Previous Predictions Page 37 Jan 2020 on..



12-27-2020 am service

Let your hearts be open this day, for I have many things, many things to tell you before the New Year comes creeping in.  But it shall be a great hour, yes, it shall be very fine and you shall be mine and you shall walk in my power, my ability, my authority.  You shall be the head and not the tail, there will be no place for the meekness, for truly the meek shall inherit the earth, but you’re not looking to inherit the earth, you’re heaven bound.  Sometimes you read my word and don’t understand the things that I say and you strive for the wrong end.  For you are to be the overcomers, the victors, the ones that dare to stand, the ones that dare to call in the miracles, the ones that dare to be bold.  For Paul, he prayed for one thing and one thing only and that was boldness and they said Paul was the greatest, then you need boldness if you’re going to be great, you need to be the overcomers, for it’s going to take overcomers, because the world, the devil are going to try to walk on you, it’s going to try to shutdown your church, it’s going to try to close out things.  But when they came to Elijah and when they came to Elisha did they not call down fire from heaven, were the angels not there to protect them, were they not the overcomers?  Oh I’ll tell you it is going to be a changed hour, for everything shall change, the world shall become more wicked, but the church shall become more holy.  The world will become more poor, but the church will become rich, for the wealth of the heathen has been saved up and shall come in now all because it’s two thousand twenty one, oh twenty one, twenty one, twenty one.  Oh what an hour, a fine hour, for it’s my hour and you’re mine and because you’re mine you, you also shall be the overcomers.

For I say unto you, my children, greater things are yet coming for those that believe, says the Lord, those that believe greatest things are coming, says the Lord, the greatest things are coming, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be a believer, says the Lord and stand, says the Lord. 

It’s going to be the greatest hour you’ve ever seen, even the children shall rise up and become bold and stand in my boldness and they shall not fear, for fear is not of me.  Many people fear and they don’t want to admit they’re in fear and therefore I can’t help them.  They see the bully coming and they are like the old Charles Atlas ad and they go hide someplace.  That is not where you belong, for you need to be like Samson, for he grabbed up an old ass bone and he killed thousands.  Where are you, where have you been during the virus, many are still hiding in their house and yet they say that they are not fearful and yet many of you got it, went through it like is was nothing and you’re still victorious and still going.  Am I not able to take care of you, am I not able to take you through, am I not able to make you a victor?

For I say unto you, my children, is not joy in my house, is not joy found in my house?  Therefore, I say unto you, how can you have joy if you’re not coming to my house to receive the things that I have for you, says the Lord, for only here can you receive those things, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you now, come and receive that joy, says the Lord. 

For boldness and greatness comes from the wired, for those that are not wired cannot be bold, they cannot be brave, they cannot be the leaders, for the leaders have believed, the leaders can’t hide, they can’t go home and crawl in the bed and throw the blankets over them and hope nobody comes and knocks on their door.  No, the leaders are out front, you’re to be leaders, you’re to go forward, you’re to go into the world, you’re to win the world, revival comes because of the leaders.  The last outpouring of the Holy Spirit shall come because of the leaders and those that have lost the first already and don’t use the first already may not even get to second, but those that have tread in the first get to second and more yet.  For that is my way, saith your Father God and the new way will be here very soon now.

For remember my children it is all on my timetable, and at times what you thought was time, and what I knew was time was not always the same.  But I have been telling you that now is the time, now is the hour, you see it in my word as you have entered the time that I said was this time.  It was a time of repentance, a time of return, so that my people would put those things aside that have distracted them and follow after me one hundred percent.  Many have done that, but there are still those that have not done that and time is running out, for remember I put a limit upon that window and once it closes, then what?  For in Noah’s day when the door closed it was closed and it could not be opened again.  Remember I must first judge my church before I can judge the world.  So you need to understand that for you the time is shorter than for the world, so you need to be ready, you need to be looking for the things that are coming.  For remember I have promised a great and glorious hour for my church, but not so for the world you are seeing and will continue to see.  For if you think things are going to get better for the world they are not, even my word tells you that, but they shall be far, far worse.  So make sure that you are ready, make sure your heart is right before me, that I can watch over you, that I can protect you, that I can give you everything that I desire to give to you.  For it is a great hour of blessings for my church and I desire to pour those blessings out upon you without measure, saith the Lord. 

It is that hour, saith your Father God, that glorious hour when everything shall change that belongs to the church.  No longer will they make jokes about the church that there are more sinner in the church than there are in the world.  For I’ll remove them, I’ll remove the demons that come in and think that their fooling everybody, I’ll remove them.  You will see Ananias and Sapphira over and over and over and over again, not just once, you shall see it, for the church shall be holy.  But they’ll be shouting, they’ll be praising, they’ll be dancing, for that is the way the church was, it wasn’t dead, it wasn’t quiet, they weren’t afraid to open their mouths, they lifted up their voices.   For I had told them when they march into the holy city if you held your voices the rocks would cry out.  Are you a rock, am I going to have to make the rocks cry out, are you crying out?  It’s going to be a glorious hour, you’ll love it, you’ll love it.

For I say unto you, says the Lord, it is an hour when you will not be able to hide, says the Lord, you’ll either have it or you don’t, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, you better be prepared to show forth that fruit, says the Lord, because I will judge you, says the Lord.         

12-27-2020 pm service

For it’s a great hour even though it may not seem so to some of you, for it’s the hour that I have chosen to fulfill all things.  It is that time and the great things that shall come to pass shall be well, well received and you shall enjoy them.  But some, some, yes, some will need to do things to get themselves right and be ready, be not one of them.  Keep yourself open, keep close to me, for I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to meet every single need that you have.

For I say unto you, my children, the winds may be blowing, but my winds are blowing far greater, says the Lord.  Therefore, as long as you’re in my presence there is peace, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand in my presence and you will not feel those winds of the enemy, but you will feel my victory, says the Lord, therefore walk with me, says the Lord.

Know that wisdom always wins, but those that do their own things never achieve anything, therefore, listen, listen.

12-23-2020 pm service

So let your hearts just be lifted up and filled with joy, for truly Jesus has come and he is your Lord and he is your Savior, he is the greatest gift ever given to man.  Let your heart rejoice, let there be great joy, for truly as you understand these things you’ll understand the many blessings that you have.  And you shall know that I watch over you and protect you and keep you safe and therefore you can go forth with great joy knowing that I am watching over you. 

For I say unto you, my children, if you unwrap my gift I give unto you, says the Lord, you shall increase in your understanding and your wisdom, says the Lord.  For I’ve given you my word, I’ve revealed my word unto you, I’ve opened it unto you for you to give, says the Lord.  Therefore, see, see the things that I have for you, says the Lord. 

And know ye therefore that I shall watch over you until I take you to be with me.  You can walk in peace knowing you’re in the safety, for I’ll watch over you and protect you and I will keep you safe. 

For there is nothing that you need to fear, but remember that I have said I would take you through victoriously.  Therefore, do no worry what shall take place in the coming days ahead, for I have far greater things in store for you than you even know of yet and suddenly, suddenly, suddenly you shall step into that place where my word is being fulfilled just like I have said that it would be, and oh the joy, oh the blessings that you shall have in that time.  So look forward with great anticipation, for I have many great things in store for you in the coming days ahead, says the Lord. 

For truly this is the time and season that brings that kind of joy unto you, it reminds you that I sent a Son for you and he paid the price that you can be with me. 

12-20-2020 am service

etc for I have etc. let your confident expectation be based upon me.  For even though you hear many things and many of them are true and many things are coming that the world shall not like, yet I have given you my word and if you believe my word and stand on my word you shall be the victors, you shall be the overcomer.  Nothing, nothing, nothing can overcome you, nothing can hinder you and slow you down and stop you.  But you can’t hold on to the things that I’ve told you to get rid of, you can’t keep dabbling in sin, you need to lay those things down once and forever or you’re not going to make it.  There are many that are not going to make it, they are not serious, they haven’t come unto me with all their heart, they’re still operating in the soulish realm, the flesh, fulfilling the lust of their flesh.  But, I say to you, don’t be like them, that is a very dangerous, a very dangerous road to walk on, because you don’t know the hour, I will shut the door, I do, but you don’t.  Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me with all your hearts, with all your souls, with all your mind, walk with me, let me bless you, let me bless you, let me fulfill every promise that I have ever made to you.  For I remember every promise, I remember when you called out to me, many things that you have not seen, but I shall give all of them to you, for I am faithful. 

For I say unto you, my children, it is the hour as even Peter when he got out of that boat because I called unto him, says the Lord and he was able to walk in the midst of the storm, says the Lord, on the water to me.  Yet the things around him grabbed his attention and he began to sink, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, keep your focus on me and the things that you see on the news will not hinder you or stop you, says the Lord, because you will be doing the things that I have for you to do, says the Lord, for you will be busy doing my work, says the Lord.

For few want to walk in obedience, for I have pleasure in those that walk in obedience that I can bless them coming in and bless them going out.  I can watch over them and protect them and keep them safe, I can give them all that they have need of, all that they have desire of and their lives are a beautiful life, but those that walk in disobedience, they have nothing.  

For the devil knows his hour is very short and he and his angels are working harder than they have ever worked before and there is more demon outpouring today in this hour, there is more deception, more people have left the honest stuff and turned to the false stuff, more are pressing into the false, that’s because the devil knows.  But, I say unto you, don’t go that route, don’t give up, you’ve gone too far this way to turn back, you’re at the point of no return, too far to go back, very close to come.  Don’t give up now, saith your Father God, for the greatest blessing you’ve ever had is just around the corner.  And that hour is going to come fast; the money is going to come flowing in from the heathen because they think by giving unto you that I’ll have mercy on them.  But I don’t have mercy because you gave money, I have, but what you give out of a heart of love, anything you gave outside of that heart of love you get no rewards for.  I’m not interested in your money, I don’t need your money, you need my money, I’ve never needed the things that you’ve needed, I don’t need healing, I don’t need deliverance.  Therefore, I say unto you, do not be fooled or deceived; for this is the greatest hour of deception that there ever has been and that’s why I said, don’t be deceived. 

But, I say unto you, be filled with my word, for everything that you have need of I have given to you in my word and all you have to do is get in and find it.  For all of your help is there, everything that you have need of is there, everything to make you victorious, everything to make you the overcomer, for I have already given unto you all of those things.  And you can be victorious in the days ahead if you’re walking with me, if you’re doing what my word has told you to do, but there be many that have turned away and chasing after fables in hopes of a better future, but yet the end of that future is destruction.  Don’t turn back from the course that I have set you on, but continue forward with one goal in mind and that is to achieve the things that I told you to achieve.  You don’t need to fear the things that are ahead, for I have already made a way for you where there seemed to be no way.  All you have to do is continue to trust me, continue to follow after me, continue to do the things I have said, for if you do those things you shall be victorious, saith the Lord. 

Prepare yourself now, get into my word like never before, remember the things that you have asked that you haven’t received.  For those fires are still burning, the smoke is still rising and I shall answer them, they shall come to pass.  But make yourself ready because that is the most important thing; make yourself ready that you can go when it’s that time that you’re not left behind because there is no second chance.  I’ve told you ever since you were a child there is no second chance, that’s a lie of the devil, he has used that efficiently throughout the years and many are still following that and if you look at their churches there so dead there is no life whatsoever there, there are no shouts of victory, because they’re not mine.  But my people are shouting the shouts of victory, they’re shouting the praises, they’re dancing in the aisles, there is rejoicing for the King is coming. 

12-20-2020 pm service

etc my love for you this night, saith your Father, for you show unto me much love when you assemble yourselves together on a night like this and I do appreciate that and I do love you and I shall meet every single need you have.  And I shall bless you, I shall raise you up into a high position for all the wonderful things that you have done on my behalf, the obedience that you have showed over the years and even the kids and the little ones.  For I don’t take these things lightly, I appreciate every act that you do, I love you, I love you, I love you. 

For I say unto you, my children, now is the hour to set your faces like flint to do the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord.  Not turning to the left or to the right but to move forward, says the Lord, move forward, move forward, for I have called you for this hour, says the Lord. 

For there is not another hour like this one nor shall there ever be another hour like this one and the blessings, the miracles, the healings, the joy and the expressions on the faces of the people when I touch their hearts and change their lives shall be far greater than anything that you have ever seen before.  It shall be all there for you enjoying every moment of it, growing in me every moment.  Seeing the miracles, seeing the signs, seeing the wonders, seeing the people as they come, sometimes so many that you can’t even get them in anything, that you have waiting for one service to get done and another one can start.  The joy, the utter joy and then heaven and how can I describe that unto you, for it’s far more than you have ever imagined, far more beautiful, far more things for you to do, depending on how faithful you have been in this life, the jobs that I shall give to you to do.  And I will work one on one together and how the angels will help you and the places that I have prepared for you, oh the joy, the joy.  Don’t allow Satan to steal, not even one moment, but make sure you’re ready, make sure you are ready.   

Remember that heaven is your home and the things on earth are temporary, but in heaven they are eternal and that is why I have said to put all of your trust in me, put all of your confidence in me, lay up your treasures in heaven.  For many have done that as they have given not only of their finances but they have given of themselves over and over and been faithful, but remember continue to be faithful.  For it’s not time to turn back, it’s not time to slow down, but it is time to press forward even more than ever before.  For you are this close to the finish line and it is not time to let up, but it is time to put the petal to the metal, it is time to go forward.  For I have given you the opportunity to lay those things aside that so easily beset you and yet the time is running out on that already with only less that four months to go.  And yet you’ve had eight months to prepare to do the things that I have said, but sadly many have not done that and they still continue to go their own way hoping that things will change and go back to normal.  And yet I have already told you they won’t go back to what you knew as normal, for there will be a new type of normal.  There are many other things that are going to take place and you have only just begun to see those things take place, but remember that they are not for you if you are walking according to my word.  For I have placed my hedge of protection upon you, I have sealed you and these things shall not come nigh your dwelling as long as you’re walking with me.  So there is nothing that you need to fear, for fear is not of me and yet many of my people are walking around in great fear and that should not be.  Maybe it is that you need to have that spirit of fear cast out, for it has put a hold upon you, but remember the promises that I have given unto you, for it is the hour of fulfillment.  Just as you have seen my word come to pass much quicker, much quicker now, it shall be even more so and all of the things that I have told now begin to come to fulfillment as soon as the New Year starts.  I have already shown you some of this even though I showed you long ago and you didn’t realize it yet because it wasn’t time yet, but it is time now and I have told you that your understanding would be far greater now than it ever was before.  So be ready for the great things I have in store for you and remember you are the victor, you are the overcomer, saith the Lord. 

Remember I have said that there shall be nothing that you won’t be able to do on my behalf and because of that the miracles that you personally shall see shall touch your heart and bring great joy at times.   And you will not see people that you love dying and passing away because the time it too short, but you shall see and into this life before you go on to the new life far greater, far greater than anything, anything that you have ever seen before.  

12-16-2020 pm service

etc. etc. I shall strengthen you with my strength, I shall fill you with my joy, you shall be overcomers because of me and I will always be there for you.  There is nothing therefore to fear, but let your hearts be filled with joy. 

For I say unto you, my children, the world is full of fear, but not in me, says the Lord, when you’re in me you’re full of faith, power and love, says the Lord and peace.  Therefore, I say unto you, abide in my love, abide in me and you will have victory, says the Lord. 

There are many evils in the world, for I have given you power to overcome them that you might walk in the victories that I already have planned for you, the victories I have already laid out that you may be the head and not the tail, that you can be above and not beneath.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice. 

For I have made the way that you can walk in total victory, so do not fear the things that are ahead even though in the natural they might seem bad.  But remember what I have told you already and put your trust and your confidence in me and I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously.  And there is nothing that you need to fear or worry about, but you can cast all of your cares upon me, for I care for you and I watch over you and I watch over my word to perform it.  And you have my word, you have promise and you can stand upon those things, saith the Lord. 

For as the Christmas season creeps upon you, you can be filled with my joy and you can receive the gifts that I have for you as you enter into the New Year and they shall bless you and you shall walk in the fullness of my blessings, for I have a plan, yes, I have a plan. 

12-13-2020 am service

etc and now all men shall see my glory, they shall see my love, they shall see my power, they shall see me as I move mightily on your behalf.  But those that trust in the shot, those that trust in something other than me are not violent men, they will not walk in the fullness of power, they’ll be short because they don’t trust totally in me.  Let your love be totally in me, let your trust be totally in me, for from this hour forth, saith your Father, great things shall take place and you shall see them.  The New Year is knocking on the door; many things shall come to pass now that could not come to pass before.  My word shall be open even more so unto you that your understanding will be even more clear than it ever has been.  But don’t doubt it for one moment, for if you doubt my word for one moment you step into that reprobate mind and then it flees from you and becomes a fairytale, a far off something that you cannot walk in the fullness.  And yet you can walk in the fullness of my word because my word stands, my word is the truth, there is no other truth but my word and I have given to you and I have given to the whole world my word.  But many do not believe my word, they do not walk in my word, they do not trust my word, but they stand a far off gazing, but now they shall see it.  They’ll be forced to make a choice and if they make not that choice their reprobate mind takes over.  There will not be a second chance, there won’t be a turning around, there won’t be another warning, there won’t be another sign.  You’ve had my word and sent throughout the ages and it stands now.  Therefore, trust my word, stand on my word, believe my promises, for I have great things, great things in store for you. 

For I say unto you, my children, many have been slowly departing from the faith, says the Lord, from the course of this last year, says the Lord.  But my people, my people will draw closer to me, says the Lord, they will draw stronger and stronger, says the Lord, for my word dwells within them, says the Lord. 

For now men and women of valor shall rise up, yes, they shall rise up and the world shall see their strength, the world shall see their power, the world shall see the miracles, the signs, the wonders. 

For My Spirit will dwell upon my people and great and mighty things shall they do, for I have called a mighty army for this last hour and I am raising up that army and I shall empower them with my very power, with my very strength and they shall flow in the fullness of it and great and mighty things shall they do.  The question for you is do you want a part of that or not?  For I have called you, but the choice is always yours, but you must walk according to my word, you must do what my word has said, you must draw closer to me.  For it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord. 

For the golden archway is only a step from anyplace in the world where the great men and women of God shall come, yes, they shall come.  They shall be mighty in power, they shall be mighty in deeds, and they shall come.  And your workers that I shall bring shall be even more powerful, for I am speaking to their hearts even more so and they are beginning to respond now.  So prepare yourself and make yourself ready, when the doors are open be here, don’t make excuse’s, come, come, come or you shall miss out on the things that I have for you and I desire not that you miss out.  For when they turn down the Passover then I shall go in the highways and the byways and I shall fill every seat in my house, saith your Father God.  

12-13-2020 pm service

It is a great hour for my church and it shall be the greatest hour that my church has ever had, for it shall be the hour filled with all the promises that I have given unto you.  It shall be the hour of great joy, of miracles, signs, of wonders.  It cannot be for those that do not know me nor walk with me nor put their total trust in me.   But it shall be for those that walk with me, that are mine, that walk in the Spirit realm and flow in the Spirit realm and are known because of their Spirit and how powerful the Spirit operates within them.  It shall be a great hour, an hour filled with miracles, an hour filled with signs and wonders, an hour when the world can look round about and see it and question why it is not happening in their life and they can come unto me and receive from me.  For it shall be the hour when we pour out the Spirit upon all flesh as my word has declared unto you and you shall see it and know it and understand it and it shall come alive in your life.  And it shall be like none, none, none that you have ever seen before. 

For I say unto you, my children, it shall be a time of great victory, says the Lord, for it shall be great for the very end, says the Lord, for it gets even better after, says the Lord, for you will be with me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto that great day, says the Lord, and it will get you through, says the Lord. 

For there is the Father, there is the Son and there is the Holy Ghost, and yet not as much evidence, not as much evidence is put on the Holy Ghost as it should be.  For that’s the truth of all power, that’s where My Spirit fills you to overflowing and you’re able to do the things that I can do that others may know, that others may walk with me. 

That is why you can’t really walk the way I desire, if you are not filled with My Spirit, for there is something missing, there is something left out that I desire for there to be there.  So you must have that as well if you want to be all that I have called you to be in these days and these hours.  For how can I empower you with my very Spirit if it is not residing within you?  For remember that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, that’s My Holy Spirit, that needs to be living within you.  And it’s that Spirit that is within you that will quicken your mortal bodies and give you all the strength and all the power that I have need of.  Therefore, understand the importance of being filled with My Spirit and being filled to overflowing.  For you cannot run your car on empty for very long before it runs out and then you are stranded.  The same with me and I desire that you are always filled up that you are never stranded, that you are never lost, that you are never without hope.  For I should always be your hope, you should always be looking to me, for I am the one that will carry you through the days ahead victoriously, but you must walk in my perfect way that I have created, saith the Lord. 

For without the Father, Son and Holy Ghost you’re not having the trinity within you and my word declares unto you that my children are filled with the trinity, they’re filled with my power, they’re filled with my glory. 

12-9-2020 pm service

etc. hearts be etc my desire is to fill every desire that you have that your heart is filled with joy, that you walk in the Spirit realm, that you walk with me, that you grow abundantly, that you fulfill my will in every way.  For it is a late hour, very late and the New Year is creeping in very fast and many things have to change and change suddenly.  Beware of September sixth and seventh, beware of September six and seven, for things shall take place that shall shake the world and the world will know I AM I AM.

For I say unto you, my children, I have called each and every one of you here, says the Lord, to be established in my church, says the Lord, that you are where you need to be in these days, says the Lord.  For a time is coming when all are going to see who is in the right place and who is in the wrong place, says the Lord.  Truly you are in the right place, says the Lord. 

For none of you are too young to make heaven, so do not allow anyone to talk you out of it, but let heaven be your goal, for I am coming and it is coming very soon. 

Let nothing hold you back from receiving the fullness of the things that I have for you, for I have many great things in store for you.  All you need to do is continue to press in, set your focus upon me, allow me to do the things that need to be done, allow me to pour out my blessings upon you.  Receive the fullness of everything that I have for you, for surly I have great things in store for you in the days ahead, says the Lord.

Let your hearts be settled this night, know that I love you, know that I have better things ahead for you and know that you shall make it if you walk with me.  So fear not, let not your hearts be troubled, trust me, trust me. 

12-6-2020 am service

etc lifted up, it is an hour for my name to be exalted, it is not an hour for my people to hide and become complacent, it is an hour for them to praise me like never before, it is an hour they need to lift their voices unto me even in the moments of despair, lift your voices of praise to exalt I, Almighty God, to lift you out of that despair.  It is the hour to worship and to praise me, exalting my name that you walk in the light of my word, for it is that hour to become close to me, as the mighty warriors, the more than conquerors.  It is an hour to rise up, it is an hour to rise up and allow my word to rise up within you, allow my praise to come out of your mouth, for when you praise me the enemy flees, yes, he flees.  Therefore, I say unto you, speak my word, speak my word that you might have etc, allow my praises to fill your heart, allow the joy of the Lord to rise up in you.  The joy of the Lord is your strength; does not my word say that?  But so many times my people do not allow my joy to fill them and to give them the strength that they have need of.  Therefore, I say unto you, put on your joy, put on my praise, says the Lord and watch as your spirit rises, because my word is true and it shall bring you to the fullness of what you need to become, says the Lord. 

For, my children, I say unto you, I am that solid rock on which you stand, says the Lord.  Build your house on my rock and the wind and the waves will not touch you, says the Lord, for you will be under my protection, my guidance and my understanding will flow through you, says the Lord.  Therefore, when those around you are being moved and tossed, you speak the word for them, says the Lord.  For that shall do the thing that they have need of, says the Lord and bring great and mighty deliverance to my people, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand; stand on my rock, says the Lord. 

For my word has never changed but remains the same day to day to day and it is the same word that you can stand upon and it will do everything that I have said that it would do.  You can speak forth my word and the situation must change, but few really know how to do that, few really know how to stand and use the faith that I have given unto them.  But there is a great need for that in the coming days ahead, for things will get far worse before I take the church out, remember I have told you that already.  For I have promised that I would take you through victoriously, but you must walk according to my word, you must know how to stand upon my word, you must know how to speak my word, for you will have great victory if you can do those things, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, great and wondrous are my works that I perform before thee, says the Lord.  For the whole world will see the things that I am about ready to do and they’ll come running, they’ll come running, says the Lord.  So be ready, get on your dancing shoes, says the Lord and be ready.          

12-6-2020 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, to gather around me you will be endowed with the things that I have, says the Lord, for no greater love do I have but I have given unto you my son, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me, come unto me and be set free, says the Lord. 

For I love to hear the praises of my people, I love it when you come into my house and come to meet with me.  I love it when you come and pour your hearts out to me in worship, for this brings me great joy.  For I love you my children with an everlasting love, and when that love is returned, oh how I want to pour out my blessings upon you.  I want to pour out My Spirit upon you and yet you are living in that day where I promised that you would see those things.  So do not fear the things that shall come in the world, but remember I have far greater things in store for my church.  Keep your focus and attention upon me, get into my word and spend more time in prayer that you are coming to my throne on a daily basis, that you are worshiping and praising me on a daily basis, for, oh, that would be so awesome.  For I love the praises of my people and I long to bless you and move upon your behalf and I want to give you everything that I have in store for you, saith the Lord. 

etc when those around you are being moved and tossed you speak the word for them, says the Lord, for that shall do the thing that they have need of, says the Lord and bring great and mighty deliverance to my people, says the Lord. Therefore, I say stand, stand on my rock, says the Lord.      

11-22-2020 am service

etc etc don’t think that you’ve reached everything that I have, you haven’t got a third of the way there yet, come closer, I have so much more.  And I can try to give it to you that you can become the overcomer, that you can walk and flow in my strength and my power, that you can bring in that revival that must come in, that revival has to come in, that outpouring has to come.  Be there, be there, be ready, for I want to use you, I desire to use you, I love to use you. 

For I say unto you, my children, can’t you taste it, can’t you smell it, says the Lord, the things that I have prepared for you, says the Lord?  For if you love me, says the Lord, they’re ready for you, they’re ready for you, says the Lord, come and get them.  

For the devil laughs and mocks at those that walk in fear, that are afraid, that know not what is coming to pass, that do not understand the things that are coming to pass.  But those that understand, they’re not fearful, for they walk in great joy knowing that their Lord comes, they look for it ahead with great excitement, they expect from him with great excitement, are you one of those? 

For really you should be an immovable force, if your trust and your confidence is in me, it won’t matter what’s going on around you if your trust is in me, you will be assured that you are going through victoriously.  Do not worry about the things that are taking place in the world, for remember I have already prepared a way for you.  But do not put your faith in men, do not look to them for your answers and your help, for you should always be looking to me, you should always be expecting me to move upon your behalf.  But sadly few people really look to me the way that I desire them to and so I can’t move upon their behalf like I desire.  But for those who do, oh the greatness of the blessings, the greatness of the things that I can do for them.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to move upon your behalf.  So don’t limit me, but look to me, look to me, look to me and I will provide the answers that you have need of, saith the Lord.

For if a word came unto you to stay at home and not leave your house or you would instantly die, would you listen to that word or would you listen to my word, for it is my word that shall get you through.   

11-22-2020 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, victory is yours, says the Lord, for I am moving in a mighty way upon my church, says the Lord.  I am pouring out my rain, says the Lord and my rain will raise up my church, says the Lord, to the place where I have placed it to be, says the Lord, where I have called it to be.  Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, for I am raising up my church, says the Lord. 

For you need to stop looking at the circumstances, stop allowing the enemy to run all over you, remind him that you are a child of Almighty God.  Remember what I have already told you and do not allow anything to set you off the course of what I have already set you on.  For you will finish the race and you will finish strongly and you will do all that I have called for you to do.  For it is now that time and it is now that hour for all those things to be fulfilled.  Do not allow the enemy to get your vision on to something else, but stay focused upon me, for my vision is coming to pass and you will see it, you will see it, you will see it, saith the Lord. 

The Lord has laid it on my heart, he is coming again for a church that is without a spot or wrinkle and as I look around here, especially as I look in the mirror and look at myself, I see there are a whole lot of wrinkles that still need to come out of me and God’s going to do it.  And I know sister Joyce, my wife and some others in here remember when you use to have a flatting board and when you put the cloths on, what do you do, you iron them to get the wrinkles out.  God says that I am that ironing board and you know when you think about it, it was an iron that had steam coming out of it; it was easy to get the wrinkles out.  But God says, the heights of the steam my iron is going to have, my precious shed blood and I’m going to put you on that ironing board and I am going to wipe away all those things that hinder you today, says Almighty God.  Let me be your ironing board and let my blood cleanse you from all unrighteousness, for you are my people and I am your God.    

11-18-2020 pm service

Let your eyes be set upon me, keep your eyes on me, for I’m doing great and wonderful things for you and you shall see them, you shall know them.  They shall fill your life now to overflowing, they shall bring you joy, they shall bring you peace, they shall bring you comfort and you will know, you will know, you will know that you know because I love you. 

For I say unto you, my children, allow that light to shine through you that the world will see and know me, says the Lord, for by the things that you show they will know me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know me that my light can shine through you. 

So don’t allow fear to enter in, when you feel down think upon me, set your heart upon me and I shall fill you with joy and your joy shall be everlasting and it shall bubble over, it shall strengthen you, it shall comfort you, you’ll have my peace. 

For these are good days, exciting days, they are not made to be down, for I’ll turn it all around and it’ll all be good. 

All throughout my word when my people faced circumstances that looked very bad, yet they trusted me, and everything worked out.  So continue to trust me, do not worry about the things that are taking place in the world, for you win in the end.  Stay focused upon me, remember what I have promised you, for surly, surly, surly you will have the victory, saith the Lord. 

11-15-2020 am service

Let my words speak to your hearts today, hear my calling as I call out to you, let that explain to you may things, let your hearts be open, take control of your own thoughts, your own mind.  Let my words penetrate where there is that anointing today, saith your Father God, that shall penetrate deep, it shall reach into the in spots and it shall bring out things and it shall comfort and it shall set the captive free.  So let your hearts be open, let your ears be open.

For truly I desire to do a work in you today, but you must be open, you must be willing to allow My Spirit to move upon you and do the things that need to be done.  Don’t say, Lord, I am not in need of this, for it is my word unto you today and it is my desire to set you free that you be not entangled in a yoke of bondage.  So hear, hear, hear what I am saying this morning and pay attention, put all the stops away and allow me to work in you today, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, my anointing must saturate you, allow My Spirit to rub it into you, says the Lord, to rub it and absorb it and to have it in you, says the Lord, for then you will know how to live, says the Lord. 

For bondages of old that you never knew, that suddenly appear or understood, not of the mind of man, for man cannot understand these things, only the Spirit realm can.  So if the Spirit realm doesn’t adhere and know, then it does not understand.  But my word is clear, so if you are dwelling upon my word, if you are meditating upon my word I can penetrate to the deepest areas and set free those that are captive.  I can cause them to come out, come out from where they are.  

For the devil has no new tricks, my word is very clear on that and yet most Christians do not know that, for if they did know that they wouldn’t be in captivity, they wouldn’t be struggling, they’d be free because my Son has set them free and whom my Son has set free is free indeed and yet you don’t see them free.  Therefore, my word goes out to penetrate and it can penetrate deep, it can open understanding, it can cause a desire to be free, where you belong, that you can do the things that I want you to do, that you can answer my call when I give you my call, when you don’t look at where you are and think you should be someplace else because you know where I have called you.  You understand your calling; if you don’t fulfill your calling you don’t make heaven, my word is very clear on that.  Therefore, everyone desires to make heaven and to make heaven we’ve got to be free, no sin whatsoever shall enter in heaven, none, none.

The Lord just laid it on my heart out here that we are praising the Lord, but there is another realm that God wants us to go from praise.  He wants us to enter into the realm of worship when we are not here, but we are up there with him.  So learn that, God wants you to learn that, for there is more than one realm, that the greatest realm we can be in is the very throne room of God and give him all the glory and praise in Jesus name.   

Do you know you don’t have to live with it, you don’t have to live with sickness, you don’t have to live with fear, you don’t have to live with the devil in your life, you don’t have to live with sin?  Jesus Christ died for each and every one of you, come and be delivered and set free today.  

11-15-2020 pm service

For it is a great day of victory, saith your Father God, a victory far greater than you may understand at the moment, but as you continue to move forward and will continue to walk with me you quickly understand and know, and oh the victories, the victories, the victories.  The overcoming faith, faith that will really move a mountain, not just a talk, but it will be filled with action and your actions shall be outstanding.  For I have set you free and I’ve made you things that you are not and you shall be those things that I have declared unto you and it shall be your hour.  So look not back, think not back, desire not to go back but go forth.

For I have given unto you the victory, says the Lord, for when I sent my Son, Jesus, he fulfilled everything you have need of, everything, says the Lord, it’s all yours, it has already been finished, says the Lord.  Therefore, it’s up to you to rise up and use those things that have been given unto you, says the Lord. 

For victory is something that many do not see, but victory shall now be seen by you, for you shall see victory when others cannot find victory, but you can help them to achieve the goals that they’re going after, for they know not where they are, but now you know and therefore because you know you can help them.

For remember I have called this hour a great and glorious hour for my church, a time when they are going to be the head and not the tail above and not beneath.  For you are the victors, you are the overcomers; all you need to do is walk in those promises that I have already given unto you.  For truly I have great things in store for you in the days ahead, so do not be down or dishearten about what is going on in the world.  For your focus should not be upon that, your focus should be upon me, it should always be upon me, and if your focus is upon me you will see the victories, you will be the overcomer and the things that are going on in the world will not affect you the same way they affect others.  So remember many things have to come, but I have called for a great and glorious hour for my church.

The Lord was speaking to me about etc etc etc the sixth chapter God told Joshua I have given Jericho into your hand and he went etc etc yet, but in the natural it didn’t look possible.  But God is not a natural God, he is a supernatural God and etc etc etc etc and bring those walls down, but they didn’t have God on their side, so God gave them the victory.  Don’t look in the natural, look in the supernatural God who we serve and he will bring those walls down in Jesus name.  

For my word to you was that I would set you free and my word has taken place to those that came and you shall see the difference, for it shall be like night and day and you will walk in the light and not the dark.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice; rejoice because this is your day. 

11-11-2020 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with great cheer this night, saith your Father God, knowing for sure that I have got all things under control, that you’re walking in my perfect love and that all things turn around for good to them that love me.  Therefore, I say, fear not the things that man says, but look into my word and see if I have said that, for if I haven’t said that it shall not come to pass, but if I have said it, it shall come to pass and no one can stop it.  For my word is truth and my word goes forth to fulfill the mission that it is sent forth to do and it is easy to understand if you don’t read into it, if you just read it.  Therefore, rejoice I say, rejoice.

For I say unto you, my children, my word always comes to pass, says the Lord and my will for you is to always do good and not evil, says the Lord.  No matter what direction the world turns, says the Lord, remember I am with you to do good, says the Lord.

For when you mold yourself in my image you become the very best there is, none better, but when you mold yourself after those round about you that’s not good.  Therefore, I say unto you, look into my word, find my word, mold yourself as I have told you to mold yourself and you shall be all that I ask. 

For I desire to mold and shape you into what I want you to be and when you give everything over to me and allow me to do what is needed to be done I can do that.  For I desire to make you prosper, I desire that you are the overcomer and you can be that if you walk according to my word and walk according to my promises.  But you must put self away and allow me to do the things that I desire to do.  For I have far greater things in store for you than you even realize, but you have to put self aside and allow me to do the things that need to be done.  You need to remain teachable and remain open that I can mold you and I can shape you, for truly that is my desire, that has always been my desire.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I always, always, always want the best for you.

When you speak forth my word and stand on my word and are unmoveable anything is possible and there is absolutely nothing that I cannot do.  Therefore, I say, be steadfast, know my word, speak my word.  

11-8-2020 am service

Let your hearts be filled with great joy, do not be discouraged nor down, for I, your Father God, have not left you, no, I am still here and I am still moving and not everything is like it looks.  But many of my people have not learned that yet, they’re still moved by what they see, what they hear, what they feel and they are not moved by my word.  For I say unto you, you need to be moved by my word, for my word shall come to pass and not only shall my word be true but you’ll live by my word throughout eternity.  My word will stand, it will always stand, it will never fade, it will never depart.  You won’t be on some cloud floating around up there, you’ll have jobs, you’ll have jobs according to the trophies that you won here on earth, you’ll do great things there.  So prepare your heart now, make yourself ready now, that you’ll be able to do the things that you need to do when you get there and not go back to kindergarten.  

For I say unto you, my children, my word is life, my word is strength, my word gives you the ability to stand, says the Lord.  So stand strong, fully clothed in my armor, says the Lord, that no matter who is President, says the Lord, I am still on my throne and I am going to do the things I’ve promised unto you, says the Lord, so stand fast, says the Lord.

For those that stand on my word are the overcomers, they’re the victors, you can look at their life and you can see that they get their answers, they get blessed.  Those that aren’t standing on my word are not getting blessed, they’re not walking in the victories, they try to pretend that they are.  For everything bothers them, it bothers where they live, it bothers them on their taxes, it bothers them on this, it bothers them on that.  But if I were taking care of all their needs like I am for others, it would not bother them.  Let that be a sign to you, let that be a warning, come closer, come closer.

For in the natural it doesn’t matter if I have called you into the worse of places, if I have, I will supply the things you have need of to make it through victoriously.  But, see, at times your focus, your attention is not on me, it’s upon the world, the things that are going on in the world, but your focus, your attention needs to be upon me.  Am I not the God that supplies every single one of your needs and yet you continue to try to do it under your own power and your own might.  Why don’t you give it over to me, why don’t you put your trust in me?  For if you put your trust in man you see how bad things can go, but when your trust is in me you can always be sure that you will come out on top every single time, so put your trust in me.

For as you walk in my word you’d find that my word is absolutely true, I do the things that I say that I will do.  If you are not receiving it’s because you are not doing, you may say your doing, but you’re not doing.  That’s not hard to understand, but for some it seems to be hard to understand.  For I do the things that I say and you can bank on them and put them in the bank and they will be there when you need them.  

Let your mind stay upon my word, continue to walk in the Spirit realm, don’t move into the fleshly realm, don’t desire to do all those things that you love that are fleshly, get into the Spirit realm.  The reason many are being deceived, the reason many are being tricked is because they get into the fleshly realm.  Be in the Spirit realm, know the Spirit realm, walk in the Spirit realm, speak the Spirit, and if they’re not flowing in the Spirit mark them, don’t listen, mark them.  For I have clearly said in my word to mark those that cause division amongst you, mark them; there is a reason for that.  For if man had been as spiritual as he thought he would see everything that was going on in the last week and understand it very clearly.  But because man doesn’t, it’s because they haven’t been in the Spirit realm, get in the Spirit realm, get in the Spirit realm.

11-8-2020 pm service

For truly I am all that you need and I will meet every single one of your needs, for I love you with an everlasting love, my love does not fade away, my love does not change.  I love you when you’re wrong, I love you when you are right, I desire that you are always right, but I love you.  Man does not understand my love, for if they understood my love they would never depart from me, they would never go the way that they go.  For without my love you have nothing.

For I say unto you, my children, it is my desire to flood you with that love to overflowing, says the Lord, to touch you in a way that you have never felt or seen before, says the Lord.  For my word is love, I am love and therefore you should be filled with my love to overflowing that you can love the world that they come into the fold, says the Lord, that you lead them into my fold, says the Lord, for I have given you my love, receive it, receive it, receive it. 

It was because of that love that I sent my Son; it was because of my love that my Son came, we didn’t want you perishing and going to hell, we loved you with an everlasting love.  And he came therefore to pay the price that you would have no price to pay and he is still paying the price, he is still willing if you’re willing.  But you cannot stretch that out pass the point of no return, for it won’t be there.  Don’t let that love end, press in, press in, receive that love, remember that love, remember the cost that it cost. 

For it hasn’t always been an easy road, but you have always trusted in me and look at what I have done for you throughout the years and you have always been faithful.  Will you turn away from me now when we’re about to the finish line, will you decide now it is time to go a different way even though I didn’t call you in that way?  But I laid it all out and you worked toward that, will you turn away now or will you continue to press forward, press onward, press toward the mark?  For the finish line is in sight and yet there are many great promises that lie between here and there, do you want to give up on those promises, for there is still time to receive them all, all you have to do is continue striving toward that mark, toward that goal, toward that finish line.  For at times you have been slowed down and drifted to the right or to the left, for I have called you back on track, I have said now is the time, now is the hour to return unto me, to come closer to me than ever before that you might finish the race strongly and that you might finish on time.  For there is not time to lag behind in this day and this hour, but it is time to go forward with me, it is time to draw closer to me than ever before, for the victory is at hand, saith the Lord.  

For my love is something that you cannot earn and therefore if you can’t receive it you’ve lost the wealth that you will never get again.  Consider my love; think on my love, for my love for you is far greater than anything that you will get in the future.  For my true love never leaves you, it never forsakes you, but love that is not my love it’s not worth anything, it has no rewards, it has no treasures, it has nothing, absolutely nothing, consider my love. 

11-4-20 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with joy, for I watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, I cause all things to turn around and become good for you, you’re always the overcomers I always watch over you.  But the hour is drawing very short, therefore I call upon you to call upon you to call upon my name, to receive me, to make me your Lord and your savior before the time runs out.  Do not be afraid of the things that are taking place because I am here for you, but come unto me, come unto me. 

For I am for you and not against you, I go before you and make a way where there is no way.  I open doors that you know not that you can walk in the victories that I have laid out before you, that I can cause you to be excellent in school, that I can give unto you wisdom and knowledge, that I can give unto you understanding, that I can watch over you and protect you and keep you safe.  Therefore I say, come unto me.

For I can supply all of you needs, I can meet every single one of them regardless of the circumstances surrounding it.  So you see all you need to do is put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me.  I have made a way where there wasn’t a way or where there seems to be no way, there is a way there that I have made and all you need to do is put all of your trust, all of your confidence in me.  Come unto me, allow me to be the Lord of your life, allow me to lead and guide and direct you and you will have the victory, saith the Lord. 

11-1-2020 am service

For let your ears be open in the Spirit realm, for my word declares unto you my sheep know my voice and another’s voice they will not follow and I, your Father God, will not allow that.  But I will speak to you into your ears, into your Spiritman the things that shall come; the other voices will be stopped.  Therefore, listen unto the things that I say, for you need to know these things, saith your Father God, I am revealing to you these things and I have appointed unto you four that are delivering these things to you, the others are not only those four.  Therefore, I say unto you, listen and listen carefully and know the things that I speak, for they shall come to pass so fast, don’t be the first to have the Ananias and Sapphiras.  For a big change took place starting this month, this is now November, this is now the new month, a new month and new things and new things and the time grows shorter and shorter and my people become more powerful that the world can look and see the demonstration of my power.  Power far greater than anything Satan has or his demons and therefore you shall see these things and you shall know these things.  But I will make them aware unto you, I will not allow things that are not of me, saith your Father God, therefore take heed now, listen careful now, understand now.

For I say unto you, my children, press into me that those things that are within you that need to be pressed out will be pressed out, says the Lord, for as you draw close to me those things cannot remain, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, let my light show through you, says the Lord, my perfect light.

Etc. to give you a word for this fellowship.  Psalms 118:24 says this is the day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.  But you say, Lord, don’t you see what we are going through down here, we’ve got people who are dieing, we’ve lost our job, we don’t have enough money to buy food, we don’t have money to pay our bills, we can’t pay them, don’t you care?  And God would say unto you, I have been there all this time, I will not let you go through this by yourself, for I am able to bring you through to the other side.  For the word says I will never leave you or forsake you, but I’ve etc quickly in Jesus name, but the Lord says also the attacks will be on the increase so you have got to rely fully, fully on the Lord and not on self. 

Let your Spiritman be alive within you, for it’s through the Spirit realm that I move, it’s through the Spirit realm that I speak, it’s through the Spirit realm that you have your victory over Satan over his demons.  They don’t dare move in when the Spirit realm is working to it’s fullest, they fear you, they flee, they run. There are some that want to mock and think they are big and think they are strong, but they shall be like Ananias and Sapphira and you shall see it.  And there shall be some that heads shall roll in the isle, but you shall know who God is and you shall know me and you shall walk according to my rules. 

For it is now time that true holiness return to my church, I will not allow those who call themselves of me to walk with one foot in the world and one foot in the church.  For I will cast you out of my house, saith the Lord, for I cannot allow any longer, you cannot serve two masters, you must either serve me or you must serve the devil, you must make a choice.  But it is my desire that you serve me with your whole heart, for I have put a great calling upon your life and how can you fulfill those things if you do not do those things that I have told you to do?  For there shall not be a period of grace, as you have been taught, for that is false, for when the door is shut the door is shut and it cannot be opened again.  In the days of Noah there was not a time of grace, because as the rain began to fall the signs were there that I had spoken very clearly to them in that day and they only mocked at me until it was then ankle deep and then knee deep and then waist deep, but at that time it was too late for the door had been shut.  So remember when the door is shut it is shut, so get right now while there is still time, set your houses in order, for the hour is very late.  For even as in the days of Noah they saw the signs, you are seeing the signs, you are seeing the signs very clearly and if I was going to compare it to water, you’re already ankle deep.  Do not miss the things that shall come to pass in the days ahead.  

So empty out your fleshly mind, for I am not interested in the flesh, that’s why I saved no flesh, all flesh is destroyed, only the Spiritman, only the soul that lives, my word is very clear on that.  So when I spoke by my prophet to the man to set his house in order, his grace period was so small because I don’t give grace period, that he turned quickly to the wall and cried out and before my prophet got out of the door of the house I sent him back to extend the time.  Others shall not always get an extension of the time, you’ve had your extension since you got saved, my grace hour was then.  But you remember the upside-down triangle, that’s when you had time at the top, you’re now at the bottom, you’re ready to come out and go to heaven, there is no wiggle room there.  Do away with the wiggle room, when the doors are open be here.   

The Lord God says he is here today to touch each and every one of you.  He said he is here to move upon you, he is here to take those burdens, he is here to set you free today.  The Lord God says, he says come to the altars and let David and Randy pray for you, come to the altars be healed today, come to the altars and be set free.

11-1-2020 pm service

For let your hearts be open this night, saith your Father God, many blessings, many blessings shall come your way, your hearts shall be encouraged, lifted up and my strength shall flow into you that you’ll know that you’re mine and let you know as long as you stand with me you’re the overcomer, you’re the victor and you shall always have the victory.  You need not worry about what the people of the world tells you, if my word doesn’t say it, it’s not going to happen.  For my word is established and it shall always be established and shall always stand and you can trust that word and as you trust that word then I watch over you, all my angels watch over you, we protect you and we keep you safe.  So put all of your trust in me, for I care for you and I love you. 

For I say unto you, my children, for I am your strong tower, I am your shelter, I hold you underneath my wings, says the Lord.  For such a time as this I have raised you up to do the things that I have called you forth to do, says the Lord, not another time, but this time, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, take the mantle that I have given unto you and run with it, says the Lord.

For there is not another time, there is not another hour, this is the time, this is the hour, that’s why it is so important that you are walking with me.  That is why I have called all of my people to come closer, to come out of the world and come out of the things they were doing and turn their lives back over to me one hundred percent.  That is what this hour and this time is all about, so that I can birth the revival that shall spread all across the world.  For you have only seen bits and pieces of what I can do, for you have not even seen times as great as the original days of Pentecost, but it will be far greater than that.  For that is what you have to look forward to, that is what you can expect to see.  But if you are not walking with me you cannot receive the things that I have for you, so walk with me, walk with me.

For as long as you put your trust in me and you put your trust in the world even the world under the influence of the devil cannot do what my word says he cannot do.  I am God, there is not another like me and I have given you my word and my promise and if my angels were to go to war on your behalf there is more of them than there are people of the world.  So you have nothing, nothing to fear, trust, trust.  

When I created the heaven and the earth I had plans, I have recorded my plan and gave it unto you that you can read my plan, that you can study it, that you can know and understand the things that I have said that you would realize the difference between what I have said and what the world has said.  For the world is not me and my ways are not the ways of the world, for I am the one that shall take you to safety and I am the one that shall bring you through safely.  Therefore, fear not, fear not, for you will hear many strange things and many strange rumors, but don’t let them bring fear to you, for it is I, it is I who watches over you.

10-25-2020 am service

For defeat should not be in your vocabulary, in me there should not be any defeat, for I have given unto you the power, the power that I gave unto you when I died on the cross to defeat the enemy.  It is an hour for my church to rise up like never before, it is an hour that you become all there is in God, not just one day a week but every single day of the week.  Do you not know he goes about seeking whom he may devoir, if you have my armor on then you will not fall prey to the enemy, no you will not fall prey for him to defeat.  For I say unto you, arm yourself daily, my children, do you not know the lateness of the hour, do you not know the lateness of the time?  It is an hour for you to press in like never before, it is an hour when my church can truly wake up and to realize who I have said that they are and who I have called them to be.  For I have called them to be the mighty warriors for this end time, I have called you to be my ambassadors for me.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word like never before, get into my word and arm yourself, arm yourself with my word, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to fight all, all, all the wicked schemes of the enemy.  For I have given unto you the authority, I have given unto you the power that you may walk in that power and do my word and through the blood that I shed on the cross for you.  Oh, I say unto you, walk in my word, walk in my ways, allow not negativity to come out of your mouth, but I say unto you, allow only my word, allow my word, for it is my word that brings life, it is my word that sets the captives free, it is my word that pulls down those strongholds.  Therefore, I say unto you, my children, arm yourself with my word. 

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, do not be ignorant of the devils tactics, for they are the same from the beginning of time, says the Lord.  For seek my word as I have said unto you, for my word brings the victory, says the Lord, your word brings defeat, they bring carelessness, they bring defeat, says the Lord.  Don’t be like that, says the Lord, but be in my word and speak forth my word.   

For the victory has already been won, it’s always been won, but at times you do not walk in the victory that I have already given unto you.  At times you open your mouth and speak forth the negative things and that hinders me from being able to move upon your behalf and that causes you not to walk in the victory that I have for you.  But I have given you victory, I have defeated the enemy already for you, but at times you don’t put him under your feet.  See you need to realize who you are; you need to rise to your place and your position as the heir as a joint heir to the throne of Almighty God.  You need to take your power and your authority and speak to the enemy to get beneath your feet, but at times you do not always do that, but you need to be doing that.  You need to be in my word so you know what it has to say, for the answer is always in my word.  So understand the importance of this, for the enemy is trying harder than ever before, but you’re still the victor, you’re still the overcomer, all you need to do is walk in the victory that I have already given unto you.  Walk as the overcomer that I have created you to be, walk in the way that I have prepared for you, saith the Lord. 

But you say, Lord, my strength is running low in me, for I say unto you, for does not my word say, that the joy of the Lord is your strength?  I say unto you, it is time for you to get the laughter into your soul, for it is that laughter, it is joy that brings healing the blessings of heart.  Therefore, I say unto you, allow my joy to flood through you like never before, for when you find yourself lower in strength, allow my joy to come out of you like never before as you apply that strength that is coming, it is from me and you apply that strength that you have need of, for it is the joy, the etc in joy, that is my joy that shall give you the strength.  Allow my word to dwell greatly within your heart, for it is that hour and it is that time, my children, where you need to be fully walking with me, fully, fully unreserved walking with me. 

Know that I have called you for this hour and this time, for know that I will not leave you unequipped, for I’m equipping you, I’m giving you all that you have need of, I am not giving you the things that you don’t need, but I give you everything that you need and as you are into my word, as you spend time in my presence praying in the Spirit and meditating you shall see a big difference, a big difference even your confidence shall be different, everything about you shall be different, because you are with me, I give unto you everything that you have need of.   Therefore, I say unto you, neglect not spending those times with me every single day, says the Lord, but I say unto you, even more so that you truly can become all that I said that you could be.

For where is your hope found but only in me, where is your strength found but only in me, where is your help, but am I not your helper.  But yet you are not looking to me at times for the things that you have need of and yet I have given you everything that you have need of, but you don’t always take possession of those things.  Be not afraid of those things that are ahead, for remember I have already made a way for you, I have already made victory for you, I have already created you to be the overcomer and all you need to do is walk in that way, saith the Lord. 

10-25-2020 pm service

For truly it is my greatest desire, not only to fill this place, but to fill you with my love, to cause you to walk in the Spirit realm where you are so open to the moving of the Spirit you can sense the needs round about you and minister unto them, that you’re not a house unto yourself.  For there is no selfishness in my kingdom, there is no lack, there is no want, for when you recognize the want, when we see it, we should be there to fill that need, that’s what my word speaks unto you.  And yet usually we’re not open that way, we don’t recognize the needs and the false spirit has freedom to move and when the false spirit moves then you don’t receive the things that I have for you either.  So walking in the Spirit realm is extremely important, especially in these last hours.  So come unto me tonight, come unto me tonight, let me meet those needs, let me reach down and touch them and pluck them out and fill them with what is needed that you can become all that I want you to be.  

That’s why it’s so important to walk in the Spirit realm, for the flesh does not recognize these things nor is the flesh of me and so if the flesh has freedom to move you miss the things that I have.  Therefore, allow boldness to rise within you that you put down the flesh no matter where it comes from and you lift up the Spirit that I, your Father God, can minister to you.

For I say unto you, my children, allow My Spirit to wipe away the things that are blocking your true vision, says the Lord, the things that I desire you to see.  For the things that I desire you to see are spiritual things, says the Lord, the things that are more than what this world sees, says the Lord.  For my treasure is what I desire you to see, a treasure of others, says the Lord, the treasure that I have in others, says the Lord. 

I desire to do a work in you like never before; I desire to touch you and to meet every single one of your needs.  I desire to fill you to overflowing, I desire for you to be so on fire that everybody around you can see it, that they are drawn into it, that they have to have some of it because it is the real and not the fake, that is what my desire is for you.  Do you desire to have everything that I have for you?  Do you desire to have everything that I have for you, do you desire to have the fullness of everything that I have for you, and do you desire to walk in the fullness of all those things?  For it is great that I desire to pour out My Spirit out upon you without measure, but you must, must, must be ready to receive those things, saith the Lord. 

To walk in the Spirit is a life well worth living for, well worth desiring, because it is satisfying.  For walking in the flesh is never satisfying, it leaves you empty, it leaves you dry, it leaves you missing the things that I have for you, always trying to give something that you don’t have.  For only I have the things that are needed and only the things that I have can be given only to the moving of the Spirit, not the moving of the flesh.  Walk, walk in the Spirit, know the Spirit, desire the Spirit.   

10-21-20 pm service

Do not be afraid of the things that are ahead for the world, for remember if you put your trust and confidence in me then I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously.  Yes disaster may come to the world, yes the whole world might be in an uproar but if your confidence and focus is upon me then you have nothing to worry about, you have nothing to fear.  For remember my word said that it will be this way but not so for my people, for it shall be a great time of revival a mighty outpouring such has never has been seen before.  So you have something to look forward to and then, and then being home with me that is the final destination, that is where your expectation should be.  So do not look at the things that are going on in the world and dwell upon those things, know that they are for a sign of a season.  But be ready for the things that I am about to do for you, for it is a mighty outpouring that is coming very quickly now.  

10-18-2020 am service

It’s the hour to rise up, it’s the hour that you rise up to see yourself as I see you, says the Lord, see yourself as I see you.  It’s time for my church to get ahold of my word like never before and rise up and become the Joshua’s and Caleb’s that I have called for this hour and this time.  It is time to become the Esther’s that I have called for this time and this hour.  It is time for you to rise up; it is time to gird yourself in my word like never before that my word is the only thing that flows out of your mouth.  It is that hour and it is that time that I’m raising up my church like never before to truly become those overcomers and conquerors that I have called you to be.  Do you know who I have said that you are my children, if you do not know who I say that you are, you need to get in my word and you need to know who I say you are.  So you can truly walk in the power, that you can walk in the might, that you can walk in the ability that I, Almighty God, have given unto you, this is not an hour to play church, says the Lord, it is an hour to draw close to me and to know who I am and to know my word and to walk in my word.  For you no longer can walk one foot in the world and one foot with me that will not do, for I say that I will spew that lukewarm church out of my mouth, you either need to be hot or you need to be cold.  For I say unto you, it is time you need to be hot for me, allow the fire of my spirit to control you like never before, that my spirit, the spirit that raised Christ from the dead will dwell in you.  For you shall be living and walking in my spirit, says the Lord.  Draw close to me, draw close to me, put off the things of the world, put off the things of the flesh and walk with me, says the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, it is time to shake off the dust and rise up, says the Lord, put on my garments, for my garments are pure, righteous and holy, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk; walk as I walk, says the Lord, and you will see the victory, says the Lord. 

For I have given you that time to lay aside those things that beset you and follow me one hundred percent, become all that I have called for you to become.  For it is that time and it is that hour and I am raising up my church, I’m raising up my army out of the valley of the dry bones, for I have spoken to those dry bones and told them that it is now time to come to life.  I’ve spoken unto them, I’ve prophesied unto them and my wind is blowing upon them.  Allow my wind to blow upon you this day, allow that fire to be restored this day hotter than ever before that you are running and doing all the things I have called you to do.  For I have not called a dead church, I have called a living church, I have called a church that will go forth and do the things that I have called them to do.  I have called a church that is not afraid to speak forth my word, I have called a church to flow in the miracles, signs and wonders, as it is that time and it is that hour now, saith the Lord. 

Prepare yourselves, for the greatest hour you have ever seen is upon you now.  Enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you, lay aside those things, lay aside those things that have held you back and leave them behind you and move forward, move forward with me.  Move into a greater realm that I have for you, move into the greater anointing that I have for you and be all that I have called you to be, saith the Lord. 

Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself, I have said this in my word, you have read it in my word.  Prepare, prepare your hearts for what is about to happen, prepare to trust me one hundred percent, lean not to your own understanding, remember you are in a spiritual battle, you must fight in the spirit realm, you must walk in the spirit realm.  Pray that you will be able to see and hear in the spirit realm, for that is where the battle is.  Fast and pray, seek my face and you will find me, I am here.

Do you know how to stoke your fires, do you truly know how to stoke your fires, do you know how to get your heart right for God?  The Lord God says, today he wants to stoke your fires, he wants you to get closer to him, he wants you to seek him like never before.  He says stoke your fires, you need to get in the Bible, you need to get closer to him, you need to ignite it, you need to ask him into your heart, you need to ask him to give you more of him.  He wants to fill you like never before, today he wants stoke your heart and set you on fire, but you have to get your heart right with him to do it.   

10-18-2020 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, truly I am the God of Gods, says the Lord, I am the Lord of Lords, hallelujah, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, for I have called you, says the Lord, put on that armor, says the Lord, for truly you are my army, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, rise up, for now is the time, now is the hour, says the Lord. 

For there is nothing too hard or impossible for me, I am the God that makes the impossible possible, I am the God that can move the mountains, I am the God that can heal the sick, I am the God that can raise the dead, I am the God that can deliver the captives and set them free.  So why is it that you don’t turn unto me when you have a need, why is it that you don’t come to me to receive the things that I have for you, for they are far greater and far more superior than anything that man has.  For I can do anything and I will do anything, for I love you with an everlasting love, fear not the days ahead, but remember the time and hour that you are living in.  Learn to trust me like never before and you will walk through the days ahead victoriously, but you need to trust me, you need to turn to me for your help.  For the days are coming when you will not be able to turn to the doctors for help, for you will not be able to turn to the government for help, for it will require the mark, for that is coming very quickly.  Do you not see, do you not understand, do you not realize?  So set it in your heart now who your trust is upon, for if your trust is upon man it will fail, but if your trust is upon me you will have victory, saith the Lord.

The Lord said I am the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I change not.  I want you to be encouraged that you have got somebody on your side that doesn’t change, his name is God, his name is Jesus and he was here for you in the beginning and he is still there for you now, call upon his name and watch what he will do on your behalf.  Trust in the Lord with all of you heart and he will fulfill your needs.   

For I say unto you, my children, now is the time for my oil to free you up, says the Lord, to loosen you up that you can move freely, says the Lord, for my body needs to move freely, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, press into me that my oil, that my anointing can seep into you and out of you and touch those around you, says the Lord, that I can do all the things that I desire to do with you my people. 

10-11-2020 am service

For truly my door is always open, you can come in at any moment and this would be a good day, saith your Father God, to come back to me, to come in, to make sure you’re in the fullness of the Spirit, to make sure you’re lost in me, not in the world, not in your want, not in the things that you want to do, not in the type of living that you are living in but me.  Come to me, lose yourself in me, lose yourself in me, let me find myself in you, for when I find myself in you then you shall be like me. 

For I say unto you, my children, it’s time to be that mighty tree, says the Lord, that is planted itself by my word, by My Spirit, says the Lord, that you go out and produce that fruit, says the Lord, for the time is getting short, shorter by the day, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, make that fruit appear, for I am there to do it, says the Lord. 

For the upside triangle always has more room at the top and not at the bottom and you’re now at the bottom, you’re now at the bottom.  I need those that want to be at the top, I need those that have given up already, that haven’t repented, that haven’t come to me.  I gave you a time limit and that time limit is approaching fast, don’t miss it, don’t miss it. 

For there is no sin, only one that I’ll not forgive and you have not reached that point, but you’re close.  Therefore, I say, turn now, don’t wait another day, turn now, come unto me, I say to all come unto me.  Let me do a work in your life this day, let me lift you to higher ground that you have never been on before where you feel like you have no balance in the Spirit that the Spirit has all of the balance and all the control and you can yield, yield, yield, come yield, come yield I say, come, come.

Once saved always saved has always a lie, so quit holding on that and think you’re going to make it.  I said come;  it’s time to come, come.  

For there is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end is destruction, have you not read that, have you not spoke my word in times past or when you begin to depart and go the wrong way and even stop bringing forth my word, you continue to get colder and colder and colder.  But I have one that pulls on my strings every day on your behalf and my heart is heavy, saith your Father God, for I call unto you this day.  Humble yourself, humble yourself and come, humble yourself, pride will never get you in, self works will never get you in.  You can try with all your pride and pride only causes you to fall deeper and farther.  You can say your right and you can say, but I can’t go forward everybody is going to see, is that better than going to hell.  Hell stands at the door, hell stands at the door, hell stands at the door, do you understand that?  Come I say, come.

For even one can live their whole life for me and depart at the end and not make it to heaven.  When you walk the straight and the narrow for your full life, why turn back when you are nearing the finish line, why stray to the left, why stray to the right, I’m calling you back to the middle, I’m calling you back to the straight and the narrow, the door is open for a short time yet.  But once it closes it will not be opened again.  Do not miss the opportunity that I have given to you this day.  For your loved ones have been calling out unto me and I have brought in those who their loved ones have been calling out.  For I am calling out to you, for I love you with everlasting love and it is my desire that you come back to me, it is my desire that you lay aside everything and return to me while there is still yet time.  For night cometh quickly and time will no longer be, saith the Lord. 

For how many times this morning do I have to tell you to come, how many times do I have to call you out, the Lord God says?  The Lord God says, the altar is open, come and receive this morning, come and stoke your fire, stop sitting there and say, I don’t need, but get out of your seat and come and receive.  You will see the change, don’t stop entering into his gates, call on the Lord God keep moving in each and every day, get closer to him, read the Bible, seek him each and every day and enter into his gates.

There are many people in here that are going through discouragement including myself, some have got to the point where you say enough is enough, but God wants to let you know that he is your encourager.  For if you were walking with the Lord where Elijah ran away from Jezebel, he gave him food for forty days, he went forty days, ended up on a mountain with God and he was crying out his head I’ve had enough, I’ve had enough.  God said I’m not through with you yet and he took away his discouragement and he sent him back to where he came, back and used him mightily over and over and over again.  And that is what God wants to do with you, but he is the only one who can take away your discouragement and you have got to let him have it in Jesus name.  

10-11-2020 pm service

For I am pouring out my love upon you and in this coming week you shall see many blessings and you shall recognize that they are from me, for I love you with an everlasting love.  But as you continue to draw closer to me the blessings will continue to continue and they’ll grow greater and greater and greater.  And you’ll see the multitudes as they begin to come, you’ll recognize your ministries that you must do and you’ll see the blessings that are ahead.  So don’t be moved by what you hear in the news, don’t worry, don’t fret, don’t fear, but walk, walk very close with me. 

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve removed you from the bondages in the world that you could be free, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, focus on me and the things that I have called you to do and the things you hear me say to you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, to press in, press in, press in. 

For hope is your greatest desire and hope is also your greatest blessing and as you hope and look forward to that place that I have prepared for you your lives shall change, your love shall change and I shall change you. 

For I am calling my church to a closer walk with me, I am calling unto my people to lay aside those things that are taking their time away from me and spend more time with me.  For it is the very last hour, the very last days and very soon I shall return for a church that is without spot and without wrinkle.  But I cannot iron out those wrinkles if you do not allow me, I cannot remove the spots if you do not allow me, that’s why you need to get into my word and remain teachable that I can do the changes that need to be done, that I can prefect you that you are fit for the master’s use.  For I have need of you, saith the Lord, for this time and for this hour, for you have a great calling placed upon your life whether you know it or not, if you are here you have a great calling placed upon you.  Some recognize it but others do not yet, but you will soon, so just continue to press in, come closer, spend more time with me and many things shall be revealed unto you in the coming days ahead, saith the Lord. 

Oh, the sweetness, the trouble free, the joy that you shall now sense and see and walk in, for as you adjust your life and allow me to adjust your life things that used to come by come by no more because they’re gone, you’ve been delivered, you’ve been set free, you’ve been made a new person.  Therefore, I say unto you, get in tune with the Spirit, you need to be in tune with the Spirit, hear him, hear him, for he is your teacher, he is your guide, he shall lead you into all truth. 

The words that come out of our mouth, he wants us to learn how to control our tongue, he wants to stop the gossip about anybody or anything that goes on in the fellowship.  Control the tongue and we can save the world as well as the church.  He is not putting anybody down.

For the blessings, the joy that are ahead were not for the hours before, but they are for now, for the closer you get to your home in heaven the greater I shall bless you and fulfill all your promises.  For your promises still stand before me and I shall answer them as long as you’re walking with me and they shall all be fulfilled before you go and that shall be a joy.  Many of you thought you would never receive, never have, and yet there is still time. 

10-4-2020 am service

For it is the time, it is that hour and you can receive the fullness of My Spirit, it is that time and you can receive it anytime that you desire.  It’s a time that you can receive a new infilling of the Holy Spirit that you have not had yet, but it is released unto you. It is that hour and it is that time, for because of what is taking place in the world I am not backing up, I have not backed off neither should you be.  For it doesn’t depend upon how the world goes or how our government goes or how anything else goes, for I am the God, they’re not god, I am above I am not beneath, I am the head I am not the tail and I can do all things that I have set aside in my word and I have proclaimed my word unto you and I’ve told you when that word would take place.  And you can see all the signs, they’re all around about you, everything is ready, all we are waiting on is you, is you.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw even closer today, come unto me, come unto me, don’t hide in a corner, I can’t use the weak, I can’t use the feeble, I can’t use the ones that have fear, I can’t use them.  I need the bold ones, the bold ones that are ready to go forth and to take the kingdom of God, to take what I have given unto them and bring forth that great revival, that revival that you are waiting on.  For I, your Father God, have given you that also and it’s not depending upon man it’s depending upon you.  Therefore, I say unto you, this day, this day draw closer.

For I say unto you, my children, I came that you, that you could have life and that more abundantly, that overflowing life, says the Lord, my kind of life that you can have now, says the Lord.  For you’ve got to be hungry for it, you’ve got to be thirsty for it, you’ve got to do what I’ve called you to do for it, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t be half full, but be overflowing, says the Lord, with My Spirit today. 

For I have given unto you the power, the authority, the ability to go forth in my name and to speak the things into existence that you desire spoken.  Therefore, I command you in my name go forth in my name, be not bashful, learn to shout the victory, learn to be on fire, for the world needs to see you on fire, they need to see the victories.  As they see the fire and as they see the victories, as they see the boldness they shall come running, they shall come running. 

So do not fear the things that are ahead, there are many things that have to come now because the day and the hour that you are living in.  But remember I have said that it would be a great and glorious hour for my church, a great and glorious hour for those who have their focus upon me, who have said, Lord I will do whatever you need me to do, those who are pressing in like never before.  For I cannot use those who do not press in, for in a sense they are lukewarm, they are neither hot nor cold and you know what my word says about them.  So be not like one of those, but be hot on fire ready and willing able so I can use you to do the things that I desire to do.  For there is a great harvest that needs to be brought in this day and this hour also and I am calling out to my church, I am calling out to those who are faithful come and do as I have said, saith the Lord.

Before the foundations of this earth I set forth these things, man cannot change them, man cannot hinder them, my church shall have victory, they shall be the overcomers, they shall win.  And if you can’t believe that and join with them and march with them then I can’t do for you the things that I’ve promised, for you are not believing for them, saith your Father God.  But the moment, the very moment that you believe I can do all things.

For I say unto you, my children, my table is set and prepared, I’ve prepared a place for you, says the Lord, your name is in that place, says the Lord.  Are you ready to come, be ready, for I am coming, says the Lord.

For I have not called a church that will sit back and keep still, for I have called unto those who would rise up and be my warriors and be my giants to be the ones that I have called for them to be.  This is not an hour to sit out on the sidelines, but it is an hour to do all that I have called for you to do.  Will you do it or will you miss out on the things that I have in store for you, saith the Lord?

As I open the floodgates do you truly want your fires ignited, the Lord God says, come and stoke your fires. 

When we were singing that old song and I was lead out and um praying in the Spirit, but you would say I was saying that and I was prophesying for the boldness and those four winds have been sent out to go across the earth and to break forth in this mighty end time revival and that hearts are going to be turned to him and hearts are going to be set so on fire for him that there is nothing that is going to be able to stop the true church of God. 

10-4-2020 pm service

For my heart is filled with love for you, for you have never felt my strength before, I’ll encourage you now, for the days are growing very late, there are not many left, but there is enough, there is enough to do all that you and I desire to do and I shall do it.  Therefore, lift your voices, lift your voices and sing my praise. 

God’s word says draw from etc means nothing come back and etc etc my people.  God said it is time for the church to quit dabbling in the things of the world and put their whole hearts and attention on him.

When you praise me I am able to touch you, I am able to heal, I am able to deliver you, I’m able to meet every single need you have.  Bring your needs before me, I am here to meet all the needs that you have, let your request be known to me this night. 

For the praises went before the greatest victory ever, the praises went before the walls came down, the praise went before the battles were won.  Praises bring victory to you and defeat to the enemy.  So let your praises be heard, come and receive the things that I have for you this night, for I desire to pour My Spirit upon you without measure.  I said you could have that at any time, but you have to receive it, you have to come and get it.  I said I had a new anointing for you and you can receive that at any time, is your heart right with me, is your spirit right with me, are you ready to receive the things that I have for you?  For great is the revival that there shall be throughout the earth and it shall start from this altar and flow out of this place.  Will you receive the things that I have for you or will you allow them to pass you by, receive them this night, receive them this night, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, this night, this night, beginning this night everything you do I must be in it, says the Lord, for if I am not in it I am not a part of your life, says the Lord, like I should be.  For I declare unto you that if you be with me I am with you at all times, says the Lord and you will see the victory and I will take you higher than you have ever dreamed, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, let me be in everything, says the Lord.

For it is yours, saith your Father God, it’s yours, bring your sacrifices and come, bring those sacrifices and come, for this very night, this very night you shall see.  

9-30-2020 pm service

For it’s a great hour, an hour such as man has never seen before, it’s an hour of great blessings, of miracles and signs and wonders, an hour when you rise up into a higher position than you’ve never been in before, for it’s that hour, saith your Father.  And I shall shower my love upon you, I shall lift you up, I shall walk with you every inch of the way, I shall guide you, I shall comfort you, I shall strengthen you.  So fear not the things that you may hear, fear not the things that they say are coming, for they’re not coming for my people.  For my people have already been sealed, they have already been made ready and they shall be ready, not like the world, not like those that don’t really know me.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in, press in even more so, for the more you press in the more I can come to you. 

If you have something that you cannot overcome, something that you cannot break, I have those that can set you free, all you need to do is ask.  Do not think that you’re at a place where you cannot ask, but ask, ask and you shall receive. 

For you are on a super highway right now where there are no delays, where there are no accidents, where there are not any unavoidable areas that you do not want to be in.  If you can stay on the highway you shall find it very good filled with blessings, filled with joy and filled with peace. 

9-27-2020 am service 

For now is the hour, now is the time for my people to arise, did you hear me, it is time for you to arise to make a decision in your heart, it is no longer time to have one foot in the world and one foot with me, says the Lord.  It does not work that way, says the Lord, it is up to you to make a choice today, says the Lord, whom shall you serve this day, says the Lord, will you serve me, will you give your whole heart, will you put everything else down and be engulfed in the flames of my fire, the fire of the end time revival that is here, says the Lord?  It is time for my church to make a true decision as to what they will do, I cannot make this decision for you, says the Lord, I cannot force you into anything.  But, I say unto you, it is a free decision, it is a free desire that I give unto you to serve with your whole entire heart.  It is a time, it is a time to make that decision in your heart to either go all the way with me or you go into the world.  I say unto you, I draw you unto me, I draw you unto me, now is the hour, now is the time, allow yourself to be engulfed in me, says the Lord.  For it is time to get into my word that you know my word frontward and backward, outside and inside and outside that when the enemy comes against you the only thing that comes out of your mouth is not defeat, but it is my word which brings the victory.  Oh, I say unto you, make, make that choice today, says the Lord.  For my desire is that you walk with me wholly and fully without reserve.

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage nor false doctrine, says the Lord, for that will ensnare you in a trap, says the Lord, that I cannot even free from without you giving your heart to me, says the Lord, wholly unto me, I said wholly unto me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, discern my word by My Spirit and therefore you will be victorious, says the Lord.  

For yes, there were many good things that took place yesterday, but there were also some false things that took place, there was the false doctrine that was shared and you should be able to tell the truth from the false.  If you did not recognize it you need to dig deeper, for realize that you were deceived.  For those that did recognize it, it’s time to press in even more so, it’s time to run with the things that I have for you, it is that time, it is that hour.  For true repentance means turning around and not going back to the things that you were doing before, it means leaving them behind and running forth with the new anointing, the new anointing, the new outpouring that I desire to give unto you.  For truly I desire to pour out my revival fire upon those who will receive it, but many are not ready to receive it, many are not ready for those things.  But, I say unto you, it is that hour, it is that time, don’t miss out on the things that I have for you, for it is the hour of revival.  And remember I have said revival starts here and flows out to the rest of the world and you have seen it in little bits and pieces.  But revival starts in your heart, so you can miss it if you don’t enter into the things that I have for you, don’t miss out.  For truly the things that I have for my people are far greater than anything ever seen before and I desire to pour out My Spirit in full measure upon you, saith the Lord. 

For, I say unto you, the ways of the world will only bring you into bondage, but my ways are that of freedom, my ways are that of joy, my ways are that of fullness, my ways are blessings.  Why do you want the other things when what I have for you is far greater, for the end of the world is destruction, but the end with me is eternal life.  Choose you this day whom you will follow, but know this, that if you follow me there is much more in store for you than if you choose not to follow me, says the Lord.

9-27-2020 pm service

You shall be seated with me in heavenly places, but until then there is much work that we must do, but the work shall be easy and it shall be quick.  It shall not be impossible, but it shall be possible.  For I will give unto you the strength, I will give unto you the glory, I will give unto you the power, the ability that you can go forth and do the things that I have said without the difficulties of the world.  And you shall know me in a way that you’ve never known me before and you should be much closer, much closer, much closer.  For my love shall not only fill your heart, but it will overflow you and reach out to others round about you and that love alone with change you, oh yes, it will change you.  For your heart will be busting with a love to share with others to win them to me that they can make it also, not turn them away, not turn them away, not judge them, not come against them, but love them, love them, love them, for that is my desire.  So fear not, fear not the changes that shall now take place, fear not the things that shall come for they shall come.  Oh yes, it will not be so for the world, it will not be so for those that do not know me, for they think they know me but I don’t know them.  They have not repented and they have not turned to me with all their hearts, with all their mind, with all their souls, they make a earthly attempt, but not a heavenly attempt, for I’m not all that there is, I’m not the first, I’m not the first.  So let not these things trouble you, for they must come because of the time, they must come, but don’t be fooled, don’t be deceived, read my word carefully that you know my word, that you understand my word, that you live in my word. 

For the enemies attacks shall grow weaker and weaker and weaker on those that are mine, it shall not change on those that aren’t mine.  For I know who are the fake, I know who are the real and you’ll no longer have my protection, for my protection for those that are not mine has run out.  But, I say unto you, fear not, fear not, fear not, for I have made you the overcomers. 

For I say unto you, my children, those that follow me the way they should be following me shall draw closer and closer every day, says the Lord.  For I’m going to draw them, I’m going to draw them, I’m going to draw them and they are going to become just like me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be one of them, therefore you will be the overcomer, says the Lord.  

For even the woman with the issue of the blood when she determined in her heart to touch me was no longer weak, was no longer sick, but was set free immediately and the same can be for you.  For I will set you free from that sin, I can set you free, but you’ve got to do it, I can touch you, I can encourage you, I can lift you up, but you’ve got to want it, you’ve got to go for it. 

For true repentance is change, then if you have truly repented then there should be change and it should be very clear and very evident, is there change, has the change taken place?  If not, examine your heart and find out why, do you need to be delivered, do you need to be set free, for there are many that do, but yet they will not come to me and receive it.  Then I call out to them again and again and again, for I did not put them in bondage, but I will set them free, but you must make that choice, you have to make the choice.  For when you make that choice it’s a great choice because then you can walk in the fullness of everything that I have for you, you can walk in the fullness, for I have much greater things in store for you yet, saith the Lord.  

9-23-2020 pm service

Set a guard at your mouth, for it’s important the words that you speak, far more important than you realize, for set a guard there, think, think before you speak even when you’re joking, think.  For you can put yourself into a bondage, into a path that you can’t get out of, simply by speaking the wrong words, so learn to speak my words, for as you speak my words then victory comes your way.

I have so many things, great things for you, you shall be amazed as I begin to move upon your heart, as I begin to bring things to pass for you.  Learn to talk with me, for I love to talk with you, I love to spend time with you, I love you. 

For I desire to express my love to you in the fullest way possible, I desire to pour my blessings out upon you, I desire to fulfill all the promises that I have given unto you, those are my desires.  But I cannot do those things if you are not walking according to my word; if you are not doing the things that I have called for you to do.  So it is very important to follow my word and do the things that I said, for then you can enter into the realm of receiving the fullness of everything that I have for you.  And the things that I have are far greater than you can ever think or imagine, so press in, press in, press in and see what I will do for you.    

9-20-2020 am service

For it is a great day for my church, saith your Father God, Jezebel has died, yes, and they’re set free, it is time for them to move forward in this new year.  For this is the new year, and as you draw closer to me I shall give unto you revelation knowledge like you have never had before.  I shall open the scriptures that you may see them and know them that you will walk in a boldness, a boldness that you’ve have never had before.  For I didn’t raise a generation of cowards, I raised warriors and they’re ready to go to war, they’re ready to defeat the enemy, they’re read to take over, they’re ready to bring in the harvest, they’re ready, they’re ready, they’re ready. 

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, get into my word, know my word, allow My Spirit to show you the things in my word.  Don’t listen to another teacher, says the Lord, but listen to My Spirit, says the Lord, for he will show you the truth and it will truly set you free, says the Lord. 

For as you read my word now, suddenly your spiritual eyes shall open up and you shall see things that you have been blind to.  For many read my word, skip words, don’t even count the words and therefore they don’t know what the word says, cause they haven’t read the word.  But now you shall see those things and understand those things that you may grow quickly now to the place that I have need of you to be at that you can be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that you can be all that I said that you can be. 

For I have spoken to you many times about the hub and you are the hub and I’ve told you that you are the hub and now you shall become the prophetic hub and many shall join hands with you and my prophetic word shall flow and flow and flow and flow.  For it is the hour of the Holy Spirit, it is the hour of walking in the spirit realm; those that don’t walk in the spirit realm aren’t saved and need to get saved.  They need to get filled with My Spirit so they can walk in My Spirit and know My Spirit and understand My Spirit.  For it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God, a great time, a great time for the hub, the hub, the hub has come home.

For these are deep things that I share unto you, for I shall make them known unto you even more clearer, for you have always functioned in the realm in this area, but not in the fullness of this area yet, but now you shall begin to function even more so.  For as the people come you will need to know the things that I have for them and yet there are very few here that can tell them, but you shall have more now, oh, many, many, many more, saith your Father God.  For my word, my word, my word shall be the thing and it shall be my word and you’ll be known because of my word, for truly my word makes you who you are. 

For I say unto you, my children, it is now time to put away the childish things and pick up my things, says the Lord, for you to do away with the darkly and put on the clarity, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, the more you press into me the more I reveal unto you and the more greater things you shall do, says the Lord. 

For great changes are coming for you as you step into the fullness of the position that I called you for, for you were functioning in a likeness of that before.  But now you shall come to its fullness as all of the world shall see you and recognize you as the place that I have called, as the ones I have called and you will see how it will all come together now.  So do not fear the things that are ahead, for remember I have told you that the end would be far greater than the beginning and you have not even seen the fullness of that yet, but now you shall see that, saith the Lord. 

For no longer shall you be the little mouse hiding in the corner, for the mouse’s voice doesn’t scare the lion and the lion doesn’t flee.  But you shall become the lion now and you shall scare the lion of this world, not Jesus, but the devil and he shall hear yourself, he shall hear your cries and he shall flee.  He doesn’t flee now, he laughs, he laughs, he says, who is that puny little thing, but you shall no longer be that puny little thing, you shall be mine, saith your Father God.

For from this very day forward let My Spirit come alive within you like never before, let my wind fuel the flame like never before, but be filled to overflowing, be filled to overflowing, be filled to overflowing.  For remember those who are not filled to overflowing in my word, it’s the parable of the ten virgins and they were not filled to overflowing and none of them were, because even the five that were left didn’t have enough to give to the others.  You should always have enough.  So be filled to overflowing, be filled to overflowing, for you need to be full in the days ahead, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, my word is a complete circuit, says the Lord, for it came out of my mouth first into your heart out of your mouth and it shall come back to me that I can do the things that you have sent it forth to do in my name, says the Lord.  Therefore it should never have a break, it should always be constantly moving and constantly moving forward, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t let my word stop, says the Lord, but let it be flowing continuously that I can do the things that I sent it forth to do.

For if those who are coming come and draw from you, and if you are not drawing from me, then what have you left?  But you see it is a constant flow from me to you to them and from them to others, it is a constant flow.  So you must remain in tune to the Spirit at all times, for if you become unplugged, then where is your power source coming from?  But yet it is still being drawn out from you, so you need to be plugged in at all times.  This is not just on Sundays, this is not just on Wednesdays, but this is every single day.  For you need to be plugged into My Spirit every single day of the week, every single hour that when they come you have it to give unto them, saith the Lord.

Therefore, as you continue to enter in to the realm that I desire for you to enter in to, holiness shall arise.  For you are holy, you are righteous and therefore it shall arise and as it arises sin will have to flee, sin will be destroyed, it will be openly rebuked, it will be openly shown that everybody knows who, that you do not get involved. For it shall be a time of holiness and you shall walk in that holiness, you shall be proud that you’re holy.  You shall walk holy even as I, your Father God, am holy.

Therefore, humble yourselves, humble yourselves, call upon my name, repent before the light goes out.  Don’t keep putting it off, don’t keep delaying and thinking I’ll change later, there will be no later.  I have given you until next Passover, as you know, that’s for the church and you are the church and especially for you, saith your Father God.  For you came because of what you felt, what you heard, what you’ve seen and you knew, you knew the goal, you knew the vision.  Don’t put it off, don’t put it off, don’t put it off.  Get yourself set free.  This place should be filled this morning, it should have been filled last Sunday.  What is so big you can’t come to me that you have to stay home for? What?  Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things shall be given freely to you.  You won’t have to beg for them, you won’t have to ask for them, they automatically come,  come unto me now, come.

9-20-2020 pm service

For I say unto you, my children, it is time to arise, says the Lord, it is time to arise and fulfill the things that I have called unto you to do.  For if you sit here tonight My Spirit is here, saith the Lord, receive what I have for you this night, for you did not come for nothing, says the Lord, for I come bearing gifts for you, says the Lord. 

For I desire to meet with you every time you come into my house, but is it your desire to come and meet with me and receive the things that I have for you?  For I always have things for you, even this morning I offered things unto you, but nobody came and received them and it should not be like that, you should always run to the altar when I call you to the altar.  But be open to receive the things that I have for you, for I desire to fill you and to give you all the things that you have need of to make it through the days ahead victoriously.  For the days ahead for the world are very dark and disastrous, but for my church I have said they would be victors, they would be the overcomers.  But you need to be walking according to my word, you need to be walking according to my promises, you need to be in that place where I can speak unto you at any moment and tell you to go here, to go there.  So be open to me, be open, saith the Lord.

Where is your focus says the Lord, for at times my people miss the things that they have because their focus is not upon me, it’s upon other things, therefore, I say to you, where is your focus?   For it is an hour where you focus should be upon me and my word at all times that you can truly be in the place that you need be for this hour and this day.  So, therefore, I ask one simple question, says the Lord, where is your focus?  I say unto you, if your focus is not were it should be, make the changes today, make the changes today so your focus is on the right place, says the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, I have greased you, I have oiled you up to move freely, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be that hub that I have called you to be, though there be some that are not here, says the Lord, I am here.  Therefore, I am here, the anointing is here, says the Lord.    

For very soon now you will see when my house is the main attraction and you are not missing those here and there, but people desire to fill my house because they are coming with great expectation to receive the things that I have for them.  You could come with that great expectation now and I would meet with you, for I am here to meet with you, My Spirit is here to meet with you, are you here to meet with me?

For I desire to move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way, I desire to make you the victor and to make you the overcomer, but you must allow me to do the work in you that needs to be done.  Allow me to work in you and see how great it can be, saith the Lord. 

9-16-2020 pm service

etc sit down and encourage them, sit down and lift them up with joy in their hearts, with hope, with the vision. For they know my love, they feel my love, they understand my love and that’s why I am able to reach out to them and that’s why I love you because you are mine.  You’re my child and I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to bless you, I desire to cause you to rise up into a high, high position that the very desires of your hearts are fulfilled.  For I don’t leave you lacking, many have walked with me and have lacks, but that’s because they didn’t really walk with me, they never got closer to me.  Get close, for the closer you get the closer I’ll get. 

For as you grow the more you understand and the more you understand the greater the victories, do you want to prosper, do you want to be in health, do you want to be a victor, then reach out to me and I’ll reach out to you. 

For my ways are far higher, far higher than your ways, for man doesn’t know, they think they know, but the only wisdom they have is the wisdom that I have given unto them and they haven’t exhausted my wisdom.  Therefore, to be wise, draw on my wisdom. 

For I have all understanding that you have need of, I know all and when you do not know you can come to me and I will show you those things.  But most do not come to me and ask for my wisdom, they don’t ask for my knowledge and yet I have said that I would give it to anyone who would ask.  So don’t be afraid to ask for those things that you have need of, for I will give you those things that you have need of if you just ask for them. 

9-13-2020 am service

For very soon now I shall give you the highest praise and all will know you, all will know you, that you are mine.  For the miracles will flow, the healings will flow, they’ll see signs and wonders, they’ll see things that they have never seen.  For it’ll be your hour, it’ll be my hour, it’ll be the churches hour and it’ll be the greatest hour ever seen by man and you shall be part of it, for it is my hour, saith your Father God.  It is that hour, it is that hour that we’ll celebrate all that Jesus has done for you, it is that hour when you’ll see your possessions that you have, that you don’t have, for they will be yours, you’ll see the things that I have said and you’ll know, yes, you’ll know, you’ll know, you’ll know.  For truly it is mine, saith your Father God and I have given unto you and it shall be yours, yes, it shall be yours. 

For truly the world does not know what to do, they’re walking in confusion, they do not even know what is taking place and yet my word has told them.  From Genesis to Revelation I’ve told them, but they don’t listen to me, they don’t follow me, they don’t do the things that I say.  I do not understand sometimes why they even come, for I have those, yes, I have those, look around you, I have those and I shall move through those in such a mighty way that the world will stand in amazement.  They will think that the names of old just amateurs compared to you, for you shall be the greatest and the signs and the wonders shall be the greatest.  I shall do all those things that you’ve always wondered about and you will look at your hands and cry and cry, for you’ll see the beauty, the beauty, the beauty of what I have for my church. 

For I say unto you, my children, open up, open yourselves up, let my light shine, says the Lord, so those that do not know the way will find it, says the Lord.  When they see you they see the miracles, they see the things I am going to do for you, says the Lord.  They will know, they’ll understand, says the Lord, they will come, says the Lord, they’ll be a part of what I am doing, says the Lord, till I come and catch you away, says the Lord.

For in the old days in the Bible you hear of many things that took place, outstanding things that people saw, they saw the angels, they saw the chariots, they saw the protection that I gave unto them.  And then during the fifties, not only the sixties, you saw it again, there are times when halos over peoples heads, yes, they saw the glory cloud over Katherine, they saw it, they saw that it surrounded her head, they’ve seen these signs.  But in these last days it shall be the grand finale of all finales.  It shall be the greatest hour for the church that the world has ever seen and when you are walking with me they’ll recognize you without even knowing you.  For my glory shall be upon you, my cloud shall follow some of you and all will know that, that’s a man, that’s a woman of God, oh the hour, the hour, the hour that is now.  Do not be fooled by the false prophets, do not be fooled by the false teachers, for they don’t know, they’ve never really read my book and they question my book, they question my servants, they don’t know, they don’t know, but they shall know, yes, they shall know.     

For in a sense I have kept you in the background where only a few have seen you and really know the ministry that I have called you for, but now, now, now it’s all changing.  For all of the world shall soon know you very well, for they shall know the miracles, they shall know the signs, they shall see them and then revival like I have talked about will be greater than ever.  For this is the greatest time of history for the church, for I have called this time to be greater than any time before, for it will be even greater than when Jesus was here on the earth and most don’t even phantom how it could be greater than that, but it shall be the best, for I have saved the best for last.  So fear not the things that shall come, for remember I have said that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, and I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise and you will walk in that victory, saith the Lord. 

Can you imagine this morning just for a moment, saith your Father, think one Jesus in all the world and suddenly a million Jesuses all in the world in the same time with miracles, signs and wonders, that my children is what you are going to see.  

For he went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil and my people will heal all and they will come running after them and you will see the greatest revival, I said the greatest revival that you have ever seen before. 

For I say unto you, my children, many are concerned about the time, but I have plenty of time, says the Lord, for time is just a variable and it is not of any coincidence of what I am going to do through you, says the Lord.  For I have time and there will always be time for what I have to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, run with me and do not be concerned about the time, says the Lord. 

But, I say unto you, make yourselves ready for the things that I am about to do, for I desire to use you and you need to be in the place where I can use you.  So make yourself ready, make yourself ready, for the time is coming very quickly and suddenly it shall all burst forth and you’ll look back and wonder where it ever came from.  But remember I told you it would happen suddenly, suddenly, suddenly.

Revival starts in the heart of man, is it not for the world, where is your fire, what is the amount of your fire, is it just a little flame or is it just a little flicker, fan that flame so it is ablaze in your heart.  It is an hour for my children to truly seek my face like I said, to truly get upon their knees and spend time with me every day in prayer and to know who I am.  Do not just know me as God, but to know me as your Father, the one who is all sufficient, the one who provides and takes care of your every need, that is who you need to know and all the other things you get to know by spending time with me, says the Lord.  So start, start today, start today, where is your heart, you know where your heart is, says the Lord, I know where your heart is, says the Lord and many of you need to be on fire for me and your not.  So, I say unto you, make a decision today, make a decision today, to go all the way with me, says the Lord, go all the way with me, says the Lord, allow the fire, allow the fire to flame that is a flicker right now to become a blaze, a blazing flame, a flame being uncontrolled, just like a fire that is out of control.  My word needs to be a blazing fire within you guys, out of control, a fire that takes out the enemy at every corner, at every side, that I go before you to take out the enemy just as I even sent my servants ahead who came and worshiped, so shall praise and worship dwell within you and you shall see the victory, upon victory, upon victory.  Have my word within your heart, have my word within your being, have my word within your hand, go, go, go, be the light that I have called you to be to those around you.  For now is the hour, now it the time, for that revival to take place and the harvest to come in, says the Lord. 

9-13-2020 pm service

For it is that hour, the hour of perfection, the hour of putting the final edge on the sword, the hour of making my sons and my daughters to be everything that I have called them to be.  And as you heard and as the word was shared this morning, many of them did not understand that this generation is even worse, for they do not seem to know the promises and once they say they know the promises they disobey them even worse because they don’t know them.  But you shall know them and as you know them you shall grow into them and as you grow into them you’ll become what they say and as you become what they say the world shall look upon you and realize, they shall realize what I have given unto them through you.  They’ll realize the revival, they’ll realize they need to come and get their marching orders, for you can’t think more highly of yourself than you ought.  But they’ll press in, there will be that deep, deep hunger, that hunger that draws them to the very edge, to become just like me in every way, every shape, in all my manners, in all my promises and the world shall see that.  Can you imagine that, the world shall see it and that shall be the greatest drawing factor that you have ever seen, for they shall come and they shall want what I have for them. 

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, it’s time to wake up from your slumber and put on your dancing shoes, says the Lord, because now is the hour I’ve called you for.  This is the hour you have been waiting for, says the Lord, you goanna sit there, you goanna watch it pass you by, you goanna get up, you goanna dance, you goanna shout and praise me, says the Lord, for all the things that I am bringing forth that I promised you, says the Lord? Therefore, I say unto you, get out of bed, get out of bed.

For it is a deep sleep that the enemy has placed most of you in, a deep sleep and you are sleeping right through it.  For when you know the promises, when you know the promises, there will be so much excitement there is no way you can sit back and do nothing until you get them.  You won’t worry about the cost, you won’t worry about what you have to do, all you’ll do is go after the things that I, your Father God, have for you.  

For there is not another time, there is not another hour, therefore realize that now is your time, now is the hour that I have promised you, now is the hour I have spoken about and enter into the fullness of the things that I have for you and don’t allow them to pass you by.  Don’t sit back and slumber and miss out on those things, for they are great, they great, they are great and they are for this time now.  So wake up, wake up and realize just where you’re at. 

Don’t be double minded, do not allow that spirit to enter in you, and if you’ve got it, get rid of it, have it cast out, you do not want that spirit.  For you can’t speak with two sides of your mouth and receive the things that I have for you, you’re unstable in all your ways, how many, all, all, all, all and yet you don’t want to look at yourself that way.  But if you realize what I am offering to you, you’d sellout a hundred and fifty percent, you’d go after it, you wouldn’t let anything stop you.  You have known all your life how to get the things that you really desired and wanted to go after and you got those things.  This is far greater, far greater, wake up, it’s far greater.  

Oh, my dear ones, heaven and earth may pass away but my word can do anything.  So let go, let go of everything that holds you to this place, to this earth, to this life, let go, because you reach out and hang on to me and my word so much can be done, so much and I am depending on you.  So let go of that which causes you pain, that which causes you to be turned away from me, that which causes you to not be in peace, grab on to me, grab on to me and you can do so much in me.   

If you could have one thing and one thing only, what is the one thing that you would ask me for?  If you had a brain then you would ask me what I desire to give you, not what you wanted.  For normally the things that you want the flesh wants, but I never ask you for the things that your flesh wants, I ask you what your heart wants, and that’s why your spirit is controlled by your heart, not your mind.  And as you press into the fullness and you look at my list it gets smaller and smaller and smaller and if you get only one thing, life and that more abundantly, that would be more than you have got now.

9-9-20 pm service

Fear not the things that are coming nor the changes that shall take place, for remember these things have to take place that I have already told you about, that have been recorded in my word, but remember those things do not have to affect you if you are walking with me.  Be in prayer about the eleventh as I have warned you about that day already, and prepare yourselves for the twenty sixth, as that is a very important time also.  But be very careful about the things that you allow to come out of your mouth, for remember I have warned you about that also and those things shall quickly come to pass.  So if you speak forth the negative things then you will quickly find yourself in bondage because of those things, so only speak forth my word, be ready to do the things that I have called upon you to do.  For it is that time, and it is that hour, and I desire to use you, it doesn’t matter how great or small you think you are, or how old or young you might be.  For I can use all of you if you are open, if you are willing, if you have that desire to allow me to work through you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to take you through the days ahead victoriously.  But I have great things in store for those who put their full trust and full confidence in me. 

For if you only knew the greatness of the things that I have in store, your hearts would be filled with excitement, for I have many great things in store for all of you.  So put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, get into my word like never before, then I can use you in the ways that I desire and I can bless you like I have never been able to bless you before. 

9-6-2020 am service

For let your hearts be filled with joy this day, saith your Father God, realize that the victory, the victory is just ahead, it’s just a short walk, it’s just a short space of time, but victory is just ahead.  And not only that, keep your eyes on the eleventh, nine eleven, be in great prayer concerning that day for the safety of my people, be in prayer.  And then on the twenty sixth assemble yourselves together before it is too late, for your prayer is much needed.  Many are not realizing or understanding where we are and you hear of many things, but if you would use commonsense and listen you’d find out that most of them are lies, most of them are wrong.  We are in the thirteenth chapter, we are there now, we’re not going to be there, we’re in there now and the mark is not far off, that’s even closer, then the fourteenth chapter and you go.  It’s time to wake up, don’t use your own wisdom, don’t use your own knowledge, read my word, read my word, know and understand, for it’s very clear there, it’s probably clearer than it’s ever been all the way from the ninth chapter on up.  You’ve seen these things take place; you’ve got to know they’ve taken place and therefore do not be deceived, that is my main warning over and over in the book of Revelation.  Do not be deceived, and sad to say many are deceived, they’re playing church and it is not a time to play, for time, time is running out. 

Beware, beware of the second word, I’ve told you this for years, beware of the second word.  Ninety times or better out of a hundred the second word is never me, it is never, never, never me, beware of the second word, when you hear it over and over the devil is trying to deceive you, beware of the second word.  Know my word, understand my word, stand strong on my word and do not be moved, do not be moved and that way you shall always be the victor. 

For I say unto you, my children, let my word come forth out of your lips, not as an adulterated word, says the Lord, but my word, my true word that I have established in my word, says the Lord, by my word, by My Spirit.  If it doesn’t bear witness with My Spirit or your spirit it’s not my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, know who I am, says the Lord, know it.

Beware of the twisting words, for the devil twists things to deceive you, you need to beware of that, he twisted the word to Eve and you know what happened to Adam.  Beware of the twisting words, for that word also is a great enemy of yours, it was locked up in the bottomless pit for years, but it has already been loosed and it twists things.  It will continually work on you to twist it, it will come every way that it can to twist it, friends that are good Christians will twist it, for there are many that are demon possessed and do not know it, beware of the twisting word. 

But my word is always truth, it’s confirmed by two or three witnesses over and over and over that you would not be deceived, that you will know the truth and that the truth will set you free.  We have many, many, many denotations today, they’re not all right, many have been deceive and gone wrong ways and if you have been in one of those you already have words that have been twisted and they’re even harder to untwist, but they can be done.  Therefore, when you get ready to study, pray, pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes, will open your ears, will open the word to you that you may know and that the truth may set you free. 

For my word is a shining light, it does not cause confusion, it only shines in the darkness to give them light to make them be free.  It is not shaded, but it is clear, but if you read your Bible negatively it annuls everything that the word of God says.  I have never written a negative thing in my life, neither has the Holy Spirit; therefore you need to read what I have written.  Be careful of the translations, for there are many that are not of me and there are many that have deliberately been used with the wrong words to deceive you.  But my truth is there for you and if you are determined to read it and know my truth you will find it, it will be there, it will be clear.  But many times you have to empty your mind out entirely and start afresh, if you really want the truth that is.  For I said to you to allow the word to renew your mind, therefore it might be good to renew it. 

For I have given you some great keys this morning, keys that you need in order to be successful, but they will only work if you hear the word and put it in your heart, if you get in my word and study, if you spend time in prayer and talking with me.  For many do not know my voice like they should, but the problem is that they don’t spend much time speaking with me so they never really get to know my voice and they are deceived by the other voice and they know it not.  So, I say unto you, get into my word, get to know me more, spend more time in prayer, we are getting down to the very end where the focus should be upon me and the things that I desire for you to do.  And yet sadly most of the focus is on what I want, what my self wants, but you are supposed to put away your flesh, but most have not really done that.  But if you would do that you would know how much greater things would be for you, how much better of a life you could really live, the abundant life that I have for you.

For I, your Father God, am here this morning, I’m here to move upon you this morning, I’m here to renew your mind today, I am here to restore what the devil is trying to take away.  I’m here to refresh you today, I’m here to pick you up and move upon you.  It’s time to be touched this morning, it’s time to set the revival fires on fire in you today, so come and receive.  

9-6-20 pm service

For truly, the battle has already been won but do you realize that, do you really know that, if you do why are you running from the battles?  The battles are yours I have given unto you the battles, I’ve won the battles for you there is nothing left for me to do, I’ve done it all and it all belongs to you because I love you.  I love you with a love that you can’t understand, for it is far beyond your knowledge.  I’ve given unto you everything that pertains unto life, everything, everything, and yet you struggle because you don’t have the things that you should have.  I am the victor and the answer, do you realize, I am the victor, then you shall be the victor, then you shall win and then you shall have all, all that I have given unto you. 

For I say unto you my children, when you know who I am you come to the battle and you run to it, says the Lord, as my servant David did, says the Lord, he ran while the rest were hiding, says the Lord.  Therefore I say unto you, do you know me this night, do you know who I am, cause I know who you are, says the Lord, you’re my children, you’re the ones that are heirs to my throne, says the Lord.  Therefore I say unto you, rise up and fight, run to the battle, says the Lord.

For truly, the circumstances do not matter, for the outcome has already been determined but that is what you don’t always seem to understand.  Regardless of the things you’re going through today the battle has already been decided, all you need to do is press on, press forward and you will see the victory right around the corner.  For I told you this morning about a great victory, great, great victory, for a great victory is right around the corner.  So continue to press forward, continue to battle onward, for you are the victors, you are the overcomers, and it is already been done, saith the Lord. 

For this very night, saith your Father God, do you believe that I shall give unto you one big miracle that you shall have, but if you don’t believe, you shall return home the same way you came.  But I have a miracle for you, I have a miracle for you, do you believe it? 

For when I parted the red sea my people could not believe that I could deliver them and yet they walked across on dry land, and the enemy was drowned behind them, every time it seemed like they could not really trust me.  I am asking you this night, can you trust me, can you really trust me, for if you can do that then I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way.  For you have seen me do it again and again and again and I am the same God today as I was yesterday and will be forever, and I will do the same for you if you put your trust and confidence in me. 

The Lord has a question for this fellowship tonight, where is your focus, are you focusing on things, are you focusing on that, are you focusing on this, what are you watching, what are your children playing, what kind of games, are you focusing on them?  But the Lord says, it is time to focus on me, change your focus and get it on me, for I am the way the truth and the light.

What is it that you have need of, what did you come expecting, what are you willing to receive?  For whatever you’re expecting, whatever you’re looking for that I your Father God shall do for you now, now. 

Don’t lose your focus of the things that I have said are yours, for they are promises that I have given unto you and there is still time yet for all of that to be fulfilled.  So don’t lose sight of the things I desire to do, but press in even more so and receive the fullness of everything that I have for you.  Even this night press in and receive the fullness of the things that I have for you, for I cannot pour My Spirit out upon you with out measure if you will not receive it. 

9-2-2020 pm service

I’m so happy with you and I love you so much, I desire to bless you in so many ways to cause you to be much stronger, much more grounded, walking in the fullness of my word that I can bless you even more so.  So fear not the days that are ahead, even though many of them could be the worse days you have ever seen in your life, remember I said I’ll watch over you, I’ll protect you and I’ll keep you safe.  Keep your eyes on the promise, for when you keep your eyes on the promise then I can fulfill the promise. 

For more miracles, more healings, more deliverances shall be done now until the end than you’ll ever see in all of your life.  Your hearts will be filled with joy, the sights shall be wonderful, but the world, the world shall be living in a hell here on earth, but the one that’s to come will be far greater than this one. 

For remember I have promised you greater things than ever seen before and you have not seen those yet.  So do not be downhearted, for they are coming very soon and it shall fill your heart with joy as you begin to see it all unravel before you.  For all the promises that I have given to you as my church here shall all be fulfilled and they will happen suddenly even as I have told you.  So do not fear those things, but continue to trust me, continue to put all of your confidence in me, for I have given you my promise, I have given you my word, and even though things will be terrible for the world, in that sense, this will be the most glorious hour that my church has ever had and then I will take her out before the wrath is poured out.  So fear not the things that are ahead, but look forward with expectation of all of the things that are yet in store for those who are following after me, those who have put all of their trust and confidence in me and those who will come in to the safety of the fold in the days ahead.   

8-30-2020 am service

For it is an hour only for my church at the moment, it is not an hour for the whole world; it’s not even an hour for the Jewish people, my people.  For they remain three and a half years after you’re gone and the judgment is on the church right now, it’s on the world also, but it really becomes the world after the church is gone.  For my people are not listening and they do not realize, they do not understand, they will tell you they do, but spiritually they’re dead, they’re not awake, they’re not awake.  They say they have not sin and yet my word says forsake not, that’s a commandment, they’re not obeying that, therefore they’re living in sin and saying they don’t sin.  It’s the hour to wake up, it’s the hour to come alive, it’s the hour to know and see and understand the things that are being taught, that they’re calling out to you, that it is an hour for you to prepare yourself, that you are not left behind, that is a great concern about mine.  And you shall see on the twenty sixth of next month a worldwide day of prayer called by the Spirit filled people, for they see the church hasn’t responded.  And they know that when Reagan was President he called a worldwide prayer and the walls came down, Russia no longer has walls and they’re hoping that the walls will come down and that the people would turn back to me that they’re in my house every time the doors are open, that they’re pressing in.  For the revival shall come quickly and there will be multitudes to teach, and if you think you are full today, you have a hard time finding a place to set, which is not so in most churches, what shall you do when the revival comes, what shall you do when those that come shall call upon my name and again walk in their first love?  Oh the first love will be strong in their lives, they’ll be hungry and they will eat everything that you feed them and the fire will fall from heaven and the revival will get greater and greater and greater.  There won’t be room for the lukewarm, for they’ll be spewed out. Wake up I say, wake up, for that hour is upon you.

For when a fire is burning and it is full heat the flame is so blue, so beautiful, for when it’s got red in it, it’s struggling, struggling to stay hot.  And many of you don’t understand that because you have never burned wood, but anyone that has burned wood knows that and when it’s red it’s not throwing the heat that it should be throwing.  But as it gets blue, as the blue comes out the temperature rises and you have all the fires you need. 

For I say unto you, my children, my word declares to you to not be afraid of the devil’s devices, yet many are being ignorant, says the Lord and trapped by his devices and are causing them to trip up, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word and understand what those devices are, understand what those things are that are distracting you, says the Lord and come out of them, says the Lord and be separate and set apart for me, says the Lord.  

For there is a mighty gusher for the word of God, record sales today for the Hebrew and the Greek dictionaries that explain to you what your Bible says.  They’re not looking for Strong’s, for they are looking for something far stronger than Strong’s, something that tells you and explains to you the words that you may see what I am saying.  For when you hear the scripture verse concerning, if my people, do you realize that word people there is used only concerning New Testament Christians, not old?  For the people then were the Jews, a few gentiles, but then the gentiles come in.  And truly the gentiles today, the spirit filled gentiles today are the church, the only church, my people and if they’ll humble themselves and call upon my name I shall answer.  And again there you will find in the verses just before that three verses the word Corona virus only time its happened in the history.  It’s for this hour, it’s for this time, therefore wake up, realize the devil has fooled you, much of this has been fake spread by fake news.

For Israel today is not happy with what many call the peace treaty, for they have forgot my word that I said, when you hear them say peace, peace, sudden destruction is upon you, don’t you remember that?  I’ve warned you about that and when I talk about the second coming over and over I say, do not be deceived and many are deceived.  They like to stand on Matthew twenty four and yet they don’t know that it doesn’t talk about the rapture, it jumps over the rapture and goes to the twenty fifth chapter of Revelation when you return to save the Jews.  Oh my people if you would only listen, if you wouldn’t come to church believing that you know all, if you would humble yourselves and hear what my servants had to say to you, for they are sold out one hundred percent to give you the truth.  If you would only know, if you would only realize what you have, if you would understand why I choose this place, this area, then you would understand.

For the sounds are clear and it should be very evident what is going on and yet many people have blinders on and cannot see what is really going on.  They believe what the fake news says and they never look to see what my word says.  For I have said you were sealed, I have said you were delivered and set free, I said things would not come nigh your dwelling as long as you were walking with me and yet most forget that and the sad part is they are not really walking with me and I cannot protect them and watch over them as like, I desire to.  But for those who put all of their trust and all of their confidence in me there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about, for I have given you my promise and I will see it through until I take you out of here.  And then we will come back and what a joyous great victory we have as I defeat all of the world’s armies and set up my thousand year millennial reign.  For you have many great things to look forward to if you’re walking with me, remember if you’re walking with me.  So put all of your trust and all of you confidence in me, put aside those things of the world, lay them down and come with me.  Come and do the things that I have said to do, come and be all that I have called for you to be, saith the Lord. 

Have you ever been in my presence, for my presence is filling this place right now and my presence is here.  My presence is that peace like never before, my presence is that miracle working power, my presence is flooding this place.  My presence is like that eagle soaring, that peace like never before, do you want my presence today, if you do come and receive it.

He called you out, he called you out and asked if you want his presence, asked if you wanted that miracle, you just sat there, how come you didn’t come and receive?  How can you allow him to give you that miracle, how come you didn’t want his presence?  For you say you want to be on fire more, you have to receive it from God.    

8-30-2020 pm service

For as you exalt my name and lift it on high all of heaven rejoices, power is released unto you and you’re set free from many things that have bound you, but then you have got to act on it.  Once you’re free from it you can never go back to it again because you will not have time to be set free again, therefore you need to move into my presence and remain there.  Let me fill your whole being, let the spirit realm come alive like never before, let my ability, my ability to flow through you.  For it’s that time that revival comes soon, that they need to come from near and far, that they need to be those that are sold out a hundred percent.  They’ll fill the empty spots, they’ll fill the voids and the Spirit will flow like you’ve never seen it flow before, it’s that hour, yes, it’s that hour. 

For fear is not of me, so be not fearful to allow the Spirit to take you into deeper realms, don’t think your getting off the path, no you’re getting on the path.  For you should have always been walking in the spirit realm and in the spirit realm is where I want you. 

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve called you to be swimmers, says the Lord, not waders, not water waders, says the Lord, but swimmers, says the Lord.  Therefore, get out into the deep things that I have for you, says the Lord, as my word declares unto you.  Get into those deep things, says the Lord and learn to swim, says the Lord. 

For, yes, I have many great things in store for those who press in like never before, those who desire to spend more time with me, more time in the word, more time in prayer, more time doing my business.  For I was always about my Father’s business when I was here on earth and that is what my children should be doing, always desiring to be about their Father’s business.  For remember I have a higher calling for you to fulfill, a much higher calling, but few really want to do those things.  For I am looking for those who will answer that call, those who will go and do all that I have called for them to do.  For I desire to use you in a mighty and powerful way, I desire for you to fulfill everything that I have called for you to fulfill.  For I love you with an everlasting love and it is my desire that you press in even more so, so I can bring you to those heights, those new levels that you can walk in the spirit realm at all times and then you can be all that I have called for you to be. 

For I tell you that I give you the ability to set your mind free this night, for I will deal with things that you don’t have to come back again and again, they’re dealt with, that you move forward high speed, not crawling, not in the same place thirty years later, but moving forward.  For acceleration is important right now and you must speed up the things that you’re doing. 

Realize that Jesus died that we could step out by faith  and therefore etc. them.  You can’t do it on your own, you have to do it by any inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so it’s up to you to step out into the deep, to step into the deep so I can use you, but to step out in the deep you’ve got to get out of the hole first.  So don’t be afraid to step out, for I will give you the anointing like you have never had before and you shall use it for my glory, says the Lord and see what I will do.   

8-26-20 pm service

etc and I have great things in store for you even though the hour is very late and very short and yet you shall be with me in paradise one of these days and you shall walk the streets of gold and you shall know the things that I have said unto you.  And you shall be glad the day you received my Son Jesus into your heart and he became the Lord of your life.  You’ll remember the things that I have said and you shall see and understand and know.  For I say unto you, fear not the things that are coming, fear not the disaster in September, fear not those things, for I love you, I watch over you and I’ll keep you safe.

Keep your hearts pure, let your love for me grow and grow, for the rewards that you get in heaven shall be far greater than anything I could give you on earth. 

For, yes, I have great things in store for you in the days ahead so do not fear the things that shall take place in the world, for it is only the time and the hour for that to happen and those things must come to pass as my word has foretold that those things would take place.  But recorded in my word also is the greatest revival that man has ever seen or ever will see and you have not seen that to its fullness yet, you’ve seen only bits and pieces here and there.  But it is coming very quickly and shall sweep all across the world and you will know and you will know and you will know that you have seen the fullness of that and then will I take the church out and you will be with me three and a half years.  But do not fear those things that are coming, but know that I will keep you safe and watch over you even as I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promise.    

8-23-2020 am service

etc I am coming to bring new life, to bring new life into you, I’m coming, I’m coming to change and to bring new life and to encourage and to raise you up and to love you, I’m coming, I’m coming to bring new life into you, new life, new life into you. 

Beware of the ninth month the eleventh day, for that is around the corner and there shall be a great awakening, there shall be a great awakening, they shall read out the list of the dead that died that the people have forgotten about.  But I. your Father God, have not forgotten that, for it was an attack not only against me but you and also America, but I remembered that, saith your Father God.  I have spoken to my church to be in my house every time the doors are open and yet I see them not, why?  Do they not know my voice; do they not know that judgment is here now?  For judgment comes first to the church and then to the world, for the door gate of America is approaching their destruction very soon now.  The things that you have been told are about ready to take place.  Therefore, I say, come unto me, draw closer to me, that I can watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, that I can go before you and open doors, that I can bring the multitudes in, that they shall come from near and they shall come from far and they shall pack it out that there is no room for anyone in a sense, standing room outside only.  For it is that hour and it is that time and the repentance day is coming up and if you haven’t made the repentance there will not be another chance for you, saith your Father God.  For my word has declared that, and if you read the scripture where that all took place, you will see that very, very, clearly.  For you’re the faithful, for you are here, saith your Father and today, today I shall do a work in you. 

For I say unto you, my children, a great storm is coming and those that are not in my house, my shelter my safety, says the Lord, will be caught in the midst of that storm.  For I have called them into my fold, says the Lord, and they have not listened, they continue to do the things that they want to do, they desire to do and my people are bringing them in.  Yes, those that do not listen will be caught, says the Lord, that is why I say unto you, come, come, come.      

For after, after September comes November, are you awake, will you rise up and do what you know is right, can you vote for them that you know kill babies, can you vote for them that hold up the gays, can you vote for them, saith your Father God?  If you are mine you must walk according to my word, you must walk according to my promise; you must do what I, your Father God, have said to do.  For it is that hour, it is that time; it is far later than you believe.

For there is a way that seemeth right, it seems right, but the end is destruction, we don’t go by what seems right, we go by what we know that word declares right.  For the word is never wrong, the word never goes out and returns void and whatsoever a man soweth that shall he reap.  What are you reaping, what have you sowed this morning, what did you sow?  I am not blind, for my eyes sees all things, knows all things and I watch over my word to perform it.  Therefore, I say unto thee, wake up, wake up, wake up. 

For truly the times have changed and you are walking in the very, very, very last hour, I have called it to be a great hour for the church, but yet a terrible disastrous hour for the world at the same time.  But yet you have my promise that I would take you through victoriously and you need not to worry about the things that will come to pass and you are seeing those things happen very quickly and they shall continue to happen as I have said because of the day and the hour that you are living in.  So understand that you need to do things differently, you need to put me first, you need to be in my house when the doors are open, you need to come with expectation, ready to receive the things that I have for you.  For I know the things that you will face in the week ahead and, therefore, I know what you need today.  So you need to come and receive those things, for many do not and they face problems because of that.  Oh yes, prayer can hold things off, but only because I warned and you went to prayer.  Beware of the days to come, for remember what I have said, the virus would not stop until Passover season, but then a greater disaster would come because there has been no true repentance.  And yet my house is more empty than ever when it should be fuller than you have ever seen, but it will be soon when the faithful ones come.  So do not fear the things that are coming, but remember I have already told you they would come, but I have said that I have made a way for you already and all you need to do is to put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me, saith the Lord. 

8-23-2020 pm service

etc for you’re coming very quickly now for the church, you’ll see many, many begin to flood in and fill the seats and become one hundred percent sold out for me.  You’ll see the area filled up very quickly and you’ll know, you’ll know my word is true, for I have spoken my word unto you, for I have shared with you the things that are coming and the things that we shall see.  And it is that hour and it cannot be turned back for no reason whatsoever, for the clock is ticking, the clock does not slow down, it does not stop, it does not run backwards, but it continues on.  Therefore, I say to you, be ready, be ready, let your hearts be filled with joy, let the expectation run high, and if they bring you negative words realize they’re not mine, saith your Father God.  I don’t bring negative words, I speak the word and you can read the words that I have spoken and you can know the word is mine.  Therefore, look forward; look forward to the things that are coming, for you are my church.  It’s not for the world, it’s not for those that do not know me, it is not for those that aren’t true, but it is true for those that know me and they shall know and they shall see and they shall rejoice, for I have many, many, many blessings for them. 

Therefore, I say unto you my children, any news reports of anything that does not line up with my word and my promises to you are null and void, says the Lord, for my word stands says the Lord.  Therefore, keep your place on me and my word and you will go through this time victoriously, says the Lord. 

For the false teaching is sparse, if you are walking in the Spirit realm, for their words are much different than mine and they say not the things that I say and they do not the things that I do.  But as you walk in My Spirit realm you shall know, you shall know, you shall know, you shall know. 

For the Spirit realm is the natural realm, yes it is a supernatural realm, but it is a natural realm, those that are not walking in the Spirit are not of mine.  For mine walk in the Spirit realm, they separate the flesh from the Spirit, they make sure they walk according to my word, they do the things that I tell them and everybody round about them see those things coming to pass and they are fulfilled in their life, for they walk, they walk in that Spirit realm. 

For you say, Lord, how do I walk in that realm and yet my word lays it out very clearly, the problem is in the fleshly realm, it is always going against the Spiritual realm and when you are walking in the flesh you do not the things of the Spirit and that is the enemies desire.  But when you walk in the Spirit the flesh is dead and then I can do all the things that I desire to do, I can use you the way I desire to use you.  And it is that time that you need to be walking in the Spirit realm that you can do all that I have called you to do, for you need to know my voice and not follow the voice of the enemy.  But at times my people have followed the voice of the enemy even though they did not realize it, for it is that quick voice, but I am the still voice.  But when you know my voice the voice of another you will not follow and you need to know my voice in these days and these hours, saith the Lord. 

Etc spoke like a child, but as you mature, as you become more of an adult, regardless how old you are in the natural, you’ve spoke in the Spirit realm.  You’ve always known in the Spirit realm, you’ve always walked in the Spirit realm, that is if you are mine, but that is the normal realm.  And those that cut off that and do not walk in that, they’re not mine, read first John you will see that clear.   

8-19-2020 pm service

For my word has gone before you and has made a way and opened many doors that you are unaware of yet, but as you can see, growth has come and it shall continue to come and it shall come and it shall come and it shall come.  But even greater yet I am pouring out my blessings upon you, blessings that you shall receive and you shall know that they come from me because they don’t come from others and therefore you shall be blessed.  I shall watch over you, I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe at all times, so don’t allow fear to come in or the things that you hear because you’re mine, saith your Father and I will watch over you. 

Believe not the evil reports, for they are not for you, but they are for the world.  For you’re not of the world, I have separated you from the world and you’re mine and therefore it is I, your Father God, that watches over you. 

For I always watch over my word to perform it and I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promise.  Therefore, there is nothing that you need to worry or fear about, for I have given you that promise that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously.  All you have to do is put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me and I will do it.

For the gold standard is small compared to my blessings, for not only do you receive them in here, but I shall have them in heaven for you even far greater. 

8-16-2020 am service

For my word goes out it never returns void, never, never, so when you send my word, not your words, but my words out they always return with the answer, the answer comes.  You can annul it, you can stop it, but my word is faithful.  It is not I, your Father God, that annuls these things or stops these things, for out of the abundance of your mouth your heart speaketh, and it is the things that come out of your heart that can hinder or bring success.  Therefore, I say, speak my word and my word only, stand on my word and my word only, allow my word to fill you with my power, with my authority, with my ability, for it is that hour right now, it is that hour now, saith your Father God.  It is the hour for you to walk as overcomers, the hour to be victorious in every area of your life, the hour not to walk in fear, there should be no fear whatsoever, whatsoever, for you have the power, you have the authority, you have the ability. 

For it is before the foundations of this earth before we set forth the rules, we set forth all the plans, all the laws, man may have failed them, but my laws have not changed.  And when you stand on my word, when you stand on my promise, when you do the things that I said you always, always are victorious.  If it is not working you’re not doing what I said, you’ve added in what you have said and what you said will not work, but what I said will work.  Therefore, as you walk with me, speak only, speak only my words. 

For I say unto you, my children, my word is like a rail that you were made to ride on, says the Lord, therefore any other method of moving is not of me, says the Lord and you’ll be lost, you’ll be stuck.  But ride on my word and it will get you where you need to go, says the Lord, therefore press into me that you may get there, says the Lord. 

For my word is not going out as strong to the Jewish people at the moment, saith your Father God.  For they have their two witnesses, they have them and they’re sharing with them the things that they need to know.  But this is the hour of the gentiles, the last, the very last, the very last hour of the gentiles and, therefore, I am speaking to you.  My word is for both, but there are words that are only for you and I am speaking those words to you, if you want to make it, if you want to make it, you must, you must follow my words. 

Be very careful on what you think about the new treaty because the treaty is not favorable to my people nor to the land I gave unto my people.  For they have divided it and you shall see the division not many days from now here in America and know that my word is true, you shall see that division.  But, I say unto you, read my word, if you cannot read my word and understand the news, stay off the news.  Read my word, know my word, it’s very important, very important and you must know, you must know what I have said. 

For I say unto you, my children, very soon now my light will go out to this world, says the Lord, for my church shall be removed in a twinkling of an eye, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to that light right now while it is still present that you can make it to where I have your destination set, says the Lord.

But this is the day and the hour that I have prepared for you, this is the day and the hour that I have spoken to you about, this is what it is all coming down to.  And there are many things that I have in store for you that are great, that are wonderful for this time and for this hour.  But only for those who are faithful to me, only to those who are really pressing in and following after me the way I have spoken unto you to do.  Only those who are speaking forth my words, for the negative words shall quickly come to pass, so watch what you speak, I have reminded you of this over and over and over again and yet some are not as careful as others.  But it is a different time now, but it is the hour for my word to be fulfilled, for my promises to be fulfilled and for my judgment to be fulfilled.  So remember that you don’t have to fear those things if you’re walking with me, if you’re doing the things that I have said.  But if you are not, then you need to beware, for judgment is coming very quickly.

Do you realize that the miracles come from my Son, Jesus, do you realize all you have to do is ask and you shall receive it?  I send the miracles, but do you receive it or are you so afraid?  I tell you today, come allow me to give you that miracle today, come and allow me to touch you today and don’t miss out, don’t let it go away, but keep it and hold onto that miracle.  Come and allow me to take the curses from you today, come and allow me to touch you today, come and allow me to fill you today, the Lord God says.  Come and allow me to move upon you today before it is too late.   

8-16-2020 pm service

Keep your hearts open, for I desire to do a mighty work in you this night, saith your Father God.  I desire to move in you and cause you to move in a higher realm than you have ever moved in before.  I desire to give you more power, more ability, I desire to give you more of me that I can have more of you.  For I need you and you need me, but you need me far more than I need you and yet I love you with an everlasting love.  I desire that you walk with me all the way to the home that I have prepared for you and not stop half way and not quite before the time and not draw back, but to press in, press in, press in. 

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve got a lot on the table for you to partake of, says the Lord.  Are you hungry, are you thirsty, come and get it, says the Lord, for I have prepared it for you this night, says the Lord. 

Remember there is a way that seemeth right unto man, but the end thereof is total destruction, walk according to my word.  For I have many, many blessings, many blessings for those that walk with me, for those that love me with all their heart. 

For I have given you a far greater calling than most understand or realize and yet I have equipped you to do everything that you need to do.  But yet the choice is always up to you on what you want to do.  Do you want to do the things that I have called you to do or do you want to go about and do your own thing, for the end of that way is destruction, but the end of the path that I have set aside for you is great blessings, is victory.  For I have called you and created you to be the overcomer and I have said that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously.  So come and receive all the things that I have for you, be open and allow me to do the work that needs to be done, for I can do it all, but you must allow me to do it. 

8-9-2020 am service

For the hour is now and I shall come, yes, I shall come, but will you be ready, will you be ready?  For the church is still asleep, the virus hasn’t woken them up, maybe the bubonic plague will wake them up, but they’re asleep.  I am looking for a vibrant church, a church without spot or wrinkle, a church that dares to overcome, a church that dares to speak my word, a church that dares to call everything into being knowing that I back it up one hundred percent by my word and I shall do the things that they ask, I am looking for that church, are you that church?

For I say unto you, my children, a church that loves me pumps my blood through its veins, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, is my love in you, do you love me, says the Lord, if you loved me you would be my friend, says the Lord, and you would be in my house every time the doors are open, says the Lord, and when you leave you would be in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and be my friend, says the Lord. 

What’s ahead you say, revival, revival, for that has to come along with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit before I can come.  Are you ready, are you calling it in, are you looking for it or are you asleep?  Wake up, wake up, wake up, the hour is at hand. 

Look far and wide, search through the Bible, search through the old, search through the new, and the only time you see the church in a defeated form such as it is now, saith your Father God, is when they are backslid, when they’re not serving me, when they are not pressing in.  Otherwise you see the victorious church, nothing, nothing could stop them no matter what the devil threw at them they were overcomers, they were victors and they led others into the victory.  Will you not rise up and do the same, will you not be my church, for I am looking for my church, where is my church?

For years I cried out to Israel that they might wake up, that they might hear, that they might come alive and over the years very few, very few, came alive.  So now I am calling out to you my church, for it’s your time, for they’ll stay behind for three and a half years and not even know that the rapture took place, are you going to be like them and stay the extra three and a half years and not make it into heaven?  But when you wake up, will you wake up and call out to me, press in with everything you got that I can use you to a hundred percent, not five percent or ten percent but one hundred percent.  All my strength, all my power, all my ability is flowing through you, that you bring in that revival, that it comes in.

I am calling out to those today who will stand with me and not be moved, who will stand like Daniel stood and continue to go forth serving me regardless what man told him he could or could not do.  I am looking for those who will fight with me and make it to the finish line.  For it is that time and it is that hour and I am calling you out, I am calling you out this day, come and stand with me, come and put all other things aside and stand with me.  Come and be all that I have called for you to be, for it is that time and it is that hour and very soon now I shall take my church out of here.  But only those without spot, only those without wrinkle, only those who have been refined by the fire of My Spirit, those that are pure, those that are holy.  For that is what I have called, that is how I have set it aside for this day and for this hour.  For many, many, many things shall come between now and then, but you do not have to fear those things, for I have said I would take you through these days victoriously.  But it is only for those that are asleep, for those that are not walking with me the way they should be, for those that they might have an opportunity to come back into the safety of the fold before it is too late.  So do not fear those things, but remember I have already given unto you my promise, I have already made you the overcomers, I have already made you the victors and all you have to do is stand in that place that I have prepared for you already, saith the Lord. 

For did you come with expectation today, for I have been speaking to you about expectation for the last three weeks?  But did you come to receive, did you just come because it is Sunday and you should be in the house of the Lord on Sunday, did you come for nothing, do you think you have arrived, even Paul never arrived, are you more wise than Paul, have you got more wisdom and knowledge?  Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up I say, wake up, the hour is here. 

8-9-2020 pm service

etc and I desire to shower my love upon you, to strengthen you, to comfort you, to protect you, for I watch over you every moment of the day, even when you are sleeping I have assigned my angels there and they are there for you, for you, because I love you and you have been found worthy, worthy of my praise, worthy of my desire, worthy to make you mine, mine, worthy to make you the overcomers, the victors.  For I am not ashamed of you, for I know I can trust you and I have put my trust in you, therefore, I say unto you, put your trust in me. 

For I say unto you, my children, allow my love to show through you, to shine through you, to flow through you, says the Lord, and in doing so everything you do shall prosper, says the Lord.  For I, your Father God, move in love, for I am love, everything that I do is out of my love, says the Lord, therefore love me and love those around you, says the Lord and let your light shine, says the Lord. 

Let not your hearts be troubled, for I am watching over you, I am protecting you.  Yes, many things shall come now, many evils shall come now, sicknesses shall come now, but fear not for they shall not come nigh your dwelling.  For I watch over you, no sickness, no disease, no pestilence can enter your dwelling, for it dies instantly in the name of Jesus.  Therefore lift up your banner high, let them know who you belong to, for when the devil and his angels see that banner they’ll flee, they’ll flee, they’ll flee.  Draw nigh unto me and I shall draw nigh unto you.

You know the Lord has been speaking to me, he said to tell you that the drought is over, the latter rain is coming, and the dry places they are going to become rivers because of the presence of God, for they shall fall out like the church has never seen before.  Get ready; get ready, saith the Lord, for I am going to do it, for I am not a God that I should lie.

For, yes, truly it is that time and it is that hour and all you have to do is open up unto me and allow me to do the work that needs to be done.  Allow me to move upon you like never before, allow me to fill you and cause that fire just to become so alive in you that it spreads like wildfire to those around you, to those who are in need.  For truly it is that time now and it is that hour and it is and you shall see it, for I have called it into being and I have spoken it and therefore my word shall come to pass even as it says that it shall be fulfilled, for you will see those things fulfilled.  So fear not the things that shall come, but get ready, come with great expectation, did you come expecting tonight, for many were not expecting this morning, so how can I move upon you if you don’t come expecting.  For every time you come into my house be ready to receive the things that I have for you, for I will pour out My Spirit upon those who will receive, saith the Lord. 

For let your hearts be filled, filled with my love, receive all the power that I decide to give unto you that you can  be the overcomer, that you could be the victor.  For you have the same power, the same anointing, the same assurance as anybody that you read about in the Bible and I given it through you.  So fear not, fear not, but draw nigh unto me, draw nigh unto my power and let it be so. 

For the former was always poured out with moderation, but there will be no moderation for the last part as I have promised you, for My Spirit shall be poured out without measure.  But only those who are open can receive the things that I have for them, only those who come with expectation can receive the things that I have for them.  So understand how important that is and come and receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.     

8-5-2020 pm service

For my love is shed abroad in your heart and as you counsel  others and as you share your testimony with them my love touches them, they listen.  Be not afraid to tell them of my love, let them know that I love them, that the time is short, that soon, soon, very soon they shall be with me, that they need to know these things and the only one that can tell them is you.  So be not bashful, be not afraid, but speak the word, speak the word. 

For yes, truly, I desire to use you because you are never too young to be used by me.  For all throughout my word young people did amazing things, because they trusted in me and did the things that I told them to do, you can do like that also.  So do not fear those things, but remember I have given unto you all of my power and all of my authority and you can use that.  All you need to do is know how to use it and you can find that out by getting into my word and studying to show yourself approved, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.  That is my promise that I have given unto you and for those who get into and study my word I can do great things through them. 

For, yes, I have many great things in store for you in the coming days ahead, so do not fear the things that are taking place in the world, but remember that these things have to come to pass now because of the day and the hour that you are living in.  But learn to trust me like never before, put all of your confidence in me, for I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously, for all you need to do is trust in me.  

8-2-2020 am service

For as my word speaks unto you this day, saith your Father, you shall hear again over and over and over, you shall know within your heart that there shall be a change that needs to take place to reach that goal.  You may think that you’re there, but I will not tell you if you were not, if you are not, I would rejoice with you.  But it is the hour to go from the very sensible to the foundation out into the deeper truth, far deeper truth, truth that you knew but you never understood and, therefore, never applied.  But now you shall apply it and as you apply it you shall see the miracles, you shall see the signs, you shall see the wonders as you have never seen them before.  You shall see those that shall come, those that will take place and stay, those that will be one hundred percent sold out to me, for it is that hour and it is that time, therefore, I say, rejoice, rejoice, for the hour is here.

For Gideon was much like you hiding from the enemy, afraid to come out in the open, afraid that the enemy might defeat you.  But when I showed him and he realized he didn’t need the numbers he thought he did, and when I shrunk him down to the mere three hundred, he knew, he knew above and beyond any doubt that it is me, it is not him, it’s me. 

For I say unto you, my children, it is time to break the ice and go get my fish, says the Lord, for my fish are under the ice.  It is time to warm the heart, says the Lord, let that warmth of my love shine through you that it melts the heart as they come unto me, says the Lord. 

For it is that time, it is that hour and I have spoken that again and again and again and yet most do not even realize the lateness of the hour that you are yet living in and see the signs that are all around.  Are you not seeing them, are you not aware of the things that are taking place all over the world?  For they should be very clear, but most are caught up in their own wants and their own desires and are really not paying attention to the things that I desire to do.  They have not followed after me one hundred percent yet; they have not laid aside those things that so easily beset them as I have said to do.  But it is that time now, it is that hour and there is a great work that is yet to be done and I am calling on you my people to stand up and answer that call and to set aside those other things and to come, come, come after me.  Come and do the things that I desire for you to do, come and be all that I have called for you to be, for it is that time now and it is that hour now and you shall see and understand things far more clearer now as I have opened your eyes and your understanding to things that you did not see or understand as clearly before, but you shall see that, saith the Lord.

For the enemy has plans for you too and he hears you when you speak of my plans, therefore he knows my plans also and at the moment his plans are working, they’re working, they’re working, he is causing delay, he is stealing from your finances, he is doing the things that will slow you down or hinder you.  But when you call upon my name, when you repent, when you turn to me, suddenly, suddenly it shall turn so fast that he will not be able to keep up with it and it shall catch up where it belongs to be and you shall know suddenly.

There is a great war coming, there is a great war coming and I call on my children to wage war on the enemy, I call on my children to get their act together to wage war.  But you are running here and running over there and this one says that and the other one says another thing, you are not together.  So, I say to you today, a great war is coming and I need all of you to be together, I need all of you on my side, on my side, I need all of you.  Because a great man of war is coming to help, a great man of war who is marching, who will help battle against the enemy, and so I am asking now, stand up and be warriors for me, stand up and serve me and me only, stand up or the war will not be won.

Do you not realize if you have me you have the victory, the devil cannot win unless you allow him to, the devil cannot win unless you stand down.  You need to stand up to the devil today, you need to tell him you have the victory in the name of Jesus, you need to tell him that you have the victory in the healing, you need to tell the devil you have the victory in every area of your life today.  You need to tell the devil to get out of your life and tell him you have Jesus and Jesus is all you need, you need to tell the devil you are the victor.  Today do a victory march and come and allow me to touch you.  

8-2-2020 pm service

Oh how I love you and I came this night to meet every one of your needs, to touch you, to deliver you, to set you free.  For I am here, saith your Father God, I am here for you, just call out my name and I shall touch you.  I shall deliver, I shall set free, I shall take you to a higher ground you’ve been praying about, that higher ground you have been seeking for, I shall take you there.  But I need to cleanse you first, I need to wash you in the blood again that you’re pure and white and then I can take you, yes, I can take you.  Are you ready, are you ready, for I’m ready?

For I say unto you, my children, you must be open that I am able to do this, says the Lord, therefore if you are closed off it I cannot touch you, says the Lord.  Therefore, open yourselves up this night to me, says the Lord, therefore I continually work on you, says the Lord, to make you what you ought to be, says the Lord, not what you want to be but what I desire you to be, says the Lord. 

For as you call out to me I hear you, realize that, expectation should then rise and as that expectation rises I can meet your needs. 

Allow me, stop looking around, stop daydreaming, for the waters are moving right now, miracles are ready, healings are ready, deliverances are ready, but are you ready, are you ready?

For are you really coming expecting me to move upon your behalf or did you come like you always do just as tradition has taught you?   But I say, you need to come with expectation, for then I can move upon your behalf.  For if you come looking for me to move, the door is wide open, but when I speak to you and say, hey, I am ready to move and yet you are not ready because you did not come with that expectation.  You need to come with that expectation, you need to be ready, you need to be open, you need to be willing for me to move upon your behalf, saith the Lord. 

For truly I desire to do a great work even in your very lives this very night, are you ready, are you open, are you willing for me to move upon your behalf and do those things that need to be done?  For it is that time and it is that hour and I am raising up my army, I am making you ready for the things that are ahead, but do you want the things that I have for you?

7-29-2020 pm service

etc love, a love that you don’t understand at the moment, a love that you probably don’t think about at the moment, but I am always here for you, I am always trying to reach out to you, I am always trying to touch you, make you aware of me that I am here for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, come unto me, draw closer to me and you shall find that I am there, yes I am, and I shall watch over you and protect you and keep you safe and I shall take you all the way through, just put all your trust in me. 

For, yes, I am your source, I am your supply, I am the one that you put all of your trust and confidence in, for I will move upon your behalf in mighty and powerful ways if you do that, and the things that you can do if you put all of your trust in me are great.  For you can do great things, even though you might be small, even though you think you might be little or no use to me, you are a great use to me.  For I use children more than I have used adults at times just because children are open and willing to do the things that I need and ask for them to do.  So trust me with all of your heart and follow after me and see what I will do for you. 

For even though the days ahead are not good they shall be good for you, for I, your Father God, shall make them good that you can feel, that you can see, that you can know my love.

7-26-2020 am service

The river is flowing, a river that cannot be stopped, that cannot be turned back, that cannot be hindered any longer, for it is that hour and it is that time, saith your Father God.  Yes, that river is flowing, but you must step in, you must wade out, you must wade out until you can no longer walk, until you have to swim, swim, for it is in the swimming that you shall gain your strength, it is in the swimming you shall gain your knowledge, it is in the swimming that I am able to do the miracles, signs and wonders that you desire.  So open yourself unto me this day, saith your Father, for as you open yourself unto me that river shall flow. 

For there is no age limit in me, only desire, expectation, willingness, are you willing, for I am willing and being that I am willing I can do all things even through you. Even to move the mountains, to cause the worldwide revival to come, to spring up out of the dead bones, to come to life that my word can go around the world and that revival it comes, for we need that last revival and we need it now. 

For I say unto you, my children, for I am stirring my church up, says the Lord, stirring it up so the gifts flow, says the Lord, that I am able to move, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, be open unto me, says the Lord and do the things that I have called you to do, says the Lord. 

For truly the river is flowing, it is not up to me the river is flowing, it is up to you, your expectations, your obedience, your willingness to step out and step in.  For you must step out then you must step in, you must allow me, not yourself, you must die to self, you must allow me, you can no longer be afraid to move in the Spirit.  You can no longer be afraid to say the things that I tell you to say, you can no longer be the shy one that hold back and hides back.  So come out of that fear, for I haven’t given you a spirit of fear, for I have given you a sound mind.  Therefore, function in that mind, have that mind of Christ Jesus functioning in you and then I, your Father God, can cause that river to flow even more so.

For it is a very small, a very small stream that started from under the altar and as it moved, as it flowed, as it became a gushing river, a mighty outpouring of My Spirit, nothing, nothing could hinder it.  There were no obstacles that could stand in its way, for I am God and I desire to show my glory, I desire to show my ability that the world will see and come into the fold and be safe.  Open up, open up and allow it to flow this day, saith your Father. 

It all started on the day of Pentecost that their worship day, the new creation, the new ability that came with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Jews did not accept it, but the gentiles with opened arms accepted it and the hour of the gentiles is coming close to the end.  Therefore, it is your time now, saith your Father God, it is your hour now, it is the hour of gentiles in the fullness of their power, in the fullness of their ability, that they move forth, that they move forth and others will lag behind and stay until the end, but the gentiles will go in the rapture. 

Therefore, do not fear the things that are ahead for the world, for they are not for the church, they are not for those that are walking with me in the way that I have called you to walk, but if you are not walking with me then beware, for destruction shall come to you if you are not with me.  But you have my promise; you have my word that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, that there would be a great outpouring of my revival that was greater than anything ever seen before and it is that time and it is that hour now.  So why not enter into that instead of entering into the cares of the world.  Let go of those cares of the world, let go of those things that so easily beset you and enter into the river, come to my river, come wade out a little bit deeper, for the water is better the deeper you get and the greater the things are the deeper you get.  Don’t just come in ankle deep, don’t just come in knee deep, don’t just come in knee deep, but allow yourself to become fully submerged in my river, saith the Lord. 

7-26-2020 pm service

I am the Lord thy God, I am above and not below, for I am the creator of the whole universe, I set the orders and plans, I made the plans of all creation, all authority belongs to me.  There is no authority unless I delegate that authority and then that authority is never, never, never above me, my word is the final authority.  But in these days Satan is trying to convince you that his authority is above mine, Satan is trying to make the rules, Satan is trying to set the plans, but my people who are called by my name know that, that is not so.  Therefore, they stand and obey my word, they follow my word, they instruct others and teach others my word that my word once again will become the final authority and you’ll stand or die on my word.  Therefore, I say unto you, speak life, speak life unto yourself, speak abundance, speak abundance, speak joy, speak joy, speak healing, speak healing, speak deliverance, speak deliverance, speak the things that will set you free.  Do not cling to, hold on to, the things that will destroy you.  You have had many years now to set a guard at your mouth and you haven’t set a guard at your mouth and I am telling you, set a guard at your mouth.  Don’t run off at the mouth cause only a fool runs off at the mouth, but let my word, let my word be the authority, let my word, let my word loose, loose my word, loose my word, for it’s that hour, saith your Father. 

For I say unto you, my children, I have spoken my word and I will not repent of my word, says the Lord, for my word has been given, it has been focused and it will come to pass, says the Lord.  And the very hairs upon your head I know them, says the Lord, therefore I know each and every one of you by name, I knew each and every one of you before anyone knew you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, do what I have called you to do, rise up and do the things that I have called you to do my children, for this is the time that I have appointed you to, says the Lord, rise up, rise up, rise up. 

For my eyes are upon you, but how do you receive them, says the Lord, you defeat yourself by the words you say out of your mouth.  Do you not know that I have spoken unto you and said that life and death are in the power of the tongue?  Therefore, I have said unto you, to put a guard upon your mouth and speak only my word that you speak only the things that you desire to have.  My words are life, the words of the evil one brings death, be reminded of that, speak only my word, speak only my word.  It is my word that brings life, it is my word that brings abundance into your life, do you not know that?  Oh, I say unto you, speak my word only and you shall receive all that I have for you in this hour and this time, know that my favor is upon those who speak my word, cause they walk according to my word. Line yourself up with my word like never before; do you not know that the enemy seeks whom he can devour?  Therefore, I say unto you, line up yourself with my word, speak my favor upon you, which is my word, know that I have given unto you my favor that you may walk in the abundance that I have for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, line yourself up with my word; speak my word only, says the Lord.  

For you must walk in the Spirit realm, for when you walk in the Spirit realm you walk according to the Spirit.  Those that don’t know the Spirit realm need to hurry, get into my word, learn how to walk in the Spirit realm, because you are missing far too much, you do not know if it is a good spirit or a bad spirit or a human spirit.  You are not aware of the things that are going on and yet my word teaches that if you have been in my word then you can discern both good and bad, and you are not discerning, and therefore you have not been in my word as instructed.  Therefore, I say to you, get into word, get into my word, get into my word. 

For there is great power in your words, more than you realize.  Are you speaking good or are you speaking bad, are you speaking the positive or are you speaking the negative?  You must answer those questions and realize that it is time for a change, it’s time to line yourself up with me, it’s time that only my word will speak forth out of your mouth.  For life and death lies in the power of the tongue and you choose what you speak forth, for those things that you speak forth you will call into being whether you like them or not.  It hasn’t been like this as much before as it is now, but it is now more so because of the time that you are living in.  So it’s time, it’s time to tighten up, it’s time to get ahold of these things and realize that you aren’t living in the same time today as you were last year or even a week ago or a month ago.  It’s a different time now, it’s the very last hour, it’s the hour that I have told you about over and over and over again and the enemy is fighting like mad to stop it.  But he only does what you allow him to, for he cannot stop me and he cannot stop those who are doing what I have called them to do.  For I have called you to be the overcomers, I have called you to be the victors and I have called you to speak forth my word.   

7-22-2020 pm service

For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to walk with you and have you walk with me.  For as you walk with me I can give unto you wisdom, I can give unto you knowledge, I can lift you up on high and show you things and teach you things that you know not that you can be the overcomers and walk in the fullness of the strength, the fullness of my power that you can be all that I am, for I desire to bless you, oh I desire to bless you.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw nigh unto me, for as you draw nigh unto me I’ll draw nigh unto you and as I draw nigh unto you, you shall receive the power that I have promised you and you shall know and you shall be and you shall act even as I know, even as I act, for you shall be mine, saith your Father God,

There are many things that I desire that you do for me, even though you are young you’re able to do the things that I ask of you, you’re able to walk with men and you can heal, yes, you can deliver, you can set free.  For I give you that strength, I give you that power, I give you that ability, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that you can’t do.  Therefore, get into my word and study my word and know my word, for the more of my word that you know the more of me that you know. 

For this shall be a rush job in a way, saith your Father God, for the time is short, but I can show you, I can teach you, I can instruct you far beyond your years and you shall walk in my wisdom and you shall walk in my knowledge.  Therefore, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing shall be impossible for you.  

Therefore, fear not the things that shall come and take place in the world, for I have already made a way that you can walk above those things.  I have already made a way where you can be the overcomer, where you can be the victor, for that is what I have done already for you and I desire to do so much more and yet it is going to happen so fast it will be like a wild ride, but the best one you have ever been on.  So get ready and hold on tight, for I desire to do many things and I desire to use you.

7-19-2020 am service

For truly this is the hour of the overcomers, for I have put out the call to all those that decide to become overcomers, and I remind them of the upside-down triangle, that as you get closer to the bottom there is less wiggle room.  Therefore holiness must be, for without holiness no man, no man shall see God regardless of what they have done, if there is not holiness they shall not see God.  Therefore, I call upon you to draw yourself closer unto me, to come unto me, to draw into the fold that I may work through you and bring you to that place.  For the time is very short and yet there is ample time to fulfill all, all that I said that I would do.  And you shall see the glory of God, not only manifested in heaven, but also in your life and around your life.  You shall see the answers of your prayers, you shall see the promises all fulfilled, but remember, remember it’s a time of the overcomer.

For overcomers are steadfast, they’re strong, they’re unmoveable, they will not run from a fight, they’re not afraid, there is no fear in them and therefore they walk, they walk according to my word, they walk according to my power, they walk according to my ability. 

For I say unto you, my children, I have invested much into you, you need to invest in me, says the Lord, for the things that I have for you are greater than anything this world can supply you, says the Lord.  For I have given unto you everything, everything, do you hear me, everything I have given unto you.  Therefore come unto me and receive those things, says the Lord, put your investment in me that you will have that which you have need of, says the Lord. 

For the fullness of joy is only found in the overcomers, the fullness of all the promises are only found in the overcomers.  For they are the ones that press forward and receive the things that I have said.  They don’t stand back and look a far off and feel that they are going to arrive at a point that they can’t arrive at, because they are not pressing in towards that point.  They have no fear, for fear destroys faith, they’re the overcomers and that is what I, your Father God, call them, the overcomers.

For they are not slippery, sloppy agape, but they are true love, they stand fast; unmoveable they have but one desire to reach their goal.  They don’t care who else will reach it, they will reach out to them, but their main goal is getting there themselves.  For that is their desire, that is their hope, that is the great hope, that is there for all that are Christians, all that are willing to walk with me in holiness, all that are willing to press in, all that are willing to do all what I, their Father God, says. 

The enemy came and he said, I’m going to steal everything that I can from you, I’m going to take away everything you have.  I’m going to cause you to be nothing.  But I came, I came and I gave up my place for you, I came and I died and I overcame death for you and you can do the same, you can do the same.  Come on, come on, come up to me, come on and overcome, overcome what the enemy says he is going to do to you, because he is a liar, he says nothing of the truth.  The truth says, you are an overcomer, the truth says, come to me and I, I will take care of you, I will cause you to step with me and you will overcome. 

For I have far greater things in store for you than anything you could have ever thought or imagined, but you must take hold of them, you must take hold of them my children.  For I have given you all of my promises, but if you don’t take hold of them you can’t fully receive them.   And I have given you my word and you can stand upon it and know without a shadow of a doubt that is shall come to pass and I will do everything that I said that I would do.  So put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me and I will carry you through the days ahead victoriously and you shall be an overcomer. 

Do you realize I have already overcome sickness, do you realize I have already overcome death, do you realize I have already overcome every disease and pestilence in this world?  Do you realize I have already overcame poverty, do you realize whatever your need is all you have to do is bring it to me today?  So get up and give me whatever your need is, cause I have already overcame it, the Lord God says.   

7-19-2020 pm service

I love you very dearly, more than you realize and my love is shed abroad in your hearts and now it is time for you to shed that same love, that same love abroad in the other hearts.  It’s time to bring in the harvest, the harvest is ready, it is ripe, they are looking forward to coming, they are excited about coming and they shall fill this place very quickly to overflowing.  And they shall call out upon my name, they’ll not be a dead church, they will come alive, shouting and praising and worshiping me and exalting my name above every other name and you’ll sense the difference, you’ll know the difference, you’ll see the difference, why, because I love you. 

For I say unto you, my children, my people come panting for me, says the Lord, they don’t come expecting nothing but they come panting for something, they come panting for me.  They come panting because they love me, they desire me, they desire my word, they desire My Spirit, they desire the power that I give unto them to succeed in life, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, pant after me, says the Lord, pant after me.  

For my love is flowing from my throne with more power, with more anointing, with more of everything than ever before, because the hour is very short, the time is short and those that love me are drawing closer to me.  They are ready to fight for me, they are ready to go to battle, their love is so strong it shall bring up a harvest and you shall see that harvest and you shall dwell in the midst of that harvest and you shall rejoice in that harvest.  For truly I love you and you love me. 

There are many things that I desire to do for you because I love you, but not many have chosen to put me first yet and yet that is what this time is all about.  A time to come before me and repent and turn the other way, that is putting me first and putting other things aside to do the things that I desire for you to do.  For many things will not go back to the way you once knew them, but it is because of the day and the hour you are living in.  For I have promised great things for my church, for those who are doing the things that I have called for them to do, I have promised great things, you should be expecting to see those great things.  But do not let the things that are going on in the world take your eyes off of what I desire to do.  For it is the hour that you need to spend more time in prayer, more time in the word preparing for the things that I desire for you to do.  For you are in the last few years and I have shown you that very clearly and that should be very clear to everyone.  But most are not really paying attention, and so when greater things come they will be caught off guard, because they are not ready or expecting it because they do not think it is time yet.  But it is time, it is that hour and, therefore, it is time to do the things that I have called for you to do.  It is time to bring in the harvest; it is time for my church to get into the place where I can use you, where you come into my house expecting me to move upon your behalf.  For those that waited on the day of Pentecost were expecting me to move because I promised them that I would.  I have promised you that I would move and yet are you expecting me to do great things upon your behalf?  Maybe that is where you are missing it, but if you begin to expect, then I can move upon your behalf in a mighty and powerful way and oh the things that shall take place will be so great and it is my desire for you to receive everything that I have for you and I don’t want you to miss out, so come expecting to receive of me,  

For when the breezes flow freely and people worship with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind, then miracles take place, then signs and wonders follow, there is a shaking and a drawing closer and you shall see and you shall know, for truly it shall happen.  

7-15-2020 pm service

For my love is shed abroad in your hearts because I love you, I watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, but you need to learn to call out to me, you need to call upon me and I’ll hear and I’ll answer and I’ll supply every single need that you have.  For the more trust you put in me the more I’ll move on your behalf, the more expectation you have of what I shall do for you, for there in nothing, absolutely nothing that’s impossible for me to do.  Therefore, I say, call upon me and I will answer. 

Beware of the dangers, mark them, don’t be fooled, beware of the dangers. 

For I hear your voice in the middle of the night, I know, I know and I come and I answer, I am always there for you whether it is daytime or nighttime.  And those that are against you, I know them and I mark them and I keep you safe from them, but listen to my voice, listen to my voice, listen. 

For many time really you are not even listening to my voice and yet my word says that my sheep shall know my voice, the problem is, is that you have never developed that close of a relationship where we can talk to each other.  Oh yes, you talk to me, but you don’t always take the time to listen, but if you would set that time aside and listen I will speak to you and I will show you things that you need to know.  But you need to spend that time with me; you need to set aside that time with me.  For I do not desire that you walk around not knowing what is going to take place, for I desire to enlighten you, but you must give me that chance, you must give me that opportunity and you must get to know my voice like you have never known it before.  Because then I can speak to you at any moment and you know without a shadow of a doubt, you need to have that type of a relationship with me.

7-12-2020 am service

For truly I love you with an everlasting love and my love is shed abroad in your heart that you may shed it into others that they may know me and love me and walk with me even as you walk with me.  For it is my desire that the revival that shall now come shall be the greatest, the greatest of all time and you shall see it and you shall walk in it.  It shall be a great part in your life drawing you even closer to me, closer than ever before that you can flow as one, that when the world looks upon you they see me, they hear me, they know me, they follow me.  For that is my desire, saith your Father, my desire is to love you that you will love me.

My heart desires is that you are full of me that, there is more of me and less of you, what is your desire my children.  Is your desire to draw close unto me, for I tell you it is the hour to draw close unto me and to know my word like never before that you can walk in power, that you can walk in the ability, that you can walk in the anointing that I have given unto you even though the world is going to get darker yet, greater and darker and many things are going to happen in the world, but you are not of the world, you are mine.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me like never before, allow me to fill you to overflowing that you become the vessels that I desire you to be.  For do you not know that I have need of you for this hour and this time, for do you not know that I need laborers to go out into the harvest field and gather them.  For it is you my children I am calling, each and every single one of you to be my hands and to be my feet.  Oh, I say unto you, you cannot go out into those fields empty, you have to go out into those fields full, full of me.  Therefore, I say unto you, empty yourself out and fill up with me, that you can go, that you can go and give unto others the way that I have guided you to.    

For I say unto you, my children, it is an hour to cast down the thoughts and the vocal deeds of the devil, says the Lord.  Do not allow them to have a seat in your spirit, says the Lord, but cast them out in my name, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, come together as I have said so and be one, says the Lord.  

For it is an hour of great things, far greater than anything you have ever thought or imagined, far greater than anything that has ever been seen before.  For I have saved the best for last and for those who are walking according to my word and doing the things I have called for them to do.  They shall walk in the fullness of it.  But for those who are not, they shall go through many trials and troubles that they would not have to go through if they were trusting me the way they should be, if they had really followed after me the way I had said.  For the enemy desires to take you out of here before it is time, but I, your Father God, it is my desire that you remain here until I take my church out before the wrath is poured out.  So don’t allow the enemy to tear you down, to drag you down, to defeat you, for he has already been defeated, all you have to do is remind him of that and rise to your place and your position and put him under your feet, for that is where he belongs, saith the Lord. 

For it is an hour that the world will need to change, you do not need to change, you need to draw closer to me, but the world they need to change.  The virus will make them change, but change in ways they do not want to change and bring forth things they do not want to see.  For you shall see when there are no coins left, you’ll see when the dollar bills and the five dollar bills and the ten dollar bills will vanish and the mark, the cashless society shall come, you shall see that.  You shall see the bubonic plague when it comes back, for it has been released already and it is already on its way, you shall see that.  But it will not affect you, for I shall watch over you, you need to read Psalms ninety one and that is my promise to you, that Psalm I will fulfill to you for you are mine, saith your Father God.  And you shall walk in the victory of that and you shall have the promise of that and you shall be with me and I shall be with you and my hand shall be upon you and I shall guide you, I shall direct you, I shall keep you in the path that you should walk in.  So, therefore, fear not anything that comes, for it is not for you and I will keep it from you.  Remember that promise, don’t forget that promise, it is not for you, and I will keep it from you but continue to walk closer to me, continue to draw near, for it is that time and it is that hour.

Beware, beware of this fall starting in September to November, remember those dates, remember those dates, for you shall see many things that take place.  Even though I have set you free in many areas you shall be free, there shall be Christians that shall fight you every step that you try to take.  Fear not for I have made you the overcomer and you will overcome, you will walk in the victories and I will stop them that fight you, I will remove them that refuse to stop, for I shall strengthen you, I shall comfort you and I shall direct you, for you are mine. 

For the world will need to repent, the world will need to change and therefore I bring the revival before long and the revival shall be so great, so powerful, so mighty, multitudes, literally multitudes, millions, millions shall come into the safety of the fold.  

7-12-2020 pm service

Every offering that you bring to me I receive, for I am blessed and I am honored when you give unto me and therefore I give unto you even more so.  For my word declares whatsoever measure that you give out to me I will give you more, I always give you more because I love you, and I desire to bless you, I desire to walk with you.  I desire to show you my love that you can know how much I love you, how much I care for you and then as you walk with me you can tell others about my love.

For I say unto my children, your love must be white hot for me in this final hour, says the Lord, for the things that are going on that the devil has planned are great, says the Lord, for him but not for my church, my church is greater, says the Lord.  But those that follow him they shall see a great fall, for my church shall see a great victory, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, you need to love me, love me, love me, says the Lord. 

For even love worketh by faith and faith worketh by love, therefore when you show my love your faith is in operation even more so, you’re not dead, but your heart is bringing forth the manifestations of the things that I have sent, the things that you believe in, the things that you utter.  And as you go in my strength and power that love even increase even more so and with that love you can move mountains, you can do the things that I say unto you and love casts out fear also.  So love does many things and causes you to be a giant, a giant of love.

For it is my desire to do many things for you because I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, I desire to bless you beyond your widest imagination because I love you, because I have chosen you, because you have been faithful to me.  But for those that are unfaithful I cannot move upon their behalf, I cannot do those things that I desire to do, yes, I desire to do it for them too.  For I love the unsaved, but they must choose me in order for My Spirit to be opened up unto them.  But you see it is my love, my love, my love and my arms are wide open and at any moment anyone can turn unto me and I am there waiting for them to love them even more so.  Have that kind of love that My Spirit can move through you in a mighty and powerful way to touch those that do not know me that they might come into the safety of the fold before it is too late. 

Before the foundations of the earth my love was poured out and my Son came and died for you because of my love.  Do not forget that love, do not forget that I love you, but press into that love and I shall meet your every need. 

I invite you, come and be with me, come and eat with me, come and dance with me, come and sing with me, come and sit with me so that I can touch you, so that I can love you, so that I can be in you as you are in me.  So come, come and be with me.    

7-5-2020 Campmeeting evening service

Now lift you your voices in your new heavenly language and come on into my presence, into the holy of holies, let me bless you spiritually, let me bless you in everyway possible, just enter in and come, I say unto you, come.

For it is always my desire to take you to a higher realm, many never enter into the higher realm, they have never been taught, they have never been encouraged.  But as they enter into the higher realm there are many things that I can show you and teach you and share with you that you can’t enter into in the lower realm.  For I desire to bless you, I desire to raise you up to the place, when the enemy tries to come he will flee from here.

Can you imagine what it would be like if you were all walking in one accord, unified in My Spirit, oh how great that would be, how joyful that would be, for it is music to my ears when my children are singing forth my praises in unison.  They have to be in unison, it has to be unity, see there has to be a unity, for the enemy has tried to bring division, he has tried to put up walls, but there has to be a unity.  The unity has to come, for I have to unify my house or I cannot really bring my true revival and my desire.  For even I at times must clean out my own house and I desire that you would all come unto me and unite yourselves with each other and me, but if you don’t make that choice to do that then I must clean my house, so understand those things my children.  But it is my desire for you to enter in, but I cannot force you to, I cannot make you do it, it must be a choice that you choose to do.  You are the one that must choose to follow, you are the one that must choose to walk with me, I cannot make you do that, for that is the gift that I have given unto you, but it is always your choice, it has always been your choice.  But when you make your choice my choice it is always greater, it is always far superior, then I can pour My Spirit out without measure.  So, remember, it is important that there needs to be unity and you need to unite yourself with each other and with me, keep that in mind.  Because, remember, the days ahead are going to be harder for world and for those that are not walking with me.  So, remember, you must walk in unity, not only with each other but also with me and then you will see as my fire is rained down upon you and the fire comes upon the roof and you will see that day very soon now, very soon now, very soon now.  For I have sent My Spirit to unify your body, to unify your members and you shall see it, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you, there is no plateau while you are in these bodies, says the Lord, for you are continuously moving higher and higher or lower and lower, says the Lord.  For my will for you is to go higher and higher and higher and higher and higher, says the Lord.  Grab ahold of me so when I return, says the Lord, you will make it to where your destination lies, says the Lord.

For there is a way in the spirit realm that is above the snake line and when you enter into that realm your enemy cannot enter into that realm, all distractions cannot enter into that realm, no division can enter into that realm, but you’re walking in a realm where peace, where my word can fill you, where my word can instruct you, where you can rise even higher to the very peek of the mountains.  Oh what a joy it is when you’re above the snake line, learn how to climb above the snake line. 

Are you a child of God, that is my question to you, are you a child of God, if you are a child of God today I challenge   you to unite together then come pray at the altars, come and pray to my God that is when the walls are going to be broken. 

For truly Paul learned how to reign above all, he entered into the third heaven and he heard things and found things that most had never seen.  Then watchman Nee perhaps the greatest of all, he walked in that realm even though they dissected his body piece by piece, he reigned above it all, he reigned above it all.  And when on that glorious day I took him home to be with me, before he reached heaven, every part was back and he is singing and shouting and praising God yet with me.  Someday you will learn how to reign above it all, learn that it is important, for then you can escape all the troubles of the world, all the pain, all the suffering, all the sorrow.  For there is a place for you, oh yes there is, that is why I said you are already seated in heavenly places, learn how to seat yourself there.

The Lord would have everybody to know tonight that he has prepared a sacred table for you, and everything that you have need of is on that table, no matter what it is he is at that table to serve you that you won’t leave here the way you came, but to leave here victorious in Jesus name.  He is the God of more than enough, he has got more than enough on that table for you, all you have to do is come and let him serve you.      

7-5-2020 Campmeeting Afternoon Service

Open your ears wide, for the Spirit is going to move, he is going to speak to you, he is bringing miracles, he is bringing signs, he is bringing wonders, his packages are full.  Some may miss them, but he says, but those that come expecting shall receive, therefore ask yourself what do I expect?

At this year’s youth camp there will be an army between my warriors and Satan’s, that he is going to be trying to stop you in youth camp cause there is going to be more kids that want to learn more about me, but Satan doesn’t want them because Satan wants to stop them and use them.  But when they are around me Satan can’t use them and there will be an army between them, cause Satan is sending his army in but my army is already here and it’s ready, it’s ready.  But Satan is trying to stop them, he is trying to send ambush, but my army knows it.  So stay with me, be faithful, cause I will protect you.

Therefore, I say unto you, open up your hearts unto me, says the Lord, that I can fill your hearts, take out those things that don’t belong there, says the Lord and you can receive me, not ninety nine percent but a hundred percent, says the Lord.  For these last days it is a hundred that I need, not the ninety-nine, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say, you must be obedient a hundred percent to me and my word, says the Lord. 

For it is your job to go after the one, it is your job to go after the one, look to the one, look to the one, bring them safely into the fold that I, your Father God, shall move mightily and your greatest day shall be on the eighth, the eighth, look for the one, look for the one. 

Be very skillful, be like a surgeon with a very sharp knife, because you have many that are coming in bondages like you have never heard of, remember last year, remember that.  But with the knife that I give unto you acting like a surgeon you can set them free.

The Lord says, today, have I not told you my rod, my staff will comfort you, have I not told you my rod and my staff will comfort you, I am here to comfort each and every one of you.  Today be ready to come to the altars leaving your needs at the altars, don’t take them back with you, but  leave them at the altar.  The Lord God says, there are people in here hurting, there are people in here with disease, there are people in here with arthritis, there are people in here with cancer, the Lord God says today is the day to be set free from it.  There are people in here that needs to be set free from sickness and disease, the Lord God says come today, today is the day of miracles. 

For truly am I not the God of the impossible, am I not the God that can do all things, for I desire to do those things for you, I desire to break those chains of bondage, I desire for the captives to be set free.  I desire for those who need to come and receive the things that I have for them, for you would be at the altar already if you are listening.  Run to the altar, run to the altar and receive the things that I have for you, saith the Lord.     

7-5-20 Campmeeting Morning service

For truly I came this very day and I spoke my word over this place, many did not recognize me nor do they know the spirits that I sent to speak to you, but I came.  I stopped the division, I confirmed my call upon this place, I spoke about my angels that were set over to watch over this place and how they were ready to go to war if need be.  I spoke about Ananias and Sapphira and how you see them fall dead in the church that fear might come upon you where you begin to seek me with all your hearts, with all your souls, with all your minds, for did that not happen during the book of Acts?  Yes, I confirmed what I am going to do and you shall notice and see the changes today, saith your Father God, you shall see them.  For I came, I was called out, I was heard and I came to my servant and I ministered unto him and those round about that were witnesses heard the things that I said.  Oh, what a day you shall see, from this day forth, saith your Father God, run to the altars when you are called and you shall receive. 

For it is a special calling that I have placed upon you that no one else has, it is a calling that shall be fulfilled, for it has been recorded in my word and therefore it must come to pass.  But Jesus is coming very soon and it is my desire that my church be ready, the church without spot, the church without wrinkle, the church that has been purified through the fire, for then you can come out on the other side as a pure gold.  You lose everything else that is not of me and you come out as pure.  Let yourselves be purified even this day that when you come out on the other side you are nothing but a vessel that is fit for the master’s use.  All of the impurities have been removed and you are perfect and can do the things that I have called for you to do, for truly that is my desire, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you, my children, I’ve placed my staff into the ground here, says the Lord, and therefore I say unto you, come unto me, come unto me and be corrected, says the Lord.  For I will drive out the enemy before you, says the Lord, for many here have possessions, says the Lord, that need to be dealt with, therefore I say, come before it is too late, says the Lord. 

Let your eyes be focused upon the calling upon this place, for this calling is from Almighty God.  Do not focus on people, focus on my calling, why did I bring you here, why did you come, what is my desire.  For the man of God says you shall be the first, the first to start the revival and bring it in from this spot here, for I have called that so, I’ve called that so.  So let your focus always be not on man but on the call that I, Almighty God, has placed upon this place, has placed upon you.  Why did you come, you came because of the calling, you may deny it, but you came because of the calling.  Why have I anointed you, because you came because of the calling, why did I choose you, because of your heart, not your name, but because of your heart.  So why do you focus that way then, I and I alone could anoint you and use you and you won’t be earthly beings, you will be heavenly beings. 

For it was with that purpose that I placed the defender of my glory, the avenger of my glory here on your property and his angels with him plus many more.  Why did I do that if this place did not have a specific calling, if there was nothing here I would have not sent them here.  For he is very special to me and has but one job and that is to defend me and my honor and my glory and I have given them charge over you here that at any moment when you need them you can call upon them.  For he stands at guard and holds the enemy back and the angels with them dressed and prepared for battle and they will go forth and fight at the mention of your word and my command.  For they have been given one job and one task and they will fulfill that task until the end.  Do not forget the things that I have done for you, for there are many, many, many things and I have laid the groundwork far before you even came here, that a choice has to be made and when that choice was made then suddenly the doors opened up.  But that couldn’t be done before, because I had to make sure, I had to make sure that it was your choice first, then I knew what I could do with you, then I knew you would never turn back, then I knew you would see it through till the end.  And those of you that are here with him you answered the call, are you turning back on the call that you answered, for it was my call, but you must make that choice in your hearts.  For remember you cannot turn back from me, for if you do the end of that road is destruction.  For great things lie ahead for those of you who push forward and do the things that I have called you to do and honor the callings that I have given you that I have place upon you.  For man did not place that calling upon you but I, your Father God, placed that calling upon you, so to step away from that calling is to step away from me and that is not my desire.  So rise up, rise up and fulfill the calling that I, your Father God, have placed upon you. 

Listen very carefully, for I have past selected each one of you even if you are still in sin, even if you are not walking in the Spirit, even if you are filled with bad spirits, I hand picked each one of you.  And as you submit yourself to me I’ll disciple you and make of you a great warrior, a champion of champions, did I not do that for Samson?  You tell the Sunday school story about Samson, you don’t tell the truth, he was a whoremonger, he killed people, the blood flowed, but at the end when I got done, he had the greatest victory Israel had ever seen.  He destroyed the enemy and I had victory and I desire to make of every one of you champions, all you need to do is commit to me.  You may not understand what you are going through because to you, you may think that, no, I am never going to do that, but there is a reason for it.  The only way I can get you from point A to point Z is by going through that, cause if you don’t go through that the enemy will bring what you want and then your life will really be destroyed. 

God is making you, the three of you, like a do all where H2O always all connected and you are going to stand together for this church.  You are like hydrogen, you are going to bring heaven and give them hell.  You other two are going to breath in God’s spirit, as you are connected with him give yourself to it, that is like God is going to make you not wishy-washy like water but rather like iron that’s strong.  Ask the Lord how to stand so that you are not rigid like iron, but that your will learn to stand so when the enemy comes you’ll just stand with different ways in God and it will go right over you like nothing is going to stress you and so I bless you in the name of the Lord.          

7-4-20 Campmeeting Evening Service

For yes, truly, it is my desire that you draw closer to me, but is that your desire, for seeing that you have not always put me first, other things have come in between and that is not my desire, my desire is that you move forward and do all that I have called you to do.  For the work at times seems great, but it is not too great to be fulfilled and completed, for I have called you here to do the things that I have said that you should do.  I have called you here to be the head of this ministry, to be the head of the things that would happen for the last great revival that is soon to be poured out.  The enemy is always trying to stop it and he will not prevail, for I will always prevail, for never forget where your fist love is.  What is your heart condition, am I still first in your lives that your desires are to spend as much time with me as it is my desire for you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I have poured out my love to you, I have poured out my heart to you, I have given you everything.  But all I ask is that you give yourself to me and allow me to use you and do the things that I desire to do to bring it all into fulfillment.  For it is my desire to use you, I could have used somebody else, but it was my desire to use you and you made a choice, did you hear this ministry, you made a choice and it was not the wrong choice, it was the choice that I wanted, but it was also your desire, is that still your first choice, am I your first love, because I should be?  If I am not, it is easy, you can get back to that place, for I have called my church back to that place, a place without spot or wrinkle, a place where it can be all that I have called for it to be.  For it is that time now and it is that hour for it to be fulfilled.  If you only knew the things that would take place tomorrow you would understand how the battle is so great today.  But then again you should know that you already had the victory, for you have been through battles before and I have always brought you through.  You have been through trials before and I have always brought you through, I have always been faithful to you even when you haven’t been faithful to me.  For I am a God of love and a God of mercy and I have poured out my love to you, I have poured out my mercy to you, will you not allow me to have all of you this night.  Will you not say, Jesus, I surrender all to you once and for all never to turn back again, never to look back again, but to go forward from this moment on, from this night on and never look back, but always looking ahead to the things that I have in store for you.  For the things they are great, they are awesome, and you cannot contain them all if I were to tell you, for you know of the few promises that I have given to you personally and I have given this church.  For there are many more promises that I desire to fulfill, many that you have not even seen or heard of yet that are so great and so awesome you would not even believe the things that I desire to do and it shall all be done.  My question for you tonight is are you all in with me, are you all in with me, are you ready to move forward with the things that I have for you.  If you are lay it down at the altar tonight and make that choice like you made before that you are following me one hundred percent, you’re not going to turn back, you are not going to hold back, you’re going to give me one hundred percent, you’re going to go forth one hundred percent and then and then and then you will see the fulfillment come to pass.  

The Lord God says the devil wants to knock you down, the devil wants to tear you down, I am here today to tell you, you have the victory in the name of Jesus, you have had the victory in the name of Jesus.  He says come to the altar today and surrender yourself to him, for the Johnson’s to please come pray for people.

As I am up here and the Lord is ministering to us there is feeling that comes in my spirit etc only last for a night but joy always comes in the morning.  Let the things that are left at the altar be left at the altars, don’t carry them with you, don’t turn back and look at them but move forward from this moment on.  Some of you haven’t dealt with this, then deal with it tonight, for tonight is the night to leave it at the altars.  Tonight is the night to move forward and never look back, tonight is the night to unify yourselves with me and the things that I desire to do, for it is time, it is the hour, saith the Lord.

For when you humble yourself before me then I can lift you up and I can bring you to the place that you are open before me and surrender before me, then I am able to fill you with what you have need of for this hour.  So if you etc but coming before me etc etc with an open heart, those that hunger and thirst after me they will not leave etc etc, but they will be filled, doesn’t my word tell you that? Those that hunger and thirst after me they shall be filled, they shall be filled and etc back to me, for this hour and this time you cannot etc by yourselves, you cannot walk by yourselves, then you’ll have the victory that you need for this hour and this time.  Don’t you know that you need, you need, you need My Spirit, you need My Spirit like never before to lead you, for man’s directions will bring destruction, but my ways always bring you victory, they bring you peace, they bring you joy, they bring you happiness, they give you everything that you need.  Oh, I say unto you, do you know who I am, says the Lord, the minute you do not know who I am you don’t know me as the victor, Jehovah-Jireh, who provides their every need.  And you need to know me, you need to know me like never before, you can’t walk this road alone, you need me and you need me.  Oh, I say unto you, draw close to me like never before, draw close, let go, let go of the weights that the enemy has put upon you, let go of lies he has been feeding you and walk in the freedom that I have given unto you.  So that the freedom is yours and you etc etc take it and you are blocking it.  For I have given it to you, my children, I haven’t forced it upon you, it is a free gift, oh, I say unto you, receive freely, I am here for you and freely you must receive and then you really know what it is to walk in the fullness of my glory.  You want to see that revival, oh but that revival starts in your heart, it starts with repentance, get it right before me, getting your house in order, prioritizing and knowing and knowing who is first place in your life.  For it is not the hour to play around, it’s not the hour to play church; it is an hour to become serious like never before, like never before, for I have called you for this hour, this time.  It is time, it is time, it is time to lay aside those things and to truly seek my face, to come before me with an open heart and to receive of me.

For I say unto you, my children, you have come too far to turn around now, and be divided in your heart, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, I opened up the windows of heaven and poured out the things that I have said unto you.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice; rejoice this night you have the victory, says the Lord. 

The Lord would say that when you are here you come into a place and you are his children and that you are overcomers.  As long as you are looking unto him you are overcomers, you will make it through.  The devil has thrown everything at the pulpit to stop this Campmeeting, but you are overcomers and you are making it through because you’re looking unto me because I am your Father. 

For I have opened the windows of heaven and I desire to pour upon you a blessing that you may draw closer to me, that you may walk with me, that my love may fill your heart to overflowing.  For there are many things I desire to do for you, but I cannot do them unless you let me.  If you have no expectation I can’t bring you the things that you desire, but when, when you expect I will do it. 

For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword and I see the beginning from the end and from the end I see the beginning.  There is nothing, nothing that bypasses my vision.  Therefore, I say, walk with me, walk with me, speak my word, keep your hearts open that I can bless you this night.     

7-4-2020 Campmeeting Afternoon Service

For truly are you a child of God, for if you are you would believe, has that sunk in, you’re free, all the bondages, all the troubles, all the pain, all the suffering, all the disappointments, they are not from me, I never gave you one of them.  But you have an enemy that you fight, he is far wiser, far wiser than you understand, yes, you have the authority, you have the ability, but he outthinks you.  He has no new tricks whatsoever, not even one, but he defeats you with the same tricks over and over and over.  But I desire to set you free, I want you to be free, I want you to be victorious, I want you to be the overcomers, I want you to be like I created you.  For your whole past, your whole life I molded you, I shaped you and everything that you went through I was there, you may not believe it but I was there and through those things I have made you to be the one that can stand, the one that could be the overcomer, the one that can be the victor and I desire to make you even greater yet.  You’re only part way there, even though the time is running out you’re only part way there, but if you will allow me, if you will only allow me, I’ll make you everything that I promised you.  The time hasn’t run out on the promises, the promises are yet alive. 

For I say unto you, my children, submitting unto me is what you need to do, says the Lord, unto my word, for if my word says it, you must do it, says the Lord.  Don’t resist My Spirit, for you grieve My Spirit, says the Lord, and therefore when you grieve him you cannot live that victorious life you desire, you cannot live peaceably amongst one another because there will be division, says the Lord.  Remember what my word says, that many were divided because of me, says the Lord.  Therefore, do not let division come because of me, says the Lord, but let that be known that the world is not of me, says the Lord.

For my hand has always been upon you and my hand has always been with you, even in the times you thought not, even in the times you did not understand, my hand has been there.  For before the foundations of the earth I saw you, I knew what you were going to be and I knew how you were going to reach that, that is my desire.  Allow me, allow me to do the molding, allow me to do the making, allow me and it shall be done. 

For I know what you can be, I know what I have created you to be, at times you walk in your own ways because of your own thinking or your own choices.  They were not always my choices, but when you are walking with me then I can fulfill everything that I desire to do.  For many try to do the things that I want them to do, but are they really doing it, what is driving you to do the things that you do?  For if you really loved me, you would be in my house when the doors were open, you would be in my word every day, you would be in prayer every day, when you came together you would what to talk about me, that is what true love is.  And when you really love someone or something like that, isn’t that all you think about?  And my children do they really love me like that, for I love them like that, for I have even made a way where there seems to be no way before.  I created a way of escape from sin, from sickness, from disease, so that you could live the victorious life, but at times you chose not to walk in that way.  At times you leave the door open for the enemy to come in and you must be delivered of that, hear me, you must be delivered, it is not something that you can get rid of yourself.  So stop fighting me and allow me to do it, allow me to set you free like never before, allow me to bring you to the place that I desire for you to be, then you shall see the fullness of the promises that I have said unto you come to fulfillment. 

Oh, the love, the love that I have for you, it’s far greater, far greater than anything you’ve known, far greater than your disappointments, far greater than your pain, far greater than your rejections.  Far greater than anything you can name because I have always been there for you, yes, I have always, always, always been there, there is not one moment when I was not there.  Therefore, realize my love, realize my love, grab ahold of that love, don’t let it go and watch, watch what I shall do.

For I did not create you like your brother or like your sister or like your cousins, your aunt’s, your uncle’s, for every one that I created is an original, they’re not copies, they’re not copies, you may think that you’re a copy.  I have never made a copy, I only make originals, I don’t want you to change, I want the original, I want the original, for that is the one that I held in your struggles, that is the one I poured my love out upon during your struggles, that’s the one, that’s the one that I was always with keeping you from the dangers of this world that your flesh at times wanted to do, but I kept you from it.  Why, you’re an original, don’t be a copy. 

Joseph was an original, his brothers hated him, his father thought he was a storyteller, they sold him and I delivered him.  They sold him and like heavy cream in a bottle I raised him to the top, then they put him in prison and again I raised him to the top and then again they tried to destroy him, but they remembered the dreams, they remembered the words that he spoke and again he rose to the top.  And then came that day, that wonderful day when his brothers came to get food, they found the brother that they tried to destroy because he was an original. 

For I, your Father God, am here today, yes, today is the day of free.  Do you truly want to be free today, do you want to be free from spirits, do you be free from sickness, do you want to be free from disease, do you want to be free from hurt.  The Lord God says all you have to do is come this afternoon and I want to free you, I want to free you from everything and set you free today, so come and receive today.

7-4-2020 Campmeeting Morning Service

If I’m truly all you want, if I’m truly all you need, for if that is so there is not one thing that I will not supply for you, there is not one thing that I will not do for you.  I’ll answer every promise that I ever made to you, I’ll fill your life to overflowing, I will cause abundance to come like you have never known, nor ever seen, if I am all you need.  If there is not something else, if it is your children, if it is your husband, if it is your wife then I am not all, I am only part and I cannot function in the fullness when I am only part.  For I am a jealous God, I want all of you and when you give me all of you, I’ll give you all of me.

For I say unto you, my children, when you are grafted into me you are a part of me, says the Lord.  Therefore, you can’t be a part of something else or you’re no longer a part of me, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, I am your life, I am your supply, I am you source, I am all you need, says the Lord. 

I am the all sufficient one, I am the one that supplies everything that you need, but at times you don’t always look to me for your help, you look elsewhere for your help.  But, I say unto you, look unto me, for I am the one who can change everything, I am the one who can make all things new, I am the one that can renew and restore.  Don’t look to man, for man doesn’t have the answers, but I, your Father God, have the answers and I need you to reach out to me in these days ahead.  For you’re going to need those things, you’re going to need those things and I can supply them for you, saith the Lord. 

The Lord God says he loves each and every one of you, are you ready to put him first today in your life, are you ready to allow him to move upon you, are you ready to let him touch you today, reach for that goal today.  Are you ready to allow him set you free today; are you ready to allow that miracle to touch you today?  He says come to him today, not anyone else, come to him, allow him to touch you, whatever is holding you back knock that wall down today and allow him to set you free.

Do you have a need, are you lacking in finances, are you lacking in strength, are you unsure, you don’t have an answer, am I not here for you, I’ll never leave you, I will never forsake you, my word is true and I desire to move powerfully on your behalf.  I can rain down thousand dollar bills upon you, I can give you the words, the very words that you need.  I am not bound by man, I am not bound by laws, I am God, realize I am God and I am here to meet your needs. 

For I say unto you, who provides a man a wife, who provides a woman a husband, who provides the children, says the Lord, but don’t I supply them all, says the Lord?  Therefore, who else can supply anything that you have need of, says the Lord, for surely I am the source, I am the provider, says the Lord, I am your all in all. 

For if I can move mountains can I not do things that are much smaller and easier than that, but to supply your needs is very simple and very easy, but the day is fast approaching where you won’t be able to look to man to supply your needs unless you take the mark.  So you need to learn how to believe me now, you need to learn how to trust me now and allow me to do it, allow me to be everything that you have need of, spiritually and physically.  For I can do it all, I can do it all, I created man and I can do anything.  So trust me, trust me, trust me, trust me. 

For I say unto you, disaster lies at the door to those that get another source, says the Lord, for I am the only one that can give you what you desire and what is right for you, says the Lord.  Any other source will be disaster, disaster, disaster. 

What are you waiting on, what are you waiting on, just what, tell me, tell me, just what are you waiting on?

The Lord God says are you afraid, for those that know me they would have been there already, they would have received already, what are you waiting for? 

The Lord God says are you afraid, is that why you are sitting in your seat, are you afraid?  The Lord God says he wants to move this morning, the Lord God says he wants to touch each and every one of you he says, but you have to come to him.  He wants to give you that miracle today, so come and receive it.

7-3-2020 Campmeeting Evening Service

For truly there is no one like me and yet I am your Father and I love you with an everlasting love, a love that is more deep, more richer than any love that you have ever realized and I desire the unity of my people, for without unity the house is divided cannot stand.  Let not pride, let not arrogance, let not boastfulness rise up, but walk in love, walk in unity, walk in peace, for the church that is going to be the overcomer, the church that is going to be the victor, will be the church that I can respect myself, their integrity, their righteousness, I will be proud of them, let me be proud of you also. 

For the devil is a sly old fox, he knows how to trap you, he knows how to put you in the corner to cause you to backslide to the place you can’t make it, you’re left behind.  But many don’t think that I leave those behind, no sin, no sin can enter heaven.  If I was to allow sin to enter heaven there would be no heaven, there would be no God, there would be no word of God, walk, walk according to my word.  

For I say unto you, my children, as you lay down that plow and plow, you must look unto me to plow straight, says the Lord.  For I make straight paths for you to walk in, says the Lord.  Therefore, be in my word, know my word, don’t detour from my word, says the Lord. 

Don’t allow the enemy to rise up within you or give place to him, for he is only trying to stop what I, your Father God, am trying to do for you.  For I desire to pour My Spirit out in full measure, but you have to be ready to receive it and I am preparing you to receive it.  So receive the things that I have for you and do not give place to the enemy. 

For the hour is very late, far later than ninety percent of my people believe, far later, for I have showed you clearly that you are in the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation.  The rapture takes place in the fourteenth chapter and my wrath is poured out in the fifteenth chapter, what does that tell you?  It’s time to set your house in order, it’s time to allow me to move in your life in such a way that you are a great overcomer, a powerful overcomer, one that can win many souls and bring them into the safety, that they can walk with you and make it to heaven, it’s not a time, it’s not a time to do otherwise.   For when you do otherwise you divide, you separate, you’re weakened and you hurt, you hinder, can you not see that?  Again, I say, the time is short, it’s time to press in with all your heart, to lay down all the things that bother you, the things that hinder you, the things that stop you, humble yourself unto me and I shall deliver you.

For the time is very, very short, much shorter than you realize and when you leave doors open, when you allow the enemy to enter in, I cannot move on your behalf.  I can’t do all the things that I desire to do for you, therefore close those doors, close those doors, the time is running out.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son for whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.  Do you know God loves you; God loves each and every one of you.  You might have hurt in your life, you might have backslidden, you might have walked away from God, you might have never asked him in your life.  Today is the day of salvation, today is the day to get to know God, he loves you so much, do you want to accept him today as your personal Savior, do you want to be moved by him, do you want to go to heaven or do you want to go to hell?  Today is your choice, for heaven is a glorious place, God is giving you that choice today, ask him in your heart.  The Lord God says today he wants to touch each and every one of you, whatever the hindrance is he wants to deliver you from it, whatever is holding you back he wants to set you free from it.  Whatever is taking you away from God he wants to set you free today.  He says there are people here that have hurt in them, he says today is the day to get that hurt set free from you today.  There are people here today that are going blind, the Lord God says he wants to set you free from that today.  The Lord God says there are people here that have bad hearts; today is the day to get your heart fixed.  There are people here today that have bad legs, today is the day to be set free from it.  There are people with diabetes; he wants to set you free from it.  There are people with blood pressure; today is the day to get your miracle.  Whatever is holding you back give it to God today, let him knock the wall down and come and be set free today.  

7-3-2020 Campmeeting afternoon Service

So let your hearts be open now, don’t close them, get your expectation up, for I am going to move, for the doors are wide open, the miracles are hovering, the healings are hovering, they’re ready to fall upon you, they’re ready to meet every single need that is here, there is not one need, not one need that they will not meet.  For my love for you is far greater than any love you have experienced in all of your life he said, yes he said. Therefore you should know my love because he said, and what he said his word is true.  His word will not go out and return void but it will do what it is sent forth to do, and it has been sent forth, yes, it has been sent forth this day and you shall see and you shall know and understand.  So let your ears be open, let your heart be open and let me, let me move.

For I say unto you, my children, your joy should be bursting to overflowing like a volcano, says the Lord, for my joy dwells within you, says the Lord, therefore if you have no joy you have no strength.  Come unto me I say, come unto me and receive the things that I have for you today, says the Lord.

For my word unto you this day is receive, that is my word to you, receive, don’t reject, receive and as you receive I shall pour it out and as I pour it out your boldness shall rise like never before and you shall proclaim the word of God and as you proclaim the word of God total victory shall come. 

For the stream started at the altar, just a tiny stream, but as it began to flow it began to grow and it grew and it grew until it was deep enough to swim in and therefore it shall be that way this afternoon.  For it shall be deep enough to swim in and deliverance shall come and you may be delivered if you desire.  For you shall hear my word, you shall know my word, you shall understand my word and therefore you shall act upon my word. 

For it is my word unto my church to get them ready and into the place where I can use them, to get them to the place where I desire for them to be.  For my church is not operating where they need to be at the moment, but very soon, very soon they will be.  For I have opened the doors and I have opened your ears if you will listen carefully and you will hear the word I have spoken unto you and you will come and receive the things that I have for you.  Do not be distracted by the enemy, for he is the defeated foe, for I have opened it up today for your understanding, so you can be set free, so you can become all that I have called you to be.  For it is that time and it is that hour and I am raising up my army, a great army to go forth and to conquer and do the things that I have called for it to do.  So be open to me and allow me to do the work in you that needs to be done this day. 

What are you afraid of, why are you afraid, are you saying I am not afraid, if you aren’t why aren’t you at the altar, why are you not receiving already, why haven’t you been touched already, why haven’t you gotten your miracle?  Open up your hearts today and come and receive, take those walls allow them to tumble and come and receive that miracle in the name of Jesus, step in there, come and receive.

For I desire to pour out My Spirit upon you in a mighty and powerful way, but you cannot receive if you do not come to the altar, you cannot receive if you don’t come expecting, you cannot receive if you don’t do the things that I have said.  For I have said open your hearts up to me and allow me to do what needs to be done, not in your own thinking, not in what you want, but allow me.  For I know the things that you have need of, I know the desires of your heart and I can easily give those things unto you and I will give those things unto you.  But you need to come open, ready to receive the things that I have for you and you shall receive them, saith the Lord. 

7-3-20 Campmeeting Morning Service

Let your hearts be open so I can speak unto you, that I may clear up things, that your understanding will grow and grow, that you can walk in the wisdom, that you can walk in the knowledge that only I, your Father God, can give to you.  For man’s knowledge is foolishness, but my knowledge, my wisdom shall lead you in the place that you desire to walk, in the place where I can perform miracles, signs and wonders, in the place where I can show you what is ahead. 

For I say unto you, my children, I have spoken unto you numerous times concerning your teach ability, says the Lord and your place of responsibility which is in me, says the Lord.  Therefore, allow me to teach you those things that you have need to know and prosper in them, says the Lord.  For my word declares for you to be a doer of the word not hears only deceiving yourself, be doers says the Lord. 

For a wise man built his house upon the rock, but at times when you’re not following the wisdom that I have given unto you, you’re not building upon that wisdom that I have given unto you, you don’t have a solid foundation.  That is why you need to get into my word and see what I have to say, you need to allow me to speak to you, you need to remain open and teachable that I can do the things that need to be done in your hearts and in your lives, that you can have a foundation stronger than anything, that when the enemy comes against you, you’re not moved, you’re not shaken.  For you are going to need that in the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

Do you not know where one or two are gathered I am in your midst.  I am here today, the devil cannot win, the only way he can win is if you allow him to.  You need to step up; you need to tell the devil he has lost that you have won in the name of Jesus.  Today the Lord God says, do you know not he still wants to move, he still wants to give those miracles, signs and wonders, he still wants to fill you, all you have to do is come unto the altar.  For there is no reason that you can’t, today there is nothing holding you back, because the kids are being blessed in the church, the Lord God says.  So come this morning, allow him to touch you, allow his miracle to come upon you, allow his anointing to fill you to overflowing, allow those walls to come tumbling down today in the name of Jesus. 

Did you bring your expectation with you or did you leave it at home, for if you left it at home and didn’t bring it with you, what are you expecting.  For I desire to meet every single one of your needs, I desire to bless you, I desire to heal you, I desire to perform miracles, but if you didn’t come expecting, how can I move, for my word clearly says, you have not because you ask not. 

7-2-2020 pm Campmeeting Service

For truly it’s my greatest desire to touch each and every one of you, to lift you up and hold you in my arms, to let you know that rest has come, peace has come.  And to fill you with my joy to overflowing, to let you know that I love you, to let you know that I care, to let you know that I shall meet every single need that comes seeking my face, that comes expecting.  For if you are not expecting you can’t receive, but if you come expecting I will meet you with open arms, I will comfort you, I will strengthen you, I shall pour out upon you an anointing such as you have never had before, for I shall prepare you for what is ahead.  For it is my, for it is my time and my hour and I’ve told you that, it is that hour, that hour that you have hoped for, that hour you have expected, it’s here.  Open yourself up that you are ready to receive, for as you become ready I shall meet your need. 

For my children, I say unto you this night that as I’ve opened up the windows of heaven, come and receive the things that I have for you, because I’ve opened up the windows for you my children.  I’ve always had them open for you, yet you need to come and receive the things that I have for you.  Put down those umbrellas and come and receive those things, says the Lord, cause I am pouring them out, says the Lord. 

For I have called for this time, I have ordained this time and I desire to do a work in your hearts and your lives like never before.  I desire to touch, I desire to deliver, I desire to set you free and set you on fire like never before, a church without spot or wrinkle that is set to go forth and do the things that I, your Father God, have called you forth to do.  For it is that time my church, it is that hour my church, so allow me to do the work that needs to be done.  Set aside your own desires and open up your hearts unto me and allow me to do the work that needs to be done, for it is not the work that you think, but it is work that I know needs to be done.  So take the guards off, take the umbrellas down and open up your hearts unto me and allow me to work in you like never before. 

For this is Campmeeting, the Lord God says, are you ready?  The Lord God says those revival fires are here tonight, the shekinah Glory is falling, the miracles are falling, are you willing to come forth, unplug yourself from the world and plug yourself into God and come and receive tonight?  Are you ready to come and get that miracle today, are you ready to come and be filled today?  The Lord God says, come and be touched by him allow him to touch you.

Empty yourself out, pull the drain, let it all come out, let it go, from all the lies, from all the stories and look to my word.  For I am the only one that can give you the word that will bring you the desires of your heart, I’m the only one that can touch and heal and deliver and set you free.  I am the only one.  And as you do that you’ll find that this Campmeeting shall be far different than any Campmeeting you’ve ever been in.  For you will find me sitting next to you, you will find me hugging you, you’ll find me drawing you closer to me that I, your Father God, can meet every, every need. 

It is now beginning to be the sweetness of the evening and my breeze is stirring and my love is flowing and the Spirit is moving in, out, round about.  I am preparing to do some things for you, are you expecting, are you really expecting, for if you are you shall receive and when you receive you shall know it and everybody else shall know it.  For I desire for everyone to see my miracle working power, I desire to be visible that you can see me, that you can feel me, that you can know that it is I, your Father God, that I am here.  I haven’t gone anyplace, the devil hasn’t scared me off, but he sure scared you, but realize I am here, I am here to change that and you shall see it and you shall know it.

Open the altars as you praise me, the Lord God says, open the altars as you praise me and seek me, I will move upon you if you want me to, do you want me to move upon you?  So come and seek me like never before, allow me to touch you, not man to touch you, but me to touch you. 

6-28-20 am service

For my word goes out and it does not return void, but my people do not know that, there are two sides to that, either you reap good or you reap bad depending upon what you sow.   And if you have iniquity in your heart I cannot hear you nor do I hear you, therefore the devil responds to you but you don’t know that either.  But as you draw closer to me I show you, I instruct you, I teach you that you may come even closer.  For I don’t need to hear what you have to say, I see it, I know you, I understand it, and yet you always feel you have to voice your position, I already know your position.  When you come to me surrender one hundred percent and then I, your Father God, shall move mightily on your behalf.  For that is what I desire, that is what my word says unto you, come unto me, come unto me and I shall and I will and you will know.

For the heavens are not made of brass, even when your prayers only go so far and bounce back unto you, when that happens it’s because you are not in the place to be heard by me.  It’s you, It’s not me, it is the devil deceiving you, for I said call upon me and I will answer, have I not said that, did I ever say I would not answer, only if you had iniquity in your heart.  Therefore, when you call upon me I am always there, I am always aware of your needs, I am always aware of what is going on, I know exactly what you need and then I will move mightily on your behalf because I love you with an everlasting love. 

My children, I say unto you, just let go of this world and take hold of me, says the Lord, for it is only through me, in me and by me that you are going to make it, says the Lord.  Therefore, don’t trust in the riches of this world, don’t trust in the play of this world, for that is just what this world is, is a play put on by the devil to deceive you, says the Lord.  Therefore, look into my perfect love, liberty that frees you, that is my Son Christ Jesus.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into that word and walk in that word, says the Lord. 

From before the foundations of this world, before, before, I saw all things, I saw the beginning, I saw the end, I saw everything in-between, I called you before you were ever born.  I named you, but your parents didn’t name you, when you were in the womb and if they were spiritual enough they heard me say unto them and call you by your name.  If not, they named you a name that sometimes brought curses upon you because of what they did, that was not me nor will it ever be me.  But I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall instruct you, I shall show you everything if you will submit one hundred percent to me.  If you will lay down your tradition, your false religion, your sense knowledge faith and walk with me, for I am the Lord thy God and there is none other but me. 

There are many things that I desire to do for you on your behalf, but I do not a times cause you do not allow me to, because you have placed blockages and do not allow me to do the things that I desire.  But I have called out to you this morning and I have said lay those things aside and wholly commit to me, don’t tell me how I should do it, but allow me to do the things that need to be done, allow me to make the changes that need to be made that you can come into that place that I desire for you to be that my church can walk in the full unity that I have called for, for then nothing can stop her, nothing can hold her back.  For my word will go forth and my people will do whatever I said they can do, will you be a part of that or will you sit out and watch as the rest pass by?    

6-28-20 pm service

For truly I am more than enough, I am the great I am, I am the alpha and the omega, I am the beginning and I am the end, but do you recognize me as that, do you worship me as that, do you hear my voice when I speak, are you aware of the things that I do?  For if you would listen you would hear my heartbeat, you would hear and feel my love, you would comprehend and understand the things that I tell you, for they are not that difficult.  But as you become aware then you begin to move forward, not trying to compete, not in competition but walking in the order that I have established and set before you that I can move, that I can do what I desire, that I, your Father God, am in charge. 

For the sparrows know and I take care of them and I clothe them and I feed them.  The flowers know, did you ever notice they don’t blossom in the winter time, they know when to come out, do you my people know when to come out? 

For I say unto you, my children, be not like the world that puts an umbrella up when it rains, but be like my children and take the umbrella and discard it when it rains, says the Lord.  For truly my rain is falling and you need be in that rain, says the Lord, therefore come out from among your shelters and come unto me and receive the things that I have for you, says the Lord. 

Allow me to renew you like never before, that means to take all the old out and fill it with brand new, fresh, for that is what I desire to do.  For some have gotten a little stale and need to be refreshed, others have gotten tired and need to be refreshed.  For truly I desire to bring that refreshing unto you, but you must allow me to do the work that is to be done, you must allow me to remove all the block and all the hindrances.  For yes, they are hindrances, even though you don’t want to admit it at times you know they are there, you know that is why you are not able to do and walk one hundred percent the way that I have called you to walk.  But you can easily change that and you can come to that place where I can move upon your behalf one hundred percent that I can begin to use you again one hundred percent and I can do all the things that I have called for you to do.  For it is that time and it is that hour and I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you, but you must, you must be ready to receive it, saith the Lord. 

When I send the rain, I send the rain that you get soaked, why would I send rain if I didn’t want to soak you?  For you need a good soaking, for as you receive the soaking that I send to you, you become filled to overflowing and when you are filled to overflowing you splash out on others and they get filled and splash out on others, that is my desire. 

It is time, it is time, it is time, it is time for you to examine yourselves, to look in the mirror, to take a good look at yourself and make a list of those things that are hindering you, those things in your life that shouldn’t be there.  It is time, it is time, it is time to get rid of those things, it is time.   

6-24-20 pm service

etc etc you also and I desire to bless you in ways you have never known, I desire to strengthen you and lift you up that you may walk in victory at all times.  I desire to make you the overcomers, the church that I can depend upon, those that will follow close after me, those that will hear my word and obey my word and do the things that I tell them.  For that is my desire for you, for I love you and I desire to bless you. 

For there is absolutely nothing that is impossible for me to do, because you love me and you believe me and you believe my word, therefore there is nothing that is impossible for you to do, for you can walk jointly with me and you can be the overcomers. 

For it is a great hour right now, an hour for my church, it is not a great hour for the world or the people of the world, for those that don’t know me.  For they walk in the vanity of their own mind and they know it not, they walk in foolishness and they do not know how to be victorious, but that is not you, for I have saved you, delivered you and set you free and I have caused you to be the head.

So there is nothing that is impossible for me to do nor is there anything too big for me to do, all you have to do is believe that I can do it, believe that I will do it, believe that the things that I have told you would come to pass and you will see them.  For I said if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, and that is very, very, very  small, that you could move a mountain with that amount of faith.  For it does not take much but true faith always believes and sees it through to the end, meaning that you know without a shadow of a doubt that it will take place and you look for it to take place.  Be looking for things to take place, be looking for me to move upon your behalf, for I desire to do that more than ever before, for I desire to bless my people in these days ahead, saith the Lord.  

6-21-20 am service

Yes, truly, that is who I am, that I am on your side, saith your Father God, I am here to lift you up, to encourage you, to teach you and instruct you, to comfort you, to correct you that you may see and understand and know the things that I have for you.  It is the enemy that is against you, but many times your eyes are not open to that, but I am a father unto you and a father loves his children, a father provides for his children, a father takes care of his children, a father corrects his children and in doing so I keep you safe in every way.  You need not fear the things that the enemy desires to do, he is your defeated foe if you are walking with me, if you are walking in my word, if you know my word, if you are standing in my promises then I, your Father God, loves you, protects you and takes you through and brings you out victoriously, for I am the miracle worker. 

For I say unto you, my children, this is the hour to be filled with my power and My Spirit, says the Lord, do not walk around even partially empty, but be filled to overflowing, for this is the hour I have called you for, says the Lord.  Therefore, rise up and take your position, I’ve told you this many times, but this is the time I say take it seriously upon you now.  Rise up to take your position, for this will surely show who is for me and who is against me, says the Lord.

Be as a little child, have not I told you that?  For the little ones seek me, they follow me, they don’t question, but they know I am their Father and I love them and they know in their hearts that I shall take them through victoriously.  They shall be the winners; they shall be the overcomers, why, I am their Father. 

For there is a way that seemeth right unto man, notice I said man, I could have said woman also, but I am trying to get your attention, for that way leads to destruction, that way leads to the place that you’re destroyed.  Not to the place that I desire to take you, for my ways are far higher than your ways.  You don’t know my ways unless you study my word, you don’t know my ways so you can walk in them if you do not have an understanding.  And, therefore, I gave those unto you that bring to you clear understanding of what my word says, that is because I love you and as you walk in those ways, as you follow those ways, then you are the victor, nothing can defeat you.  But anytime you have a defeat in your life look to see what caused that defeat, for I have already given you the victory, I’ve have already given you the promises, I’ve already stood by your side, I have swore by my word, I have signed it and sealed it in the blood of my Son Jesus and you are walking in that covenant relationship with me.  My word is true, man’s word is not always true, but my word is true and therefore as you walk according to my word you become everything, everything that I have said that you would do, but you must walk in my word. 

For I have spoken to you and spoken unto you and told you and explained to you all about the virus and I am still explaining to you about the virus.  But many want to believe the government, they want to believe the mayors, they want to believe the governors, they don’t know what they’re talking about, it is time that you wake up and listen.  For the virus will not come to an end as I have told you until next Passover season and don’t wait then to repent, cause if you wait that long you may have missed your opportunity to repent.  I am calling upon my church to set their house in order, to deal with their sin, to repent, to come back to me one hundred percent, not ninety eight, not ninety seven, one hundred percent.  You must walk with me in holiness and righteousness and as you do then the greater things shall come, the things that you desire, the blessings, the promises, they shall all be fulfilled, for that is my word unto you.  But first, first you must repent, you must turn back to me one hundred percent, that means when the doors are open you’re here, when there is a service going on you’re here, when my word is preached you listen, even take notes if you desire.  For it shall be a time of true holiness and I, your Father God, shall protect you, watch over you and keep you safe, I shall fulfill every promise that I have given to you and when the time is right, the trumpet blows, you shall go, those that do not, will not go. 

That is why it is important to know my word and to know what my word has said, for I have made it very plain and very clear for you to understand.  Oh yes, the enemy has put a blockage in some so they cannot understand it, but if you will come unto me I will remove that blockage so you can understand.  For my word was written unto my children and my word says my sheep hear and know my voice and the voice of another they will not follow.  Do you really know my voice that way, when you are in the word can you feel it speaking unto your heart, for it is my letter unto you and that is how you should read it.  For there are many things I have told you about already in my word, some of those things you find after the fact, but you still find that they were there.  So you can see and understand that everything you need to know was there and the other things I have revealed unto you, not only through my prophets, but also to those personally when they get into my word and begin to study like I have told them to study.  But realize the hour and the day that you are living in, realize the clock cannot be held back, realize that things must come to an end and I must take my church out before the wrath can be poured out upon those that are left.  Realize those things and prepare yourselves to be all that I have called for you to be, prepare yourselves to do what I have called for you to do, for there is still a work yet to be done, but be ready, be ready, be ready.

What are you afraid of today, each and every week my altar should be full.  So many people are afraid of this disease, are afraid to be touched by me.  I tell you if you do not allow me to touch you, if you do not allow me to move upon you, you would miss your miracle and I will still give it to you if you would come and allow me to move upon you.  If you come today and get that blockage set free from you, you will see that miracle.  Don’t let that wall hold you back, but come to that wall in the name of Jesus today, for there are going to be miracles, there are going to be signs, there are going to be wonders today.  Come and see what I have at the altars, for my altars should be full if you are not afraid, for I can set you free from that spirit today. 

6-21-20 pm service

For truly you are all that I need, there is not another thing that you need, you may think that you do, but I am all that you need.  For I am the head, I am God, I supplied and meet every need that you have, but many do not allow me, they don’t even allow me to put a piece of bread on their table, for they don’t know me.  For I am the God of all creation and I am here to meet your needs, to bless you coming in, to bless you going out, to make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that is who I am.  I’ve delivered you from every curse that curses cannot affect you unless you allow them to.  Therefore, I say unto you, submit unto me, come unto me, come unto me this night, saith your Father God, come, come and I shall meet with you. 

Those that I have called and I have called and I have called and yet I have some that have not come unto me, says the Lord, but I continue to call until the last trumpet sounds, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto my church, rise up and take the positions I’ve called you into.  Come unto me, says the Lord and do the things that I have called unto you to do, for then you shall know what life truly is, says the Lord. 

For even though you hear me, yet at times you do not know me and because you do not know me you do not respond.  Don’t listen to the devil and his lies, check my word out when I speak unto you, is that not my word, did I not say, as I have said, will you not do as I have said that I can meet every need that you have, that I can deliver you, that I can set you free, that I can open the blind eyes and the deaf ears and perform miracles and raise the dead, I can do all that, will you not allow me? 

For truly I am the God that makes all things possible, for you have seen it over and over and over throughout the course of time when man said it was impossible I said it is and it was done even as my word was recorded it was done.  So shall it be in the days ahead as my word begins to come to pass faster than ever before, because you are now living in that day and in that hour when you shall see those things.  So that means all the promises I have given unto you it is time for them to come to pass.  But if you are not holding on to those things, if you are not doing things that I have called for you to do then I cannot move upon your behalf like I desire, I cannot bless you the way I desire.  So come unto me this night, allow me to do the work that needs to be done, allow me to make the changes that need to be made, allow me to fill you to overflowing that you are ready for the things that shall come tomorrow and the next day and the day after that.  For I desire for you to be ready at all times, but you need to be filled to overflowing with My Spirit, saith the Lord. 

For truly I am here to meet your every need, if it were not so I would have not told you.  Therefore, open your heart, open your heart and let me in.

As you leave this place this night, saith your Father God, a new anointing shall come upon you, boldness such as you have not seen before and you shall speak my word boldly.  And unto whoever you speak my word they shall receive what it was sent forth to do this night, saith your Father God.  Even if it is the greatest miracle you’ve ever seen, I will do it, I will do it.  For you have waited, you have waited, you have waited and now you shall receive. 

Scribe note:  Heavy background noise on recording of the next word. Here are some bits and pieces of that word.

Etc and do not put it down, do not put it back, the Lord would say to fully surrender yourself fully to etc etc etc etc etc we fully surrender all to you Lord, do what you want to do at this time etc, walk with me, etc walk in your word.  How can you expect me to move in all my power and might unless I move first in you etc. I have great things in store for you; it is not by chance etc. it is not by chance, I desire to do great things in you.

The Lord is saying the same thing to me, he says how can I use you to do the things that I desire if I first don’t clean out my own house first, he desires to do the work tonight that needs to be done.  I know that there are some things that we need to let go of that maybe we don’t want to, maybe it is going to be a little difficult, but it’s time, it’s time, it’s time to clean out our houses, it is time to get our lives in order, it is time, it is that time and it is that hour and very soon the last trumpet will sound.  And I don’t know about you but I want to be there and see Jesus in heaven and I want you to be there as well.  So it is time this night, saith the Lord, it is time this night to get your lives in order and to get set on course to do the things that I have called for you to do.  For it is not by chance that you are here, but it is my will that you are here this night, it is my desire to move upon you in a mighty and powerful way, will you accept the call that I have given unto you, saith the Lord? 

It is going to rain down money, it is going to rain down money, it is going to rain down money, but the Lord is saying, remember it is mine, it is not yours, it is mine, it is not yours, it is mine, it is not yours, it is going to rain down money.  Not only am I going to perform miracles, signs and wonders, but I will flow and reach out to those that you see, I am going to pour down money tonight, tonight.

You see how things can just change so suddenly on a Sunday night with a few people in church and boom the Spirit can move in an instant.  Sadly there wasn’t more that came to receive, they will come when they have seen what I have done, but they will not be able to receive what they have missed.  You do not want to miss out on the things that I have for you, you want to be in my house when the doors are open so you can receive the things that I have for you.  But don’t come expecting to get nothing, come expecting to receive the fullness of everything that I have for you, for I desire to pour out My Spirit without measure in these last days, and if you don’t come expecting how can I pour it out upon you, if you are not ready how can you receive the things that I have for you?  So when you come into my house come believing, come expecting and be amazed at the things that I shall do for you.  For it will not stop, it will not cease, for I have called for it to be in these days and hours and it shall be carried out, for it is that time and it is that hour.  

6-17-20 pm service

etc never, never fade away, it will never wither but it grows stronger everyday, for I love you with an everlasting love.  And I desire to strengthen you, I desire to protect you, I desire to go before you to conquer any and all enemies on your behalf to cause you to walk victoriously and I am always here; I am always here for you because I love you.

Remember that Satan has already been defeated, so regardless of what he tries to bring against you he has no victory.  So don’t let your guard down, but remember that I, your Father God, have gone before you and made a way where there was no way before.  I have raised a victory ahead for you so that you can walk through on the dry ground just as the Israelites did even though the enemies might surround you on all sides.  You will be blessed where you are at, you’re safe where you are at and the enemy cannot bring anything against you, for you are mine and I watch over those that are mine, I watch over those that are faithful to me.  Therefore, fear not the things that are ahead, fear not the things that shall take place, for I have given unto you my very promise and I will see to it that it is carried out, saith the Lord. 

6-14-20 am service

For truly it is by my name and I have given unto you my name and all power, all authority, all ability is contained in my name.  You can bind, you can loose, the devil has no authority whatsoever only, only the authority that you give him personally.  You give that authority, I do not give that authority, saith your Father, I stripped him of all his authority, I stripped him of all of his power, I stripped him of all of his ability.  I gave it to my church not to hide, but to stand up and bind and to loose that the world, that the world can be saved.  It is judgment time in the house of God and it is time that my people wake up, wake up, stand in your power, stand in your authority, go forth in my name.  For the days are running out quickly and those that have not repented shall be left behind with the sinners.  Wake up, wake up, for the hour is at hand and I have been warning you, I have been telling you for six months now, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time. 

For, I say unto you my children, I am alive, says the Lord, therefore you should be alive, says the Lord, filled with my power, filled with my fire, filled with my passion, my best and my zeal, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, where are you, says the Lord, where are you my children, for I’ve called you unto this day, I’ve called you for this time, I’ve called you to stand up, I’ve called you to praise me, I’ve called you to worship me, I’ve called you to stand, says the Lord.  Therefore, where are you, where are you, says the Lord, come, come, come, says the Lord.

Don’t allow that spiritual deaf and dumb spirit to take ahold of you, that acts like you have no wisdom, you have no knowledge, wake up.  For the hour is short, you can plainly see today that you’re in chapter thirteen of the book of Revelation, there is no doubts, it is very plain, very plain there and it is time to wake up.  Realize what is taking place, realize what is going on and take the devil and put him under your feet once and forever.

For you’re not the stiff-necked Jews, you’re gentiles, you have never been a Jew, then why do you act like a Jew, why are you stiff-necked, are you going to stay the extra three and a half years because you’re not ready or are you going to get yourself ready that you can go when that trumpet sounds and that is very soon now.  You should be able to see the signs and read the signs and know the signs, other signs should not confuse you, you should not walk in doubt.  You have great leaders that I have given unto you and they tell you and they warn you, are you wiser than them?  If you are then why didn’t I not call you into the five-fold ministry instead of them?  Wake up, I say, wake up and listen and hear, count, count the days, know the days, stand and rejoice and go when that trumpet sounds. 

For if you are my children I warn you, I correct you, I instruct you, but if you are not my children I do not even warn you, for you’re not of me and you’re not walking with me and, therefore, I cannot speak to you until you turn.  Even like my church that needs to repent and yet says I don’t need to repent, I wouldn’t have said repent if you didn’t need to repent.  Therefore, listen, be wise, be wise, be gentle as the dove, but wise like a serpent. 

For do you not realize that your living in the greatest days in church history in that sense, the days that you have been preparing your whole lives for, the days that even the disciples prepared for.  For it is that day and it is that hour now and yet where is my church, are they doing the things that I have called for them to do or are they going their own way and following man’s wisdom and man’s knowledge?  For I can only warn so many times, I can only leave the door open for so long, for at the moment that I call upon you and the door is closed it cannot be reopened and those who have missed it will not be able to enter in.  So you need to understand the importance of the hour that you are living in, that you need to be ready, that you need to be willing to do the things that I have called for you to do.  For most are not even willing to do what I have asked, most are not even willing to set aside time for me anymore.  They go about doing their own things and their own desires and yet do you not know that it is time to set those things aside so that we can finish the work that I have called for you to do.  For there is yet still time for that, but there is not time to do your own thing any longer, it is time to set those things aside.  For if you cannot set those things aside then I will have to set you aside and find somebody else, but that is not my desire.  So do the things that I have called for you to do, walk according to my word, do what I have said, saith the Lord. 

What are you afraid of today, do you not know the devil is already defeated; the devil should be under your feet.  Do not allow the devil to make your choices for you, but defeat him in the name of Jesus, tell the devil you have the victory over him.  Tell the devil you are going forward; tell the devil to stand out of your way because your God is higher than him.  Tell the devil today you love your God, tell the devil today you are going to receive your victory, tell the devil today you’re going to receive that miracle.  I dare you today to come to the altar and allow God’s anointing to fall upon you as you are praising him.  Allow God’s anointing to fall upon you and give you that miracle, give you that touch today, allow his anointing just to touch you like never before.  So do not allow the devil to win, but allow the devil to leave today in the name of Jesus.      

6-14-20 pm service

Let not your hearts be troubled, for I have spoken my word unto you and you have heard my word, therefore trust that word.  For that word shall take you to the victories that you need, that word shall make you the overcomers, that word shall set you free, shall heal you and shall deliver you.  For I have given unto you my word, my promise and I shall do it.

For my word never goes out and returns void it will always do the things that it is sent forth to do.  So put your trust in my word, put your confidence in my word, speak my word and it shall come to pass. 

For, I say unto you my children, my word will destroy the enemy, says the Lord, therefore swim in my word, the enemy cannot follow you into that water without destroying himself, says the Lord.  For my word is saved for those that are spiritual, those that love me, says the Lord, not for the unspiritual, the ungodly, but all my children can swim in it.  Therefore, I say unto you, learn to swim and come out deeper, says the Lord. 

For my word shall bring you comfort, it shall bring you relief, it shall bring you deliverance, it shall cause you to rise up like a giant, like an overcomer and defeat all of your enemies.  For I have given you that word, yes, that is your weapon, that is your armor, go forth in my word, go forth in my word and you shall see the victory. 

For truly I have tried to bring my church to a much higher place than where they are at now, that is why I am speaking so strongly onto you at the moment.  But realize that I desire for you to be all that I have called for you to be and the hour is much later than you know or realize.  So understand it is of the utmost importance that you are walking closer with me than ever before.  You need to hear the things that I am speaking unto you and you need to heed those things.  For if you will do that then I can move upon your behalf, I can deliver you, I can set you free, I can bring you to the place that I desire for you to be all that I have called for you to be.  For it is that hour and it is that time, saith the Lord. 

My children, I say unto you, the devil is throwing bait out for my children and those that don’t love me as much as they think they love me fall for that bait and chase after the bait, says the Lord.  Therefore, it is imperative that you know my word, that you love me, says the Lord, that that bait is open to you as a trap, says the Lord, therefore don’t fall for the devils bait. 

For he is only trying to bring division to my house, for a house divided against itself cannot stand, but I am the corner stone of that house and those that dwell upon me will stand with me forever, they will not fall.  Yes, there will be those who fall by the wayside and only because they have not done the things that I have spoken unto them to do.  Again heed my warnings so that you can become all that I have called you to become and do not give place to the enemy.

For there are many spirits that are working very heavily in the church causing division, strife, dividing my people.  But, I say unto you, fear not, for I, your Father God, shall deal with them and I shall deal very hard upon them, for they refuse to move and they don’t want to go to the dry places, even in my word you saw they did plead to go into the pigs, but the pigs ran into the water, drowned.  Oh, I say unto you, you’re safe, you’re safe, you’re safe.  Stand on my word, yield to me and I, your Father God, shall deliver you.       

6-10-20 pm service

For my heart is filled with love for you, for desires for you to prosper, for desires for you to be obedient, for desires for you to be the overcomers, those that will walk by my side, those that will go forth and do the things that I called them out to do, those that will be the victors, those that will go in the rapture.  Not all shall go there, many think they are going that way, but their lives are not the lives that I have called for them.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in, press in, come closer for I love you. 

Press in, press in, press in. 

For unity is of great importance and the enemy is trying to divide even those that walk with me.  Therefore, I say unto you, do not allow this, but stand with your brothers, stand with your sisters and walk in unity with me. 

For I desire my church to come to the fullness that I have called for it to be, for it is that time, it is that hour when my church becomes the main attraction, but if there is not unity how can I really use them the way I desire?  For a house divided against itself cannot stand and in these days you need to be united to stand against the enemy, for he is fighting harder than at anytime before.  So realize the importance of this, realize that when the house was united then I could rain down My Spirit upon them without measure, that is how it happened on the day of Pentecost, but there was only a few that were there.  There were many more that could have been there; for I desire for many, but only a few are chosen, remember that.  Be one of those chosen that I have called, be one of those that I can use, be one of those that I need for these days and these hours, saith the Lord.  

6-7-20 am service

For truly you are a child of God, all the blessings, all the promises, all the inheritance is already yours and when you realize that you constantly walk in victory, there will be no fear.  For many walk in fear and yet they deny it and when they deny it they cannot receive help from me.  But when you look to me and call upon my name I shall hear and I shall answer and I shall deliver.  But you need to call upon my name, you cannot have iniquity in your heart, you must repent, call upon me for I will deliver you, I will set you free.  For you are the overcomer, you are the victor; you are what my word says that you are.  You don’t see it so much in the Old Testament because the blood was not shed until the New Testament, salvation did not come until the New Testament, but listen and know, know my word, know my word, know the things that I have said, don’t be ignorant.  Don’t allow the devil to walk over you, but you, you my child walk over him. 

For I say unto you, my children, know that my word is for you personally, says the Lord, before anyone else, says the Lord, you need to know my word personally before you can give it to others, says the Lord.  For my word is truth and you need to know that truth, says the Lord.  Therefore walk in my word, know my word and remember my word, says the Lord. 

For my people, are you my people, not everybody is my people, but my people, my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, you don’t know who you are, you don’t know what I have done, you walk as a blind person and yet I’ve delivered you from that, I’ve set you free.  And you are free indeed and yet you do not understand that, you do not know this and when you don’t know something you don’t walk in that, you say you do, but you don’t.  Your actions tell more than your voice, people see you and they know, they’re not fooled, be not fooled yourself.

For throughout my word you see these things especially in the Old Testament, because the New Testament is seen in the Old Testament, but the Old Testament is explained in the new.  It tells you why, it tells you why, that you may walk in the victories that you now have that they did not have.  They were not redeemed from the curse, but you, you’ve have been redeemed. 

When sitting at a stoplight and it changes from go, which is green, to red, which is stop, do you sit there and wait and wait and wait and do nothing and yet that is what you do with my word.  My word tells you to go, my word tells you, you’re free, my word tells you you’re the victor, my word tells you you’re the overcomer, my word tells you that you are healed, my word tells you that I have given unto you the power, not unto Satan.  You have all power, all authority, all ability, I cannot tell you much more than that, I cannot explain much more than that to you, but when you understand and when you know, when that light changes and the green light comes on you go, go, go and you have the victory because you know. 

It is true my church, I have given unto you all things, but sad to say most do not know how to use them and have not fully stepped into the fullness of the promises that I have given unto them.  For I have far greater things for you than what the world has for you and yet you choose to abide in the worldly things than in my word.  You choose to do your own things instead of the things that I desire.  Do you not know that I will bless you far more, and if you don’t receive your blessings here, my word says in heaven they shall be oh so great.  And yet time is drawing very short and there is much that needs to be done and where are my people, but some have watched and stayed away and they are no good to me.  But I have called you to run, I have called you to run in these days and these hours, to go forth and do the things that I have spoken unto you to do.  For it is that time and it is that hour and I need my church to be on fire like never before, I need my church flowing in the fullness of the things that I have called them to flow in.  For it is now that time and is now that hour, saith the Lord. 

For the devil has tried to shut churches this year, but my church that has stood up against him will have the victory, they will see the miracles, the signs, the wonders, they will see the blessings that I have for them, for they are in my will.  For this year is going to be a special year for Campmeeting, the Lord God says, for if you have got extra money, if you have it on your heart, donate to Campmeeting, because we are going to need it this year, the Lord God says.  He says because there are going to be many miracles, signs and wonders.  He says if you have it in your heart, donate to the Johnson’s this year, bless them as never before, the Lord God says.  The Lord God says, this year go out and invite your enemies, go out and invite your loved ones, go out and invite other churches, go out and invite the lost to come to Campmeeting because this will be a special year.  For the Lord’s anointing will come and it will move like never before, you will see the miracles, the signs and the wonders like never before, the Lord God says.  The Lord God says, today his anointing is going to be here, so come and receive whatever you need today, come and receive whatever the Lord God has for you today, each and every week it is going to get stronger and stronger until Campmeeting.     

6-7-20 pm service

For truly that is my desire, saith your Father God, to touch you, to lift you up, to encourage you, to build within you my word that you can speak forth my word with power, with authority and the enemy has to back away, run, flee, for that is what my word says unto you.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you, for he is behind all the attacks and when you know that then you know how to put on your armor and you’ll know how to go to war and you’ll know how to win.  For you cannot be defeated, I promise you this night, saith your Father God, I will stand with you if you stand with me, I will stand with you. 

For my children, I say unto you, you must be filled and feed upon my word at all times, says the Lord, be filled continuously with My Spirit, says the Lord.  For it is by My Spirit that you’re able to walk in these days ahead victoriously, says the Lord.  Therefore don’t fret, don’t worry, for I am with you, says the Lord, but remember what I have spoken unto you. 

For it is not by power, it is not by might, but it is by My Spirit and as you walk in My Spirit you’re far bigger than the devil, you’re far bigger than any circumstance, you’re far bigger than any problem.  Walk, walk and watch and see and the victory shall be yours. 

For even Samson when he repented from his sin did I not restore to him the ability to have the greatest victory he ever had and he was a winner not a loser, be a winner. 

For my word does not go out and return void but my word always comes to pass and, therefore, when I have given unto you my word, when I have given unto you my promise, you can rest in knowing that I will do what I have said that I would do.  No, it doesn’t always happen the way you think it should or in the timeframe you think, but if you rest in me it all comes out in perfect timing.  For there has always been a time of waiting on the Lord, has there not?  For I have given unto you my word to wait on me and allow me to move.  All you have to do is stand on my word, all you have to do is speak forth my word, call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be, that is what my word says, that is a promise that I have given unto you.  Therefore, you can stand upon that word, you can stand upon that promise and I will move upon your behalf.  So do not be moved by what man says, for man is not me, but when I have said it that should settle it for you and when you stand upon it you will see the victory.  

6-3-20 pm service

Let your ears always be open that I can move through you, that I can talk to you, that I can love you, that I can show you my love and my mercy, that I can watch over you and protect you and keep you safe.  So fear no evil, for I have charged my angels round about you to watch over you and protect you also and they shall go where you go and be with you at all times so you have nothing to fear, nothing, absolutely nothing to fear, but walk, walk very close to me. 

For I have already made a way for you, a way that others haven’t ever seen before, but I have made a way for you.  For you are mine, saith your Father God and I will take you with me when you go and you will be rejoicing with me always. 

Do not allow the problems that you see and hear in the news, for that is not of me, but I am here to love you, I am here to care for you, I am here to take you safely through and I will do that.  So promise to walk close to me and you will have no fear. 

For I am a God of love, I am a God of mercy and I am a God of truth and therefore you can always stand upon my word and you can know without a shadow of a doubt it will always come to pass.  Therefore, when I say unto you I will watch over you and keep you safe there is nothing that you need to worry about, all you have to do is put your trust and confidence in me.  I will lead you, I will guide you, I will direct you, but you must put all of your trust in me, you must look to me for all of your wisdom and knowledge, for I will give that unto you.  I will show you the things that are going to take place, I will show you where to go and where not to go and I will bless you abundantly in the days ahead.  So do not fear the things that shall come, do not fear the things that are taking place right now, but fully put your trust in me and I will move upon your behalf like never before. 

5-31-20 am service

For truly the cries are coming before me, come quickly Lord Jesus, and I will be coming quickly and therefore I have been speaking to you preparing you and getting you ready as my church.  Many have not realized that yet, they don’t realize that judgment has come to the house of God, for many have left their first love and thousands of little things are more important than me.  You could look out at the golf course today and you would see that being packed out also, yet so many do not realize exactly what is taking place.  For they don’t know me, they don’t know my voice, they don’t hear me and when they do they don’t do what I say, because that is the common nature of man, that is not the Christian nature, but the common nature of man, nobody is going to tell man what to do.  But my sheep, my sheep know my voice, they hear my voice and they come, they come because they know I love them, that I care for them, that I protect them, that I keep them safe, that I keep the enemies away from them and nothing can touch them.  In other words for the enemy to get to them he has to come through me, he has to come through me and he can’t do that, I have already defeated the whole host of Satan before, that is not a hard thing for me.  But it is hard for man to understand, for man tries to use his wisdom, tries to use his knowledge, and our ways are far above man, don’t you remember we told you that?  Oh we have spoken so many things that at times you do not listen carefully and catch the words and you miss the instructions.  But listen, listen carefully, listen to the things that we say today, that you may get into that place that you need to be, because truly I am coming soon. 

Even Gideon when he was hiding in fear, yes, he was in fear and he was hiding, he did not want them to see what he was doing, when they came and spoke to him he said, who me?  Many times you feel too little, insignificant, but you’re not, you’re extremely important, every single one has a job that they need to do, every single one needs to be in their spot, in their place doing what we have called them to do.  And nobody else, absolutely nobody else can do that, and when it is not there, then the whole ministry lacks, the whole ministry hurts, listen, listen. 

For I say unto you, my children, many of my children do not know me personally as their God as they should, says the Lord, but they know me as a textbook God, they don’t see themselves as those that I have called for this time and this hour, but they see themselves as the grasshopper, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, you are not the grasshopper, but you are giants, says the Lord.  Therefore rise up and become those giants that I have called you to be and therefore you shall set the others free as well, says the Lord. 

My ways are far higher than your ways, that is why so many cannot read the King James Bible and understand it, they go to a baby Bible and the baby Bible is wrong, and they take the things from the baby Bible and they think that they are our ways, no, no, no.  There is a way that seemeth right to man, but the end thereof is destruction, that is not what we planned for our church, that is not what God has planned for his children.  You’re the victors, you’re the overcomers, you’re the head, you’re not the tail, you’re not the stinky part, you’re the head, you’re the head, therefore act like you’re the head. 

Do you remember the lukewarm church in the book of Revelation when this is the generation of the lukewarm church, they have departed from their first love and they don’t know it.  Many have never taught on it, nor instructed them, because they don’t know it, very few pastors have been called and they definitely weren’t chosen, many we have that way.  Many that went into church just for the money, my word speaks about that also, their howling, they flee when the trouble comes and during this virus you saw those that fled.  Oh they put on the broadcasts, but that is not being in my house, that is not being under the anointing, that is not where the Spirit of God moves, but they didn’t know it, they didn’t know it.  Therefore, I say unto you, realize where you are at, judgment had to come to the church or most of the church would have perished and went to hell, therefore judgment had to come here first and you are in that phase of judgment now.  And I have told you when it shall end and I have told you what you need to do, therefore listen, listen. 

And many more of these things shall begin to take place now than ever before, but it is just another sign of the days and the hour that you are living in.  But I have said, you do not need to fear those things, but all you need to do is to be walking according to my word and walk according to my promise.  For if you do those things then I can move upon your behalf, I can do everything that I have promised to do for you, I can keep you safe.  Do not look to man, for he does not have the wisdom and knowledge that I have, for I am the one that has made the way where there was no way possible before and I have made a way through the days ahead victoriously.  So do not fear the things that shall take place, but realize the lateness of the hour.  Realize how important it is to put aside those earthly fleshly desires and run with me one hundred percent, for it is now that time and it is now that hour and I need you my church flowing in the fullness that I have called you to flow.  But I cannot use you if you are not here, so it is important to be in my house when the doors are open, I will protect you, I will watch over you and I will use you if you allow me to, saith the Lord. 

That is why I am not speaking to Israel at the moment, they have hardened their hearts, they have the two witnesses now that have been speaking to them for a very long time, you have only known about it yourself a short time, but they have been spoken to for a long time now trying to bring them back into the safety of the fold.  But they don’t want to give up their old life, they’re like the Christians that don’t want to give up their old life, the flesh, they want to feed the flesh, they want the flesh, they desire the flesh, they seek after the flesh, they think when they should be seeking after the Godly things.  But after the church is gone and they’ve gone through the three and a half years of wrath, they will be looking for me when I come back, they’ll be looking, they’ll be ready then, but not before.  But you, if you miss the rapture you go to hell, there is no second chance, so don’t try to out think me, don’t try to outguess me, but listen and do what I say. 

For unto my church, do you realize you have the victory, the devil does not defeat you, you have me.  I gave you the authority in the name of Jesus to defeat the devil.  Jesus has already defeated him, so stand up to him today in the name of Jesus until you have the victory.  Stand up to him and tell him you cannot defeat me devil because I have God, I have Jesus.  Today, do a victory march and allow me to move upon you and come to the altar and allow my anointing to touch you. 

5-31-20 pm service

Stand on my word, speak forth my word, for the promises are always yes and so be it, therefore you can take my word and you can become the overcomer that I have made you already.  You can be the one that reaches out and helps bring in the harvest, brings in the souls, sees the miracles, sees the signs, sees the wonders, you don’t need man’s wisdom, but use my wisdom, use my knowledge.  Know what my word says, stand on my word, for when you stand on my word you automatically become an overcomer, you become a victor.  It is not in the wisdom and knowledge of man; it’s in the power of my word. 

For my children, I say unto you, there is no greater power than my word, says the Lord, spoken by faith.  For my word goes forth and does not return void, but it does the things that it is sent forth to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, know my word, speak my word and rightly divide my word in truth, says the Lord, for surly you will see the things that I have for you when you do those things, says the Lord.

Remember it only takes the faith of a little child, for most children have more faith than adults.  For they hear, they believe, they stand on what they hear and they tell you what they believe, do so also. 

For as strong as the walls that reach forward is the word, for if you take a three cord word it can’t be broken, there is no way, nobody can break it, it stands, it stands, it stands.  It brings forth the things that you send it for. 

Therefore, when you stand in agreement on my word it becomes even more powerful, for there is nothing that can come against my word, but when you unite yourselves together upon one thing how much stronger are you?  For my word says, one can put a thousand to flight but two can put ten thousand to flight, three, I tell you, will put thirty thousand and on up.  So you can understand as there are more of you how much stronger you are when you’re walking in perfect unity.  But in order to do that, you must renew your mind and allow me to take the old garbage out and then you have got to get in and fill it with the word, you must be in my word, you must know what my word has to say.  For if you are trying to stand upon man’s word or sense knowledge faith, it will never work, but if you are standing upon my true word, then, then, then you will see those things that I have said take place.  For there are few who know how to stand upon my word and I desire that all know how to stand upon my word. 

For what are you going through today, the Lord God is bigger than anything you are going through, so give it to him today.  The Lord God wants to give you that miracle today, he wants to touch you like never before, so come and give it to him today.  

5-27-20 pm service

For truly my love is poured out upon you and it is because I love you so much that I shall watch over you and protect you.  So fear not, fear not the things that you hear, fear not the things that are coming, the things that you shall see, but remember I said I would take you through safely, you have nothing to fear.  So do not allow people to feed you fear, for fear is not of me, fear is an enemy and you are much more powerful than that enemy.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, walk in the faith that I have given to you, walk in the strength that I have given to you, walk, walk as the overcomer. 

My children should always be on top, because I am always there for them, all you have to do is call upon my name, I’ll hear you, I’ll answer you.  If you listen carefully I’ll speak to you.

There is a great trial coming and even though you’re little you’ll hear about it, for everybody is talking about it, but do not let it trouble your heart, be not fearful.  For you shall go through it victoriously, even if your parents have a struggle with it you will not, if you trust me, if you’ll listen to me, if you’ll abide in my love.

For there are many things that have to come to pass and have to take place in these days and these hours, do not fear them, for I have already made a way for you that you can walk in total victory, but all of your trust and all of your confidence must be in me.  Keep your eyes focused on me, for I will lead and guide and direct you and I will move upon your behalf even though the rest of the world may lay in shambles I will still be moving upon your behalf.  So continue to look to me, for I will do all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord. 

5-24-20 am service

Do you really worship me because of who I am, do you know who I am, this virus that Satan has sent your way has caused many of you to be leopards who stand a far off, you won’t touch anybody, you won’t do anything, you haven’t followed the orders of Jesus who gave unto them to go unto the priests, get their deliverance, get their repentance.  Look round about you this morning and see where this whole restriction lifted by the President of the United States and yet where is my church, where is my church?  Where are my priests, where are my prophets, where are they?  Oh there are many, many that I have and there are many that serve me with all of their hearts, with all of their soul, with all of their mind, very few serve me with all of their mind.  But I say unto you, you need to serve me with all of your mind, your mind should be staid upon me and upon what I am doing, upon the works that I desire to do.  For suddenly, suddenly it is going to come to pass and then what are you going to be, hiding in the shadows or a warrior for me?  I am calling my warriors; I am calling my warriors from all of the earth, hear my voice and come I say, come, for it’s that time, it’s that hour, come and I shall lift you up on high like never before, I shall do unto you all the things that I have promised.  I shall make you everything that I have given unto you, the vision and the desires and the dreams for.  There is nothing that I will withhold and my great hour we will rise up out of the dust, shake the dust off and become sons and daughters of the living God empowered by me, comforted by me, strengthen by me and they shall walk in unity.  There will be no divisions, none whatsoever, for I will deal with the divisions and I will deal strongly, saith your Father God, for it is that hour and it is that time.  Draw closer to me, come closer to me, for it is that hour, saith your Father.    

For I say unto you, my children, I have placed my finish line already, says the Lord, therefore my finish line is straight ahead, if you don’t run, if you don’t run, if don’t run you shall not make it to my finish line, says the Lord.   Therefore, pick up my word and run with it, say the Lord, for truly if you do not do my word you will not make my finish line, says the Lord. 

For truly there is a burst of energy, supernatural energy when you see the finish line.  When you see the finish line then you will run harder than you have ever run in your life, you run stronger, stronger, stronger and you always win. 

Therefore, I say, deal with fear first of all and cast it out, for I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power of a sound mind that you can control your mind that you control the things that you think upon, the things that you meditate upon, that you can cling on to them with a supernatural power that will never turn them loose.  For nothing shall be able to separate you from me, for you and I will become one like we should be one and because you and I are one like we should be there will be absolutely nothing, nothing that is impossible for you. 

For I have given you the victory, I have made you the overcomer and yet you do not always walk in that way that I have already made for you.  You go about and do your own things and big problems because of that, you walk in fear and yet fear is not of me and yet you let your whole life be controlled by fear in a sense when your life should be controlled by me.  For I am the God who can do all things, I am the God that can make all things possible and yet I have worked again in your lives time and time again and it is undeniable, but yet are you so quick to forget the things that I have done for you in the past?  Do you not know the things that shall come now are greater than anything I have ever done before?  So realize that you need to put off these earthly fleshly things and you need to put on My Spirit, you need to put on the whole armor of God so that you can go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do.  For I am raising up an army, I am calling out to those today who are willing to come and stand with me and do what I have called for them to do.  And oh what a great army it shall be and I will breath my very breath into that army and every single power that I have they will have, all authority that I have they will have and they will go forth and they will conquer and they will do all that I have called them to do.  Will you sit by the sideline and watch as others receive their victories and their blessings and allow me to pass you by or will you rise up and stand where I have told you to stand today? 

What are you afraid of the Lord God wants to know because everything has been defeated by my Son Jesus Christ, he went, he defeated the devil, for you have the victory.  So stand up in the name of Jesus and tell the devil you have victory over whatever is going on in you life and tell the devil we are going to win in the name of Jesus.  So come this morning, allow God to move upon you, allow his glory to fall upon you this morning.   

5-24-20 pm service

For of a truth it is in my presence that you come and I am here, saith your Father God and I look upon you and I see you, every face, every heart, every life.  Mark in your Bible this night, saith your Father God, that a feeling came upon me, I was sealed with the Holy Ghost.  Therefore continue to walk as I am walking and press in even more so, I have your guarantee of eternal life.  Many cannot say this, for they’re not walking in faithfulness, they’re not sold out a hundred percent to me, they have got many gods in their life, many gods and they do not recognize them or admit them, they do not deal with them, they do not cast them down, they do not annul them.  But I see faithfulness and faithfulness reminds me of David, it reminds me of the heroes of the Bible, those that stood when others couldn’t stand.  It reminds me of David’s four mighty men, it reminds me of the three Hebrew children, it reminds me of David, it reminds me of Daniel in the fiery furnace, it reminds me of those things and that is something very precious and something very dear to me, therefore I remember you, remember that I remember you.

Therefore, my children, I say unto you, to come out from among the unclean things, says the Lord and be separate for my use, says the Lord.  Therefore you shall see the things that I have prepared for those that love me, says the Lord and you will see those things if you separate yourselves, says the Lord.  For you are to be a vessel unto me that I can use, says the Lord, therefore allow me to use you, says the Lord.  

Mark it down, I say, even as I said to the children of Israel as they prepared to conquer Jordan and they laid the twelve rocks there as a memorial.  Mark this day down as your memorial and you shall go through the times victoriously, you shall be the overcomers, you shall be the head, you shall perform miracles, signs and wonders such as the world has never seen.  And when they ask you, wasn’t there more, wasn’t there more, I don’t see them open the book and show them the date and tell them why, tell them why. 

It’s a great hour, it’s a great army, not many in numbers, but faithful in their hearts, trustworthy, committed, those that I can call upon and when I call they’ll answer, they will put a hundred percent in, they won’t take any change back out, they’ll give and give and give.  Therefore, I can give and give and give unto them, for with what measure they sow I shall sow it with a bigger shovel than they have.  I’ll out sow them, I’ll out sow them and their harvest shall be the greatest. 

For I desire to do a mighty work in your lives, I desire to pour out my blessings upon you, but sad to say there are very few who are still faithful.  Oh yes, they consider themselves faithful, but they do not meet my standards of faithfulness.  For I have required to be in my house when the doors are open and yet your doors have never closed, but where are those who call themselves faithful to me and there are others like this also.  But in the days ahead you will see who the true faithful ones are, for they will be flowing in the fullness of the blessings.  Oh the others will get there blessings too, for they have promises that I gave them long ago, but you will be far more blessed because of your faithfulness.  Remember when you are faithful to me I am always faithful to you; I have always been faithful to my people.  So don’t forget me, but continue to put me first, because then I can add all those things unto you, saith the Lord.

For you cannot say that I am unjust, for had I said that I twist your arm, did I take a whip to you, did I pressure you and not allow you sleep, no you opened your hearts, you opened your hearts and because you have opened your hearts I shall open my heart to you. 

For it blesses my heart to see those who are pressing in even though all the world around them is backing off.  But, I say unto you, continue to press in and the blessings that you will begin to see will be far greater, far superior to anything you could have ever thought or imagined.  For it is the hour and the time for the wealth of the heathen to come into the righteous, but only a few I call righteous, for it is not what you call righteous, but it is what I call righteous.  So be one of those that I can bless in this day and in this hour.

For I said what you sow you shall reap, you made the choice to sow and now the harvest is coming and I shall make the choice of who the harvest goes to.

For those who have sowed sparingly will reap sparingly, likewise those who have sowed the way I have said to sow will reap a bountiful harvest, for they have sowed the seed that I told them to plant.  Yes others said, well Lord we did what you said but not really because you did not give out of love out of your heart but you gave grudgingly, you gave well Lord you said I had to give this Lord so I am giving it.  You didn’t really give like I tell you to give but those who give out of love for me I will love them in return, saith the Lord.  

Was it not that type of sowing the sowing of Cain, not Able but Cain.  Cain sowed what he desired to sow and only what he desired to sow and though I should bow down and honor his offering, I rejected it, I rejected it.

For the widow with her two mites was blessed far more than the very so called religious ones that gave much more but very little in comparison to her.  For she gave all that she had, she had no more but I blessed her because of that and I can bless those who give like that.  For I have given not to horde but I have given to give and those who give more shall be given in to them because they do what I have called for them to do.  So remember that in the days ahead when the money and the finances begin to flow in, give as I have told you to give and I will continue to supply those finances, do what you want and it will stop. 

5-20-20 pm service

etc always be a sweet sound in your ears, for I love you with an everlasting love, I’ve always loved you.  Therefore, I say unto you, just press in closer to me, come closer to me, I have so much for you and I want to do so much for you. I want to give you the ministry that you have that you can receive the blessings of those ministries and walk in the fullness of the power. 

For the road ahead is a smooth one if you’re walking with me.  It will not be smooth for the world, it will not be for those that claim their Christians but yet they are not.  But it shall be for you if you walk in my word, if you speak my word, you shall see the victories and you shall walk in the victories.

Do not be concerned over this virus, for I shall give you so many things to do that are fun you’ll not be disturbed, you’ll not be down, you’ll feel the pressure but you’ll walk in the victory.  Trust me, trust my word, I shall take you through. 

Therefore, I say, be not be moved by the things that are taking place and going on all around you, for some of these things must come to pass, they have been recorded in my word.  But they are not for my people, they’re not for those who are following me, they’re not for those who are really pressing in, they are not for those who are doing everything I have called for them to do.  But it is a wakeup call to the world and to those who are asleep that it is time to get your houses in order, for there is not much time left.  For remember when the door is shut, it is shut and it cannot be reopened.  Only the Jews who have a different covenant and their time comes after three and a half years of great, great, great tribulation such has never been seen and will never be seen again.  So remember I have great things in store for you, but you must be doing what I have called for you to do. 

5-17-20 am service

For I do reign and my children reign with me, they walk closely by my side, they do nothing unless I tell them to, they speak nothing unless I tell them to, they walk very closely.  And throughout my word you see this pattern and that is the pattern that we are returning to now, that is my pattern and that is where my church shall be.  For they shall be that glorious church without spot or wrinkle, they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath, never, never beneath.  For they have no pride, but to walk humbly before me, for pride goeth before a fall, it is worse than witchcraft, it will not be theirs.  For my heart is heavy this day, saith your Father God, for as I look upon my churches and I see all, all the things that hinder them and stop them from being there and yet they are still not there.  Where are they, do they not know the season, do they not know the times, why, why do they not know why this virus came.  Surely they are not that unaware that they don’t know 11 Chronicles, the whole second chapter and what verse thirteen says before the verse they quote if my people.  It way placed there for this time and this time only and it tells you the virus, the crown virus, the corona virus, the corona nineteen virus, it couldn’t be any clearer, it couldn’t be any plainer.  For judgment shall first come to my house and I need repentance in order to have a church without spot or wrinkle.  For if I don’t have a church without spot or wrinkle there is no rapture and the rapture is due to take place very soon now.  Therefore, I say unto you, walk with me, walk with me, that is a commandment, walk with me.  Lay down your life, take up my life, I said carry my cross, remember, put away your desires and let my desires be first.

For Joshua walked with me and therefore I could use him and it was Joshua who said, as for me and my house we will follow the Lord.  Is that true in your house or do your children regardless of what age do whatever they want?  Wake up to the times, call upon my name and I will hear you.

For I say unto you, my children, and if you are mine my word dwells in you.  Therefore, I say unto you, pick up the word you have laid on your coffee table, says the Lord and do the word that I have given unto you to do.  For my word is what is superior to you, says the Lord, therefore superiority is in me not in the things that you desire to do.  Put down your agenda and pick up mine, says the Lord and you will see the victories.   

For I love you with an everlasting love, but I am also a righteous judge and you shall be judged according to my word.  I cannot violate my word, I cannot change my word, I cannot bend my word, I cannot overlook my words.  Therefore, I say, come, come unto me.

For Israel was supposed to be the stiff-necked rebellious people, their pride is always super high and I have had to humble them time and time and time again.  Even now when my church goes they remain behind for another three and a half years and yet they could have repented, they could have called upon the name of Jesus and been saved, they could have gone with the church, but no, no they remain.  But the sad part of it is, if the church remains there will not be a second chance for them, they go to hell.  I have a covenant with the Jews; I do not have the same covenant with the gentiles.  I have a covenant with the gentiles, yes, but not the same covenant that I have with the Jews.  You say wait, I read in Hebrews where we have a better one, you better look up the Greek word, you better look up the Hebrew word and I tell you, you’re going to be shocked.  But, I say repent, call upon my name while it is yet day, for nighttime commeth quick and when the door is shut, the door is shut. 

For do you not know that I have made a way where there seems to be no way, for I have already made that way available to you, all you need to do is walk in that way.  But sadly most times you chose to go your own way and do your own things rather than the things that I have called for you to do.  And yet I have been preparing you for this day and for this hour even though you have not prepared yourselves or made yourself ready, for I have given you ample time.  For I desire to use you, but if I cannot then I must find somebody else, but that is not my desire.  For there are those that I have called that are not doing what I have called them to do, some are walking in sin and they cannot get out, but do you forget that I can deliver and set you free, yes that is right, you need to be set free.  For Satan has you so entangled, humble yourself, repent, call upon my name, for I will deliver and set you free.  For I have great need of you in this day and in this hour, for I would have not called you if I was not going to use you.  But remember, you must chose to do what I have said, you are the one that has to make the choice, for I have already made my choice, but I must, I must, I must judge the church, for if I do not judge the church how can I judge the world?  For they did not repent after nine eleven, they have yet to repent now, but far greater disaster is coming for those who do not call upon my name and turn from their wicked ways.  For you see you are in the very last days, you are in the very last hour, now is the time, now is the hour to do the things that I have called you to do, saith the Lord. 

For I have given you that chance, I sent my Son; my Son came for each and every one of you, for you have a way.  For today is a day of repentance, there is only one way and that is through my Son Jesus Christ.  I challenge each and every one of you here, each and every one of you watching today to come to me and repent, repent from your wicked ways.  I challenge you today to seek me and seek your heart and repent and come.    

5-17-20 pm service

etc with joy, for I love you and I bless you and I watch over you and I protect you and I take care of you, that alone should bring joy to your heart.  So you have no fear, for I said cast all your cares upon me and I will carry them also.  In a way you are free to walk in all the love, all the blessings, all the assurances, everything that I have for you.  So why allow your heart to be trodden down, why be troubled, is there anything that I wouldn’t do for you?  Therefore, you’re in the hour when every single promise has to be fulfilled before the church goes out or I would be a liar and I don’t lie for my word is truth.

For I say unto you, my children, you shall know when your contentment is content and you don’t run there and you don’t run over there, but everything you do is unto me, says the Lord.  Then you know that you are where I need you to be, says the Lord.  For it is in me that you’ll find your contentment, says the Lord, and it is in me where you will find your life, your desire, says the Lord.  Get to that place and you shall truly know what living is.

Draw as close to me as Abraham was, talk with me, for I desire to talk with you, but you don’t listen, you don’t believe I will and you don’t expect.  Draw closer and I shall show you things that you have never known before. 

For I can fulfill every single need that you have, I can supply all the money that you have need for, there is absolutely nothing, nothing I cannot do for you.  I can keep you safe, I can protect you, I can feed you, I can clothe you, I can do all things for you.  So put your full trust into me, allow me to do what I desire to do. 

Allow me to do the work, allow me to change the heart, don’t tell me how to do it, for I know how to do it, for my way is far higher than your way and my way always works.  But remember you can stand upon my word, you can stand upon my promises, you can call out to me and I will answer if you are walking according to my word and doing the things that I have called for you to do.  For this is the greatest hour of church history in that sense, the final hour, the final days, the final sprint to the finish line.  Everything before now has been leading up to where you’re at and yet what is yet to come is the most exciting, the best, the whip cream and the cherry on top before you go to heaven and have the banquet there.  But you have to do what I said to do, you have to call upon my name, you have to turn from the things you are doing and set aside your own wants and desires and follow me and do the things that I have called for you to do.  For it is now that time and it is now that hour, saith the Lord.   

5-13-20 pm service

etc continue to speak my word to bind up that you may walk in the perfect will that I have for you, that you may stop the afflictions, that you may stop the things that the enemy is trying to do, that you can walk as the head and not the tail, that you can always be above and never, never, never beneath, but stand on my word, for it is my word that will do it.  Many stand on my word for a very short time and then they wonder why the enemy comes in and hits like a flood, they’re not standing any longer, they have backed off, they haven’t prayed through.  For I say unto you, pray through, stand on my word and I will fulfill my word to you. 

For my word is always truth, my word is always the only way, my words spoken from your mouth makes you the victor, makes you the overcomer.  When you speak other words you make the devil the winner. 

Beware of the trap of the enemy, I’ll cause your eyes, your spiritual eyes to see them and know them that there is no way that he can trap you.  So keep your eyes, your spiritual eyes open and you shall be the victor. 

For at times the enemy brings things that may seem on the surface to be so enticing, but it takes you away from doing what I have called you to do.  It takes you out of the place where I desire for you to be; even though in the natural it sounds good, the end is always destruction.  But when you are following my will, when you are following my word the end is always victory.  For you win in the end, for I can bless you and move upon your behalf when you’re walking according to my will and you are walking according to my word.  So remember those things and do not be deceived, for he is trying to deceive many at this time and at this hour, saith the Lord. 

5-10-20 am service

I am unshakeable etc etc and when you allow the enemy to shake you then your faith is not standing and if the faith is not standing the door is open and the devil robs, he steals, he destroys.  Can you not understand that, do I watch over my promises to fulfill them, then I will, there is no room for doubt, there is no room for lack of faith.  This is not over my children nor will it be over soon, things will never return to what you call normal nor what I call normal.  Too much room has been given to the devil already, his chokehold is so great now that things will come that were not suppose to come.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand strong, stand still, don’t be moved, stand, when you have done everything to do, stand, is not that what my word says?  Stand, do not yield, do not bow down, but be all that I have said, for if you are doing all that I have said and being all that I have said then you shall be the overcomers and even the wealth of the heathen will come into you.  But it won’t come to those that are weak, it won’t come to those that are bowing, it won’t come to those that are not obedient, it won’t come to them.  Therefore, stand; stand that I can bless you above and beyond any doubt. 

Therefore, I say unto you, stay in my word and keep that fruit, says the Lord, for my fruit is what shall stand, says the Lord.  Therefore, trust in me, trust in me, don’t let your fruit be cast out, says the Lord. 

For the things that I have in store for you for these days and these hours are far greater, they far exceed anything that has ever come before now, but your faith needs to exceed what is was before.  For in times past you stood upon my word far greater than some stand upon my word today and yet I have called you to draw closer, I have said now is the time, now is the hour to stand upon my word like never before.  To be so grounded in my word that you can do all that I have said and called you to do.  It is not an hour to back off or sit dormant, but it is an hour to be alive, it is the hour for the dry bones to come alive, does not it say so in my word, but I have called it for these days and for these hours.  So do not back off but charge forward, for I will watch over you, I will protect you, I will give you everything that you have need of, you don’t need to depend on man, for man cannot do it, but I can do it.  For if I can feed the children of Israel for forty years in the wilderness cannot I feed you for three and a half, for that is really all that you have in that sense, less than that now.  But if you look at it that way, can I not do it, for I did far greater things before and I have far greater things in store for you, saith the Lord. 

Take another look at my word, read every single word, don’t skip over a word, read every single word and you will find the Holy Spirit giving you clarity, understanding, wisdom and knowledge. 

For of a truth this virus is my judgment on the church first and then on the world, 11 Chronicles chapter seven first verse, verse thirteen will clearly, clearly explain it to the doubters, it was for this time and this time only.  They can say this scientist, they can say this, they can say that, they have said it about every judgment that I have ever brought.  I brought many judgments on Israel and sad to say Israel is just like the church they are not repenting, there are no changes taking place, their thinking is the same.  My word declares that the man thinks, as a man thinks in his heart so is he, think brings doubt, thinking brings fear, thinking destroys your faith unless you are thinking according to my word. 

But for my church, for my church, for my children all my plans still stand, they have not changed not one iota, and I hope you know what an iota is, they haven’t changed, they are the greatest for these hours, for this time than at any other time in all the world.  For your hope, your hope is on its way, your hope is coming very fast, therefore I have to, did you hear me my children, I have to fulfill all, all my promises to you before I take you out. 

5-10-20 pm service

I am the only God, there is none other but me and therefore I desire to draw you closer that you walk with me, walk with me in the fullness of my power, the fullness of my strength, the fullness of my glory.  For I share my glory with you, I do not share it when you try to steal my glory, but I share my glory with you.  Therefore, I bless you, I bless you coming in, I bless you going out, I make you the head and not the tail you are always above, never, never, never beneath.  And if you are not walking and receiving the blessings according to my word, draw closer to me, does not that tell you something, it should tell you something, therefore, I say, walk, walk with me. 

For I say unto you, my children, allow me to fill you to overflowing, says the Lord, for all that see you will see me, says the Lord.  All will say who is that, who is that, it’s me, says the Lord, I live through you, says the Lord. Therefore, allow me to perform those things, which I said to perform in my name, says the Lord, because the world will know me as their Lord, says the Lord. 

For my greatest joy is making you into my image, into my sons and daughters to be, that is my greatest joy.  It is not my joy when you try to become that, but when I make you that, then that is my joy.

For there is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end of that way is total destruction.  Only my way is the right way, there is only one way that needeth to heaven, there is only one road, none others come in by any other road.  There is only one way, therefore walk according to my way. 

For my way is always the best way, no it is not always the easiest at times, but it leads you in the right direction, it takes you where you need to go.  Even though at times you do not always see the final destination, I already know the final destination; I would never lead you in the wrong way.  So when you trust me and you follow after me everything works, but you must learn to trust and put all of your confidence in me.  For I have far greater things in store for those who are walking according to my way and according to my will.  

5-6-20 pm service

etc be a sweet sound in you ear, for I am the one that loves you, cares for you, protects you, watches over you to keep you safe.  For my love is extended even greater than you know, for you are mine, I bought you with a price and therefore I keep you safe.  I give unto you wisdom, I give unto you knowledge, I give unto you understanding that you can become all that I desire for you to be.  Even though the time is short, yet many thing, many thing shall be fulfilled in your life, many things you shall be able to do before that time.  But your excitement for that time shall grow and grow until you are more excited about that than the things of the world.  For the things of the world will pass away, they will be no more, but I, I always will be there and you will always be there with me, you shall rejoice in my presence, for I will love you.

Be prepared to be giants, be prepared to be used, I may even use you more than any adults that you know, because many are not ready to be used and refuse to be used.  But you, your hearts are tender, your hearts are listening and therefore I can use you.

There are so many voices in the world talking to you, get into my word and listen carefully, for My Spirit will guide you.  Make sure you’re baptized in the Holy Ghost that you flow in the Spirit fluently.  For those that don’t flow fluently cannot tell you anything for they know not anything, but listen, listen and I will tell you. 

5-3-20 am service

For truly I shall never fail, but you must follow me, you can’t follow your own desires, you can’t follow the flesh, you must follow me, I am not making suggestions, you must follow me.  Put down your own desires, put down your own imaginations, put down your own goals and fulfill mine, for I have goals for each and every one of you.  You don’t have your own goals because I have brought you with a price, you belong to me, you are mine and therefore, I say unto you, follow me, not the world, but follow me.  Don’t follow your wife, Adam did that and look what happened to him, don’t follow your husband because many wives have been destroyed because they follow their husbands, but follow me, follow me.  For I know the way, you haven’t been there, I know the way, I have created everything that is coming, for I have made a way of escape for everything and therefore I shall lead you in the right direction, I can lead you into the victory, I can make you the overcomer, very successful.  For the wealth of the heathen is coming into those that are righteous, are you righteous, are you walking in righteousness, are you living in righteousness, are you being righteous, then wealth belongs to you also.  But if you are not, change quickly, for many of you haven’t even began to repent yet; you are going your own way and thinking about what you are going to do next.  This is not a time to think about what you are going to do, it is time to think about what I want, what I want.  For the end is not that far off and you will be gone forever, but if you turn, if you repent, then you shall have all of eternity with all of the rewards in heaven that shall bless you, be therefore blessed. 

I have a divine order, it has already been established and if you don’t know my divine order you need to learn it because everything fits into its proper place.  When you try to put it into another place that it doesn’t fit it is like a puzzle, it cannot go into that, it will not go into that and you shouldn’t try to hammer it into that.  But I have a divine pattern, many have never learned that, but those that have, have been conquerors, they have been overcomers, they have been giants in the field of Christianity, they have been my chosen.  But you can be my chosen too, yes you can, it may not be in the area that you want, but it definitely will be in the area that I want.   

My children, do you understand the time that you have left is my time, says the Lord, for I control the calendar and I control the things that I have for you to do, says the Lord.  It is important for you to do the things that I have for you to do in my time, therefore you will have time later on for me, says the Lord and do the things that I have for you to do.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and do those things that I have called you to do, there is great riches, there is great treasurers in the things that I have for you to do, says the Lord.  Put off the things that you have for yourself, for I have greater things, says the Lord. 

For you have never seen the world before its fall, you don’t know the beauty of grass with nothing but grass, no weeds, no nothing else, nothing but grass.  You don’t know the trees the beauty that they can have, you don’t know the flowers, you don’t know the bees, you don’t know the animals because they were all before your time, before the fall, you don’t know them.  But if you think you are having a beautiful time here on earth, wait; wait until you see what I, your Father God, have prepared for you. 

For this is my time and this is my hour that I have called before the foundations of the earth, I have called for this time and this hour and so have I also called you my people, but I have called you for much greater things than where you are at right now.  For many are not even functioning in the things that I have called them to but, I say unto you, it is that time and it is that hour, so your wants and your desires you need to lay aside so you can do all that I have called for you to do.  For I have warned my church and I have warned the world, but few are even noticing that I am warning them, but next comes destruction and that will be far greater than anything you have ever seen up until that point.  For remember I said judgment must first come to the house of the Lord, for I am calling my church, I am calling those who call themselves Christians to turn back to me, to come to true holiness, for it is that time and it is that hour and I am calling out, but few are hearing at the moment. 

Has the world really read the Bible, have you really read the Bible world, for when Jesus was on the earth he walked and people just asked for healing.  If you have not been healed come, do you not see the blind before they had eyes, did you not see the deaf be able to hear, did he not see the dead raised, did you not see the Christians delivered from them and healed?  He can still do it today in the name of Jesus.  Jesus is the one, but you have to, you to have to use his name cause you have authority over the devil.  So stop feeling down and take that authority today and stop letting the devil walk over you.  Allow Jesus to have his true and mighty way, allow God’s healing to come.  If my churches would just stand together and allow me to move you would see the miracles, the signs and the wonders, they are here today if you need them, step in and allow me to touch you, allow me to give you that miracle, all you have to do is come and ask in the name of Jesus. 

My expectations for you are my desires, my desires, they are not hard, they’re easy, it is your flesh that doesn’t want to do what I want to do, it is your flesh that leads you astray, it is your flesh that destroys you, it is your flesh that causes you to go to hell.  So why won’t you deal with it, my word says put it to death, bury it if you have to, put it to death.  For sometimes you strive very hard to do what you think is my will, it is not my will for you, it might be my will for somebody else, but it is not my will for you.  Do you even know my will for you, do you even know why you do the things that you do?  You should, whose desire is it, let it be my desire, for then and only then shall you find the riches of rewards not only on earth but also in heaven.

There are people in this room that need to renew themselves today, there are people in this room that one day asked me in their hearts, but they are not walking with me today.  There are people in this room that are not one hundred percent with me.  Do you want to go to heaven; do you want to be at the right hand of me, do you want the family to come with me? I beg of you today if you are not walking with me one hundred percent get your life right with me today before it is too late, get your life right with me so you do not get left behind, for the time is not much longer, so get right with me today.     

5-3-20 pm service

Is that your desire, saith your Father God, is your love that strong, it should be, that you would trade a thousand days to take away one day in my house, that should be your love, that should be your desire, but is it?  And as we approach the day that you are looking for will your love be so strong that you will put off everything else and seek only me, to draw closer to me, to fulfill my longings and my desires, is your love that strong?  A man and woman when they get married there love is so strong they unite themselves together as one, but anytime anything gets in, that love can drift away and even divorce can come.  I feel like I have been divorced many times, saith your Father God, their love is not that strong and I desire their love to be that strong that I can do everything that I want for them.  Cause when husbands and wives are fighting and love is not there anymore they can’t sense that love, therefore they don’t treat one another like they used to treat one another.  You don’t treat me like you did when you were first saved, but I desire for that, I long for that, I look forward for that, will you not come to me, will you not draw closer to me, will you not make me the head?

When that love is flowing as it should be flowing, it is as strong as my love for you.  When you have two that much in love it is stronger than a three cord, cord you can’t break it and I desire our love to be that, that you can’t break.  No matter what happens it cannot be broke, do you love me like that?

For my children, I say unto you, that my hearts desire is that my children love me as I love them, says the Lord, that their desire is to put me first that I can do the things that I desire to do for my children, says the Lord.  For when my children are disobedient I cannot do the things that I desire to do for them, for they are drifting off, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, come to me, says the Lord, draw closer, draw ever so close that I can fulfill those things that I said unto you. 

For the devil has assigned his angels to you, everywhere you go they go and they report to me, they do not know that, but when they report to him I hear what they say, for I know all things, saith your Father God.  When they see that your love isn’t strong they will send something else, maybe a man, maybe a woman, maybe a job, maybe money because they know that you’re weak and you can be easily trapped in a trap.  But when you are strong, when you are strong, nothing, nothing could shatter that love, nothing could break that love.  So let your love be as strong for me as you possibly can and in return I’ll love you. 

For what greater love has a man than he would lay down his life for one that he loves and did not my Son, Jesus, lay his life down for each and every one of you?  Even those who have rejected him he laid his life down for because he loved you that much.  And it is our desire that you love us and do the things that we have called for you to do.  For I desire to bless you in a mighty and powerful way, but when your eyes are not on me how can I really do the things that I desire to do, for I have lost your focus, I have lost your attention, for it is on other things.  But I am calling out to you my church, my children, turn your focus back on to me, forget what is going on all around you, forget what is going on in the world and do the things that I have called for you to do.  Put me first, put the things that I desire ahead of the things that you desire, for if you will do those things watch what I can do for you. 

4-29-20 pm service

For my word is truth as you speak my word and stand on my word, I bring it to pass because I love you, I desire to protect you and keep you safe, I desire to watch over you, I am always there for you.  For if you call out to me I will answer, I want to meet all those needs to comfort you, to strengthen you that you can be everything that I desire.  So don’t be afraid to come unto to me, but when you have a need come unto me and I will answer you. 

Never allow fear to enter in, but command it to go, command it to go in the name of Jesus and it shall go. 

For the enemy has a desire to sift you, but I will not allow that, I will not allow that, for I have raised up a standard against him, I have bound him up on your behalf and you shall enjoy and you shall walk in all the victories that I have for you. 

For, yes, truly I have many great things in store for you, many things that you know of and many things that you know not of yet.  But remember I have said this shall be a great and glorious hour for my church, for those who have put all of their trust and confidence in me.  Do not dwell on the things that are going on in the world, for they are only but for a wakeup call for those who are not saved, those who are not following me the way they should be.  But for those who are they should see clearly what is going on, they should understand clearly and there should be no fear, there should be no doubt, there should be no unbelief.  For you should know that you are living in the very last days and great revival is for you on the horizon.  For I have called for this time and for this hour, are you expecting it to come, are you expecting to see it when you come into my house, are you expecting to come and receive from me?  Because it is that time and it is that hour and you shall begin to see things, but those who come expecting will receive even greater than those who do not.  For I have said come expecting great things and those who come expecting shall see those great things, saith the Lord.  

4-26-20 am service

For truly I am the beginning and I am the end, I am the creator of all things, it is I, it is my wisdom, it is my knowledge that I give unto you that you may know and understand, for my ways are not your ways, they are far above your ways and therefore I desire to lead you into my ways that you can become far better.  It is not your wisdom that you get in school, your colleges, that is man’s wisdom, my wisdom is far above that, far above that, and even in this virus that you are in, the world doesn’t understand that nor are they looking at the truth.  They are blaming China, no, it is not China, America, America, for it is your President that funded all that money to start that over there and yet you don’t understand that, you don’t know that, you are not aware of that.  And because you are not aware of it you cannot realize that the devil is trying to fulfill the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation, not the sixth chapter, not the seventh chapter, not the eighth chapter, but the thirteenth chapter.  Therefore, you need to search my word, not the way you want to look at it but how the Holy Spirit wants you to look at it that you may draw closer to me and see what is ahead. Because many are going to fall into a trap that they don’t want to fall into because they do not know, they don’t understand, they should but they don’t.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, draw closer to me, I didn’t say to your wife or your husband, I didn’t say your children, I said draw closer to me.  Seek me first then all these other things I will add unto you, I’ll give them to you, I have no problem with giving them to you, but the problem is you don’t seek me first, you don’t call upon my name, you don’t listen when I speak, you don’t listen when the Holy Spirit speaks.  You think for everything what am I going to say, just give me a break in here and I will speak, what wisdom do you have, if you haven’t my wisdom you haven’t nothing.  Draw closer to me, draw closer to me, I want to lift you up on the ladder as high as I can possibly lift you, that you are unto an eagle that you can see the storm clouds ahead, that you can soar above them and you can bring the victories that yet need to come. 

For now it is the time to get ready to stock up on the boxes and bags and anything that you carry the food in.  Now is the year, for the crops will be overflowing, there will be more than enough and it will keep it fresh, healthy.  For all the rain you have gotten helps with the crops, the crop is going to grow more and more and more than you can possibly eat.

For I say unto you, my children, does not my word declare to you that the things that I have for you are foolishness to those that are of the world, says the Lord?  Therefore how can you look to the world for directions, says the Lord, how can you listen to the news for directions, says the Lord.  For my news is in my word, says the Lord, I know the things from the beginning to the end and the end to the beginning, says the Lord, there is nothing that is going on that has taken be by surprise.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me and you will know the things that I have for you, says the Lord. 

For my word, do you remember that, my word is what is higher, far higher than the worlds and yet you want to look at things in the worldly sense because your Spiritman has never grown, you have never allowed your Spiritman to grow?  And without the growth in your Spiritman you can’t see as I can see and therefore I instruct you that I can lift you up, that you can see like I can see, that you can understand like I can understand, and if you can’t do that, then come and get deliverance because you have got a demon that is blocking it out.  Use your wisdom, use your knowledge, use your understanding and I’ll set you free. 

For yet my ways are far higher than man’s ways nor can it comprehend what I say unto you, because he is not of me in that sense, for my word is spoken to my children first.  But I have warned the world over and over and yet even again another warning was given unto them, but they know not what it means just yet, but one far greater is yet to come that will shake the whole world, then maybe some eyes will be opened and some will come into the safety of the fold.  But my word says that if man will call upon my name I will hear him and I will answer, but the problem is they don’t call upon my name, they don’t do the things that I have said, they don’t repent and yet my church should understand what is going on, but sadly most of them are still asleep.  It is time to wake up, it is time to realize what is going on, it is time to realize just where you are at, for you do not have much time left, but there is more than enough time to do everything that I have called for you to do.  So don’t think of what am I going to do Lord, but say Lord, I am ready to do what you have called me to do and allow me to direct your footsteps.  For my word says the steps of a righteous man are ordered of the Lord, are your steps ordered of me or are they ordered of your own wants and your own desires? 

Are you asleep, are you daydreaming, you haven’t got your mind set on me and therefore you are not comprehending or hearing or even understanding of what I have already said, this is how important it is my children.  Set yourselves upon me, set your mind upon me, listen and you shall hear. 

Do you see when my little children come up how they get blessed, how they get touched, don’t you wonder how can I receive like that.  You need to open up your hearts and allow me to move upon you, your miracles are at the altar, my touch is at the altar, I can do all things, I can set you free from anything you need to be set free from today.  So come with an open heart and allow me to.  

There are people in this room today, there are five here for a miracle, your miracle is sitting right here, five people in this room, it is time for a miracle, their miracle is sitting right here, you have it, come and receive it.     

4-26-20 pm service

For my heart is touched by your praises this night, saith your Father, and I love you and I desire to exalt you and I desire for you to be everything that I have planned for you, that is my goal, but I need your help.  For if you don’t allow me to do it, there is no way I can do it, I will not force you to do it, for I allow you to make your own choice.  And when you make your choice then you reap what you sow, but I love you, I want you to know I love you and I am trying.

For even Abraham did not dare to buck his wife in order that my perfect will would be fulfilled and because of that we have now still operating her choice.  Don’t make her choice your choice; make your choice my choice. 

For I say unto you, my children, many of my children are those that would like to experience, just experience me, says the Lord.  They don’t want to live for me; they don’t desire the things that I have for them, for they desire just an experience.  I say unto you, I desire a life style change, says the Lord, to put on me, says the Lord, therefore you become like me in all the ways that I have established in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore come for life style change, a total change, says the Lord, not just an experience. 

For when Paul’s eyes were opened he put away his religious activities thinking that he was something, thinking that he loved me with all of his heart.  But when his eyes were opened he saw me and then and only then did Paul become everything that I desired him to be, are your eyes open?

For truly I have far greater things in store for you than you realize, but most never really do what I have told them to do.  They don’t really seek me first; they haven’t really made me their first true love, for many other things come before me, but that is not my desire nor how I ordained it to happen.  But if you would make me first, if you would seek me as my word has said, then, then, then all these things shall be added unto you.  Then I can open the windows of heaven and pour out my blessings upon you like I desire, then I can use you the way I desire.  Remember you are the mold in the hands of the potter, allow me to mold you and shape you into who I desire for you to be taking all self out of the way.  Allow me to do the total work that needs to be done so that you can be all that I have called you to be, saith the Lord. 

4-22-20 pm service

Let your ears be open that you may hear, that you may understand, that you know that my love for you is far greater than anything you will ever know, ever experience. That I go before you and make a way where there is no way; I shut the bad doors behind you that the enemy cannot come in through the backdoor, for you are protected.  Therefore, I say, walk very close by my side, listen very carefully to my words that I may show you, that you may understand the things that are ahead, because the time is so short, far shorter than most understand or even know.  But I’ll make it real to you that you do know, that you do understand that you can walk into all the victories that are ahead.  For there are many, many victories, many rewards, not everybody will get them, but those that walk with me will. Therefore, I say, walk with me, walk with me.

For the trees bud at the right time, the flowers bloom at the right time, they all come on the right time, my timing is so very important and I will share with you my timing.  For it must be done in my timing, you can’t do it in your timing, you can’t decide I am going this way and I am going that way, it does not work that way.  So when you walk in my timing I fulfill my timing and you’re blessed coming in and you’re blessed going out, you’re protected, you’re cared for, you’re watched over and I am always there, so walk according to my timing. 

Etc church, for I watch over you, I protect you, I take care of you, I also make sure that you have the rewards that belong to you.  For many seem like they are Christians, they do great things and they give big money, but their heart is dirty like filthy rags and I can’t bless them.  But I will bless you, therefore you have my word, you have my promise, walk, walk with me. 

There are many things going on right now, but quite often you cannot hear and nobody tells you what is going on, all you hear is about the virus.  Man doesn’t even know why the virus comes, so how can they explain virus to you if they don’t understand and don’t know?  But I, your Father God, shall show you all things, you shall not walk in the dark, but you shall walk in the light. 

4-19-20 am service

Are you really mine, have you thought about that, have you considered that, for right away everybody says yes I am yours Lord, and yet if I asked and you don’t desire, then you don’t do, therefore you’re not mine.  You claim to be mine, but am I number one in your life, am I always first, are your desires my desires?  For my desires are not always your desires, my ways are not your ways, for when you ponder and think upon this, suddenly you begin to see why I say my ways are far higher than your ways, far higher, far better, far more precious, far more desirable when you are doing them.  But it is easy to do what you desire to do and not do what I desire to do, but in the days ahead and because I have called you for this position I need those that will put me first, I need those that will do my desires first, I need those that will walk my way first. I need those who have nothing else that they desire to do except do what I desire for them to do, that is what I need, that is what I desire.  And for those that walk that way the blessings, not only in this life, but the blessings will far out number anything anybody else receives.  It will be far more glorious, it will be a time that a blind man will walk up and you will take one look and they will see, their eyes will be perfect, they will know that God touched them, they will know my ways.  Even the man that Peter and John ran into, he was used to going there and receiving alms, he went there for alms, so when he heard Peter and John when they spoke up and said look on me he looked expecting alms, nothing more, alms, but because of what they had he received his sight, he received his sight, he could see and all around him knew him and knew it was a miracle from God.  It shall be like that from this day forth, saith your Father God, therefore let my way be the only way.  

For I say unto you, my children, my way is the only way, says the Lord, for if it is not my way it is the wrong way, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, look unto me and you will see all the things that you have to do, says the Lord, for my word, my word is your direction, says the Lord.  Therefore, listen to what I have to say today and do as I tell you to do, says the Lord and you will be in my way.

For all of your life from the time you were little it was always your way, but mommy and daddy said no, you always seemed to find a way that you got your way.  And if you didn’t get caught it was great, but wasn’t the punishment far greater and it made you wish that maybe I didn’t do that.  It is that hour, it is that hour, it is that time, this time had to come, this time is here. 

You all love the story of Esther, you boast about it and all the things she did, but what her grandfather, when the Father and the Son said to her, now you need to do this, she said no.  Read it, she said no, and he explained to her why it had to be that way and as she thought upon it soon she gave up her desires and fulfilled mine and you read a beautiful story.  

Many of you are like Saul, religious, loving me yes, but religiously doing everything you possibly can for me, but religiously.  It was not until I met him on the road and asked him why he did that to me that he become Paul and his religious side vanished and his side that everybody loves and wants to be became real, because he wanted to serve me and fulfill my will.

Therefore, I say unto you, be like that, be one who desires to do all that have called them to do, to be the one that I have called them to be.  To lay aside all those things that are taking them away from what I desire for them to do.  For I have great need of you, but yet many have their own ideas and own agendas and they really do not leave time for me like I have said or even like I have asked them to.  And yet they do not really receive the blessings because I cannot use them and so I cannot bless them the way I desire to.  But I have need of you in these days and in these hours and I have been preparing you for this day and for this hour, whether or not you are ready, I have been preparing you, maybe you didn’t take the steps that I suggested but I still have been preparing you.  For I say unto you, get yourself ready for the things that shall take place, for I desire to use you, but I cannot use those who are not willing to do the things that I have said to do. I cannot use those who are not willing to lay aside their own agendas and do just as I have said, for I need you to be able to stand upon my word, for my word is far above yours and it is the only word that can go forth and do all that it is called forth to be done.  And if you cannot stand on that how can you see it performed, but you must have it in your heart, you must be able to speak it forth just as I spoke it unto you.  You must be able to speak it forth so it can come to pass, so it will do what it has been called forth to do, for I have great need of you in this day and this hour, saith the Lord. 

For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword, the Lord God says, for many of you went through battles, but you are not using my word, you are trying to do it on your own.  I say unto you today, get up out of your seat, take yourself out and come and allow me to move upon you.     

4-19-20 pm service

Let your heart be filled with expectation, for if you have no expectation you’re not ready to receive anything, you come empty, you go home empty because you’re not expecting anything.  There must be expectation, faith without expectation is dead, it is void, it does not work because you are not expecting it to work and, therefore, it sits idle.  Fill your hearts with expectation so I can give to you tonight those things that you yet need. 

For I know the things that you have need of, but the enemy tries to come and steal from you when I give them to you, but do you not remember I already told you he would do that and so do not prepare yourself for that, but most people get so caught up they are not really paying close attention, and he gets in and steals it anyway.  But be on guard, know what I have told you, know that I have great things in store for you and come prepared expecting to receive, because then you are ready, you’re on guard, you’re prepared, but when you come unprepared you leave the same way you came and that is not my desire.  For I have many great things in store that will bless and uplift your heart, so come expecting, saith the Lord.

I say unto you, my children, in my house is a safe house, says the Lord, therefore the things you came to my house cannot be broken into and stolen from you, says the Lord.  For I have given unto you a safe place, says the Lord, therefore come unto me and lay down the things that the Lord would have you give in Jesus name. 

For my words are so clear, so understandable little children can understand them and yet it amazes me, saith your Father God, that many adults don’t, what is their problem?  Did they not teach the children, were they not able to do that and a child learns and receives and did what you have taught them, then why do you not learn?

For my desire from the very beginning of time, before the foundations of the earth were laid, is that you would know me.  Look that word know up, for that is my greatest desire concerning you, that you know me.

For I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers, and then the question becomes, is your soul prospering?  For if your soul is not prospering then you are not, you are not well off financially or are you healthy.  For you can only be healthy and well off if your soul prospers, therefore is your soul prospering?

4-15-20 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with joy, for I am watching over you and protecting you and keeping you safe.  So do not fear what man says or what the television says, for I am still God, and if I had one only one in my two hundred mile area and they stand unwavering with me, I can move mighty on that area and I have five that I know of here and even more other where.  So they can bind up and they can loose and I am still in control, Satan is not in control, he may think he is, but you’ll have the last laugh.  For I will give you the victory, I will make you the overcomers, I will bless you coming in, I will bless you going out, you shall be blessed every step that you take.  So let not fear come into your house or into you or into those round about you, for where two are you can put ten thousand to flight, you understand those things.  Therefore, it is time to begin to act upon my word; it is time to get to do the things that I, your Father God, said you could do.

So be at peace, when the enemy tries to bring in fear cast him out, speak my word, let him know who you are, for you are a child of Almighty God and your angels are charged round about you to watch over you, to protect you, to keep you safe.  Just speak up, speak up, call upon me and I shall answer. 

Peace, peace like a river, that is what you shall have, many will not have that because they don’t believe in me with all there hearts.  They walk in sense knowledge faith and don’t ever recognize it, some have demons in them and they don’t even know that.  But I give unto you peace, yes, truly peace like a river. 

Remember I have given unto you my word, I have given unto you my promise and if you stand upon that word and stand upon that promise and put all of your trust in me there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about.  For do you not realize that I have kept you safe already, for when you look all around you it is much worse than it is here.  So in reality if you are standing upon my word there is nothing you need to fear or worry about.  Yes, many will try and come against you, but they came against me, but that didn’t change what I stood for or what I did, I kept going about the Father’s business and you should be continually about the Father’s business as well.  For there is only but a short time left and yet there is much yet that needs to be done, for the harvest is great and who is going to bring them in if there are none to let their light shine.  For they need to be able to see the light in you and they cannot see the light in you if you hide yourself.  So be one that I can use, be the one that I have called, be the one that I have prepared and be the one that is ready for these days and these hours, says the Lord.     

4-12-20 am service

For truly my arms are round about you, my protective covering is over you, for you are mine, saith your Father, you are also for my Son, Jesus, for we love you with an everlasting love.  So let your hopes be in us, let your trust be in us, for I have called you for this hour for this very time, you are mine.  You shall be the Christian news outlet for the whole world, for you shall speak to them as long as they allow you to go over the internet, but they are working hard to close that door also, but fear not, just speak the word that all may hear the word.  Remind them as they are to come, for if they come they will hear the word in person, they need to be here like you are here.  Do not allow fear to stop you, for you will go in the rapture before the wrath comes and then there are those that mock and then those that laugh then they shall see the wrath.

For my word never goes out and returns void and I watch over my word, therefore speak my word, use the wisdom, use the knowledge that I have given unto you, be wise, be wise, speak my word and my word only.  For it is my word that will set the captive free, it is my word that shall bring safety and healing and miracles, it is my word. 

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, you need to be open to me that I can move through you, says the Lord, that you can hear what I am telling you to do, says the Lord.  For the things that I have for you to do are very vitally important for you for this time and this hour, says the Lord, therefore be open, do not be shut down, but be open that I can use you, says the Lord. 

For this is one of the last Easter Sundays that you would celebrate, for after, after revival that Easter Sunday shall be the last and then the rapture.  So I hope you are listening and paying attention, for the time is extremely short as you can see and the mark of the beast shall be coming in soon and you can’t stop it.  For the world has gone crazy, they have submitted under his authority, they have submitted under his power and soon and soon, very soon you shall see him and those that don’t know him shall know him.  But I know that you know him, for I have told you who he is and you know that.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice with all your hearts, for it is still that day, it is still that hour and many, many, many shall come in and many shall be saved and then you shall be with me. 

For I have many things that I desire to do for you yet, so do not think that your time is of no avail or its over, for this is just now the time that I have called you to fulfill the fullness of the ministry that I have for you from the very beginning.  For I have said you would be the main attraction and all others will line up with you and you have seen how it has come to pass, but you have not seen it to its fullness yet, but you shall, saith the Lord, for it is that time and it is that hour.  So do not think that things have changed, oh the enemy has tried with his plans, but he never will prevail, but remember what I have told you, remember who I have said that you are.  For you are the overcomers, you are the victors and there is nothing that can stop you, there is nothing that can stand in your way if you are standing upon my word and upon my promises.  So go forth in great victory, go forth in great authority, and do everything that I have called for you to do, saith the Lord.

For I say unto you my children, I shall put into your hands anything that you desire, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, this the last hour, the things that you have need of let me know and you shall have them, says the Lord, for this is that hour.

For there is only one way to heaven and that is through my Son, Jesus Christ.  Do you believe in Jesus, do you believe in Jesus, that is the only way to heaven?  For I tell you today I am bigger than anything that is going on in your life, I am bigger than any disease; I am bigger than anything in your life.  I am bigger than depression, I am bigger than cancer, I am bigger than sugar diabetes, I am bigger than blood pressure, I am bigger than headaches, I am bigger than financial problems, the Lord God says.  I am bigger, do you hear that, so whatever you are going through today come and be set free from it in the name of Jesus. 

Etc, etc, caution and be careful and do not, do not take the mark, do not, do not, for I have made a way and there is only one way, therefore do not take that mark.  You take the mark you have agreed with Satan and your life will be crossed out and marked out and blotted out and never again be restored back in the book.  Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully, for I know, I know what he is trying to do.  Wake up, wake up, the hour is late, wait on Jesus, wait on Jesus. 

For am I not able to carry you through, for it is trusting in me with your whole heart, do you have need of your own understanding or are you believing in me, saith your Lord?  Have I not said that I would carry you through these days ahead, I didn’t say that unless etc etc etc, for I said I would carry you through, therefore, I say unto you, listen to me.  For do you not think that Joshua had questions even though I had told him to march around the walls of Jericho even etc etc, and yet victory was his as he did what I said and the walls came tumbling down.  As my church listens and follows after me so shall the walls come tumbling down and the victory shall be something like they have never experienced before.  But as you come into my presence, as you as you follow what I say, as you put your full trust in me you will not have one worry, you will not have one fear, but you will know that I am the God who kept the Israelites and I am the same God today, I am the same God yesterday and forever.  And even as I walked them to victory after victory, after victory, so will I not do for you my children, I will, I will, I will.  So, I say unto you, put your trust in me like never before, trust me, for I am the God above all Gods there is no other God.  Trust me, says the Lord, know who I am, know I am Jesus your Savior, Jesus your redeemer, Jesus everything that you have need of, says the Lord. 

The Lord God says, do you believe in the mark, because they’re testing it out in animals, don’t you see that strip in your credit cards, they’re ready for the mark just when its time has come?  Are you going to be ready to stand off and say I am not taking it or are you going to sit there and allow the devil to win?  I tell you right now if you stand strong in the name of Jesus I will take you through.

4-12-20 pm service

So let your heart be open this night, saith your Father God, that I may pour into you the wisdom, the knowledge, the giftings that you shall need from this night forth.  For you have proven yourself, I have tested you, I have tried you, I know you, you’re strong, you’re faithful, you’re dedicated, your eyes are upon me and my eyes are upon you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I am proud, I am proud because I know you will get rid of the things that have followed you for years and become all that I desire for you to be, I can trust you with that and if I can trust you with that I can trust you with everything.  Not all can I do that, for you are willing to step out in faith, you are willing that the doors stay open, your willing and your light shines brightly, therefore I am willing, yes, I am willing because I love you.

You’re willing and because you’re willing I am able to do things with you that I can’t do with those that aren’t willing.  But don’t think more highly of yourself than you ought to, for many things you don’t know even though you think you do, but you don’t.  For if I ask you exactly when one thing would start, could you tell me, no, but I know your hearts, I knew David’s heart too even though he was a sinner, he was a great sinner, but I knew his heart and his heart was right and because his heart was right I could use him, I know your heart.               

Therefore, I say unto you, my children, you ready to run, you ready to get up and do the things I tell you to do because I have called you to do these things, says the Lord and it is up to you to decide to put your hands to the plow, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get up and get moving because here it comes. 

For many thought they were willing, but where were they when I needed them to stand for me the most?  For do you not realize that if you think times are hard now what will times be like later, for in the natural it doesn’t get any better.  Yes, I have promised a great time for my church, a time of revival, a time like never before, but my word does tell you about the battle that shall go on during these times because of all the things that are going on in the world.  For I will need you my people to run with me twenty four seven at times, but I know that you are willing to do those things because you are willing to stand for me when others will not, you are willing to stay open when others will not.  Even amongst all the threats that have been made and all of those who have tried to come against you for doing so, for I can easily remove them if they come against you.  But remember I have given you my word, I have given you my promise and you can stand upon that, for that comes with the highest authority that I have.  For I have given you one of my most powerful angels and a legion with him, he stands for me, he stands for my honor, he stands for my glory and I have given him to you here to watch over and protect you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and you will be able to do all that I have said that you would do.  So remember to trust me with all of your heart, do not fear the things that man says, do not fear the things that the enemy tries, but remember what I have said.  Stand upon my word, for you are the victors. 

For everything that you do from this moment on I shall bless your hands more than I have ever blessed them before, I shall bless your steps more than I have ever blessed them before.  I shall do things for you now that you have never imagined, never thought could be, but you shall see them, for I am making a big change in you, yes, a big, big change. 

4-8-20 pm service

For truly it is a great hour for my church, but sadness for the world, but for my church it is a great hour for those that are walking with me, those that are standing strong, those that are pressing forward.  For I watch over them to protect them, to keep them safe, to comfort them, to strengthen them, to heal them and to provide everything for them.  Therefore, I say unto you, fear not, for fear is not of me but let your hearts rejoice, let there be rejoicing, let there be singing, let there be praising and you shall see and know and feel my presence as I draw closer to you, as I comfort you, as I strengthen you and at times even as I speak unto you.  So look, look and expect those things, for I am your Father and I love you with an everlasting heart. 

For if you listen to me and if you follow me and do the things that I speak unto you, you shall be known as the greatest of all, the greatest of all.  For you’ll have more power, you’ll have more ability, you’ll have more of everything than those in the Old Testament and you’ll walk, oh you will walk, you will walk as a victor.

For this goes not only for the boys, but for the girls also, for I have many, many great warriors in the Old Testament and the New Testament and I shall use you also even more than I used them.  So I have not forgotten you, for I love you just as much. 

Therefore, I say unto you, know who you are in me, know what I have said that you could be, know what my word has to say, because if you do that you will be even more powerful and you will trample the enemy beneath your feet.  For there is nothing that he can do to stop you in the natural if you are walking in that realm that I have created you to walk in.  But most do not know how to get to that realm, but you can get there very easily by drawing close to me, by getting into my word, by having my word so deep within your heart that it comes forth out of your mouth when you speak and you are speaking forth my words and not your own.  For truly you will need that power and that authority in these days and these hours ahead.  Do not fear, but remember that I have told you that you were the victors and that you were the overcomers and that I had prepared a way where there was no way before.  For even when it looks like there is a mountain standing before you remember I have said you can move that mountain, all you need to do is speak unto it and you shall see that in the days ahead, saith the Lord.  So do no fear those things, but remember I have already given you the power and authority to overcome anything that might try to come against you.    

4-5-20 am service

For truly he is risen and he is coming very soon now and therefore he has called you to wake up, wake up and see the hand of Satan, see what he is trying to do and it can’t be this year my children.  You must stand against it, it cannot be this year, it cannot be this year, for more trouble shall come upon you that is not meant for you, but many do not see this, they do not understand it, they have not read the thirteenth chapter of the book of Revelation like I have told you to read it.  They have not studied it, can they not see the antichrist bringing in the mark of the beast, not this year, not this year, unite yourselves together and stand strong, stand strong. 

For I say unto you, my children, this is the reason why it is so important for you to congregate together as I have said as you see the end times come, says the Lord.  For it is in this gathering together that I am able to move in your midst, says the Lord and you are able to bind up things that you can’t do on your own, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up as my body, not singular, but my body, says the Lord and you shall have the victory. 

There is only one word, there is only one way, but if you do not read my word and not add to it, but read it as it is written, unless it is spiritual, then you add to it, you should see very clearly, very clearly the things that I have said unto you.  Truly this is Palm Sunday have you read the account, not like it is preached always, but have you read it?  For the hour is short but the way is straight but is narrow, it is not wide, it is not broad; you have come to the bottom of the funnel.  Wake up, let your light shine, you can’t let your light shine hiding under the bed, hiding in the closet, hiding wherever you are hiding.  In order for them to see your light my word says stick it on a hill high, high that all can see.  

Where is the deception of Satan, he was a liar, a liar from the very beginning, a deceiver from the very beginning.  He tries to bring fear cause fear brings panic, panic brings disaster and I have not given any one person the spirit of fear.  If you sense it, if you feel it, get it cast out, for it is not of me, and walk, walk in the faith that I have given unto you. 

For I have said whatsoever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.  Where are my people, my body of Christ, my believers that are supposed to be unified, for I have been preparing the church for this time and this hour, but where is the church.  For many have left their doors closed, but the true churches remain open, for they have heard my voice and they continue to do the things that I have said unto them to do.  But not everybody is in the churches like they ought to be, for I have spoken unto them once, I have spoken unto them twice and I have spoken a third time, but I will not speak to them anymore.  For I cannot use them if they are not here, if they are not doing the things that I have told them to do, for it is that time my church, it is that hour and it is time to rise up.  Do not hide yourself, but rise up, rise up, rise up and go forth and do the things that I have called for you to do, saith the Lord. 

For when my Son was on earth did he not stand for you, did he not die for you, he knew all that was coming, for he would not stand down because he loves each and every one of you.  Do you have that great a fear of government or do you have that boldness of God?  Are you afraid or are you willing to stand for your God?  Your God says he is bigger than any disease, he is bigger than any pestilence, he is bigger than any sin, he is bigger than anything in the world.  The Lord God says today he wants the miracle, the signs and the wonders to move in this place.  He says for blindness shall be healed, he says for cancers shall be cast out today in the name of Jesus, any spirits, any demons shall be cast out today in the name of Jesus.  Because he loves you, any sickness shall be cast out in the name of Jesus covid-nineteen is lower than the name of Jesus.  So stand up today whatever you are going through and come and be healed in the name of Jesus. 

Etc. etc. what would you do the Lord God wants to know that I am in here today etc praising what would you do?  For my people that believe in me would still praise me, for people that don’t have the faith would hide.  For I told you I will take you through, so keep the faith in me as these days get worse the devil is going to try to attack, but you have the victory in the name of Jesus.

3-29-20 am service

For truly I am still alive I am able, I am able and I have already heard your prayers and I have already answered and the enemy is already defeated, no one that knows me not does not know that.  They do not know my word, they do not understand my word, they do not stand on my word, they do not trust me, they walk in fear and know it not, they walk in doubt and know it not, but in this one song alone the words are there.  I am greater than unbelief, I am greater than defeat, I am greater than death, I am the chief and I am for you and I fight for you and I go before you and I make a way where there is absolutely no way and you are the victors because I, I am the chief. 

For I say unto you, my children, for I am alive and therefore you are alive, says the Lord, therefore raise up a hallelujah, says the Lord.  For I have called you forth for this time and this hour, says the Lord, I will raise up those that are dead, I will raise up those that are blind in Jesus name, says the Lord.  Therefore raise up a hallelujah, raise up a Jesus, says the Lord, for I am alive.  

For truly this is your hour, this is the hour that I have called you for, for you shall lead the multitudes into the harvest field and bring in the harvest, you’ll bring in the miracles, you’ll bring in the signs, you’ll bring in the wonders.  You will see things that you haven’t seen in years and yet it will be a hundred times more powerful than anything that you have seen and it is your hour, you have turned the enemy back, you have faced him back, he is a defeated foe and from this hour forth, says your Father God, you will begin to hear that and you will know, you will know that it is true. 

For it is times of great battles, the enemy will try to bring in fear, but when you see he is trying to kill you, out of nowhere, out of nowhere comes the Spirit of God into you and you’ll rise up, you are a warrior and you cannot be defeated, you will not be defeated and you go forth and defeat the enemy, that is you, saith your Father God, that is you, I have molded you, I saved you and I have made you into warriors.  

For this is the safest place I have told you in the whole world, for I have given you a large command of angels to watch over you and protect you and keep you safe, they are not keeping you safe where you are unless you are charging them to, but I, I have charged my angels to watch over you and protect you here and they can defeat any force that comes, I have told you one breath from them will blow them way away from here into another continent that is unknown and unheard of.  Fear not, fear not, but walk in that boldness, walk in that assurance, walk in the promises that I have given unto you, for they are coming to pass, they are coming to pass now and you shall see every single one.

For I have said you could stand upon my word, I have said you could stand upon my promises, for they will not move, they will go forth and do the things that I have said that they would do and there is nothing, there is nothing, there is nothing that the enemy can do to stop you when you are standing upon my word, when you are speaking forth my word.  So let My Spirit to arise within you like never before, let My Spirit arise within you like never before and let the power and the authority come forth that I have given unto you that you can drive the enemy off ever further than he is already, for you will need it in the coming days ahead. But remember you are the victors, you are the overcomers and you win in the end, so do not fear the things that shall come but go forth boldly, go forth boldly proclaiming my word to every one that you see, every one that will hear it.  For it is that time now, it is that hour now and I have been preparing my church for this day and this hour so they could go forth and bring in the harvest and it is that time now, saith the Lord and I have equipped and given you everything that you have need of.  So, therefore I say to you, go forth, saith the Lord. 

What are so many churches afraid of today that they had to close, why are so many churches afraid, because have I not said I would keep the diseases and pestilences away from you, all you have to do is believe.  Today you have the victory, today if you believe in me the devil cannot stop you, so put that voice upon you for you have Jesus in you.  Do you know Jesus died upon the cross for each and every one of you, because he loves you, he wept for you, he has healed you, he has etc his life for each and every one of you because he loves you.  You have the victory in the name of Jesus.  So today do a victory walk as you are singing that song one more time, the Lord God says. 

Etc etc today, he will give you a miracle today.  The Lord God says, come and etc you will get your miracle today. 

3-29-20 pm service

If you would confess that every day you would be a strong foundation, so sure that nothing that the devil throws at you could shake you, but many are not on that sure foundation and, therefore, the devil is having a field day, but his field day is over, as I have told you this morning it’s over, it’s over, it’s over.  For the end is at the door and my church shall be a church without spot or wrinkle, it shall be a church of overcomers, it shall be a church of victors and they all shall stand and they will be unmoveable and nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing will move them. 

For I say unto you, my children, if my church can’t stand now what about eighteen months from now, says the Lord?  For I am telling you today, says the Lord, that it’s going to grow darker and darker, says the Lord, therefore stand now that you can stand later, says the Lord.  For now is the time and you need to be able to stand that you can walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you, says the Lord. 

For this is a glorious hour and my church, my church shall be the overcomers and multitudes shall come and join arm and arm together with them, not six feet apart, not ten feet apart, but arm to arm they shall be victorious and they shall know my word, they shall know the shortness of the time and they will prepare.  And the harvest will come in and you will see the harvest, you will see the things that I have said and there is nothing, nothing, nothing that can stop my church, for it is the hour of my church.

Never has there been an hour like this before and there will not be like this again, saith your Father.  So realize the importance of these days and these hours.  For you should be ready, you should be willing, you should be able to do everything that I have called for you to do, for it is now that time and it is now that hour.  Do not hide or lock yourself up inside, for that is only what the enemy wants, for I cannot use you if you are doing that.  For if you can’t believe me now how are you going to believe me later when times get tougher, for when the attack comes on New York City it will be far worse than it is right now and only those who know how to stand will be able to make it through those days victoriously.  For you have only a few things left to see, but the greatest of those things is yet to come.  So beware of those things and know that I have already made a way where there was no way, but you have to be able to stand upon my word, you must know who you are in me.  You are an heir and a joint heir of Almighty God and, therefore, the things that are coming to pass are not for you, but the problem is most don’t know or understand that so they run in fear and yet I have not given them a spirit of fear.  So wake up and realize what is going on and how the enemy is trying to deceive you, for will you receive the mark because things get too hard, I hope not, but that is where it is coming.  So beware of those things and prepare yourself to stand upon my word, saith the Lord. 

I have a President who stands for me and he stands for you, but remember the congress does not and you have some senators that do not.  Therefore, he cannot always get in what he wants, for they war against him and they stop those things.  For my church it will be a victorious hour only for those, only for those that are standing strong, only for those that will not bow down, only for those that I can trust, for they shall do the things that I want.  But the others who put their dependence upon him, they shall have the worst time they have ever seen in their life.  Wake up, wake up I say, it is late. 

3-25-20 pm service

etc. . the joy that I have for you, for I am watching over you and protecting you and keeping you safe there is no fear, for fear in not of me. Therefore walk, walk in my promises, walk according to my word, walk according to my knowledge, for it is I your Father God that loves you with everlasting love and I watch over you to fulfill my word. 

For there is nothing absolutely nothing that takes me unaware, for I see and I know, yes I understand, I even foreknew.  So because of that I am able to do all that I said that I am able to do I am able to watch over you, I am able to protect you, I am able to keep you safe even though the world is walking in fear, don’t walk in fear but walk in my love, walk in my truth, walk in my assurance. 

For even though people heard about virus and many will have been shut down, Kik is shutting down too.  For when Kik is shut down the church will be able to be built, because there will be enough money there to pay for it.   All you have to do is believe, for you believe you receive, if you don’t believe you don’t receive.  For the more you give in my offering the more you receive back, but when you don’t give its like robbing.  Give and you will get more, don’t give you will lose, the more you give the more you reap, I am coming don’t fear. 

For my word never goes out and returns void but I fulfill the things that I send it for.  Stand on my word, do not be discouraged, for only those that don’t believe my word don’t receive, but if you believe my word I bring forth the things that you sent my word forth to do.  So call upon me, I am with you, I am with you all the time I am there, if you need me call upon me. 

For man in the natural mind does not understand or comprehend the things that I do, for I know all things from the beginning to the end and from the end to the beginning, I know all things, I know how it all turns out.  For when man tries to do things his own way they never work, but when they rely on me they always work but seldom does that ever happen.  For even my church does not always rely on me the way that they should, for sad to say most of the time they rely more on man than on me, and yet am I not the one who created you?  Therefore I know all things and have far better understanding and I can give you that understanding, I can give you that wisdom and that knowledge if you ask me for it.  But my word says you must seek me, you must seek me, you must get into my word and study to show yourself approved a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.  Most cannot divide the truth because they do not know my word, so therefore they can’t recognize the truth from the false, but I have given you the keys that you can be successful, that you can be the victors in these days and these hours.  For there is nothing that you need to fear, there is nothing that you need to worry about, for I have already made a way where there was no way before, and I have made that way for you to walk through victoriously.  Even as I made a way for the children of Israel to walk through the sea on dry ground, I have made a way through the days ahead for you already.  So do not fear the things that shall come or the things that shall take place, for know that I have already made a way long before the foundations of the earth were created, a way was already made and all you need to do is rely upon that, saith the Lord.   

3-22-20 am service

For truly it is a great hour, Satan means it for bad, but this is the hour I have called.  I see you and the anointing that is upon you this day shall keep you safe all the way through, others cannot receive it because they are not here, but I will touch you, I will protect you, I will take you through this time in great joy, in great victory.  So don’t all fear to come in, cause many of you do that all the time, do it no more, saith your Father God, but walk in boldness, walk in the word, walk in assurance, walk in confidence.  Don’t listen to what they are saying, but look to my word, for is not my word the authority of the world even though the world does not abide by it, they do not walk by it, they do not keep it, but you are not of the world, you’re mine, you’re mine, saith your Father God.  Fear not, fear not, for I have great things in store for those that walk with me, I have great things in store for those that know that they’re the head and not the tail, they’re not operating in fear but they’re walking in confidence, I have great things, great things, saith your Father. 

For I said unto you, my children, that my blessings are upon you and therefore get into my word that you can understand and know those promises and blessings I have given unto you.  Walk in them as I have already commanded you to, says the Lord, for in them there is life, there is passion, there is pride in knowing me, says the Lord.  Therefore, get into my word, get into that light, says the Lord, that you can stand in this time, that you can show those around you the things that I have for them in Jesus name, in Jesus name that is the name, says the Lord, in Jesus name. 

For faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not yet seen and yet most can only operate in sense knowledge faith, meaning they have to see it, they have to hear it, they have to smell it, they have to teach it.  But I have told you do not fear, for fear is not of me and I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, stand on the things that I have given unto you, for it is enough, but you don’t use it the way you should, for you doubt.  You cannot doubt, you must believe with all of your heart and you must hope with confident expectation, that means you know that without a doubt you shall see just those things that you are believing for, that is the kind of faith you need to have.  You need to put off the sense knowledge faith, be delivered of it if you need to be, but most will not even realize that they are walking in that area.  But if you are not walking in victory, if you are not walking as the overcomer then you are walking in sense knowledge faith.  So realize that you need to get out of that and begin to walk in the faith that I have given unto you.  For I have given all a measure of faith, that is what my word has said and with that faith you have more than enough to move the greatest mountain, but you must know how to use it, you must know how to stand upon it, but if you do those things you shall be victorious, saith the Lord.  

What are you afraid of, have I not told you I would take you through these times?  Have I not told you that if you believe in me no disease or pestilence shall enter your house, have you not put the blood of Jesus upon your life?  For yes, these days are very dark, yes the army is going to come with guns but, yes, they are going to walk the streets, for my people shall be protected that believe in me. For the time is going to come when they are going to try to put the mark of the beast in you, are you going to accept it or are you going to deny it.  The Lord God says, are you going to tell people that you love me or are you going to deny me, the Lord God wants to know, for my people shall be blessed, for my people shall move forward?  Do you want me to move upon you today, come to the altar allow me to move upon you, all you have to do is come and praise me and you shall see me move upon you. 

Did I not say to Hosea that my people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, that means knowing my word, am I not the supplier of all wisdom and knowledge?  So when you walk by the worldly knowledge and you say, I stayed home because of wisdom, that is a lie, that is not my wisdom that is fear, that is fear, that is doubt, that is not trusting.  Walk with me, then I can take care of you, I can’t take care of you if you don’t walk with me. 

It is time to walk in wisdom, it is time to walk in knowledge, it is time to be like the ruler that brought his son to be delivered and say Lord help my unbelief, it is time to stand up and be truthful.  For if you can’t be truthful, if you can’t admit what is stopping you from serving me, I cannot help you, I cannot do these things that I have promised you.  The promises are there and they are yours, but you only get them if you are walking according to my word, if you are doing what my word says, if you are not, I can’t fulfill those promises.  But the minute, the minute, the moment, the second that you begin to do that then I can fulfill every single promise that I say to you.  Know the hour is extremely short, I have told you, you are in chapter thirteen of Revelation, read it, know what takes place, hurry, hurry, the time is very short, you need to listen, you need to obey today. 

Etc. in you, the Lord God says he needs to get deliverance from you today, the Lord God says if you have fear get delivered and set free today because you don’t need to have fear, he wants you to have peace of all understanding.  Don’t be afraid of the devil, for we have already defeated him in the name of Jesus.  So get up here, allow him to move upon you in the name of Jesus today. 

Etc. today, if you allow me to come in, the Lord God says, for there are some people in this room that would not. God is knocking on your door, I was ready to give you that miracle today but you denied me.

3-22-20 pm service

And I love you with an everlasting love also and I am here to fight for you, yes I, your Father God, shall go before you and make a way where there is no way, I shall open doors that have never been opened and I will close the doors that need to be closed, but I will watch over you, I’ll protect you, I’ll keep you safe in every way.  So fear not, do not allow fear to enter into your heart, do not allow fear to control you, for fear is not of me.  But walk in my boldness, walk in my faith, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge, for it is my knowledge that shall lead you to victory, for I’ll not have to say to you that you are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, for you walk in my knowledge.  You walk not in the worldly knowledge, but you walk in the words that I, your Father God, give unto you.  So be not fearful, but be bold, rise up, rise up, rise up. 

For I say unto you, my children, I have given unto you my authority, my power, my ability, says the Lord, you speak forth my word you suck the power out of the storm, says the Lord, you suck the life out, in the name of Jesus.  Command that life to come out and to go to dry places, says the Lord, for it has no right over my area, says the Lord.  I have given you this area, take authority over this area, command the life, the wind, the spirit to come out, in Jesus name. 

For my word shall go out and it shall not return empty but it will fulfill everything that you send it out to do.  For I have given you my word, I told you to stand on my word, I have told you to walk on my word, I’ve told you to keep my word.  I watch over that word to perform it, therefore, you are safe in every way and I, your Father God, am surely standing by your side. 

For I said you could charge my angels to blow the virus right off of your property and those who are my faithful ones have already done that.  So realize that this is a safe place, but I have also said that you can cause your angels to blow it off, to blow it out of your household.  For if you are one of mine then you don’t have anything to worry about, but if you are walking in fear then you are not safe anywhere, for there is a door open and you have left ways for the enemy to come in.  Realize this, realize that, because of the days you are living in things are different now and so you need to rise even higher than you have before, you need to stand even stronger than before.  For when the enemy comes against you, you need to speak forth my word, you need to not run and hide and in the closet, for he will still find you there.  But if you speak forth my word and put him under your feet he quickly flees from you and yet why is it my people are so quick to back down?  Do you not know that I have created you to be giants that you have been created to be the overcomer, for you are the victors, for Jesus defeated devil and all of his demons when he died on the cross and he went to hell and stole the keys away from Satan and he gave all that power and authority to you.  So why is it that you walk in fear, why is it that you walk in doubt, why is it that you walk in unbelief, for I cannot use you if you are operating in one of those.  For they are not traits of mine, I can only use those who are on fire, who are filled with My Spirit, who are flowing in my fruit and they are producing the fruit that I said my people would produce.  But remember, I spoke to the fruitless tree and commanded it to wither up and dry and be gone and it was.  Do not become an unfruitful tree but bear the fruit that I have called you to bear, saith the Lord. 

Instead of talking the talk and not walking the walk, why not switch, why not change, why not speak forth my word and then you can also talk the talk and walk the walk and you can become everything that I have promised you that I can do all for you.  Look where you are, recognize your stand, think not more highly of yourself than you ought to, but humble yourself before me.  For I am the Lord thy God, it is I, it is I that have said these things, it is I that have called forth this meeting, it is I, walk with me, walk with me, walk with me.

3-16-20 pm service

etc. etc. word mumbles and groans and says oh, oh it is weak.  And all, all this week my word is most powerful, most powerful than any virus, than any sickness, than any disease, for I have told you I could blow it off this property with one little breath, it can be gone.  Fear not, fear not but rise up let your faith, let your faith come alive.

For, yea, though you be little you’re the backbone, you’re the backbone, for it is the little ones that shall lead them, remember you are mine, saith your Father God and I watch over you, if anybody hurts you it would be better for them that they put a chain around their neck and be cast into the sea, so fear not, fear not, for I am with you.

For I have already given unto you my word, I have already given unto you my promise, therefore there is nothing that you need to worry about, there is nothing that you need to fear about.  For the world runs in great fear, for they do not know what to do, they do not have an answer, but I, your Father God, have the answer, and if they will turn unto me I will give them the answer, but you have spoken forth my word even this very day and I will move upon your behalf because of that.  For I have given unto you that often, I have given unto you that responsible and you use it with great power and authority.  And, therefore, I will do even as I have promised that I would do, saith the Lord. 

For again over and over and over again I tell you not to worry, I tell you don’t be worried about that virus, it only takes one tiny prayer and it could be gone by the snap of my finger.  I already said I would supply your food, I already said that if you had trouble I would give you good crops, I would give you enough food to last you forever.  Don’t worry, stay in prayer, don’t quite, don’t back down, stay with it and stay strong, because the government will try to shut down our church, they will try to shut down every church.  They will try to stop us from building our church, they have already warned you that I have called down my angels to stop them, they are much more stronger than you believe in the holy realm.  But in the physical realm they think you are nothing, it only takes one small prayer to take it all out, one small prayer if you only have faith the size of a mustard seed to do it, it doesn’t matter how much faith you have you can do it.

Be not fearful, for fear is not of me, quickly call upon my name when you feel that and I, your Father God, shall chase that fear away and it will not come back. 

For many works will be shut down because of it, even Marietta, even Borg-Warner, but when they shut down the places here you’re going to need more people here to work.  That church will be built, those crowds will be in on this Campmeeting, doesn’t matter how much the government tries to stop it they won’t be able to come near this ground because they won’t be able to take on the fire.  They will not be able to come near it because he is not worthy of it.  For you’re going to have crowds of people when those works shut down, this church will be built, they are shutting down shortly, not much longer and I will be coming.

3-15-20 am service

For truly the power that I have given to you is now flowing in all of its fullness, you may not recognize it, you may not even know it, but if you would exercise your faith, not foolishness but your faith, you would see things take place that would astonish you.  For your mouth has become a miracle worker, a revival bringer, an attention getter, but at times you do not use it in my way, you use it for the enemy.  You have not set a guard at your mouth even though I have spoken many, many, many times concerning this, your mouth does not have a guard, I have said put a guard at your mouth.  For out of your mouth comes the abundance of the heart and if you haven’t renewed the mind corrupt things come out of your heart and it is more dangerous now because now you have more power than you have ever had before in your life.  And when you allow those words to come out of your mouth they come to pass a thousand times faster than they ever did before in your life.  Therefore, they are a danger to you, they are a danger to your family and loved ones, they are a danger to those round about you.  So, again I say, set a guard, set a guard at your mouth, the reason you are seeing right now on television, on radio, all over is because of people’s mouth.  I already told you what to expect, and if you would look surrounding you on a map that they showed on TV, you would see every place round about you has got the virus except Cortland.  Isn’t that amazing, what did I tell you about Cortland; do you believe what I told you?  If you were to stand on my word and on my promises you would see miracles, victories, healings, deliverance, you would see everything I promised you, for it is there.  And as soon as you wake up to that, as soon as you speak honestly exactly where you are, then you would begin to function in the fullness of my wisdom, my power, my anointing, my ability and the revival would be on suddenly so fast you would be so packed out you couldn’t crowd anyone in here with a big fork, there would be no room even before the building got done.  But many are waiting for after the building is done, why, why, why, because you haven’t believed and because you haven’t really believed that is going to work, you haven’t gave, you haven’t done all that you could do?  You’re waiting, are you waiting for the rapture, if that is the case you would miss everything you’re supposed to do here on earth, everything you’re supposed to have, everything that you’re supposed to walk in, you would miss all the rewards and when rewards were passed out in heaven you would sit there watching as others receive and you had nothing, nothing.  I have told you not to save up things where the mouth, the canker worm, you know they can destroy, where thieves can break in and steal it, where is your money, if you treasure it, don’t you realize you have got more of a love for money than you do for me?  Am I not able, oh how my heart rejoiced when my full gospel ministers throughout the world joined together and said to the state and the federal government, if our country doesn’t force us to we will not close down, we’re faith people, oh my heart leaped for joy, are you there?  But you have to also listen, use wisdom, use knowledge, use understanding, for if you don’t you’re not walking in faith.  You see faith is a special thing, it is not hope and there are two types of hope, one hope that never gets hardly anything at all because it is just hopeful, and then there is the hope that I showed you in Hebrews when Abraham said that he was going to hope with hope, confident expectation, in otherwise he knew he had it, he knew that he had it, which do you function in?  It is that hour my children, it is that hour and I desire to use every one of you to your full, to your full ability.  Do you know what that means, that means that if one drop was to fall from anyplace it would splash over people.     

For truly even in my word when they began to fully understand and operate in faith, no matter who you looked at, everything changed as if it turned on a light, it did and there was no more darkness. 

For I say unto you, my children, in my word you will see that the victory came before they even saw it, says the Lord, for they saw it in their spirit, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, believe the things that I have already spoken unto you as if they have already happened and you will see them, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, don’t sit quiet but rejoice for I am alive and I am doing the things I said I was going to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, you do not serve a dead God you serve a living God, therefore I say unto you, what you believe in your heart I will do it, says the Lord. 

For many times even in your prayers I hear you, I hear you say things that makes me chuckle, that makes me know and understand you’re not in the faith realm at all.  You’re in the help me realm, when you pray in your prayers, well Lord if we only got the two million, you don’t need two million, two million would never do the work that I have for you.  You don’t need that, that is not even a drop in the bucket, for what you need is in the billions and I will bring that in, I will bring that in.  But I laugh at you for you are almost stupid, for you are believing for a penny where I have a million for you.  Stand up, rise up, walk in the fullness of my faith, don’t tear it down, don’t stop it, but build it, build it, the bigger you can speak the greater it shall be. 

For years, years before most of you were ever born, when they burned the cross on the hill overlooking the center of the state, when I, your Father God, even before that at the foundation of the earth, I choose, I choose this area, I made my choice then that this would be the place.  Not the church because the church wasn’t there, not you because you were not there, but I made that choice and later you answered the call and you came.  And others began to follow, some departed some stayed, some departed some stayed, some stayed, why, a sifting, I couldn’t use them, I couldn’t use them, you liked them, you wanted them but I couldn’t use them.  But now, now it is changing, now people are coming alive like never before, now is the hour, now, now you can see on the news when it is not cluttered with the virus and you can hear the news and what is going on now, now is the hour.  You can see the earthquakes that most don’t even know happened in the last few days, you can see the things that are happening all over and you see the foolish people that are claiming this is the last horseman to rise way back in the six chapter of the book of Revelation.  Wake up, it is not the book the sixth chapter, it is not, you’re in chapter thirteen, fourteen you go out, fifteen my wrath is poured out.  Wake up, for it is the hour you’re not looking for, it is the hour you’re not expecting, it is the hour you don’t believe in because most of the world doesn’t believe, they say they do, but I say unto you, now do you understand, now.

For this is the hour that I have talked to you about, this is the day that I have talked to you about; everything has been leading up to this point.  For if you only could see the end picture you would understand it even better and yet some of you do because I have showed you.  But it is time to rise up in the faith and the power and authority that I have given unto you.  It is that hour to speak forth my word, it is the hour for my word to come to pass, it is that time now, it is that hour now.  Will you be one that runs with me or will you sit back in amazement and watch it all happen before you, for it is my desire that you are part of it, but you must make the choice, therefore make the choice, saith the Lord. 

Where is your heart, is your heart right with me today, for the time is getting closer for my Son, Jesus Christ, to come back.  So get your life right with me today, get ready for my Son to come back, for it is getting closer and closer.  For if you are not right with me how can I take you to heaven, so get right with me today, for do you not see what is happening in the world, for it is getting closer, so get right with me, for if you need a miracle come and receive it today. 

What are you so afraid of etc. etc. the truth the Lord God says etc. etc. let my fire, that fire speak the truth etc. for I have told you I would take care of you, do not be afraid, for this is the devil trying to attack you, etc for the God said I will take you through.  So stop being afraid and just come and receive today.  

3-15-20 pm service

Said I not that I would give you all of my power, all of my ability, all of my wisdom, all of my strength, all of my knowledge, how much more can you have, I have no more to give, as I have given you all.  You have all and therefore you can function even as I say that you can function, you may not know it, but if you believe, if you speak it into being, if you are not afraid to say I’ve got it.  But if you are afraid to say I’ve got it, you will never have it, you have to speak my word, speak my word, for my word is sufficient.  When the enemy came against me what did I do, thus saith the Lord, are you afraid to do that, if you are you will not have the things that I did.  But if you do, you will have the things that I did and you will be more than a conqueror, you’ll be an overcomer; you will be all, all, all that I said you are. 

For I say unto you, my children, are you not that light that I have placed upon a hill that all the world can look unto, says the Lord, as my glory descends upon you, says the Lord, it fills the earth with the glory of God.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t back down but step up, because I am doing everything that I said this night, says the Lord.  Look unto me, look unto me this night, says the Lord and watch the glory fall. 

Many of the women in that day, saith your Father God, have more strength, more power, more faith, more ability than even some today. 

For if you really know how to use the power that I have given unto you, you would find that you lack nothing, that you have everything that you have need of, that there are no areas in your life that are holding you back or stopping you.  But few have learned how to use my word to its fullest because they do not really have the word in their heart the way they need to.  Even as I spoke to you about this morning, do you really have the word in your heart, is it really within you the way it used to be?  For what is in your heart is what comes forth out of your mouth, so therefore, I say, put it into your heart that you can speak it forth and you can use it and it will go forth and do all that I have called for it to do.  For you need to know how to speak forth my word with true faith and true power and true authority, saith the Lord. 

When my word is so powerful, so strong that all the forces in the world cannot stop it, cannot hinder it, cannot make it back up, for what it is sent forth to do it will do, do you believe it like that?  Stand on my word then, stand on my word, stand. 

For I say unto you, my children, when was it going to draw people to you but that the world must get darker, says the Lord, for they have to see the light, says the Lord, as the world gets darker, darker and darker they have nothing but to look to the light.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t hide that light but let it shine as I have already told you, says the Lord. 

3-11-20 pm service 

For it is a great hour for my church, so do not allow fear to trouble your hearts, but know my word and stand on my promises.  For I watch over my word to perform it, I keep all of my promises and I fulfill them, I never reject a promise and when you stand on that promise I watch over it and I fulfill it.  Therefore, I say, don’t fear, for there are many things that are coming and many things that are going to come, but do not let them trouble your heart, just believe, just believe.  For I love you and I will take care of you, I will watch over you, I will protect you and you have nothing, nothing to worry about, therefore don’t allow fear to come in.

Every word that goes out of a heart that believes, of the mouth that speaks it from their heart and not their head, every word that goes out is fulfilled or is coming to pass, you’re walking in the blessings, then you will walk in more blessings.  So fill your heart with my word, speak my word, don’t doubt it, don’t doubt it, if you can’t understand it, speak it, speak it, for I watch over my word to fulfill it. 

For truly I am greater than anything the enemy can throw against you, but you must know my word, you must know how to use my word and put the enemy beneath your feet, you must know who you are in me.  But there is nothing that you need to fear, for fear is not of me nor is it one of my attributes, so it should never be one of yours.  But faith is one of my greatest attributes and I have given unto everyone a measure of faith and that faith is more than enough to do everything that I have called for you to do.  So with that faith you can move mountains, and if you can do that how much easier is it to do the smaller things that many dread, and yet I am more than able to do the greatest and the least.  So fear not the things that are taking place, for remember you are living in the end days and these are but for a sign and for a season and you are in that season and you are in that season of that end hour so you will see some of these things.  But remember they do not have to come nigh your dwelling, for I have given you my word and I watch over that word to perform it.  But you must speak forth that word, you must call those things into being that they shall be, for that is what my word has said and I have given you that word and I have given you that promise.  Therefore, know for surety you can bank on that, saith the Lord. 

Many climb to the top of a high mountain to get close to me, but I am in the valley, I am down here where you are, you can come close to me anytime that you desire.  For if you will come I will listen and if I listen I will fulfill that word to you, trust me, trust me.

3-7-20 am service

For truly the presence of myself fills this place and I am always here to meet with you, but the question is, are you here to meet with me or do you come out of routine or do you come because you think you should come?  Your desire should be coming to be with me, to worship me, to praise me, to exalt me and then I can move mightily on your behalf and give you all the things that you desire.  For when you just come, you might as well stay home because you receive nothing and I can give you nothing, but if you come expecting then you shall receive.  For I have told you that in my word, but very few see it there or read it there or understand it.  They do not know why they come, many have been brought up to come and they come because they have done it all their life, but that is not coming to meet with me, that is not coming to see me.  But, I say unto you come, come longing to be in my presence, looking forward to being in my presence that I, your Father God, yes, I shall meet with you. 

For my children, I say unto you, do not go and just expect to just go, but what do you bring with you, says the Lord? Do you bring your offerings with you, do you bring your thanksgiving with you, says the Lord?  Bring them so that I can bless you, says the Lord, for I desire to bless you, I desire to open up the windows of heaven for you, I desire to do all the things that you desire for me to do.  But you need to come ready, says the Lord, you need to come ready in love with me, says the Lord, not only in my house but in your daily life, says the Lord.  Be open to me and receive the things that I have for you.

For my heart longs to bless you, for you are my children and I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to prosper you, to cause you to walk in divine health, I should never have to heal you, but you should walk in divine health.  I desire to meet your needs, I desire to give you a plan, that your plan will be a glorious plan, that you will fulfill that plan and be all, all that I say that I will do.  But are you doing that, the time is getting short, it won’t be long now that it will be too short to do many things, but there are many things that you yet can do, are you even trying to do them, for that is my desire?  For you have rewards in heaven and I desire that you get more rewards in heaven than you have got on earth.

For I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, I desire to pour my blessings out without measure, but some are not in that place where I have called for them to be that they can fully receive them.  But I desire for you to draw closer to me so you can enter into that place where I can move upon your behalf even greater, where I can bless you even more, where I can pour My Spirit upon you without measure.  For it is a time and the hour to come into my house expecting to see great things, expecting me to move in a mighty and powerful way, not just on Sunday mornings, but on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights.  For I am always here to meet with you, are you coming here to meet with me, for truly that is my desire that is what I long for?  So, I say unto you, draw closer to me, come to that place where you are expecting to see great things, for those who come expecting will see the great things that I have in store for them. 

Oh, how I long to move today, for I want those revival fires to move today.  For do you know where they have to start, they have to start from the heart, you have to open up your heart today, the Lord God says.  The Lord God says if you open up your heart you allow him to move upon you, you will see those miracles, those signs, those wonders, you will see those crutches today.  So open up your heart, praise him, open up your heart and come and receive whatever he has for you today, because the Shepherd wants to take you through whatever you are going through today.

When the fire starts in your heart and your mind today, when you allow revival reign fully in your heart you are going to see the wheelchairs, you are going to see the walkers, you’re going to see those canes, you are going to see those crutches sitting out in front of the church.  When this church allows me to move upon each and every one of you one hundred percent, the church is going to be packed out, the next church is going to be packed out.  So tell your families, tell all of your friends about the miracles, tell them what I can do for them.  Because no doctors can heal, no doctors can touch them, but your Lord God can do the work.    

3-7-20 pm service

For truly it is my desire that you know me more and that you know me as your father, that you know my voice, that you hear me very clearly.  Not an imagination or a made up voice or not the voice that you followed most of your life, for that was the devil, that you know my voice, my sheep, my sheep know my voice and another’s voice they will not follow, know the difference.  For I desire to love you, I desire to bring more to you, I desire to bless you in every area of your life, I desire to prosper you, I desire that you walk in divine health.  These are my desires, that is why I created you to be my children that you would walk even as I walk, even as my Son Jesus walked, as your brother walked that you can walk.  For I have had millions over the years that have walked in that realm and you can be one of them also.  But you can’t be turned away when others mock you and laugh at you and make fun of you and you back down like a scared rabbit fleeing for a hole to hide in, no, no, no.  For my children stand strong and they are not moved, they are not cowards, they are not afraid of the enemy, for they have already whipped the enemy.  Not only have they whipped him, they whipped his demons that followed him all together at the same time, so how could you ever be afraid?  For fear is not of me, I have not given you a spirit of fear, I haven’t created you to be timid, afraid, I have created you to walk in the miracles, I have created you to stand tall, I have created you to be champions of champions, I have created you to be the overcomer and truly that you can be. 

For I say unto you, my children, I have given unto you my muscle to back up my word, says the Lord, therefore if you know my word you know how to use it, says the Lord.  Many people don’t exercise the word that I have given unto them and are weak, frail, feeble, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, get into my word and become that muscular mighty man or woman I have called you to be, says the Lord. I have called all my children to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in, says the Lord. 

For Gideon was somewhat like that until I assured him of who he was and what he could do and you saw what he became, you saw how great he was.  And Samson was the same way until he departed from me and begun to go the wicked way, but after a while he realized what he lacked and what he missed and he had his greatest victory ever.  You can be like that, are you embarrassed when you talk to people about me, are you afraid to talk to me, are you afraid to lead them to me, are you afraid to stand for what you believe.  I don’t want you if you are that way, I want the giants and I am calling for my giants, my spiritual giants to come out of hiding and walk by my side. 

Therefore, my children, draw closer and closer and closer and closer to me that you hear my voice and my voice only that I can guide you, that I can direct you, that I can keep you safe, that I can protect you.  For the other voice leads to total destruction, know the difference, get into my word, get closer to me and know my voice.       

For it is an hour for my church to know who they are in me, to know where they stand, to know the power and authority that has already been given to them, for in many ways my people are not in the place where I desire for them to be.  For I have created you to be the overcomers, I have created you to be the victors and you should be walking in that victory in every area of your life.  Yes, there will be battles, but I am not talking about that, for there are many things that you give place to the enemy and when you do that he is able to get in and cause problems because of that.  But it is an hour to draw closer to me than ever before, it is an hour to get really serious in that sense when you put all other things aside and do what I have told you to do.  When you lay all other things aside and put me first, make me the priority in your lives and watch how things begin to change. 

Many times I desired to hug you and draw you closer to me that you would sense and feel the love that I have for you, but you shy away.  Are you more real than you are spiritual, I sure hope not, for I am a spirit being and you are a spirit being.  I am not interested in your flesh, for the flesh shall pass away but the spirit shall not, I am interested in the spiritual man, the spiritual woman, my children that are made in my image, let me love you, let me love you.

3-4-20 pm service

For there is nothing that you need to fear, for have not I said I would watch over you, that I would protect you, that I would keep you safe and yet your trust and your confidence only needs to be in me.  So do not be concerned about the other things that are going on, you do not have to be concerned about the election, for I have already showed you what shall take place.  You do not need to be concerned with the virus, for I have said that I would protect you if your trust was in me.  You do not need to be concerned about the weather, for I have always given you my promise here and you have seen that hold true over and over and over.  But many of these things are end time signs and they are only but to wake the world before it is too late.  They are not for my church, but yet there are many who say they are of me, but really are not, they do not trust me like I tell them to, they do not do the things that I tell them to.  But my true children they follow after me, they have all of their trust and all of their confidence in me and therefore they know without a shadow of a doubt I will do all that I have said that I would do.  Trust me like never before, for I will keep you safe in the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

Come closer to me and know my love like never before, walk in my ways and know my word, have my word within your heart, that in this hour and this time, that when tough times come my word is the first thing that flows from your mouth.  It is an hour to follow me like never before, it is an hour to know my word and it is an hour to be about my business, to be doing the things that I have called you to do.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw close to me, draw close to me and know my love like never before, know who I am, know what I have given unto you, know the power and authority I have given unto you children of Almighty God.  Walk with me, walk with me, walk with me. 

3-1-20 am service

For truly, on the day of Pentecost in the upper room only one hundred and twenty, yet throughout the whole city they heard the praises, they heard the tongues, they heard the shouting, they knew something had happened.  But when he died, when he died, the thunder was louder than the people, for they had no hope, but you have hope, you have hope, for he is alive, and as you shout and as you praise me, you begin to remove the bounds and the traps and the little things that hinder you and slow you down round about you and victory comes quickly.  For this has been a week that you saw that victory, you saw that finances, you saw what I, your Father God, can do and the more you shout, the more you yell, the more you praise me the greater, the greater, the greater it shall be.  

As you raise the hallelujah you are driving the enemy down to its death.  Every time you raise a hallelujah you are driving in the money, you are driving in the hope, you’re driving in the Lord’s army.  Every time you raise a hallelujah Satan becomes weaker, every time you raise a hallelujah you become stronger, God brings more men, every time you raise a hallelujah more things will come to pass.

What was it that caused the walls of Jericho to fall, a mouse running through the Roman church or a shout of victory, for it was a shout of victory and yet you have been taught to be still in my house.  I desire your praises, I look forward to your praises, I long for your praises, for you to tell me your love, for you to show me your love, for you to demonstrate my love and as you do so then I bring you the victory.  The walls shall crumble like sand and the victory shall go forth and there shall be no army, there shall be no army that can stop you, for I am the Lord your God. 

For far too long you have been way to comfortable and it is time to get up and begin to do the things that I have told you to do.  It is time to put the enemy underneath your feet and stop allowing him, stop allowing him place in your lives.  For each and every day when you do not do according to my word you leave a door open for the enemy and he likes to come in and steal, kill and destroy and make havoc of your lives, but I have given you all power and authority over him.  But you must walk according to my word, you must put away those things, put away those things that so easily beset you, that is what my word has told you, that is what I have told you and yet at times you still allow those things in your lives.  Put them away, put them away for good and allow me, allow me to have total control of your lives.

Walk in faith I say, true faith, for true faith has no unbelief, true faith has no sense knowledge faith; true faith operates in my word.  They call things to be that are not, have never been and they shall be.  They don’t doubt, they don’t fear, they don’t accept anything that the enemy tries to give to them, they are not buying, they are not drinking, they are not receiving, if it is not from me they don’t want it.  And if you operate in that type of faith, you cannot operate for every member in your family, for there are areas that those in your family have to operate in their own faith and you need to realize that.  There is much, much that you can do, but there are some things according to my word you cannot do, learn the difference, walk in true faith, walk in true faith.

For I say unto you, my children, every seed which I have sown bears fruit, says the Lord, therefore if you are not bearing fruit you are not mine, says the Lord.  Therefore bear fruit, for that is the sign that I have given unto you, that you shall know them by their fruit.  If you are not bearing fruit you are not of me, saith the Lord. Therefore bear my fruit. 

For yes it is true we have defeated death, for yes it is true we has defeated sin, for yes it is true we have defeated disease and sickness, yes it is true we have defeated anything that is not of God.  So, I say unto you today, stand this morning, come to the altar, sing that song and from the heart and praise me and allow me to take you through whatever you are going through today. 

Every hallelujah you say brings in etc. etc. etc., for I heard you, even though many were so weak that I barely heard their voice, but I heard you and I have answered, receive, receive, receive.   

Etc. hallelujah etc. the Lord said that every hallelujah you gave is worth a billion, every hallelujah you gave that’s a billion dollars coming in.

Etc. etc. Praise the Lord God says, billions is just like a etc. I have all the money in the world, the Lord God says.  All you have to do is believe and you shall receive, so keep believing and keep praising me receive and keep moving and allow me to do the work, the Lord God says.   

Therefore, I say unto you, when money comes in remember you are accountable to me for that money, for it is mine, saith your Father God.  Call upon my name and see what I should have you do and do not do what you want to do unless I tell you that.  Don’t think that you can do what you want to do, but be faithful, be trustworthy, for I have head your shouts, I have head them and I will do what you have asked. 

I am here for you, I am here for you this morning, I am here to heal, deliver to set free, I am here to meet all your needs whatever your needs are.  Make your petitions known to me, for I am here this day, I am here and I will answer.   

3-1-20 pm service

I believe you are worthy, also that is why I have poured this great blessing upon you, for I have chosen you for a time like this, you have been mocked, you have been criticize, even made fun of, but I, your Father God, am the one who gave the word, I keep my word, I watch over my word to perform it.  Not all are faithful, not all are trustworthy, not all can I use, but I can use you because I have found you worthy, I have found you dependable, I have found you trustworthy.  And therefore I, your Father God, loves you and I give you honor this night, I give you blessings this night, I shall touch you, I shall meet your needs and I shall do things that others won’t receive because they are not here, but for you, for you it is your hour.

For I said unto you, my children, my Sunday night shall be the attraction, says the Lord, my main attraction.  Therefore, I say unto you, to come, come and receive the things that I have, for the things that I have for you are far greater than you can do on your own, says the Lord, therefore come and receive those things, says the Lord. 

For the more positive words you speak the more powerful my words will get and the faster you will see changes of the building.  The more you believe the more you will see, the less you believe you won’t see anything, you will be a dark pit, you won’t have any light.  For those that are on fire are the ones that are truly receiving and receiving what is going on.  The ones that don’t receive and don’t believe they don’t see anything, but those that believe and receive they see the buildings, they see what it pictures, they see how God will work.  Those that do not believe won’t make it and will follow the path and get the mark of the beast.  Those that believe and receive and stay confident they will stay with me.  But those that the lights have gone dark, before you know it, it is going to be too late, they won’t be able to receive.  For those people that will come in are going to be bogged down past Walmart and they are going to get so much, you are going to have more than you need, you are going to be able to build more churches throughout the world.  They will buy more properties because they are going to have housing sales, you are going to have more people than what this church can take, you’ll have people backed out and chairs outside.  You are going to need a bigger tent, for when this Campmeeting comes there are going to be so many people you won’t be able to hold them all.

For many have been a doubting Thomas and they say Lord, I’ll believe it when I see it, but I said blessed are those who believe when I tell them, for the blessings will be greater for them in the end.  For those who have doubted will be trying hard to catch up but they will be so far behind, the ones that come in will run far by them.  So, I say unto you, put aside your doubt, put aside your unbelief and begin to speak forth my word, speak forth my word and watch as it comes to pass, saith the Lord.

Watch your change, saith the Lord, watch it very close, look it over, for I shall bless you through different coins that shall be far more valuable than you realize, because many now under a tight pressure are getting rid of them and you shall find them and I shall show them to you, watch, watch, look carefully. 

As I have told you before in the past that I will use the young amongst you.  So, I say this night, listen to the young one when he speaks because I have given him wisdom and I have given him knowledge, so listen to the words that I give the boy.


2-26-20 pm service

For truly it is a great hour for those that are walking by my side, for those that are listening, for those that are paying attention, for those that do the things that I tell them.  Truly, it is a great hour, it is not a great hour for everybody, for many do not know how to walk in faith, they do not even know what faith is other than a word.  But for those that know, for those that are pressing in it is an hour of great blessings and the blessings keep pouring in and pouring in.  And I desire to bless all of you, I desire to watch over you, I desire to protect you, I desire to keep you safe.  So you need to listen to what I say and not, not what others say.  Know my word, study my word, draw close to my word, for it is in my word that you learn wisdom and knowledge and discernment and faith.  So press in, press in and walk in the fullness of my faith. 

For there were also false prophets in the Old Testament if you remember and they were sent by Satan to deceive people, to trick them, to cause them to be trapped.  Therefore, you need to know my word, for if you know my word you will also have the discerning of spirits because of your maturity and you can recognize these spirits and not listen to them nor follow them and not end up it trouble. 

That is why I repeat over and over and over and over again to know my word, to be in my word, to study my word that you are not lead astray, that you will not be taken in by the false, that you will know my voice from the evil one.  That is why again and again and again I say know my word. 

For many are running after the false because it tickles their ears, they like what it has to say, but yet really it doesn’t line up with my word nor can it be found in my word.  And yet my word says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and that does not need to happen, for if you get into the word, I have given you the key already, does it measure up against my word, does it line up with my word?  For if it does not line up with my word can it really be of me, for I did not contradict myself as man does all the time, but my word always lines up, my word is always fulfilled.  No, it does not always come to pass in your timing but it always comes to pass in my timing and when you look back you see how perfect everything lines up together.  So beware, beware, beware, for many are running out there saying they are of me but they are not of me and they are preaching another gospel, but if you know my word you will not be lead astray. 

2-23-20 am service

For truly it is your hour to have, yes that is right, it is your hour to have, but you must move forward, you must take it, you must receive it, you must cause it to operate and to work through you.  You cannot sit back and moan and groan and complain and wonder why I don’t move upon you, why I don’t touch, why I don’t heal, why I don’t bring the miracles.  I have already given you all those, they are already yours; it is not I that am holding them back it is you.  But if you don’t realize these things you’ll not move into the miracles, you’ll not move into the signs and wonders, you will not become all that I said that you should be.  For your house should be full of everything, even finances, there shouldn’t be any shortage whatsoever, it is yours that causes the lack, it is yours that brings the lack, not mine.  For I give you more than you even expect, I always do better, far beyond all that you could hope, all that you could desire.  For I have given it all unto you, every spiritual blessing it is yours, you can walk in that victory, you can be the overcomer, you can be the head, you can be everything that I said that you could be.  All you have got to do is act upon it, believe it, take it, move forward in it and enjoy the blessings that are here for these last days.  It shall not be like that for the world, but you are not of the world, therefore I say, receive those things that I have for you. 

For I say unto you, my children, allow My Spirit to burn within you, burn out the dross, the hay, the stubble, says the Lord and let My Spirit consume you.  Rise up and take hold of the authority that I have given unto you, says the Lord and use my word, use it, for it is for you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I say unto you, rise up and fight like never before, for this is the hour, this is the time, this is the time for your victory, says the Lord.  Therefore, rise up, get up and fight, says the Lord. 

For when Gideon moved out of fear and moved into the revelation that I gave unto him, he cut the army down that he thought he had to have until he had an army so small that it seemed like it was impossible, but he forgot nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible for me.

So, therefore I say, walk in the faith that I have given unto you, for fear is not of me, yet at times that is where my people are operating.  For when fear comes in faith goes out, therefore I say unto you, walk in the faith that I have already given unto you.  For my word says I have given unto everyone a measure of faith, the problem is at times they don’t use it like I have said to use it.  For I have said that you can move a mountain if you but speak unto it and it shall be removed.  But most do not believe, most do not trust that I can really do all that I have said that I could do and yet I have given unto you all power and all authority, all that even Jesus had and then some.  For did not I say greater things would you do, you should be doing greater things my children.  So walk in the faith that I have given unto you, put that faith into action and speak forth my word and you will see those things come to pass, saith the Lord. 

For the devil knows the time is short, therefore he fights harder now than he ever fought before, for he is a coward, he is in fear, he knows what is coming, he is the father of fear, he is the one that brought fear into the world, not God.  For he has given you just the opposite that you can be the overcomer, but he will try, he will try, he will try, but when you realize his roar has no teeth, he is not a lion with teeth, he is a lion without teeth and he is always lying.  But my people don’t seem to know these things, they forget these things.  Did the devil ever set the stars in place, the sun, the moon, is he capable of doing that, then why are you afraid of him and why aren’t you afraid of me, why aren’t you worshiping me with all your hearts?  For on the day of Pentecost they even heard that outside the building, not inside only but outside, could I hear it outside of your building?  Wake up, wake up, it is time to serve me, it is time to follow me, it is time to go with all, all, all of your heart.

For on the day of Pentecost it was a sound of a rushing mighty wind and only those inside the building heard that sound, but when it did happen the whole city, the whole city heard it, and if you check through all revivals, those that could be heard outside their building worshiping me, praising me were the ones that had the revival and people flocked to them because they knew they had something.  They could come and see and they would see the signs, they would see the wonders, they would see the things taking place and they would enter in, they would come out of the dead churches.  For I desire to be worshiped, I desire to be praised and the more you lift your voice in my name the more I will pour My Spirit out upon you. 

As the revival fires begin to burn this morning praise me, think upon me, worship me like never before.  Come allow me to fill you like never before.      

2-23-20 pm service

For it is a great hour, oh how great, how precious, how beautiful is this hour to you, if you would only look, if you would realize it you would put away your cares, your troubles, your grief, set them aside and look to my words. 

For I have the answer for you and the answer I will give unto you, the answer I will do for you.  For I love you with an everlasting love, I desire to bless you coming in and bless you going out, to make you the head and not the tail above and never, never, never beneath.  I desire to show you my love, you’re my children and I love you and this is the hour when I pour out all my promises, I fulfill every word that I have ever given to you and I make you all that I have said that I would if you allow me.  But you see I can’t do it unless you allow me, it is not me that holds back, for I am always here for you, I am ready, I am willing.  Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer, draw closer, don’t be concerned about the things that are taking place in the world, don’t worry, don’t fret, don’t wonder where your food is coming from, where your water is coming from, where your protection is coming from, for I have already told you where that shall come from, it shall come from me.  For I shall always be here for you, just call upon me and I will answer, call upon me and see. 

Even this very night if you would call upon my name whatever need, whatever miracle, whatever finance, whatever you need I will do that.  But you have got to call upon me with all of your heart, you have got to believe that you have got it, you have got to believe that I will do it and surly I will do it, for I have told you so.  Therefore, fear not, but trust totally in me, put all of your confidence, all your trust, all your assurance there and call upon me and see, try me, saith the Lord and see if I will not do it. 

For I say unto you, my children, my word does not go out and return void but it does the things that I sent it out to do.  Therefore, my word is for you my children, therefore whatsoever you ask in my name I will do it, ask and receive, says the Lord. 

Now is the time like never before to draw closer, closer, closer, to be in my word, to know my word, to have my word in your heart, to speak forth my word, to call upon me.  For I am there for you, I am always there for you; I have always been there for you, but you need to reach out, you need to reach out.  And you need to hear my voice, you need to hear my voice so I can speak to you, so I can tell you things, so I can tell you when you shouldn’t go here and when you shouldn’t go there.  You need to have your spiritual ears open, do you hear me, you need to have your spiritual ears open. 

Am I a stranger to you, I trust not, am I not your father, would a father withhold anything for the ones that they love, I am talking about a true father, not somebody by name only.  Is there anything, anything in my word that I said I would not do for you?  If I placed a million dollars on the platform I doubt you would go get it, but there is nothing, nothing, nothing that I won’t do, ask, ask and you shall receive. 

For my desires far outweighs your desires and at times you limit me because you are satisfied with where you are at, but I am calling out to you tonight and telling you where are those things that you really desire for, where are the things that you are really wanting to see?  For if you come to me and ask me will I not do it for you?  But you must believe that I can do it, you must believe that I will do it, and you must believe to see it all the way through.  For many come to the altar with faith but leave their faith at the altar, your faith should be with you at all times, you should be expecting to see me move upon your behalf at all times.  You should know that you have everything that I have already said is yours and you need to get to that place where you expect it.  For truly I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, I desire to pour my blessings out upon you without measure.  So stand upon my word and believe that I will do everything that I have said that I would do. 

2-19-20 pm service

So let your hearts be filled with my love this night, saith your Father God, for the blessings are there for you.  Fear not the things that the world says are coming, but put your total trust in me and I shall take you through safely.  You shall be the head and not the tail above and never, never, never beneath.  I keep my hand upon you and watch over you and protect you showing you the way, teaching you and instructing you that you can be all, all that I said that you could be.  So fear not, do not let those things that you hear even in school or wherever cause you to fear, for I have my hand upon you, I am watching over you, I am protecting you. 

For I know the germ warfare that is out there, but one of angels can blow them clean off your property, off your house, out of your house, off you.  So fear not, fear not, but walk closely by my side. 

For remember there are many things that shall take place in the world that will not be good in that sense, but there is not one of those things that you need to fear.  For I have already given unto you my promise, I have already given unto you my word, and if you stand upon my word, if you put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me there is nothing that you need to worry about.  But when you worry that opens the door and the enemy can come in and cause problems because of that.  So remember, stand on my word, speak forth my word and know assuredly that my word will always stand true and my word will always come to pass.  Therefore, there is nothing you need to fear, saith the Lord. 

For I have great plans for my church, I plan to bless them, prosper them, keep them safe, fulfill all my promises to them, watch over them, take care of them, always be there for them when they have a need.  Because you are part of my church, you are a part of my family, I am your father and I will watch over you and guard you like a father.  

2-16-20 am service

For truly the fire is burning, but you have to receive it, for it can burn on all those round about you and yet miss you if you don’t open your heart and receive what I have for you.  For you can refuse, I will not push it upon you, but if you love me you will receive it and because you receive it you will walk in the victories that I have for you.  For it shall be far greater than any man can think, even can envision or anyone can tell you, because you have never been there before and you have not seen what you are going to see.  Not even the demons that are now at loose at this time, you have never seen these in your lifetime, but you shall see things and you shall be far greater and you shall not worry.  For the hospitals are confused, the doctors are confused, the world is confused, for my people should not be walking in confusion, they should know, they should see, they should understand.  For there is no reason that they should not know, for I have told you, for twenty years I have told you, I have told you and I have told you and yet it went in one ear and out the other ear.  And you can make excuses, but the excuses won’t get you there, you must receive the things that I say, you must walk in the victories that I give, you need to be the head and not the tail, never, never, never beneath, for you are the overcomer.  Therefore, I say to you, walk in that victory, walk in those places, don’t walk in defeat, but walk in the victories, don’t walk with them that refuse to receive, but hook yourselves up those that are on fire.  And no matter how dead you are that fire shall catch a hold of you and you shall burn, burn, burn.

I say unto you, my children, let loose of those things that you are holding on to, the things that are keeping you from pushing forward, says the Lord.  Let them go, says the Lord, for I am all that you need, let them go and see the victories, says the Lord. 

For truly the fire is burning, but some are so dead they couldn’t start dry hay by themselves, they would only put themselves out trying, because there is no fire there, but the fire is here and the fire is burning and it shall burn more and more and more.  For you are the church I have chosen and if you are to set others on fire when they come you have to be on fire first.  You need to be shouting and praising and sounding like you are on fire, not some dead twig that it can’t even make a sound.  Wake up, wake up and listen, for this is that hour, that great hour, that hour you have been hoping for, that hour you have been begging for, that hour you have been pleading for.  What are you waiting for, are you waiting to see the train cars of money come flooding in here, you’ll see it, but then it will be far too late for you to catch fire.  You need to catch fire now, saith your Father God, or you will not burn.

For the fires of revival are joy, they are not like the fires you have been seeing burning in the world, no, that is judgment falling on those wicked countries and that judgment shall fall here in America as well, saith your Father God.  But the true revival shall burn out the false fire and it shall set a fire on those that are hungry, those that are looking, those that are desiring and multitudes, multitudes shall flood in here just as I have said.  There will not be enough room to park on this property and you will need to purchase other property, I have shown you that and it shall be so, it shall be so.  And this building and the other building your building will not be big enough to contain them all, but be ready, be ready, be ready, for the fire is going to burn. 

For the fire shall not burn in Israel like they shall burn in this place, saith your Father God, for they are not mine, they do not walk with me, they hook to a religion that has been dead since Jesus came and fulfilled it and they know it not and they have rejected it, and because they have rejected it, there will be no fire.  Even though I have sent a hundred and forty four thousand to witness to them, I have sent the two witnesses to witness to them and yet they are not listening and the time will come when they will see me as I come back with my church and my angels and then they shall weep and cry and call upon my name, then they shall know be, but not before that hour.  So don’t look to them for a sign of what you should do, for you will be caught in a false religion and a lot of you have been caught in false religions and it dries you up and it gives you an idea of what I do not want you to do and you do what they tell you and it is not me, saith your Father God.  Look to me, look to me, call upon my name, seek my face and I will hear.   

For I have said it would be a mighty outpouring, but the question is will you enter in, for you can refuse what I am pouring out?  For many have not accepted it, they have not opened up their hearts like I have said to do; they have not let go of the things that I have said to let go of.  For it is that time now my children, it is that hour now, all the signs are pointing there and you should be so on fire at the moment and yet there are only a few who are really excited about what I am doing.  For do not look to the former days, for in the former days it was poured out with moderation, but that will not be the case in these days, but you must open up yourselves to be able to receive it.  For you must also be able to receive correction, for many have a hard time receiving that, but I am only trying to get you to the place where I desire for you to be that you can walk in fullness of all the things that I have for you.  For I love you with an everlasting love, I love you my children and I desire to pour My Spirit out upon you without measure, do not refuse it, but receive it, receive it, receive it, saith the Lord. 

For many times those that think they are walking with me have been caught in the false revival and you have seen the false revival, whether it was in Florida, whether it was up in the northland, way up north at the airport.  You have seen these false revivals, but I have told you they were false and yet some of my people run after them, believed them, followed them and they have never seen a revival and they still haven’t seen a revival.  But my revival shall burn up the chaff, it shall burn up the wood, it shall burn up the hay and the stubble, it shall burn it out.  For it is no good, you can’t take it with you to heaven, and if it is not burned out now you won’t go to heaven, can you understand that?  But the revival that I send makes pure gold out of you and you shall be gold, you shall be gold.   

2-16-20 pm service

Truly all that I have I have given unto you, for most don’t realize it and most have never given all to me, but truly all I have I have given unto you.  I have filled you with the blessings, the promises, the strength, the power, the anointing that you could walk as the overcomers and always be the victors.  And you shall begin to establish this now, for this will be the hour when you walk that way or at least those that walk with me will walk that way causing multitudes to sit in amazement at the power and the anointing that they see the miracles that come.  For truly things are going to flow such as you never seen or never envisioned, it will be a new hour and your worship shall grow and grow and grow.  It shall be those signs that you have now, for it shall be those signs, it shall be so great, so great that you sense and feel the anointing and you see the things that I am doing, for that is my desire for those last days.  It shall not be like other churches, you’ll not find other churches that necessarily are walking the same way that you are walking.  But they shall come and when they receive what I have they shall go back and then they shall walk as you are walking.  So prepare your hearts and make yourself ready, for I have many, many blessings for you.

For I have chosen you first, says the Lord, therefore I will use you as I said I would, says the Lord.  So open your hearts to me, says the Lord, therefore I can use you as I desire to.  Don’t close up shop, says the Lord, for it is just beginning. 

For it will not be like times past when things took longer to come to pass or take place, but you will begin to see as things come to pass even faster now because of the time that you are now in and yet many understand it, but there are those who do not yet understand this.  But yet I have told you it would be this way, but for many they are looking, they have not been waiting for these things to take place.  For it is time to get into my word, it is time to wake up and realize just exactly where you are and exactly what is taking place so that you are not caught up in the traps of the enemy, but that you are free to do the things that I have called for you to do.  For who I have made free is free indeed and my word say do not be entangled again in a yoke of bondage.  You make the choice to be entangled again in those yokes of bondage, but I have said lay aside all those things that so easily beset you, lay them aside and be free when I set you free, saith the Lord.  For truly I have a work for you to do yet and there is much that is to be done before I take my church out, but you will fulfill it all, for there is enough time yet so do not be concerned about that.  But know that it is time, it is time, it is time to get moving, saith the Lord. 

For it shall also be the time of Rip Van Winkle, for many shall sleep through the whole revival and when they wake up the church will be gone.  Be not one of those, but press in now, for you set your own goals, so therefore when you start to step in and move forward I shall lead you, I shall guide you, I shall direct you. 

For as you pray if you jot it down you will see the fulfillment when it comes also because you will be looking for it.  If you just listen and do nothing you have nothing to expect because you are not expecting nothing.  Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully, hear the things that I say and as you hear the things I say begin to desire the things that I am saying and begin to possess them so you can walk in the fullness of them. 

2-12-20 pm service 

Oh how great and wonderful of a time that you are living in if you are walking with me, if you are doing the things that I have called for you to do, for I have many great things in store for you in the days ahead.  For I have said that this would be a great time and a great hour for my people and my church and you haven’t even begun to see the blessings that shall flow in.  For I have called them to come in for this time and for this hour and, yes, many have started seeing those here and there, but you have not even seen what I am going to do yet, you have only a little taste of it and yet I have so much more in store for you that will bless your heart.  So continue to do the things that I have called you to do, continue to draw closer, continue to spend more time in the word and more time in prayer, for that draws you closer unto me.  Spend more time talking with me, for truly I desire that you have that type of relationship with me and I with you.  For I love you with an everlasting love and I desire for you to be all that I have called you to be and to do all that I have called you to do, for it is now that time, it is that hour, saith the Lord.  

Fellowship with me like never before, fellowship with me, you need an action on your part.  Get into my word like never before, fellowship with me like never before, talk to me that I may talk to you and share you the secrets that have been revealed in my word for this day and this hour.  Draw close to me like never before, fellowship requires action on your part.  Therefore, I say unto you, continue to interact with me, get into my word, spend time in prayer, draw close to me that you may receive all that I have for you for this hour, say the Lord. 

 2-9-20 am service

Let your spiritual ears be open, listen very carefully, for I give unto you wisdom, I give unto you knowledge that you may see and know and understand, for the time in the world is getting very wicked, not only is it getting very wicked, the demons are very active and it is getting very, very dangerous.  But it is not made that way for those that know my Son, Jesus, and have received him into their heart and are walking, walking in the spirit realm, that they are obedient and faithful and not trying to dangle one foot in and one foot out, for it doesn’t work that way.  But great disaster is going to come, many are telling you how good it is going to be.  I have told you it is only good for those that are walking with me, if you are not walking with me it is not going to be good, but if you are walking with me I have many blessings that shall come.  I have many promises that I will fulfill, it is a good time, the best time, there never has been a time this good or a time that I speak so clearly to you, you can hear and understand, for the enemy is working overtime because of the lateness of the hour.  I said be in my house every time the door is open, if you are not sick, then you should really be here, or you have got a job, and yet you can look around and have my people been faithful, where are they, don’t they believe me?  I said don’t let the oil run out of your lamps, you have some right in here that have allowed that oil to run out.  And they can get it back, but they have allowed it to run out, and if you read in my word, out of the ten virgins only five went to heaven, the door was slammed shut on the other five.  Don’t be foolish, don’t listen to what man is telling you, listen to what I tell you, get into my word and study my word and know my word, speak my word and then you shall walk in the victories that I have for you and they shall be great, they shall be overwhelming and you shall be blessed coming in and blessed going out, you’ll be the head not the tail, above never, never beneath, that is the hour, that is the hour, listen, walk in it. 

For even Gideon walking in fear and hiding so the enemy could not see him or find him, had far more power than he knew that he had, and when I told him who he was he said, who me Lord?  You’re just like that.  Therefore, I say unto you, don’t do that, that is not my word, for I can show you my word and if you will look in my word and study my word even when it comes to food, did not the one woman build even a room for the prophet and fed him every time he came through and got a prophets blessing because of that, but she spoke only my word.  How about the widow woman did she not feed him first and I was able to bless her because of that?  Man will tell you to buy food and watch it rot on your shelf while you wait.  They will tell you thirty years and the whole tribulation period from beginning to end is only seven years, wake up, wake up.  

For I say unto you, my children, it is time to wake up, don’t sleep, slumber, don’t be a sleepwalker, says the Lord, but be obedient to what I am telling you to do, says the Lord.  If you are not obedient you cannot walk in the victory, you can’t walk in my blessings, says the Lord and you will miss the greatest blessings of all.  Wake up, get up, get moving, says the Lord, for it is time to shine. 

Be not overly concerned about your walk if, if your walking in the Spirit, if you are walking in my word.  For the enemy will try you, but that is good, for if he breaks a link, weld my word to it, if he breaks another link, weld my word to it and if you keep welding pretty soon you will have a chain that cannot be broken and you can walk in all the victories that I have for you.  It is only commonsense in a sense, but it is my word also applied to your heart, not to your head, but to your heart, that when you open your mouth that my word comes out.

Again, I say to you, to be aware, beware of who you are listening to, there are those out there that will tickle your ears, they will say things to make you feel good.  But, I say to you, beware, beware, for they do not have the truth in them, beware, again I say beware of who you are listening to out there.

There are three main spirits that are working on many, many, many of my people right now, dumb spirit, blind spirit, not with the eyes, and a stubborn spirit.  They hear my word but they don’t hear my word because they haven’t bought themselves a Hebrew or Greek bible, they haven’t really studied to show themselves approved a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth, they haven’t done that, they say they have, but they haven’t done that.  And if you went to their house and searched their house you couldn’t find thirty dollars worth of spiritual material to study, for they don’t study.  And because these spirits are blinding them, they read the word and they don’t understand and instantly another angel comes and steals it away that they don’t produce.  Wake up, wake up, wake up.

So, I told you in these days and these hours that you would have to walk a tighter line than at times before.  You’ll have to make sure that all of your words were my words, that they did not cause you problems and even the very things that you do, you need to be very careful about.  Are you going where I have told you not to go, are you doing what I have told you not to do?  For you see where as before there was more room and more grace, because you are now at the end and the enemy is fighting even harder than ever before as even my word has told you that, things have to get a little bit tighter.  The things that you have quit doing that you used to do that were good things, you need to get back to, those are the things that I told you, you need to be doing.  Are you spending fifteen to twenty minutes in pray each and every day and yet I said you need to be doing that in the morning, throughout the day and at night.  For if you are not walking in victory, maybe it is time to look at some of these things.  For I have called you to be the overcomer, I have created you to be the overcomer, but if you do not follow my word, if you do not do the things that I have told you to do, then it leaves a door open for the enemy to get in.  So I have warned you about some of these things that you could be victorious in the days ahead, saith the Lord. 

Do you know the name of this church, that is my question to you today?  Reigning Miracle.  Do you hear it; you have the authority in the name of Jesus, all you have to do is pray to me.  There are people here today that are sick, there are people sitting here with diseases, there are people sitting here in pain.  This church is Reigning Miracles, because I want my miracles to reign.  I said get here to the altar and let me move mightily right now in the name of Jesus, so move.

2-9-20 pm service

For my heart is blessed this night, saith your Father God, for your praises were so sweet, so beautiful and when you come before my throne exalting my name and lifting that up on high my heart is filled with joy and I pour out my presence upon you.  So open yourselves like a sponge this night, saith your Father God, forget the things round about you, forget about competing one with another and worship me.  Come to worship me, come to lift my name and I shall fill you with my presence.

Let your hearts become open now, let your worship, let your praise, let your sounds reach into my throne room, sound like a good old fashion Pentecostal church, not a dead church some place, but open up, open up, for I shall come down to you this night and my presence shall fill this place.

For I say unto you, my children, let the freedom of My Spirit come in, let it enter you, let it soar in you, says the Lord.  Therefore, I can lift you up, I can have you where I need you, says the Lord, therefore let my freedom of My Spirit come in, says the Lord. 

For there is freedom in my presence, chains are broken in my presence and if you enter into my presence I can do things like I haven’t been able to do before.  For I can open the windows of heaven unto you, if you come into my presence to praise me, praise me, praise me and open up like you have never opened up before and I will come in and remove the chaff, I will come in and remove the hay, I will come in and remove the stubble and I will fill it with me, I will fill it with My Spirit, I will fill it with my presence to overflowing, saith the Lord.

I have heard you my children, I have heard my faithful ones, I am here tonight, I am here tonight for you, I have heard you.  I am here to heal, to set free, to deliver, I am here to meet your needs, I will meet all your financial needs, I will meet your needs.  You have been faithful, you have been faithful and I will honor your faithfulness.

For there is a mighty sound coming out of the Northland, I have assembled my angels together for war, for they have gone together in the harvest, they have gone to bring in the harvest and the harvest shall come in.  So lift up your voices even higher, saith your Father God and call out and call out that I can do a mighty work, that I can bring those miracles, that I can bring those signs, that I can bring those wonders, that I can do everything that I said I would do tonight.  Lift up your hearts; let me hear your voice, let me hear your voice.

For I say unto you, let those chains be broken, for if you have been in bondage come and let those chains be broken, for I have driven the enemy off and he will not return.  So let those chains be broken, for you have been in bondage, but you will leave tonight free. 

When you get home tonight after church you are going to find things on the floor, some broke, you won’t know why, but get them out of the house and burn them, don’t keep them there.  He is cleaning up the place. 

For let your hearts be filled with joy, for it is an hour when I, your Father God, am moving mightily, mightily on your behalf.  You’re hearing about and seeing just a glimpse of the mighty victories that you shall have, the blessings that shall come your way.  You shall be the overcomer and you shall walk in the victories and the enemies that come against you shall be defeated on the right and on the left.  They will fall by your side and you shall fall far ahead and there is nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing for you to fear about, because if you need me, call upon my name and I will answer you.  Need a miracle, I will do that on your behalf, if you need healing whatever you need if you believe and call upon me I will do it and you shall not wait, for it shall be instantly and you shall have it and you shall walk in the victory that I give unto you. 

For it shall not be so for those that that are not walking with me, for those that think that they are walking with me, for those that are in the false.  For destruction shall come upon them very quickly and as you have seen many have been given over to a reprobate mind already and may more shall be given that reprobate mind.  If you read the book of Revelation careful you will see that is an end time sign and you are in that place where that sign, that sign, it is here.  Therefore, I say, give up the things that you are doing and begin to do the things that I desire of you that you can walk with me, that you can trust me and I shall be your protector, I shall be your guide, I shall look over you, I shall be your back guard and nothing shall come upon you suddenly, for I shall be there to protect you.  Yes, I’ll go before you and I’ll strengthen you and I’ll lead and guide you and I’ll direct you and you shall know my presence and many shall look, for you shall grow spiritually, so quickly they will be amazed at where you are.  But fear not; fear not, fear not, for you have nothing to fear, for I, your Father God, am with you. 

For remember you shall not be like the ten virgins, you must be greater than they are, for five of them, five of them let their oil run out and many Christians have let their oil run out and they shall not make heaven unless they get the oil back in, for oil needs to be flowing.  For without the oil you cannot have the victories, for without the oil you cannot have the blessings, for it is the blessings that guides you and leads you and instructs you that you can receive those things.

2-2-20 am service

For truly it is a glorious hour, an hour like man has never walked in before, it is the hour of the end, the end of time, it is that hour, saith your Father God, an hour of great excitement for my church, an hour of great blessings, great achievements, mighty miracles, mighty signs, mighty wonders.  Not so for the world, for it is a very dark hour, a very dark hour and it shall get even darker after my church is gone, it shall be pitch black.  For there will be no Spirit, there will be no light, it will be a time of darkness but not for you.  So let not fear even enter in, because I do not place any fear in the Bible for those that are mine, it is man that reads it in, it is man that says this, I do not say that.  For I said unto you I’ll give you life and that more abundantly, I didn’t say it would be dark at times, it will be, but I have given you a promise that even in the darkest hour I’ll turn it around and you shall be blessed, you shall walk in the fullness of the blessings, you shall know the blessings, for it is that hour and it is that time.  And remember you’re a prophetic body, you are not a body that has prophetic teachers, you are a body that has a prophet and you know truth sometimes three years before others even come into the light of what is taking place and you have seen that.  You have seen it over and over and over, so why would you doubt even in the lowest, why would you doubt, why would you wonder, why would you be tossed to and fro, can you not continue to walk in full faith, in full trust in me, in full trust of my word?  For that and that alone would give you all the victories that you need and you shall be, you shall be blessed.  For they are pushing will all pressure that they have, for it is a moment to get the Philistines to sign their part of the peace treaty, it has already been signed and guaranteed for four years.  It cannot be guaranteed for four years longer, because your President won’t be in office four years longer than his eight year term.  Yes, it is all there, plain, when is the last time you read the book of Revelation, it is very clear now, the mysteries have all been taken out, it is very clear.  But I would say unto you, your trust in me, your confidence in me, your assurance in me is what will grant you the victory. 

It is sad, but even the children will lead some adults because they refused to believe, but I had those, even Jesus himself at twelve years old, he made the scholars look like they had nothing, why does that amaze you?  I have had kings that were very young because they believed and they followed me and listened and therefore they became great, will you not be also like them?

For I say unto you, my children, this is the hour to not stagger, but to walk in that straight and narrow light that I’ve placed within you, says the Lord, My Spirit is that light, and if it is not on, that light, it is not something that you should do, says the Lord.  Therefore, be moved by me not by the flesh or some other spirit, says the Lord, for I am the way, the truth and the light.  Therefore, I say unto you, know the word, know what I am telling you to do and do it, says the Lord.  For my servant Abraham did not stagger, but he believed the things that I said unto him and that I was going to do those things, says the Lord and because of his faithfulness and the faith that he had in me I counted it to him as righteousness, says the Lord.  Therefore, you have even greater things than that of Abraham, therefore, I say unto you, follow me.

Oh Israel, Israel, why do you walk in confusion, for the witness were not sent to the saved, they are sent to the unsaved and, therefore, they speak unto the unsaved and they do not speak to you.  You think that they are not real because they only speak to one group, but I say unto you, they are real and you have seen the signs that they can call down when they are threatened or you are threatened to protect you.  Therefore, come to conclusion, read the word, even the Old Testament as well as the New Testament, they were sent for the unsaved not the saved. 

For, I say unto my church, know for surety just where you are at, for if you are not aware then you must be completely dead.  But realize the importance of the hour that you are now living in and the things that have yet to be fulfilled for my church.  Remember I have given unto you many promises that shall be fulfilled, before it was not time, but now it is time, so why is there doubt and unbelief?  For have you not seen me move again and again and yet Revelation is coming to pass right before your very eyes and yet few are really believing so.  But realize the day and the hour that you are living in, realize the things that are taking place all around the world, are they not signs for the time and the hour that you are living in.  But it is time to wake up, it is time to realize that I have things that I have yet to do for my people, it is time to realize that there is a harvest that is to be brought in before the rapture takes place.  But my word says the laborers are few and why is that, because most are concerned about their own things and not about what I desire for them to do.  But it is time to set your eyes upon me, it is time to lay aside those things that so easily beset you, that distract you, that allow the enemy a foothold, it is time to lay those things aside and it is time to run with me.  It is time to do the things that I have called for you to do, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord. 

As you worship this morning allow the anointing to come into this room, allow my anointing to touch you.  Come to the altar, allow my miracles, my signs, my wonders to flow, allow me to touch you, allow me to deliver you to set you free.  So come and worship me this morning. 

I say unto you, align yourself with my words, allow only my words to come out of your mouth.  Stop the negativity, but allow only my words to flow out of your mouth, my words that bring you victory, my words that bring you the life.  Get rid of the words that are bringing you death, get rid of the words that are producing death, says the Lord, for my words bring you life and that more abundantly.  For I have given unto you my word that you can stand upon it, I have given unto you my name to use my name that you might bring the victory, that you might see the victory.  For I say unto you, align, align, align, align yourself with my word, change the way that you think, change the way that you walk, change the way that you walk and align yourself with my word, says the Lord.

2-2-20 pm service

So let your love flow one to another, be not grudging, be not mean, be not a wolf in sheep’s clothing, for when you are mean to one of my sheep it is extremely dangerous for you, for I have spoken concerning these things.  But it is the hour to win souls, to bring souls in, not drag them off, it’s the hour when we bring in the harvest, it is the hour when every one walks in unity as one, be not a divider, for I watch over and I understand and I know the truth. Therefore, I say, repent, walk close to me, let your love, let your love flow from you one to another, build up one another, encourage one another, strengthen one another, for truly that is needful in the hour we are living in. 

Therefore, I say unto you my children, for when my fire is being poured out as it is at this moment, says the Lord, to partake of that fire you must be in the complete obedience to my word, says the Lord.  For I will not give it to you if you do not obey the words that I have given unto you, says the Lord, for it works by My Spirit, it works by my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, create in yourself a prefect heart in me, says the Lord, renew, renew, renew. 

For I have filled you with my love and that love should be bubbling from one to another, for as you study about sheep no body wants the sheep that bunts, they throw them out of their pasture because they destroy the other sheep.  But the sheep that work together as one protecting one another, strengthening one another, comforting one another, every one looks for that sheep, be that sheep. 

Yes, my word says that love covers a multitude of sin, and yet I love my children so very much, whether they choose to accept me or not is their own choice.  But I have instructed you my people that you should walk in that same type of love, that there should be no strife or hatred among you and yet in the midst of my church body at times this is not so.  So, I say unto you, examine your own heart, deal with your own problems, allow me to do the work in your heart and your life that needs to be done, then you can walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.  For you should be walking in love, and if you’re not, you need to take a deeper look, you need to come before me and ask me to take out of you what does not belong so I can fill it with more of me.  For you need to be doing this more now in these days and in these hours because you can very easily leave a door open that you do not want if you are not walking in love, so be very careful my children.

1-29-20 pm service

For truly it is the hour to be excited, it is the hour to look up, for your redemption is drawing nigh, it is an hour not to miss a church service, unless you are working, under any circumstance.  You are not going to get it from the computer anymore, you must be here to receive it yourself and there is no reason that you can’t receive it yourself.  For it is heard what they have done between America and Israel, therefore you should know the lateness of the hour, you should know the things that are about to take place.  Therefore, I say unto you, wake up, wake up, wake up, repent, call upon my name, set your house in order, for your redemption draweth nigh.

For much of the church world is sleeping so, therefore do not be like them, for they don’t understand the things that are going on nor do they hear the voice of my true prophet, they listen to the false ones, the phony ones, the ones that are telling them they have got all this time.  But, I say unto you, the days are numbered, they are very short now, therefore draw closer to me, for I shall protect you, I shall take you safely through, I shall make you the victors.

For there are many things to be excited about, yet most people aren’t even aware of what is going on or taking place.  But those who are faithful are watching very closely, they are staying right on track and trying to keep people informed.  But it is a time to put those things away that are taking your focus off of me, it is time to return your focus back unto me that I can do a work in your hearts and your lives, that I can use you in a mighty and powerful way in the days ahead, for if you only would wake up and see just exactly where we are.  Let your hearts be filled with great joy, great excitement, for truly many things are coming to pass very quickly.  For I have given you many promises and you should see those flowing in here very quickly now and you should be excited about those things, but yet most are not because they are still too focused on their own things.  But it is time to change that, it is time to change that now, saith your Father and it is time to focus all of your attention upon me and what I am doing.  For very soon now you will see many more of the things that I have told you come to pass and yet in a sense some of those things you are not ready for.  For if this place was filled to overflowing tomorrow, who is ready, who am I able to use?  But you need to get into that place now, you need to get ready so that I can use you, saith the Lord.  For truly it is that time now, it is that hour now. 

Have you noticed that I tell you one thing and then the next day it takes place, I told you the things are happening quicker now?  Therefore set a guard at your mouth that you are not speaking the wrong things, for they shall come much quicker and with much force that you can walk in the victories that I have given you.  For I say unto you the same thing that I said unto my servant, the miracle is in your mouth, the miracle is in your mouth. 

1-26-20 am service

For great rejoicing was heard throughout all of heaven, for those that have gone on ahead and waited for you are rejoicing, they are rejoicing over the news that they have heard and they know that their redemption draweth nigh.  For they are waiting for you and it will not be long, saith your Father God, when my church shall be raptured out of here.  So, I say unto you, look to me, look to my word, study my word, find out the truth, because all the mysteries have been opened now, there are no more sealed books they are all open.  Man cannot understand them, do not believe the lies that you cannot understand them, for I said blessed are those that read this book, your missing a blessing because you don’t read it, you need to be blessed.  For I desire to bless you, I desire to comfort you, I desire to strengthen you and lift you up.  And be not dismayed or down when you cannot find out more information that is being guarded with all their hearts, for they desire not that the world knows and they are not for the world, they’re only for Israel, they are not even for the unsaved or lost, they are only for my people, saith your Father God.  But let your hearts rejoice, for you should be walking in the blessings even now, and if you’re not, you need to find out why, I have told you this over and over.  The blessings should be rolling into your house, you should be blessed coming in and going out, you should be the head and not the tail, you should be above and never, never, never beneath.  You shouldn’t be walking in confusion and doubt and unbelief, for the hour is too short to play those games.  For the whole world is seeing and knowing this is history, this is on TV, you can’t rebuke that, you can’t refute it, you must accept it, for it is that time and it is that hour and it is wide open, wide open.  Therefore, I say unto you, prepare your hearts that you don’t miss that hour when it comes. 

For I say unto you, my children, I am not the author of confusion, therefore if you are confused you are seeking the wrong spirit, says the Lord.  Ask of me and I will describe it to you, says the Lord, my Holy Spirit will teach you all things in my word, says the Lord.  Therefore, receive the things that I have for you, not the things that the world would try to give you, says the Lord.  For my word is truth, my word is life, therefore speak it from My Spirit, not anyone else’s, says the Lord. 

For I told you in two thousand that the bottomless pit has been opened, that demons like frogs were jumping all over and that has increased and increased and increased until even the news is talking about that today.  But most of you don’t watch the news, and if you do watch the news, you watch the news that is trying to join the forces of the one world government that is against me, you are not listening to my news media and, therefore, you don’t know.  And if you would watch the impeachment you would have seen the form of brainwashing they are using trying to prove that Trump was guilty when he was not guilty.  But my people walk around at times like they have not a brain, that I forgot to give them one, but I haven’t forgotten that, saith your Father.  The truth is they don’t want to hear, they don’t want to listen, they don’t want to follow.

When is the last time you read the fulfillment page and understood it, or have you ever, ever read it and yet you wonder why you don’t understand and know the things that are going on.  I told you Thanksgiving was the beginning, the beginning, really the dividing point of a promise that I told you that the truth would be so strong and so clear it would divide things from the false.  You are clearly seeing that, clearly there is no reason for confusion, if there is confusion you need to come for prayer you need help.  For the enemy has blinded your eyes and because your eyes are blinded you don’t see the truth and some of you have a blockage and the enemy has blocked the truth from you and you come back week after week after week after week after week the same as you left asking the same questions,  seeking the same gifts that you sought and not receiving.  It is too late in the game to play games like that, you don’t have five years left, can you wake up to that one fact that you do not, that you do not have five years left unless you are part of the unsaved and then you have got a good eight and a half years left.  Don’t be that part, for the hour is drawing very, very dark, but the light is shining bright.  Do you remember the funnel that I showed you standing upside down, the closer the bottom, only one outlet, only one way to heaven was greater than the top and you had to stay in the center of the line?  This is all in the fulfillment page, you can read in anywhere in there that you go, but you have not been faithful, you read only what you want to read, you do only what you want to do.  And now the hour is upon you and some could be lost, but I say, wake up, there is still time, turn around, repent, get the light turned back on, for you are not walking in darkness and, therefore, you can’t stumble, you can’t fall, you can’t miss it.

Many things have taken place now, and when you know these things, then the light comes on even brighter, and as you read Revelation that becomes a light to you, you see it so clearly, you wonder how could I ever miss it?  That is because you were walking in darkness, books were sealed, now the books are open, and with the opening of the books all the mysteries, did you hear me, all the mysteries are opened unto you now, they’re very clear, you can’t miss them, that is if you are reading it slowly, if you are rushing through it just to get through it, you don’t get anything, you might as well throw the book away.  But if you will slow down and read it you will see what my word says and you will see it clearly, that is important that you don’t miss it, it is also important that you don’t miss all the blessings you’ve got coming, all the promises that I have given unto you.  For every single one of them will be fulfilled if you will receive them and if you won’t throw them away two seconds after you receive them and you walk in the fullness of it.  You will have the blessings, you won’t need to look for the finances, you won’t need to look for food, you won’t need to look for this or look for that, you won’t need to wonder about healings, for you will have the things that I have said to you including your miracles.  For it is nothing for me to do a miracle, setting the sun and the moon and the stars in place was a far greater miracle than raising the dead.  Therefore, miracles are simple, but you have got to know the truth and once you know the truth then these things become available to you and you are blessed, your houses are paid off, you don’t need medical insurance, you don’t need to worry where am I going to get my water or my food, because this is going to be a year of the greatest drought that you have ever seen, it is going to be a year of shortages on food because of the weather.  Have you not heard about the weather, but I have said to you I will take you safely through, safely through. 

So do not fear the things that shall come, but remember it is only the time and the hour that you are living in.  Remember my promise that I have given unto you that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, but you have to have all of your trust in me, you must have all of your confidence in me.  You must be looking to me for your health, you must be looking to me for your guidance, you must be looking to me for direction, for if you are doing those things then I can show you exactly what I need you to do, exactly where I need you to go and exactly what you should be doing.  For it is the hour to walk closer to me than ever before and it is the hour to put sin away, put it away, it is time, it is time to become my holy church without spot and without wrinkle.  It is that time, it is that hour, saith the Lord. 

Do you not see how late it is, do you not know how late it is, for it is dark, it is later than you see and the days are darker than you see.  If you allow me to take those blindfolds off, if you allow me to take those walls down, if you allow me to take those shackles off, I will direct you and show you the way.  So today allow me to move upon you, allow me to heal you, deliver you and set you free from everything you need to be set free from, allow me to touch you today, allow me to move upon you, allow me to move. 

1-26-20 pm service

Let your hearts be at peace, for I, your Father God, have already moved on your behalf and the reports shall not be bad, but it shall not be good.  But, I say unto you, look unto me, for this alone should tell you the shortness of the time, for you are seeing things taking place, many of these things are for a wakeup call only.  I am saying wake-up, wake-up, wake-up, the hour draweth nigh when no man, no man shall be able to stand unless they make a solid decision and there is no second chance.  Therefore, I say unto you, call upon me with all of your heart with all of your mind, call upon me and I shall answer you.

For a cold heart produces a stubborn mind, a stubbornness that will not yield or back down, now that stubborn spirit has moved.  But call upon me and I will intercede on your behalf, for it was not a good move, but if you call upon me I shall deliver. 

The call has gone out, are you listening, have you heard the call, are you going to heed the call or are you going to ignore it thinking that you have got lots of time.  You don’t have lots of time, now is the time to wake-up, to get your passport ready, your life in order, now is the time, don’t wait. 

For the enemy desires to steal all from you, for he knows that you have much to lose and much more yet to gain.  But yet when you allow an open door he sneaks in to try and kill, steal and destroy.  But it is your choice if you will allow him to, for I have warned, I have pleaded and I have pleaded.  Make your hearts right, get your houses in order, get them cleaned out so that I can use them, for it is that time and it is that hour, saith the Lord.  

For I say unto you, my children, now is the hour to be filled with My Spirit with no room left for anything else, says the Lord, for you need My Spirit in these days, says the Lord, therefore ask of me and I will send it to you, says the Lord and you will be filled to overflowing. 

For the retaliation was instantly and it was vicious it wiped out many things, the cost was very high, and you will hear more in the hours ahead, but be in prayer, be in prayer that war does not start. 

1-22-20 pm service

Let your hearts and your ears be open this night, saith your Father, for I have great things in store for you, great things, for I desire to enrich you in the spiritual gifts, I desire to bless you, I desire to prosper you, to protect you and watch over you and keep you safe.  For without wisdom and knowledge you cannot walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you.  Therefore, I say unto you, let your ears be open, listen carefully, for I love you with an everlasting love and I desire to keep you from evil and the way you stay from evil is to hide my word in your heart and you will not sin against me and I will watch over you and I will do the things that I have said for you are mine.

Do not open the doors to let the devil in.  I have told you repeatedly but there are some that are still opening those doors confessing things that they should not be confessing.  Again, I tell you to put a guard upon your mouth, confess my word and my word only. 

For the enemy has a desire to sift every one of you, but I have prayed for you and because I have prayed for you my protection is over you even more than even at normal times.  But sometimes you need to be aware, especially adults, for many adults desire to go their own way, do not desire to hear my word, do not desire to know my truth and they cause you to leave doors open because of what they do.  So know my word, get into my word that you know my word, and when you know my word, only do what my word says and not what anyone tells you, but my word. 

Study my word, read it over and over, read the stories, get to know them.  Press in closer, pray, pray in the morning, pray over your food, pray in the evening, build up your prayer life, for your prayer life is extremely important to you.  For when you pray I hear you, I watch over my word to perform it for you, so know that I am listening, know that I hear you; I am there to protect you.  If you feel like you need help call out to me and I will send my angels.

For you are in a greater time of warfare now than what you have seen in times before, but remember what I have told you about the demons that were released for this time and this hour.  And yet you do not need to fear them, for you have all power and authority over them, but you must be in prayer more often, you must be in the word more often that you are ready to stand against the enemy when he rises against you and you can put him in his place.  For many of my children do not know who they are in me and they cannot stand upon my word for their victory.  For I have given you the keys so that you can be successful, that you can be victorious and if you do these things you will not have the great troubles like others will have.

1-19-20 am service

Let your hearts be filled with great joy, let there be praising in your midst for the things that I, your Father God, am doing at this very moment on your behalf.  Begin to recognize the things that I have done for you and how I have spared you and protected you and kept you for a time such as this.  It was not evil, it was not the things that you thought, but I, your Father God, kept you, I kept you for an hour such as this.  Don’t let down your standards any further, lift them back up as high as they were, lift your standards up, saith the Father.  For I look down upon you and I see you when your standards are down and I weep and I cry because that is not my holy church, that is not what I have called and that is not what I have prepared and that is not what I shall do.  But I shall do a work, I shall do a work such as the world has never seen before, for the hour is here and the times are here and the evidence is very clear.  Put away that sin, come unto me and weep, cry unto me for deliverance, call upon me for repentance, for truly you need to shake off that sin.  You think I don’t know your sin, you think I don’t see you and what you do even if you go into a place and lock the door behind you, I see you, saith your Father God and the hour is short and I am giving many over to a reprobate mind.  I’ve warned you about the Holy Spirit, that I would take the gifts away, and for some of you that has already happened, don’t be one of those that is given over to a reprobate mind.  It is that hour, saith your Father God, it is that hour to come unto me, it is that hour to call out with all of your heart, with all of your soul, with all of your mind.  I’ll hear, I’ll hear you in that hour, I will answer, for you are mine, for I have plans for you, I set the plans myself, it has taken a while to get to the place where you are at now.  But those things had to come to pass in order to bring you to the spot where you are now, now.  I have not forgotten you, I have not laid you on the altar, you have laid yourself there, for I only do good things, every good and every perfect gift that comes down from heaven is mine.  What comes up from the earth is the devils, don’t tell me that I do that, for that is borderline blaspheme and that sin is never forgiven.  But walk, walk in the light, the newness of light that I shall give unto you, a light like you have never seen before, a light that you can’t look back on and say, oh we have been there, for you haven’t been there, for that light has only now been turned on and I told you that right after Thanksgiving.  The light came on, things began to change and you can look back in your word and see it recorded there, for it has been there.  But you have grown lukewarm and don’t know it and so you are not expecting it, and if you are not expecting it, you’re not looking for it, and if you are not looking for it, your eyes are blinded and you can’t see it.  Open your eyes wide, saith your Father, open them up, for this is the day of rejoicing, this is the day of great tidings, great tidings, the same kind of tidings that came when Jesus came and the wise men came and the stars shined.  For it is that time and it is that hour for now you know and understand far better than you ever have known and you shall be enlightened ever more so, saith your Father God.  Prepare now, prepare now, for truly it’s coming, it’s coming. 

For I say unto you, my children, open up your hearts so I can reign and rule in you, therefore you can do the things that I, your Father God, have for you to do, not the things that you have to do, says the Lord.  Therefore, lift me up, I said lift me up that I can be King, says the Lord, for I do not like to be hidden, I need to be seen that the world can come unto me, says the Lord. 

For you have entered into a time now that is far greater, far greater than anything that you can even comprehend, but yet I have told you over and over and over that it was coming, but now it is here.  So let your hearts be filled with rejoicing and let my fire come alive in you like never before and burn out all the chaff, burn out all the stubble so that all is left is pure. For I can work with the pure, I can use the pure, but I cannot use those who are not pure.  For I have said today is the day to call out to me and I will hear you, I will deliver you, I will set you free, today is the day, saith the Lord. 

For the call came from Bethlehem on Thanksgiving eve and now you’re hearing, you’re hearing what took place then.  It is your time; it is your hour, repent, call upon my name, for I am the Lord God. 

For this time the call has come from the Jews unto you, for they know not the truth that you know, for they have been held back in darkness even as your world is now being held back in darkness because of the false prophets, the false teachers, the Christians that weren’t living a Christian life.  They were saying the things and doing exactly what they knew not to do, but the call has come and the call is coming and coming and you will hear and will hear and you will hear and you’ll know.  You will not know the day, you will not know the hour, but you’ll know, you’ll know and you shall feel yourself as you begin to rise and press into the fullness that I have for you, the things that I have for you.  There are a hundred and forty four thousand that have been sealed and sent already and you know that.  The time of the gentiles has come to its ending and you have known that, for my word has told you that, the television has told you that, you know that.  And now you are hearing more, saith your Father God, more proof, will you shake off the unbelief, will you wake up before you end up going where others are going to go, because that is where you are going if you don’t wake up.  Wake up, wake up, heed the call, for the call is going out worldwide for you this morning, heed the call, answer that call. 

For too long, too long many have tried to get away with things that they knew that they shouldn’t be getting away with.  Too long they have turned against those that have tried to help them and put them down.  Too long they have not taken heed to the words of the prophet as they spoke them unto you, it is that hour now.  Do not be that foolish again, for when you are that foolish quickly many are going to receive a reprobate mind and if you don’t know what that word means look it up, look it up.  For Adam, he was the first one, he sold everything out for Eve, pharaoh, he hardened his heart and went after Israel and died in the Red Sea, over and over you have seen this and heard it, you just haven’t put it together in my word.  Look up the word twenty-twenty, what does the word twenty-twenty mean, look it up, look it up, wake up, wake up.

It is time to look at yourself; to look at yourselves in the mirror, to examine your heart, to examine your lives, it is time now to get your passport in order.  It is time, for once the door is closed, it will not open again.  So, I say again, it is time to get your life in order and your passport in order, the time is now.  

1-19-20 pm service

Let your hearts rejoice, for great and mighty things are happening even this very night, things that you shall hear about, but let your hearts rejoice.  Be not still, for I did not create a deaf and dumb person, I created you to lift my name up and to praise my name, to let my praises be heard loud and clear.  Do not lower your standards, do not lower them again, but continue to press forward, continue to climb higher, for I want you to climb much, much higher, I want you in the place that miracles, signs and wonders shall come through your hands, come through your mouth, come through your touch when people just touch you.  But be careful who you allow to touch you, keep covered in my blood, walk, walk, walk according to my word. 

For I say unto you, my children, be filled with My Spirit, be filled with my presence that you are not alone, says the Lord, for I am always with you.  Therefore, in your darkest hour I am with you, therefore look into my word and see the light that I have given unto you to walk in, says the Lord.  You should never walk in darkness, you are always in the light, for I am dwelling within you, says the Lord.  Therefore, rejoice, because I am with you, therefore you walk in the light. 

For my word is sharper than any two-edged sword, so when the enemy comes against you get my sword out, be the overcomer, don’t run and hide.  For I haven’t given you a spirit of a coward, I cause you to be brave and strong, to do exploits, to go forth to win your battles, to be a David, walk, walk. 

For this is your hour of victory, this is your hour to be the overcomer, to be the all that I have called you to be.  Do not be concerned with the cares of the world, for the world will fall into destruction when the time comes, but remember I have said that I will take you through those days ahead victoriously.  All you need to do is walk according to my word, walk according to my promises, you need to be right before me that I can protect you, that I can keep you safe, so if you are walking outside of my protection there is not much I can do.  But remember I have given unto you my promise, I have given unto you my word and my word always comes to pass, my word will always prevail.  For I have much greater things in store for you in the days ahead than you even know, but begin to expect to see them on a daily basis.  For it is time for my word to be fulfilled unto my church, it is time for those promises to be fulfilled that I have spoken unto you, it is time for the blessings to come in, but only to those who are faithful, only to those who are doing what I have told them to do.  So be faithful, be faithful. 

For there is no power, no power that can overcome you unless you allow it.  Therefore, when you raise up a standard against anything it has to break, it has to flee, you have to receive the victory, if you don’t receive the victory you need to come and ask of me what the problem is and I, your Father God, shall openly show you that you can triumph, for I have called you to be the winners.  

For I say unto you, I am about to pull the cork off the bottle, says the Lord, are you ready to shoot, are you ready to jump, are you ready to shout, because I am coming, says the Lord, are you ready, are you ready, be ready, says the Lord. 

1-15-20 pm service

For, yes, I am for you and if I am for you who can be against you, what is there to fear if I am on your side?  For I am the author and creator of all things and I have given unto you my word and I have given unto you my promises that I shall do all that I have said that I would do and I would take you through the days ahead victoriously.  So what is there really that you need to fear or worry about, for have not I met every single one of your needs when you have asked me, when you have come to me?  But at times people don’t always come to me, they try and do it on their own or their own way and I know a much better way and, therefore, when you come to me I can move upon your behalf, I can do things for you that I desire to do.  So walk with me walk, walk with me, trust me with all of your heart and I will do all that I have said that I would do, saith the Lord. 

Trust me with all of your heart, do not lean on your own understanding, but I say unto you, know my word, trust my word, trust my ways, walk in my ways.  For my way is the right way, says the Lord, and it is the way of victory, a path of victory, a path of light, a path of godliness.  Walk with me like never before, says the Lord, get into my word, read my word, know who I am because you need me in these last days.  You need to know who I am and you need to draw close to me that you hear me when I speak to you, that you listen when I speak to you, draw close to me, says the Lord.

1-12-20 am service

For as we continue to walk in these days of two thousand twenty you shall see many things taking place, for judgment, yes truly, judgment shall now come to the house of God, it shall now come to those that are not walking according to my word and according to my promises.  But let that not bring fear into your heart, for what job did the children of Israel have when they moved out of Egypt and headed for the promise land, was I not able to take care of them, was I not able to provide for them, even their shoes didn’t wear out.  So keep your eyes upon my word, not upon what man says or what man tries to teach you, for it shall be my word that comes to pass and you shall see that.  But let your hearts be filled with joy, for great and mighty things I shall I do for those who are walking with me.  It shall be the greatest hour of blessings that they have ever seen, it shall be the greatest hour of honor that they’ve ever seen and, yes, Christianity will come back full force.  For I can’t have revival without that, don’t you think, clearly, I know man is saying there is no revival, my word says there is revival and it shall be three times greater than any revival in the history of man.  My word says that all my promises shall be fulfilled to you and you shall walk in those blessings, my word says that is what you should be saying, my word says that should be your talk, that should be your promise.  And you should study my word and know my word and not let these stupid fears come in that don’t belong to you, for I haven’t given you a spirit of fear, I have given you a sound mind.  Why are you allowing the devil to give you a different type of mind that is not sound, that has got blockages, that has got a reprobate mind that should not be yours?  For I have not given those things, saith your Father God, but the world shall see my judgment, they shall know my judgment and when they come against you they come against me, when they speak against you they speak against me and judgment will come and you shall know it.  But let not fear enter your heart for I, your Father God, shall take care of you.

A lack of knowledge has caused much of the problem that my church is seeing today, somebody said this very morning the Israelites didn’t have any jobs.  Yes, they did, they were brick makers, do you remember that and yet I took care of them, I took care of them, my word, my word shall stand.

For I say unto you, my children, the wilderness is those that are not lead by My Spirit, those that are not lead by my word, says the Lord, for it leads them to death, it leads them to loss, it leads them lost, destroyed and defeated, says the Lord.  For they know not where they are going, they think that they see where they are going, but it is a lie, says the Lord.  For the flesh has always lied, the devil lies, says the Lord, he is the father of the lies and therefore your flesh follows him and yet my children follow me, says the Lord, therefore follow me and be as I have told you to be. 

Why cry ye out to me, you have not listened to my voice, you have had chances to repent, you could have turned unto me but you continue to refuse to turn unto me.  And now that the treaty has been signed, now that judgment is at the door, you are crying out to me.  Many will not even flee into the wilderness, into Petra, when there is time because they’re stiffed-necked, they’re stubborn and multitudes upon multitudes will die because of that, that is not my will.  For you are mine, saith your Father God, you gave up my land, you divided my land, you refused to stand for my land and therefore you have reached the judgment that comes with that.  Repent quickly; call upon me for mercy and I shall hear thy cry.

Know ye not the day and the hour you are living in, do you not realize what I have just said to Israel, do you not realize the things that are taking place all around you and yet I have spared you here, why is that, because of the very promise I gave unto you.  So, therefore, if I have kept that promise, I have always kept my promises, how much greater things will I do for you in the days yet to come?  For in reality things stand to get far worse, but yet I have promised you a way out, I have promised you a way through where you can be victorious, where you can be the overcomer and, yes, my word will be fulfilled.  So why do you doubt the things that I have said would come to pass, for even though you have not seen it to the extent where you thought it would happen, it has always happened in my perfect timing.  So remember my timing is not always your timing, but my word has always come to pass and it will always come to pass.  Therefore, you need to trust me with all of your heart, you need to put all of your confidence in me, for without me the days ahead will be very dark, saith the Lord. 

Be extremely careful what you speak out of your mouth, for the demon’s that were locked up in the bottomless pit will quickly bring those things to pass, if they are not God’s words, do you understand that my children?  Set a guard at your mouth, set a guard at your mouth, for disaster is coming. 

Do you trust me, do you love me, the Lord God says he loves each and every one of you, he wants you to be healed, he wants you to be delivered, he wants you to be set free.  He has a challenge for you, when you come to the altar do you truly want that healing, do you truly want that miracle, leave it at the altar, don’t take it with you, leave it at the altar and go back and be healed.  Go back and tell the people what I have done for you.  When someone asks you are you in pain say yes, I am healed by the stripes of Jesus.  Say yes, I have no pain, all you have to do is leave it at the altar, you can be healed, you can be delivered, you can be set free.  So come this morning and be healed. 

I have told you many, many times and I will keep telling you many, many times that you are to be in my word, that you need to know my word, study, meditate upon my word.  Don’t just sit there and read my word, meditate, meditate, get my word, not in your head, but in your heart.  So when you open up your mouth it is my word that comes out, not negative words, not words that you don’t want, that is why again I say, put a guard on your mouth and speak only my words.  

1-12-20 pm service

For truly my heart is filled with love for you, I love you, for you are mine, I watch over you and protect you and keep you safe and in this hour that we are now living in you will sense my protection, you will sense my love, you will sense my care even more so now.  For judgment has come to the world and the judgment shall continue, but it will not get to the full extent that it will get to until after my church is gone and that is not very long.  But, I say unto you, press in, press in even more so, watch your mouth because the enemy is bringing things to pass much faster now than ever before in life.  You can say, oh it was a slip; it was a miss, for I have spoken to you many times about setting a guard at your mouth, watching what you say.  Take heed, take heed, I have said, for there is spirit and life in your words, there is also spirit and death in your words.  So know your words, know that they are my words, for my words bring life abundantly, you are the overcomer.  So fear not the things that are coming now, fear not the things that shall come to pass, fear not the things that you shall hear, for much of the things that you hear are not even my word, you can’t find them in my book, they’re man’s wisdom, man’s knowledge, what man thinks.  Read my word, find out what I say, know my word, understand my word and walk in my word, for it shall be the greatest hour, the greatest hour that you have ever walked in.

For the enemy has a desire to sift all of you, but fear not, for you’re the overcomer, he is a defeated foe, he has no power, he has not authority, he has no ability, all power has been given unto you.  So if you begin to fear he will take that advantage and it shall grow and grow and grow and then you will need to have that fear cast out, remember that. 

For I have created you to be the overcomer, I have created you to be the victor, I have created you to walk as the head and not the tail, to be above and not beneath.  And yet at times you allow yourselves to be in a place other than what I have created for you to be in.  But I have given you all the keys, I have told you everything that you need to do and yet the very most important is the one that is so easily missed and that is watching what comes forth out of your mouth.  For did not I tell you in my word that the tongue is a very powerful member and can steer you in any direction, and if you are not careful it is steering you in the wrong directions, therefore you need to be very careful that the things that are coming out are my words only.  For it is like your mother used to say, if you didn’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all and that is true, because you need to be speaking forth my word out of your mouth so that you do not reap the destruction that you are sowing.  So be very careful, for you have entered into a time when this is much more important than it was before.  Remember the upside down triangle that I showed you many years ago and how the farther down you got the tighter things have become, you are in that time now, saith the Lord.  Therefore, you need to be even more cautious, you need to make sure that you are walking on the straight and narrow and you are following my word and doing the things that I have spoken unto you to do.  For you are living in that day and hour now, saith the Lord. 

For I say unto you, my children, it is time now to flex my word in everything you do.  Show the devil my word and he will flee from you, for my word, my word is truth and he cannot stand against truth, says the Lord.  Therefore, flex my word, spit it out of your mouth, throw it out of your mouth, throw it, says the Lord, for my word is not limited.  Throw my word and it will not come back void, says the Lord. 

But the other side of the coin is that if you speak my word the quicker the blessings come to you, if you speak my word the quicker the healings, the miracles, the signs, the wonders come to you, the more blessings that are heaped upon you when you speak my word.

1-8-20 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with a shout of joy, let the realization of the things that shall now come begin to settle into your mind, into your heart that you can comprehend and understand the things that I, your Father God, shall show you.  For this shall be the greatest hour, it shall not be like those that tell you these lies, but it shall be the greatest hour you have ever seen, it shall be an hour filled with the Holy Ghost and power, it shall be an hour when I deal with those that are false, it shall be an hour when I shall show you the truth and you shall walk in the truth and you shall know the truth.  And you shall sound like a Pentecostal church; you shall act like a Pentecostal church because you will be a Pentecostal church.  You will know, you will know in your heart and your heart will be over filled with the joy and peace and the comfort that only I, your Father God, can give.

Fear not the things that are taking place in the world at the moment, for remember that I said that there would be some things that would take place, that they would not come nigh your dwelling nor would they affect you.  But be in prayer about the things that I have told you to be in prayer about.  For there are some things that the enemy is trying to push ahead that will cause some things that you do not want at the moment.  But remember I have said I would take you through the days ahead victoriously and that there is nothing that you need to worry about.  But only focus on me, focus on what I am doing and focus on what I desire to do and what I desire to do through you that you can be in the place that I can use you, that you can be in the place that I have called you to be in, for it is that time and it is that hour now, saith the Lord.

Just let your hearts be open to me to desire to be all that I want you to be, don’t desire to be what you are not, don’t try to be what you are not.  For I have many out there in the world now that say they are mine but they are not mine, they’re in it for fame, they’re in it for money, they are in it for glory.  They are not in it for what I have called them to be in it for; they do their own things.  Walk not like them, for they shall be judged in this hour that you are living in now.  You shall see many who are judged, you will see Louisiana as it goes under the water again and stays under this time and doesn’t come up, Houston will go down again and you will see that.  You will see many in this hour, but let them not trouble your heart, for it is an hour of judgment and that judgment shall come upon my house first and then it shall come upon the world. 

It is a time when you need to put all of your faith, all of your trust in me.  Do not confess anything but my words, be sure there is a guard upon your mouth that only my word comes out, for you do not want things that are not of me.  Watch what comes out of your mouth, do not open doors for Satan to enter, he will try, he will try, but I have given you all the power, all the ability to defeat Satan.  You have the key, do not open the doors, do not open the doors.    

1-5-20 am service

For truly the hope that you do have I, your Father God, have given that unto you and the blessings, the blessings they shall come now, you have never expected blessings like this.  But you must be in my house every time the door is open or I cannot move on your behalf, I cannot answer you unless it is an emergency, unless you have got to work, I understand those things, but just because you think the weather is bad or just because you think you should stay home that does not qualify you.  But if you will draw closer to me, if you will walk by my side you will see miracles on every hand, you shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall be healed, you shall open your mouth, don’t think when you open your mouth, but you shall open your mouth and the Spirit shall speak for you and tell those round about you the things that are coming.  And you will be blessed on every hand, oh it will be a great hour, an hour like you have never expected, an hour like you have never seen, but I will be there, you’ll sense my presence, you’ll feel my presence, you’ll know my presence.  For truly I am the Lord thy God and it is I, your Father God, that shall do these things. 

For I speak unto you in the book of Revelation not to forsake the assembling of yourselves together as some do.  You are not a hypocrite, you’re not unsaved, you’re not lost, therefore I say unto you, forsake not your assembling of yourselves together, but come because you need one another, you need to draw strength from one another, you need comfort from one another, you need the peace that only the house of God can give. 

For I say unto you, my children, whose arm are you trusting in today, the arm of the flesh or my mighty arm, says the Lord?  For the arm of the flesh will net you nothing but loss, nothing but strife, nothing but death, says the Lord, but my arm will give you deliverance, my arm will give you freedom, my arm will give you life and that more abundantly.  Therefore grab a hold of me, for you are going nothing but upward, says the Lord, go up, go up, go up.

But let your heart be filled with joy, let excitement be there.  Do not be concerned about the war of Iran, for Iran is a defeated foe.  For I, your Father God, shall defeat them, Israel shall defeat them, you will not need to worry, that is not the war that you should be worrying about.  But keep your eyes on Russia, keep your eyes on North Korea, keep your eyes on the things that I have told you, not the things that I have not told you.  Watch, beware, let your hearts know, let there be comfort there, for I have given you peace as Christians and war shall not come nigh your dwelling.  So fear not, fear not, but walk very closely with me and I’ll watch over you, I’ll protect you; I’ll take care of you. 

For are not the very hairs of your head numbered, do I not know all things that are to come and shall take place, have I not always been there when you needed me, how much more will I do for you now?  But know for surety the promise that I have given unto you that I would take you through the days ahead victoriously, that I would bless you if you were faithful.  For truly, it is my desire that you are the overcomer, that you are the victor, that you are the head and not the tail above and not beneath.  Therefore, you need to do nothing other than put all of your trust and all of your confidence in me.  Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about it’s own things, but focus on the today and the things that I desire for you to do today.  For I will, for I will show unto you the thins that will take place tomorrow when the time is right.  But remember I have already given unto you my promise and you can stand upon that, so you need to fear nothing, saith the Lord.

For how much trust do you truly have in me, do you not think I can take you through these days?  Put your faith in me, put your faith in me, allow me to move upon you, allow me to take you through these days.  For if you don’t put your faith in me you will not make it through the days ahead.  You need to get closer to me today, you need to seek me today, you need to let my love come upon you today, you need to soak it in today, allow my anointing to touch you.  You need to allow my miracles to touch you; you need to allow my healings to touch you.  Come and receive what I have for you today because I love you with an everlasting love. 

Have you made that commitment to follow me; you need that commitment to follow me, the Lord God says.  There is someone in here today that needs to make that commitment to follow me one hundred percent.  There is someone here that hasn’t asked me in their heart yet, today is the day of salvation, today is the day to get renewed, today is the day to allow that Holy Spirit to come upon you and give you that salvation.  Today is that day to make that commitment to follow me, so if you are not following me one hundred percent today is the day.

1-5-20 pm service

For remember you’re the head you are not the tail you’re above your not beneath, for I have not created you to be beneath, I have made you above the angels, you have the power that my Son has, the authority that my Son has, the ability that my Son has.  But you have to allow that ability to be in you, you don’t get it just by sitting still, you won’t get it by going to school, it is given to you by the Holy Spirit, by his anointing, by his teaching, by his guidance, by his instructions.  And as you walk in that spirit realm you grow even greater and greater and greater, for the greater the anointing the greater you are.  And there will be times in these last days when you will need that anointing, and those that ignore it and think that they have got the wisdom, they think they have got the knowledge, they will find themselves far short from what they think they have.  And when they call out to the demons to flee they will laugh at them, they will mock at them just like they did in the Bible, for they know me, they know my Son, Jesus, but do they know you?  Therefore, I say unto you, draw closer to me, draw closer to me that I, your Father God, can help you, that I can teach you, that I can instruct you, that I can make you the vessel that I want.

Fear not the things that you hear, for the news shall be full of news that will not sound good, but do not let that bring fear into your heart, for I have made you overcomers, I have made you the victors and you need not fear unless you begin to believe what they are telling you, then you’re receiving it and it will come nigh unto you.  For you need not walk that way, walk in the fullness of all the power that I have given unto you. 

For I say unto you, my children, my word is the reason why I gave you my word, so stand on it, speak it forth that you can be separated from those things that the world shall see, says the Lord.  Therefore, though you see them, you are not a part of them, you do not experience them because I am with you, says the Lord.  Speak my word, be instant in my word and you shall have the victory on every side, says the Lord.  So don’t fear those things, but look to me and know that if you have to you can call the fire down and I will send it, says the Lord, therefore be at peace, be at rest in my word. 

Etc. Resist the devil and he will flee from you, stand upon my word like never before.  Do you not know that I have already made you the overcomer, do you not know that I have already made you more than a conqueror, it is up to you to stand upon my word, it is up to you to walk in my word.  Oh, I say unto you, do not give the enemy any room, but I say unto you, stand upon my word, stand upon my word, stand upon my word.  Do not look to the left or to the right, but keep your eyes upon me, keep your focus upon me, for I am your strength, I am all that you have need of.  Allow not fear to come in but, I say unto you, allow my faith to rise up within you and allow victory to come, says the Lord. 

That is why it is so important to know my word, to be in my word, to study my word.  How can you stand on something that you don’t know?  You need to be in my word, these are troubling times, you need to know, you need to stand on my word, you to know what my word says, you need to be open, you need to be able to hear from me, you can’t stand on something you don’t know. 

Faithfulness is one of the greatest attributes I have given unto you, but many are not faithful, they are not faithful to me, they are not faithful to their own selves, they are not even faithful to their husbands and wives, they’re unfaithful.  Therefore, I say unto you, press in and become faithful, for I need faithful workers. 

For I have many great things in store for you and I desire that you are able to receive them all, but if you are not in the place where I have said you need to be, than I cannot give you the things that I desire to give you.  I cannot bless you the way I desire, I cannot move upon you the way I desire.  So walk with me, walk according to my word and do the things that I have said to do and you will be blessed, you will walk in all of my power and all my authority and you will do all that I have called you to do, saith the Lord.  

12-31-19/1-1-20 New Years Eve Service

Let your hearts continue to stay open, let your ears, especially your spiritual ears, let them hear.  For I have many things for you this night, things that will change your life, such things that will encourage you, things that will uplift you and you shall hear them and you shall know and your hearts shall be filled with joy this night, especially as you begin to hear the things that pertain for next year.  So, I say, stay open, stay, for I shall show you many great things now. 

For many this night will be listening, not just here, but many places, but only here shall they receive the truth, saith your Father God.  For the false prophets have their predictions already, but when you hear mine it will not be like theirs, for you shall hear the truth and you shall know that truth and that truth shall set you free. 

For I say unto you, my children, my river is pure, there are no impurities, but it’s one hundred percent my word, says the Lord, My Spirit is in it, My Spirit makes it up, says the Lord.  Therefore, my word that goes out is one hundred percent pure, there are no unadulterated impurities in there, says the Lord, therefore you can trust in it one hundred percent.  The words that go forth out of those that are not mine, says the Lord, are like a pond you cannot drink out of it or you will become sick and you will not make it, says the Lord.  Therefore, find the true word which flows from here, says the Lord. 

For the express highway has a new paving on it that you can move very fastly, that you can come into my presence like you never come into my presence before.  And when you leave you shall leave with a great expectation of what I want you to do and what you are going to do and the things that shall come to pass, it shall be an hour, oh an hour that shall fill you like you have never been filled before.  An hour that will show you like you have never seen before, an hour when you will know and everything that I have said unto you, you shall see coming in so fastly now, saith your Father, you shall be amazed.  For it shall not be slow and it shall not be dragged out and it shall not be long, for the clock is ticking and I cannot wait on those that do not run with me, for if they cannot run with me then they are left behind.  But, I say unto you, draw closer, draw closer draw closer, be not fearful, but look ahead, look ahead with all the excitement that you have that you may press ahead and go, saith your Father. 

For it is a time like no other time and nothing that has ever been seen before, you have entered into that last hour, that final hour, the final stretch to the finish line, the time when everything takes place, the time when all of my word, all of my promises, everything that I have spoken is fulfilled.  For there are many things that shall happen very quickly between now and the time I take my church out and what happens after that will be far greater than you can even imagine, ten times greater than anything that has been seen before, but you will not be here for that.  For I have given unto you my promise that I would not pour out my wrath upon my people, but you will see some shaking, you will see some things take place, and even though in the natural they might seem terrible, they will be nothing, as it will be after the rapture of the church.  But you do not have to fear those things, for remember I have said I would take you through the days ahead victoriously that you would be victorious in everything that you did, that you would prosper in everything that you did.  And all you need to do is walk according to my word and trust me with all of your heart, you need to put all of your confidence in me and you need to only speak forth my words so that the enemy cannot work against you by the negative things that you tend to speak at times.  But I have told you more than once that it was time to put a guard about your mouth and many have been faithful in doing that, others have not been as faithful, but it is time now to be more faithful, for the clock is ticking and it cannot be held back.  Therefore, understand that the things that shall take place have to take place, there is no praying them away, there is no praying for them to hold off, but they will happen all at the exact timeframe that I have coordinated for them to happen, for it has all been leading up to this and it all begins this year.

For the signs, the miracles, the healing that shall now begin to take place like never, like never before, no time in history, no ministry in history before.  For it is that time, it is time that the church begins to see the harvest, the harvest shall come in and you shall see the harvest and you shall smell the harvest and you shall feel it, for it shall be great and you will not want to miss one moment of it.

Two thousand twenty shall be a year of great excitement, great emergency of rushing forward, for my church the expectancy shall cause you to rush forward, before you have been slow, even in your tongues and interpretations, at times you have sat there and know not what to speak or what to say, it will not never again be like that, saith your Father God.  For there will be a mighty outpouring upon you like you have never seen, not for the world, but for the church.  There are only a few things that are left to be seen before I take you out and you shall know these things and that shall excite you even more.  It is not time to see the mark yet, for that will be one of the last things that you see.  But you shall see the peace treaty, they shall announce it and you will see how wicked it is and how terrible it is and why, why it took so long for them to establish a President again and Israel shall never be the Israel that you once knew.  Not only that, you shall hear of the warfare that Russia now has and the quickness of that warfare, but you need not fear that, for I am faster than anything that they have and my angels are faster and they can keep you safe at all times, so it shall be a safe year.  But man will try to push it into an area that it is not suppose to be in, so watch that, and if you do not see a war realize that some things will still come, but they haven’t pushed it ahead, but if you see a war listen careful in the spirit realm or you will get yourself in trouble doing things that false prophets will tell you to do because it is not time, it is not time.  I do have a time, I haven’t lost my time, I know my time, I understand my clock, but man does not understand my clock.  You shall see the witnesses, not at the beginning, but as they get close to the end, you shall see them, you shall also see as New York City is totally completely destroyed.  You will also see the West Coast as it is wiped out from way up by Canada all the way to Mexico like I have told you.  The Niagara Falls will run backwards and that will be the mid fault, because they have divided Israel again.  I have told you they have divided Israel again, but you didn’t believe me and many in here have not always believed me, but I have always told you the things that shall come.  It shall be a great fast paced year, you will be blessed on every side, money will flow in like it has never flowed in before, the wealth of the heathen will start flowing in.  So when you get the money make sure you ask me first what to do with it, cause if you misuse it I will not give you more, but I am ready to flood it in, for it is for my use and I will bless you as I have always blessed you.  So fear not these things, this is of me, saith your Father God, you will hear more false prophets as they begin to say things that are not even recorded in my word.  Have you read my word, have you studied the book of Revelation, where do you see some of these things that they talk to you about, have you not already seen some things that they say are going to come to pass?  Do you not know they shut down the cod fishing in Alaska because there is not enough cod at the moment, that was because of what took place in Russia, do you remember when that took place, we called it wormwood and yet people think that it hasn’t happened and that it is going to happen.  They still have got portals they claim are in the sky, I didn’t know that I had portals in my sky, I didn’t know that I had aliens up there in my sky, I asked my Son, he didn’t remember creating them and yet man will tell you these lies and people will believe these lies, but they are not recorded in my book.  Why do you think I gave unto you a book to read, to read, to see what it says, study it, study it, for the move is going to be so fast you won’t have time to go home and sit down and moan and groan and wonder what you are going to do or else I can’t use you, you’re going to have to be moving, you are going to have to be active, you are going to have to do it on the moment.  For if I say to you as a church, buy that piece of land, don’t wait a day but buy it, for it shall be open then, for if you miss some of these things they will hinder you in ways.  For the money that I am bringing in will do all the work that I ever need for it to do plus you will be able to bless many, many, many, many ministries with it.  So hear and be careful and understand, listen to me in the night hour, listen to me when I speak to you, sit down and jot it down, write it down, don’t forget it, realize these things are for this hour.  This is two thousand twenty and it shall be good all the time that Trump is in office, unless man pushes for a war, I have told you about that too, I told you they keep poking the bear in the eye and he is about fed up with it.  So pray, pray that my will shall be fulfilled, not man’s, my will, my will be fulfilled, for this is going to be a year like no other you have ever seen, you, you will hear moaning, you will hear people complaining and yet they will be blessed, they will be blessed like they have never been blessed either.  But they won’t look at it that way because you can see right now many reprobate minds have already happened.  Many are in the church today and they are complaining, they are backbiting, they are gossiping, they are speaking about my servants, they are calling the word a lie, this is what you are hearing.  The times are the worse times that you have ever seen, if you look at them spiritually there has never been a time like this, matter of fact the number one illness, so they say today, is stress, stress.  Why are my people stressful, do they not trust me, do they not have total confidence in me, am I not able to do all that I said I would do, I shall do that and I shall do much more.  For you shall see that this year also coming, oh you shall see so many wonderful things taking place for the church.  You will see this other building going up so fast that it is pitiful, and the minute you begin to move in the other one, you’ll notice right off the way oh I better start building the next because this one definitely doesn’t have the room, but I have told you that.  But you will see the finances and you can hire as many construction teams as you need and it shall be done.  So do not let those things trouble you, quit saying the negative things, my word is not negative, I do not speak negative, I do not want my children to speak negative.  Speak my words, for I have told you whatever comes out of your mouth you shall have.  Do you want sickness, do you want poverty, do you pain, do you want sickness, you know some people need a miracle and they think it is impossible, so they don’t receive the healing and the miracle I have already given to them because the enemy hits them again with the pain and they say oh it is impossible because it has got to be a miracle.  Am I not a miracle working God, are miracles impossible for me, know I shall do miracles, I shall do signs, I shall do wonders.  Do not believe everything that you hear on the news, do not believe everything that you hear coming from the so called church that is on television, that has never been my church, I have told you that for years and years and years, I don’t even allow you in a sense to be in that sense.  I have given you a new way to reach the world and you don’t have to raise a million dollars every week to stay on the air, you haven’t even had to raise twenty dollars to stay on the air.  Oh, you spend money, yes, that was fine, you needed those things, I have equipped you with those things, I have watched over you, I have protected you.  But this year, two thousand twenty, oh it will be so fast paced you will not believe it, the blessings, the new blessings, even in our own country here that your President shall bring forth and you shall see the stock market go even higher, oh it will crash, yes, it will crash.  You will see the mark of the beast, yes, you will not in two thousand twenty, but you shall see these things and as you see these things know that I have told you.  For if you stay walking with me, talking with me, confessing my words, oh, oh the glory, the glory, the glory that shall fill my church. 

etc etc you shall see these things, for the hour is here and you shall know, you should have enough food stored up as I have told you before for ninety days, ninety days, make sure, because if something comes along you may need that, not that I can’t take care of you because I will, I have not told you to store up food for any longer, but many are doing that, but that is because they don’t know my word nor they don’t know my promises.  For not only that, those two witnesses will be on the scene and you shall know and you shall hear of that, you shall see the antichrist when he is healed of his deadly wound and you shall know the false prophet, I have already spoke to you who he is and told you who the antichrist is and you know these things.  You shall see things this year, two thousand twenty, that you are not expecting to see.  You will see more jobs, there will be over two million jobs out there looking for people, you will see blessings in every area and you shall be blessed in every area.  So these are other things that you are going to see, in two thousand and twenty it shall be a year like you have never seen, not only for you but for America.  America shall be blessed, I am warning her, but I am blessing her, she is not taking heed to my warning and, therefore, destruction will come to her, it will come and you shall see it.  And you shall see the earthquakes, you just had the world’s greatest earthquake and most people weren’t even aware of it or were they watching for it or didn’t understand the size of it and there have been other earthquake since.  And you shall see an increase in the earthquakes, an increase in the volcanoes, an increase in the tornadoes, an increase in the hurricanes, you shall see the weather shall be nice and you will enjoy that, for the harvest for the farming community is going to be tough, but I will take them through victoriously for I am their God.

etc because of your faithfulness and your giving the work that you planted in Ghana shall take home seven times for every dollar in the rapture souls that you sowed.  The seed that you sowed multiplied likewise and even more so, as you sow remember my promise, put me in remembrance of my word.

And yet that will only be a drop in the bucket, for what you will sow in the days to come, with what is coming in, more than that will go out and blessed you will be, blessed you will be because of your faithfulness.  For you have always been faithful, continue to be faithful and I will continue to reward you, saith the Lord. 

Not only that, I shall bless those that have come and those that have stayed, you have been faithful; therefore I am going to give miracles to every one that needs a miracle.  I am going to bless you with finances like you have never seen before, I am going to touch and save loved ones and family members that are not safe in the fold, I am going to anoint you in a special way that when you speak your words shall go out and they shall produce great results.  You shall know that you are blessed because you have come tonight, saith your Father God and I shall bless you I shall bless you, I shall bless you.  
