullness of my word, that you truly know my voice and follow after my voice. For the days that you are living in are evil, but I have given unto you my word that truly you can walk in the victory that I have already given unto you. Therefore, know my word like never before. For, yes, I am here and I shall always be here beside you, taking care of you, giving unto you all that you have need of in this day and in this hour. So fear not, but walk and rest in my peace knowing that I am fulfilling my word unto you and great are the things that are in store for those who walk upright before me.

12-10-03 pm service

Oh, my love I have for you my children, it is my desire that I truly become your Lord and I become your Father in every way, shape, manner and form. For when I am your Lord, the things of the world do not pertain unto you because you walk not in the flesh, but you walk in the Spirit and the things of the world do not stop nor slow you down when I am your Lord. For you are dedicated unto me in everything, you put your trust totally and completely in me, when I am your Lord. Oh, how I desire to be your Lord in every way, that you truly trust me with all that you have. For truly I desire my children to bless you to overflowing that you do not lack or want in any area, but that there is such an abundance in your life that you can not contain all that I have given unto you. Oh, the love that I have for you my children, it is my desire that truly you walk in the fullness of all that I have for you. When I am truly Lord of your life all these other things shall be added unto you and the world around you shall grow very dim, but my light shall permeate out from you like never before, and oh, the great work that shall be accomplished. For truly my children I love you with an everlasting love and I desire that you truly walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you. Therefore, I say unto you, know how to put your trust in me, know how to give unto me your all and all. For truly that is my desire, that you can walk in the prefect fullness of what I have in store for you.

For the Lord your God reigneth victoriously, and therefore, you reign victoriously. For you walk in the fullness of all that he has for you. For he has made you the head and not the tail, he has called you to be above and not beneath, he has made you a conqueror.

For when you have been made a victor, you are made a victor forever, therefore, walk in that victory.

12-7-03 am service

It is a time when your praise shall ring through the air praising me for the mighty work that I am doing on your behalf even this day. For I say unto you, those who have come expecting shall receiver. It is a time of great fulfillment of my promises unto you my children. Oh, I say, it is a joyous time, it is a time of celebration, it is a time of great praise, praise and dancing unto me your Father God. For I say unto you, I am doing a mighty work, a mighty work on your behalf, and oh, the things I have done on your behalf in the past are nothing compared to the blessings I am pouring out upon my children this day. I say unto you, enter in, receive those things that I have for you, do not lag behind, but expect those things that I have said are yours, for I shall fulfill them very quickly now. I say to you, it is a time of great joy, a time of great praise unto me.

Remember what my son Jesus did for you, yes, he took away the keys from the devil and gave you all power and authority. You also have his might and his ability, and therefore, you can do the things that he did while he was on this earth. Remember the power and authority that I have given unto you through my Son. For truly there is nothing that can hold or hinder you from doing all that I have in store for you. If you surrender your whole self unto me, the enemy can do nothing to stop you. You yourself are the only one who can stop yourself from receiving all that I have in store for you. Therefore, know that I have already given unto you the power, I have already given unto you the ability, I have already given unto you the anointing to walk in all that I have given unto you for this hour and this time. For I have equipped you, I have called you, and oh yes my children; I have prepared you for such a time as this and mighty shall you be. For, oh yes, before the foundations of the world I knew you and I formed you to become the giants that you shall be.

Let the mind that was in Christ Jesus be in you. Let that mind operate in you, let your mind be renewed by the word of God, that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For the carnal mind cannot operate in the wisdom and knowledge that I have, for it only seeks after the things that are circumstances, only the things that are of the flesh, for it knoweth not the Spirit as it should know the Spirit. In the time that you are living in you need to walk in the fullness of that realm. If you see yourself not there, get into my word, let my word control your total life, your total being. Let not the circumstances control you, but let my word control you. For when you open your mouth and say, fear troubles me or I was afraid of this, know ye not that you are a babe, you walk as a babe, you talk as a babe. I say unto you, mature, for great, great, great fear shall encompass the whole earth, but it will not encompass my people, for I have not given unto them a spirit of fear, they have a sound mind. Therefore, develop your mind; walk in the fullness of the things I have for you. For great evils, evils such as you have never known shall now come to pass. Walk in the fullness of my Spirit and you shall walk victoriously. You shall be the overcomers; you will need not fear these things, but you will walk in the power that I have given unto you.

For I am assembling my army, oh yes, I say my army is being assembled at this very moment and in my army the soldiers are very strong. They walk forward in my authority, they walk forward in my power and my might, their ears are tuned into my direction. Oh, I say unto you, it is a victorious army; it is a victorious army, be part of that army.

For the false is like a two-headed coin, many Christians are flipping it to see which way they shall go. But my children do not do that, for they hear my voice and they follow me. Therefore, hear my voice, follow me, don’t flip the coin.

12-7-03 pm service

Truly let the Holy Ghost control your life, let the Holy Ghost be your teacher, let him be your guide, let him be your instructor, let him lead you and guide you and direct you. Lay aside your own mind in a sense and just walk with him, let him take you by the hand, let him lead you, let him direct your steps. Put away, put away, put away the things that hinder you, that slow you down, that stop you and walk, walk, walk in the fullness of the Spirit of Almighty God.

For I have given unto you my Holy Spirit to be your teacher and your guide that your spirit finds me, that you hear my voice at all times, that when I speak to you, you hear me and that you know my voice. For does not my word say that my sheep know my voice and another’s voice they will not follow? Therefore, know my voice; know that there are many false deceiving things of the devil going around seeking whom he may devour. But those who know my voice they are not caught by these schemes, but when I speak to them they know in their innermost being. Therefore, I say unto you, know my voice like never before, build up your spiritman that you are so fine-tuned, that you know above and beyond any doubt the things that I speak unto you.

For a tree bears forth fruit after its own kind. Therefore, when you see the tree and you see the fruit you know what kind it is. My trees bring forth heavenly fruit.

A wise swimmer watches the tides and he knows when it is the right time to swim. So it is with those that flow in my Spirit, they know when the tide is flowing right.

12-7-03 at the altar after the pm service

Just as you have heard in the news, if you have been listening, the records that have been set, snow, rain, storms, even the tidal waves. This next coming week and the week after you shall hear more of this, for the weather shall be the weirdest type weather that has been seen. Areas that do not experience snow will have snow, areas that have snow will have rain, the temperatures will be like a yo-yo in some places and dipping very, very low in other places, not only here, but overseas, in different countries, different places. And you shall see above and beyond any doubt the signs of the end, they shall be clear. For many things I have told you shall come to pass, have already come to pass and are coming to pass and now you are posting those very things for others to read and see, that they have no doubt. Many prophecy teachers of today who teach on end-time events have already come to your web-site in the last two weeks. They have spoken clearly that, truly, end-time prophets are in that web-site. They may not agree with you in alignment that you bring forth, but they see what I am doing, they see it very clearly, even more clearly than many in America see it. And many times they want to put things off or not look closely at them because they do not want them to happen, it is not time, it is not in what they believe, this could not be happening here, but my word is very clear on the things that shall take place. And the word that I have given to you is very clear too, pinpointing different things here and different things there that you can see without a doubt that, truly, the prophetic word is true and that it is coming to pass. There shall be more killed overseas, more terrorist’s attacks, you will see this before the end of the year. You will see the drought is still being felt in the areas even that have got snow, because the snow is only a run-off and the ground is too hard. You will see the prices in the stores continue to go up higher, you shall see the price of oil and gas continue to work its way up. You will see all these things come to pass, until man finds a way of changing some of them, that pattern shall continue, there is no let-up on it. But my people shall go through this time victoriously, they shall be the victors, they shall be the head, they will not be the tail, they shall be the overcomers and they shall walk in the victory that I have for them. I can stretch their gas until they cannot believe the mileage that they are getting. I can keep their house warm, that they do not have to burn the fuel oil or the gas or the wood or whatever type of heat they have, like they normally do. I can cause your food to last longer than it normally does. So do not allow these things to bring fear to your heart, for fear is not of you. Keep your eyes on Israel, keep your eyes on the things that are taking place over there, for I have told you that in my word, I have told you that in the prophetic word, you shall see many, many things begin to take place. And it is a laugh if you think about it, for you begin to set up new leaders in Iraq, and what do they think that Hussein shall do when they pull out? Those leaders that are in there are very fearful of him and of his army that he still has. Oh, the foolishness of man in trying to do things their way, instead of seeking my wisdom and my knowledge, instead of understanding exactly where we are and bringing in the lost. Oh, the foolishness of man, for even your country with over three million Muslims here, where will you be when the war breaks out? Oh, the foolishness of man. Even as Israel was foolish in her younger days, and allowed the enemy to come within the camp and that enemy destroyed them every time, and they had to repent and turn back to me. But the days are very short, there are not a lot of days left for you to repent and turn back to me. Therefore, walk with me, do not take the side trips, it is the hour to bring in the unlovely, it is the hour to bring in the lost. For many church members are already settled in the church that they are going to whether it is a true church or a false church, some will come out, but the revival itself shall come from the unlovely, the lost, those who have not been in. That shall be the revival, so keep your eyes upon the harvest field. Be not fearful to open your mouth and tell people and give them the answers that you have. Tell them where you are living right now, in the very last days, tell them that your God is going to take us through safely, that he will provide for us and care for us and protect us. Tell them there is no second chance. Tell them to walk in my word, to know my word, to be all that I have told them to be. I will continue to tell you the things that shall take place so listen carefully, know, know what the Spirit has to say to the church.

Be wise and know my word, for you shall see the evil spirits that I talk about from the bottomless pit, that have been released, in operation like never before. But know that I have given unto you power and authority over these spirits, I have given you power and authority over these demons, and yes, you can walk in true victory. I say unto you, bind the spirits that try to come against your ministry, that try to come against my church as a whole. For my, oh yes, my word always prevails over the devil. I have given unto you my word that you can walk in victory. Know the devices of the devil, for even though he moves through people, do not get upset with those people, but I say unto you, get upset at him, for he is your source of problem. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word concerning this, that when people come against you, they are coming against me. Rise up against the devil, not that person, but rather give that person my love, that through that love, change might take place. For even though it is a troublesome time in the world, my church shall walk in victory. Even though there is a great division between the truth and the false, the truth shall always prevail, for my word has declared this to be so. Know that I have given unto you my word as a foundation, my children, that you can walk, that you can base your life upon that, truly, you can walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. For I am preparing my church and I have been preparing my church for the days that are ahead and yet there is still growth that needs to take place, that they come to the position that I have called them to. Therefore, I say, it is important that you get into my word, that you know my voice, that you hear my voice and that you do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. Know that this shall be a busy week in the news. USSR will strike those who blew up the train, but know that these things shall take place because of what my word has already declared. Know what I have said concerning these end-times, but know what I have also said about my church, of how they shall walk in victory, how they shall be the overcomers, how I am preparing them to be holy as I am holy. And as you walk in that holiness, you shall not fulfill the lust of your flesh, but you shall walk in the Spirit, you shall be all that I have said you shall be. For even though you shall see the storms that I have spoken unto you about, as you speak forth my word, I shall continually bless you, I shall continually fill your life with joy, with peace, with abundance like you have never know. Grasp hold of my word and run with my word like never before, for I have given unto you my word that you can truly, yes, that you can truly walk in the fullness of all that I have in store. And yet at times my children do not understand the fullness of what I have and they walk in lack and want when need not to be. Therefore, I say unto you, grow up in my word, become graduates in my word, take your step to the next level and walk, truly walk as I have called you to walk in this time and this hour.

12-3-03 pm service

Keep your eyes upon me and upon my word; meditate therein on the things that I say unto you, that you may hear, that you may understand, that you may comprehend the things that are going on. Run with me, don’t walk, lean not to your own understanding nor allow your mind to be immature, but develop it, develop it. For truly there are many things that are going to take place and I desire that you be walking with me, that you can walk in the victories that I have for you, that you can be the overcomer that I desire for you to be. Therefore, press in, press into my word, press into the things that I have said, know, know in your heart.

All the love I have for you my children, for I have given unto you my word that you can walk truly in these days that are before you in great victory. For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword and yet may times my children do not understand what that means. For when you speak forth my word you pierce the enemy, he is no longer before you, but my word stands before you and my word does not go out and return void, but it does that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, speak forth my word; be clothed in my word every single day. Know that I have given unto you my word that, truly, you can walk in the abundance of my blessings, that you can walk in the abundance of my provision that I have made for you. Oh, I say unto you my children, oh, the love that I have for you. There is nothing that I would withhold from you, for all things that I have are yours. Know my word and know that I have given unto you all the power and all the authority, all the might and all ability. Therefore, rise up and be the soldiers that I have called you to be and walk forward armed with my word.

For my word is in your heart and you speak my word, I say to you, you are victorious. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that the devil can throw at you that he can defeat you with when you have my word in your mouth and in your heart. For I say unto you, you walk forward in great provision, my provision, my strength, my knowledge, my wisdom and you shall be victorious. So know my word, keep my word in your heart and in your mouth and you will have great victory.

An unwise person does not take heed to the warnings, and because they do not listen, because they do not pay attention, even though they say they do, they find themselves in great disaster and know not how to get out.

11-30-03 am service

My ways are far higher than your ways, therefore, I say unto you, listen, listen to my instructions, know the things that my word declares unto you. Do not walk in the wisdom and the knowledge of the world, do not be educated in that area, but become educated in my word, know my word, understand my word. For many things shall take place in the days that are ahead, and those that know my word shall be the overcomers, those that know my word shall be the victors. Those that know my word shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath. Therefore, walk according to my word, for truly therein you will find life and that more abundantly.

For I am doing a mighty work for those who diligently follow after me, for those who press into my word, for those who hear my voice very clearly and take heed to the instruction that I give unto them. I say unto you, it shall be a great day for families, for I say to you, even the young, the youngest of your congregation shall bring in other family members. For I say to you, they shall have an anointing and they shall go forth and they shall speak my word unto those who know me not and they shall listen. Oh, I say unto you, it is a great day, a joyous day for families, for they shall enter in, they shall come in wholeheartedly and they shall receive the things that I have for them. For they shall be obedient, they shall be open, they shall listen unto my instruction and they shall take heed to it. I say to you, it is a great day, a great day, so rejoice, rejoice knowing, knowing that your family members shall come in.

For does not my word say, blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled? For those who hunger and thirst after me, oh, they know my word, they get into my word, they study my word, and therefore, the blessings overtake them because they are walking in my ways. Oh, my children, it is an hour, it is an hour to draw close unto me. For, truly, I am doing all that I said I shall do, yes, I am fulfilling my word unto you, I am fulfilling the promises that I have given unto you. Oh, for great and mighty are the things that I am doing in this day and in this hour. For truly as my word has gone forth, so am I bringing it to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, know within your heart the moment you ask me it was already completed and walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For truly, my children, I have given unto you my word that you can walk in the abundance of all that I have in store for you. As you draw close unto me, as you hunger and thirst after me, truly your life shall be filled to overflowing with everything that you shall have need of and there shall be no lack, there shall be no want. For you shall be filled to overflowing with blessings, you shall be filled to overflowing with my Spirit, you shall be filled to overflowing with my fruit, and oh, the greatness of the things you shall do because you are walking in my word.

Let your mind and your heart be so filled with my word that it is like a calculator, and when information comes your way, you can quickly come up with the right answer.

11-30-03 pm service

For truly I am willing, I have no lack, I have more, more, more than you will ever need. Yes, I can pour that upon you, are you willing, are you ready; will you receive the things that I have for you? For truly it is a small thing, it is a small thing, it is a small thing, sayeth your Father.

For it only takes a spark to cause a fire to become a blaze. Allow the spark within you to become a blazing fire, allow my Spirit to fan those flames that are within you to where you are so filled to overflowing with my Spirit, you cannot contain what I have given unto you. For truly, my children, when you open yourself unto me, when you allow me to fan those flames, oh, the roaring fire that you shall have. Oh, I say unto you my children, allow my Spirit to fan those flames within you that truly you can become that blaze that I desire for you to be. That when you go, there is nothing that stops you from sharing with others the things that I, Almighty God, am doing on your behalf. For truly, my children, it is that hour, it is that time that I have spoken unto you about, and yes, I am here, I am here to pour that unto you, to give it unto you. Oh, but I say unto you again, are you willing, are you ready, do you desire to have your flame fanned? Allow my Spirit to fan that flame that it becomes out of control in my Spirit and that things around you are of no concern to you, but that your focus is totally and completely upon me.

For I have filled you up, I have filled you up with my oil; you are like a well-oiled machine. I have charged your batteries; I have tuned you up in my word. Therefore, go forth and minister to my people, go forth and bring in the harvest, for there is nothing that can stop you.

For my outpouring is like whipped cream upon the great dessert that you already have. Therefore, dig in, dig in, take all, take all, don’t leave any.

When you take an old farmer’s match and you strike it and the flame leaps forth and you tilt it a little downward and you hold it and watch it burn, what do you do next? Don’t let go, hang on.

11-30-03 at the altar after the pm service

Are you noticing the fulfillment of my word? It’s difficult at times, but even in this area and the states, they have had some avalanches, not real big ones that you would hear about, but they are there and they are seeing that overseas also. Many of the things that I say to you, when you use the page that you are using, may be difficult at times to find every little thing. Therefore, I will try to help you and direct you to the right sources that you can find these things, that you can record them and write them down. I even talked to you one time about the grasshoppers and they have seen that this year. Many things that are taking place are the things that I have told you about and you will see it on a greater scale. For my church has their ears open now, this is why your site has been hit by some of the men that they call the great prophetic teachers of this hour and this day. And they are coming to look now because they have been told about you and their comments are true, you do have prophets, end-time prophets, that are speaking forth my word. Others will recognize you and you will see this. For your count shall even go faster now, for I know that you are amazed of the count you have already, but that is small in comparison to what it shall grow to, for you will need to keep your eyes open, cause soon you will have to make a change. For the one that set it up said that you only needed seven digits, well, seven digits is going to be too small. So, therefore, I tell you these things also, that there will come a time when you will need to change that. Watch what I am doing, listen carefully to the words, listen to the advice that I give to you. When I speak to you not to go here and not to go there, do not do it. Listen to what I say and pay attention to that; do not go to those places. There are reasons that I tell you these things, it is for your good, it is for your blessings. And as you have already seen, the West Coast is getting hammered with snow, rain, floods and you shall see an increase of this. There are states that already have been hammered by snow, high wind and very cold temperatures. And yet you have not been there, you have had some snow, you have had your winds, but not the very low temperatures. The drought, the drought that is there, the snow that they are getting is what they call runoff snow and it will not help the drought, not unless somebody suddenly builds a dam to catch it and that is impossible. The famine shall increase, some have just grown tired of giving away their products for nothing, and therefore, they are holding back to try to get the price to go up, but in other areas there were no crops. And I have told you it will affect you in the grocery store and you have already seen those effects and they shall grow. You shall see many things take place, and even though the wealth of man tries to pull all industry into the places that they want them at, do not be fearful over that, nor allow that to bother you. Because they will have to go where I say or they will have no water to run their business and without water they cannot run anything, they need the water. Therefore, I say unto you, begin to use the wisdom and knowledge that I give unto you, that I can bless you, that I can bless you. For you will see ways where you can make money, you will see ways where there are good buys, that if you do it, you shall prosper. But use the wisdom that I have given unto you and know what I am doing, know for sure, do not be caught up in gimmicks that man has, hear from me, for I will take you through that time safely. Crime rate shall go up again and you shall see that, for when there are no jobs and when there are tough times, crime rate goes up and yet you will see a greater closeness of the people than before. And you will see hearts that are open like never before, even in this area, hearts are open, hearts are open, they are wondering what is going on. They are asking questions and nobody is giving them an answer, but you do have the answer for them, and if you give them the answer, they will know. So do not look at things grudgingly, do not look at things as if they are impossible; realize that I said I would take you through this time victoriously. So do not wonder how you are going to get through the time, because when you start wondering that way, you are walking in doubt and I cannot help you. So walk in faith, believe what I have said. You will notice also, if you will listen, the icebergs are still melting big time. Many islands will begin to lose their land rapidly and many shall vanish, even though you may say, well, they are too big. Well, they will, they will be gone, my word declares that unto you, not only the prophetic word, but my written word if you will read it, it is there, it is not hidden. Know and understand the things that I say, listen very carefully to them. Do not do a quick read over, but read the words, even as you have read tonight and realize that all of you have ingredients that you can add that will cause things to go even greater and better than they are. Watch carefully the things that are taking place around the world and I shall share with you and show you exactly what is going on. Now draw closer to me, spend more time with me, more time fellowshipping with me, more time talking to me, more time developing ears to hear my voice, because I have many things to say to you yet. So listen, listen.

Do not take my word for granted, but know that I have given unto you my word that you can walk in peace, that you can walk in the fullness of my word. For even though there shall be troubles on the right hand and on the left in the world, I have said that my church shall be victorious. For I am preparing them for that glorious day where I shall return to receive a church without spot or wrinkle, one who is holy and blameless before me. Yes, I am preparing my church and making them ready. For it is an hour of great restoration where my church shall be restored back to what it was and even more so. The things that the enemy has taken from them shall be restored back unto them and they shall flourish like never before. For even though the false church is rising fastly, so is my true church rising at even a greater speed. And, oh, the miracles, signs and wonders that shall take place because of my Spirit moving without measure upon those whose hearts are open to receive of me. It is a great hour, it is a great time my children, and truly, I am moving even though at times you may not see, even though at times you may not know how I am moving. But there is not one day that goes by that I am not moving on your behalf. For truly I am fulfilling my promises unto you, I am watching over my word to perform that which I have said. Therefore, put your trust in me like never before. Know that truly I am your Father God and it doesn’t matter what takes place in the world, I shall carry you through. It doesn’t matter what kind of storms come your way, I shall protect you, I shall give unto you everything that you have need of. For I have given unto you my word that you can be warned ahead of time of things that shall take place. And as you study my word, as you look at the things I have said, surely you shall see how great of a God I am and how I take care of you and supply for you. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know my voice, be quick to listen to my voice when I speak unto you to do something. No longer take weeks or months or years for you to step out and do what I have called you to do, but when I speak to you, quickly be obedient and move out and do the things. For do you not know that the hour is short and the time is at hand? Do you not know that I have need of you for this day and this hour for the specific purpose that I have for you in this end-time? Oh, I say unto you, it is an hour not to procrastinate, but it is an hour to be quick in doing the things that I have spoken unto you to do. For when you procrastinate, it causes things to be put off just a little bit here and a little bit there. And they could be moving at a much faster pace if you would just be quick to be obedient to do the things that I have spoken unto you to do. Oh, I say unto you, learn my children, learn, learn my word that you truly know that those who diligently seek me they find me and great is the union that we have together. It is an hour to know the things that I have said shall take place in the last days. They shall be perilous, but yet I shall take my church through in great victory. Therefore, know my word, do not take it for granted, but know my word and know that I have given unto you my word that you can truly walk, yes, that you can truly walk as heirs to the throne of Almighty God. For it is that hour, it is that time, know my word like never before.

11-24-03 pm service

Continue to look forward, I say to you, continue to look at the things that lie ahead. Do not look behind you, for I have already delivered you out of those dark areas. I say unto you, you have come so far and will go much farther in a very short time now. I say to you, continue, continue to know my word, continue to keep my word in your heart, continue to speak forth my word. For great, great victory lies very close now. I say to you, it is a time of great harvest, a time where many will come in and it is imperative that you know my word. It is imperative that you speak unto them my word. For I say they shall come, oh, they shall come and my house shall be filled to overflowing. So press in, press in, know my word and stand upon my promises and watch them come to pass.

For as you ponder and you look at the things that I have done for you in the past year your heart shall be filled with great excitement. Oh, but I say unto you, you have seen nothing, nothing of what is yet to come. For have not I said that two thousand and four shall be more? More for those who are pressing in, those who are pressing in and seeking me, oh, the blessings shall overtake their life and great things shall I do in their life. For if you thought you grew a lot in this last year, oh, it is nothing compared to what it shall be in the next. As you press in unto me that growth shall triple and even quadruple for those who are pressing in with all that they have. For truly the hour, the hour is short, the time is at hand, for truly my children, I am moving at a fast pace, and oh, the greatness of the things that I shall do. Oh, you have seen nothing yet, oh, for as you look upon the things that I have already done for you, I shall do that so much more. For truly I am your Father and I am fulfilling my promises unto you. Therefore, keep your eyes upon the goal that is set before you, keep your eyes upon my word, know my word, meditate on my word, oh, for truly I am doing all that I have said I shall do and much, much more. Therefore, press in even more so that truly you can see the growth that I have told you that you shall see. For as you spend that time in my word, my children, your eyes shall be enlightened, oh yes, revelation knowledge shall flow unto you like never before. And, oh, the greatness of the things that I shall do through you because of the growth that shall take place. Therefore, press ye in even more so, oh, for truly great are the things that I have in store for you.

11-23-03 am service

Continue to seek me in all that you do, yea, I say unto you this day, continue to ask my direction. For I say unto you, when you follow after me, when you follow after my word and stand upon the promises that I have given unto you, it is like walking ahead, putting one foot in front of another, you are continually walking forward to the finish line. I say to you this day, look not to the right nor the left, be not swayed or tempted to look away from me, but I say unto you, continue to go forward, forward on to that victory that I have already assured you of. For I say to you this day, my children, that victory is yours. Do not, I say, do not deny that victory, do not walk away from it. For my promises to you are true and they shall be fulfilled very quickly now. I say unto you, continue to walk forward, continue to press into me, continue to look to me for direction. For I say unto you, great, great, great blessings shall be yours. I say unto you, be so careful this holiday season, for the enemy shall try to come in and rob you of your joy. But I say unto you, it is a new time, it is a time of great blessings, it is a time of prosperity, it is a time of great joy and health. For I say unto you, do not be swayed, do not be tempted, but continue to walk and follow after me one foot in front of the other, continuously working forward for that victory.

Think it not strange when the enemy comes against you even far greater than in times past. For you have gone through a door, a door that enters into these last days, a door of great blessings. And he works overtime upon you trying to discourage, trying to defeat, but he is the defeated foe. So look not, look not upon those things, but let your eyes be upon my word and upon my promises. Speak forth my promises, speak forth my word, but do not speak it forth in the future tense, but speak it forth as now, sayeth your Father God. For it is now that you walk in those victories, it is now that you have your healing, it is now that you have your prosperity, it is now, sayeth your Father God. So enjoy those things that I have given unto you, block the enemy out, for you are the head, you are not the tail, you are above, you are not beneath. You are all that I said that you are and you can do all that I have said that you can do.

For as they have not been able to overcome Israel in the past, no longer, no longer shall they overcome you.

For as my hand was upon Israel, my hand has always been upon you. For I called you, yea, I formed you, I have made you what you are and I shall make you the victors, the overcomers that I said you shall be.

For this shall be a great hour of rejoicing as my children realize that the enemy is under their feet and I have truly given unto them the victory in every situation and in everything that comes in their life. For truly I am your God, I am your Father, and oh yes, I am taking care of you, for my hand is upon you and I am moving in ways you do not see and in ways you do not even know of. Therefore, I say unto you, oh, my children shall be blessed, they shall be blessed at everything they put their hand to, and oh, the greatness, oh, the greatness of the things that I shall do on their behalf. For truly it is an hour of great rejoicing, it is an hour of great praise and my children shall be filled with my joy, they shall be filled with my peace, they shall be filled with my love. And they shall walk even as my son Jesus walked and they shall do the things that I have called them to do. For it is that last hour, it is the last days and they shall walk in holiness as I have called them to walk. And mighty are the things that I shall do because of their obedience, because of their faithfulness, because they are walking closely with me and knowing my word and walking in my word and speaking my word. Great are the things that I shall do.

For as jelly has no strength in itself even though it looks like it is firm, so is the devil under your feet. So fear him not, but tread upon him and you shall squash him.

For my love shines upon you, for you are mine, for I love you with an everlasting love. My covenant stands before you, my word is true to you. Therefore, walk in my promises, for I watch over them to perform them, I watch over you.

Know that I am doing a mighty work in your midst this morning, I say unto you, know that you will leave here changed today. I say to you, you will go forth with a new confidence, with a new confidence, with a new song in your heart. I say unto you, I am doing a mighty work on your behalf this day.

11-23-03 pm service

For even as Abraham of old journeyed to the promised land that I had given unto him, he encountered many, many, many, many, many obstacles in his way, but he was victorious over every single one of them as he called out to me. And he arrived, yes, he arrived at that Promised Land and he was blessed above and beyond all that you can think, all that you can count, all that you can measure in size. Even so you have traveled through many obstacles and you have overcome many obstacles and now you have entered into that promise, you have entered into the fullness of that promise. And now, and now I shall bless you like I have said.

Oh, the love I have for you, are you not my children, have I not made you for this time and this hour? Oh, the greatness of the things that I shall do through you as you continue to press in unto me with all your might, with all your soul, with all your heart, oh, the great things that shall take place. For as you press in with all that you have my children, truly, the heavens are opened up unto you. For great is the reward of those who diligently seek me, those who put me first they shall find me, and oh, the time that we shall have together, it is such a great hour for you my children. Even though there shall be troubles in the world on the right hand and on the left hand, I am your God and I shall take you through these days in great victory. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your focus upon me, do not be concerned how the enemy fights, but I say unto you, know that I have already given unto you the victory. And know that I have given unto you everything that you have need of to walk in these days in victory. Know that, oh my children, I have given unto you the keys that you can truly walk, that you can truly walk in the success that is before you. Therefore, take my word as I have given it unto you and march forward, be armed with my word and truly possess the Promised Land that I have given unto you. For truly my children, it is yours for the taking, oh, just take my word and walk in the victory, walk in the promises that I have given unto you, for they are yours for the taking.

Be the overcomers in every area of your life, for you have already been declared the overcomer. So don’t walk in failures, don’t walk in lack, don’t walk in want, walk as the overcomer.

I am your shepherd, yea, I desire to lead you and guide you and my sheep are mature sheep, they need not a sheep dog to train them. Therefore, walk; walk like those that are mature, those that have grown up, those that walk in the fullness of my word. For I lead you into the path and into the pasture, into the places that I desire for you to be. And there, there you shall be victorious even in front of your enemies, so walk with me.

11-23-03 at the altar after the pm service

The devil and his spokesmen are making a lot of noise today, but it smells like rotten eggs, it does not have the fragrance or the beauty of the Holy Spirit. And those Christians that cannot tell the difference do not know my voice; they do not know the moving of the Holy Spirit. They have never matured past the milk stage, someone has to bottle feed them and change their diapers, pat them on the back and do a lot of things that they can realize that they are loved and recognized. But that is not for my church, nor is it my word, for I do not speak the things that he is speaking. For he takes a nibble of truth here and a nibble of truth there and he makes an utterance that sounds good, but if you will listen, if you will pay attention, if you will check it out, you will find that it is not scriptural, it is not what my book says. It comes out of my book, but it is not what my book says. Most Christians do not know the difference for some reason, for somebody can take this or they can take that and they can speak, and all they know, because they are a babe, is that it is the word of God. But is it applied the way it is written or is it being used for someone’s benefit? Do not be fooled with the things that are going on, nor the things that are being said, nor the many, many books that are written about this or about that. Why go to so many books when you have the one book that has all the truth and you do not read that one? You only read the other ones, you do not sit down with an open bible when you are reading the books, so how would you know whether it is truth or not? You do not even investigate to see if it is my word. You need to do these things. There are many things going on right now, this very moment, things that you cannot see with your natural eye, things that I have spoken to you about. That is why some Christians never see the prophetic word fulfilled, they are babes, they could not see if you held it before them, for they do not know how to eat the meat of the word. I say unto you, eat the meat of the word; grow where you can discern both good and evil. I am not talking about the gift of discernment, I am talking about because you know the word, you know what is truth and what is not truth because you have seen it written and you have meditated on it, you have studied on it, and therefore, you know it is true. For things will not, cannot, shall not get better. Oh, there may be an hour when it is a little nicer, but you are in the last days, and therefore, many things that have been set in motion have to come to pass and the antichrist and all the well speakers cannot change it. Not even those that confess my word, for when they confess my word, then they are not saying what I have said. In order to confess my word, you have to say what I said and you have to say it the way that I said it and not in the way you want it to be. For as you say it the way I said it, then it comes to pass quickly on your behalf and you walk in the victory of it. I have prepared for you a covering until the time the church goes out. You shall walk in safety as long as you walk according to my word, as long as you understand and know my word. So it is beneficial for you to get into my word like never before, to study my word like never before. Learn what I have said, learn what I have said, do not believe everyone that has a word, discern whether it is good or whether it is evil. Know what is behind what they are saying. Are they building their own kingdom, are they looking to become financially secure, do they what to be puffed up that everybody thinks, wow? My word says that my servants are humble, they are humble, they are not proud, they are not puffed up and they seek after me and I bless them because they seek after me. I do not bless them because they are saying words to receive blessings; I bless them when they do my word. Therefore, know my word that you can walk in those blessings, for there are very, very, very evil days ahead. The heat, the drought, the storms, the things that shall come to pass that people are not even looking at, they are rejoicing because of it and yet do not know in the spiritual realm the things that are taking place. I speak my word, I give them my word, I openly show to them the things that shall come to pass and yet they do not take time to read it, to meditate on it, to study it, to check it out. And when I mean check it out, check it out with my word, not to prove me wrong, for I am not wrong, sayeth God, for I have shared with you the very things that shall come to pass. And you see them and you know that they do, for I have told you of the things that you shall see. Oh, I say unto you, walk very closely to me. Know my voice, know the checks of the Holy Spirit when he is trying to get your attention, know his voice. Know the voice of my Son that you cannot be fooled in any area, know these things, for it is to your benefit for you to know these things that you can walk in the victory that I have for you, for I have a great, great, great, great victory, a great victory, a great victory. You shall be blessed as none have been blessed on the face of the earth; you shall walk in the fullness of my blessings. The wealth of the heathen shall flood into your hands that my work can be completed. I did not say for your bank account, but that my work can be completed. I will bless you, do not worry about that, for I have given you my promise, I have declared my word to you, I have made a covenant with you and I will not alter it, neither will I break it. Now hear the things I have to say.

For those who are easily deceived and led astray are those who do not truly know my word. Therefore, I say unto you, take time as I have said to know my word, that truly you know between the truth and you know between the false. For I have said that the false shall rise very fast, but that there shall be a great separation between the truth and the false and that those with spiritual eyes can see the difference. For the only way that you have spiritual eyes is by being in my word and knowing what my word says. For if you do not know what my word says, you cannot see the things that are right in front of you, because you will have nothing to compare them to. Therefore, I say unto you, know what my word has declared concerning the end-times and know how false heresy shall rise, false teachers shall rise, false prophets shall rise and great shall be the deception of many people, simply because they are ignorant and know not my word. Be not one who is caught in the snares of the enemy, but I say unto you, truly know my word. For I have warned you ahead of time that these things are going to take place, and if you do not get into my word and you do not study for yourself my word, you shall not be prepared for the things that shall come. As I have said, I have given unto you the Holy Spirit as your comfort, as your guide and he shall teach you unto all truth. For it is your spiritman that I speak to, it is your spiritman that I give warnings unto. For you know in yourself whether you are doing something right or you are doing something wrong. So is it when you hear something wrong that your spirit rises up within you to tell you that you are hearing something that is false. But if your spiritman is not built up with my word, you shall not hear, nor shall you be able to decipher between the two. Therefore, that is why I said it is important that you get into my word and know the things that are going to take place. For as I have said, even as many areas have been hit with great storms already, that is just the beginning of the things that shall come. For the snowfalls that shall take place in many areas, because of the quick warming that shall take place, there shall be avalanches in many, many different areas. For the snow that is falling shall not be able to even help the drought that is taking place. Yet many look to it and say, oh, how it shall help, but yet it shall create floods in the springtime. It shall create many different problems that they are not even thinking of nor are they aware of. You shall see the famine continue in many areas, for the lack of food is great, and yet I, your Father God, shall take care of my children and I shall see to it that they have more than enough to go through this time in total victory. It is a great hour for my church, it is a great time, for they shall rise and become all that I have said that they shall be. And, truly, as they look back on the things that I have done even in this year, great rejoicing shall fill their hearts as they see all that I have already done. And yet the year is not over and there is much more that I shall do on their behalf. For truly I have said that two thousand and three is for you, and truly my children, as you embrace that promise it shall be. For my word has gone out and it shall not return void, but it shall do that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, know that I have given unto you my word that truly you can walk victoriously, that you can be the overcomer as I have said, that truly you can be the head and not the tail and above and not beneath. Therefore, know my word and know I have given unto you my word, truly, that you can walk in the blessings that I have for you. For even though the enemy would fight hard at times, I am there fighting on your behalf and the battle is already won before it even started. Therefore, I say unto you, make sure that you put a guard upon your mouth and you speak forth only my words. Do not allow the enemy to get in because of some words you have spoken. Do not allow your words to bring death, but allow your words only to bring life which means you speak forth my word at all times. For my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge, but they are also destroyed at times because their mouth, their mouth produces death and not life. Put a guard upon your mouth like never before that you do not speak forth any curses, but that you speak forth blessings at all times and that you speak forth only my word. For when you speak forth only my word, you shall get the results of my word. Make sure that the seeds that you are planting are seeds that are going to bring you a good harvest, seeds that are going to produce that which you desire. Therefore, I say unto you, watch your mouth and know the things that you are saying. For truly it is a very serious time and the enemy is seeking those whom he can devour, but my children who are wise and know my word know his tactics and do not give any place to him. And truly they walk in the victory, they walk in the prosperity, they walk in the peace, they walk in all that I have for them. Be like the wise man who knows my word and who stands upon my word, one who is girded with my armor ready to fight at all times, prepared in every way, it is those, my children, who shall truly walk in victory. Those who are constantly clothed in my armor, clothed so that the enemy, whatever he throws upon them, does not hurt them nor does it even cause any problems, but they walk very smoothly because the victory is already theirs and they have been clothed in my armor. Therefore, clothe yourself in my armor, that truly you can walk as I have called you to walk. For my children can really not walk in the victory that I have for them if they have not clothed themselves. For the enemy’s greatest battlefield is your mind, and if your mind is not renewed by my word, then he has a field day. Therefore, renew your mind with my word that the enemy has no place, the enemy has no room to cause you to stumble here or there because of the thoughts he has placed within you. Allow my thoughts to be your thoughts, for I have said you are the overcomer. I have said you are the conqueror, rise up and be the overcomer, rise up and be the conqueror that I have said you are. No longer give any place to the enemy in any area of your life, but rise up and be the giants that I have called you to be for this time and this hour.

11-19-03 pm service

Let not your heart be troubled, for I have already told you, yea, not once, but time and time again that I would do absolutely nothing without first telling you. I would warn you of things that would affect you in your area, I would make you aware of the things going on in the world, I will keep your eyes, your spiritual eyes sharp that they may see and understand. That they may recognize and know the antichrist, the false prophet, the beast, that they may understand and comprehend my word. So let not your hearts be troubled as you hear the things that are going on in the world, for I have already told you those things, I have already told you those things. So understand the things that I have said unto you, make your heart, make your heart joyful, fill it with my word that my word comes out of your mouth. Mature yourself that you may walk as an adult, and not as a child, for the days that are here now are very, very evil.

For when you know my word, the enemy cannot catch you off guard and cause fear to come within you. For when you know my word you know the things that are already going to take place, for you have the assurance of what I have said I shall do. Therefore, I say, know my word that the enemy cannot come in and bring fear within your heart, but that you already know my word and that you are steadfast upon my word and you know the things that shall take place in the world do not have to come nigh your dwelling and they do not have to hurt you in anyway, shape, manner or form. Know that I have given unto you my word, and rest in my word, do not allow the enemy to bring fear within your heart or cause you to be fearful of the day and the hour you are living in. For I say unto you, rather rejoice knowing that your redemption draweth nigh.

When a nail is driven into wood it anchors it solid it becomes one. When my word is placed within your heart it anchors your heart and you become one with me.

11-16-03 am service

For truly my Spirit is being poured out without measure on my true church. There is no limitation to what I am doing; you are the one that limits it. Open yourself, receive those things that I have for you, let not your natural mind control you, let not the words round about you control you, let not the circumstances control you, but let my word be the controlling factor in your life. And as you allow my word to become the controlling factor in your life, you shall walk in all the fullness that I have for you. You shall be giants as I have said before; you shall walk like the giants, the spiritual giants of this hour and this time. For those that man looks upon as giants are not giants at all, sayeth your Father God. But my giants boast not in themselves, but they humble themselves and walk with me, and as they walk with me, I give unto them all authority, all power, all ability, there is nothing, nothing, nothing that is impossible for them to do. Therefore, empty out yourself, I do not need the flesh, I do not need you, I need the spiritman inside you, that you may walk with me in the spirit realm, that you may do the things that I have called you to do.

For when you are filled with my Spirit and truly walking in my word, it is like Peter and John, it is like my disciples, those who spoke my word. For when they approached the man, the lame man at the Beautiful gate, they did not have anything to give unto him other than my power, my anointing and the miracle that was needed. So it is with you my children, when you speak forth my word, even as they spoke forth my word and a miracle took place, as you speak forth my word, oh, I say unto you, the problem quickly changes and the miracle is before you and it takes place. For they did not look at circumstances, they did not look at what was right in front of them, but they looked at my word and they gave unto that man my word and because of that he received his miracle. So shall you be my children, as you truly flow in my word, when you flow in my Spirit you shall touch others around you as you speak forth my word and mighty are the things that I shall do. For I have given unto you that same power and authority that I gave unto those, my disciples, but they used my power, they used that authority. Therefore, I say unto you, you use the authority and power that I have given unto you. That truly you can speak to that problem and you can change it, and as you stand upon my word, great are the results that shall be. For truly my children, I have given unto you all things that you can walk in the fullness of all, of everything. Therefore, I say, know my word, know that I have given unto you my word, that truly you have the victory in every area and there is nothing, nothing that can hold you back from receiving all that I have other than you yourself. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, walk according to my word and speak forth my word that truly that manifestation can come and that victory can also come.

For man thinks he is wise in his own wisdom, he uses many tactics to achieve the goals that I have spoken, but yet he arrives no where. For he follows not my word, nor my plan, but he seeks after his own.

Have a mindset that you are more than conquerors, have a mindset that you are victorious, that you have won. That you are not striving for these things, that you are not waiting for them, that you are healed by the stripes of my son Jesus, that you are not looking to be healed. Have a mindset, know my word, know my word, for the days are here where great evil shall come upon people, and if you know not my word, you will fall into the traps that the enemy has set.

For a top when it is pumped up spins very fastly, but it quickly runs out of power and falls down. When my Spirit is allowed to come in and fill you to the top, you will never run out of power, neither shall you ever fall.

11-16-03 pm service

Let your eyes be open, let your spiritual ears be open, listen, listen to the things that I shall speak to your heart personally this night, sayeth your Father God. For, yea, I shall speak to you if you will listen to my voice, if you will open your ears, I shall speak to you and you shall know even before the song service is over, you shall know in your heart, sayeth your Father. So let your eyes be upon me, worship with all of your heart, keep your ears open.

For when you go through the fire of my furnace, the fire of my Spirit, it purges and cleanses and it takes the things of the world away and it fills your life with my things. In this day and this hour my children shall go through that fire like never before, the fire of the Spirit and it shall cause them to be all that I have called them to be. It shall cause them to come out like pure gold, the vessels that I have called for this hour and for this time, oh and yes, it shall cause them to be all that I have called them to be. For they shall function in my power, they shall flow in my anointing, they shall flow in my authority that I have given unto them and mighty are the things that I shall do through them. Even as I have said, I have called and chosen each and every single one of you for this time and this purpose. And I have anointed you for this time and this purpose, and truly as you spend time in my Spirit as my Spirit purges you, as my Spirit cleanses you, oh, as my Spirit gets the yuck out of your life, oh you shall come out shining like pure gold. And great shall be, great shall be the use of your vessel as you willingly yield yourself to me and allow my Spirit to purge you, allow my fire to consume you like never before. Truly, you shall become the vessel that I have called you to be and you shall rise up and be the giants as I have said you shall be in this end-time. But, oh, you must allow yourself, allow yourself to go through this time, you must allow yourself to go through my fire, that my fire consumes you like never before and truly you have such, oh, a yearning to be with me that there is nothing that shall stop you from doing all that I have called you to do. As you yield yourself unto me, as you yield yourself unto my Spirit, I shall take you to new heights; I shall take you to new realms like you have never ever experienced before. As you yield yourself to me, as you surrender and give unto, oh, give unto me everything, I shall give unto you all that I have. And truly you shall be, truly, all, all that I have called you and said you shall be.

For the speed of light is far faster than the speed of sound, but my word is even faster than that. So fill yourself, arm yourself with my word; speak my word, for as you speak it, you have the answer.

For a mountain seems so high at a distance, yea, and as you move closer and closer and closer they seem even higher, it looks more impossible, but I say unto you, there is absolutely nothing, nothing that is impossible. For I shall do for you what I have said and the mountains they are nothing, they are nothing, for you can speak to the mountain and it shall be moved to the sea. You can speak to the problem and it shall go. Fear not, fear not what looks impossible, but know that you are a child of the God of the impossible and I shall do through you what I have said I shall do.

For a baby is safe in the arms of the one that loves them, that holds them close, that cuddles them, that speaks soft words unto them. So are you safe in my arms my children, for I love you and I desire to cuddle you, I desire to hold you, I desire to love you. For I desire for you to know that you are perfectly safe.

Are you listening, for my Spirit is soft, it is sweet, it is gentle and it speaks not to your ears, but to your innermost being, to your inner man. Continue to listen and hear, listen, hear, for I have something for you.

Let the word of the Lord be true, let your heart always honor the word, always listen to the word, always meditate in the word. For it is the word that stands forever, it is the word that will take you through this life; it is the word that will bless you through the next life. So listen to my word, know my word, understand my word.

11-16-03 at the altar after the pm service

For the days that you are now living in are different from what they were just a little while ago. For you can see the changes that are taking place, not only upon the world, but upon this nation, many, many changes. And many believe that it all shall turn around and become very good, but I say unto you, you are in the last days, you are in the countdown, you are in the wind down and things are not going to get better in that sense. Yet I shall take care of my people and they shall go through this time victoriously, but for the whole picture, it is not getting better. For the antichrist is working as hard as he can to bring in his false church, to pull the people into that false church, to blind their eyes, to deafen their ears and to lay all kind of sicknesses and disease and pestilence and troubles upon them. And it shall be so for many, for they will choose to follow another gospel, and not the gospel itself, but another gospel, something that sounds logical, something that sounds truthful, and yet if you look at my word and compare it to my word, my word does not say that, nor can you find it in my word. You can make my word say that by taking things out of context, by applying them wrongfully, but my word does not say that. And for those whose ears are open, whose hearts are open, for those who are going to a church that speaks forth my word, that teaches my word and not another gospel, you shall see it much clearer than those who have been trained up, whose minds have been cluttered with the things of the false. For many times when you sat in a church in the past that spoke not my word, that taught not my word, your mind got so dirty that the truth has a hard time going through it, even as a filter when it is all plugged up has a hard time allowing water or gas or anything to pass through it. You need to clean that filter; you need to renew your mind by my word, that it is cleansed by the blood, that my word flows through your mind with no problems. That it enters into your heart, that you can understand, that you can see, that you can comprehend the things that I have said. For in the days that you are living in and in the days that lie ahead, you will need to understand this. For you have seen on the news, for an example, of how the weather in many places where anywhere from ten degrees to twenty degrees above normal in the states that I have told you about. This next year they shall be even higher. And yet have they moved to where I told them to move? No, no. What are they waiting for, until it gets so unbearable that they can hardly breath and then call upon me and plead and beg me to turn it around when I have told them that these are the signs of the last days? They will not be signs that I shall turn around, for I have declared that these things shall take place in the last days and they shall take place. So what they need to do is adjust themselves, adjust their mind and begin to follow my word, begin to follow the things that I speak forth through my prophets. Listen carefully, weigh it out, check it out and then do as I have told them to do and they will walk in the victories, they will walk in the blessings, they will walk as the overcomers. They will be blessed on the right and the left, they shall be blessed before and behind, nothing shall overtake them other than the blessings that I have for them. The evil one shall not rob from them, he shall not steal from them and he shall not kill, for they shall be under my protection, my care, my promises. But not so for those that go the other direction, for they have moved themselves outside of my protection. They can go to the Old Testament and they can read there and they can see that every time that Israel moved herself outside of my protection by the way that she lived, by the way that she acted, by the way that she walked, the enemy came against her and overtook her. And when she repented and came back to me, I delivered them out of that snare and set them free again. It shall be like that in these last days, if they will repent and call upon my name, I will move mightily on their behalf. I shall break the strongholds and I shall deliver them and I shall place them back into the safety of my body, but they must remain in that place, they must walk in that place. They need to train their mind to listen to what I have to say and not what they feel, not what they think, not what they want to do. For it is not a time to do those things, for it is the last hour and you are seeing daily, daily the things that I have spoken to you coming to pass over and over, you can see it clearly. You can clearly see the false church as it rises up in its many different dresses, the things that it does, but it forms just one false church, you can see that. The world is seeing that, the world is asking questions and they cannot understand some things, cause it is almost like somebody is talking two languages at one time. One man that claimed to be a prophet, he spoke the truth on where the antichrist came out of, and then a few minutes later, he says he shall come out of Rome. Now where did Rome come from? It did not come out of my word, but it came out of his mouth because it has been placed there years back and they are still looking at that area and trying to prove that that is where he is coming out of. He may go there, he may establish a headquarter in that area, but he does not come out of there and yet the world wants to point their finger there. Look to my word; know what my word has to say. Listen carefully to the prophecies that I give unto you. When I talk about the fires, when I talk about the tornadoes, when I talk about the hurricanes, when I talk about the avalanches, and you are going to see many avalanches within a year. This winter shall be a record on avalanches and you shall hear it. Some will be small, some will be large, but you shall hear it. Now I say unto you, know what my word has to say and listen carefully to the things that I say, that you may walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you. Do not think that you know how to do it, listen to what I say and follow those things. For as you listen to what I say and follow the things that I have laid out before you, then and only then will you walk in the victory that I have for you.

For when man walks in his own foolishness trouble surrounds him on every side and he is overwhelmed by everything that is taking place. But those who are wise hear my word and listen and do the things which I speak unto them and great success, great success surrounds them. Prosperity surrounds them, joy fills their life, love fills their life, peace surrounds them on every side, for they know my word and they have stood upon my word and truly success surrounds them. For those who listen unto my words, for those who are quick to be obedient, blessings upon blessings shall fill their life. But those who do not hear me, those who go their own way, those who think that truly they have all things under control and do not need my help, great shall be their fall. Many people are being caught away in the false move because they do not know my word. If they only knew my word, they would never follow in the direction that they are going in the first place. For my word is truth, my word is life, my word does not put anyone in bondage, but my word sets people free. Therefore, if they knew my word, they would not go into the bondage that many are going into because they are listening onto the lies of the enemy, for the devil is a hard taskmaster, and those who follow after him, destruction, destruction, destruction. For they will think that they are giving up to gain great wealth, and yet death shall come at their door. If they only knew my word, if they only listen to my voice, for at times I speak to my people and yet they do the opposite and they do not walk in my word that I have given unto them. It is because of stubbornness and my church shall put off stubbornness and truly listen to me and follow my ways, or they shall end up in problems. For my word says, it is better to be obedient than to sacrifice. What are you sacrificing when you are not being obedient to me and my word and doing the things that I have spoken unto you to do? For at times it will even mean sacrificing your family, when you need not to do that, if you would but only listen to my word and listen to the things that I have spoken unto you. For have not I said that I shall keep you safe through these days ahead in great victory? Have not I said that I shall protect you, but you must listen to my voice, you must hear me, for I will speak to you as I have said and warn you ahead of time. Even as you heard of the story of the man who cried out unto me and the fire did not consume his house or his family, I will do that for every one of my children who call upon my name when they are in trouble. For I have said that I am there, I am there as you go through the fire, as you go through the floods, whatever you go through I am there, and as you call upon me, I shall quickly answer. Know my children I have given unto you the power of my name, that truly in any situation you can come out the victor. Know my word, know that I have given unto you my word, that truly in these days that are filled with troubles, in these days that are filled with great calamities, great sicknesses, great diseases, great pestilences, great troubles, great tragedies, that I have said that I am here, and as you call upon me, I shall answer and I shall give unto you the things that you have need of. Know my word and put your trust in me like never before. For, truly, the world can give you nothing, nothing but troubles, but me and my word shall give unto you life, shall give unto you that more abundantly. For I have come, not to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come that truly you can live in the abundant life. Know who comes to kill, steal and destroy, for he is the evil one and he is the one who is operating in the world, but you are not of the world, you are mine. And therefore, you walk as my children and my children know my voice, for the sheep follow after the shepherd’s voice. If you truly know me, you know my voice and you walk in the provisions I have given unto you. Be wise, be wise and know my word. Be wise and pay attention unto the things that I speak unto you. For I have told you of many things that shall take place, but are you watching? Are you alert? Are you looking for the things that I said would take place even in the next days, the next months? Therefore, be a watchful servant, be one who watches the things that I speak unto them, that you know truly that I am your God and I speak to you and I inform you of the things that are going to take place. And I do this because I love you and I desire that truly you walk in the success that I have made in front of you. Therefore, know my word, know my voice, know that I am here and I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory no matter what takes place.

11-12-03 pm service

Let your ears be open spiritually, for most of my people have their ears open, but only worldly, let your ears be open spiritually. For it is in the spirit realm that I talk to you, it is in the spirit realm that I make known unto you the things that I shall do. It is in the spirit realm that I lift you above all things, that I cause you to be the victorious one, that I cause you to be the overcomer, that I make you all that you are. For truly you are my children and I am your Father.

For if you say, but Lord, I have a hard time hearing you, I say unto you get into my word and know what my word says. For if I speak unto you in a stillness and smallness of voice, something that you don’t necessarily hear audibly, but your hear in your spirit, and if your spirit is not attuned to my Spirit, how can you hear from me? Therefore, I have spoken unto you and said, build yourself up in my word, build yourself up in my Spirit, that truly you can be able to hear the things of the Spirit, that you can function and flow in the areas that I desire for you to flow in. For I have said that I give unto you all things my children, and as you ask, I shall give unto you. Therefore, if you ask for me to open up your ears, I shall open them, but you also must do your part. You also must take the time to spend with me, that you may listen, so that I can talk to you. For it is a great day and it is a great hour, and truly my children, you do need to know my voice, you need to know my word that you can truly walk victoriously as I have said that you are. For truly great things, my children, are in store for those who truly know my word. For if you cannot hear my voice, how are you going to expect to do the things that I desire for you to do in this hour? Therefore, know my voice as I have said, spend that time with me, that you can truly know me in an intimate way, that you can know me as your Father, as your God and know that, truly, I have all things under control. And I shall show you and give unto you the things that you have need of to truly walk in these days in great victory. Therefore, fear not, but know what I have said, know my word, for many times my children hear my word, and yet they go away not doing the things that I have said, and therefore, they do not receive like others receive. Therefore, hear my word and do my word, do my word that you can truly receive all that I have for you in this day. For truly my children, it is important that you follow, that you follow my guidance, that you follow my directions, that you listen, that you truly listen to my word. For those who listen to my word, they do my word.

11-12-03 pm service

Let your ears be open spiritually, for most of my people have their ears open, but only worldly, let your ears be open spiritually. For it is in the spirit realm that I talk to you, it is in the spirit realm that I make known unto you the things that I shall do. It is in the spirit realm that I lift you above all things, that I cause you to be the victorious one, that I cause you to be the overcomer, that I make you all that you are. For truly you are my children and I am your Father.

For if you say, but Lord, I have a hard time hearing you, I say unto you get into my word and know what my word says. For if I speak unto you in a stillness and smallness of voice, something that you don’t necessarily hear audibly, but your hear in your spirit, and if your spirit is not attuned to my Spirit, how can you hear from me? Therefore, I have spoken unto you and said, build yourself up in my word, build yourself up in my Spirit, that truly you can be able to hear the things of the Spirit, that you can function and flow in the areas that I desire for you to flow in. For I have said that I give unto you all things my children, and as you ask, I shall give unto you. Therefore, if you ask for me to open up your ears, I shall open them, but you also must do your part. You also must take the time to spend with me, that you may listen, so that I can talk to you. For it is a great day and it is a great hour, and truly my children, you do need to know my voice, you need to know my word that you can truly walk victoriously as I have said that you are. For truly great things, my children, are in store for those who truly know my word. For if you cannot hear my voice, how are you going to expect to do the things that I desire for you to do in this hour? Therefore, know my voice as I have said, spend that time with me, that you can truly know me in an intimate way, that you can know me as your Father, as your God and know that, truly, I have all things under control. And I shall show you and give unto you the things that you have need of to truly walk in these days in great victory. Therefore, fear not, but know what I have said, know my word, for many times my children hear my word, and yet they go away not doing the things that I have said, and therefore, they do not receive like others receive. Therefore, hear my word and do my word, do my word that you can truly receive all that I have for you in this day. For truly my children, it is important that you follow, that you follow my guidance, that you follow my directions, that you listen, that you truly listen to my word. For those who listen to my word, they do my word.

11-9-03 am service

Put on your running shoes, no longer walk, no longer stand still, no longer lag behind. For the things of the world are moving very fast and I am moving before them, sayeth your Father God, making a way for my people, bringing my people to the place of full maturity, causing my people to walk in the wisdom of the Spirit, the knowledge of the Spirit and not in the knowledge of the flesh. So those that are not running are getting farther behind, and as they get farther behind, the view, the picture, the clarity of the world becomes so clear that they find themselves entrapped, entangled, snared in the traps that the enemy has, for they have not kept up pace. But I say allow not this to happen to you, allow not your heart to grow weary, faint not, but stand strong. Run with me, for it is running time, sayeth your Father God, it is running time and only the strong can run and keep pace. Therefore, build yourself up in the Spirit praying daily in the Holy Spirit. Build yourself up strong in my word, reading and studying and meditating upon my word. Listen not; listen not to those that have already entered into agreement with the false church and the things that the false church is doing. For I have told you there will be a sharp contrast between the two. And if you can’t see it, then you need to get a hold of me, sayeth your Father God, you need to walk closer, closer, closer to me. For truly this division gets larger and larger day by day and many more of the beloved fall into the traps because they have been going their own way for so long. They think they walk in faith, but they walk not, they walk in flesh. Therefore, draw closer, closer to me. Put on your running shoes, I say, put on your running shoes and build yourself up to run with me.

For those who walk in the Spirit are not influenced by the things of the world, but they are influenced by my word and my word only. Therefore, walk in my Spirit like never before, for have not I said in my word that he is your teacher, he is your guide and he shall lead you unto all truth? Therefore, I say unto you my children, allow my Spirit to teach you like never before. Allow him to open up your eyes that you can see the revelation knowledge that is given out today for you to walk in. That you may walk in a newness of power, that you may walk in a newness of anointing, that truly you may walk in a newness of freedom. For when you walk in my Spirit you do not fulfill the lust of your flesh, but you only fulfill my word and do the things that I have called you to do, chosen you to do. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I have said in my word. For, truly, I am coming for a church that is without spot or wrinkle, one that is without blemish, one that has a holy people who has set themselves aside for my use and for my work. Oh, my children, it is a great hour, but it is an hour to draw nigh unto me. It is an hour to draw close, it is an hour to walk in the Spirit, it is thee hour to truly know my word, that you have it within your heart, that you stand upon it, that walk upon it, that you live in it, that everything you do is based upon my word. For when you are like that my children, victory surrounds you on every side because the enemy flees when you walk in my word. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I have said and know that it is my desire that you walk in my word. Know that it is my desire that you draw ever so close to me that you know exactly what I, your Father God, have for you to do in this hour and in this day. For, truly, I have called and I have chosen you for this time. Therefore, rise up and become the giants that I have said you shall be. Become the conquerors that I say you are, become the overcomers that I have said you already are. For oh, my children, I desire that you walk, I desire that you walk in the fullness of the power and authority that I have given unto you. And that truly you fulfill, you fulfill everything that I have called you to do that you walk in my perfect will, that you walk in my way. For therein my children, therein you shall find happiness, therein you shall find great success, therein shall you find an abundance of joy, an abundance of peace. Therefore, walk with me like never before, walk in my Spirit; build yourself up as I have said, that truly you can be the strong giant that I have said you shall be.

Does not a ball when you throw it go down, go up and return back to you? So is my word, for it goes out of your mouth, yea, it comes to me and I send you the answer. Therefore, don’t cast it down a second time, but stand on my word.

Don’t be one of those that I have to slap in the face with my word in order for you to look, in order for you to see, in order for you to understand. For you are living in an evil day, many things are coming to pass, if you do not know my word, if you cannot see it without being hit by it, then you are in the enemies camp and do not know it. Shake yourself, wake up, walk in my word.

11-9-03 pm service

If you only knew how full you are with my Spirit, if you only knew how much power, how much authority, how much ability you really have, you would go forth and remove that mountain, you would go forth and take that victory, you would walk as the overcomer. And every eye would be upon you because they would think that you were supernatural, yes, they would think that you were one of my giants and yet all of my children, all of my children are capable of walking in that realm. And yet they know it not in their heart, and therefore, they walk not as they could walk if they knew it in their heart, if they knew everything that I have given unto them, if they understood it. Oh walk, walk children, walk in a higher realm than you are right now. Walk in a higher realm, come on up, walk in the realm that I have given you.

For when you begin to walk in that realm you will never want to go back to the place that you were. But many times my children they are left short because they truly have not learned to walk in the fullness of my power and authority. But those who do they become great giants, great giants of faith that always march forward in great victory. Oh, I say unto you my children, truly I have given it unto you, that you may walk in, that you may be victorious, that you may truly walk as my son Jesus walked on this earth victorious in every way. Truly, it is a great hour; it is a great time my children. Oh, rise up into that realm, as I have said, for truly it is nothing like you have ever experienced before. And once you experience it, you will never want to go back to what you were because you shall know, you shall know the ability that I have given unto you. You shall know the power, you shall know that authority, therefore, rise up into the realm that I desire to take you into. For I have already given it to you that truly you can walk in the best that I have for you. So rise up, rise up and become all that I desire for you to become. For truly it is a great hour my children, it is a great time and this hour is for you, I have placed it here for you that you can walk in it, that you can be blessed, that you can enjoy it, that you can be used by me in this day and in this hour. You are chosen, I have called you before the foundations of the earth, I knew you and formed you. Therefore, I say unto you, truly rise up, rise up, rise up unto the position I have called you to be in. For truly my children, great are the rewards, great are the rewards of those who diligently seek me and achieve all that I have in store for them.

For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword, it can go forth and cut aside the bad and leave the good. It can go forth and do everything that I have said that it could do. It can go forth with quickness, with strength, with power. Therefore, arm yourself with my word; arm yourself with my word.

Many Christians are like a train on a track and the track has been oiled and their wheels are spinning and yet there are those that are running fast, they are running fast and they are reaching their goal while the others are still spinning their wheels.

11-9-03 at the altar after the pm service

For it is my true children who are hearing my words, it is my true children who look into my word and understand it. It shall be my true children who do the teaching and the preaching that will bring forth deliverance, that will bring forth miracles, that will bring forth signs and wonders in these last days. And even as they have had to learn throughout the years, as I have brought forth revelation knowledge, to listen to it and run with it, so shall it be also to those who are haughty. Those who think they are above, those who think they are teachers, those that think they are coming with the truth, they need to listen to the revelation knowledge that is flowing unto them. For if they listen not to the revelation knowledge and cast aside the garbage, they will be caught in the snares and the traps of the enemy and they will find themselves deeply rooted into the antichrist system, into the antichrist church following the false prophet, following the beast and following the antichrist and when they wake up the church will have left here. And I say unto you, do not believe the books that you read, but go when the church goes, go when the church goes. Know my word, know the things that I am saying, sayeth your Father God, for there are many voices, even as I have told you that there shall be many voices in the last day and many are denying the power of the Holy Ghost even now. They are calling things miracles that are not miracles, they are saying this took place when it did not take place and you do not see any evidence of it. For in my church you shall see the evidence, the world shall see the evidence, it will not be here just during the church service, it will be here day by day by day by day until I take my church out. It will be like the lame man that sat at the gate Beautiful, everyday they will see him leaping and walking and praising God, everyday they shall see the miracle. It will not vanish, it will be there for them to look upon and realize and know that I can do everything that I have said that I can do. When the calamities continue to increase, and they shall increase, many will try to pray them away, but they will not be able to pray them away, for they are not doing the things that I have told them to do. If they are a child of God that is walking with me and doing the things that I have told them to do, they can speak to the storms, they can speak to the pestilence, they can speak to the calamities and they will go. But if they are not walking with me, they can shout, they can cut themselves, they can be like the false prophets in the day of Elisha and Elijah, and as Elijah stood on the mountain he proved that day who was the true prophet and who were the false, so shall it be in these last days, sayeth your Father God. I shall exalt my prophets, I shall exalt my teachers, I shall exalt my pastors, my evangelists, my apostles, I shall exalt them, not man. But you say they did that in the early church, yes, because they were babes, but the Holy Ghost told them who to put in there. When they drew straws, you do not find anything mentioned about the one who got the best straw, but the ones that the Holy Ghost called out, you read about them, you see the miracles, you see the signs, you see the wonders. You are living in that time my children. You are living in a time when the true church is climbing to the very top and the false church, even though it is boasting great things, even though it is saying great things, even though there are masses of people that are flocking into their buildings, you are not seeing what you are seeing in the true church. They cannot muster it up, they cannot shake themselves, for they are like Samson, and when they shake themselves, Ichabod comes out, for the Spirit has departed. But if they will turn to me, if they will come back to me, if they will come back to my ways I shall meet them and I shall move upon them. Truly, great calamities are coming. Many things shall take place between now and the end of this year, it is not over. The fires are not all out, the drought has not gone away, the tornadoes have not stopped, the hurricanes have not stopped, the tidal waves have not stopped, the floods have not stopped and yet man looks at it as if it is peaceful. The high temperatures have not stopped and now many all they can boast of was that it was the hottest year that they have ever had in the history of their state, of their area, of their place. Well next year, sayeth your Father God, they shall set more new records, for it shall be hotter than it was this year. And these are the things you shall see because it is that time. Many ran out to see the eclipse, but many, and even those that did run out, are not running out to find me. They are not running out to hear my word, they are willing to sit in the areas and the places that are dead. They are willing to stay in the places that I have told them to flee from. They are willing to chase after their own and not allow me to supply for them, and they boast about what man gives unto them. Oh, I say, the handwriting is on the wall, the handwriting is on the wall, the problem is, they need a prophet to interpret what the handwriting is saying. They need to listen to what my prophets are saying. They need to listen to what I, Almighty God, am saying. They need to listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches. Now listen and hear and know the things that shall come to pass.

Have your eyes upon my word and upon the things that I speak to you, for as you have seen, my words come to pass very quickly, you shall see it even more so, even concerning the things that I said that will take place even in the world. For the Mideast is going to be a hotbed all week. You shall see terrorists strike before Thanksgiving is over. There shall be snow that will close many roads in the Midwest and the mountains, but it shall not be as bad here. You shall see prices; they shall be very high on food for Thanksgiving. You shall see the gas prices as they go up some and then come back down to where they are, for things shall fluctuate. You shall see more killings in Iraq, for they now know how to shoot down the Blackhawks because of the movie that went forth. Oh, how foolish is man. For some of the Midwest and West it will be a very long winter and yet the snow that shall come will not help the droughts. Germany is in for a cold hard winter which will cause France and Italy to feel the effects of that winter. Job rates will take a great fall after the Christmas season is over. Many will have to go to a different type of heat, staying away from oil and gas because of the prices and the things that shall take place, they will have to go to coal or wood. But my children do not have to fear any of these things, for as I have said in the past, I am your God and I am always here. And as you call upon me, I shall answer you and I shall provide and I shall take care, I shall give unto you all the things that you have need of. For my church will not lack, nor will it want, but it shall walk in the abundance of my blessings. For it would be wise of you to ask of me every little detail that pertains to your life, for I have wisdom to give unto you, that you can truly walk in the success that I have for you. Therefore, I say unto you, be not foolish like most men of the world are, but consult me as my word has said, and as you come unto me, I shall give unto you the wisdom and knowledge that you have need of. That truly in these days ahead you can walk in victory, not defeat, not lack, nor want, but walk in true success as I have given it unto you. For at times my people do not come and ask me, they do not seek my face, and therefore, problems come about down the road, because they have not come unto me, because they have not asked or they have not sought my knowledge. And therefore, they walk in troubles they have not needed to walk in because they did not come and consult me. For I am your Father and I desire that you truly walk in the best of all that I have in store for you. But if you do not listen to me, if you do not hear my voice, if you do not take time to spend with me, how can you do the things that I desire for you to do? How can you truly hear me and listen and do the things that I desire for you to do if you do not take the time to spend with me? It is a very serious hour my children, yet it is a glorious hour for my church, one that has never been seen before. For I shall move in all my power and might as I have said and great is the revival, oh, great is the revival that shall be as my word has declared it. For it has begun as I have said in many places overseas, as you see the people flooding in coming unto me and receiving me, it shall be like that here. People will flood in to receive of me, not only because of the miracles, signs and wonders that will be taking place, but because they shall see my word being fulfilled. They shall see as you speak out of your mouth, my word even fulfilled the next day or even within hours, it shall be like that. And they shall desire to be mine and to come into my house and to be part of the end-time move of my Spirit. For truly those things that I have promised to you, I am fulfilling to you. Therefore, look ahead with great expectation, keep that goal which is set before you, keep your eyes upon me, have your focus upon me. For truly those who seek me they shall find me and great, oh yes, great shall be their communion that we have together. For those who know me, they know my voice, they know my word and truly they walk in obedience, they walk in great faithfulness unto me and they are quick to do the things that I speak unto them to do. It shall be greater in this hour my children, for you shall even become greater in your faithfulness and in your obedience unto me. For you shall see the seriousness of the time and the hour that you are living in, for without me you can do nothing. And my true church shall wake up and realize this and walk in the power and authority that I have given unto them and they shall rise up and be the giants that I have called them forth to be. Great shall be the work that shall be done in this time and in this hour.

11-5-03 pm service

For let your hearts know that truly this is a great hour for my church, this is the greatest hour that ever has been. For before the foundations of the earth I purposed and planned the things that shall come to pass in this time, sayeth your Father God. No, the bad things are not of me, but they are of the evil one, but I, your Father God, am taking my people through this time victoriously. I am making them that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, I am making them overcomers, that when the world looks upon them they shall see me. They shall see that I am able to do above and beyond all that they ask or think, that there is nothing, nothing that is impossible for me. For I take the impossible things and I make them possible. I take the dead things and I give life unto them. I take the weak things and I make them strong. For truly I am God, yea and you are my people, you are my children, I am your Father, therefore, I shall move mightily on your behalf. Yea and you shall walk in the fullness of all the victories that I have told you about.

Do not fear the things that will take place in the world even in the coming months and the coming days, in the coming weeks, in the coming years. Do not be fearful, but know that I am always with you, for does not my word say, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee, I shall be with you even until the very end? Oh, my children, you have nothing to fear because I shall always be beside you walking with you, I will always be there no matter what comes along your way. But know I have given unto you my word and I have said that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. Therefore, stand upon my word and know that I have already given you the victory ahead of time, all you have to do is walk in it. Therefore, know my word, speak my word have my word within your heart, that truly you do not need to fear these days that you are living in. But that you can walk in my perfect peace because you have my word, that you can rest assured in my word knowing that I am always there, always there ready to fight on your behalf, always there waiting to protect you, always there to cause you to prosper. Therefore, know my word and know that there is nothing too big for me to do. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my ways like never before, for my ways, my children, are the best way and you shall walk in great success, you shall walk in great happiness when you walk with me, when you walk in my ways. Therefore, know my word and have my word within your heart, that truly you can walk, yes, that you can walk in the abundance of all that is yours.

When you study my word let every line build upon another line that you get a sure foundation and walk in the fullness of the truth.

11-02-03 am service

For truly I am about to come, yea, it is that hour, it is that time. The world is not looking for me, no, not even the false church, even in this hour they are telling you not to speak about my coming. But fear not what the world says, fear not what the false church says, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For the promises that I have given unto you are yea and amen, they shall be filled, they shall be filled to overflowing that you may walk in the fullness of everything that I have, yea, that the harvest, the harvest shall come in. And the harvest shall come in because of the power of God that they see, not because of the words that they hear, but they shall come because of the demonstration of my power in your midst. Therefore, press into the fullness; press into the fullness, for truly, I have so much for you.

For it is a time of great victory for my children, a time of great victory, there shall be a victory march, as you have never seen. For I say unto you this day, that my promises unto you are so close to being fulfilled. Do not back off, do not go to the right nor to the left, but continue to press in, continue to follow after me, continue to seek my word, continue to seek my direction, follow it, for I say unto you, it is imperative. For the enemy is fighting very hard these days, but I say to you, he is defeated, yea, he is defeated and you shall march upon his head, you shall march upon his head with great, great victory. I say unto you, my children, you are victorious.

Keep your eyes upon my word and my promises I have given unto you. For when you keep your eyes upon those things, my children, the enemy will never be able to deceive you nor is he able to come in and bring confusion among you. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon my word; keep your eyes upon the goal that is set before you. For, truly, as your eyes become focused upon that, the enemy cannot throw anything in your path to get your eyes off of my word. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon my word, upon my promises and upon me, for when it is upon those things, the enemy cannot deceive you.

For my word goes out and it does not return void even though at times it may seem that way, it always brings the answer. Therefore, stand fast on my word, do not grow weary, but stand fast for the answer shall be there.

11-2-03 pm service

For truly there is nothing too hard for me to do. It is the hour where I shall set my church free like never before that they shall be free in their worship, they shall be free in their praise, nothing shall hold them back. For the chains that have been holding them back from them giving all to me, they shall be broken and great freedom shall come to the true houses of Almighty God and great shall be, oh, great shall be the rejoicing that shall take place as my children are loosed. For they shall be loosed from the things of the world and the things of the evil one shall no longer control them, but they shall be controlled by my Spirit. They shall walk in my Spirit and they shall not fulfill the desires of their flesh, oh, but they shall walk in my word and they shall walk in my Spirit like never before. For it is the hour where my church shall be loosed, oh yes, they shall be loosed. For nothing shall hold them back, from their feet to dance before me or their hands to be lifted high to me. There shall not be anything that shall hold them back from truly entering in with all of their heart. For truly it is that hour where my church shall be free as I have called it to be and the enemy cannot hold it down any longer, but they shall truly be set free. For I, Almighty God, have declared it so and it shall be so, for truly it is the hour to walk in my freedom and to be free in every area. For that is my desire, that is my desire that nothing holds you back, but that you are truly free. Free to praise my name, free to worship me, free to let go of yourself and give everything to me. Oh, it is that hour and it is that time and there is a freeing that is taking place in my true churches even right now this very day and this very hour.

For without my power, without my anointing, without my Spirit in these last days man would not be able to stand. Neither would there be miracles, signs and wonders that people could look to and know and realize that, truly, there is a God that is far more than flesh, that is far more than shouting, that is far more than shaking, that is far more than just speaking the words without the anointing upon them nor the power of the Holy Ghost behind them. For I am, yes, I am that I am and I am moving mightily on your behalf and I am doing things that you do not see yet with your natural eye, but they shall overtake you so quickly you will wonder why. Press into the fullness of the things that I have for you, for truly this is my finest hour.

Jumping off with a bungee cord is in comparison to jumping off in the Spirit. For as you allow the Spirit to have control, you shall be the victor.

For the world has forgotten what a miracle really is, and what they call miracles usually are not miracles, but they shall see my miraculous power and they shall see the miracles. They shall see the signs, they shall see the wonders and they shall know in their heart that, truly, I am the Lord thy God, that I have all power, that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that is impossible for me to do. For even as it was under the great tent services, it shall be even far greater in my churches in this last day, sayeth your Father God, than man has ever seen.

11-02-03 at the altar after the pm service

Let your hearts be filled with joy, the joy of the Holy Ghost, for you are mine, sayeth your Father, and I love you with an everlasting love. And because you are so open, the Holy Spirit takes time to minister to you and share with you and tell you the things that are taking place and are going to take place. And because you are mine, I do not desire for you to walk in darkness, therefore, I open your eyes, I remove the blindness, I give you understanding, understanding that you may walk in the truth, that you may know the truth, that you may see it. And even those that are following after my web site, for it is mine, sayeth your Father God, their eyes see, they understand what the prophets are saying. They are looking, they are seeing the fulfillment of it and they are coming unto me in large numbers, in small numbers, they are coming unto me and you read about it and your heart is filled with joy. I am moving mightily across the United States of America, I am now moving in a way that you have not seen me move before. For I am waking up people by the things that are taking place upon the face of the earth, it is not my judgement, but it is the work of the evil one, but through this work that is going on, many are truly seeing the end-times taking place. And they are hearing about the droughts and the lack of water and the need to move where water is. Many are fighting this because it is their livelihood, it is their church, it is their ministry, it is their pocketbooks that shall be affected as people move, but they could move with it. They could swallow their pride and hear what their Father is saying and move to the safe areas where they can be blessed, for things shall continue to get worse. The fires, I have told you, would be worse this year and you have seen it. They shall even be worse next year, for now many of the evil ones have seen a way of striking and they shall strike. And there is no way in the natural that man can keep this from happening, the acreage is far too great and spans too far to be everyplace and to watch everyplace, but I have told you these things. I have told you about the hurricanes, I have told you about the floods, I have told you about the tornadoes, I have told you about the straight winds, I have told you that they would come, I have told you that there would be more deaths this year. There shall been even more next year and the storms shall be greater and more fierce and the heat shall even be greater, for it is that time, it is that season. But yet I will fulfill all my word to you, I will make sure that every promise is fulfilled to you. I can cause all heaven and earth to stand still if need be to fulfill my promises to you, but I will fulfill my promises to you. There shall not be one that falls along the wayside, but they shall all be fulfilled. But I say unto you, mount up with wings like eagles and begin to soar above all the storms. Let your eyes be sharp, your ears be open, that the Spirit can speak to you that you can see the things that are coming, that you are aware of what is taking place and no longer keep your mouths still. I do not give you these things to sit on, I give you these things to share with others, and you say, oh, but Lord, they make a mockery of them. No, they will not, for they shall see them come to pass. Oh, they may laugh, as some have laughed, they shall leave, as some have left, but as they see the rest taking place more and more and more, deep within their heart they will rush back to enter into the safety of my fold. They will know that there is no safety outside the safety of my fold and they shall come. No, they will not be able to be used, for they have willingly given up what they could have been. But yet, they shall enter into the blessings, they shall enter into the love, they shall enter into the flowing and the moving of the gifts of the Spirit, but in their heart they will know because of their disobedience, they have only become a spectator. Oh, they will make heaven and they will enjoy the time of victory, but they will not enjoy what you shall have because of your faithfulness. So let your faithfulness, sayeth your Father, always be the highest, your integrity always the highest. For there are some things that are going to take place even yet this year that will begin to mold things for next year, that will cause a greater, a greater anointing, a greater group of people, a greater ministering body and prepare the way for the things that shall take place. Remember the date that I gave you, let your eyes be upon that, meditate upon the things that I have said. Be not fooled or confused by those that shall strongly proclaim that the end is not yet, that these things shall not take place, for even though they take place right before their nose, they will deny them. But open your spiritual eyes, open your normal eyes, yea, listen, hear and you shall see them, you shall hear them and you shall know that, surely, the things that I have said have come to pass. Now listen, listen carefully, for I have more instructions that are vitally important to you, listen.

Am I not the faithful God, will I not carry you through these days ahead in victory as my word declares? As you walk in my word, as you walk in my way your eyes shall be enlightened of the things that shall take place. For many have dreams and visions and do not understand them all, but as they get into my word and as they see what my word says, they shall see that it lines up with the end-times and the things that I said would take place in these last days. It is an hour of great trouble for the world, but it is an hour of seriousness for my church, it is an hour of blessing, it is an hour of restoration, it is an hour where my Spirit shall move without measure. For have you not seen even the pestilence’s as they have increased over many parts of the world? Have you not heard on the news of the things that have taken place? For I warned you ahead of time of the things that would take place, and as you listen, you have heard of the things that took place even as I have said. Yet many times people walk around still doubting my word, that is because they did not believe my word to begin with, and therefore, the enemy brought doubt within them. But my word is being fulfilled and I have warned you of the things that shall take place and shall come to pass, and truly, it shall be so. For even the sicknesses that have swept across many areas, and people ignored what I said, that many would say that it was over and yet it was far from being over. And the consequences shall be greater than what man would think and so shall it be; it is taking place right now. For do you not know that they have told everyone who fought in the war and has been over there must abstain themselves from any kind of sexual relationship whatsoever at all, because of the gases they got into not even knowing it and are in their system? But as they come to you, as they come for prayer, I shall give unto them the miracles that they have need of, that truly they can walk in the freedom that I have given unto them. That truly they do not have to fear, but that they can walk in my peace, that they can walk in my healing, that they can walk, truly, in my ways. For I have said that I have opened up new doors for you to walk through and you do not even know the things that truly I am dong on your behalf even right now. There will be many times where I shall impress upon you to pray for this ministry, to pray for people of this ministry, and as I lay that burden upon your heart, it is important that you be obedient and intercede on their behalf until that burden lifts. For I say unto you, many things shall take place in the coming day and coming hours that they shall need your prayers for the kind of warfare that they shall go through. They shall fight against the enemy, but great shall be the victory and great shall be the outcome. But as I lay upon your heart it is important that you are obedient to do the things that I speak unto you to do. For this is a great time, this is a great hour for my church and mighty are the things that shall take place. For as I have said, my Spirit shall move without measure, miracles, signs and wonders shall be the calling card for those who shall come in. And, truly, as others see these miracles taking place they shall come just at times to be witnesses of the things that shall take place. And yet I shall touch their heart and they shall turn to me and they shall work for my kingdom and be a great blessing unto you. It is the hour where the souls shall come into my kingdom as I have said. For truly my word has gone forth, oh, the harvest is white, it is ready for reaping and great shall be the harvest that shall come in during this hour and time. Look ahead with great expectation for all that is in store for you. It is going to be the greatest hour my church has ever seen. Therefore, know my word and what I have said, keep your eyes upon my word, keep your eyes upon those things that I have instructed you. For truly, my children, this is a great time, it is a great hour.


[ Prophetic Word ]