Previous Predictions  Page 11 Aug 2004 on..

10-30-04 am service

Be not fearful of the enemy that comes against you, for I have already given unto you the victories. For no weapon, none, no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. For I have given unto you eternal life, not only that, you are heirs to my throne. Yea and I have called you for this day and this hour, and therefore, you shall stand against the enemy and he shall fear you. And all other enemies that rise up against you they shall not succeed, but they shall fail. For nothing, nothing that is formed against you can come to pass and be victorious. So fear not the things that the enemy has, but walk in the fullness of the promises that I have for you. For my promises pertain unto godliness and life and you shall, yes, you shall, you shall be the victors that I have said you shall be.

For it is an hour of great perfection, for I shall perfect my people into an instrument, into a tool that shall be mighty, that shall go forth and bring forth great victory. It shall go into the harvest field and bring forth the harvest, for truly the harvest is white, it is ripe. For on the scenes round about many things can be seen lining up, many things, that as my people look with their spiritual eyes, they know and understand it is that hour and it is that time. But for my people it is an hour of great victory, it is an hour that they shall receive all their promises. It is an hour when I, their Father God, shall dwell in there midst even as I did in the tabernacle. My presence shall fill their churches, my Shekinah glory shall bubble forth, miracles; signs and healings shall take place. For it is that hour, sayeth your Father God, not so with the false church, but with my church, yes, yes, it is that hour.

Be not amazed of the miracles that I give you. For the supernatural is moving mightily right now and becoming the natural. So when you see things and you understand not, realize that I, your Father God, am moving mightily on your behalf. For I know, sayeth your Father God and I am able, I am able to do many things that you understand not. I am able to bring forth things that you understand not, I am able to do what I said that I would do.

For in this hour and this time my children shall become holy as I am holy and holiness shall fill my true houses of worship. Holiness of the heart where people’s hearts shall be changed toward me and they shall have such a desire to come before my throne and seek my face like none other time in history. For they shall desire to draw, oh, so close to me and that closeness shall birth that revival in their heart that they have been so waiting and longing for as I have said. For it has already begun to take place and it shall only continue to get greater and greater and greater. For as the more time you spend in me and my presence, the more you are filled to overflowing with the things that I have in store, the things that I am equipping you for this hour and this time. It is a special hour for my church, for my people, yet it is an hour of darkness for the world. But do not fear the things that shall come in the world even in the next coming days, in the next coming minutes, in the next coming hours, but I say unto you, know that I, Almighty God, have all things under control. And I have given unto you the keys that you have need of to truly walk in victory that I have given unto you for this hour and in this time. So fear ye not when you hear things on the news or when you read them in the newspaper, but I say unto you, know that you are the overcomer, know that you are the victorious one and know that you are safely underneath my wing. Therefore, I say unto you, fear not the things that shall take place in the world, but continue to put your trust in me. For I, Almighty God, have told you that nothing shall take place except I first reveal it unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, be not fearful, but I say unto you, walk in the fullness of what I have in store for this hour and this time. For truly holiness shall flood my true churches like never before because it is that hour and it is that time.

For the hour is so close, so very close. Tell those round about you, tell your relatives, tell your friends, the hour is so close.

For when the enemy rises up and quickly begins to rise to power I quickly move mightily upon the behalf of my people giving them more power, more strength, more anointing, more ability. Therefore, fear not, for fear is not of me, but walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge, walk in my understanding.

Think not that the enemy has the upper hand, for he shall never; never have an upper hand, for he is a defeated foe. Not only was he cast out of heaven, but he was defeated by my son Jesus and all power and all authority has been given unto you my church. Therefore, he has no power, he has no authority, he only rules over his own people and only until the time I say that is it. So fear him not, fear not the things that shall come upon the earth for you are not of the earth. You are heavenly beings, heirs to my throne, therefore, walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Fear not the enemy, fear not his tactics, fear not the things that he has planned to do. For his plans will only go as far as I allow them to go and then I shall judge him.

10-30-04 pm service

It is that blood of that covenant that I have signed with you, and therefore I, your Father God, move mightily on your behalf. For you are covenant partners with me, for all I have belongs to you, for I have given it unto you. And all you have belongs to me, and therefore, we walk together as one and I move mightily, I share with you my power, my anointing, my ability that you can walk in the victories I have for you. So fear not, fear not the things that now shall come upon the face of the earth, for I, your Father God, have a covenant with you.

For truly the time is short and yet there is ample time to do all the things that I have told you to do. For it is not impossible, but it is possible that you go forth, yea and bring forth the harvest that I have given unto you. For even though, sayeth your Father God, it is that last hour, it is that time when all things shall be fulfilled. I have chosen you, yea and I have anointed you that you may go forth, that you may be a blessing to others. That miracles, signs and wonders shall flow from your altar that people shall be touched and changed, that they shall be delivered and set free, that they shall receive wisdom and knowledge that they may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for them. For I say unto you, listen carefully to the things I have to say. For the EU has already made their choice, Israel has made her choice and now soon America shall make their choice. And many things shall change and many things shall come to pass, but I want to focus upon my people and upon my church, for I have great and mighty things for you to do. And truly the labor that you go forth and do shall always bring forth a harvest, a harvest shall always come with it. Souls shall be saved, souls shall be birthed into the kingdom of God, not only will there be the miracles, the signs, but souls, souls shall come in. They shall come in from near, they shall come in from far, they shall come in from all over the world, but souls shall come in. It shall be the mightiest hour that the church has ever seen for souls coming in. For they shall come in left and right, they shall flood in, they shall come by busses even as I have spoken to you about they shall come. For they are hearing the very things that I have said, they are reading the things that I have said, they are looking at them and realizing that truly God is speaking, for these things are coming to pass, they come to pass very quickly. Therefore, my church shall be a powerful church, for they shall be a church that hears my voice, they shall be a church that is obedient, that follow me, that walk in holiness. Holiness shall not be just a word, but they shall walk in holiness, for if they walk not in holiness, the days of Ananias and Sapphira shall suddenly come upon them. And they will see it is not a time to play church, it is not a time to hide your sins, it is a time to repent of them, it is a time to be filled with the Holy Ghost. For if you are not filled with the Holy Ghost in these last days, sayeth your Father God, you will not be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For he shall come against you mightily and he shall entangle you in his traps and in his pits. But if you are empowered with the Holy Ghost he shall not be able to come against you neither will he be able to do the things that he desires to do. For he will walk in fear of you for you know, you know in your heart that you have the power, you know in your heart that he is under your feet, you know in your heart that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. Oh I say it shall be a great hour for the church, an hour such as they have never seen, an hour filled with my power, an hour filled with my visitations, an hour when my Shekinah glory shall be openly seen by both saved and unsaved. When the fire shall dance off the roof and they shall call the fire department because they think that you are on fire. But it shall be the fire of the Holy Ghost and that shall be noised about and people shall hear and people shall come just to see what is going on. And I shall touch them and I shall change them in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye and they will come unto the altar weeping and crying and calling upon me and their names shall be written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life, oh, a glorious hour, sayeth your Father God. For you will not go the way that the world shall go now, you will not go the way that they have chosen, for they have chosen this, it was their choice, sayeth your Father God, and they shall go the way that they have chosen. And as they look upon the church they will be amazed and they will wonder why their church is not doing the signs and wonders. They will wonder why their church does not flow in the supernatural. They will wonder why the Holy Ghost does not move, why prophecy is not heard, why the word of wisdom and knowledge does not flow, why the prophetic word does not come forth. For their ministers will not be able to minister in the Holy Ghost, for they are not filled. Oh, I say unto you, oh, oh, oh, oh, the terribleness of those that follow those that are not Spirit filled in these last days. Oh, the trouble, oh the torment that shall come. For I have pleaded with them, yes, I have spoken unto them and yet they turned a deaf ear to me, they have not listened to the things that I have said and they have gone their own way and done their own things. And you shall see, sayeth your Father God, that after the election, oh, the things that shall take a turn and it shall not be a turn for the good, sayeth your Father God, it shall be a turn for the bad, it shall be a turn for the worse. As I have said unto you before, it is the last nail in the coffin, for they have made their choice loud and clear. They have forsaken me, they have removed me from the schools, they have removed me from the walls, they have taken me to the Supreme Court to see if I be God or not. Oh, the mockery, the mockery that the world does, but they shall see a powerful church, they shall see a church without spot or wrinkle. It will not be like in times past, for you will not be going after the money, you will not be going after the fame, you will not be going after the glory. But you will be serving me with all your hearts, with all your souls, with all your mind, you will be on fire by the Holy Ghost. And that fire shall be a consuming fire and it shall burn brightly, many shall see the aura upon you and they shall know that the anointing is there, the anointing is not everywhere, but it is in my true church. It is on those that are filled with the Holy Ghost, those who know me, those who have come, come and received of me the things that I have for them that flow from your altar, those that listen, those that know my voice, those that walk according to my word. Oh, I say unto you, rejoice in your hearts, for it is that day and it is that hour. It shall not be like that, sayeth your Father God, for the world. No, no, no, for the world shall have great trouble, the world shall have a time, oh, so terrible that they will cry out for the rocks to fall upon them. They will not cry out to me, for they shall be angry with me and they shall blame you and they shall blame me for the things that are coming now. But it is not I, neither is it you, for we love them and we desire to see them come safely into the fold also. But they have made their choice, they have chosen, sayeth your Father God, and they are walking in the ways that they have chosen. They have not listened to the warnings, they have not listened to the things that I have said, even though it has been there for them, even though they have read it, even though they have heard it, they are not following me. They are going another way and they are following the antichrist, they are following his system, they want the easy things, they want to live in sin and yet come to church and not change. It shall not be like that, no, no, no, for holiness; holiness shall come to my house. I have many things to say to the world this night, sayeth your Father God, and I shall be plain, I shall be to the point and they will not miss the things that I am saying. Therefore, I say unto you, listen carefully, hear them yourself that you will know, that you cross not over, that you walk not with them, but that you stand strong, strong with me and do the things that I, your Father God, have told you to do. Listen now, listen and hear what I have to say to them.

You have now seen the EU set her guidelines. Israel has made her choice. Now Americans make their choice. Mark this down, for here are the things that you shall see come to pass after America’s election. Mark them down and check them off, for it will lead up to and carry on until I take my church out in what man calls the middle of the week or seven years. Mark them down and check them off, for they shall now come to pass. For the EU will appoint their leader, a man with great wisdom and knowledge, able to unite the EU and empower them and be looked unto as the greatest man of peace ever, who shall be wounded with the deadly wound to the head. Evangelist Benny Hinn will run to his side and raise him from the dead at which time his nature shall change into all the antichrist is, Satan incarnate and the man walking and ruling on earth until I come. Russia rising and coming to power, attacking her enemies and rendering them useless to fight in the end-time wars. Syria to be attacked because of her strong terrorists involvement. Iran’s nuke silos and Iran attacked. And Russia coming to the aid of her friend and to attack Israel over the oil. North Korea striking her enemies because of their continued threat to her. She feels they never did defeat her in the first war and now they are bigger and stronger. China to aid her friends and later march down with her horses to the great battle. Saudi Arabia fighting over the oil and her religion as her flag. Israel on the attack and being attacked like never in her history since 1900’s. Israel signing the peace treaty to avoid being destroyed and for the promise of peace. The United Arab Countries coming to the aid of their people. Atomic attacks and the cashless system. I will give you more warnings concerning these things, but they will come to pass. These states will become hotter this coming summer and more drought affected to the point some shall move and businesses with them. Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington, DC. The drought shall now get worse. Bigger and more hurricanes. Bigger and more tornadoes. Electrical storms far greater. Terrorism and attacks on the homeland. Straight winds, oh, so powerful. Tidal waves much larger. More icebergs melting. More seashore lost forever. For they have made their choice, it would be wise to keep their guns, as many shall need them. This is what shall come now when the elections are over. This is not for my true church, you are not of this world, but you are mine and I will protect you. Oh, the trouble, Jacob’s trouble for the earth, but not for my true church. Man shall now see that my word is true and my church shall be taken out in the middle of the week known as the last seven years. It will be very, very hard for anyone who is not Spirit filled to stand victoriously during these last days. You must know my voice and hear me. The Holy Ghost goes out with the church. The antichrist is now ready to take over the EU and to many he will be a great man who brings peace. Not so! The Christians shall be hated more than ever because of what is going on. But the ones in my true churches, they shall be so powerful, they shall not dare to come against them, for they shall have power even as Elisha and Elijah had. Know what I have said to my church this night and mark down what I have said is in position for this hour and this time. My hub which turns the wheels, which turns the spokes shall be a place you must go to in order to receive my anointing, my direction on what and where you shall be during this time. You may come over and over as you will need all I have for you. Remember this and do as I say, do it this coming year, start even this year, as these things shall now come to pass. Be ye filled with the Holy Ghost and flow in the gifts of my Spirit and I can and will be able to use you, for thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty.

10-27-04 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with excitement, let my joy overflow within you and reach out and touch others. Let the things that I have told you, the promises I have given unto you, be ready in your mind, in you mouth and in your heart that you may speak forth those things that I have said unto you. For truly the victory is yours, truly you shall be the overcomers for you shall go forth in great victory, and as you go forth, the miracles, the signs, the wonders shall surely come to pass. For it shall be an awesome time in my house, sayeth your Father God, as my Shekinah glory fills my house, as it touches my people, as it molds and changes their life. For the world has become very, very, wicked, the hearts of man have turned against me and turned to their own ways and you shall see this, sayeth your Father God. For after the election you shall see many things that shall grieve your hearts and the signs on the wall will be even clearer that you see the direction that they are taking. You will see that they are truly following the plan of the antichrist. The false prophet shall rise to a new height and many shall be looking up to him with great excitement. But I say unto you, watch out, for they shall cry peace, peace, but sudden destruction shall be upon them. For there shall be rumors of wars and there shall be wars, there shall be trouble on the right hand and on the left hand and all the calamities that I have spoken to you about shall come to pass. And I shall keep you, yes; I shall keep you in the place of understanding that you will know why these things are coming to pass that you will know exactly what to do. For you shall be that hub that I have spoken to you about, yea and my axle shall turn you and the wheel shall turn. So fear not, fear not the things that shall come. Let your heart, let your heart be filled with cheer, let it be filled with joy, for truly you are the victors, but listen I say and know what the Spirit has to say to the church, what the Spirit has to say to the world, listen, listen.

Hear my words and know how far my people have gone from me and yet they know it not. For the leaders of Israel have turned their backs on me and my covenant with them. This has caused a great problem for them and their peace. America stands ready to cast a vote for judgment, the last nail in her coffin. The lesbians and homosexuals and those who desire abortion that they can continue to sin, witchcraft and false religion, the ways of the antichrist are the road they choose to take. Oh, how sad. A nation once used by me, a nation founded in my love and my commandments with leaders who followed me and revival swept across their lands. For they blame Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein for the troubles now felt in the land. They believe Russia is at peace and asleep. They believe that without me and my blessings they can stand. They see not the mighty EU rising to power. They shake their fist at North Korea and sneak in to have a look. They feel Iran is nothing and easier than Iraq, which still kills their sons and daughters. Oh, how foolish man has become. Their false religious programs, who build but man’s ministry with great wealth, where is the weeping between the altar? The early church was walled in on one side with the mightiest military machine of that day. Yet these men who turned the world upside down have no colossal intellectual capacity, no great financial backing, no social standing, yet they broke out and turned the world upside down and had three thousand saved the first day. It shall be that way with the true church yet far greater. For my church is on the rise and shall go forth with my power, my anointing. They do not need degrees, for they shall have the Holy Ghost in his power, his anointing. For disaster shall come and yet it shall not fall on my true church. Nation shall rise against nation and yet my church shall have more power. Wars shall come and the antichrist shall rise and the cashless system shall come and the mark shall follow, but my church shall stand strong and will not be put down or defeated. It shall be the awesome power during these last years until I remove my church and the Holy Ghost goes with them. Then the devil shall establish his throne in my holy city and my wrath shall be poured out. The last three and a half years shall see my wrath and then Jesus shall come again to establish peace on earth and Israel shall come out of the mountain to receive their messiah they have rejected. I say, America, after your election and after you put your man into office, you shall soon fall. For you have looked to man and not to me, thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Hear what the Spirit has said to the world and to the church and wake up.

Let your hearts not be troubled by the things I that have spoken unto you this night. For I have told you they are not for you, but the world has made their choice, people have made their choice and they have chosen evil instead of good. But my people have chosen good and my people shall be blessed. So let not these things trouble you, but let your heart, let your heart be filled with my love.

10-24-04 am service

For the word of God shall come strong, it shall come mighty to my people that they may listen, that they may know, that they may understand the things that shall come to pass upon the face of the earth. That they may know my love, that they may know my protection, that they may know my care, that as they hear my words it shall encourage them, enlighten them and lift them up. That they may walk even stronger than they have in times past, that they may walk in the fullness of my power, of my ability, of my might. That they can go forth and do the work that my son Jesus did while he walked on the face of the earth. That they may set the captive free, that they may bring in the end-time harvest, that they may perform miracles, show forth signs and wonders, flow in the word of wisdom and knowledge, walk in the discerning of spirits and function in my level of faith, sayeth your Father God. For it is that time and it is that hour and I shall clothe them with my power, my ability, my might, my strength, that they may walk even as my son walked. That they may be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, that they lack nothing, for it has already been given unto them. But they shall now at last walk in all that I have, for it is hour and it is that time, sayeth your Father God. So set your eyes upon me and upon the things that I am about to do. Listen to the things that I say, weigh them out, know them, understand them and walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you.

For truly it is that hour when my name shall be lifted up above all others. It is that hour when at my name every knee shall bow, when at my name healing, miracles, signs and wonders shall take place. At my name the enemy shall flee from you. At my name you shall be the overcomer. It is that hour when the words that you speak shall quickly come to pass whether they be negative or whether they be positive, the things that you speak out of your mouth shall happen whether they be good or whether they be bad. For the enemy also desires to bring those things to pass very quickly now, that you may not get out of the snares and out of the traps. Speak forth my word, speak my word, for my word shall bring you the victories that you have need of. My word shall cause you to rise to the positions that you desire. My word shall bring in all the promises, therefore, speak forth my word, walk with me. Allow me, allow me to be lifted up by your praises and I shall bring all men unto you.

Therefore, put a guard upon your mouth, that you can walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. For when you put that guard upon your mouth you speak only my words and do not allow the enemy to cause you to become upset or discouraged and cause you to speak words of negativity, words of doubt and words of unbelief. Therefore, I say unto you, put a guard upon your mouth that truly you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you in this hour and in this time. Yes, for the devil he desires to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come that you can have life and that more abundantly. Walk in the life that I have given unto you which is that of the abundant my children. Therefore, speak forth my words and my words only and do the things that I have called you to do. For this is a great hour and this is a great time for my church yet it is a time of great troubles for those in the world and for those who know me not. Therefore, I say unto you, walk in the path that I have made before you and receive all that I have in store for you in this hour and in this time.

Every day can be a day of great victory; every day can be a day of great joy. Every day you can call in the promises by speaking forth my word, by upholding my word, by allowing my words to go out of your mouth and bring forth those things you send it forth to do. Therefore, rejoice in your heart, rejoice with your mouth, lift up your voices and sing my praises, for truly the victories are yours.

10-24-04 pm service

For truly I have brought the victory to you, oh yes, and you shall begin to walk in a new realm that you have not walked in before. And it will seem like victory just chases after you, to catch up with you, to cause you to be the overcomer and the good things that shall now come to pass and the promises that shall now be fulfilled, I have told you that they would come. So prepare your hearts for great joy, prepare your hearts for great blessings, continue to walk with me, for truly this is an hour, an hour of great victory.

For truly there is revival in the land, for I, your Father God, yea, have touched it off, I have opened the doors and poured out the Holy Spirit without measure and it shall fall upon those that are open to it, those that are ready. But this revival is not like revivals in times past, sayeth your Father, for it is my revival, for I have recorded it and I have called it. And it is that time and it is that hour for that latter outpouring of my Holy Ghost. It is that time and it is that hour that I will go forth with miracles, signs and wonders such as not been seen on the face of the earth before. Truly the miracles shall be so great that men shall flee to you to see the mighty hand of God working, falling upon those. For truly this revival that I have called, sayeth your Father God, has a location, it has an altar from which the springs of water, the Holy Ghost, flows from. Where the anointing comes from, where it touches lives and changes people, where creative miracles take place, where blind eyes are opened, where the deaf hear, where the lame walk, where the marred are healed. Oh, I say unto you, a revival such as the earth has not seen. And man cannot claim any of it and man cannot cause it to go where they desire it to go, for they first have to come unto me, sayeth your Father, yea, they have to come unto me and receive that anointing that is for this hour and this time. For many of them, many are demon possessed and they need deliverance before they can hear my voice in the way that they should hear it. For they hear many voices now, they even hear self now, but they do not always hear me. But in my revival, sayeth your Father God, that I have called, they shall hear my voice, they shall know my voice, they shall walk according to the things that I say. And I will talk with my people, oh, as they come I shall minister unto them deliverance, I shall minister unto them a renewed mind. I shall give unto them the things that they have need of that they can go to the places that I have placed them and bring forth revival there and bring those here that they may receive also. For it shall be a gathering place, sayeth your Father God, a gathering place to receive my anointing. A gathering place to receive all the wisdom and knowledge and discerning of spirits, the faith, the gifts of the spirit that they may operate freely in the gifts that I have given unto them. That they remove man out of the gifts that when they open their mouth it shall be me, your Father God, speaking loud and clear that they can understand the things that I have said, that they may know and understand. Many shall be foolish and try and do it another way, even as they have done in the past, but it shall not be so. For even though they tried it in the past before, it did not work for them then and it will not work for them now. Regardless how much man tries to get involved in this he cannot, he has to do it my way. And unless he does it my way, I cannot use him and I will not use him. He cannot muddy up the water for those that are swimming. He cannot stop the flow of my Spirit. He cannot manufacture the miracles, the signs, the wonders. For only I, your Father God, can do creative miracles and you shall see them. For you shall see things that you have only dreamed about, things that you only wished that you could see and it shall only come, yes, it shall only come from my house. It shall only come as they gather before me as my Shekinah glory fills the house, as my anointing falls upon them. As the words that go forth from the mouths of those that I choose at that time to speak, they shall be anointed words, anointed from the very throne room. And they shall burn like a fire and they shall purge, they shall cleanse, they shall open the hearts and clean out all the filth, all the garbage, all the things that man is trying to carry in there and they shall become mine one hundred percent. And they shall desire to do but one thing, fulfill my will, to go before me to do the things that I, your Father God, have called them to do. And they shall know in their heart that they need to be fed and they shall come again to be fed again and again and again. And I shall give unto them words of wisdom, words of knowledge and they shall know the things that they must go and do. And I shall go before them and I shall make a way like has never been made before. For truly my revival shall be far greater, far greater than anything that the devil could do, it shall be three times greater than the day of Pentecost, everything shall be enlarged. There is no church at the moment, sayeth your Father God, that can hold those that I am going to bring in. There is no church other than my house, sayeth your Father God, that has the anointing to do that. Therefore, I say unto you, revival truly has come. And you say, where Lord? Revival has come here. Have not I told you that? Have not I said that unto you? Have you not seen the things that I am already doing? Revival is here. And as you continue to go forth, the fires of that revival shall burn brighter and brighter and brighter. And at times you will think the air conditioner needs to be on. For my presence shall fill this place and the cloud shall be so thick at times no one will be able to stand and minister. For you shall lay before me and I, your Father God, shall move mightily upon you, yea and you are the keys here, you are the mainstays, you are the foundation, those that come shall only work with you. They will not be over you, they will not be the head, for I have already given you a head, for I am your head, the Holy Ghost is your head, and yea, and we shall move through that motley crew that we have placed here. And we shall do great and mighty things as we have told you, and I know you say it has been a long time Lord, but as you see what I shall do now you will also say it has been well worth it. Thank you Father, we enjoy this, we enjoy the things that you are doing, our hearts are so filled with joy. For at times after a service you will go home and meditate upon the things that you have seen done, the things that you have heard and you will not be able to rest. For you will be so on fire that you want to sit and talk about it for hours. And yet I shall give you perfect rest, I shall cause your sleep to be a perfect sleep that you will be refreshed and ready to do the things that I, your Father God, shall call you to do. For at times it shall be hours and hours and hours, it will seem like the line never dies down and they shall come and they shall come and they shall come. And yet the anointing shall remain and the power shall stay and every single one shall be healed, everyone shall be ministered unto, everyone will receive the things that they came for that are of me. It will not be like before, it will not be like those things that you have heard about, for my Shekinah glory shall continually dwell upon this place and upon this altar. And I will manifest myself, that with wisdom and knowledge you will know, yes, and you will go forth in great wisdom and knowledge and do the things that I have called you to do. And when the laborers come to build you will be amazed how they come from the north, the south, the east and the west and how they will join their hands with you and they will give their efforts, their time, their abilities to do the things that I, your Father God, shall call out to be done. It shall be an awesome hour, an awesome hour, an hour that you have so long waited for, an hour that is so power packed, that I cannot even begin to explain to you all the things that shall take place. Oh, darkness may cover the earth, but darkness shall never cover my church nor my work nor the things that I shall do. For I shall go before you as I have said, I shall open doors that have been closed, I shall close doors that should stay closed, I will move mightily on your behalf. Yea, and I shall give unto you a name, a name that shall be lifted up, a name that all shall know, a name that all shall desire to come, come, come, for I have said unto them, come. And it is that time and it is that hour, sayeth your Father God, great things shall take place and I shall explain these to you that you can understand even better. So listen carefully to the things that I say, for they are for you this night, they are for the world this night; they are for those that shall come. Listen, I say, listen and hear what the Spirit has to say.

Greater darkness has come upon the earth and it shall grow darker in the spiritual realm even yet. For the lease on planet earth is running out, the global warming is well under way, the icebergs are melting much faster than the scientist are predicting and the weather is growing warmer and warmer in most places and colder in some. The storms are becoming more powerful and more regular than at any time in history. More volcanoes and soon lava shall flow and burn many things in their paths. More forest fires burning away trees and brush that is needed to protect the air. Tidal waves far greater than seen washing more seashore away. Tornadoes stretching past what man calls tornado season. Hurricanes coming earlier and lasting longer and much more powerful. Drought far worse than what you have now and continuing to spread and involve more states. Sicknesses that are new and untouchable by the medicines you have now. Blizzards bringing much colder weather to many places, other places far above normal causing many problems such as droughts and animal problems that they have not had before. Gas prices to continue to rise as I have said. The antichrist will be the one to stabilize the oil prices. He is becoming more noticeable week by week. Wars in areas that are not at war yet as man tries to dismantle missiles and do away with the big bomb. The old Russia yet more powerful than ever, rising to conquer and protect its friends. Shortages in food, cattle, water and oil. The fish in fresh water being killed off, a plan the enemy uses and is working. The poor getting poorer and welfare programs going belly-up because of the lack of money. The cashless system becoming a reality. America’s judgement because of abortion, lesbianism, homosexuality, bisexual activity, those living together without being married, divorces, witchcraft, false prophets, false religions and their followers, wickedness down from the White House. They have not repented as I have called upon them to do. They have become drunk with the wine of the antichrist system and enlarge their drinking problems and see no evil in a sociable drinking problem. From the White House on down they have forsaken me and my place over this country and now ask to settle it in a court of humans. I have seen all I need to see concerning their evils. I will punish this great land, but my people shall be safe. The attack on 911 came by air by a smaller enemy. Watch your waterways, for the enemy comes into your bays monthly and you do not know it. Oh, Babylon, why sinneth thou and repent not, but goes the way of Sodom and even as it was in the days of Noah. You are asleep in the wine of sin and wickedness and the pride and wealth. Your religious leaders are just as bad, as they cause people to follow the false and become part of Satan’s end-time church. Your religious TV programs seek only to build kingdoms and money and not my kingdom. And week by week you go farther away from me and seek more money and use it not for my glory, but for yours. Your great man of healing is but the false prophet that shall raise the antichrist from the dead and build statues for men and women to worship. However, my true church shall prosper and be in health. Miracles shall pour out of my house and touch those who are mine and those who shall become mine, for I have sent invitations for those in the highways and the byways to come in. I shall heal and perform mighty miracles for all to see, creative miracles like has not been seen in this day and age. Souls shall come into the kingdom of God and now my true houses shall be filled to overflowing. Many from the false shall flee from the false church when they see the true miracles and they shall come to my houses. Yet my true church shall be the place where I meet with my people. I shall speak to my people in every service and tell them what to do and what is to come. I will not leave you unprepared, I will equip you and anoint you with the power to stand and do all I tell you to do. My main hub shall be the equipping place. From under the altar shall flow a steady stream of my anointing from the Holy Ghost. Many shall not believe this at first, but they shall see it and then they shall come. But I will not be able to use them as much as they that believed by faith what I have said and come. Kings shall come, princes and queens shall come, presidents shall come, I shall give them words of wisdom and knowledge, and if they want, salvation and deliverance. This shall not be from Missouri, Texas, Florida or any part of the South or Southwest nor the Midwest. They shall have to come to my house, my hub in the Northland as my word has foretold and receive what is flowing from there. In the past people have run to Canada and Florida for man’s outpouring, they sought me in the midst of the false and man’s planned outpouring. Now they will have to do it my way and at my hub or they shall not be my leaders, my anointed servants, they shall receive and have nothing. For from my altar shall also flow deliverance and many needed demons cast out of them before I can use them. I shall give much information through the revelation knowledge of the Holy Ghost that does not come from man or woman. It comes by the Holy Ghost through my prophets to mankind. I have but one place, for this my word has foretold, it is the Northland, the center of the state. Not a non-spirit church on a swamp, but a church on a hill where my glory hovers over it and their name is seen in the ground in bold letters for all to see. It is there I am meeting with my church right now in a powerful and awesome way. It is from there where my prophetic word goes out to the world. I have made it very clear and everyone should know, for I have promised in my word that I would do nothing accept I first reveal it to my prophets. I only do what is recorded in my word, thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty.

Now that you have heard there should be great understanding, your mind should begin to comprehend and understand what I am doing. For if I allow man to do it, they do it any way that they want, whether I ask them to do it that way or whether I tell them not to do it that way. But it will not be so in this revival, sayeth your Father God, for it shall be done my way and those who are willing to do it my way shall be blessed greatly. They shall see mighty, mighty miracles, they shall go forth in any part of the land that I have placed them and bring in the revival and then they shall bring the revival to me. That I can anoint them, that I can empower them, that I can send them forth to bring in more of the revival and this shall continue until the day that I take the church out. Therefore, be not surprised, for I have told you these things for years, only now I make it more clear to you that you may have greater understanding because now is the hour for this to take place. Now is the time that it shall be fulfilled, and therefore, you need to know these things, sayeth your Father God, that you will seek my face like you have never sought it before, that you will press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. That you will be totally prepared to go forth and do the things that I tell you to do, for you shall see the people coming, oh yes, you shall see them coming. For my true servants are hearing the things that you are saying and they are watching and they are pondering and they are thinking these things over because it is different, sayeth your Father God. But now they have a better understanding than they did last week. Now I have made it even more clearer to them of what I am about to do, and as they see that and hear that they shall be like Abraham of old and they shall travel to the place that I, their Father God, have told them. Yea and they shall come, they shall come, they shall come. Prepare yourself and make ready, for truly they shall come.

Remember the things that I have said unto you concerning those that departed, those that fled when the enemy came in and when the enemy began to attack those that walked with little or no knowledge concerning the spiritual things, concerning the enemy, the demons, the false move. Remember the things that I have told you, for I cannot use them, I will not use them, so remember those things, sayeth your Father God. Yes, they can come, and yes, they can sit at my feet, and yes, I shall extend to them mercy and love and grace, but they are not to be trusted. Therefore, I say unto you, remember the things that I have said, remember those things. For many shall come and say, oh, we were with you all the time. Oh yes, we believed all these things and we have come back because we know that they are true, not so says your Father, for that is a lie. For they come now because of what they see, they see the miracles, they see the creative miracles, they hear about the mighty move of God and they come because they desire to be a part of that. That is fine, that is fine, but I cannot use them.

10-20-04 pm service

For I have poured my life out for you, there is nothing that I have, nothing that I ever will have that I have not already given unto you freely. For I have made a home for you and I have made a way for you, I have put a covering over you to protect you and to keep you safe. I have told you the way to walk in that you could walk in the victories that I have for you. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that I would withhold from you nor is there any promise that I would not give unto you. Therefore, I say unto you, why do you think I hold back the things that you have need of? It is not I, sayeth you Father God, no, it is not I. For I have given you these things already and to take these things back I would be a liar and my word would not be truth. Think upon that. Press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. Listen not to the devil and his lies neither allow him to cause you to become discouraged, to become trodden down, to become defeated where you are not walking as the head, where you are walking as the tail, where you are not above, but you are beneath carrying a load, oh so heavy, that I have never, never called you to carry. For my way is victorious, my way is the only way, but at times man chooses to walk in his own ways. At times man will say, I am doing it all Lord, and yet they are doubting, they are wavering, they are not standing strong because the enemy has them on the run. They are looking for a way of escape, how do you escape when you are the victor? Do you escape from victory? What do you escape to? Defeat? Oh, I say unto you, I love you with an everlasting love; my whole heart has been given over to you. For you are my child, you are the ones that I have called, you are the ones that I have placed here, you are the ones that I have given my word and my promise unto. Therefore, you need to walk according to that word, walk according to that promise, don’t draw back, don’t stand still, continue to press into the things that I have for you. Call those things that be not as if they were, don’t doubt, don’t waver, don’t back off, call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. For I have given you my word, I have given you my promise, I have said that I will do what I have said that I would do. I will go before you in a mighty way, I shall open doors that man has closed, I shall open doors that the devil has closed, I shall open the doors, sayeth your Father God, and no man, no man, not even the devil can close those doors. Therefore, fear not the things that the enemy says, for he has been a liar a long, long time, his nature is to lie to you, to deceive you, to usurp authority over you, allow not this. For you are no longer his captives, I have set you free, you are free indeed. I have given unto you a position, an heir to the throne of Almighty God, joint heirs with my son Jesus. I have given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness. I have given unto you everything that you have need of that you can walk even as my son Jesus walked while here upon the face of the earth. Yea and even greater things than these shall you do because he has come to be with me and he sits at my right hand interceding on your behalf. My word goes before you, my word watches over you, my word protects you. So rise up, I say, shake the dust off yourself, dust yourself off. For have you ever seen a King’s kid covered in the earth, covered in the dust? Shake the dust off yourself. Rise up, you are my child and I, your Father God, shall go before you in a mighty way and it shall not be a long time as you say or as you think. As you think these things the enemy can work upon you and the time seems like a long time, but in my eyes it is not even a day, not even a day. So allow not these thoughts to go through your head, for I have said and I have promised unto you that I would even extend the time if need be to fulfill my word to you. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up; hear the voice of your God calling unto you. Rise up, for you have the power, you have the authority, you have the ability, you have the strength, you have all that I have given unto you. Are you not seeing my prophetic word fulfilled right before your eyes? Can you not see it or are you not looking for it? The truth would be you are not looking, sayeth your Father God, but these things are coming to pass and they have been recorded, they have been recorded that you can easily look them up and see them. Rise up, it is the hour of victory not the hour of defeat. Rise up, for truly you are my heirs and it is time for you as my heirs to take control of my throne. I shall always be the head, but you shall be seated in heavenly places with me. Rise up, I say, begin to go forth and do the things that I have told you to do. Take the land that belongs to you, sayeth your Father God; take those steps of faith that will cause all the things that I have told you to do to come into being. Go ye and do as I have said, yea and you shall see and you shall understand and you shall know as you see my promises, for they are being fulfilled unto you, they are quickly coming to pass. Not many days, not many days, sayeth your Father, you shall see the Shekinah glory of Almighty God hovering over you in a way that has never been before and you shall see the miracles, the signs and the wonders. Are you ready? Ready or not here it comes, sayeth your Father God, prepare yourself, prepare yourself, rise up, rise up, run with me, for it takes a strong runner to run with me in these last days. For I am fulfilling all my word to you. Now hear me, hear me, listen and know what I have to say.

For the Spirit of the Lord would say to you, trustworthiness comes from what you are willing to protect without bringing gain to yourself. My true army’s advancement and rank comes from trustworthiness and obedience. I am calling an army that is trustworthy and that is obedient. This is a very important war and I cannot use those who are not trustworthy or obedient. They shall sit on the sidelines and watch as others go forward to get victory and rewards and yet remain dry and without. I will protect them and provide for them, but they will not be able to walk in the victory others shall walk in as there faith level is that of little faith. Care and commitment are taught, not in the miles you have traveled, but in the quality taken when you are unnoticed. Those looking for fame and people to sit up and take notice will not be leaders, as they build their own kingdoms and not mine. You will only support what you respect, if you respect me then you will support me with all your heart regardless of what others do or say. If you respect yourself above others or man you are far from me and my ways. Have you not seen the things already fulfilled this week that were spoken on Sunday night? I am on the move and my army must move with me and not lag behind. Many hearing this and reading this have not even read the prophetic words the last three times and do not know what they have said. How can I use an army that does not? I know that this is an assigned place, for I am calling laborers in the field. I have a field and I have told you it is here in the northland. My axle turns the hub and the hub turns the wheels and the wheels turn the spokes and all function as one, none go their own way, none turn without the axle or the hub. A wheel turning by itself is a run away wheel and goes wherever the gravity or motion carries it. It is of no use to me. It is carried by every strange doctrine of man and is unstable in all its ways. I can’t use a wheel or spokes of that wheel until they become part of my hub which is turned by the axle which is me. True greatness is when obedience manifests quiet wisdom, for the greatest words that can be given to servant are, well done my good and faithful servant. Have not I said, why call me Lord Lord and do not what I say? If I am your Lord and God, then do as I say and not as you desire. You are not another man’s servant you are mine. Many fight against those closest to them and against them that I have given unto them. This is of the devil. Who made you the head? It was me that gave the fivefold ministry and not man. It is I who gave the head and not denominations or those they place over you. I have told my servants to record what the prophets were saying and for them to study it so they would know what was ahead and understand what I am doing and what hour this is. I have spoken about the election and what it shall bring. I have shown to you the things to come and the antichrist and his rise and the false prophet and who he is. I have told you about the beast and what it was. Yet many do not know these things, they are like the children of Israel, deaf hears and eyes that cannot see. Even the leader they have now over their country said he would give back land that I gave to Israel and said it would not be taken again from them. He is a disobedient child of wrath. He is setting up my people for porridge and not my word, the blind leading the blind. They shall fall into a deep ditch and flee into the mountain of safety when the antichrist breaks the peace treaty, that shall soon come. Once more I say to you, come to the axle, the hub and receive of me. Receive of me the anointing that shall cause you to go forth victoriously without defeat of loss. I say unto you, stay faithful in the place I placed you in, and yet go to the fields where you are sent and fulfill my word. You cannot be all I said you could be if you are not part of the axle which the hub sits upon and turns the wheels that turn the spoke in the wheels. Have you not read my word about the wheels and their ministry and how the hub turns them because it is being turned by the axle? Have you not heard about the water that comes out from under the altar, and as it flows from there, not from another place, it becomes a river in which you can swim? The river is the Holy Spirit and it is also the axle. The hub is the altar, my meeting place with my people to empower them and lift them to heights they have never seen personally before as they meet there with me. I have said in my word I would meet with you there like no other place. Did you hear that? Like no other place. Do not be fooled by the enemy or men that it is here or there. The devil did that with Canada and Florida and many fell into the traps and spirits entered into them and now control their lives and ministries. Wake up church, am I God or is there another? Does my word go out and return void? Do I change? Have I given unto you a new gospel which is not a gospel at all? Man is so foolish they follow Satan and his plan and do not see the handwriting on the wall. They do not hear the voice of my two true prophets that flow as one and speak forth my word that I have shown to them through my servants, it comes to pass. Do they follow my leaders who I have called for this hour? No. They continue to go the way of Satan and do not know it. Listen to this teaching I am giving to you and wake up. Wake up, wake up the Spirit says to my true churches. The false has only wrath and hell waiting for them. Do you desire to follow them? Shake yourselves awake and do as I have said and walk in the victory my church is going to walk in. Noah warned my people over and over and when the rain came the door was already shut on the ark and there was no way of escape. Unconditional salvation is a lie of the devil. A second chance after the catching away is a lie. Only those who are Jews shall come in when my son Jesus comes with his army after the catching away. In my word I said this would come to pass after the last trumpet and man says before or after, both lies. They teach you, you can pray away my word. No, I answer only those things recorded in my word. I bind only what is already bound in Heaven, I loose only what is already loosed in Heaven. I do not break my word. Man has to walk according to my word and yet they write their own doctrines and lead man the wrong way. Many shall stay in my hub and give their hearts to the work I am asking them to be done there. They shall see me move in every service, they will submit under their authority and serve me with all their hearts. All my miraculous provisions shall be in my main hub, the Father’s House. And there I will meet with my people like no other place and this place shall my presence be seen and my anointing be felt and all manner of sickness and disease shall be healed and creative miracles of every kind shall be seen. The rewards for serving me, as my word says, carries great blessings and rewards. You now have the direction; you now have the plans and the goal for what I shall do in these last days. I say unto you, know them, understand them, eat them until they are in your hearts, for they shall come to pass, oh yes, and them I shall come for my church at that last trumpet as I have already promised in my word. For thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty, follow me, serve me, walk in my ways, know what I have said and receive what I have in store for you for this hour and this time.

10-17-04 am service

Let not your hearts be overtaken with fear. Allow not the circumstances of the world to come upon you. Neither take thought of what you shall do today or tomorrow or the day after. For I have you in my mind, sayeth your Father God, yea, and I go before you, I open doors, I close doors, I make a way where there is no way. I keep you in my perfect safety, I supply your every need, I love you with an everlasting love and I fill your heart with assurance that my word is true. So do not allow these other things to come into your mind, but cast them down, cast them down, allow them not to fill your mind. Think not upon those things, for as you think upon and dwell upon those things the enemy takes advantage of you. You be the aggressor, resist him and he shall flee from you. Resist the pressures that the world tries to put upon you and walk in the peace that I have given unto you. For even though you are living in the last hour, sayeth your Father God, it shall be a blessed hour. It shall be an hour where you shall prosper, that you shall be in health, that you shall grow closer to me than ever before. It shall be an hour of great victory, great victory, you shall really know the life of the overcomer and you shall walk in the fullness of that life. So cast down those cares, cast down those problems, cast down the attacks of the enemy, for they are nothing, they are nothing, but if you yield to them they become a stronghold. Cast them down, walk in my divine health, walk in my prosperity, walk in my wisdom, walk in my knowledge, live the life of the overcomer, live the life of the heir of the throne of Almighty God. For truly you are.

Is there anything too big for you to ask of me? Is there anything that is too small? Do I hear you, if you are not walking in sin, yes. Do you know that I hear you, for if you know that I hear you, then you know that you have those requests that you ask of me. Why ask again and again and again? I did not make you beggars; I made you heirs of my throne. I raised you to the same level as my son Jesus that you could walk in the fullness of all that he had. For he paid a price for you, he paid it in full that you would not have to pay anything, that you could reap all that he has given to you freely. For freely I have given unto you, freely receive those things, allow not the enemy to deceive you in believing that you do not have those things, for you have them. But resist him, look at him eyeball to eyeball and tell him who you are. And tell him who he is, that he is the defeated foe, that he is under your feet, that he has no power, that he has no authority, that he has no ability, that you are the overcomer, that you are an heir to the throne of Almighty God, that you are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ. Truly, as you do those things, sayeth your Father God, you shall walk in a victory, a victory such as you have never known and you shall see the answers continually to your prayers. And you truly shall be the head and not the tail, you shall be above and not beneath. And those things that so easily come upon you now will no longer come upon you, but you will walk in the victory that Jesus has given to you.

10-17-04 pm service

For truly I have given you everlasting, hope, for you are mine, I am your Father my strength and power flows through you. I go before you and I make ways where there are no ways, I am you hope, I am your strength, I am all that I have said that I am. And therefore, you need not fear anything that shall come upon the face of the earth, you need not fear the enemy, but walk in the hope, the everlasting hope of the church, walk in that hope, for truly I have given it unto you. You call out to us and there is nothing; nothing, sayeth your Father God, according to my will that we would not do for you. Therefore, you have an open door, you may walk in the victories that we have for you, you may walk in the promises that are already given, for you are pilgrims passing through, this is not your home, you have a heavenly home. At the proper time I will come and take you with me and we shall return again to earth, to show earth that truly it shall work. So let your hearts be filled with joy, let my peace surround you, let my healing power flow through you, for you are already healed, allow me to do the things that I said that I would do.

For as you lift my name up in praise, every ear in heaven listens carefully to the words that you sing unto me, there is great rejoicing, there is dancing before the throne of God. Oh, my heart, my heart is filled with joy, filled with love, filled with gratitude for the things that you are doing. It is my time of listening and enjoying the things that you sing. For I have given unto you many great songs, sayeth your Father God, songs that speak about the time that we are living in, songs that honor me and lift me high above all others. Oh, what a great time, what a great time. So let your worship go forth, let your praise come before my throne, for it is an hour when great things are done, for I move mightily on your behalf as you praise me. I drive the enemy, as I told you, from before your face and I bring forth the victories that are needed. Therefore, enjoy my presence as you worship me, enjoy the time that I spend with you, for my heart, my heart is filled with love, my heart is filled with gratitude and thanksgiving, my heart is happy, sayeth your Father.

For when you spend time in my presence you are filled to overflowing with the things that you have need of for this hour and this time. And it is in my presence where I heal many things, many hurts that have been made, many words that have been spoken that have cut through like a knife. It is in my presence where I mend those who are weak, where I make the feeble strong and where I encourage those who need encouraging. For as you bask in my presence, it is where you are filled to overflowing, where you are filled with the things that you have need of for this hour and this time, that you can go out in combat and be the victor that you need to be. For I have already spoken and said you are the overcomer, you are the victor, you are that conqueror. But many times my children do not act like the conqueror, they do not act like the overcomer, but I have made them so. Therefore, I say unto you, know what I have said unto you, know my word, stand strong upon my word and spend time with me in my presence, that truly you can leave filled to overflowing with the things that you have need of. For yes, I am here, as I have said, where two or more are gathered there I am and I am in your midst to give unto you everything that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, draw from me, draw upon my strength, draw from my ability, draw from my power, for I have everything that you have need of. Allow me to fill you with those things that are essential for you to walk in the power that I have given unto you for this time and this hour.

For truly is a great hour, but it depends on how you look at things, if you look according to my word, according to my promises, this is a great hour. It is the fulfilling of all promises; it is the fulfillment of everything that I have said, everything that I have promised, everything that is recorded in my book. It is a glorious hour, a glorious hour. For I am forming my church without spot or wrinkle, holiness shall come back with all of its fullness that my servants, that my people, that my heirs are filled to overflowing with the Holy Ghost, that they are able to do all that I said they could do. Miracles, signs and wonders, creative miracles, healings, deliverance, wisdom and knowledge all shall flow freely and minister unto those that come. It shall lift the burden, it shall open the door, it shall unlock the cage that the enemy has held them in, that they can be like the daughter of Abraham and be set free. For truly this freedom belongs to you, you were never to be under the attack of the enemy, not that he would not fight, but you are never under his attack. You are the victors and you should be the ones doing the attacking, driving him off, driving him back, snatching from his hand the souls that he is trying to destroy, taking the possessions that belong to you, walking in the fullness of my ability, walking truly as my heirs. This is that hour that you read about. This is that time, sayeth your Father God, that I have promised, this is the hope of the church. Yet there is time to do the things that I have told you shall be done and you shall walk in the fullness of these things. And you shall not be hindered by the attacks of the enemy, by the attacks of the false church, by the attacks of the government, by the attacks of the antichrist, his false prophet, they shall be like stones that are thrown at you that cannot reach you, they will fall far short of their mark. For now weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, but you shall rise up and you shall condemn it. You shall speak my word and truly the angels shall come to fight and war on your behalf. For the war is mine, sayeth your Father God, therefore, fear not to walk side-by-side with me. Fear not the things that shall come, fear not the things that I tell you, for I tell you these things only that you would know, for I have promised you that I would make these things known unto you. For I have not left you in darkness, but you are in the light, and therefore, you are supposed to walk according to the light, you are supposed to walk in the wisdom and knowledge that I give unto you. You need not fight a physical battle, but fight a spiritual battle. For your weapons are not carnal, but they are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down, annulling, canceling out all the things that the enemy and his army is trying to do, all that the false church is trying to do and going into the harvest field and reaping the harvest that is there. Not only reaping the harvest, but gleaning the leftovers that the enemy has nothing, but you have all. For many are refusing the invitation that I have sent out to them, they have their excuses, they have their agendas, they have their goals, they have their plans. And they continue to build their kingdom, and yet their kingdom is built on sand, and when the storms come, they shall fall, they shall not be victorious, as you shall be victorious. They will not have the power flowing in the midst of them, as you shall, my Shekinah glory shall not rest upon them, people will not see my presence there. For I am not there, sayeth your Father God, I am in my church and my people are worshipping me, my people are praising my name, my people are allowing the Holy Ghost to move mightily on their behalf, they have not closed the door on him, they have not grieved the Spirit. They walk according to my word, they live by my book, and as they walk and live by my book, then they walk in the victory that I have already given unto them. I have already told them about the victory and the victory becomes theirs and they walk in the fullness of it and life takes on a whole new meaning. For then they know what that new life is all about, the life they have always struggled to get into and walk in as they should. For it is the hour when I pour out my Spirit without measure, it is the hour when I pour out my power without measure, it is the end-time, it is the last hour. Many things shall take place, sayeth your Father God, many things shall come and many things shall go, but my church shall not be defeated, neither can the devil stop them, he cannot even slow them down, he cannot even hinder them. For they shall walk in power such as they have never known before and they shall know the things that shall come to pass before they take place, for I, their Father God, shall reveal it unto them. I have told you this. Therefore, listen carefully to the things that I have to say to you. Listen so carefully that you understand these things, that you put down the things, the lies that the enemy is speaking to you about being defeated, about going under, about not having enough, about not being healed, for they are but lies. For all this has already been given unto you, for I have given unto you every spiritual thing that is needed, everything that pertains unto life, that you may walk in that victory. So just hear what I am saying, listen to what I am saying, understand what I am saying. Don’t say I know it. Understand what I am saying that you can walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. Listen carefully, for these things are very important to you. For the Spirit is speaking loud and clear to the church and the church needs to listen to the things that the Spirit is saying to the church.

For the world has entered into a time of great darkness, a time of following the devil like never before. Even the election that is but less than three weeks away shall show the true colors of the people’s hearts. Israel cried out for a king like other nations had and they received a devil and so is it with America. The religious leaders they follow have turned their hearts far from me unto their own ways, which are but the ways of the antichrist. The weather shall become worse than it was this year and yet it shall become and drought being one of the big keys of the hour causing shortages. Floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, straight winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, great storms, subzero weather, avalanches, melting of the great icebergs, great storms in the shipping lanes of the great lakes, forest fires, typhoons, cyclones, higher oil prices, tidal waves, crime, killings, more violence in schools again, more racial violence because of those coming into this country with their false religions and violent ways. Lack of food and high prices, shortages, the cashless system coming in, higher taxes, wars, antichrist rising higher and seen more by more Christians. The false prophet rising higher and higher with his lies and false ways. Christian TV being fought more because of those who have stolen from me and my people to heap unto themselves, to build their own empires and help lead people away with their lies and false computer system made up by man and not me. Are they not adding to my word? Oh, how foolish man is, for the demons that are loose get into them and they are led by those demons and they lead others away. There will be a false unity of the false church like never seen before except in the days after the Pentecost when Rome brought in the false once again. Even the false prophet bows before the pope and kisses his ring and yet wears white as his sign that he is as high and higher yet few of my shepherds see this nor do they understand my word. For they put the catching away before the last trumpet. I have told them, but in their wisdom they know more than me the author of the book. There is now a great separation between the true church and the false church; it is growing week by week. For the demons are leading them to their own gospel, which is not a gospel at all, the falling away is in full swing. The EU is rising to great power and needs not America to help her or her satellite nations. Russia shall now rise even higher than she was during the days of the cold war. Even now she refuses to aid America in their space race; they have the upper hand. Those who many thought were no longer a threat are a threat. Yet Ezekiel thirty-eight and thirty-nine have not come to pass, but will very shortly. North Korea is not a nation to reckon with, so is Iran. Iraq is still as bad as it was and has not changed. For the antichrist is in the news more now, but few seem to know him. America has not turned to me; they have gone further the other way. Much of the church has refuses the Holy Ghost and the moving of the gifts of the spirit. They deny the powers thereof. They listen not to my prophets and still say the days of the prophets are gone or they follow after the false prophets who set their headquarters first in Kansas City. And those of that day knew they were false and yet many of these same false prophets lead the church today and are accepted as prophets. Oh, how far my church has gotten from me, but in these last days true holiness; Holy Ghost filled people shall follow me and the leaders that I have already placed in place. They shall stand strong against all I stand against. They shall be empowered with the Holy Ghost much more powerfully than Elijah, Elisha and even Samson of old. They were not perfect, but they obeyed me and did what I told them to do. Miracles, healings, creative miracles, wisdom, knowledge, discerning of spirits, and oh the gifts. I shall speak in every service and my people will listen. It shall be a powerful church without spot or wrinkle. Holy Ghost filled believers who live in the spirit and walk in the spirit. They shall work out of my hub, which turns my axle, which is the Holy Ghost, which shall turn the wheels and yet flow as one, not many and yet there shall be many and yet one. Oh, the things that are ready to come now, good for the body of Christ for they are of my kingdom, but bad for the false church who follows after Satan and know it not yet. They are the blind following the blind; they are giving themselves over to a reprobate mind. They have gone the way of the antichrist and know it not. But when I remove my church and the Holy Ghost departs with it there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then I will pour my wrath out on the earth. Israel shall flee into the place I have prepared for them until I come with my army to bring peace on the earth for a thousand years. Wake up church and hear what the Spirit has to say to you. There is time to come out yet, but do it quickly or the door shall close even as the door was on the ark. There is no second chance. Believe not that lie, but come into the fold and walk with me, thus sayeth the Lord God Almighty.

Be not like Israel of old. For when I spoke unto them through the prophets they listened not to my words nor did they take heed and sudden destruction came upon them and they were in suffering, they were in pain. Many were killed; they were taken from their own land and became slaves in other lands until they cried out with all their heart unto me. And I heard them and I answered their prayers because they were willing to repent, they were willing to change their ways. But after I moved mightily to bring them out of those places once again, they went back in again and again they went back in and it seemed like they never learned, be not like them. For in these last days you will not have that chance over and over and over. For when my church goes there are no more chances. So prepare your heart, make yourself ready, hear what I have said, live according to my word, live according to my promises and I shall tell you the things that shall come, I shall make them clearer to you even as I have already done. And you shall see these things come to pass even as you are seeing them come to pass now, but some are not looking, some are not reading, some pay no attention at all. Those shall be caught in the traps of the enemy and then they will wonder why I have allowed that. I did not allow that, but they choose to go their own way, be not like them. For my heart goes out to you this night. My word goes out to you this night. Be not like them, be not like them. Come unto me, draw close to me. Walk by my side that my protection, that my care shall go before you and surround you and cover you even as my blood covers you, that you can walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for you.

10-13-04 pm service

Harken and listen carefully, sayeth your Father, for I have spoken many things to you concerning these last days. I have talked to you about the division between the true church and the false church. Watch now, I say, as great pressure comes upon TBN and they begin to search them out because of their misappropriation of funds, as they begin to look deep into the reasons why their bank accounts are so full and why the money is not going to the places that they say the money is. For the religious watchdog group has their eye upon them and you shall hear about it upon the news, you shall hear about it in the newspaper, but I, your Father God, have told you these things now that you will know, that you will be aware. For I have told you to stay away, to watch them, be careful of the things that you do, use my money wisely as it comes in unto you. Be not like them with three hundred million dollars in government bonds and another thirty million dollars in their personal bank accounts, be not like that. For my money is for my people, it is for my work, it is for my ministry, it is not to misuse, and the time has come, sayeth your Father God, that truth shall prevail.

Do not be fearful of the things that shall take place in the world in this hour and in this time. But know that I have forewarned you, not only through the prophetic words, but I say, I have warned you even through my word. And as you read my word you see the warnings that go out concerning the hour and the day that you are living in. Do not be fearful, but I say unto you, rise up in the power and authority that I have given unto you, rise up and do the things I have called you to do for this time. For I have given unto you the greatest weapon of defense and that is my word. For it shall stand against all and it shall bring the victory. Therefore, I say unto you my children, walk like never before close to me that truly you walk underneath my protection, that you walk in the fullness of all that I have for you in this hour and in this time. Keep your eyes upon me, allow not the things of the world to get you down or discouraged, but I say unto you, look to me, look to my word, for I shall give unto you all that you need. Therefore, I say unto you, focus yourself on me, look to me, keep your eyes upon me, for truly my children, I am everything that you will ever have need of.

For even though darkness covers the earth, you are not of the darkness you are of the light and I make known unto you very clearly the things that are ahead, the things that are coming that you can see and understand everything that I say to you. So do not walk in darkness like the world walks in darkness, don’t walk in confusion, don’t be one of those that says what does this mean what does that mean. Study my word, know my word, listen to what I say, understand those things, for many shall come to you for help, many shall come and ask questions, you need to know the answers. You need to open your mouth and allow the Holy Spirit to flow through you and speak to them the things that they have need of, to learn how to walk in the spirit. Learn how to be used in the gifts of the spirit that you may be ready to do the things that I have called you to do.

For it is an hour of blessings for my people, an hour of blessings, that I pour out my blessings upon you that you can give into my work that my work can be fulfilled, that the harvest can be brought in. For truly I desire to bless you in many ways, I desire to cause you to walk in those blessings. So hear and understand the things that I say.

10-10-04 am service

Rejoice ye children of the most high God, for there never has been an hour like this nor shall there be another one. For I have purposed and I have planned this time, and as you walk in the fullness of this time, my blessings shall overshadow you, they shall overtake you, they shall fill your life with joy, they shall fill your life with comfort and peace and you shall walk in the victories that I have for you. For truly it is that hour and it is that time, sayeth your Father God, that time that my church comes to the head, that all things that prosper are of my church, for all things that come to pass are of me. For I go before you and make a way where there is no way and I open doors that are closed and I close doors that are open, but you shall walk in the victory that I have for you. So let your hearts be filled with joy, for great, great blessings are yours.

Do not be down and discouraged in this hour that you are living in, but I say, look unto me. For I am all the help that you have need of, I am everything that you will ever need or ever want. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, allow not the enemy to bring discouragement unto you, but I say unto you, look unto my word, for truly my word is truth, my word is light, my word gives unto you the strength that you have need of to go through each and every single day. Therefore, I say unto you, look unto me, look unto my word, for truly therein is your source of strength. For I have never lied and I shall never do that. Therefore, do not allow the enemy to fill your mind or fill your thoughts with things that are not of me or of my word. Therefore, I say unto you, think on only those things which are pure as my word has spoken unto you. Allow not the enemy to fill your mind and thoughts with things of the world, with doubt, with unbelief, but I say unto you, fill your heart, fill your mind, fill your thoughts with my word and the things that I have said. For truly I am doing all that I have said I shall do and much more, and even though you do not see it with your natural eye, it is taking place in the spiritual realm even more so than you even know. But I say to you, it is time now to see that in the physical and natural realm. Therefore, I say unto you, rejoice, for truly your time is now, it is not going to be, but it is now. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word, for truly I am your strength and I shall give unto you everything that you have need of in this hour.

I would say take your eyes off the circumstances and do the work that God has for you.

For it is the hour when the faithful shall speedily excel in all that they do and say. They shall rise quickly to the top and remain there until the time that I come for my church.

10-10-04 pm service

For truly I shall take you into my presence that I can tune you up to the place that you are in tune, that you hear me, that you move with me, that you sense my Spirit as it moves, that you are always in that place that when I speak you can move. For truly I shall take you into that place, sayeth your Father God, that you can flow in the supernatural like never before. That you can be the head like I have said and not the tail, that you are always aware of where the enemy is and what the enemy is doing and what the enemies spirit is doing. For you shall be so close to me, sayeth your Father God, all else, all else will be sour and you will know it is not of me, but you will know my Spirit and you will know me.

For I would say to you, listen carefully, for I have many things to say unto you this night. Have your ears open to hear what your Father is speaking unto you, important things for my church throughout the whole world. There is a big change that is taking place and it supersedes everything I have done in the past. It will fulfill everything I am going to do now and until I come for my church. For my word has declared this move from before the foundations of this world, it is recorded throughout what you call the bible, both the old and the new covenant contain these words. My church shall come together as one, not like the oneness of the false church and their unity with the devil. For I have set in place the axle, I have put the hub on it and all the wheels turn from it. None shall turn independently, for to turn independently is to break yourself off from my hub and roll away into the works of the devil and his unity. For the Holy Ghost shall empower the axle with supernatural ability to turn the hub, which in turn will cause the wheels to turn, yet they shall all turn as one. The axle shall turn the hub, the hub, the wheels, so with one week’s time all shall be turning as one. The supernatural ability to bring forth signs, wonders, miracles and healing along with creative miracles shall flow powerfully from the axle through the hub which shall empower the wheels to turn causing the same ability to flow from their wheels or churches. For the wheels are my true church, the hub on the axle is the center of these wheels or where they shall assemble themselves to receive from me. When the sick, the demon possessed, those who lack wisdom and knowledge, those who need a creative miracle come they shall receive their miracles and they shall be empowered to go back to work miracles, healings, deliverance or whatever is needed for those in the areas they have come from. People shall flood into my true churches leaving the false to collapse and empty out. For the stronger demon possessed people shall then move closer to Satan and give him their full support. Yet my houses, they shall be filled to overflowing, for the wealth of the heathen shall flow into them like water is flowing over a great dam. They shall be able to do all I have said will come to pass in these last days, for the Holy Ghost shall be the head of the supernatural move with all power. It shall be an awesome hour and it shall bring in the last great harvest declared in my word. Now listen, listen carefully to what else I have to say, for it would be wise to remember these words, as they shall start coming to pass after you have heard this or after you have read this. Once it is established it shall come like a mighty flood upon my hub and then with the wheels the hub turns. Carefully listen, for I shall also tell you about the calamities that shall come on the earth, not all at one time, but I will let you know what is going to take place. For man cannot turn this back, nor can he pray it away, for it is that time, it is that hour, yet there is time to do all I have told you to do and I yet will tell you to do. But hear these words, for the Spirit is speaking to my churches throughout the world.

For the aura of my presence shall fill not only my churches, but my people. It shall empower them like they have never been empowered before. It shall lift them to a height they have not known, for they shall walk with me in my holy place, they shall hear my voice clearly. And because they are faithful, they will be quick to obey and do the things that I have said. They will listen carefully and they will ponder my words. They will know the value of the things that I say unto them, when I speak they shall move quickly to fulfill the things that I have said unto them. For it is a time and an hour such as you have not been in before. It is truly the last days. There is ample time, sayeth your Father, to fulfill all that I have promised you, all that I have told you, and yet at the same time, it is a short time, a very short time. But fear not the shortness of the time, but look at the things that I will do, how I will fill it to the very ends, how it shall run over and how the harvest shall come in. It is a dark, dark time for the world. After the presidential election, it shall become an even darker time, a far darker time, darkness like you have not seen before. For man is not truthful to you, for they lie and many become upset when I say they lie, but they lie to you, they tell you not the truth. For they are on their own agenda, they are going their own way, they are working with the antichrist and know it not and many things, many things are beginning to take place. The earthquakes shall get greater, the tornadoes far stronger than you have ever seen. Hurricanes even stronger than what you saw this year, for they are small in comparison to what shall take place. For they will have to give them a new numbering system, sayeth your Father God, because of the heat, for the global warming shall continue and it shall get hotter and hotter and hotter and the drought shall continue and the floods shall continue. There shall be a lack of food, there shall be a cry throughout the land from those that are thirsty and from those that are hungry, they have not listened to my word and they have not moved like I have said. But they will have to move, sayeth your Father God, they will have no choice, they will have to do the things that I have said. Not because I am forcing them to do them, but because my word has come to pass and they are seeing that hour, they are seeing that time that I have spoken to you about. The seashores shall vanish in many areas, many homes, many cities shall be lost because of the melting of the icebergs that have caused the sea level to be far higher than you have ever seen before. Why have not we seen them come ashore many say? Know ye not the mystery of the sand and how it holds back the sea? But that time is running out. But I say unto you, listen to the things that I have for you. Listen carefully, ponder those things, do not let them go in one ear and out the other ear, but listen, listen, for they are vital to you, they are vital to you, they are of great importance. For if you desire to walk with me and be used by me, I need those that listen carefully, those that follow me, those that do the things that I say unto them to do. That they may walk by my side, that when I speak they will move quickly and things shall take place. For as they open their mouth and speak my words it will be as if I spoke those words and they shall call those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. Listen carefully to what the Spirit has to say to the church. Listen carefully, ponder these things, know these things, for the time, the hour is now.

For my cleansing shall be upon you, says the Lord, but I say unto you, resist not the cleansing that I bring unto you in this hour. For indeed I must scour you even behind your spiritual ears. Indeed I must take away that which would cover your eyes, for the areas that you would sleep in, says the Lord, for even your own heart, says God, I must apply pressure that you might know me fully. For I the Lord, behold, come to you closely to know you fully, that you might know me fully, as I am known even amongst my angels, but you shall know me even greater. Come unto me, says the Lord, come unto me, for I will cleanse you.

For with very clean hands and a pure heart walking in obedience to my word, to my promises, you shall be vessels, vessels of gold fit for the master to use and truly I shall use you. For this is an hour when the harvest shall come in. Many things that I say to you this night, sayeth your Father God, I shall repeat, that they may be confirmations to you of what I am about ready to do. That you will have no doubts in your heart, but your heart will be filled with faith. The joy, the joy shall swell up within you, causing you to run the race that is set before you. To run without growing weary, to run without growing tired, to run without looking back, without regretting one thing that you are doing, but running side by side with me, laughing with me as we see the great victories. As we see the souls come into the kingdom of God, as we see the miracles, the signs and the wonders. As the divine healing begins to take place, as creative miracles are seen before you eyes, as you lay your hands upon the leg-less and legs appear, as you put your fingers into the eye sockets and eyeballs appear. Oh, what a time of rejoicing, for the world shall look upon you and see the things that they have desired to see. They will know in their heart that truly there is a God, a Almighty God that is able to do above and beyond all that they have ever thought, all they have ever imagined. And they shall recognize the difference between the false church and the true church, for there shall be a great division between the two, darkness on one side and light on the other side. And they shall follow after the light and they shall walk in the light and they shall know the light, for I am the light, sayeth your Father God, yea and that light, that light pours out of you and reaches unto them and causes them to come safely into the fold. For it is that hour and that time, a time of great wisdom, wisdom that will be given unto you. It will develop within your mind that you know the things that I, your Father God, am doing and saying. Great knowledge that you can give unto those that lack knowledge, great faith, for you shall devour my word like never before. Listen, listen, I say, hear what the Spirit has to say to the church. Listen carefully and ponder those things that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.

For the Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, stay focused. For many are in a state of transition, you are prepared, you are ready and you are available. You are waiting on the word to go, but much opposition stands in your way and you are seeking me as to remove the blockage and yet your are not moving as I have told you to. And you must come to understand this, I am doing a new thing for this hour, the last days, sayeth the Lord. It will not be like before or even the way it has been in the past. For many sought out a place that would work for them, any building would do just so they would have a place, yet what leadership has come from it? What have you reproduced in the land, men building their kingdoms their manmade ministries, their fame, their name. I will not move in these type ministries nor in their lives, as they have gone the way of the antichrist. I am going to remove many of these buildings and close the doors on them and leave them without anything unless they come to me and do it my way now. I desire for you to leave these buildings and I will place you into a great vision that is far greater than anything you have ever seen that you know I am able to do all I am going to do, but you have no idea how I am going to do it. You have no point of reference to gauge your progress, as you are in the darkness, as frustration is the result of man’s attempts to produce only what my sovereignty can manifest. I am looking for faith, not strength. I want obedience, not more strength or power. The place I am preparing for you is not a place that you will grow out of and then have to search for another. For it is a place that you will grow into it, not as the head, as I already have my servants in place and you shall submit yourselves unto them and help carry out my vision as I lay it out. For I am establishing my work throughout the earth, but I want to remain consistent, your stewardship and accountability will maintain it. Otherwise I will shut you personally down when you try to personalize it, exploit it for your namesake. For I have grown weary by those who use my name to promote their ministries for gain. The earth is not filled with my glory like it was in the days of the book of Acts. For man has gone his own way and built many different ministries and called them mine. These are not mine nor can I do all I desire to do in these last days with ministries like these. My main ministry, my hub, is a small church right now which has my vision and has my two prophets already speaking to all my church. You will to become part of this work, unless you have already been found faithful, then you shall be the spokes of this wheel, this hub, and then I shall establish you as one of the wheels functioning from and under my main hub. Hear what the Spirit has to say. Be quick to do what I am calling you to do. If you do not do this, then you shall see very quickly what Haggai has spoken many years ago. I am coming to the field for accountability, prepare yourself. Do this very quickly now, even though it may mean closing down and moving as I have said. Listen to the words of Haggai 1:3 through 6, then came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet saying, is it time for you, are ye to dwell in your ceiled houses, and this house lie waste? Now therefore thus sayeth the Lord of Hosts, consider your ways. You have sown much and bring in little, you eat, but ye have not enough, ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink, ye clothe you, but there is none warm and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put into a bag with holes. Hear what I have said. Know that terrible times shall quickly come upon the earth. Earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches, straight winds, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, hot, hot weather, sicknesses, pestilences, great snowstorms, bitter cold weather, lack of water, food, oil and medications, higher unemployment, strikes causing jobs to move overseas, the antichrist rising to power, the false prophet building his statues for people to worship and receive things from, in preparation for the statue of the antichrist. The EU rising to power far greater than most have expected. The illuminati to control what the world does even in America. The judgement of America because the leaders are not doing my will and have turned their backs on me and my word. Men trying to rule religion by law which is not of me nor never has been. Watch out for them and mark them, for they are of the devil’s system. Ezekiel 38 and 39 being fulfilled, the cashless system worldwide giving the devil control in many areas. All these things shall now come to pass between now and when I come for my church, some yet this year, others next year. It is an awful time for the world and the false church, but my church and those who submit unto my word shall walk in great victory and bring in the final harvest. It is time my people, for you are the work in my end-time church, to come to my main hub and to prepare yourself to be placed in my body, to be my powerful end-time church. For I have spoken and I have spoken do it now before the door closes and you are but a vessel to sit on the shelf until I come.

So I remind you, says the Lord, it shall be your confidence this night, and know that as you walk forward in me, you shall have confidence like you have never had before. You shall fear none because you walk according to my word. Find yourselves, know who I am, says God in your life, for I am great and mighty. Walk in me according to my word for this is your hour.

For I do not tell you these things to bring fear into your heart or into your life, but I tell you these things that you might walk with me, that you might be truly heirs to my throne and all the power, all the ability, all the might, all the strength that I have can flow through you, reaching out and touching others. That you are aware of the circumstances, that you are aware of the things that shall come and walk as I have just said, not in fear, but in confidence, in boldness, in assurance that I, your Father God, shall take you through, that I have empowered you that no evil, no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. For you shall speak forth the words and they shall vanish before your eyes even as Elijah and Elisha spoke forth my word and great things took place, so shall the average Christian speak forth my words. And the circumstances, the problems, the troubles, even the enemy shall vanish before their eyes, they shall flee. For they shall be the ones that walk in fear and not you, for you shall have my power, my ability and you will be able to do the things that I have told you, you can do. So why would you be fearful? Why would you not walk in the confidence that I have given unto you? Why would you not be bold in my name and do the things that I have said? Oh, hear and listen, ponder these things, sayeth your Father God, know what the Spirit is saying to the church, know what he is saying this night.

For you are a mighty army, a force to reckon with, says God. Even this hour you are unified in me, says God. Behold I am here, says the Lord, if you step forward, says God, I step forward because you are walking with me, says God. Oh, says the Lord, walk with me, talk with me, for you are a force to be reckoned with.

For far too long the enemy has had my people blinded, he has usurp authority over them, he has kept them in chains and in bondage. He has placed sickness upon them and yet all these things were destroyed at the cross of Calvary. Jesus paid the price that you would never have to pay that price and now that knowledge, that divine knowledge shall enter into your heart and no longer, no longer shall the devil usurp authority over you. For you shall put him in his place, you shall tread upon him, you shall make him my footstool that I can go forth and finish the work that is yet remaining, that the harvest come in. A harvest far greater than any time in history, for it shall be greater, far greater, three times greater than the day of Pentecost. And you shall see the signs, the wonders, and the miracles and so shall the world and so shall the devil and the false churches, but they will not be able to mimic them, they will not be able to do them. For only my church will be able to do them and they will fear you with a great fear and they will stay away from you and they will try to get others to believe that you are not of me, but you are of me. For you could not do these things that I am telling you that you shall do if you were not of me, but I empower you. I will fill you so full of the Holy Spirit that all these things will be commonplace to you and you shall walk in the supernatural as you have never walked in it before. You shall bathe in it, it shall wake you up in the morning, it shall rock you to sleep at night, you shall have the energy, and the strength and the power that you have never had that you may go forth and do the things that I have told you. Yea and when you open your mouth people will listen to you, they will listen to you even as they listened to my son Jesus. The only ones that will fight you will be the religious leaders, those not of me, those of the false church, but the people will listen and the harvest shall come in. They will hear, hear the things that the Spirit of God is telling you, for they are great things, great things and they are for you and they are for you now and you shall walk in the fullness of these things for I, your Father God, have spoken this, I have declared it, for it is written in my word.

For it was not by chance that that song was picked for this night nor is it by chance that you are here, for I have called you. You may think that it is just another Sunday night and I just came to church. No, my Spirit bid you to come, it bid others to come, but you came and because you have come, says your Father God, truly my presence has filled this place. My presence has filled you, my anointing has filled you, the Holy Ghost has filled you, and yea, you shall see it even yet more so this night, sayeth your Father God. For as you rise into that new realm that I have just lifted you up into, your whole life, your whole walk shall change. Things round about you shall change, for your mouth shall be filled with my words, words filled with faith, words spoken out of a heart of faith bringing to pass those things that you send it forth to bring to pass. It is an awesome hour for you, it is an awesome hour for my church, it is that time that I have spoken to you about, it is that hour.

10-5-04 pm service

Let your eyes be upon the promises that I have given you. Do not allow the enemy to steal those promises, do not allow doubt or fear to enter in that would cause you to back off, but press in. For I desire that you walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you. I desire that you do not miss one single blessing, but that they overtake you, that they fill your life with joy, that they fill your life with happiness. So keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises, for many things are taking place, many things that you may not even understand yet. But keep your eyes upon me and walk with me, for I shall take you through this time victoriously and I shall fulfill my word to you. Therefore, look not upon the things that are facing you, the things that seem to be coming against you, but stand on my word, for my word shall give you the victory.

Remember the faithfulness of me upon those who have gone before you. If you think of Moses, if you think of Abraham, if you think of all the others, my servant’s who followed me, how I was faithful unto them and did what I said, so shall I be faithful unto you. For I have not changed nor will I change nor does my word change, and as I was then, so am I now, for truly I shall be faithful to you, but I say, continue to be faithful unto me. For when you are walking in my word, when you are doing the things that I have spoken unto you to do you shall walk in a great blessing that you have never known before. Therefore, I say unto you my children, continue to walk with me, continue to be faithful, continue to keep your eyes upon the goal, upon the prize that I have set before you. For therein my children shall be the rewards, therein shall the blessings flood into your life. Therefore, I say unto you, continue in me; continue in my word, continue to stand upon the promises that I have given unto you.

For as surely as the sun cometh up and goeth down, so shall my word go out and bring forth those things you send it to bring forth. It will not fail, if it fails, it is because you doubt it, you wavered, you did not stand on the word. Stand on the word, stand on the word and truly it shall bring to pass those things that you send it forth to do.

Put on your running shoes and prepare to run with me, for truly we are going to run, sayeth your Father God, we are going to move swiftly throughout the land. We are going to bring in revival from the north, the south, the east, the west; we are going to bring in those that shall come in. The last call, sayeth your Father God, has gone out, yea, the ears are open, the hearts are prepared, many multitudes shall come, yes, they shall come. Put on your running shoes, put on your running shoes, do not sit down and do nothing, do not wait for things to fall together, but move by faith. Act upon my word, do the things that I have told you to do. For as you act upon my word, as you put your faith into action, truly those things that I have said shall come to pass, but if you sit back and do nothing, sayeth your Father God, they shall pass you on by. Allow them not to pass you on by, but press into the fullness of the things that I have for you. For truly, truly this is your hour, this is your hour. Rise up, put on your running shoes, this is your hour.

For who is the fisherman that goes to fish that takes no bait, what does he catch? Who is the hunter that goes into the woods without even a gun, without a bow, what does he bring back? Be not a foolish servant, but arm yourself with the Holy Ghost, arm yourself with my word, go forth and become fishers of men. Go forth and bring in the harvest that is ripe and ready for harvest, go forth and do the things that I have told you to do. For I am with you, sayeth your Father God, how can you fail? I am with you, I go before you, I make a way where there is no way, I open doors that have been closed, I close doors that have stood open that have hindered you. But I have moved before you, sayeth your Father God, therefore, the road, the road is smooth, the way, the way is straight. Go forth and do the things that I have told you to do.

10-3-04 am service

Let your eyes be set upon me, let your thoughts be stayed upon my thoughts, for truly many things I am doing, many things I am saying and you need to be aware of these things. You need to be listening, that you can walk in the fullness of the promise that I have for you, that you may walk as the overcomer, that you may walk according to my word, know my word. For many do not know my word in this day that you are living in, for they have not been taught my word neither have they studied my word or read my word, therefore, they do not know the things that I, your Father God, have said. But I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your thoughts upon my thoughts, let your meditation be upon my word, that you may walk in the fullness of all that I have for you.

Is there anything that I would withhold from you? No. For truly my arms are open wide to give unto you everything that you have need of. Yet many times my children do not ask as my word has said. Therefore, I say unto you, if you lack anything ask of me and I shall give it unto you. For in this hour and in this day it is important that you follow my word and that you follow after my wisdom and knowledge. For as you follow after me you shall walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for you. This is a special time for my church, yet it is such a dangerous time for those in the world. But fear not, for you are not of the world, you are mine and my hand is upon you, therefore, I say unto you, know my word and walk in my word. Do not lack in anything, but I say unto you, receive the things that I have for you, for they are yours. Allow not the enemy to take that which I have given unto you, but I say, know my word and know what I have done for you and what I have given unto you. For you are blessed, you are the overcomer, you are the conqueror.

The seeker is the one that finds, he that knocks upon the door the door is open unto him, but the idle worker they are likened unto the lukewarm, for I have no desire in them. I have desire in those that walk with me, those that press into the fullness of what I have. Therefore, I say unto you, press into that fullness; press into the things that I have for you.

For there are yet seven days in a week and I moved mightily on your behalf every day filling it with blessing for you, for your family, for your life. For as you walk with me, I bless you, I go before you and make a way where there is no way. I give unto you understanding that you may understand the things that are coming to pass, of the things that shall be, that you can walk again in the victory that I have given to you. I walk before you in a great and a mighty way, therefore, fear not the things that are going on in the world, but put your trust in me, put your confidence in me, for I, your Father God, shall take you safely through.

10-3-04 pm service

For all of heaven stands before you, all of my strength, all of my power, all of my might. For I love you with an everlasting love and I have gone before you and made a way, no man can close the doors, no man can open other doors unto you. And those that I have opened, I have removed the mountains and the valleys and I have made it an express highway that you can move swiftly from here to there doing the things that I have called you to do. Yea and I shall bring forth the money, I shall bring forth the things that you have need of that you can walk in the fullness of my blessings, but you must walk with me, you must walk with me. Don’t drift to the right, don’t drift to the left, don’t run ahead, don’t lag behind, but walk with me, walk with me. For as you walk with me, then are you the overcomer.

There is no job too big or too small that I have not equipped you to do. For does not my word say that you can do all things through me? For I would never give unto you anything too hard to do, for I have equipped you for this hour and for this time. Even thought at times you look through your eyes and say Lord, how will I ever do that? But I have given unto you the ability, I have given unto you strength, and as you walk in my wisdom, as you walk in my knowledge you shall find great success because through me you can do all things, but without me you can do nothing. Therefore, I say unto you, know my word and truly follow after me. Walk in my ways, for I have made the way so clear before you that there is nothing that can stop you other than you yourself taking your eyes off of me. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, upon my word and upon the promises that I have given unto you. For truly I watch over my word to perform it and I am watching over my word that I have given unto you and you shall see the things that I have spoken unto you come to pass. Therefore, I say unto you, keep my word in front of you, walk in my way, walk in the path that I have provided for you to walk in. As you walk in my way you shall walk in success like that you have never seen before.

Never despise small beginnings. For a good gardener has to prepare the soil of the land, removing all the weeds, removing all the rocks, making sure that the ground is fertile, that it will produce the hundred fold, making sure that it has enough air, enough moisture, enough of everything that I have provided it for. And when these things are done, the harvest shall be great and you have been doing these things, therefore, I say unto you, the harvest shall be great, the harvest shall be great. So keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises, don’t let the devil talk you into receiving less, don’t let the devil put you under his pressure, under his control. Don’t let the devil make you a failure, for if you walk with me and listen to my words and do the things that I tell you, you cannot fail. You can only be the victor that I have said that you could be.

Mighty is the end-time harvest, three times greater than any harvest that you read about in my word. For my word has declared that unto you and the harvest is not those that are locked into the false, it is not those that are locked into dead churches. For there are many out there, sayeth your Father God, that have not bowed their knee in that sense, and the harvest, the harvest truly shall be them coming in from the highways and the byways and filling your place to overflowing that their is no room.

10-3-04 at the altar after the pm service

For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? What does it profit a man if he follows after the false and waits until he thinks in his heart it is time to turn back, for in that day it will be too late. Now is the hour, sayeth your Father God, now is the time to listen carefully to the things that I am telling you. Now is the time to ponder them, to meditate upon them, to search your heart, to search your life, that you put into order anything that may be out of order, that you have a knowledge and an understanding about the false, that you have a knowledge and an understanding about the antichrist, about the false prophet. For I have told you many things about these people and I have told you the things to look for that you may understand and see. For he is making big advancements even right now, sayeth your Father, and most of the time you can see him at least once a week on TV. But many do not watch the news, many do not read the newspapers, many do not listen to the radio concerning these things. You get off into areas, even areas that are Christian at times that do not tell you any of these things. They tell you the things that they want to tell you that prove their doctrine to be right. You need to know the whole story. You need to take the word that I give to you and search and see the fulfillment yourself, that deep in your heart you know that my word is true, that the prophetic word coming forth is true, that these things shall take place. For if you know not these things, then you will wait and you will wait and you will wait, and that waiting shall cause serious problems for you even disaster, even death. Therefore, I say unto you, listen to the things that I say, read my word and know my word, know what my word has to say about it. Stop allowing others to tell you what my word says, know my word yourself, because at times you will not have somebody around you to ask what that means, and by not knowing what it means, my word says you will be destroyed, destroyed because of lack of knowledge, you have no knowledge. It is not in man’s wisdom, it is not in book learning, it is not in education through the school system nor by education through college, it is through my word by the Holy Spirit. For as the Holy Spirit becomes your teacher and your guide, you will understand all things that pertain unto life and godliness, you will understand all things that shall come to pass, for it is clearly written in my word. Man likes to go to the left, man likes to go to the right, they like to lag behind, but as you read my word and see the things that I have said in my word, you know in your heart above and beyond any doubt that these are the things that God has said. This is what his word has said and they will not lead you to the right, they will not lead you to the left, you will not go astray, but you will stay right in the middle doing the things that I have told you, walking as the victor, walking as the overcomer, receiving all the promises that I have for you. Being blessed coming in and being blessed going out, being the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, for I did not just write that for people of the Old Testament, I wrote that for all of my people. Learn, learn what my word says, watch the words that come out of your mouth, for many of you speak a double word and a double-minded man is unstable in all of his ways, for you speak curses upon yourself, you speak curses upon other people. Learn my word and speak blessings upon them, speak blessings upon yourself, say what my word says and walk in the victory that you can only have by walking in my word. Know that these days shall be evil times. Hurricane season is not over, you shall still hear of tornadoes here and tornadoes there. You shall hear of floods and you shall see more snowstorms, even though it is very early in the season, sayeth your Father, you shall see these in different places. And yet at the same time you will see those places that are very hot for this time of year. You will see the drought as it continues to get worse and worse. You will see the lack of food, you will see the high prices of gas and high prices of oil, you shall see all these things, but I shall provide for you. I can keep your house warm, I can keep fuel in your car, in your truck, in whatever you drive, I can put food on your table, there is nothing that is impossible for me to do. Did I not feed the children of Israel for forty years? I not only fed them, I supplied them with water, their shoes did not wear out, their clothing did not wear out. I took well care of them. You have a better covenant now than they had. Therefore, I shall take care of you far better than that that you read about. So read my word carefully and see the things that I have said, understand them. Be not fearful of the new sicknesses, be not fearful of the pestilence, be not fearful of all the things that the devil shall do. For you are not of his household, you are of my household, and he cannot touch you, he cannot come against you unless you give him space to do that. If you give him no room, you walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Know my word for it is very important unto you to know that word, to walk in the fullness of that word. Be not fooled, if you know not my word, you have left not just a door open, but you have left the barn door open which is far bigger than a natural door. And great disaster shall come in because of the greatness of the door and you will be crying out to me, and it is not me, sayeth your Father God. For you have brought these things upon yourself, for you know not my word, you know not how to stand. I have tried to teach you how to stand, I will continue to teach you how to stand that you may be victorious in all that you do. But know my word, know my word, know that the times shall be sorrowful times. Know that there shall be darkness on the face of the earth, know that there shall be troubles all around you, know that there shall be wars and rumors of wars. For I have said these things shall come and you shall see them, for they surely shall come to pass. Now listen carefully to the things that I have to say to you.

For the days ahead are dark days and the enemy shall rise to power, for it is that time. The lukewarm church tries to pray it away and hides its face from the truth. Oh, they see the storms, the drought, the floods, even the snowstorms already, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, and hurricane season is not over yet, and they say, it is just one of those things. The global warming is growing far faster than man has said. Icebergs are melting faster raising the level of the sea, and the sand holds it back for a little while yet and then it shall overtake the land by the seashores and man cannot stop it. Small islands shall be swallowed up by the sea with everything on them. Flash floods destroying cities. Shortages in food, meat, oil, coal and many other things that man has need of. The lease on earth is running out and man is trying to hold on to it and it cannot be done. Mouths speak great boasts against Russia and North Korea. Oh, how foolish is man who thinks he has wisdom and knowledge to run the earth without my help. The minds of those in the false are being more closed with each passing day. The false churches building multimillion-dollar buildings they shall never fill or pay for. Oh, the foolishness of man. Men pastoring, evangelizing, teaching and predicting things to come who are not even called of me. Churches who deny the Holy Ghost room to move or the gifts of the Spirit to speak or act. How foolish this is, for they follow the antichrist and do not even know it. For I sent the Holy Ghost to this church age, and it is his hour, and without him you deny the very power of God. Oh, the great darkness of this hour to those who are not walking with me. Oh, the sickness, pains, fear, troubles, shortcomings that shall fill their lives in the world. Israel wanted a king like the world and I gave them one who was spiritless and walked not after me, but sold out his heritage for power. You have chosen your leaders, kings, queens, presidents, etc., and have not asked me, and look where the world is today. How could a man or a woman live in sin or ok sin and say they are of me? Not so, for their hearts are far from me and their ways are not of me. My ways are not man’s ways. The religious TV, movies, music and dancing are far from my ways and is not of me. I look down even as I did from the mountain with Moses and see their dance; their music, their sins and I shall soon pour out my wrath on those who walk in these ways. I was not with the false priests in Elijah’s day and he called for them to choose which god they would follow, me or the false gods. They were defeated in one giant move and yet many still follow after them. So is it in this day, man follows man and exalt one and another and says look at them, my word says, follow me. For the war is not over in Iraq nor is the Middle East at peace. All over the world man sees wars and hears rumors of wars, yet they cannot see my handwriting on the wall or believe what I am saying. They will, for they shall fall to such troubles they will have to come to my true house to receive of me. Oh, the foolishness of man, they need to move from the hurricane torn land, from the drought stricken land, from the hot places that shall grow hotter and hotter. Why do they wait? Because they do not believe me and many will not until great disaster comes into their lives and destroys those close around them and homes and bank accounts and their jobs leaving to move to where the water is and where the heat is not. Oh, the foolishness of man, why does he have to learn the hard way when he could walk in the victory and receive the blessings I have for them? I have extended my mercy and yet they go their own way and do their own things. They stay in the false churches even though I have told them what they will look like and what they do not have. No Holy Ghost anointing or moving with signs and wonders. They have man and great wisdom tickling their ears, oh, how sad. Paul said he came in the demonstration of the Holy Ghost not is man’s wisdom. But you say Lord, they have a big church because you have blessed them and their people. No, sayeth the Lord, not so! Not all big churches are of me. The devil will allow great growth as long as a lie is being preached, as he already has those people. Yet the same devil will fight the true churches tooth and nail. He knows that those true churches will raise hell with him and his works and set the captives free. Wake up and hear what the Spirit is saying to my church. Hear me, sayeth the Lord God, the days are short and there is much work to be done. Come to my house and put forth the work that I have called you to do, for there is no reward working in the false church, only hell to those who do not come out of them. Come to me and allow me to bless you and make you the overcomer. Come to me and walk in victory. Hear the Spirit calling you out of the false and into the true. Hear what my prophets have said to you and be quick to obey. For you shall see more darkness now and the antichrist rising higher and higher. He shall lord over you and take all you have and give you death. I come to give you life and that more abundantly. Come to me, come I say, come to me.


9-29-04 pm service

Let your hearts be filled with the power of my word. Let my creative ability dwell within your mouth, that as you speak forth my words, great things take place. Let your eyes be upon me and upon my word and upon my promises, fear not those things that come upon the face of the earth, for they are not for my children neither shall it come nigh your dwelling, but rather yet walk very closely to me. Hear my voice, know my voice, understand the things that I say unto you that you may walk in the victory that I have for you, and truly that victory is a great victory, a powerful victory. For you are the overcomers, the head and not the tail and I, your Father God, have gone before you already and made a way where there was no way, a smooth way that everything that you can do can be even much quicker than it was before. Therefore, walk very close to me; walk very close to me, for my word shall be fulfilled.

9-26-04 am service

Many of my people walk around downtrodden and sad, but that is because they do not realize the authority and strength that they walk in when they walk in my name. Be like the individual who knows what my word says, who knows the authority they are walking in when they walk in the name of Jesus. Be that accomplisher, for those people accomplish great things and will continue to do so in these last days. I say unto you, be like that individual, know my word, know my strength, know the authority that you walk in. Do not lay down and be conquered, but I say stand up, stand tall, stand in my strength, stand in my power, stand in my authority and accomplish all that I have told you that you will. For it shall be so my children.

For the freshness of my anointing shall fill you to overflowing, it shall empower you that you may do the work that I have called you to. For the harvest fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers, the laborers are few. Many sit by the harvest field and do nothing. They boast in themselves, they boast in my word, but they labor not in the harvest field. Therefore, I have poured out a new anointing upon you, a new love, a new compassion that your desire shall be to labor in that harvest field, to bring in that harvest that is ripe for harvest, to bring in the souls that shall come into my kingdom. For truly it is that time, sayeth your Father God, therefore, they need to come in. But how shall they come in unless someone tells them? Be not fearful, but open your mouth, for I shall fill it and I shall place my words within your mouth, yea and the harvest shall come in.

Do not be fearful or frightened of the days that you are living in, for I have equipped you for this time and this hour. You are my servants and I have given unto you everything that you have need of to truly walk as I have said you shall walk. Therefore, do not allow the enemy to bring fear unto you, for I have chosen you. It is I, Almighty God, that have called you for this time, this purpose, this hour. For truly I have given unto you everything that you have need of. Continue to walk in my word like never before, hear my voice, know what I have said, for truly my children, I have equipped you for this time and this hour. Therefore, allow not the enemy to tell you otherwise, but I say unto you, oh, open your mouth that I can fill it, that I can flow through you, that others can be touched and that others can come into my kingdom, for I have given unto you the ability. Therefore, I say unto you, allow me to flow through you. Be that open vessel at all times that I can share through, oh yes, I can give unto you the things to share with others that it will turn even the coldest heart unto me. Therefore, I say, draw close to me like never before, be my hands, be my mouthpiece, be my feet and do what I have called you to do for this hour and this time.

Meditate upon the things that I have already spoken unto you. Meditate upon them and check to see if you are following after those things and doing those things that I have called you to do. If you lack in any area be quick to be obedient to walk the path that I have instructed you to walk. For I have made you the overcomer, I have made you above and not beneath. Continue to press in, continue to know what my instruction is unto you. Know what my plan is for your life. Follow after those things, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open and upon the way that I show you. For I say to you, there lies victory.

For if there is a can on a very high shelf you cannot reach that can by reaching for the lowest shelf. Therefore, I say unto you, reach higher for the things that I have for you.

9-26-04 pm service

For truly it is my desire that my river flows from you on a regular basis, on a constant basis every single day like the floods that you see in the world. That is my desire that, oh, you allow that river of my Spirit to flood through your soul like never before. That you are so filled with my word, that you are so filled with my Spirit, that when the enemy comes throwing any obstacle in your direction, you laugh at him as if it is nothing. It is the hour my children when you need to be filled with my Spirit like never before. For the things of the world are only going to get darker and darker, that as you continue to be in my word, oh, my light shall shine through you even brighter. And as you allow my Spirit to flow through you without measure mighty are the things that I shall do through you. For truly this is a great time for my church, it is a special hour; an hour that has been set aside for them. Oh, for yes, my church shall walk in victory, they shall be the overcomers, they shall be the conquerors, they shall rise up to new heights and new realms like never before. Oh, for I am bringing you into those new heights and those new realms and you shall walk in the power, you shall walk in the ability, you shall walk in the authority that I have given unto you. And when the enemy comes near you, you shall laugh at him and he shall quickly flee, for you shall know my word and you shall stand upon my word, and yes, you shall walk in the victory that I have given unto you. Oh, I say unto you, allow my Spirit to flood through you like never before. For when my Spirit comes and when you allow it to flow through you it brings peace, it brings joy, it brings love, it brings contentment, it brings satisfaction, it brings everything that you have need of. Therefore, I say unto you, let my Spirit flow through you like never before in this hour and this time, that truly my children, you can flow in every area that I desire for you to flow in. For truly it is an awesome time for my church and I am moving in a mighty way. Allow my Spirit to flow through you like never before. Allow my Spirit to fill the void in the empty places in your life and allow me to do a great work, the work I desire to do in you.

For I have prepared a very special ending for my church, an ending when all the glory and all the honor, all the supernatural ability and power, all the might and all the strength shall be combined within my church. That when there is a need, the people will know that if they go to my house, there I will meet with them, there I will heal them, there I will deliver them, there I will perform a miracle on their behalf and I shall move mightily, mightily to bring things into being in their life that they have cried out to me for. For it is that time and it is that hour that I can bless my people coming in, that I can bless my people going out, that they shall be the head and not the tail, they shall be above and not beneath. They shall walk in the victory that I have given unto them and they shall know their rights as heirs to the throne of Almighty God and the devil shall not have victory in their life nor shall he hinder them. For they shall have an open knowledge of my word, a revelation knowledge of my word, that they can function in my word, calling those things that be not as if they were and they shall be. For I, your Father God, have laid my promises upon you and I shall, yes, I shall, I shall fulfill them.

Look not through your eyes, for often you look even as the world looks, but look through your eyes of faith, look through my eyes. For as you look through my eyes, as you look through your eyes of faith, then all things, all things become possible.

For a pebble, a little pebble, does not seem like much, but in the hands of a child of God it can slay the giants, it can remove the wall, it can bring forth the victory that you have need of. You have more than a pebble, for you have my word and my word is the rock upon which you stand.

For I have seen your faithfulness and how you have given unto me and have done things that I have told you to do even though it has not seemed to be easy. For even when I spoke unto you and told you to take your shoes off and to leave them at the door, even though for many this was a hard thing to do, I have seen your faithfulness. And from this night on I shall no longer require that of you, but it shall be that which is personal. If you desire to continue to do so, you can do so, but I have seen your faithfulness and I have seen how even you have followed me and have done the things that I have spoken unto you in obedience and I shall reward that greatly. For you know not the things that have taken place because of that obedience and because of you following my directions. Continue to do what I have said, continue to listen unto me, even though at times my children, I may speak unto you and the things that I say may sound foolish or may even seem hard. But continue to be obedient and to do those things, for you shall find that your reward shall be great.

For in these last days obedience is the key, obedience. At times it shall be hard because you do not understand what you are doing or why I have asked. But if you can be faithful in this one little thing, as you were, then you shall be faithful in the greater things. And greater shall the reward be because of your obedience. Continue, therefore, to walk in obedience.

When you continue to do the things that I have asked, you shall be blessed over and above what you even think. For obedience is the key, the reward is great, but for them that do not, it is destruction.

For these end-times are a very dangerous time and that is why it is of so much importance that the devil does not have an open door to get in and destroy you, because in these end-times it is very bad.

9-26-04 at the altar after the pm service

For great wisdom shall be poured out to you, great revelation knowledge as you read my word and feed upon my word. Not upon the things that man has said, but my word, that you gain an understanding from the very beginning to the end, that you allow the Holy Spirit to be your teacher and your guide. Do not say I know that. Allow the Holy Spirit to give you revelation, to give you understanding, to enlighten you, that you may walk in the fullness of the things that I have for you. For when I speak to you and as you listen and as you follow those things that I say, your spiritman grows greatly. You become more aware of the voice of the Holy Ghost, you become more aware of my voice, you become more aware of the voice of my Son, for we are one and yet we each have a ministry that we have done or are doing. It is the hour of the Holy Ghost, that hour will not be complete until the church goes out of here and the Holy Ghost goes with them, then that hour shall be complete. Therefore, keep yourself open to the leading and the guiding of the Spirit. For in these days that you are living in now, you need to be more aware of everything that goes on. You need to seek my advice before you take trips even more so now than ever before in the past. For I know what is in store for that area, I know what is in store for the areas that you shall pass through. I know what is in store for the airplane, for the bus, for the train, for the ship, I know these things and they are at your fingertips. For as you open your mouth and call out to me, I said I will show you, I will give you the wisdom, I will give you the knowledge, I will tell you. And as you follow the things that I tell you, you will walk in victory as never before. Truly the mountains will be removed before you, the valleys shall be filled before you and the highway shall become a superhighway that you can travel on very fast and fulfill the things that I have given unto you to do. You could not do this on a back road; you could not do this if the traffic was so great that you were stalled in traffic. Therefore, I have made a way for you in the spirit realm that you can move forward much faster than at any time before, that you can gain more wisdom than at any time before. This is not for the false church, this is not for the world, this is for my church. For they will have need to come to you to get answers, for they will not have the answers, not even the antichrist will have the answers, they will have to come to you. He will give answers, answers that will tickle their ears, but bring no lasting results. They will have to come to you. Do you hear me? They will have to come to you. Therefore, you must be ready yourselves to open your mouth and allow the Holy Spirit to give them their answer. They do not need to know what you think in your mind, even though it might be my word, even though it might be great wisdom, they need to know what the Holy Spirit has for them. For as they listen to the Holy Spirit it will open doors before them, it will set the captives free, it will do a mighty work wherever they return to. Oh, what an hour, what a great hour you are living in. Yes, you shall see troubles on the right-hand, you shall see troubles on the left-hand, you shall see troubles before you, you shall see troubles behind you, but they will not come nigh your dwelling. For it is an hour when the world shall see great calamities. It is an hour when they shall see violence like they have never seen before. It is an hour when the terrorists shall get far bolder than they are now, for you have so many open borders here, so many ways in and out, it is impossible here, even like it is in other areas, to stop it. Only I can stop it, only I can keep you safe, only I can protect you and cause you to be victorious. Therefore, you need to know and walk in my wisdom; you need to allow me to carry you through this time in great safety, in great victory. For the wealth shall pour in to you, but again you need the wisdom and knowledge from me and what to do with it, for it is mine, sayeth your Father God. I shall bless you, I shall take care of you and I shall lead you in a great victorious walk. The hurricanes, tornadoes, the straight winds, the volcanoes, the things that shall take place in the world shall not cause you problems. Problems may be all around you and you may hear them on TV and you may see them, and yet to you, they will not cause you problems personally. For I have gone before you and I have made a way where there is no way. The drought shall get worse and worse and worse, but yet I have placed you where there is water. Do not believe the lies that man says about your water, your water is safe. I have protected that water, not man, for man could not protect it, for they do not know how. But I have protected it, I have placed you here where it is that I can bless you and bless those that listen to my word, those that come, those that do the things that I have told them to do, they shall have plenty, they shall have plenty. But those of the world shall be affected, even in this area; those of the world shall be affected, but not you. So fear not the things that you hear, do not be fearful of the sicknesses, of the things that are taking place, for I have told you that they shall come. But they are not for you either, for no sickness, disease or pestilence shall come nigh your dwelling, I have give you my word, I have given you my promises. And these things shall come to pass, so walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for you. Don’t let your heart be filled with concern or fear of the things that shall take place, but let your heart be filled with trust in me, trust in my ability, trust in my power. For you shall go through this time as if nothing was happening. Now listen carefully for I have many things yet to say. Let your ears to open, let them not be weary tonight, but hear carefully what the Spirit has to say to the world. Hear carefully what the Spirit has to say to the church, for you are part of the church. So hear what the Spirit has to say.

For the Spirit of the Lord would say to you, I desire my people to come to the fullness of my word and my walk. A transition is taking place in the midst of adverse conditions. Many feel as though things have become repetitious in their lives, their churches and their ministries. It is not as you supposed, sayeth the Lord, for I am teaching you how to be constant and consistent. You do not live by feelings, but by faith, faith in my word, not those who follow after the false and separate not themselves from the false, but only those who walk according to my word, for I have given them unto you according to Ephesians. My relationship with you is that you would be separated from the world and devoted completely to me. Yet as I look upon the churches there is a spirit of presumption that must be taken out. For many expect me to be on time and in their time, yet they themselves are not nor are they in my time nor totally devoted to me. To be devoted to me is to be prepared for me, to fulfill my word as recorded, to quickly obey my commands and follow after me. My houses are filled with idle chatter of the day’s events instead of a place of reverence and prayer. They do not wait at the altar and meet with me. They are in a rush to go here and go there. They spend less than twelve hours a week waiting on me and my house. I want a covenant relationship, not a casual one. If you truly want to experience the fullness of what I have called your life to be, then you must return to the roots of my covenant according to the New Testament also that of the Old as recorded in Exodus 19:6, And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shall speak unto the children of Israel, spiritual Israel, Father forgive us for not preparing ourselves to be in your presence. I am not sending the hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, droughts or things like this. They come because I have said these things shall come in the last days more than any other time. I do not pour my wrath out on my people, when I begin to bring judgement, and I will, my church will be gone. I have told you where not to live, where the water shall be and where the drought shall not come, I have told you where the jobs left shall move to. I have told you these things and many more things and yet you do your own thing, then you blame me for your sorrows and loss. It is your disobedience, your stubbornness; it is your lack of understanding, following the false and not me. You fill a swamp, and then when the rains come and the floods; you wonder why disasters also come. Did I tell you to fill in the swamps and build there? Oh, the troubles yet to come, they shall make this year look calm and the disasters small. Please hear me and follow after what I have said. In the Old Testament Israel always got into trouble by not following. Many times they followed their false priests and prophets and ended in trouble. They refused to listen to my true prophets and follow them. The priests went to the true prophets to hear what I was really saying, not the rulers, kings or false priests. Oh, wake up and walk in the victory I have for you. Your worldly music gets worse and worse and more demons are entering into my lukewarm people because of it. It is an hour that my true church shall return to holiness in the leaders. The fivefold ministry shall walk hand in hand with me. Today they look for leaders who are with excellent words, polished grammar and great worldly wisdom. They go to the churches who have this and yet see no miracles, no healing, no casting out of demons. Paul reminded us, under the anointing of the Holy Ghost, that when he came to the people he came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom declaring unto you the testimony of God. His preaching was not with enticing words, of man’s wisdom, but he came in the power of the Holy Ghost to demonstrate the power of God. Today, men with great excellence, charisma, those preachers, evangelists, teachers, pastors, they are dead, dried up and with no power or anointing. And yet many would love to go and hear them, as they can boast that is my pastor. Oh, how sad the church has become. The antichrist shall come that way and many shall follow him because of his words, not the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost. Return to the roots of the covenant and walk in the power of my covenant. Cover yourself with a new covering of the blood of my son Jesus Christ and walk in holiness. Know the shortness of the hour, know the ways of the antichrist and follow not after him or his ways. Come out from among them and clean yourself and come to my house that I might feed you, clothe you, provide for you and you shall walk after me all the days of your life.

9-22-04 pm service

It is time to eliminate lack, it is time to eliminate doubt, it is time to eliminate fear in your life. I say it is time to terminate the enemy. Do not allow him to raise havoc in your mind, surrender unto me, keep yourself open unto me, unto my word, unto my direction. Eliminate those things that cause you stress, those things that cause you doubt, those things that cause you to look away from the promises that I have spoken unto you. It is time to start fresh, it is time to put all of those things behind you, it is time to walk in the authority, the power and the blessings that I have for you my children. It is that time, that time that I have called you for, for the time is very short now, and it is time to be obedient, quickly to obey those things that I speak unto you, but there is plenty of time for me to fulfill those promises. So do as I say, eliminate those doubts, terminate the enemy once and for all, put him under your feet, for I have given you authority over him. Take that authority, take it now and walk in that victory.

For all the promises are yes and so be it, for I go before you, yea, and I prepare a way, and as you find those ways and walk in them, then you walk in the victory that I have for you. For I lay a course before you, so let your eyes be upon that course that I have laid before you. For as you walk in that course, you will find less problems, you will find greater victories, you will find that overcoming life, that life of great joy, that life of great peace, that life of miracles, that life of healing, that life that I have promised to you, that life that I have already given unto you. Therefore, look for that path and walk upon that path, for truly it leads to victory.

9-19-04 am service

It is an awesome time for my church, an awesome time and a great time for my people. I say it is a time of great achievement for those who follow after me, for those who keep their eyes and ears upon the things that I direct them to see and to hear, who take heed and are obedient to the direction that I send them in. It is a time of great accomplishment, but woe I say unto the church who listens not to me but claims to be mine. I say that those churches that are filled with people for the wrong reasons, those people that come not to have a closer relationship with me, but as a sense of duty or to see who is there, it is not a social event, woe unto those. But I say for my true church it is an awesome time, for I have a new anointing that shall flow, I am birthing upon them at this very moment. I say it is an awesome time, enter in, know my word, know my voice and follow after it.

For those who are mine shall have their praises flooding from their mouth and my word shall be within their heart, and because it is within their heart, it shall be flowing from their mouth. And they shall be speaking forth what I have told them that is theirs and they shall be walking in the victory that I have already given unto them. Allow not the enemy to come in and steal the things that I have given unto you, but I say unto you, know my word, know the promises I have given unto you, know what my word says concerning each and every single need that you have. Speak forth my word and watch as I, Almighty God, turn those things around to line up to my word even as I have promised. Therefore, I say unto you, know my children how important it is to truly speak forth my word and to know, to know above and beyond without any doubt that which I have spoken unto you shall come to pass, shall take place. Stand upon the promises that are yours and watch the fulfillment of those things come to pass. For truly it is that hour and it is that time, and oh, the greatness of the things that are in store for my church, for those who truly know my word, stand upon my word, they shall receive what I have in store for them for this hour and this time. Allow not the enemy to cause your vision to be clouded, but I say unto you, keep your eyes upon the goal and the vision that I have placed in front of you and run like never before. Run with my word and see and watch the things that I, Almighty God, shall do.

For my word goes out and never returns void, I say you have seen many obstacles that I have already removed from your path. Continue to press in, continue to be obedient to those things that I speak unto you and you shall see many more removed. For I say I am doing a mighty work on your behalf, a mighty work, I have already gone before you and I have prepared the way. Know this and walk in confidence that I have gone before you. Walk in that confidence that you will receive that victory, for know, know, know that I, your Father God, will never leave nor forsake you and when you come to meet with me, I hear your cries, I hear your pleas and I do a mighty work on your behalf. Know that I have gone before, know it in your heart, know it in your mind and speak forth my promises. Speak forth those words that I have given unto you with great boldness. Know that I have prepared that way, know it in your heart. Oh, I say unto you, it is important my children, for what comes from your mouth comes to pass. Be careful of the words that you speak, allow them to line up with my word, know that they must. Know that you must have that confidence, know that you must be serving me and I shall fulfill every single promise I have made unto you.

Let your eyes be set as if in concrete. Let them not look to the right nor to the left. Be not concerned about those things that are behind you. For it is the vision for you to go forth, says your Father God, it is the hour to come to the top, it is the hour to be all that I have said that you are. Fear not the things round about you, neither be concerned over the things that man says shall come to pass. For man is not the head neither shall his things come to pass, but speak forth my word. For my word shall go forth and do all that it is sent forth to do. It shall bring in those things that be not as if they were, it shall change the circumstances. Man at times will not listen, neither will they take heed to the things that you say and yet they shall see those words fulfilled. They shall see you as you rise to the top and they cannot stop you. They shall see you as the anointing falls in a mighty way. Miracles, signs, wonders they shall see it. They cannot stop it nor can they contain it within themselves, for it is not for them, sayeth your Father God. For they know me not neither do they know my word, neither do they stand upon my word, neither do they speak my word. For it comes out of the head and not out of the heart, but not so with you, sayeth your Father God. For you have planted my word deep within your heart and when the mouth opens, yea, the heart speaketh and when it speaketh my words, my words come to pass. They do not go out and return void even though at times it seems like it is a slack season or a slow season, in perfect time, in due time, they shall come to pass, and I say unto you, it is due time, it is perfect time. Therefore, fear not the things that you hear round about you, fear not what takes place in the world, but let your eyes be set in concrete upon that which I have spoken unto you. For that which I have spoken unto you shall come to pass.

For if you would draw a line and put a dot in the center, in the middle of that line, you would find that there would be nothing to the north of you, nothing to the south of you, nothing to the east of you, nothing to the west of you, for I have called you sayeth your Father God.

9-19-04 pm service

Is there anything that is impossible for me to do? Does my word ever go out and return void? If I have spoken my word shall it not come to pass? Then put your full trust, your full trust, your full faith in me. For I have given unto you many promises and I shall go before you and I shall fulfill every single one of them. If they are not fulfilled then you have laid them down, pick them back up, pick them back up. Let your heart be filled with my word, that when you open your mouth my word shall come out of your mouth, that you may speak forth those things that I have said, not the things that you say, but the things that I have said. For I desire for you to be victorious, I desire for you to be the overcomers, I desire for you to flow in all the fullness of my power, my ability, my might, my strength. I desire that you go forth and do the things that I have called you to do. For it is that hour, for when you lag, then you use up time that is very valuable, you use up time that you should be using for my glory. Therefore, I say unto you, rise up, rise up, go forth and do the things that I have called you to do.

For truly you are the giants that I said that you are, yet many times you look at yourself as something much smaller, but I have equipped you for this time and this hour. Listen not to the lies of the enemy that he would place within your thoughts and in your mind, but I say unto you, be reminded of my word and what I have said, that truly you are the conqueror, that you are the overcomer. For I am in you and that means I have given you everything that you have need of, all you have to do is draw upon my wisdom and upon my knowledge that is already within you, for I have already given it unto you. Oh, I say unto you my children, look unto me like never before, allow not the enemy to cause you to look down upon yourself, for I have called you the overcomer. I have made you into the giant that you are, I have equipped you for this time and this hour and truly mighty are the things that I shall do. Therefore, look not to the things around you, but I say unto you, look unto me, look what I have spoken, look what I have said, for that is who you are.

You are safe with me, you are safe walking in my word, you are safe standing on my promises, you are safe. Therefore, fear not the enemy nor his lies for he cannot fulfill one single lie that he speaks to you. Trust me, trust me.

Keep your heart open, let your minds be at peace, let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart. Let my words come unto you that you may know and understand the things that I have for you at this moment, at this time, that you can move into that direction and see the fulfillment and see the answers that I have for you. That you be not troubled on the right nor on the left nor does the enemy seem to overtake you from behind, for I have put a wall of protection round about you, yea, and I give unto you my word this night, sayeth your Father God. And as you apply that word you shall walk in that victory that I have for you.

9-19-04 at the altar after the pm service

For my church has already taken one giant step, one giant step much higher than they where before. For the anointing that has been flowing and is being poured upon them has caused them to take a giant step even though they may not realize it yet. For many of those in my church, not the false, their minds are cluttered with so much junk that it is hard for them to fix upon my word, to get it into their heart that it comes out of their mouth. Therefore, many times they are like the beggar that sits on the street with a little tin cup when he could be a millionaire. Many times they are like the person that is walking when they could be riding. They have not realized yet the things that I have done in their lives. And suddenly they shall open their mouth and they shall speak because it shall be the Holy Ghost that speaks through them and they shall see things before their very eyes that shall shock them. And they will even cover their mouth and say, did I say that, wow, it is taking place. That should tell them something, that they are walking in doubt, and they are not walking in faith as they say they are walking in, but they are just coasting along. But the coasting days are over, there is no such thing as coasting now, sayeth your Father. Even though the way has been made straight, even though the mountains have been brought down, even though the valleys have been filled up, there is no coasting. For you shall go forth in my strength and my power and my might and you shall do the things that I have called you to do. For as you begin to see and understand what I have done in your life, you will hang your head and cry and say, Lord forgive me, for I surely was not standing in faith just like you said. Oh, I spoke the words, but I never walked the walk. I knew the talk, but not the walk and now I know the walk. Miracles, signs and wonders shall fill your life, but not for your glory, but for my glory, that you can bring them into my house that I can give unto them the things that they have need of. That they my go forth into the world and touch other lives, go into other kingdoms, go into other nations, go into other cities and other towns and into other villages and bring forth miracles, signs and wonders. For the harvest is underway and you are the laborers and you have been called, others shall join you, yea, and they shall make the work very light and very easy and those that join you shall be the cream of the crop. Their knees have not bowed, they have been looking, they have been searching, they want to serve me with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their mind. And as they see you leading the way they will quickly come, join hands with you and you will see a miracle. The things of the world shall not change like some say. For I say unto you, hurricane season is not over, it is not over, tornado season is not over, the floods, the earthquakes, the volcanoes, the avalanches, and sometimes you look just for snow avalanches, and yet there was an avalanche in a place that was very warm and the avalanche was due to the great flooding and the rain down pouring upon it. Oh, I tell you many things are taking place right now, and if you had excitement, you would be searching for them, even as some do, and hurrying to report to them what you have found making the task for them even much easier. More things are going to take place much faster now than ever before. The drought, even though areas are getting rain and flooding, will be far worse than it has been and the rain and the flooding will not help, for the ground did not drink it in, for it is the ground that needs to drink it in. Earthquakes, tidal waves, typhoons, cyclones, words that you will hear more and more and more, new sicknesses, sicknesses on the rampage, many dying because of sicknesses, but it shall not be in your dwelling nor shall it be in your house. For if you walk with me, none of these things shall come nigh unto you. For even as the angel of death passed over the land of Egypt, no one under the covering of the blood was touched. You sing that song, I will pass over you, yes, the enemy has to pass over you, he cannot come against you like he has, if you realize that, he cannot camp on your property, he cannot be a poacher anymore. You need to rise up in the fullness of my strength, in the fullness of my power, in the fullness of my ability and arm yourself with the word. But don’t be foolish, don’t be like the man that thought he knew the word and he went and spoke to the demons and the demons whipped him. Some only have the word in their head and not their heart and they shall be whipped if they do not get it in their heart. For the word must come out of your heart, for my Bible says, out of the mouth the abundance, the abundance, the abundance of the heart speaketh. Do you have abundance of my word in your heart? Could I call upon you this very night to give wisdom, to give knowledge, to give the word of wisdom, to give the word of knowledge to someone that had just come in the door? Could you open your mouth and allow my words to flow out? Or would it be the words of man, would it be the wisdom of man, would it be the knowledge of man, would it be some TV commercial, some music you have listened to that is not even of me? Where would it be, what would it be, how would it affect them? Let my words be in your heart, let my words be in your mouth, become to be my mouthpiece that miracles, sign and wonders can take place and they shall. For in this hour my church shall be the most powerful church that the world has ever seen. The words of my son Jesus shall be fulfilled, greater things than these shall you do, yes, you shall do them, for they were prophesied by him and it is now the hour to see that come to pass in all of its fullness. Those in the false church and those that are not sitting under anointing like this, the demons from the Euphrates River and from the Tigris River, the shaking of Iraq has turned them loose upon the church, upon the weak church, upon the feeble church, upon the church that does not know my word, it has filled them, it has filled them. Not a safe place for you to go unless I speak to you to go, not a place for anyone that you know, anyone that you love to go to, for it is a great snare, a great trap. Oh, the things that are taking place now, things that you do not totally understand yet. But I shall give you the wisdom, I shall give you the knowledge, I shall give you the insight that you can understand these things, that you can truly be ministers unto those that come unto you, for it is that hour and it is that time. Now listen carefully to what the Spirit has to say to the church that you may know, that you may understand. Listen; listen, for if you listen and do what it says, if you listen and are obedient you shall have life. If you listen and are not obedient, only death and destruction stand before you. Choose this day and listen carefully to what I have to say.

For the word of the Lord would come unto you and warn you of the evil being made ready in the false church concerning the true church. Even as they build to the northeast of you, it is a false worship center that lies in what they really believe. And they will, like many others, join hands to worship a false god who is the antichrist and his false religious system, who will embrace all religions in a one-world order. They are so filled with the false they cannot see the truth, which is not offered. Even though it sounds like my word, if you search it carefully you will find it false. It leads them into darkness and enslaves them in the traps set by Satan. The money they shall have, the money they have shall begin to dry up like a desert in Arizona in a drought. On the outside they look good and the pride of the people who go to the false believe they are serving me, but have chosen the easy way which leads to hell. They have no ears to hear or eyes to see, they follow blind leaders, leading the blind. Do not attend any of these services; warn your friends and loved ones with a clear bold warning. For the poison of the demons who were released from the bottomless pit by the river Euphrates by the foolishness of greedy men who thought they could control that area is now affecting the false church far worse than the false moves of Canada or Florida. They tickle the ears of believers and preach their second chances and eternal security without following my word. They build for themselves big buildings, which cost millions, and yet they have little money to send to the missionaries. Oh, how foolish it is for man to build his own kingdom and yet not receive my word to build. Oh, how foolish they have become. Sickness, demons, divisions, murmuring, fighting’s shall fill their worship centers until the iron hand of the antichrist rules with great authority and fear. Demands shall be made and everyone shall be expected to follow these rules without excuse. The world shall follow the false church and that ruleship shall rule the religious false church in the last days. Their music shall become more rock, rap and hip-hop and their youth and young people more wild than has ever been seen in your days. More sex, gay rights and perversion only produced from the pit of hell. Oh, the birth pains of the false church. Warn them as I have said. Hurricane season is not over neither are the tornadoes, the floods, the drought. Snow storms so early it causes alarms in many places. Lack of water causing plants to move north as I have said. Earthquakes, straight winds, tidal waves far higher than Ivan produced. Every storm known to man shall now be seen here and there only in a greater measure than ever before. That is the hour at hand. My church, however, shall walk in victory and these things shall not come nigh their dwellings. The sicknesses shall not come to them, the lacks shall not come unto them, the shortages shall not come unto them, they shall have plenty and not lack. They shall walk in the light and be the light to the world. Miracles shall take place in their services; healings shall be there for all who come. Deliverance shall be there for all who ask. Wisdom and knowledge shall be there for those who ask. My two prophets shall be there for my people. It is that hour and you shall see it as it starts slowly, but grows and grows. I have been faithful to warn my church, even as I did Israel in the Old Testament. Those who listened and obeyed walked in divine victory and were the overcomers. But those who listened and did nothing were those upon whom it fell. Choose this day who you will follow and whose words you will listen to. Be not foolish in your choosing, choose wisely, choose life and live victorious and walk with me, for I am coming soon.

9-15-04 pm service

For it is the hour and this is the time that I have anointed you, that I have given unto you the things that you have need of to truly walk in the victory that is already yours. Do not try in your own strength or your own ability, for you shall fail, but I say unto you, lean on my strength, draw from my ability, draw from my wisdom and my knowledge. For I have given it unto you freely that truly you can walk, yes, that you can walk in the fullness of what I have in store for you in this hour and in this time. Do not allow the enemy to come in and to steal away from you that which I have already given unto you. It is an hour my children where my church shall be blessed and you are my church, therefore, you shall be blessed. Know my word and walk according to my word, walk according to my ways, do not do your own thing and go your own way, for therein lies destruction, but follow me and my paths, for therein lies great success and victory like you have never seen or never known. Oh, my children, follow me like never before and truly rise up in the power and the might and ability that I have given unto you and put the enemy underneath your feet once and for all and walk in the victory I have already given unto you.

Let your eyes be upon me, upon my word, upon my promises, upon the things that I have shared with you that you may have an understanding of the things that are taking place throughout all the world, not just in some places. That you may realize and understand that this is the very last days and many things shall continue to come to pass. You cannot pray them away, you cannot turn them away, for they are recorded in my word and they shall come to pass, but keep your eyes upon me and upon my promises. For you are not of this world, you are of my family, and therefore, I shall go before you and I shall make a way where there is no way. I shall open doors where they are closed and I shall bless you coming in and I shall bless you going out, I shall cause you to rise to the top that many shall look upon you and come and receive of me. For they shall see me as I operate through you and they shall see my glory and they shall understand it and they shall come unto me. Therefore, just press in, just press in, don’t believe the circumstances. When the circumstances tell you that you are going under, you can’t go under, you are of my household, I refuse to allow you to go under and I will bless you and cause you to rise to the top. Therefore, keep your eyes upon me and upon my word and upon my promises, for they shall surely come to pass.

Look carefully at the things that I have said to you, for as you look carefully at the things that I have said, you shall see the way out of every circumstance that you are in and you shall walk in the victory that I have given to you.

9-12-04 am service

It is time for you to walk forward in that victory that I have promised you. For I say to you, it is a time to know my word, it is a time to stand upon my word; it is a time to stand upon the promises that I have made to each one of you. For have not I told you that times would arise when there would be situations and circumstances that would allow the devil to enter in and cause you to doubt your authority that you walk in. I say, put those aside, it is time my children to be that victor that I have called you to be. Stand upon my word, speak my word to those situations and know that I have gone before you, I have prepared the way. I have called you for this time, I have called you for this hour, I have called you to be the overcomer. Walk in that strength that I have given unto you, walk in my authority and receive that victory.

For even though the days are growing darker in the world, my light is shining even brighter, even brighter and great are the things that are in store for those who walk with me. For those who know my word, for those who walk in my word, those who listen to my voice and follow my ways, they shall walk in the fullness of all that I have in store for this time and this hour. Oh, the enemy he is a deceiver, but those who refuse to listen to him shall truly walk in the victory that I have given unto them in this hour and in this time. For truly I have said my church shall be victorious and they shall walk in victory, they shall be that overcomer, they shall be more than a conqueror because I have made them so. Oh, my children, it is an hour where you need to know my word like never before, that you just not know my word, but that it is within your heart, that it is burning like a fire that shall never go out. Oh, my children, what an hour this is, an hour of greatness for you and yet an hour of seriousness to truly draw nigh unto me and to know me, to know my voice. For the darkness in the world is only going to continue to get greater, but my light shall only get greater and greater and greater because greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world.

It is a new day, it is a day to empty yourself out of those things of the world, those things that inhibit your mind and your heart, I say, it is a time to empty yourself of those things and allow my Spirit to fill you to overflowing. Allow my Spirit to remove the scorn from your life, allow my Spirit to remove that downtrodden feeling, but I say, it is a time to allow my Spirit to fill you. To put a smile on your face and know that you are walking in my authority, know that you are walking in my plan and know that my plan for you is victory. Empty yourself of those things that belong to the world, do not allow them to reenter, but keep yourself filled with my Spirit and my word and know that you walk with me.

For truly it is the day to press forward into the victory that your Father God has for you. For have I not said, yes, even this morning that the enemy is a deceiver. For truly he would throw a roadblock in your pathway and say it is a dead end street, but I tell you, he is a liar, he is a deceiver, he is only throwing up a false sign. It is not a dead end street, but press forward, break through the barriers that the enemy would place within your life and see the total victory that I have for you. I say, press through those barriers, break through those barriers, go past those signs that the enemy says are a dead end and find the victory that lies just beyond. As you pass the barriers you shall no longer ever want to go back to where you lived before. For never again will you see a barrier that will stop you. For you will see only the victory that lies just ahead.

9-12-04 pm service

I set before you a path that is straight, I set before you a path that is smooth, I filled the holes, yea, I have lowered the mountains that you can move very swiftly and fulfill all the things that I have told you to do. Therefore, be not fearful nor allow worry to come in or the things of the world, allow them not to pressure you, for you are not of this world, you are mine. I shall go before you and make ways where there are no ways, I shall move mightily on your behalf that the wealth of the heathen shall flow into you that you may go forth and do all the things that I have told you to do. Yea, and it shall be an easy road, sayeth your Father God, for I have gone before you, yea, and I have made that road easy.

For the time is now, yes, the time it is now for my promises to be fulfilled unto you. It is no longer time to stand back and wait, but it is time to see them come to the fulfillment. For my call has surely gone out and those who are going to flow with me shall get on my glory train, the train that is filled with the Holy Ghost and they shall ride a ride that they have never rode before in their life. And my Spirit shall empower them like they have never seen before, and oh, the mighty things that I shall do. For miracles, signs and wonders shall follow after my children, those who believe even as my word has declared it unto them. It is a time, oh, a glorious time for my church, for I have said that I have prepared you for this time and this hour and you shall see as the people flood in here to receive of me. Oh, for I say unto you my children, it is time now, it is time now, it is time now, for that call has gone forth, and those who are going to join with me, those who are going to receive of me, they are going to come aboard that glory train. And they are going to ride, oh, they are going to ride a ride that they have never rode before, and oh, the Holy Ghost shall fill them to overflowing.

All aboard, all aboard, my train is about to move, all aboard, all aboard.

For it only takes a tiny spark, a spark like the lightning bug and then the breeze of the Holy Ghost blowing upon it and revival is in full force. Prepare your hearts now, for the Holy Ghost is blowing.

The modern day locomotive gives forth not sparks nor does it say choo-choo-choo, it is like the false church of today, but the old locomotive, the steam locomotive, not only did it say choo- choo-choo, but the sparks poured out of its smokestack, it poured out. And wherever tender, tender, tender leaves were a fire broke forth, it is like the old gospel, the gospel that is coming forth with truth and power today. For truly as those sparks go up, the Holy Ghost does fan them and revival fires are breaking out and you shall see it, you shall know it and you shall walk in the midst of it.

9-12-04 at the altar after the pm service

This is a new time, a new time in history, a new time for you, a new time for the world. A time similar to the time that Israel had when Moses led them out into the wilderness and on into the Promised Land. It is a time similar to that, in that you have never been there before, my church has never been there before. Therefore, be careful that you are not like some of the children of Israel who continued to murmur even though I fed them, even though I protected them, even though I gave them shelter by day and shelter by night, even though I went before them and showed them the way, be not like them. For many things are going to change all-over the world, but remember you are not of this world, you are of my kingdom, you are my ambassadors. And because you are mine, I provide for you, I care for you, I strengthen you, I empower you, I give unto you wisdom and knowledge. And I tell you the things that are ahead, the things that are coming that you may walk in the fullness of the victory that I have for you. That there is no doubt, that there is no fear, that there is no wonderment, you understand the things that I have said and the things that I am doing. For as you walk with me, I will make ways that you have never walked in before. I will show you things coming to pass before they ever take place even as I am showing you even now and I shall make it very clear to you. Do not question those things in a spirit of unbelief, you can ask of me and I shall give unto you wisdom, I shall give unto you knowledge, but do not be a doubter. For the time that you have now entered into is not a time to walk around in doubt, it is not a time to walk around in unbelief; it is not a time to walk around in darkness. For you are not of the darkness, you are of the light and I have given you the light, I have made sure from the beginning of time that you had this light to walk in, for I said in the very beginning, let there be light and there was. Walk in that light, for that is the spiritual light, spiritual understanding, spiritual wisdom, spiritual knowledge. You shall walk in the fullness of my power and my authority, nothing by any means shall hurt you, neither shall it harm you, if you believe my word, if you put your total trust in me. It is a time of new beginnings in a sense. It is a time of preparing yourself for the catching away of the bride. It is a time of walking in holiness like you have never walked before. It is a time when your mind shall be enlightened with my word and you shall understand my word, not only in your spiritman and not only in your heart, but as you read it, it shall come to life unto you. That you can see clearly, if you are putting your trust and your confidence in me and in the Holy Spirit who is your teacher and your guide, for he shall lead you into all truth. Some of the truth may be things that you have never accepted yet. Don’t reject them. If you have questions, ask me and I will show you, for I need you to be on top of everything. For the world is going to come unto you now, they are going to bring their sick, they are going to bring their dying, they are going to bring those that need miracles, they are going to bring those that need wisdom and knowledge. They are going to bring those that need a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom, who need discerning of spirits that you can set them free and help them. And I do not need your mind in operation during that time, I need you. Those who will open their mouth and speak forth the things that I give unto them, those that have matured, those that are walking with me and trusting me. For the world shall get darker and darker and darker regardless of the election, regardless of what they do, regardless of the wisdom and knowledge of Satan, the antichrist, it shall continue to grow darker and darker. They will make it sound better, and to those that are being fooled, it shall look like it is better, but it is not. And you shall see some changes that you never believed would take place, but they shall, for it is that time and it is that hour. It is a terrible time for the false church; it is a terrible time for those of the world that know me not. It is a terrible time that they are entering into, but I am here to meet their needs, I am here to help them, I am here to deliver them, I am here to set them free, I am here to heal their bodies. For I have not closed the door on them yet, for the door is still open and they can come in and sup with me and I will sup with them. They can come in and have their names written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life, they can come in and repent of their wickedness, their evilness, of following the devil instead of following me and I will restore them, but they must do it my way and not their way. It cannot be man’s way, for man’s way is ready to fail now and it shall fail. For it never has worked and it never will work. The lease on earth is running out, that is why you are seeing many of the things that you are seeing. The things that you are seeing now shall grow even worse next year. The hot places will be hotter thus causing greater hurricanes because the water will be hotter. The tornadoes will be greater. Many of the things that I have talked to you about shall increase in a great, great way, the world shall feel it, the world shall see it. Therefore, walk very closely to me, listen very carefully as I give unto you instructions, as I tell you about the things that shall come now, the things that you are going to see. For we are talking future right now, but we are not talking past the year 2005 yet. For you shall see these things all come to pass. And I shall continue to tell you the things that shall yet come that you are always ahead, that you are always prepared, that you always know, that it is not a shock to you. It is not my wrath being poured out, for if my wrath was poured out; you would not be here, for I will not pour my wrath upon you. So you shall be gone before that time, but you shall not be gone in the time span that man has set, for I have said you shall go at the last trumpet, and at the last trumpet you shall go. You will not go before that time, I will not take out my church before that time. So if any come unto you saying, that the church has gone and you are still here, the church has not gone anyplace. Are you walking in sin? Heaven forbid. Be wise, be wise, know the tricks of the devil, know the things that he has done in the past, for they shall be the same thing that he does now and in the future. For he has no new tricks, he only uses the old, he has no power, he has no authority, he has no ability, only that which is given unto him. Therefore, fear him not, nor fear not his program, but know what I have said unto you. Listen, listen and know.

It is a new hour for my church, a powerful hour like never seen. My mighty warriors shall stand with power, wisdom, knowledge and the anointing to do all I command them to do. They shall be more mighty than David’s mighty men, they shall flow in the supernatural with a triple anointing not seen on earth before, for I have saved the best for last. They shall be glorious without spot or wrinkle and the fullness of my anointing and power shall flow through them and they shall heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead and flow in the miracle creative ministry. It shall be the hour of all hours for the earth. Souls shall flow into the kingdom, kings, queens, rulers of those in high places shall come to see their glory and all that is happening. They shall come for wisdom, knowledge, the prophetic word spoken over them and direction from me. It is the most perfect hour for my church in all history; there shall not be another hour like this on earth. They shall have an understanding of my word like none have had, for they shall flow in divine revelation and the Book shall be opened unto them. Oh, the glory of this hour it has been foretold before the foundation of the world, it was recorded in my Book called the Old and New Testament. It is not something new, for it has been there all along. It is not something out of the false numbering system that man has written up for great gains and to promote man and the computer, the false beast, nor has it come from the TV ministries big or small. It was in the original plans from before the foundation of the world and spoken from the mouth’s of my two prophets ordained for this time and this hour. Hear what the Spirit has said and weep oh ye that follow after the false church whose leader is Satan and yet they know it not. They say they hear and know my voice and yet they go the way of the antichrist and change my word to tickle the ears of the foolish and unlearned or unskillful in my Book. For this group there is nothing but sorrow, pain and suffering and sicknesses and now a great loss of money. The wars shall become even greater than now. The terrorists shall become stronger and stronger. The earthquakes larger and larger. The hurricanes far larger in size and strength. For as those hot places continue to grow hotter, so shall the waters surrounding them. Tidal waves much larger. Tornadoes much larger and stronger. Icebergs melting far faster causing the sea shore to be eaten up by the sea. Jobs that have gone overseas going belly up because there is no or little money to buy. The cashless system quickly installed to make it look better. The antichrist to come forth with wisdom, answers and a peace plan that he himself breaks in the middle of the last seven years as my Book records. Strong winds so powerful they do the damage of a hurricane or tornadoes. Avalanches far greater. Floods more dangerous and bigger than before. Florida never to be the same as more storms and floods and tidal waves shall come and the weather shall get hotter and the animals shall become a great threat to men, women and children. Those who have gone there to make money off the poor they shall lose all that they have. Other areas shall be hit so hard by the drought they shall dry up and people will leave. Drought far greater and wider than it is now. The election cannot stop this nor can man. It is the hour spoken of in my Book just before the last seven years. I will not pour out my wrath on my people, but many are not my people. They confess me with their mouths, but their mouths are far from me. They do not listen to my words or change from their wicked ways or from following the antichrist system. I have spoken to them over and over, but they go their own ways and listen to lies of those who say, it shall be well, that we have a second chance, oh, how foolish. My true church shall see more miracles, healings and signs and wonders in less time than ever seen before. The Northland shall now see the revival I have promised in my word and unto them. It shall be from the hub of that wheel that my power shall flow out and my people shall flood there to receive what I have for them. You will not find it in the false church or oversea, or in the Southland, or the Westland, nor the Far East, it shall be from the Father’s house out of the center of the northern state and all shall come there to receive what I have for them. Search my prophetic words found on this site and see where that is and come my children, come and receive what I have for you. Come those who have been called to be workers here and submit yourselves under me and my servants set to do this work. You have time to come. Wake up those in the false and come, hear what the Spirit has to say to the church and come. For the Lord has spoken through his prophets, through his word, and now yes, and now yes, it shall come to pass.

9-8-04 pm service

Let not your thoughts be upon the things and the cares of the world. Let not the worldly pressures come upon you, but rather yet walk with me. Keep your eyes upon me, walk very closely by my side, allow not the enemy to come in, in any area. Walk in the positives of my word; let your light so shine that others see it. Be humble, allow not pride to come in, but walk closely with me. For many great things shall come to pass now, many great things, not for the world, but for my church. For ye shall walk, oh yes, you shall walk even as my son Jesus walked while he was on the face of the earth. Miracles, signs and wonders shall follow you every where that you shall go and people shall come to be in your presence and sit under your anointing and receive of me, to receive the words that I have for them, to receive the miracles, the signs, the wonders. And you shall flow in the supernatural just as if it was a normal natural life, for I have equipped you already, I have prepared you already. So don’t allow the things of the world to trouble you in that sense. Don’t worry what man will think or what man will say, for only those that are not mine will come against you, those that are mine will not come against you. For their spiritual eyes are open, yea, and they know the things that are going on and they shall support you, they shall become your brothers and your sisters. They shall become your strength, they shall become your help, for they shall be with you as one and you shall do great, great, great and mighty things. So walk closely by my side, for I have given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness that you can walk in the fullness of this time. So don’t think that you can’t do it, don’t put one another down, who are you to judge my servants, allow me to do the work in their lives and truly, truly it shall be an awesome time my children, an awesome time.

For truly in this day and in this hour I am breathing life into my church and that valley of dry bones called my church shall rise up in a newness of life and power, strength and anointing. I say again, I am breathing life into my people, those who have become my true army and they shall walk in the fullness of that anointing. For I did not say, I will, I said I am, I am breathing new life into my church, receive, receive that life. Let the breath of my Spirit fill your being and be that powerful person I have called you to be. Powerful not because you are mighty, but powerful because I am in you working mightily through you.

9-5-04 am service

Let your eyes be upon the goal, for there are many things that would distract you, there are many things that would draw you away. But press toward that mark, run after it even as you would run after a prize, for truly you are gifted when you run after those things, for I bless you. I bless you coming in and I bless you going out, I cause you to rise to the top, I cause you to be all that I desire for you to be. So go after that goal that I have for you, press into the fullness of the things that I have said, be all that I have promised you can be. For truly you can be that, you can walk in the fullness of all that I have. Press in; do not allow other things to draw you away. Let your mind be stayed upon me and not upon the circumstances around you or the circumstances of the world, but let your mind be stayed upon me, let your eyes be upon my word, let your walk be by my side.

9-5-04 pm service

For it is an hour of great expectation, far greater than you realize, for this is my hour for you. Oh yes, this is the hour when I, your Father God, shall pour upon you blessing after blessing after blessing. I shall cause you to rise to heights that you have never known before. I shall touch your bodies and bring healing to every area of your body that you may walk in that divine health that you believe in, that you confess with your mouth and I shall give unto you the promises, yes, all the promises that I have promised you. For it is that hour and that time, sayeth your Father God, for the windows of heaven are open even this moment and I am pouring out upon you even now this night, sayeth your Father God, a new anointing, a new filling, that you may rise up to be the giants that I have called you to be. That you may rise up into the fullness of the stature that I have given unto you. For you are new creations, you are my children, you are joint heirs, yea and all the heirship is now coming upon you in a great and a mighty way, for it is that time and that hour. That the world may look and see and they will want to come, sayeth your Father God, they will want to come to receive the things that you have. For they shall hear about you, you shall be noised abroad in the things that you shall do and they will desire to come, they will desire to come, that they may receive the things that you have. This is the night, sayeth your Father God, the night that I have set aside for you, and I, your Father God, shall meet you in a mighty way.

For it is not by might nor by power, but it is by my Spirit and my Spirit shall flow in this day and this hour like never seen before. Even as it was my Spirit that flowed through the disciples and caused them to walk as they walked, so shall it flow through you even as it flowed through my Son. And you shall walk with that power, you shall walk with that authority, but it shall be through my Spirit. For my Spirit within you shall continue to grow greater and greater and stronger and stronger. As you meditate upon my word, as you spend time with me, you shall see an increase in growth. For my Spirit is flowing without measure, and as you sit underneath my anointing, your spirit gets recharged, it gets filled to overflowing and it gives you the power and it gives you the energy to do the things that I have called you for this hour. For it is an awesome hour my children, it is an awesome time for my church, they shall be victorious in everything that they do. And my Spirit shall move in their midst without measure and mighty are the miracles, signs and wonders that shall take place. For it is that hour and it is that time that I have spoken unto you about in my word and it shall be so. Therefore, I say unto you, continue to meditate upon my word, continue to feast upon my word, do not leave hungry, but I say unto you, leave filled to overflowing.

For this is a special time, sayeth your Father, a time between you and me, and those that were not here, when they look upon you and see you, yea, they shall see and understand and know that, wow, something has taken place. Even as it was when Moses came down from the mountain those that were below saw the glory of God.

For many times my people go around the mountain, they go around the mountain, they go around the mountain, they go around the mountain and yet they never find the way to remove the mountain. That should not be so, sayeth your Father God, for they walk in the vanity of their own mind. For if they looked to me and to my word they would find out how to remove that mountain that it would no longer be there, they would find out how to walk in total victory, how to be the overcomers. Yea, and in these days and these hours now, sayeth your Father God, it shall be so with you, for I shall open your understanding, I shall illuminate your mind in such a way that the words shall jump off the pages and leap into your heart and come out of your mouth. You shall speak forth my word with great authority; you shall go forth to do the things that I have told you that you can do. You will not doubt in your mind, for as you speak my word such confidence shall rise up within you that you will not be fearful of tackling anything that the enemy might send before you, nor will you be fearful of tackling his kingdom and setting the sick free, causing the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, even raising the dead. For you will not be bringing glory unto yourself, but you will be bringing it unto me, and I, your Father God, shall bless you, oh yes, I shall bless you. You shall be endued with power such as you have never had before, for it is that hour and it is that time.

Empty out your mind this night, sayeth your Father God, put away your foolish thoughts, stop trying to figure out the things that I am doing. Empty out your mind, open your mouth, let me speak through you, let my utterance come forth that others may be blessed, that others may hear what I am doing this night, sayeth your Father God. Empty out your mind, open your mouth, open your mouth, allow my Spirit to flow.

My ways are not your ways, my ways are above your ways, allow my Spirit to move mightily, sayeth your Father.

Take the lock off your tongue that you have placed there yourself, empty out your mind I said, open your mouth and speak.

How can I bless you, how can I use you when you continually rely upon your mind to tell you what to say. Did I say rely upon your mind? Did I not say unto you, open your mouth and allow the Spirit to speak? For if you think it is not me, sayeth your Father, open your mouth.

For truly the wind of my Spirit is blowing, not as a soft gentle breeze, but as a full force wind in all its fury and truly it shall fill, it shall fill, it shall fill those who are hungering and thirsting after me. I say again, it shall not blow as a gentle breeze, it shall blow in full force and others shall know it has blown. Oh yes, and as my Spirit blows it shall blow down the walls, it shall blow down the walls of religion that have tried to stop my move. It shall blow them down; it shall blown down the barriers, everything that the enemy has tried to raise up to stop my powerful move. The wind of my Spirit shall blow it down; nothing shall stop the wind of my Spirit in its full fury.

9-5-04 at the altar after the pm service

With the changes that are going on in the world right now, changes that you are not even aware of, changes that you have not read about yet, but you will read about them, I am bringing you to a new height that you may be able to minister to people as they come. For you shall hear many things beginning to come to pass now. Russia will not stand still for the things that are going on there, and you will see that iron fist of hers clamp down one more time, even more so than you saw this past week. The European Common Market is making some big, big thrusts forward, for they are concerned about what Russia is doing now and because of the talks here, many times of our attacks upon our friends the French, a wedge has been driven very deep there. And you will see them as they begin to support The European Common Market even more so. You will continue to see war go on, it is not ready to stop nor will it stop. For you cannot take thousands of years of customs, traditions, beliefs and roll them into religion that you are trying to force down upon them. For it is by my Spirit, it is not by might; it is not by power. So when man tries to use power, that is the antichrist system, it is not my system. For I can move with just but words and change things, for I set the whole universe in place by words. I can move in my might and I can move in my power, but I have chosen to work through you. I have called you, I have set you aside, and many times you wonder, boy, it seems like we are getting fewer Lord. But when you compare the Special Forces, even in your military to the regular forces, the Special Forces are very small in comparison. I have chosen you; I know what you are going to do, for the work of Gideon shall be small in comparison. You shall be a mouthpiece even as Elijah and Elisha were and you have already been that. And others shall recognize the prophetic voice and they will see the things that have already come to pass and the things that shall continue to come to pass, for you see the things that are ahead as the Spirit speaks through you and shows you those things that shall come to pass. You shall begin to feel the effect of the high cost in food and also in fuel oil. You will begin to feel the effect of those that are caught in the drought, your heart shall be touched by those and you will begin to hear from other places overseas that are going through the same things. The earthquakes, the floods, even here last week, floods in South Carolina, floods in North Carolina, I told you there would be floods and you saw the floods. And now with the other hurricane you will see more floods, more deaths, sad to say. More hurricanes to come and the tornado season is not over, the heat wave is not over. Many things stand before you, and as I tell you week by week the things that shall come to pass now, you will begin to see most of them fulfilled within that week. Names and places shall now come and even clearer, not for your glory, but that the world may see and understand and know that truly there are prophets in the land and God is speaking to the prophets. The world needs to hear and listen. Many great disasters shall take place, a train wreck, very large, an airplane going down again, not into a building, disaster ahead. The sicknesses that shall come because of the drought, because of the rain in other places where the mosquitoes have multiplied, literally multiplied. Oh, the troubles that lie ahead for the world, but not for my church, for you are my family. I have already provided for you, I have already made a way for you; I have already built a hedge round about you to protect you, to watch over you, to care for you. I put within you my wisdom and my knowledge, even this night in the things that I did, I prepared you to have a word, a word in season, a word out of season. Words at times you do not even know or understand and yet you will speak the correct word, for it shall be the Spirit speaking through you ministering to those in need. And the sick shall come and the lame shall come and the deaf shall come and the blind shall come, dignitaries from all over shall come. They will say let’s go up to the house of God and see what is going on, for we have heard the great things that take place there. Let us go and get counsel, let us go and get wisdom, let us go and get knowledge, let us go and get the Spirit like they have, that we may be used by God like they are being used, for it is that time and it is that hour. Yea, I know at times you wondered when and the barrel looked very dry, but it never ran dry and now it shall be filled to overflowing. Now you shall see things, things that you have longed to see, things that you desire to see, things that I have promised you, for it is that hour and it is that time. I shall bless your hands in everything that you touch and you shall prosper and have the finances that you have need of that my work can go forth. I will bless you coming in and I will bless you going out, I will make you the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, for my word has declared that, for you are the seed of Abraham, you are chosen, you are called. Therefore, begin to prepare your lives now to carry out my work, even more than you ever have had to in the past. And I will remove the debt off those that are so deep in debt they do not know which way to turn, for they have been faithful in the little things and I will bless them in the larger things. And I will give unto them wisdom and knowledge that they will not find themselves back in that same place again, but that they will prosper, that when there is a need, they will be able to open their pocketbook and give. Give and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. For I did not call you to fail, nor did I call you to allow the enemy to walk all over you. No, you are to tread upon him. My son Jesus is the head, you are the body and the body has the feet and the feet need to crush the enemy under your feet, crush the enemy under your feet. Now listen and ponder the things that I have yet to say, for you will understand more things as you listen. For the Spirit shall tell you many things now.

Oh, the trouble the earth has now, because man has sold her out, just as they have sold themselves out. For they have sold their inheritance for money, fame and glory, this last only like that of a falling star shooting across the sky. Not so with my true church, for it is a star that shines night after night after night. Hurricane season is not over and neither is tornado season. Floods shall come, fires fanned by the winds, droughts, hot weather, melting of the icebergs, cyclones, typhoons, straight winds, is just the beginning of the sorrows that await those following the false church and their leaders. For they go the way of Satan and his plan. Oh, that man would only listen to my prophets and not go their own way, the way of superstar ministries, for I have nothing to do with them. This coming week you shall see much disaster. Food costs will continue to go up, sicknesses not known to man shall arise, a great lack of many things shall cause an outcry from the people, times of great trouble, but there is a worse time yet to come. Many records are being set and shall continue to be set, as man cannot understand the strange change in the weather systems. Oh, that they would listen and look and see the time, that they would come into my true churches and turn from their childish ways, for they follow the devil and his plan and know it not. Oh, how hard of a time it shall be for those who are not filled with my Spirit according to my word. For they shall only build dead works and end up closing the doors and sell for five cents on the dollar. They will not be able to fight the devil nor become the overcomers they could be if they would only receive the power that comes when they are baptized in the Holy Ghost. Wake up church, for the days are shorter than you would think, it is past time to come out from the false and yet the door stands open for you to repent and come to me and follow me. Watch the next two weeks and listen. Oh, the troubles for this earth. Can you not hear and see what I have said? Then come into the safety of my fold and follow not after your own ways and call them mine. Watch, read and you shall see, for I have spoken it through my prophets and it shall come to pass. Are you counting the days like I told you? Have you not already seen some changes all over? Then come to my true church and work faithfully there as I have said. My people shall be blessed like no one has ever seen before and they shall not lack in any areas. But the false church and those who follow after Satan and his plan shall see much disaster on both hands.

9-1-04 pm service

Let your walk be close to me, walk very, very closely by my side. For there are many things taking place in the world, things that you need not fear, things that shall come, but as you walk with me I shall take you through this time in great victory. Yea, there shall be great changes, and as you accept those changes and walk in the fullness of the things that I have, my blessings shall be poured out upon you, great blessings, great blessings. Yea, and you shall mature, you shall be filled with my Spirit, my power shall flow through you, yea, and it shall touch others. And truly you shall see those miracles, you shall see those signs, you shall see those wonders that I have spoken to you about. Therefore, walk close by my side, listen to the directions that I now give to you, don’t meditate upon the things of the past, but listen carefully, listen carefully and walk close by my side. For truly you are the overcomers.

Have your heart open before me, for when I speak unto you, you know my voice and you quickly do the things that I have spoken unto you. Allow not the things of the past to bring troubles unto you, but I say unto you, look ahead for the things that I have in store for you. Look to what I am doing now and what I shall do, for I have great and mighty things in store for you my children. Therefore, I say unto you, keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon the promises I have given unto you, the visions and the goals that I have placed in front of you. Allow not the enemy to steal them away from you, but I say unto you, keep your focus upon my word, upon me, upon what I have said shall take place. For it is a glorious hour for my church, but it is also an hour where they need to hear, where they need to listen. For they need to have a keen ear and a spirit that is aware, that when I speak unto them, they hear my voice and do what I have spoken unto them to do.

Let not the days ahead bring trouble to your heart. Let not the days ahead cause you to get uptight, to cause you to lose yourself, to lose your patience, to become angry or frustrated. Allow not the days ahead to bother you, for you are mine, sayeth your Father God, yea, and I shall take you through these times victoriously. Therefore, there is no reason, no, none whatsoever to get upset, to be troubled, to be down, to be discouraged. Look ahead at the promises that I have given unto you, keep your eyes upon them, watch the fulfillment of them. For truly they shall come to pass.

8-29-04 am service

It is time for my people to walk in love.  I say, as a parent wants nothing but the best for their children, it is so with me also.  I say it is time for you to walk in my love, to walk in the provisions that I have made for you.  It is also a time for you to walk in Christ like love with those round about you.  For I say, it is a time of need for many people and it is a time for my people to show their love unto those who need that.  I say it is a time of great joy for those who enter in and receive what I have for them.  It is a time of great joy for those who give to those who are in need, for I say, the least you do unto my brother, you do unto me.  And I say, it is a time of great sorrow in the world, a time of lack for many people, for those that enter into you for help, do not walk away, do not turn your back on them.  But I say unto you, walk with them, show them my ways, show them my love, bring them into the kingdom.  For I say, great, great, great is the reward for those who diligently walk after the things that I speak unto them.  It is a time to take close heed to those things that I speak unto you.  Hear my word, know my word and walk forward in it.

I ask you this day, is your heart open, is your heart open to receive the love from me?  Is your heart open to give unto others that love that I speak to you?  I say it is time my child, it is time to walk forward in that love.  Do not allow pride to enter in, do not be disdainful to those who have less than you, but I say it is a time of sharing.  It is a time of sharing my word, it is a time of sharing my love and it is a time of sharing those things that individuals have need of.  Be obedient.   

It is time to listen far closer than you have listened before.  It is time to become obedient in all the things that I speak unto you.  It is very important for you to walk according to my wisdom, to walk according to my counsel, to hear my voice and know my voice and follow not after another's voice, but to know me, to know me, to walk in the fullness of the things that I have said unto you.  Listen carefully and pay attention, for the days are becoming very dark, you do not walk in darkness, you walk in the light.  For I am the light upon the path that you trod, I am your teacher, I am your guide, I lead you, I direct you, I order your steps, therefore, walk according to the things that I say.  For as the days become more evil it will be far more important to you to know what I have said and to be doing what I have said.  For if you do not know these things or if you are slack in doing the things that I have said, you may find yourself caught in the traps of the enemy, traps that may not release you.  Traps of destruction, traps of pain, traps of want, traps of hurt.  For I have not given these things unto you, my gifts are perfect and they come down from heaven to you that you may walk in the fullness of the blessings that I have for you.  But you can no longer continue to walk your own way and do your own things and say I am following you Lord, for I say unto you, you are not following me, you are not following me, for my path is straight, it is not crooked.  Therefore, listen, pay attention, know the things that I have spoken unto you, be diligent, be diligent, for it is a matter of life and death.  Walk; walk according to my counsel.

8-29-04 pm service

For the plans that I have for you are far greater than you can believe for, they are far greater than you can expect, they are far greater than anything that you have planned.  For my plans for you are supernatural, they were birthed in the heaven by me for this hour, for this time, for you, for this place.  The promises that I have for you shall be fulfilled, yea, and you shall walk in the fullness of all the things that I have for you and you shall walk in my strength, you shall walk in my ability.  I will fill your heart with my words, if you will allow me to, that when you open your mouth my words come forth.  For my words produce, my words are faith, my words remove the mountains, my word brings those things that be not into the realm that you live in that they become so.  That you walk in the fullness of those pleasures that I have for you.  Therefore, prepare your hearts, make yourself ready for the things that I have for you.  Get into my word, get into my word, hear my voice, listen carefully, follow those things that I say unto you. 

For it is the hour to walk in total victory, but that total victory comes from being in my word and having my word so saturated within you that everything you do is my word flowing through you.  The words that you speak are not words of doubt, they are not words of unbelief, but they are words of faith spoken right from my word.  It is that hour where my church shall walk in great victory, but it shall be because my word shall be in their mouths.  It shall be because the faith that I have given unto shall rise up like never before and that trust shall be in me as never before.  And they shall walk, oh; they shall walk in the faith that I have given unto them. And oh, the greatness of the things that shall take place as they live in my word, as they speak forth my word, as they do the things that I have told them to do.  Great and mighty are the things that shall take place because of their obedience, because of their walking in my word, because of them listening to my voice and doing what I have told them to do.  Oh, it is a great hour my children, it is time and truly I am fulfilling my word unto you.  Therefore, keep your eyes upon me like never before, get into my word as I have said, oh, for it is so important that my word flows out from you in everything that you do.  That there is no negative talk whatsoever at all that comes out of your mouth, but only that which is positive, that which is my word.  For therein my children shall you walk in the victory that I have given unto you for this hour and this time.

Again I say unto you, let your mind be renewed by my word.  Empty out your fleshly thoughts, empty out your wisdom and your knowledge.  For those empty thoughts, that wisdom that you have, that knowledge that you have will not produce for you the things that I have for you.  Therefore, renew your mind with my word, allow my word to get into your heart, then when you open your mouth you shall call those things that be not as if they were and they shall come to pass.

8-29-2004  After Service

For truly there are some great changes that are going to take place, they’re already taking place.  And I am bringing you from one degree of Glory to a much higher degree of glory.  From one degree of anointing to a much, much higher degree of anointing.  For as you press into me as you seek my face, I shall fill you like you’ve never been filled before.  Because you are living in the time right now when there shall be combat, much combat.  For the world shall be darker and darker and darker and the false church shall continue to go her way into the fullness of her head which is Satan and be anointed by him with an evil anointing that shall come up and rise up and fight and war against the true church.  But they’ll have no power over you, they’ll have nothing if you’re filling yourself with my word, if you’re allowing the spirit to fill you to overflowing, if your doing the things that I have told you to do, you need not fear any of these things for they shall fear you.  For you shall be an obstacle to them that they cannot remove.  You shall be a threat to them and their kingdom that they cannot stop.  For you shall tread upon them and show forth your light and be the light of the world and multitudes, multitudes, multitudes shall come into the kingdom of God because of what you are doing.  Miracles, signs, and wonders shall fill this place like you’ve never seen in your life; and that stack of wheel chairs, crutches, braces, blind man’s Cain shall grow so fast that you shall stand in amazement at how high it is and you’ll have to stop throwing things on that or you’ll take up too much room.  And yet, as they drive by it, they shall know that surely God is moving in a powerful way there, in a way that they have never seen.  Now the world, all they have to look forward to, and all the false church has to look forward to, is terrible times.  Tornado season is not over.   You shall hear, yes, even next week you shall hear of the tornados.  Hurricane season is not over and those hurricanes that are forming right now out in the ocean shall do great damage.  The icebergs shall continue to melt.  The forest fires shall continue and be fanned by the wind and the drought shall cause them to be even greater than in times past.  And because much, much of the guards, and those that fight these things are overseas, they’ll have less help to battle those fires to put them out.  For you are not in a good time, saith your Father God, no, no, no.  And don’t get your hopes up on the election because those that have their hopes up on that, are looking to man and not to me.  And don’t be fooled by those who say, “Judgment will never come to America,” for they don’t know my word.  For I said, every, every nation shall be judged.  Is America a nation?  Then it shall be judged. Are they going my way?  No, their leaders have turned them from my ways and they debate over abortion, they debate over gay rights.  Your for fathers would turn over in their grave if they could and say, “What is this? This is not what we spoke about, this is not the freedom that we gave.”  Oh the changes the changes, that this country has made that have not been towards me, but they have been towards the anti-christ and his system.  They’ve been toward the European common market, and the Babylonian system, they have not been towards mine.  For those in power desire to hang on to their power, more power and cause things to go the way that they want them to go.  That they can stuff money in their pockets.  I’ve got news for them, the wealth of the heathen belongs to my church and I’m bringing it in even now.  I’m drying up the source of money for the false.  I’m drying up the things that they did before.  They shall be like the drought that has taken over much of the mid-west and down into the west.  Great dust storms, great straight winds, typhoons oh, cyclones.  Even the eruption of some mountains now with the volcanoes and the avalanches, they were small last year compared to what you shall see this year.  And the drought is small this year compared to what it shall be next year. The loss of crops that have caused the famine that you haven’t seen yet but you shall see it.   It’ll affect the prices and the prices shall go up and up and up.  And if you have another year like this year and you shall, because it shall be worse in many areas.  You could pay ten dollars for a tomato.  You say, “For a tomato Lord?” Yes.  But I shall bless you and I shall bless my church.  I shall open ways for you to find all the things that you have need of and it shall be supplied unto you, but not so to the world.  Not only this country, but countries overseas and around the world shall feel this great shaking that is going on now. For when they look at the icebergs again and the scientists begin to figure again, they’ll say, “Wow, this is melting far faster than we predicted and we changed our prediction and we speeded it up and yet it is faster than that.”  Global warming, you were blessed this summer, I protected you.    And I kept it cool and nice here, but global warming is going on.  Not only here in the United States but throughout the world and it shall increase by another ten degrees next year.  The hot places shall really become hot.   And the dry places shall become drier.  And even the wind will lap up the lakes and the rivers.  For truly you are living in the last days.  And many things are taking place now. The attention of the world is not on the things that are going on for they say, “This will pass, it always has passed.”  No, it shall not pass. Because we are living in that time and most of those that are speaking out that it will pass, don’t have enough spiritual knowledge to lick a postage stamp.  They’ve dried up and don’t even know it.  My Spirit’s not moving in them. They are like Sampson, they continually shake themselves and all they can bring forth is flesh and they move by the flesh.  Not so with my church, for my spirit shall move through my church without measure.  Supernatural miracles, healing, signs, wonders, shall take place.  And you shall be blessed like you’ve never been blessed before.  And you shall rejoice like you’ve never rejoiced before. For my presence shall fill your place and the Shekinah glory shall be seen by all and truly the truckers will stop and come as I have said.  The buses shall pour in as I have said.  People shall come from near and far.  Far first, near afterwards, even though they shall see it more near, they are hesitant and they are locked into the false so bad that they can hardly see the light.  But your light shall get brighter and brighter and brighter.  For my desire is that all come into the safety of the fold before I return.  All will not come, but I am reaching out with my love, I’m reaching out with my mercy, and I’m moving through you as I have promised to move through you.  And you shall see this move.  Now listen carefully, listen carefully to what the spirit has to say to the world, what the spirit has to say to the false church, listen I say, and hear what the spirit has to say.

For the spirit of the Lord would say to you; many find themselves in new directions, ministry as once was, is not the same anymore.  Confusion has tried to come in and make choices that are based our of uncertainty, but the Spirit of the Lord says to you, “Have I not sent you the prophets to encourage you, have they not revealed to you that which I have placed in you?”  Behold, saith the Lord, new alliances are forming, prayers of the Fathers are being answered.  I am placing those around you to build up the work I’ve placed into your hands.  I am awakening the promise and blowing life into that which I have purposed for your life in preparation for my next move, saith the Lord, a move only dreamed of, a move that only faith can know, it requires obedience in all areas of your life.  Many are looking for answers saith the Lord, the answer is coming not by knowledge, but by your obedience.  I will impart my wisdom to guide and direct your church, your ministry, your family, all areas that affect you saith the Lord.  Many have cried out for the same thing and it has not left your Spirit; some have said it must not be from God, the answer must be no, but even now saith the Lord a quickening of my word is taking place; knowing that there is life in it for I have spoken it saith the Lord.  I will perform what I have spoken, time is not an issue for me saith the Lord.  I am constant and consistent, so should you be with my Word.  Look for the alliances, stay faithful and watch what I do saith the Lord.  For most ministries are not going My way of listening to My voice but going their own way, following their own plans, and they call it Mine. Not so!  I have chosen you and your ministry and placed you here in the Northland, the center of this state, to carry-out My plan for this End Time move.  I recorded it in my Book many years ago by My true prophets.  I established it and I am not going to bring it to pass, just as I have said it would.  Man cannot stop it, nor can any ministry, church or group of people, no, not even Satan nor his angels.  I have established your two prophets to be world renowned, and known and respected by My true church, hated and feared by the false church and their ministries.  They shall shed light on these end days and that light shall shine forth into the darkness for those who desire to follow Me.  It shall show the way and for-tell what is to come.  But the world and those who follow after the false church, Satan and his leaders, shall walk in darkness and call it light.  They shall walk in the disasters, the sicknesses, pain, floods, earthquakes, title-waves, tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, straight winds, dust storms, forest fires, drought famine, and the pestilences that shall also follow all these things.  The melting of the icebergs much faster than man has predicted, rains that soak not in, but bring forth floods.  Terrorists attacks in a far greater way.  The wealth of the heathen coming into My true church and the false church receiving less and less.  You shall see a continue increase of these things as we continue to move toward the catching-away of My church.  You shall see a greater separation between the true church and the false church.  More darkness coming on the false church as they refuse to follow Me and My ways.  TV ministries going off the air and only the large false TV ministry with it’s smaller groups of false churches operating as they are part of the end time Babylonian false church.  Darkness like the world has never seen as the devil tries to put out the true spiritual light, but he will not be able to do so.  The gays will have their way as my Word has already for-told you that.  The election shall only cause the anti-Christ system to become strong and stronger.  Man is looking to man for help, not Me!  Good changes then for My true church and those who come and join her to make her stronger and more spiritual than at anytime in history; but more darkness and less true power for the anti-Christ and his false church.  Big moves not to bring the anti-Christ to leadership over the EU.  The EU receiving more power; the cashless system coming stronger and stronger.  Wake up My people for you are entering into the very last days.   My true church shall have miracles, healing, signs and wonders that are of Me.  The false shall have lying signs and wonders not of Me.  Hear what the Spirit has to say to the world and the Church. 

8-25-04 2004 Youth Camp

For I am the foundation that you must build on, says the Lord, look to no other foundation to build your life upon. For you know who I am and what my name is, it is Jesus, and for you I am your eternal God upon whom you can build upon. So be strengthen today by my name, says the Lord, and by the word that I give you, the name of Jesus.

So let your hearts be open unto me, for I have many things for you and each day I shall move in your life, yea, I shall move in your heart. And you shall watch as you begin to grow in the spiritual things, as you begin to walk side by side with me. For I shall lift you up, sayeth your Father, and I shall bless you, I shall bless you.

So be filled with my Spirit, says the Lord, be filled to overflowing, for the abundance of my life and my glory comes now down upon you. Receive me, says the Lord, and all that I am and all I have for you, be an open vessel, says God, for I am here just for you.

Say not in your hearts you are too little, for did I not just say that I am here just for you? Yes, I shall touch you, just keep yourself open, allow me allow me to do the things that I desire to do.

8-22-04 am service

It is an hour of great expectation for my church, for they read my word, yea and they hear the voice of the prophets as they speak forth my word. They see those things as they come to pass and they know that the other things shall come to pass also, for they know that my word is truth. It does not go out, it does not return void, it goes out and fulfills the things that I sent it forth to do, therefore, their hearts are filled with great joy. For if there is not joy in their hearts, they are not of mine, sayeth your Father God, for I have shed joy and love and peace into their hearts and they walk in the fullness of my promises, they walk in the fullness of my joy. Therefore, rise up, rise up, walk with me with that joy, walk with me in that confidence, walk with me in the fullness of my promises, for truly they shall come to pass.

It is an hour of total trust, putting your total trust in me and my word and what I have given unto you and said that I shall do, the promises that are yours. It is not an hour to be going the ways of the world, but it is an hour to follow me like never before. For those who place their trust within me and know my word, they shall not have the troubles that come to those in the world, but they shall have that peace, they shall have that joy. And they shall know that their God, the Almighty One, shall take them through without any problem no matter what may come their way. It is an hour to totally trust and to know that I am your God and I shall take you through these days ahead in great victory. Therefore, know my word like never before, press into what I have called you to do like never before and walk, walk in my ways. For truly my children, victory upon victory upon victory shall you walk in when you walk with me.

Be not like one who has heard the word and become cold because they have not followed the word and it has not come to pass for them. But be one who goes after the promises that I have given unto you. Go after them like one who goes after gold.

8-22-04 pm service

For even though it shall be an awesome hour for my church, it shall be a terrible time for those in the world, but you are not of the world. Therefore, you have nothing to fear, you are mine and I have placed my protection upon you. But I also have given you conditions that you need to be open to hear my voice, and to know that when I speak to you, you are quick to be obedient and walk in the ways that I have for you. For my way shall bring prosperity, my way there is peace, my way there is joy, my way there is contentment, my way there is success. So in this day and this hour my children, it is important that you know my voice, it is important that you know my word and listen unto me like never before, that you can truly walk in the victory that I have given unto you. For as your mouth is filled with my praise, as you shout forth the things that I have done and am going to do and am doing right now at this very moment, when you speak forth my word the enemy quickly leaves. For he does not like to dwell in the presence of where I dwell at, therefore, when you speak my word he quickly flees. In this day and this hour allow not fear to come in, allow not doubt to come within your heart, but I say unto you, trust me like never before. Know my word like never before, know the power and the authority the might and ability that I, Almighty God, have given unto you as children, as heirs to the throne of Almighty God, that there is nothing that you cannot do through me. Know what I have said, know my word that truly you can walk in the fullness of what I have for you in this hour, in this time.

My love for you is throughout all of eternity, for I love you with an everlasting love, I am your Father. Yea, and I desire to go before you and I desire to open doors, I desire to bless you coming in, I desire to bless you going out, I desire to make you the head and not the tail, I desire to make you the overcomers. I make a way for you where there is no way, yea, I go before you and I make a smooth path that you can walk upon that. Continue to walk very close to me, for I love you and I desire that you know this and understand this, that I love you.

For the way of the righteous are the ways of great blessings, ways of great delight, ways of great joy. For I have paved the road upon which they walk with the blessings that I have in my kingdom. I give unto you all things that I prepare, all things for you, that you may live in that joy that I have given unto you.

8-22-04 at the altar after the pm service

Keep your eyes upon me, upon my word, upon my promises and realize that you are not of this world, you are mine, you belong to me. And I, your Father God, watch over you and protect you and keep you safe. Therefore, when you see the calamities of the world, when you see the disasters, the floods, the earthquakes, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, and hurricane season is not over, when you see these things be not fearful, realize that they are the signs of the time that you are living in. For you shall hear of avalanches, mudslides, straight winds, volcanoes. You will hear about the icebergs again and how much they have melted this year, you will hear about the drought, how worse it has become from what it was at the beginning of the year, you will hear about all these things. But I shall provide for you and I shall take care of you and I shall lead you through this time victoriously. So fear not the fires, fear not the drought, fear not the famine, fear not the pestilence, fear not the things that are taking place and the things that you shall see on Monday morning, the things that you shall see on Tuesday morning, the things that you shall see on Wednesday morning, fear not these things. For they shall not come nigh your dwelling and you shall walk victoriously. Do not allow fear to come in if you hear about jobs going, businesses closing, for I have told you this area shall be blessed because of you. I have told you that the water in this area shall never, never run out because of you. For I have called this place for a work and I, you Father God, have already done many things that you do not see yet or recognize yet. And yet when you do see some of the things that I am doing, you stand in amazement and you say, I wonder what they are building there, I wonder what they are doing there? Did I not tell you these things? Learn to trust me with all your heart, learn to love me as I love you and then you will know that I will always be there. I will never leave you; I will never forsake you. I will be there for you in your times of joy, I will be there in your times of need, I will be there in your times of sorrow and I will lift you up and place you upon the rock that you can be victorious. I shall do all these things and the world shall see you blessed, they shall look upon you and realize that there is something that is definitely different there and they shall know that it is I, your Father God. And they shall come and inquire of you and they shall come and seek my face and I shall pour my Spirit upon them and they shall be saved and filled. And they shall flow and run, oh, they shall grow and grow quickly and they shall be workers and laborers together with you as one. So fear not the things of the world, for I have told you, you have gone through that time of lack, that time of want and you are walking in a different realm and yet you have not even begun to reach the very top of the things that I have for you. You are not even a tenth of the way up yet, sayeth your Father God, but you shall speedily climb, and as you do, the blessings shall just roll over you like a steamroller, for I have told you this before. You will not be able to out run the blessings; they will come from the north, the south, the east, the west because you are mine. But it shall not be like this for the false church or for the world. For I have warned them, yea and I even have a word for them now, sayeth your Father God, the things that shall take place, the things that are about to come, that they may listen and receive the mercy that I have for them. Listen carefully; ponder these things, for they are not for my children. So let not fear grip your heart, but hear what I am saying to the false church, hear what I am saying to the world that knows me not, hear what I am saying to Satan and his kingdom.

Hear and understand what I shall do in the day of my wrath upon the false church and the whole world. Listen and know why you must come unto me while it is yet the days of the Gentiles. By taking away, I will make an end and I will utterly consume and sweep away all things. I will consume and sweep away man and beast. I will consume and sweep away the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. I will overthrow the stumbling blocks, the idols with the wicked worshippers and I will cut off mankind. I will also stretch out my hand over Judah and over all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place and the name of the idol Priest with the false priests and those who worship the starry hosts of the heavens and those who pretend to worship me and yet swear by and to him and yet swear by and to the god Satan and those who have drawn back from following me and those who have not sought me nor inquired of and required of me for their first necessity. Collect your thoughts, yes, unbend yourselves in submission and see if there is no sense of shame and no consciousness of sin in you. Oh, shameless nation not desired of me. The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind. Therefore, consider before I bring forth this curse upon you, before the time to repent is gone like the drifting chaff before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you, yes, before the day of the wrath of God comes upon you. Seek the Lord, inquire of him, inquire of him and require of him as the foremost necessity of your life. For behold, the day comes that shall burn as an oven and all the proud and arrogant, yes, all that do wickedly and are lawless shall be stubble. The day that comes shall burn, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch to rise up again. I will gather all nations and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat and there will I deal with and execute judgment upon them for their treatment of my people Israel. But for my true church, I say, be glad before this great day, my children, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he gives you the former and the early rain in great measure and in righteousness. And he causes to come down on you the former rain and the latter rain. Your barns shall be filled and your vats shall overflow with oil and grape juice, you shall have plenty and be satisfied here now and afterward I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. I will show signs, miracles, healing on all the earth. A revival so great there has never been likened before nor after. Souls, souls for my servants have gone into the highways and byways and brought in those who knew me not before, but now become giants in my church. The false shall fear my true church, and my true church shall do great and mighty things, for it is written in my word and spoken forth this day by the mouths of my prophets. Count your days as I have said, for mercy is extended unto you for a season and then shall come the fulfillment of these words unto you, whereas my church shall be with me.

8-18-04 pm service

For truly your hearts are open, yea and my Spirit does speak unto you. Yea, and you hear with an ear that is so delicate, you listen carefully to the things that I do and you walk side by side with me, for you know that I am the Lord your God, that there is none other but me. But I say unto you, not so with the church of Laodicea, for they have made themselves rich, yea, they have gone their own way, they have hewed out their own gospel, they follow after the signs, they follow after the times of the antichrist. For they walk in the fullness of his knowledge and know not my word nor do they teach my word nor do they understand my word nor do they walk according to the things that I have told them. For I have spoken to them, yea, not once, I have spoken to them, yea, not twice; I have spoken to them, yea, not three times, but over and over and over I have spoken unto them. And yet they hear not nor do they listen nor do they pay attention to the things that I say. For they walk, yea, even as mere men, they walk in the counsel and wisdom of the antichrist, they walk in the fullness of his program. For, yea, I say this night; I have many things to say unto them, I have many things to say unto them. Let your ears be open, let your heart be open, hear what the Spirit has to say to the church.

And now, oh inhabitants of my church and the men of my spiritual church who have gone another way, hear me and judge, I say, you between me and my vineyard. My true people, sayeth the Lord God. What more could have been done to my vineyard that I have not done in it? When I looked for it to bring forth grapes, you are now bringing forth wild grapes, false grapes and false wine, the wine of the devil. Why do you yield wild grapes? I will tell you what I will do to my false vineyard. I will take away its hedge and it shall be eaten and burned up and I will break down your walls and it shall be trodden down by your enemy Satan.  And I will lay it waste, it shall not be plowed or cultivated, but there shall come up briers and thorns. I will also command the clouds that no spiritual rain shall fall upon them. I will turn it over to the false god, Satan, they now serve. For my prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah foretold you this in their prophetic words. My two true prophets from the Northland have told you this, but in your pride and worldly fame you have said, "who are these small people who think they are God’s end-time prophets?"  They are my prophets and I have called them and placed them there where they are and filled their mouths with my word and sent them forth with a mission to warn and wake up the whole church of the pending judgement now going to come on them for turning their backs on me, Almighty God and whoring after fame, pride, money and another god. That is who these two prophets are. Woe to those who join house to house and field to field until they be one with the forces of antichrist, the false church. For you shall dwell alone in the midst of the land, these houses and fields shall be desolate with the living dead who know me not, nor my word, but have turned to their own ways, the ways of the antichrist and feed upon cesspool of false words called my word, but twisted and turned for their own pleasures and evil ways. Ten acres of your false vineyards shall yield one tenth and the corrupt seed you receive shall be the seed you re-sow in great sorrow and the results shall be even worse, polluted from the seed and bring forth evil such as has not been seen before. Woe to those who rise early in the morning to pursue more of this strong drink of false wine and who tarry late into the night until wild flames inflate them. They have their form of music and the wine of the enemy fills them to overflowing, but they do not regard the deeds of the Lord God, but use music of Satan, my enemy, and say it is of me and from God, they say it is from me. They do not understand my word, for their teachers did not understand my word and have made for themselves cisterns that hold no true water, but polluted water to drink from. Therefore, my people of the false church, who claim to be of me go to the house of their enemy and serve him as their god; because they have no wisdom or knowledge, they are destroyed. They are thirsty and cannot be filled, nor their thirst satisfied. Therefore, hell, the unseen place, the realm of the dead spiritually has enlarged its appetite and made room for them. It has opened its mouth without measure. For hell was to be for the devil and his angels, but man has followed him because of their vanity and pride. Woe to them who draw calamity with cords of iniquity and falsehood, who bring judgement to themselves with the cord with the cord rope pulling wickedness behind them. They cry out to me and expect me to hear and answer them and yet they live deep in sin and follow false gods. They say, God bring down judgement and destroy the evil of this world and yet they are calling down judgement on themselves. They call good evil and evil good, darkness light and light darkness. They refuse those I place as leaders under my headship and exalt themselves above me. They make movies and pictures of those left behind with a spiritual eye, but do not repent and call for mercy. They place the catching away before the last trumpet or after I have returned and call this my word. They have made TV my church, the head of a mankind and the only ministers to the world, and I have called the fivefold ministry to do this. I do not need TV to do this, not that I cannot use it. Woe to those who are wise in their own wisdom and those who have made their number system the anointing of God’s word to his people.  The secret word hidden until the day of the computer.  Is not it strange that at one point my true servants believed the computer to be the beast of the last days and now it is telling them truth? It shall be the beastly part of the false trinity and shall speak lies to my true church. Wake up my church, for you are bringing judgement upon yourself. Jeremiah as well as other true prophets were labeled prophets of doom and yet they only warned my church. The doom came because my church refused to hear what they had to say. You hold fast deceit, idolatry, false truth and you have become false worshippers with your false music. You refuse to repent and return to me. I have listened and heard, but they have not spoken right, nor taught right. They do not repent of their wickedness or flee from the false churches into my true house. They look more to money than to me or for what I can do for my people. Have I not warned them? Have I not spoken through my true prophets from the Northland unto my church? Did they do it for money, fame or gain? No. Did they do it to exalt themselves? No.  They did it because I have called them, I have placed them in the position that they are in and I have placed on them anointing, my anointing and the anointing of the office of a prophet.  A watchman to my church. Thus sayeth the Lord God, what unrighteousness did your fathers’ find in me that they went far from me and went after emptiness, falseness and futility and themselves became fruitless and worthless?  They say you cannot be lost once saved. They say there is a second chance after the church is taken out. Oh, what lies from the pit. Oh, what untruths that they spread forming a church of reprobates, lacking spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Oh, they can speak my word, but it is spoken like a corkscrew, twisted and crooked with a purpose to pull out the cork or truth and fill it with the wine of the evil one. I brought them up out of Egypt, made gentiles spiritual and they returned to the Euphrates River to set up the Tower of Babel again and reestablish the Babylon of captivity. You did not believe I, Almighty God, would turn against you, but you are not mine, you belong to the evil one and his church who wars against my true church. You make yourself rich off the widows and poor.  You cause my people to give to get yet my word says give and it shall be given unto you. You get because you have given not given  to get. Oh, how foolish your words to my church have become. If people were not caught in the great catching away, it is because they were not mine. If they were not mine how can they suddenly become spiritual? Does not the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit go when the church goes? Who then will be their teacher and guide? Who then will open their understanding? Wake up I say, hear what the Spirit is saying to the true church. I am the head of my church and I place under me those whom I choose not man or TV. Hear a mystery and understand, for mercy has been extended unto my people according to your cry. I have heard and I have answered, for I have promised and it shall be so. Count nine hundred and eighty days, watch what the world has become. This is three years and speaks of realization of what is taking place as well as the fullness of the godhead. Count another nine hundred and eighty days which makes six years and speaks of man’s imperfection without me. For the world will now have become imperfection in all three realms because of man’s labor and leadership of the antichrist. Then one year of perfection for my people as the most powerful church ever on the face of the earth. That makes seven years and seven is perfection. Then see and watch as the seven last years unfold, three and a half good and three and a half wrath when no flesh under the new covenant shall be saved. For seven and three now makes ten years and count as a testimony of the godhead, completeness, nothing wanting or lacking.  Union with God. For those of the new covenant are with me and we shall return after my wrath is poured out, for that is in the last three and a half years according to the old covenant when I shall come for my people Israel under the covenant I have established with their fathers, and we shall establish a thousand-year reign here on earth. It shall come to pass just as recorded in my book called Revelation and spoken by the prophet Daniel. My true church shall be so powerful during this time, the time from now until the end of the first three and a half year period, that once again my glory shall be established for man to see. Miracles, healing, deliverance, revival, souls, for my word has already told you so and now my prophets have spoken it into being calling those things that be not yet as if they were and it shall be so. I have extended mercy unto you and a season of grace that you might be saved, but unless I shorten the days no flesh shall escape. Do not neglect, oh vineyard who have gone astray, this warning unto you during these days. I have said to you count, for if you do not, your minds will become reprobate, unteachable, filled with lies of your new god Satan and his music which will grow more worldly, more anointed of Satan and you will no longer see the light and your home shall be hell with your god and his angels. Come to my house and call upon me, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Wake up and hear what the Spirit has said to the church and the world and Satan this day. Let it be recorded as a record against those who listen not.

I have a true vineyard and I speak not so unto them, but I speak unto the false vineyard, the one that has gone their own way, the one who has turned their back upon me, the one that is doing the things that are taking place today.

8-15-04 am service

Be not discouraged this day, for I say unto you, it is a time to be encouraged, it is an hour as never before where my blessings shall be poured out upon my people as never in the past. I say be encouraged, leave the past in the past. Do not dwell on the mistakes that you have made in your life, but I say to you, walk out of this place today uplifted with a heart full of joy and know that my love is shed upon you. For I say to you this day, great things, great things shall happen for my people. I have assured you of victory, stand upon that promise, for you shall be victorious in every area of your life. You can only be defeated if you allow the enemy to dwell in your mind. For he is the one who causes you to doubt my word, but I say to you, do not be a doubter. Be encouraged, have your hearts filled with joy, for I say unto you, it is a great day, a great time for my people. Walk forward in that victory that I have promised unto you.

Don’t be like the person with a negative mind who only looks at the problems, the circumstances, the evil things that are taking place and looks not at my promise nor my word. For I have told you, you are the victors, I have told you, you are the overcomers, I have told you that all the promises that I have promised you, they will be yours. I have told you these things, sayeth your Father God, that your eyes may be upon me and upon my word and upon the things that I am doing, that you may realize that this is a new hour and a new time. Again and again I tell you these things that you may walk in all the fullness of all the blessings that I have for you. For truly the blessings are on the right-hand, yea and they are on the left-hand, they are before you, they are behind you, they surround you, they overtake you. So walk in the fullness of my promises, be not like that negative person, be not like that negative person, but keep your eyes upon me. Keep your eyes upon my promise, keep your eyes upon the things that I have said, for truly I shall bring them to pass.

You enter into my gates with thanksgiving, sayeth God, into my courts with praise, put on your garments, sayeth the Lord, put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness, sayeth God. Yea, let my Spirit come and minister unto thee, for yea, he said he would come at an hour, yea, when thou would walkest through, yea, even valleys, even the shadows, sayeth God, I am there. Yea, it is I that is with you, I am thy rod, I am the staff, I am the Lord thy God. I will give you strength, I have come into this presence this morning, yea, even with the spirit of holiness, sayeth God, yea, with righteousness, yea, with goodness and mercy. Turn to me, sayeth God and I will bless thee and I will not let you alone, sayeth God. For I am with you forever, sayeth the Lord.

For your days are numbered, not just because the time is short, but because you are a winner and you shall win. You shall be victorious, you shall be the overcomer, yes, you shall see all things come to pass even as I have said. For truly your days are numbered.

8-15-04 pm service

For it is my greatest pleasure to bless you, to love you, to care for you, to provide for you, for truly I am a Father and I love you with an everlasting love, yea, and you are my children, therefore, I watch over you with my great love. My angels stand ready to protect you and move mightily on your behalf. I am always there for you, you are never alone, you are never walking in darkness, for I give light upon the path that you walk. The Holy Spirit he leads you, he guides you, he is your teacher, he will show all things that shall come to pass. Therefore, be not fearful; be not fearful of the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, for they are not for you. For truly you are just pilgrims, you’re just passing through. Your home is heaven, and I, your Father, shall watch over you.

Have your heart and mind stayed upon my word, allow not the thoughts of the enemy to come in or allow them to even dwell within you, but I say to you, as quickly as they come in, cast them down. For my word says, cast down every thought and imagination that does not line up with my word, for the enemy’s battlefield is in the mind. Therefore, I say unto you, do not allow, do not allow the enemy to bring thoughts in, but rather cast them down, cast them down that you give him no place, that you give him no rule and that you close any doors that might be open. For it is an hour to truly walk according to my word and to have my word within your heart. For when my word is within your heart, my word comes out of your mouth and victory, oh yes, victory upon victory shall you walk in because you are speaking forth my word. Know that it is an hour my children to be stayed upon my word, to have my word within your heart, to meditate on my word day and night as my word says to do. Oh, for there is a reason my children, that you can be refreshed, that you can be renewed, that you can be empowered, that you can be rejuvenated and that you can have everything that you need for this hour and this time. Therefore, I say unto you, be therefore stayed upon my word, give no place for the enemy to get in and work, but I say unto you, stand fast upon that which I have given unto you. For truly I am watching over my word and I perform that which I have sent forth for my word to do. Therefore, I say unto you, be stayed upon my word.

Never lose sight of the vision that I have given unto you, never lose sight of my promises, for they were written just for you. Never lose sight of my love, for my love is always there for you. Never lose sight of the things that I am about to do for you.

Yea, soon I shall descend, sayeth God, yea I shall come in power, sayeth the Lord, yea, I shall come and take you, yea, as I have promised, sayeth the Lord unto the church. Yea and when you shall see me in all my glory, yea, and the presence and the power and the anointing that you have stood under have likened unto that cloud like Moses of old. But, yea I say unto thee, thou are not baptized into the cloud of Moses, but thou art baptized into Jesus Christ and baptized into his life and my life is within thee. And I say unto thee, when you shall see me, yea, even when you shall see me with all my glory, yea, the spirit that I have placed within you, yea, that spirit will dance with joy, yea, that spirit will leap like a heart, yea, that spirit will be lifted up. For I say you are just sojourners and travelers passing through, but soon your voyage will come to an end, and yea, thou shall enter into the gates of heaven and thou shall enter into my joy. So rejoice tonight church, oh, my promise is yea and Amen, sayeth the Lord.

8-15-04 at the altar after the pm service

For even though it is close to the midnight hour, yet there is much work to be done. There is ample time to do the work and I, your Father God, am giving unto you the anointing to do that work. For I am pouring my Spirit upon you without measure, that as my Son walked, so shall you walk also. That the world may see and not doubt and know that truly there is a God, that truly he sent his Son to die for them that they too might be saved, that they may walk in the same closeness as you and I walk together. For I love you with an everlasting love, and oh, the mighty work that I shall do in these last days. It shall not be for the world, in that sense, nor shall it be for the false church, but it shall be for my church, it shall be for those who have open hearts, those in the highways and the byways, cause many are refusing to come in. But I have a harvest out there that is ripe, it is white, it is ready. I am sending you as laborers into that white harvest, to reap a harvest and that harvest shall be the greatest harvest the world has ever seen. Miracles, signs and wonders will be so powerful; it will be beyond anything that has taken place at any time in history before. My glory shall be revealed, my glory shall be revealed and it shall be revealed upon my church and upon my people and they shall flow in an anointing that they have never, never known before. And they shall be one with me even as my Son is one with me, yea, and you shall be one with my Son, even as he was with me and you shall flow in that oneness. And the anointing and the power of the Holy Ghost shall overshadow you and people shall see the anointing upon you, they shall feel it, they shall sense it, and when you touch them, the fire from heaven shall flow through them. They will not resist and be stiff-necked and refuse to yield to my Spirit, for if they are, sayeth your Father God, I will remove them, they will see another power even stronger and they shall be like Ananias and Sapphira and they shall carry them out for they refuse the one and only God, Almighty God. But for those that are open, I will be the loving Father that you know, I will be the protector, I will be your guide, I will be the one that gives them the things that they desire, for I love them and I love you. Oh, what a time it shall be. So fear not the things that shall come upon the face of the earth, for the things that I have spoken unto you shall continue to come. And I shall tell you more of those things yet this night, sayeth your Father, that you will know the things that are ahead. Did I not say to you, that as the hurricanes come in more deaths? You shall see deaths now, oh, not that I take pleasure in that, for the enemy is having a field day. But my church is standing strong, yea, and the reason the storm did not come here is because someone stood in the gap, they refused to allow it to come here and it has not come here nor will it come here, for it has gone out to sea where it shall die. Oh, I say unto you, believe my word, for my word is powerful, my word is all power and I will do those things that I have said that I will do. I will not leave you empty nor will I leave you with no power, for I shall be so close to you, it shall be my power, it shall be my anointing, it shall be me, Almighty God, that is moving through you. Now hear me and listen and know the things that I have to say.

It is the time of great blessings for my true church. It is a time for my church to come under my covering and walk as my anointed children. It is not a time for them to go their own way or usurp themselves over me or my headship. The false church shall follow man who will in turn follow the antichrist. They cannot, nor do they see my leadership or my ways, they are the blind following the blind. It is the hour of the apostate, the reprobate, the ones sold out to the devil, who know it not, and yet seek for authority, fame and power. Man says we have lots of time, twenty, even fifty or seventy five years. I say, read my Book and understand the signs of the time. Do not read into my Book those things man has taught you, but read my Book and understand what I have said. For the falling away has already been going on and man sees it not, but runs to the new religions created out of the old as if they are truth. Oh, how foolish man is. They build their Tower of Babel and seek to climb to the top and control things. They are likened unto Lot, who stood in the gates of the city and knew not the hour of destruction, but allowed evil to even affect his own family and those around about him. Wake up and see and know the end-times are here. Your freedom is vanishing like water on a hot slab in the sun. False religion is becoming the standard for the world to follow after. My prophets are not being listened to, they warn you and yet your ears have become dull or stopped up, your eyes blind, you even choose your own priests in churches not seeing if they are of me, you walk in the vanity of your own minds. Wake up for the time is short. Read my word and see what it says, listen to the true prophets, for they speak my word. You shall see many disasters continue this summer and fall. Drought and shortages shall be on every side. Higher prices, even though man is trying to hold it down so it looks good. The stock market to fall to new lows. Hot weather in many parts of the country, causing water shortages like never seen before. More sand storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, avalanches, typhoons, straight winds, volcanoes, landslides, earthquakes, fires, pestilence like never before, sicknesses so powerful and some even new. Pray concerning the winter months. Wars and rumor of wars, terrorist attacks on the increase, hatred toward America like never before. Loss of seashore because of the storms and melting icebergs, more unemployment all over, taxes going higher and higher, prices going up and up. This will be worldwide. The antichrist coming to his position. The cashless system coming into full control. Oh, the problems for the world, but you my church, you are not of this world, you are mine and I shall supply for you. You shall go out in my greatest victory ever. Therefore, fear not, oh, but follow my word and walk in my ways.

8-11-04 pm service

Oh, the trouble that there shall be in the world, oh, but the rest that my people shall find as they are in my house, as they are in my true houses of worship, they shall have rest. They shall be at peace because they shall be underneath my care and my concern and the things of the world shall not concern them. Oh, the trouble man makes for himself because of the pride and wanting to do their own thing. Man’s wisdom is foolishness without counseling from me or my word. In my word there is a clear picture of end-time events and how to avoid the pitfalls and the traps the devil has set for mankind. Yet because they feel they have risen to a high position, they know what is right and what is wrong. They feel they can change the course of nature, the plan I have set in my word, oh, how foolish is man. For he is a child of his father, earthly wisdom has blinded him and being he is not spirit filled nor has received the new birth and become a new creation, his ears are deaf and he cannot hear me. Even the people of the world listen to man and not me. They appoint their leaders that lead them into the paths of the evil one; they follow his plans and not mine. They cannot stop the drought, nor the hot weather, or the melting of the icebergs, or the tornadoes, nor the hurricanes; they cannot stop the direction of this world. For it has been set forth before the foundation of the world. I call out to them to repent and come to me that I may save them and give them life. I can take them through this time victoriously yet they choose to follow the course set by Satan. Why? Pride and disobedience, power and money, oh, foolish man. Iraq will not be peaceful and many shall die. Iran will not back down, but stand strong and not be fooled by false information. North Korea will make stronger demands. There shall be shortages like never before in history. Drought shall grow in new areas and cause more problems. Hot weather shall cause many problems in the already hot areas. The earthquakes shall shake many places. The volcanoes shall cause problems and even death. The hot weather, which creates hot water, shall cause many hurricane problems and shorelines lost to the sea never to return. People will have to move to the northland and places with water. There shall be a shaking in the USA like never seen before, 911 will be small and man cannot stop it. My word has said it shall come. Guns and bullets made of hardened plastic shall make it easy for terrorists to strike again and again, but my people shall be safe. The false church will not be able to protect you, my people shall be protected and my word fulfilled to them. Oh, the troubles, the sickness and want there is ahead for those who do not know me. Come to my safe houses where miracles, signs and wonders take place. Healing belongs to my people. Provisions belong to my people. Money belongs to my people. Religious TV shall hurt for money and slowly go off until only the false has any open door and only because of the anti-christ. Know this, you are in the last days. Follow my command and live. Come out of the false into my true houses, there is safety in my house.

For my word goes out powerfully and speaks unto all man, not just to the saved, but to the unsaved, to the heathen, to those that follow other gods, the time is short. There is but one God, turn to him. There is but one creator of all heaven and earth, turn to him. Come unto his son Jesus and know life eternal. Know the power, know the power of Almighty God that will heal and deliver and set free. Walk in the peace and the safety that I shall give unto my church. Walk in the provisions and the plans that I have for you, walk in them and truly you shall walk in life that is filled with joy. Your hearts shall bubble over and you shall rejoice knowing that your names are written in the Lamb’s book of life, knowing that the time is short and soon you shall be with me.

For there is an outpouring of my Spirit upon all flesh. The hearts that are open will receive great rejoicing; great rejoicing shall go forth. Many souls, many souls shall come safely into the kingdom of God.

8-8-04 am service

For it is an hour of great harvest, an hour when I am pouring out my Spirit upon all flesh, an hour when I am drawing all men unto me. For it is the final hour, sayeth your Father, yea, it is that final hour. Miracles, signs and wonders shall fill my houses, they shall overflow into the highways and the byways, multitudes, multitudes shall come in. Press into the closeness that I have for you, press into the fullness, press into those things that I have promised you, walk with me, walk very closely. For I shall lead you and I shall guide you and I shall take you through this time safely and I shall bring you into my presence and there you shall rejoice forevermore.

Know my word like never before, have it within your heart that it flows out of you just like a river flows, it flows nonstop. That you know what my word says and your mouth is filled with my promises, your mouth is filled with my word and what I said that I shall do. Not only for you personally, but as a whole body, as a church, for I have great and mighty things in store for you. Keep your eyes upon me, keep your eyes upon my word and upon the things that I have promised unto you. For I am watching over my word and it shall not go out and return void, but it shall do that which I have sent it forth to do. Therefore, I say unto you, have your eyes upon my word, oh, know my word like never before, get into my word, read my word. Oh, for my children, as you get into my word it shall give you the strength that you have need of to stand strong in these days that are ahead. Therefore, get into my word and know what I have said.

For this hour shall be filled with goodness, with love, with mercy, that you may be filled yourself with my love, with my goodness and with my mercy. For it is my final hour, it is the best, the best, for I have saved the best for last.

8-8-04 pm service

For the hungry grow hungrier for my word, for the thirsty press in and drink more, for they know in their heart and they realize the time, they realize that soon I shall come for them, they press into the fullness of the things that I have for them. For truly, they are blessed coming in and they are blessed going out, they are the head and not the tail, they are above and not beneath, they walk in the victories that I have given unto them. And the world looks upon them and says, wow, I didn’t know God could move like this. Therefore, I say unto you, press into the fullness of the things that I have that they may also look upon you and they shall see the blessings that I, your Father God, am pouring out.

For doesn’t my word say that those who diligently seek me they are the ones that shall be rewarded? And those who seek me, they shall not only find me, oh, but they shall be filled to overflowing with what I have for them for this hour. Oh, how important it is to seek my face, to really know who I am, to know what I have given unto you and to know the power and authority that is already yours. It is an hour to rise up like never before, to walk in the fullness of my word that I have given unto you. To know my word, not only just to have it in your mind, but in your heart, heart knowledge, knowing that when I speak, I shall do what I have said. As you put your trust in me you know that there is nothing impossible for me to do. Therefore, when the enemy brings circumstances they are as nothing to you because you have my word within your heart and you know that I have said that you are a victor, regardless of the situations around you. Therefore, I say unto you, stand upon my word, know my word like never before, for truly you are the victorious people that I have said that you are. You are the overcomers; you are the conquerors and mighty are the things that are in store for you in this day and in this hour.

Set your sights high, I said set your sights high, believe my word, trust my word, stand on my promises. For truly this is the hour of great blessings, this is the hour of great blessings, don’t miss it.

8-8-04 at the altar after the pm service

For it is an hour, an hour of a great mystery to the world, a mystery because they do not understand, nor see, nor comprehend the things that are taking place. They hear, they watch and they wonder all because they do not know me, neither do they know my word, neither do they know the time that they are living in. For it is an evil time, many things are taking place that many are not even aware of yet. They are not aware of the secret summits that they have, they are not aware of the talk behind the doors and the planning and the plotting, they are not aware of those things. But I knew and I saw and I reveal unto you the things that they plot and plan, for their plots and their plans shall not come to pass, but only my word. They cannot change my word, many are trying through their power and office to change my word, to cause things to change that the world will never end, but they do it all in vain. Oh, how foolish they are, for they seek not my counsel nor my wisdom, they seek not my word, they boast of being saved, but serve me not, nor know my voice, nor hear my voice, nor walk according to my wisdom and knowledge. They are children of their father who is also a child of the devil and knows not my voice, nor my ways. Oh, how sad, for they lead many down the path that the antichrist has set before them. They make promises and they boast and yet cannot fulfill them. They look at the signs that are being fulfilled and they think that it is just another time in history and all this shall just blow away and nothing shall happen and the world shall continue going on her way, not so, not so. For you shall hear of greater droughts than you are hearing yet, the temperature shall go even higher in many places and the hot places shall be hotter and they shall be drier. There shall be a lack of food here and food there, there shall be storms such as you have never seen. For tornadoes shall continue to come, avalanches shall be seen, volcanoes shall shake places and spit and sputter and even kill people. Hurricanes shall be birthed upon hot water, which will cause many problems, and you are only beginning in that season. And as the hurricanes come, much of the land along the seashore shall be lost and the water shall take over and will never give back the land. For it is that time, it is that hour, it is the hour that my word talks about just before I come and take my church out. You have yet time to do the work that I have called you to do and it shall be a glorious work and a harvest shall come in and your buildings shall go up and you shall be a light in the northland for all to see. Miracles, signs and wonders shall fill the place and you shall see things that will bring joy to your heart. For it is that time and it is that season, a great hour for my church, a great hour for my people, a great time for those that know how to walk with me, who know how to hear my voice and follow after the things that I tell them. It is a great hour; it is a great hour, for souls shall come into the kingdom of God. And not only shall they come from the north, the south, the east and the west and bring with them their blessings, they also shall come out of this area, sayeth your Father God, for it is that time now. Even as today was so shall it get greater and your hearts shall be blessed as you see my hand move and know the things that I am doing. So let your eyes be upon me and not upon the things of the world, realize that these things shall come to pass, but my people, my people shall walk in victory. Now listen carefully, let your ears be open, hear what the Spirit has to say.

Oh, the deception that is taking place in the world, far greater than what most people even realize or recognize. But those whose eyes are open, whose spiritual eyes are open, they see and recognize and know the evil one is at work. The fighting that is going on even right now in many different places is because of the spirits that have been released for this time and this hour. And the wickedness of the cities, there is much violence because of that. But my word says it shall only continue to get greater and continue to grow worse and it shall be. But fear not, just listen to my voice and know what I speak unto you, know when I speak unto you and be obedient in following the things that I tell you to do. For I shall protect you, I shall keep you safe, but you also must listen to my voice and know that when I speak it is important to act quickly. The deception that is taking place shall only continue to get greater, for the antichrist system is being set up faster than most realize, but do not walk in fear, know my word and walk in my word. For many places overseas sees his system in operation much more than anyone here in the United States. At times they do not even hear of the things that are taking place or the things that are going on. But as you see many comment, even in your guest book, that they can see the antichrist system, it is because it is so much closer to them, and yet it shall come here. But do not walk in fear, walk in my word, walk in the assurance of my word unto you, keep your trust in me, know that I have given unto you promises and those promises shall be fulfilled. My church shall walk in great victory; they shall have all that I have said is theirs. The wealth of the heathen shall come into my true houses and the work that I have for this time and this hour shall go forth, the enemy cannot stop that from taking place. It is an hour to press in like never before, to truly seek me and to know my word and to know that what I have spoken shall come to pass. Man cannot stop the things that are going to take place in this hour and this time, even though they say they can, they cannot, because it has already been recorded in my word and shall take place. Therefore, fall not into the deception that is going on, but I say unto you, look to my word, for I have given you an outline, a guideline of things that shall take place in this hour and this time. And as you read my word and know what I have said, you shall not be one who is deceived, but you shall walk in my blessings, you shall walk in the victory that I have given unto you, you shall walk in the abundance of all that it yours. Therefore, keep your eyes upon my word, seek my face like never before and walk, walk in the way that I have directed you to go.

8-4-04 pm service

For there is a fresh sweet anointing that is filling the air, yes, a fresh sweet anointing that is filling my people to overflowing that they may walk in the fullness of the things that I have promised to them. That they may walk in the power that I have given unto them, that they may walk in the ability to do the things that I have called them to do. That nothing shall hinder them, nothing shall slow them down or stop them, but they shall be a powerful army that shall move under my anointing. They shall go forth to do a work, truly, a harvest, a great harvest, a harvest such as the world has never seen shall come in. They shall come in from the north, they shall come in from the south, they shall come in from the east, they shall come in from the west, for truly my Spirit, my Spirit is being poured out upon them without measure.

8-1-04 am service

For there are no difficulties that I have not delivered you from, there are no problems that you face that I shall not take you through safely. For this is your hour, sayeth your Father God, an hour of great blessings, an hour when I shall pour out upon you the treasures that I have promised you, the rewards that I have given unto you. For I shall open the doors that are closed before you and I shall make a way where there has never been a way. Yea, you shall walk, you shall walk victoriously like you have never walked before. So fear not, fear not the things that may come upon the face of the earth, fear not the trouble that lies ahead, fear it not, for it is not for you, sayeth your Father God, but great victory, great victory, great victory lies in store for you.

For this hour is likened unto the seventh time that they marched around the walls of Jericho and victory, victory, victory was heard across the land. So shall it be for my children, they shall walk in my blessings, they shall possess the land as I have said and great and mighty are the things that I shall do on their behalf. Shouts of praises shall fill my peoples’ hearts, for it is the victory hour, it is that victory time for my church and mighty are the things that I shall do on behalf of my people. For it is an hour where the enemy shall be underneath the feet of my church and they shall possess the victory that I have given unto them. For it is that hour, it is that time and I have said that you are the overcomers, I have said you are the conquerors, and therefore, you shall be.

For the topping, the whipped cream, the cherry is now being put in place that you shall walk in the greatest victory, the greatest hour of blessing, the greatest time that you have ever seen.

8-1-04 pm service

Be not fearful of the darkness that is covering the earth. Be not fearful of the changes that are taking place that are producing more ungodliness than ever seen before. For in my book it is written, yea, that these things shall come to pass, but you are not of this world, you are my children, my anointing, my blessings, my power is upon you. My words are in your mouth that you may go forth and do the things that I have called you to do, that you may walk in total victory, even in this time of chaos, even in this time of trouble you can be the victor. You can walk in that victory, for the promises belong to my children, they do not belong to the world, they do not belong to the false church, but they belong unto you my people. Therefore, rejoice in your heart knowing this, that you shall walk in my blessings, that you shall receive all my promises, that I will do all that I have said that I will do.

For I have been preparing my church for this hour and this time and they shall be the strong giants that I have said that they shall be, for victory shall be in their every step. For they shall walk as I have said they shall walk in this hour and this time. Blessings shall flood into their lives, peace shall consume them like never before, for they know what is ahead and they know what my word has said and they know that my word says that they have already won and they know that their redemption is drawing so closely nigh. It is a great hour for my church, it is a great hour, but yet it is a troublesome hour for the world, many things shall take place. For the deceiving spirits that have been released for this hour, they are much more evil than people even realize or know, therefore, you shall see troubles on every side escalate because of these spirits that have been released for this hour and this time. Yet my Spirit shall flow without measure and it shall, oh, consume my people like a mighty rushing fire that sweeps across the whole land consuming it, everything in its path, so shall my Spirit be in this hour and this time. For this is the hour where you shall have that end-time revival as I have said in my word and great and mighty things I shall do. And with that revival comes great blessings, with that revival comes great miracles, healings, signs and wonders. Yes, I say unto you, look ahead with great expectation, for truly I have prepared you for this hour, I have prepared you for this time. Oh yes, I have called you to holiness like never before, my church shall be holy as I am holy and they shall walk in my precepts, they shall walk in everything that I have given unto them and mighty are the things that shall take place. For truly this is an awesome time for those who know me, for those who know my word and know what I have said and declared concerning this time and this hour. For truly, my children, I shall fill you to over flowing, you shall not lack, nor shall you want anything, but you shall be fulfilled in every area, you shall not lack, no, you shall not want, but yes, you shall be filled to overflowing. Therefore, I say unto you, look ahead with great expectation, for truly I do have great things in store for you.

For the power and the wisdom of your enemy is great, but my power and my wisdom which I have given unto you far exceeds his power and his wisdom. For there is nothing, absolutely nothing that is impossible to do if you believe.

8-1-04 at the altar after the pm service

For a wall of Holy Ghost fire has been placed round about my true church, my power is filling that circle, there is nothing that can penetrate it, there is nothing that can come through it. For I am keeping you safe in these times that are ahead, even though the world is in great trouble, great torment. Terrorism continues to rise, and in the natural man cannot stop it, for the terrorists live right among you, even as they live overseas. They believe that it is their religious duty to destroy you, for their word is not my word, nor is it close to my word, for my word does not tell you to do the things that they are doing. So be not fearful as you hear these things and as these things begin to come to pass. For as you have seen so far through this summer, the many things that I have told you that would come, have come and yet there are things that are still coming. You are moving quickly into hurricane season and the waters are very warm out there because of the heat in that area. That spells disaster, but you need not fear that. The icebergs have melted faster this year than in any year before this time and the center of the sea has risen even higher. And the sand still holds back the seashore yet, but very quickly it shall begin to come in and begin to consume that land, driving people from their houses, driving businesses off the shore and from their area. For it is the last days and everything that my word declares about the last days is taking place. I am not pouring out my wrath, for you will not be here to see my wrath, but you shall see disaster, but it shall not come nigh your dwelling. For as they prepare for the presidential election, sad to say they cast stones, they cast stones at sleeping dogs, even as they have done in the past and caused the problem that they have with Iraq today. They are casting stones at Iran, they are refusing to yield to the demands of North Korea, many of the Arab countries are very upset with the things that are going on. They have backed off from much of their help and aid to Israel, even though you are not aware of that. They speak good things, but they do not carry out the things that they speak. This is a time of great sorrow for America, it is a time of great sorrow for the world, but it is not a time of great sorrow for my church, it is a time of victory. It is the time when they shall look unto you, for you shall have the answers, you shall have the help. For the high cost of medication will soon be out of the reach of those that do not have the insurance plans or the finances to receive them. The mark of the beast, the cashless society is only a stone’s throw away and most cannot throw a stone four hundred yards, very few can throw one three hundred and fifty yards. The time is short and yet there is ample time, there is ample time to do the things that I have told you, you shall do. As for anointing, the anointing level has gone up, oh yes, it has gone up and it shall go up again. For I am pouring out my Spirit without measure upon all flesh, I am bringing in those that are on the highways and the byways, the unlovables, those that have never received me as their Lord and Savior yet. And they shall become giants in the church, they shall become supporters, they shall walk with me until the day I take my church out. You shall hear as the pressure gets even harder on the TV that they call religious and as programs have to go off the air because they do not have the money. They squandered their money, they have used their money very foolishly, they have not used it for my glory, even though they would tell you they have. I am not pleased with manmade ministries named after themselves. I am not pleased with the things that the church does and says that I have told them to do, for my word declares unto you openly the things that you should do. Disaster, yes, it shall come. Troubles, yes, it shall come. I shall tell you more things that shall happen and take place. So perk your ears up, listen to the things that I have said. Have you read your own fulfillment page and seen the things that I have spoken to you fulfilled? Then listen with excitement cause these are the things that you shall see.

For it is now time for the hurricanes to come, and they shall come. Tornadoes shall continue to get stronger on into August. Straight winds shall bring troubles to many areas. Drought shall continue through the fall and on through the drought areas and grow into new areas. Fires will continue bringing more problems to ones already there. Crops shall not be good overall. High cost of living with interest rates going up affecting the stock market. For it shall continue to grow hot in many areas until late September. There shall be more deaths in Iraq and more destruction. Iran shall become a hot spot of American vocal attacks. North Korea shall be in the news and a threat of war. More hot weather overseas. Tidal waves and avalanches causing deaths and problems. New sicknesses causing major problems worldwide. The European Common Market shall make some big moves to affect worldwide money and power. Overall there shall be trouble for the world and for the food markets. You shall see a higher cost of living because of the shortages. But the church shall be very victorious in all she does, but not so for the false church. Those who are truly spiritual will now make their moves to the true churches. Far less money for the TV ministries as people realize the misuse of the money and how little work is really done. A greater anointing shall now fall on those of the true churches and more miracles, healings, signs and wonders shall come to pass. Those of the true church shall be in my house more now as we approach the catching away, my houses shall be filled. The mighty outpouring from the North has started and people shall now flood into my house there and receive all I have for them. Without this they shall fight a battle too big for their own strength. It is time to stop playing church and walk with me, to know my word and obey my voice, for without that the enemy shall overtake you and the victories shall be far and few. But with my strength, power and anointing and knowing my voice there shall only be victory.


[ Prophetic Word ]